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Abstract –  Human-induced habitat alteration is one of the main causes of the decline of freshwater fish populations. The watershed of the River Bidasoa (Spain) is an example of heavily fragmented habitat. The local brown trout ( Salmo trutta L.) population is disturbed, with evidence of poor recruitment as well as low adult densities in the main stem. Forty male and female adult migratory trout were tagged with external or internal radio transmitters and released. Fixed stations with data loggers and mobile antennae were used with daily surveys to track fish movements during the migration and spawning period (3 months). Migration distances did not exceed 10 km, and half of the fish never entered a tributary in the study area. Fragmentation because of weirs on the main stem apparently prevented fish from reaching their spawning destination. Fish that entered the tributaries were first confronted with an accessibility problem because of low discharge. However, each fish chose one tributary, without making attempts to run up in other tributaries. Once in the tributary, fish were restrained in their upstream movements by dams. The study area appeared to be isolated from the vast upper part of the watershed. Within the study area, upper parts of tributaries also seemed strongly disconnected from the main stem. This study illustrates the negative impact of river fragmentation on S. trutta migration pattern. Population sustainability can be directly affected through the low availability of spawning grounds for migratory fish. Long-term effects of fragmentation may cause reproductive isolation within watersheds, which in the case of trout also means isolated phenotypic population units.  相似文献   

Nursery areas for juvenile fishes are often important for determining recruitment in marine populations by providing habitats that can maximize growth and thereby minimize mortality. Pacific ocean perch (POP, Sebastes alutus) have an extended juvenile period where they inhabit rocky nursery habitats. We examined POP nursery areas to link growth potential to recruitment. Juvenile POP were captured from nursery areas in 2004 and 2008, and estimated growth rates ranged from ?0.19 to 0.60 g day?1 based on differences in size between June and August. Predicted growth rates from a bioenergetics model ranged from 0.05 to 0.49 g day?1 and were not significantly different than observed. Substrate preferences and the distribution of their preferred habitats were utilized to predict the extent of juvenile POP nursery habitat in the Gulf of Alaska. Based on densities of fish observed on underwater video transects and the spatial extent of nursery areas, we predicted 278 and 290 million juvenile POP were produced in 2004 and 2008. Growth potential for juvenile POP was reconstructed using the bioenergetics model, spring zooplankton bloom timing and duration and bottom water temperature for 1982–2008. When a single outlying recruitment year in 1986 was removed, growth potential experienced by juvenile POP in nursery areas was significantly correlated to the recruitment time‐series from the stock assessment, explaining ~30% of the variability. This research highlights the potential to predict recruitment using habitat‐based methods and provides a potential mechanism for explaining some of the POP recruitment variability observed for this population.  相似文献   

A catchment‐scale salmon, Salmo salar L., habitat enhancement scheme was developed for the River Main (Northern Ireland) with reference to baseline habitat and electric fishing surveys. In total, 19 separate sites were enhanced using flow deflectors or random boulder addition. Habitat suitability for juvenile salmon increased at enhanced sites following the scheme, and significant changes in underlying physical habitat characteristics (particle size, depth and flow) were detected after the installation of flow deflectors. The overall index of salmon fry recruitment, monitored across the catchment, showed no change between pre‐ and post‐enhancement periods. The mean biomass of salmon evident at individual enhancement sites (5.1 g m?2) was significantly higher than the mean biomass at control sites (1.2 g m?2). Increased densities of >0+ juvenile salmon were associated with enhanced sites relative to controls. Marking studies indicated the potential for long‐range dispersal of juvenile salmon between 0+ (summer) and 1+ (summer) age classes. The potential of the scheme to enhance the local salmon stock was discussed.  相似文献   

Whether territoriality regulates population size depends on the flexibility of territory size, but few studies have quantified territory size over a broad range of densities. While juvenile salmonids in streams exhibit density‐dependent mortality and emigration, consistent with space limitation, there has been relatively little study of how territory size and individual growth rate change over a broad range of densities, particularly in field experiments. Consequently, we manipulated the density (range = 0.25–8 m?2) of young‐of‐the‐year (YOY) Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in mesh enclosures erected in a natural stream to test whether (i) territory size is fixed, decreases continuously or decreases towards an asymptotic minimum size as density increases; and (ii) individual growth rate decreases as a negative power curve with density as in observational field studies. Territory size decreased with increasing density, consistent with an asymptotic minimum size of about 0.13 m2 for a 5‐cm fish. Individual growth rate also decreased with density, although the magnitude of decrease was steeper than in observational studies. Our results suggest a limit to how small territories can be compressed, which will set the upper limit to the local density in a habitat. The density‐dependent changes in territory size and individual growth rate will both play a role in the regulation of stream salmonid populations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   By using a seine net, fish samples were taken from the nonestuarine Chwaka Bay (Zanzibar, Tanzania) from the mangroves, mud/sand flats and seagrass beds. Sampling was done twice per month between November 2001 and October 2002. In total, 150 fish species belonging to 55 families were identified. Diversity ( H' ) ranged from 1.9 in mud/sand flats to 3.4 within the Chwaka seagrass beds. Mean density of fishes was significantly higher in the mangrove creeks than in any other habitat (mean = 238.7 ind./1000 m2). Highest, but non-significantly different mean biomasses were recorded in the mangrove creeks (1.7 kg/1000 m2) and in the Marumbi seagrass beds (1.6 kg/1000 m2). The mangrove channel had the lowest biomass (0.6 kg/1000 m2). A high overlap in species composition (as high as 93.4% similarity) was found for adjoining habitats (i.e. mangrove creeks and mangrove channel), while habitats that were far apart showed low overlap (6.6% similarity for the Marumbi seagrass beds and mangrove creeks). On average, 58.4 and 63.2% in terms of abundance and biomass, respectively, of the fish assemblage of Chwaka Bay were of commercial fishery importance. Thus, Chwaka Bay appears to be an important juvenile habitat for various commercially important fish species.  相似文献   

Abstract  The study examined if recruitment of juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., was influenced by the presence of European sculpin, Cottus gobio L., and if the spawning substrate size used by salmon influences sculpin predation on salmon eggs. A combination of information on spawning site selection by female salmon and associated densities of juvenile salmon indicated that recruitment of juvenile salmon was 10 times lower in areas where sculpin was present than areas without sculpin. Predation rate on salmon eggs was found to be dependent on substrate size in artificial redds created in stream aquaria using four different sizes of substrate (13, 23, 37 and 62 mm). Predation rate averaged 83% in the aquaria with the largest substrate size, whereas a rate of only 2–3% was observed using smaller substrate sizes. Sculpin may thus be an important factor influencing the recruitment of juvenile salmon. Selecting small enough gravel sizes during restoration of salmon spawning habitat could therefore be important to minimise egg predation.  相似文献   

Abstract – The residency and movement of stream-dwelling adult (2+ and older) Japanese charr, Salvelinus leucomaenis , were studied by mark and recapture experiments in the Jadani Stream, a headwater tributary of the Tedori River, central Japan, from 1986 to 1989. Of the marked fish, 31.3–58.3% were recaptured in the same pools where they had been caught during the study periods of summer (June–August), autumn (August–November) and winter–spring (November to the next June) and no seasonal movement was observed. The mean distances that the fish moved during the study periods ranged from 139.0 to 502.3 m and many movements longer than 1000 m were observed. Between the resident and the moved fish, there was little difference in body length, growth rate or sex. For the fish that had been resident in the same pools and riffles at previous recaptures, most fish were recaptures in the same locations at the next recapture. Conversely, for the fish that moved previously, most fish were recaptured in different locations from previous sites at the next recapture. These results suggest that Japanese charr exhibit relatively high residency throughout the year, but many fish moved longer distance. The results also suggest the presence of static and mobile components in the charr population.  相似文献   

Abstract –  To evaluate the effects of habitat, foraging strategy (drift vs. limnetic feeding) and internal prey subsidies (downstream transport of invertebrate drift between habitats) on fish production, we measured the growth of juvenile coho salmon confined to enclosures in flowing (pond inlets and outlets) or standing water (centre of pond) habitats in a constructed river side-channel. The effects of habitat and foraging strategy on fish growth were mediated primarily through habitat effects on prey abundance. Invertebrate drift biomass was nearly an order of magnitude higher at pond inlets relative to outlets. Drift-feeding coho in inlet enclosures grew 50% faster than drift-feeding coho at pond outlets or limnetic feeding coho in the centre of ponds, suggesting that elevated drift at inlets was sufficient to account for higher inlet growth rates. Forty per cent of prey biomass in stomachs was terrestrial in origin. These results indicate that, in addition to dependence on external terrestrial subsidies, streams with alternating slow and fast water (i.e., pool-riffle) sequences are also characterised by internal prey subsidies based on transport of drifting invertebrates from refuge habitats (high velocity riffles) to habitats more suitable for drift-feeding predators (e.g., pools), which may result in higher maximum fish growth in systems where internal subsidises are large. Restoration of small streams to maximise productive capacity for pool-rearing salmonids will require a better understanding of the length and interspersion of habitats that maximises both internal prey subsidies and available rearing habitat for juvenile salmon.  相似文献   

Variation in brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) population recruitment and structure is related to migratory patterns, which should depend on ease of access to habitats providing increased opportunity for growth. We quantified the number of young of year (YOY) as a proportion of the total number of brown trout at 24 locations on 11 streams within the Taieri catchment, New Zealand, including back calculated growth rates and emergence dates from otoliths. Locations with high absolute and relative abundance of YOY fish were related to elevation and distance from the river mainstem (habitat used by migratory fish), fish density, and the interaction between invertebrate food biomass, distance and elevation. Hatch date and growth were not related to the proportion of YOY fish, though growth was negatively correlated to total fish density. We suggest landscape features play a large role in determining recruitment and population structure. Locations at lower elevations have a high YOY density, high competition and lower growth, likely prompting out‐migration. These conditions could be created by successful return migration and spawning of large fecund fish resulting in YOY densities exceeding the habitat carrying capacity. Environmental factors, such as food availability, also played a role in determining population structure. These results provide an example of how population structure and recruitment might be controlled by local conditions and access to high growth environments in wild populations of introduced brown trout across a catchment.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Similarities in the diets of larval, juvenile and adult black-stripe minnow ( Galaxiella nigrostriata ) and salamanderfish ( Lepidogalaxias salamandroides ), collected from ephemeral pools in south-western Australia during the mid-wet, late-wet and dry seasons, were assessed. During the mid-wet season, both intra- and interspecific competition for a diminishing food supply was minimised through differences in prey utilisation by the various developmental stages of both species. During the late-wet season, the pools contained only juvenile G. nigrostriata and juvenile and adult L. salamandroides , the diets of which were vastly different. A shift towards terrestrial fauna by G. nigrostriata and the ingestion of greater proportions of larger benthic prey taxa by L. salamandroides minimised interspecific competition for food at a time when densities of zooplanktors were rapidly declining. Timing differences in the onset of aestivation ensures that no interspecific competition for food occurs during the dry season.  相似文献   

Historic deforestation has deprived many river systems of their natural wood loadings. To study the effects of the loss of wood from waterways, a field trial was conducted in three small forested streams in New Zealand. The objectives were to (i) examine differences in fish assemblages among wooded pools (where wood provided cover), open pools and riffles and (ii) measure the effects of wood removal on channel morphology and fish assemblages. In the first part of the study, no significant differences were found in total fish density among the three habitats. However, total fish biomass was significantly higher in wooded pools (64% of total fish biomass) compared with open pools and riffles. Mean density and biomass of banded kokopu (Galaxias fasciatus) and mean biomass of longfin eel (Anguilla dieffenbachii) were highest in wooded pools, whereas the density and biomass of bluegill bully (Gobiomorphus hubbsi) and torrentfish (Cheimarrichthys fosteri) were highest in riffles. In the second part of the study, wood was removed from a 200‐m section (treatment) in each stream, significantly reducing pool area and increasing the proportion of channel area and length in riffles. At the habitat scale, banded kokopu and large longfin eel were the two species mostly affected by wood removal. At the reach scale, banded kokopu biomass was significantly lower in the treatment sections. Although wooded pools were a small portion of total habitat, they provided important habitat for two of New Zealand's larger native fish taxa.  相似文献   

Understanding juvenile salmonid habitat requirements is critical for their effective management, but little is known about these requirements in lowland rivers, which include important but unique salmonid habitats. We compared the relative influence of in-stream Ranunculus cover, water depth, prey abundance, distance upstream and two previously unexplored factors (water velocity heterogeneity and site colonisation potential) on summer densities of juvenile Atlantic salmon and brown trout. We applied electrofishing, habitat surveys and macroinvertebrate kick sampling, and calculated the site colonisation potential from salmon redd surveys across 18–22 sites in a lowland river in 2015–2017. Due to a recruitment crash in 2016, models including and excluding this unusual year were explored. Excluding 2016 data, juvenile salmon densities showed a positive association with Ranunculus cover and numbers of nearby upstream redds, and a negative association with distance upstream from the tidal limit. Trout densities were positively associated with velocity heterogeneity, indicating a potential indirect influence of Ranunculus mediated by water velocity. When including 2016, year had the largest effect on densities of both species, highlighting the impact of the recruitment failure. These findings uncover interspecific differences in the habitat requirements of juvenile salmonids in lowland rivers. Velocity heterogeneity and site colonisation potential had high explanatory power, highlighting that they should be considered in future studies of habitat use. These findings demonstrate that temporal replication and recruitment dynamics are important considerations when exploring species–habitat associations. We discuss potential management implications and argue that Ranunculus cover could be an important management tool in conservation of lowland salmonids.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The changes in physical habitats and responses of fish, e.g. the Kirikuchi charr Salvelinus leucomaenis japonicus , were examined by placing instream structures in a stream on the upper drainage of the Totsu River system of the Kii Peninsula, Japan, over a two-year period. Instream structures created pools below the structures, and these pools have maintained their functions as fish habitats over two years. In two treatment sections, sections A and B (some red-spotted masu salmon were removed in advance in section B), mean water depth increased soon after placing the structures, but decreased over two years. Mean water velocity slowed after placing the structures in both sections. Total fish abundance has been relatively high at the two treatment sections compared with a control section after placing the structures. Age 1 Kirikuchi charr, however, increased only in section B. These results indicate that instream structures can serve as habitat enhancement for fish, including Kirikuchi charr, in the study area if other appropriate habitat factors for respective species are taken into consideration.  相似文献   

The importance of survival and growth variations early in life for population dynamics depends on the degrees of compensatory density dependence and size dependence in survival at later life stages. Quantifying density‐ and size‐dependent mortality at different juvenile stages is therefore important to understand and potentially predict the recruitment to the population. We applied a statistical state‐space modelling approach to analyse time series of abundance and mean body size of larval and juvenile fish. The focus was to identify the importance of abundance and body size for growth and survival through successive larval and juvenile age intervals, and to quantify how the dynamics propagate through the early life to influence recruitment. We thus identified both relevant ages and mechanisms (i.e. density dependence and size dependence in survival and growth) linking recruitment variability to early life dynamics. The analysis was conducted on six economically and ecologically important fish populations from cold temperate and sub‐arctic marine ecosystems. Our results underscore the importance of size for survival early in life. The comparative analysis suggests that size‐dependent mortality and density‐dependent growth frequently occur at a transition from pelagic to demersal habitats, which may be linked to competition for suitable habitat. The generality of this hypothesis warrants testing in future research.  相似文献   

Wood in streams functions as fish habitat, but relationships between fish abundance (or size) and large wood in streams are not consistent. One possible reason for variable relationships between fish and wood in streams is that the association of fish with wood habitat may depend on ecological context such as large‐scale geomorphology. We studied the relationship between salmonid assemblages and large wood jams (LWJ) in four settings that differed geomorphically at the scale of the stream corridor along a tributary to Lake Superior in old‐growth conifer–hardwood forest in northern Michigan. The focal fish species of this study were brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis), which were wild in the stream. Relocation efforts for coaster brook trout (an adfluvial life history variant of brook trout) were ongoing in the study stream. We measured fish abundance and length in pairs of pools of similar size and substrate, but varying in the presence of LWJ; this allowed us to evaluate associations of fish simply with the presence of LWJ rather than with other channel or flow‐shaping functions of LWJ. The length of Oncorhynchus spp. and young introduced brook trout was not strongly correlated with LWJ presence; however, the presence of LWJ in pools was positively correlated with larger wild brook trout. We also found that the correspondence of LWJ with the abundance of salmonids appears to be moderated by the presence of alternative habitat in this relatively natural, old‐growth forest stream.  相似文献   

Drift of propagules occurs within many populations inhabiting flow fields. This affects the number of propagules that rejoin their source population (recruitment) and plays a role in adaptive spatial redistribution. We focus on the cause and consequence of interannual variation in geographic distribution of population density among five cohorts of young‐of‐the‐year (age‐0) juvenile walleye pollock Gadus chalcogrammus in the western Gulf of Alaska (GOA). The coastal GOA is a wind‐driven advective system. Walleye pollock spawn during spring and their eggs and larvae drift southwestward; by late summer, age‐0 juveniles are variously distributed over the shelf. We found that high population densities of age‐0 juveniles (ca. 6 months old) near the southwestward exit of the Alaska Coastal Current from the GOA corresponded with high abundance of larvae from the major spawning area upstream, but did not translate into high abundance at older ages. Further, offshore and upwelling‐favorable winds were associated with the high downstream abundance and presumed export. In contrast, downwelling‐favorable (northeasterly) wind during and shortly after spawning (April–May) was associated with high recruitment at age 1. Finally, we found that recruitment also increased with apparent retention of age‐0 juveniles in favorable habitat upstream near the main spawning area. We hypothesize that wind‐related retention in superior upstream habitat favors recruitment. Our results argue for including wind‐driven transport in future walleye pollock recruitment models. We encourage more work on the juvenile stage of marine fishes aimed at understanding how transport and species‐specific habitat suitability interact to affect population response to large‐scale forcing.  相似文献   

  • 1. In 2006, two periods of hypoxia resulted in the death of approximately 35 tonnes of black bream (Acanthopagrus butcheri) in Lake Indoon, a small inland lake in Western Australia.
  • 2. Acanthopagrus butcheri was the first fish species to be recorded in this lake, along with the mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) which was also observed during sampling in 2006. Acanthopagrus butcheri appears to have been introduced to Lake Indoon between 1998 and 2003 and formed a self‐sustaining population. It is believed to have been deliberately introduced for the purpose of creating a recreational fishery, despite the existence of substantial penalties for illegal translocation of fish in Western Australia.
  • 3. Recent human‐induced environmental changes, including rising groundwater and salinization, have probably aided the establishment of both species in Lake Indoon. The importance of salinity to recruitment success by A. butcheri was indicated by the presence of only two age classes in 2006, with estimated recruitment dates coinciding with the years of highest recorded salinity in the lake.
  • 4. The ‘fish kills’ provided an opportunity to examine aspects of A. butcheri biology in a relatively low salinity environment which is atypical for this estuarine species. In particular, the recruitment period in Lake Indoon was delayed until autumn/winter, rather than spring/summer as seen in other populations. Biological responses in Lake Indoon have implications for natural populations living in estuaries with modified salinity regimes.
  • 5. The ecological, social and economic impacts potentially arising from the introduction of fish to Lake Indoon, which is an important migratory bird habitat and a recreational amenity for local residents and tourists, illustrate the complexities of fish translocation and the need for rigorous assessment before stocking to identify potential costs and benefits.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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