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近年来,硅肥在农业生产中起着重要的作用。为了探讨硅肥在葡萄上的作用,我们于2001年在葡萄上做了施硅肥的试验。 葡萄品种为玫瑰香,树龄为3年生,栽植密度555株/667m~2。选连片葡萄200株,于3月10日每株沟施山东省硅钾肥科技有限公司生产的硅肥(含硅SIO_2≥25%,活性钙≥35%,镁、钾、硼、锌元素>10%)0.3kg(折合166.5kg/667m~2),施后浇水。以不施硅肥为对照,其它  相似文献   

日本首先把醋应用于农业生产,增产效果十分显著。近年来国内把醋应用于粮食作物,防病和增产效果也令人可喜。我所于1984~1987年把食醋用于大白菜、番茄、辣椒等主要蔬菜上、在防病和增产上都取得较好的效果.现将四年来的情况总结如下:  相似文献   

植物肥王由湖南省衡阳市大地生物研究所研制生产 ,是一种无公害、广谱、高效、多功能的新型有机液体肥料 ,主要成分是生物碱 ( 0 6%苦楝素 )。据报道 ,蔬菜使用植物肥王后能有效地增强光合作用 ,促进和协调养分的均衡吸收 ,在湖南广泛应用于农业生产 ,取得了不同程度的增产效果。为明确植物肥王在茄子上的增产效果 ,我们连续 2年 ( 1999~ 2 0 0 0年 )在茄子上进行植物肥王叶面喷施效果试验 ,现将试验结果简报如下。1 材料与方法试验共设 3个处理 :( 1)喷植物肥王 10 0倍液 ;( 2 )喷施植物肥王 150倍液 ;( 3 )喷清水为对照。试验小区随机…  相似文献   

大棚葡萄施硅肥效果试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大棚葡萄施硅肥的试验表明,施硅肥葡萄株高比对照增加15.7%,果穗数增多106.7%,顶端单叶鲜重、干重分别增加10.0%、12.8%,干鲜重比增加2.5%,变异系数降低,葡萄产量增加72%,产投比为132:1。可见,硅肥在葡萄上推广大有可为。  相似文献   

生姜含碳水化合物,蛋白质,多种维生素及矿物质等多种营养成分,具有特殊的香辣味,是食,药兼用以及工业消费品,但长期以来,姜瘟病发生严重,产量降低,人们大量施用化学肥料和化学农药,不仅污染了环境,而且产品有毒物质含量超标,  相似文献   

我镇2002年开始种植革莓脱毒苗,现已种植1000亩,为了系统研究草莓脱毒苗在生产中的增产效果,我站进行了本试验。  相似文献   

镁、硫是作物生长发育所必需的中量营养元素。近10多年来,随着农业生产技术的进步、果树品种的改良,产量逐渐提高,每年从果园土壤中带走的镁、硫量增加。我省氮、磷、钾肥的施用已普遍受到重视,但却长期忽视了镁、硫肥的配合施用,造成部分果园出现缺镁、硫或潜在的缺镁、硫问题。李延等对福建龙眼主产区的山地果园土壤采样调查结果表明,福建省第四纪红壤尤其是花岗岩、凝灰岩发育的土壤供镁水平低或极低,而这类土壤是福建山地龙眼园的主要土壤类型,彭嘉桂等对69个旱地土壤样品的调查研究表明,闽东南地区土壤缺硫面积达60.8%。为平衡与协调龙眼的镁、硫素营养,以提高其产量和品质,于2003年对龙眼园施用镁肥、硫肥的效应进行了试验,现将结果整理如下。  相似文献   

有机多元肥对西瓜增产的效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

在杨梅结果期喷施高利达光肥3000倍液1-3次,能明显提高杨梅的光合作用,促进果实膨大,加快果实着色,提高甜度,改善品质,增加产量。  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2005,107(1):90-96
Somatic embryogenic cell suspension cultures of four ginger cultivars were established. Somatic embryogenic calli were induced from ginger shoot tips on MS agar medium supplemented with 1.0 mg l−1 2,4-D and 0.2 mg l−1 Kn, which contained only half concentration of NH4NO3. Rapid-growing and well-dispersed suspension cultures were established by subculturing this kind of callus in the same liquid MSN medium. The suspension cultures (about 1–2 mm in diameter) were placed on the MSN agar medium for callus proliferation. Thereafter embryogenic callus (1.5 cm2) was transferred to solid media (MS + 0.2 mg l−1 2,4-D + 5.0 mg l−1 BA + 3% sucrose + 0.7% agar). Somatic embryos produced shoots and roots, and shoots developed into complete plantlets on solid MS medium supplemented with 3.0 mg l−1 BA and 0.1 mg l−1 NAA. The relationship between the DW of suspension cultures and pH changes in medium is also discussed. The suspension cultures still kept their vitalities after subculture for 8 months.  相似文献   

生姜茎尖组织培养和污染率控制的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以生姜茎尖为外植体,筛选了愈伤组织和芽分化的最适培养基和培养方式,并探讨了生姜组织培养过程中污染率的控制方法.试验结果表明,将表面消毒与抗生素浸泡处理相结合,能有效降低污染率.培养基MS 6-BA 1 mg/L IAA 1 mg/L是愈伤组织诱导与芽分化的最适培养基.  相似文献   

 选用四川省地方品种‘竹根姜’的茎尖组织建立了体细胞胚性细胞悬浮系, 并通过悬浮培养获得了姜再生植株。结果表明悬浮细胞干质量受pH影响。接种量和AgNO3 对悬浮细胞的生长都有影响:最佳接种量为1.0% , 最适AgNO3浓度为6.0 mg·L - 1。胚性细胞悬浮系增殖后, 接种到前期筛选的成熟分化培养基上获得了再生植株。  相似文献   


Meristems of ginger with or without leaf primordia were induced to form shoots on three-quarter strength Murashige-Skoog’s (MS) medium containing sucrose 6%, coconut milk (CM) 20%, ascorbic acid (AA) 100 mg l?1, glutamine (GL) 400 mg l?1, activated charcoal (AC) 250 mg l?1, 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) 0.5 mg l?1, indolebutyric acid (IBA) 0.4 mg l?1 and agar 0.8%. Meristem-derived shoots exhibited consistent multiplication on three-quarter strength MS medium containing sucrose (3%), AA (100 mg l?1), AC (100 mg l?1), BAP (4–5 mg l?1) and agar (0.8%). Liquid media (agitated or static) were less effective than a solid (agar-gelled) medium for micropropagation. Kinetin and naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) incorporated at various levels (0.01–0.8 mg l?1) with or without added BAP and IBA neither improved plantlet formation nor enhanced shoot multiplication. The in vitro plants were successfully established in vivo and the rhizome yield was comparable with that of plants grown by conventional methods.  相似文献   

采用正交实验设计,研究了生长调节素、渗透压、温度等因素对姜种质资源离体保存的影响,以期建立姜种质资源离体保存技术体系,并通过生长恢复与遗传稳定性考察对保存材料进行初步评价.结果表明:生长调节剂、渗透压、温度等因素对姜种质资源的离体保存均有显著影响,最终确定姜离体保存的最佳保存方法为:MS+蔗糖60 g/L+琼脂4.0 g/L+甘露醇10 g/L+矮壮素(CCC)2.0 mg/L+多效唑(PP333)2.0 mg/L+脱落酸(ABA)2.0 mg/L,培养条件为光照时间14~16 h/d,光照强度1 500 lx,温度20℃,在此条件下保存300 d,存活率在50%以上,保存材料生长恢复情况良好,染色体保持稳定.  相似文献   

姜四倍体离体诱导及其形态学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以丛生芽为材料,在离体培养条件下比较了秋水仙素不同浓度、不同处理时间诱导姜体细胞染色体加倍的效果。结果表明:以0.20%秋水仙素液体培养基处理8d的诱导效果最好,诱变率和成活率分别达到了42.86%和70.00%。根尖染色体压片检查发现,四倍体染色体数为2n=4x=44,二倍体对照为2n=2x=22。四倍体与二倍体相比表现出植株高大,茎秆变粗,叶片长、宽、厚均增大,叶片下表皮气孔密度减小,气孔和保卫细胞增大,保卫细胞内叶绿体数增加等特征,其中气孔密度及保卫细胞内的叶绿体数可作为鉴别四倍体与二倍体的重要性状。  相似文献   

Zingiber officinale, Rosc., one of the major tropical spices in the world, belongs to the family Zingiberaceae. Bacterial contamination is a major constraint on the cryopreservation of in vitro shoot tip explants. The main objective of this study was to identify the nature of this bacterial contamination and its response to various antimicrobial agents (e.g. the antibiotics cephotaxime and streptomycin sulphate, or copper sulphate) for more effective control. The bacteria isolated from ginger plantlets were identified by amplification and sequencing of their 16S ribosomal DNA, followed by partial sequence analysis. Luteibacter yeojuensis was found in all contaminated cultures. L. yeojuensis is found mainly in soil and as a human pathogen. We believe this is the first report of L. yeojuensis contaminating in vitro cultures of ginger. Among the antimicrobial agents tested in the shoot multiplication medium [i.e. 1.0× Murashige and Skoog salts + 2.5 mg ll 6-benzylaminopurine + 3% (w/v) sucrose + 0.45% (w/v) ClarigarTM], 100 mg l1 cephotaxime was most effective at reducing bacterial growth. It also gave the maximum number of shoots per shoot bud explant compared to the same medium supplemented with streptomycin sulphate, or CuSO4, or control medium. No further bacterial contamination was observed when 8-week-old cultures were then subcultured on the same medium without added antibiotic or CuSO4.  相似文献   

近年来,许多葡萄种植园由于连续多年单一使用化肥,造成了土壤有机质降低,土壤板结,土壤微生物区系和无机成分的自然平衡受到破坏,影响葡萄正常生长发育,导致产量低、品质差。为改善这一状况,济南神力肥料有限公司与科研部门联手研发生产出金狮K O M型葡萄专用有机肥。它含有葡萄生长发育必需的16种养分,氮磷钾总养分14%,有机质30%,K O M、微量元素、有益微生物、土壤修复剂等高科技成分。2005年在山东龙口葡萄基地棕壤土、肥力中等的3年生美国红提葡萄园试验施用,收到了增加产量、改善品质、改良土壤的良好效果。在常规管理条件下,处理采…  相似文献   

硅肥对糯玉米根系生长状况尧产量及品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过盆栽试验,研究了硅肥对糯玉米根系生长发育、根系活性及产量品质的影响.结果表明:施硅能促进糯玉米根系生长发育,增加根系总吸收面积、活跃吸收面积及其活力,品质得以改善,产量提高9.9%~17.3%.  相似文献   

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