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The structures, names, bioactivities and references of 138 briarane-type diterpenoids, including 87 new compounds, are summarized in this review. All the briarane-type compounds mentioned in this review article were obtained from gorgonian corals including the genus Briareum, Dichotella, Junceella and Verrucella. Some of these compounds showed potential bioactivities.  相似文献   

Dust has been widely recognised as an important source of nutrients in the marine environment and as a vector for transporting pathogenic microorganisms. Disturbingly, in the wake of a dust storm event along the eastern Australian coast line in 2009, the Continuous Plankton Recorder collected masses of fungal spores and mycelia (~150,000 spores/m3) forming a floating raft that covered a coastal area equivalent to 25 times the surface of England. Cultured A. sydowii strains exhibited varying metabolite profiles, but all produced sydonic acid, a chemotaxonomic marker for A. sydowii. The Australian marine fungal strains share major metabolites and display comparable metabolic diversity to Australian terrestrial strains and to strains pathogenic to Caribbean coral. Secondary colonisation of the rafts by other fungi, including strains of Cladosporium, Penicillium and other Aspergillus species with distinct secondary metabolite profiles, was also encountered. Our bioassays revealed that the dust-derived marine fungal extracts and known A. sydowii metabolites such as sydowic acid, sydowinol and sydowinin A adversely affect photophysiological performance (Fv/Fm) of the coral reef dinoflagellate endosymbiont Symbiodinium. Different Symbiodinium clades exhibited varying sensitivities, mimicking sensitivity to coral bleaching phenomena. The detection of such large amounts of A. sydowii following this dust storm event has potential implications for the health of coral environments such as the Great Barrier Reef.  相似文献   

Pre-samplings for sample size determination are strongly recommended to assure the reliability of collected data. However, there is a certain dearth of references about sample size determination in field experiments. Seldom if ever, differences in sample size were identified under different management conditions, plant traits, varieties grown and crop age. In order to analyze any differences in sample size for some of the variables measurable in rice field experiments, the visual jackknife method was applied to pre-samples collected in a paddy rice field in Northern Italy, where a management typical for European rice was conducted. Sample sizes for 14 variables describing plant features (plant density, spikelet sterility, biomass, carbon and nitrogen concentration for the different plant organs and for the whole plant) and for 12 variables describing physical and chemical soil features (texture, pH, water holding capacity, soil organic matter, total carbon and nitrogen concentration, mineral nitrogen concentration) and soil microbial activity were estimated. The elementary units of observation were a 3-plant sample and an aggregate sample of four 125 cm3 sub-samples respectively for plant- and soil-related variables. Sample sizes ranged between 15 and 27 for plant-related variables and between 5 and 6 for soil variables. Relating to plant features, remarkable differences in sample size were observed in carbon concentration values of different plant organs, probably due to maintenance respiration. Homogeneity among sample sizes for soil variables could be explained by the capability of aggregate samples in capturing a big part of the total variance. This study underlines importance of carrying out pre-samplings aiming at sample size determination for different variables describing the cropping system.  相似文献   

W Ebrahim  J Kjer  M El Amrani  V Wray  W Lin  R Ebel  D Lai  P Proksch 《Marine drugs》2012,10(5):1081-1091
Chemical investigation of the EtOAc extract of the endophytic fungus Bionectria ochroleuca, isolated from the inner leaf tissues of the plant Sonneratia caseolaris (Sonneratiaceae) from Hainan island (China), yielded two new peptides, pullularins E and F (1 and 2) together with three known compounds (3–5). The structures of the new compounds were unambiguously determined on the basis of one- and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy as well as by high-resolution mass spectrometry. The absolute configurations of amino acids were determined by HPLC analysis of acid hydrolysates using Marfey’s method. The isolated compounds exhibited pronounced to moderate cytotoxic activity against the mouse lymphoma cells (L5178Y) with EC50 values ranging between 0.1 and 6.7 µg/mL.  相似文献   

Dual choice bioassays were used to evaluate the antifeedant property of essential oil and methanolic extract of Alpinia galanga (L.) (locally known as lengkuas) against two species of termites, Coptotermes gestroi (Wasmann) and Coptotermes curvignathus (Holmgren) (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae). A 4-cm-diameter paper disc treated with A. galanga essential oil and another treated with either methanol or hexane as control were placed in a petri dish with 10 termites. Mean consumption of paper discs (miligram) treated with 2,000 ppm of essential oil by C. gestroi was 3.30 ± 0.24 mg and by C. curvignathus was 3.32 ± 0.24 mg. A. galanga essential oil showed significant difference in antifeedant effect, 2,000 ppm of A. galanga essential oil was considered to be the optimum concentration that gave maximum antifeedant effect. The essential oil composition was determined using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The major component of the essential oil was 1,8-cineol (61.9%). Antifeedant bioassay using 500 ppm of 1,8-cineol showed significant reduction in paper consumption by both termite species. Thus, the bioactive agent in A. galangal essential oil causing antifeeding activity was identified as 1,8-cineol. Repellent activity shows that 250 ppm of 1,8-cineol caused 50.00 ± 4.47% repellency for C. gestroi, whereas for C. curvignathus 750 ppm of 1,8-cineol was needed to cause similar repellent activity (56.67 ± 3.33%). C. curvignathus is more susceptible compare to C. gestroi in Contact Toxicity study, the lethal dose (LD50) of C. curvignathus was 945 mg/kg, whereas LD50 value for C. gestroi was 1,102 mg/kg. Hence 1,8-cineol may be developed as an alternative control against termite in sustainable agriculture practices.  相似文献   

Five transgressive variants (advanced breeding lines from BC2F5 and BC2F6 generation) were derived from a cross between the wild relative, O. rufipogon Griff. and O. sativa L. subsp. indica cv. MR219, a popular high yielding Malaysian rice cultivar. The aim of the study was to evaluate the pericarp colour of the grains along with yield potential and to validate quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for agronomic traits. The variants were screened against blast disease. Background marker analysis was also done for the promising variants. The field trials were carried out at a single location (due to containment purposes) over two seasons using randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. A trait-based marker analysis was used to identify QTLs for validation in BC2F5 generation. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that the seasonal factors influenced different agronomic traits. Variant G33 produced significantly (p < 0.05) higher yield (5.20 t/ha) than the control, MR219 (4.53 t/ha). Eighteen QTLs for different agronomic traits were identified in BC2F2 population in a previous study. Among them 14 QTLs were found in BC2F5 population of the present study. The yield of variant G33 was influenced by several QTLs viz. qGPL-1, qSPL-1-2, qSPL-8 and qYLD-4, which were introgressed from the donor parent revealed by background marker analysis using BC2F7 generation. Percentage (99%) of red pericarp grain of G33 and G34 in BC2F5 and BC2F6 generations indicated the stability of pericarp colour which was transferred from the wild relative. Variant G33 showed resistance against two pathotype of blast disease (Magnaporthe oryzae). Among the evaluated variants, G33 could be considered for inclusion in the cultivar development program for red rice with high yield potential and resistance to blast disease. This study demonstrated that the alleles from wild relative could improve the yield and yield related traits through allelic interaction, even though the phenotypic traits were inferior to the recurrent parent.  相似文献   

A backcross inbred line population derived from a cross between Koshihikari and Kasalath was used to dissect the genetic relationship among chalkiness, protein content, and paste viscosity properties in rice in three environments. A total of 11 traits (or parameters) were analyzed, including percentage of grains with chalkiness (PGWC), protein content (PC) and protein index (PI), and eight parameters from the viscosity profile. PGWC, PC and PI were significantly correlated with the paste viscosity parameters. We identified 39 QTLs in three environments; ten QTL clusters emerged. Eight QTLs were consistently detected across the three environments and further confirmed using a set of chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) where Kasalath was used as the donor parent and Koshihikari as the recurrent parent. One and two major clusters on chromosome 6 corresponded to the Wx and Alk loci, respectively. The former was responsible for PGWC and most of the viscosity parameters, and the latter for PI and some viscosity parameters. Particularly, QTL qPI-6.1 was linked with both the Wx and Alk loci. The co-locations of QTLs for PGWC and viscosity parameters and the linkage of qPI-6.1 and qBDV-6 at the Wx locus could be largely responsible for the phenotypic correlations between these traits.  相似文献   

The Asiatic oak weevil, Cyrtepistomus castaneus Roelofs (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), is a nonnative defoliator of trees in the Fagaceae family in the United States but has not been studied on Castanea species in the southern Appalachian Mountains. Planted trees of Castanea dentata (Marsh.) Borkh. (Fagales: Fagaceae), Castanea mollissima Blume (Fagales: Fagaceae), and four hybrid breeding generations were evaluated in 2012 for insect defoliation and C. castaneus abundance and frequency. Defoliation was visually assessed throughout the growing season at two sites in the southern Appalachian Mountains (western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee). C. castaneus abundance and frequency were monitored on trees using beat sheets and emergence was recorded from ground traps. Asiatic oak weevils were more abundant and more frequently collected on American chestnut (Ca. dentata) and its most closely related BC3F3 hybrid generation than on the Asian species Ca. mollissima. In most months, C. castaneus colonization of hybrid generations was not significantly different than colonization of parental species. Frequency data for C. castaneus suggested that adults were distributed relatively evenly throughout the study sites rather than in dense clusters. Emergence of C. castaneus was significantly higher under a canopy dominated by Quercus species than under non-Quercus species or open sky. C. castaneus emergence began in May and peaked in late June and early July. These results may be useful for resource managers trying to restore blight-resistant chestnut to the Southern Appalachians while minimizing herbivory by insect pests.  相似文献   

The pigmentation and corresponding in vivo and in vitro absorption characteristics in three different deep-water coral species: white and orange Lophelia pertusa, Paragorgia arborea and Primnoa resedaeformis, collected from the Trondheimsfjord are described. Pigments were isolated and characterized by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) analysis and High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometer (LC-TOF MS). The main carotenoids identified for all three coral species were astaxanthin and a canthaxanthin-like carotenoid. Soft tissue and skeleton of orange L. pertusa contained 2 times more astaxanthin g(-1) wet weight compared to white L. pertusa. White and orange L. pertusa were characterized with in vivo absorbance peaks at 409 and 473 nm, respectively. In vivo absorbance maxima for P. arborea and P. resedaeformis was typically at 475 nm. The shapes of the absorbance spectra (400-700 nm) were species-specific, indicated by in vivo, in vitro and the corresponding difference spectra. The results may provide important chemotaxonomic information for pigment when bonded to their proteins in vivo, bio-prospecting, and for in situ identification, mapping and monitoring of corals.  相似文献   

Organic extracts of 20 species of French seaweed have been screened against Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense trypomastigotes, the parasite responsible for sleeping sickness. These extracts have previously shown potent antiprotozoal activities in vitro against Plasmodium falciparum and Leishmania donovani. The selectivity of the extracts was also evaluated by testing cytotoxicity on a mammalian L6 cell line. The ethyl acetate extract of the brown seaweed, Bifurcaria bifurcata, showed strong trypanocidal activity with a mild selectivity index (IC50 = 0.53 µg/mL; selectivity index (SI) = 11.6). Bio-guided fractionation led to the isolation of eleganolone, the main diterpenoid isolated from this species. Eleganolone contributes only mildly to the trypanocidal activity of the ethyl acetate extract (IC50 = 45.0 µM, SI = 4.0). However, a selective activity against P. falciparum erythrocytic stages in vitro has been highlighted (IC50 = 7.9 µM, SI = 21.6).  相似文献   

Two new indole-diterpenoids (1 and 2) and a new isocoumarin (3), along with the known β-aflatrem (4), paspalinine (5), leporin B (6), α-cyclopiazonic acid (7), iso-α-cyclopiazonic acid (8), ditryptophenaline (9), aflatoxin B1 (10), 7-O-acetylkojic acid (11) and kojic acid (12), were isolated from the fermentation broth of the marine-derived fungus, Aspergillus flavus OUCMDZ-2205. The structures of Compounds 1–12 were elucidated by spectroscopic analyses, quantum ECD calculations and the chemical method. New Compound 1 exhibited antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus with a MIC value of 20.5 μM. Both new Compounds 1 and 2 could arrest the A549 cell cycle in the S phase at a concentration of 10 μM. Compound 1 showed PKC-beta inhibition with an IC50 value of 15.6 μM. In addition, the absolute configurations of the known compounds, 4–6 and leporin A (6a), were also determined for the first time.  相似文献   

Many biomedical products have already been obtained from marine organisms. In order to search more therapeutic drugs against cancer, this study demonstrates the cytotoxicity effects of Cladiella australis, Clavularia viridis and Klyxum simplex extracts on human oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC4, SCC9 and SCC25) cells using cell adhesion and cell viability assay. The morphological alterations in SCCs cells after treatment with three extracts, such as typical nuclear condensation, nuclear fragmentation and apoptotic bodies of cells were demonstrated by Hoechst stain. Flow cytometry indicated that three extracts sensitized SCC25 cells in the G0/G1 and S-G2/M phases with a concomitant significantly increased sub-G1 fraction, indicating cell death by apoptosis. This apoptosis process was accompanied by activation of caspase-3 expression after SCC25 cells were treated with three extracts. Thereby, it is possible that extracts of C. australis, C. viridis and K. simplex cause apoptosis of SCCs and warrant further research investigating the possible anti-oral cancer compounds in these soft corals.  相似文献   

Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Güenée can cause severe losses in rice. Cytochrome P450s play crucial roles in the metabolism of allelochemicals in herbivorous insects. Two novel P450 cDNAs, CYP6CV1 and CYP9A38, were cloned from the midgut of C. medinalis. CYP6CV1 encodes a protein of 500 amino acid residues, while CYP9A38-predicted protein has 531 amino acid residues. Both cDNA-predicted proteins contain the conserved functional domains for all P450s. Phylogenetic analyses showed that CYP6CV1 is grouped in the cluster containing CYP6B members, while CYP9A38 is in the cluster including CYP9 members. However, both clusters are contained in the same higher lineage. Homologous analysis revealed that CYP6CV1 is most similar to CYP6B8, CYP6B7, CYP6B6, CYP6B2, and CYP6B4 with the highest amino acid identity of 41%. CYP9A38 is closest to CYP9A17, CYP9A21, CYP9A20, and CYP9A19 with the highest amino acid identity of 66%. Studies of temporal expression profiles revealed that CYP9A38 showed a steady increase in mRNA level during the five instar stages, but a low-expression level in pupae, and then presented at a high-expression level again in adults. Similar expression patterns were obtained with CYP6CV1. In the fifth instar larvae, CYP6CV1 was mainly expressed in midgut and fat bodies, whereas CYP9A38 was mainly expressed in midgut. Expression studies also revealed a 3.20-fold over-expression of CYP6CV1 and 3.54-fold over-expression of CYP9A38 after larval exposure to host rice resistance. Our results suggest that both CYP6CV1 and CYP9A38 may be involved in detoxification of rice phytochemicals.  相似文献   

Ultrasound assisted extraction (UAE), purification, characterization and antioxidant activity of laminarin from Irish brown seaweeds Ascophyllum nodosum and Laminarina hyperborea were investigated. UAE was carried out using 60% ultrasonic power amplitude and 0.1 M hydrochloric acid for 15 min. Separately, solid-liquid extraction was carried in an orbital shaker using 0.1 M hydrochloric acid at 70 °C for 2.5 h. UAE with hydrochloric acid resulted in the highest concentration of laminarin, 5.82% and 6.24% on dry weight basis from A. nodosum and L. hyperborea, respectively. Purification of all extracts was carried out using molecular weight cut off dialysis at 10 kDa. Characterization of the laminarin fraction was carried out using matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Antioxidant activity of A. nodosum and L. hyperborea extracts had 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) inhibition levels of 93.23% and 87.57%, respectively. Moreover, these extracts have shown inihibition of bacterial growth of Staphylcoccus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium.  相似文献   

While investigating the cytotoxic activity of the methanol extract of an Australian marine sponge Stelletta sp. (Demospongiae), a new diketopiperazine, cyclo-(4-S-hydroxy-R-proline-R-isoleucine) (1), was isolated together with the known bengamides; A (2), F (3), N (4), Y (5), and bengazoles; Z (6), C(4) (7) and C(6) (8). The isolation and structure elucidation of the diketopiperazine (1), together with the activity of 1-8 against a panel of human and mammalian cell lines are discussed.  相似文献   

A new norcembranoidal diterpene, 1-epi-sinulanorcembranolide A (1), and a new cembranoidal diterpene, flexibilin D (2), were isolated from the soft corals, Sinularia gaweli and Sinularia flexibilis, respectively. The structures of new metabolites 1 and 2 were elucidated by spectroscopic methods, and compound 2 was found to significantly inhibit the accumulation of the pro-inflammatory iNOS and COX-2 proteins of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated RAW264.7 macrophage cells. In addition, S. flexibilis yielded a known cembrane, 5-dehydrosinulariolide (3); the structure, including its absolute stereochemistry, was further confirmed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis.  相似文献   

Water scarcity threatens sustainable rice production in many irrigated areas around the world. To cope with the scarcity, aerobic rice culture has been proposed as a promising water-saving technology. The objective was to elucidate the physiological attributes behind the performance of rice introgression lines in water-saving culture. We evaluated yield potential and physiological adaptation traits to water deficit of BC3-derived lines with the genetic background of an elite indica cultivar, IR64, in the field and in pot experiments. One line, YTH183, had 26% higher yield than IR64 under non-stress conditions (895 vs. 712 g m−2 on average). This was attributed to enlarged sink capacity due to large grain size, which contributed to more efficient use of assimilates and hence a higher harvest index. YTH183 also showed better dehydration avoidance under intermittent soil drying, due to the adaptive response of deep rooting to water deficiency. The grain yield of YTH183 exceeded that of IR64 by 92-102% under moderate water deficit caused by limited irrigation in aerobic rice culture (143 vs. 72 g m−2). Two introgressed segments on chromosomes 5 and 6 might, at least in part, confer the higher yield potential and greater dehydration avoidance in YTH183 simultaneously. Advanced backcross breeding combined with molecular genetics and physiological characterization of introgressed segments would be effective for developing new rice cultivars with high yield potential and drought adaptation traits.  相似文献   

Diatoms of the genus Pseudo-nitzschia produce domoic acid (DA), a toxin that is vectored in the marine food web, thus causing serious problems for marine organisms and humans. In spite of this, knowledge of interactions between grazing zooplankton and diatoms is restricted. In this study, we examined the interactions between Calanus copepodites and toxin producing Pseudo-nitzschia. The copepodites were fed with different concentrations of toxic P. seriata and a strain of P. obtusa that previously was tested to be non-toxic. The ingestion rates did not differ among the diets (P. seriata, P. obtusa, a mixture of both species), and they accumulated 6%–16% of ingested DA (up to 420 µg per dry weight copepodite). When P. seriata was exposed to the copepodites, either through physical contact with the grazers or separated by a membrane, the toxicity of P. seriata increased (up to 3300%) suggesting the response to be chemically mediated. The induced response was also triggered when copepodites grazed on another diatom, supporting the hypothesis that the cues originate from the copepodite. Neither pH nor nutrient concentrations explained the induced DA production. Unexpectedly, P. obtusa also produced DA when exposed to grazing copepodites, thus representing the second reported toxic polar diatom.  相似文献   

The dinoflagellate Gymnodinium catenatum produces paralyzing shellfish poisons that are consumed and accumulated by bivalves. We performed short-term feeding experiments to examine ingestion, accumulation, biotransformation, histopathology, and paralysis in the juvenile Pacific calico scallop Argopecten ventricosus that consume this dinoflagellate. Depletion of algal cells was measured in closed systems. Histopathological preparations were microscopically analyzed. Paralysis was observed and the time of recovery recorded. Accumulation and possible biotransformation of toxins were measured by HPLC analysis. Feeding activity in treated scallops showed that scallops produced pseudofeces, ingestion rates decreased at 8 h; approximately 60% of the scallops were paralyzed and melanin production and hemocyte aggregation were observed in several tissues at 15 h. HPLC analysis showed that the only toxins present in the dinoflagellates and scallops were the N-sulfo-carbamoyl toxins (C1, C2); after hydrolysis, the carbamate toxins (epimers GTX2/3) were present. C1 and C2 toxins were most common in the mantle, followed by the digestive gland and stomach-complex, adductor muscle, kidney and rectum group, and finally, gills. Toxin profiles in scallop tissue were similar to the dinoflagellate; biotransformations were not present in the scallops in this short-term feeding experiment.  相似文献   

Yu K  Ren B  Wei J  Chen C  Sun J  Song F  Dai H  Zhang L 《Marine drugs》2010,8(11):2744-2754
The new secondary metabolites verrucosidinol (1) and its derivative verrucosidinol acetate (2), together with a potent neurotoxin verrucosidin (3), a congener norverrucosidin (4) and a mixture of two known phytotoxic metabolites terrestric acids (5 and 6), were isolated from the marine derived fungus Penicillium aurantiogriseum. Verrucosidinol has a ring-opened ethylene oxide moiety in the polyene α-pyrone skeleton, and verrucosidinol acetate is its acetate derivative. The chemical structures were determined by comparing with literature data and a combination of spectroscopic techniques, including high resolution mass spectrum and two-dimentional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic analysis.  相似文献   

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