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Faecal material from four non pregnant cows was withdrawn in two-day intervalls during a four-week period. At the same time bloodsamples were taken to monitor the ovarian function. Clinical and ultrasonographical examinations were recorded in parallel. To look for the stability of the faecal steroid analogues for P4 (Progesterone) and E2 (Estradiol-17 beta) faecal material was stored at 37 degrees C and samples from that analyzed in two-day intervals. The P4 (Progesterone)-analogues values in the faeces showed good correlation to cycling ovarian functions as monitored by bloodlevels from P4, clinical examination and ultrasonography. In contrast the E2-analogues values showed no cycling pattern. One cow however showed ovarian cysts which was monitored in the P4 values for blood and faeces. Concerning the stability of the steroid analogues it could be demonstrated that the P4-values show a steady decrease with minimum values of 20 ng/g dry material. During the first four days after sampling reliable values for clinical interpretations can be found. The concentrations for E2 are very inconstant and so far not of interest. The investigation shows that the faecal steroid P4 can be used for monitoring ovarian function. It has to be analyzed within four days after sampling when stored at room temperature.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to obtain data on the duration of the expulsion and afterbirth stages and on the rate of contractions of the abdominal muscles in dams with eutocia (n = 81; heifers: 11; cows: 70). We also looked into the questions of whether and at which stage of expulsion there were differences in these parameters between cows and heifers as well as purebred Simmental (n = 49) and Simmental X Limousin (n = 21). The total period of expulsion (period from appearance of the phalanxes in the rima vulvae until the complete expulsion of the calf) was 19.7 +/- 2.1 minutes. It took 17.3 +/- 2.3 minutes for the head to emerge. Further expulsion required 1.9 +/- 1.7 minutes. At an average of 40.1 +/- 1.5 minutes, the expulsion stage was longer in heifers than in cows, in which it lasted 18 +/- 2.1 minutes (p < 0.01). The differences are due to the time that the head took to emerge. While this stage of labor lasted 15.3 +/- 2.3 minutes in cows, this interval was clearly longer in heifers, lasting 38.1 +/- 1.5 minutes (p < 0.01). No statistically significant difference was observed in the course of further expulsion and there were not any differences detected between purebred Simmental and Simmental X Limousin. An average of 67.5 +/- 1.6 abdominal contractions were required for complete expulsion, 56.5 +/- 1.7 contractions of the abdominal muscles were necessary until the head appeared. After 9.3 +/- 1.6 abdominal presses, the calf had completely emerged. There was a statistically significant difference between cows (52.8 +/- 1.7) and heifers (93.3 +/- 1.6) until the expulsion of the head (p < 0.01). No breed-specific differences were observed. Separation of the afterbirth was observed in 95.0% of the animals up to the eighth hour post partum. Retarded separation and retained placenta were recorded in 2.5% of the animals in each case. 82.7% of the animals performed placentophagy. No placentophagy was observed when the placenta was retarded. No differences were detected between heifers and cows and the breeds with regard to the separation of the afterbirth and the incidence of placentophagy.  相似文献   

Misalliance and mummification are two indications for treatment with cloprostenol. Of 56 animals mated accidentally that were treated with 0-5 mg cloprostenol, 12 were more than 150 days pregnant and of those, nine required more than one treatment. The animals treated early in pregnancy aborted promptly and completely whereas two, considered to be 200 days pregnant at the first treatment, failed to respond at all. There were no reports of retained fetal membranes or any adverse side effects. Eight cases of fetal mummification were also submitted for treatment. All aborted within three to five days, the fetus being removed manually per vaginam in each case. Serial blood progesterone assays indicated that successful treatment was associated with leutolysis in all cases. It was concluded that cloprostenol may successfully be used for the treatment of misalliance and mummification of the fetus.  相似文献   

中西结合治疗奶牛胎衣不下   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胎衣不下是奶牛的常见病 ,若治疗不及时或治疗不当 ,常引起子宫内膜炎 ,严重者可导致全身感染和自体中毒等重症。笔者通过多年的临床实践 ,采取中西药综合治疗奶牛胎衣不下 16 3例 ,治愈 156例 ,治愈率达 96 %。1 病因病理妊娠母牛缺少运动 ,日粮营养不全或饲料单一 ,产程过长  相似文献   

The in vitro mitogen response of whole blood turkey lymphocytes to various concentrations of steroid hormones was evaluated. Corticosterone (COS) at concentrations between 1 and 80 ng/ml significantly suppressed the proliferative response (3H-thymidine incorporation) to phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and concanavalin A (ConA). Non-mitogen-stimulated (NMS) cells were suppressed at concentrations of COS above 5 ng/ml. Progesterone significantly suppressed NMS cells at concentrations of 80 ng/ml, PHA-stimulated cells at concentrations of 500 ng/ml, and ConA-stimulated cells at concentrations of 1000 ng/ml. beta-Estradiol enhanced the response of NMS cells at concentrations of 500 ng/ml, had no effect on PHA-stimulated cells, and suppressed the response of ConA-stimulated cells at concentrations greater than 500 ng/ml. Testosterone affected only the ConA response, causing suppression at concentrations above 2000 ng/ml. Corticosterone and progesterone caused 80 and 95% suppression, respectively, of the proliferative response to ConA when compared with non-hormone-treated cells. The possible implications of steroid hormone-induced immunosuppression in the pathogenesis of aspergillosis is discussed.  相似文献   

The concentrations of lactogenic hormones (prolactin--PRL, growth hormone--GH, insulin-like growth factor I--IGF-I) and steroid hormones (progesterone--PG, estradiol--E2) were determined by RIA in the blood plasma of 8 lactating ewes (3 with twins) and compared with that of 3 non-lactating cycling ewes of the same age. All animals live in a flock of 30 Awassi sheep under identical conditions in Syria. The lactation period (192 +/- 25 days) is divided to a suckling period (until day 63) and a hand milking period (2 fold daily) with different levels of milk production (near 2 litres/day in the former, decreasing from 0.8 to 0.1 litre/day in the latter). During the suckling period the concentrations of steroid hormones in the blood plasma are lower, these of lactogenic hormones are higher of lactating than of non-lactating ewes. During the milking period only the concentrations of E2, PRL and IGF-I in the blood plasma of lactating animals are lower than in non-lactating ewes. But, during this time more and more seasonal influences (increasing day length and temperature) overwhelm the influence of lactation on the hormone secretion. Suckling of twins is accompanied with higher levels of E2, PRL and IGF-I in the blood plasma of their mothers than suckling of single lambs. During the lactation period a strong correlation exists between milk yield and the level of GH (r = 0.85) and IGF-I (r = 0.71), a smaller correlations to the level of E2 (r = 0.49) in the blood plasma of the lactating ewes. During the suckling period the milk yield is influenced positively by PRL (r = 0.77) and GH (r = 0.68), but negatively by PG (r = -0.76). During the milking period the milk yield is determined extensively by the level of IGF-I (r = 0.89) in the blood plasma. The concentrations of the analyzed hormones in the blood plasma correlate always positively together.  相似文献   

In 11 Awassi ewes of a flock of 30 animals continuous investigations were carried out on the changes of somatogenic (growth hormone-GH, prolactin-PRL, insulin-like growth factor I-IGF-I) and steroid hormones (progesterone--PG, estradiol-17 beta-E2) in blood plasma during a gestation period. Eight animals were pregnant (3 with twins), 3 non-pregnant ewes served as control animals. Pregnancy is associated with an increase in the concentrations of the steroid hormones in blood plasma, they decrease markedly already prepartal (PG) or directly at term (E2), reflecting the placental origin of both hormones. Ewes with twins have higher concentrations of both steroid hormones in their blood plasma than animals with a single fetus. During pregnancy the concentrations of IGF-I in blood plasma increase continuously and normalize rapidly after birth. The relationship between the duration of the pregnancy and the concentration of IGF-I can be described by a quadratic regression, further positive correlations exist between the concentrations of IGF-I and PG or E2 in blood plasma, but a negative correlation between IGF-I and PRL. The concentration of PRL diminishes during the gestation, which reflects increasing seasonal influences (decreasing day length and environmental temperature). The concentration of GH shows a steady level throughout the gestation period. Both hormones increase markedly at term, which represents an attendant circumstance of the birth. From all hormones investigated in blood plasma of the ewes only the concentration of IGF-I exhibits a strong positive correlation with the birth weight of their lambs. This can be taken as a first hint to the ability of IGF-I to promote directly the fetal growth.  相似文献   

Indomethacin (INDO, n = 5) or vehicle (CONTROL, n = 4) was injected into superovulated heifers at 48 and 60 h following a luteolytic cloprostenol injection (0 h). One heifer from each group was ovariectomized (OVX) at 48, 56, 64 and 72 h. The fifth heifer of the INDO group was OVX at 80 h. Blood samples were collected at 0 h, every 2 h between 37 and 47 h, and at the time of each OVX to monitor plasma progesterone (P4) and luteinizing hormone (LH) concentrations. Following each OVX, the number and size of follicles were recorded and the incidence of ovulation determined. Follicular fluid (FF) was aspirated from follicles greater than or equal to 8 mm to determine the concentration of prostaglandins E2 (PGE2) and F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha). The highest PG concentrations were measured in both groups at 24-25 h following the preovulatory LH surge and the PGF2 alpha concentration at this time was significantly greater (p less than 0.01) in the CONTROL group compared to the INDO group. By 35-36 h after the LH surge, 75% (25/34) of the CONTROL follicles had ovulated, whereas there were no ovulations (0/50) on either ovary of the INDO treated heifer. These preliminary results suggest that the preovulatory rise of PGs in FF, particularly PGF2 alpha, is essential for ovulation and that suppression of this rise with indomethacin will inhibit ovulation in heifers.  相似文献   

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