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The enigma of winter dysentery   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Three zinc depletion-repletion assays were carried out with chicks to determine Zn bioavailability in five sources of ZnO, three sources of ZnSO4.H2O, and two sources of Zn metal. A standard 23% CP corn-soybean meal diet was fed during the first 3 d posthatching, after which it was replaced with a Zn-deficient soy concentrate diet (13.5 mg Zn/kg) until d 7. On d 8 after an overnight period of feed withdrawal, chicks were fed for 12 d the Zn-deficient basal diet containing 0, 4.76, and 9.90 (Assay 1); 0, 5.06, or 10.12 (Assay 2); or 0, 4.73, or 9.13 (Assay 3) mg/kg supplemental Zn from analytical grade (AG) ZnSO4.7H2O (22.7% Zn) to generate a standard response curve. The AG and feed-grade (FG) Zn sources being evaluated were then provided at a level that would fall within the standard curve. Weight gain (Assays 1, 2, and 3) and total tibia Zn (Assay 1) responded linearly (P<.01) to Zn supplementation from ZnSO4.7H2O. Weight gain regressed on supplemental Zn intake gave standard-curve equations with fits (r2) ranging from .94 to .97. In Assay 1, regression of total tibia Zn (Y, in micrograms) on supplemental Zn intake (X, in milligrams/12 d) gave the equation Y = 13.2+6.74X (r2 = .90). Standard-curve methodology was used to estimate relative Zn bioavailability (RBV), with RBV of Zn in the ZnSO4.7H2O standard set at 100%. Four sources of FG ZnO were evaluated: Source 1 (78.1% Zn, hydrosulfide process, U.S.), Source 2 (74.1% Zn, Waelz process, Mexico), Source 3 (69.4% Zn, China), and Source 4 (78.0% Zn, French process, Mexico). Analytical-grade ZnO (80.3% Zn) was also evaluated. Feed-grade ZnO Sources 1 and 4 as well as AG ZnO produced average RBV values that were not different (P>.10) from the standard, but average RBV values for FG Source 2 and FG Source 3 were only 34 (P<.05) and 46% (P<.05), respectively. All sources of ZnSO4.H2O, which included two FG sources (source 1, 36.5% Zn; source 2, 35.3% Zn) and one food-grade source (36.5% Zn), were not different (P>.10) in RBV from the ZnSO4.7H2O standard. Two Zn metal products, Zn metal dust (100% Zn) and Zn metal fume (91.5% Zn), were also evaluated, and they were found to have Zn RBV values of 67 (P<.05) and 36% (P<.05), respectively. Feed-grade sources of ZnO vary widely in color, texture, Zn content, and Zn bioavailability.  相似文献   

蛋氨酸锌的研究状况   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
蛋氨酸锌可对畜禽的生长(产)性能、抗应激性、畜禽产品品质、机体免疫功能和生物学利用率等多方面效应产生影响。近年来,国内外对它在动物营养上的研究日益广泛和深入。本文就其在动物营养研究中的生物学效应、作用机制、影响因素以及在动物饲养中的试验效果作一综述。  相似文献   

Since 1928, the iodine concentration in the ovary has been known to be higher than in every other organs except the thyroid. The ovarian iodide uptake varies with sexual activities, is enhanced by estrogens and a hypothyroid state and blocked by goitrogens. The recent discovery of a sodium iodide symporter (NIS) in ovaries has offered a possible mechanism for ovarian iodide uptake and other functional similarities to its thyroid counterpart. Nevertheless, the physiological significance of ovarian iodine uptake and accumulation remains unknown. The presence of thyroid hormones (TH) in follicular fluid (FF) has been established recently. Our preliminary studies on TH in FF (1996-1998) in rabbits, pigs, horses showed that the concentration of T4 is generally lower than that in serum and that for T3 is within the normal range or higher. A positive correlation exists between the T4 levels in FF and serum but not between the corresponding T3 levels. These studies revealed, for the first time, the presence of the ovarian 5'-monodeiodinase system in FF capable of generating T3 (ovary-born T3) by outer ring deiodination of T4. In mares, seasonal polyestrus, ovarian 5'-monodeiodinase (MD) activity and FF T3 levels have been found to be higher during the ovulatory period than in the anovulatory one. The exact physiological significance of this system generating T3 and coexisting with isoforms of TH receptors in granulosa cells has not been elucidated. A direct role of T3 for the early follicular development, differentiation and for the steroidogenic capability of granulosa cells, although strongly suggested by data obtained from in vitro studies, has to be elucidated.  相似文献   

微量元素锌在仔猪饲养中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
锌是动物机体所必须的微量元素之一,是体内多种酶的组成成分或激活剂,参与多种生化反应;能增强动物的免疫力、促进动物生长和提高繁殖能力。虽然锌在仔猪饲养中已经广泛应用,但由于机体对锌的吸收和利用率不同,并且不同的锌源之间差别很大,给环境带来了极大的危害。因此使用有较高生物学效价的锌添加剂对于充分发挥畜禽的生产潜力和降低环境污染是极其必要的。  相似文献   

有机锌及其在畜牧生产中的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
锌是动物的必需元素,由于其在体内广泛的生理生化功能而被称为“生命元素”,传统上,动物日粮中的锌是以无机盐的形式供应的。近年来,人们对动物日粮中螯合锌或有机锌的应用广为重视,因为许多报道证实添加有机锌可以改进动物生长,繁殖和健康状况。在家禽日粮中,通常以无机盐的形式来补加锌,然而,在体内发生作用的是锌的有机物或螯合物,而不是游离的无机锌离子。因此,可以推断,无机锌的生物学效应要取决于其转化成有生物学活性的有机锌的能力,有机锌更接近于其在体内的作用形式,生物学效价要高于无机锌。有机锌在消化道中稳定存…  相似文献   


1. Deleterious effects from the freeze-thawing process on post-thawed sperm quality attributes are main limiting factors in cryopreservation. The current study was conducted to determine the effect of semen extender containing zinc oxide (ZnO) on post-thaw rooster sperm quality indices.

2. Semen samples from six, 60-week-old broiler breeder roosters were collected weekly during five successive weeks. The samples were mixed and divided into three equal parts and diluted with semen extender containing different levels of ZnO; 0 (ZnO-0), 1 (ZnO-1) or 2 (ZnO-2) µg/ml. After thawing, motility and velocity parameters, plasma membrane functionality, apoptotic like changes, mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP), and DNA fragmentation index (DFI) were evaluated.

3. Results showed that the addition of ZnO in the extender quadratically affected (P < 0.01) total motility (TM), progressive motility (PM), and average path velocity (VAP) with the highest values were noted in the ZnO-1 group. Levels of ZnO quadratically affected percentages of live (P < 0.01), apoptotic (P < 0.03) and dead (P < 0.10) spermatozoa, where the highest percentage of live, and the lowest percentage of apoptotic or dead spermatozoa was for the ZnO-1 group. Although adding ZnO quadratically affected plasma membrane functionality and MMP (P < 0.01), it did not affect (P > 0.05) DFI.

4. In conclusion, there were some beneficial effects of ZnO supplementation in semen extender on post-thawed rooster sperm quality which may result in a better freezability.  相似文献   

Objective – To review zinc physiology and pathophysiology and the importance of zinc toxicity and deficiency in veterinary patients.
Data Sources – A review of human and veterinary medical literature.
Human Data Synthesis – There is a significant amount of original research in humans and animals on the role of zinc in multiple organ systems. There is also significant data available on human patients with zinc abnormalities.
Veterinary Data Synthesis – Zinc deficiency has been studied in dogs with genetic disease and dietary deficiency leading to dermatological disease and immune deficiency. Zinc toxicity has been described after ingestion of metallic foreign bodies containing zinc.
Conclusions – Historically, the role of zinc in health and disease has been studied through patients with toxicity or severe deficiency with obvious clinical signs. As the ubiquitous contribution of zinc to structure and function in biological systems was discovered, clinically significant but subtle deficiency states have been revealed. In human medicine, mild zinc deficiencies are currently thought to cause chronic metabolic derangement leading to or exacerbating immune deficiency, gastrointestinal problems, endocrine disorders, neurologic dysfunction, cancer, accelerated aging, degenerative disease, and more. Determining the causal relationships between mild zinc deficiency and concurrent disease is complicated by the lack of sensitive or specific tests for zinc deficiency. The prevalence of zinc deficiency and its contribution to disease in veterinary patients is not well known. Continued research is warranted to develop more sensitive and specific tests to assess zinc status, to determine which patients are at risk for deficiency, and to optimize supplementation in health and disease.  相似文献   

蛋氨酸锌在奶牛预混料中的应用效果研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
蛋氨酸锌是一种氨基酸螫合盐,吸收利用率较相应的无机盐高,能直接被靶组织利用。其中蛋氨酸是高产奶牛的限制性氨基酸之一,锌是机体受感染或发生炎症反应时许多急性反应蛋白和酶的辅助因子,对保持单核细胞的最适活性是必需的。最近的研究表明,乳头管上皮的完整性,是机体防御乳房感染的第一道物理屏障,锌对覆盖于乳头管表层的一层纤维蛋白(角蛋白)的形成是必需的。因而锌对乳房的健康很重要。本试验拟探讨蛋氨酸锌在奶牛预混料中的应用效果。1材料与方法1.1试验时间与地点试验于2001年1月8日~3月13日在北京南郊牛奶公…  相似文献   

To assess the efficacy of bis-glycinate bound Zn, 36 crossbred wethers (34 ± 2 kg) were sorted by body weight into three groups and stagger started on a Zn-deficient diet (18 mg Zn/kg dry matter [DM]; 22.5% neutral detergent fiber [NDF]) for 45 d prior to a 15-d metabolism period (10 d adaptation and 5 d collection). On day 46, lambs were randomly assigned to dietary treatments (four lambs treatment−1group−1): no supplemental Zn (CON) or 15 mg supplemental Zn/kg DM (ZINC) as Zn sulfate (ZS) or bis-glycinate (GLY; Plexomin Zn, Phytobiotics). Blood was collected from all lambs on days 1, 44, 56, and 61. Liver, jejunum, and longissimus dorsi samples were collected after euthanasia on day 61. Gene expression was determined via quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. Data were analyzed using ProcMixed of SAS (experimental unit = lamb; fixed effects = treatment, group, and breed) and contrast statements assessed the effects of supplemental Zn concentration (ZINC vs. CON) and source (GLY vs. ZS). After 15 d of Zn supplementation, plasma Zn concentrations were greater for ZINC vs. CON and GLY vs. ZS (P ≤ 0.01); tissue Zn concentrations were unaffected (P ≥ 0.27). Liver Cu concentrations were lesser for ZINC vs. CON (P = 0.03). Longissimus dorsi Mn concentrations were greater for ZINC vs. CON (P = 0.05) and tended to be lesser for GLY vs. ZS (P = 0.09). Digestibility of DM, organic matter (OM), and NDF was lesser for ZINC vs. CON (P ≤ 0.05); acid detergent fiber digestibility tended to be greater for GLY vs. ZS (P = 0.06). Nitrogen retention (g/d) tended to be greater for GLY vs. ZS (P = 0.10), and N apparent absorption was lesser for ZINC vs. CON (P = 0.02). Zinc intake, fecal output, retention, and apparent absorption were greater for ZINC vs. CON (P ≤ 0.01). Apparent absorption of Zn was −5.1%, 12.8%, and 15.0% for CON, ZS, and GLY, respectively. Nitrogen and Zn retention and apparent absorption were not correlated for CON (P ≥ 0.14) but were positively correlated for ZINC (retention: P = 0.02, r = 0.52; apparent absorption: P < 0.01, r = 0.73). Intestinal expression of Zn transporter ZIP4 was lesser for ZINC vs. CON (P = 0.02). Liver expression of metallothionein-1 (MT1) tended to be greater for GLY vs. ZS (P = 0.07). Although Zn apparent absorption did not differ between sources (P = 0.71), differences in post-absorptive metabolism may be responsible for greater plasma Zn concentrations and liver MT1 expression for GLY-supplemented lambs, suggesting improved bioavailability of GLY relative to ZS.  相似文献   

This article presents a comprehensive review of the literature on feline odontoclastic resorptive lesions (FORLs), including etiopathogenesis, prevalence and predisposition, classification, histopathologic appearance, diagnosis, and treatment. Approximately one-third of all domestic cats may develop FORLs during their life span, and the risk of developing FORLs increases with age. Sophisticated dental treatments promise neither cure nor permanent improvement of affected teeth. Extraction is the current treatment of choice. Research on the etiology of FORLs has not been rewarding in recent years, and the causative factors contributing to the development of FORLs are still unknown.  相似文献   

Uptake and transport of Zn from (65)Zn-labeled ZnSO(4) and Zn proteinate (ZnProt) by ruminal and omasal epithelia were examined by using a parabiotic chamber system. Uptake was measured during a 4-h incubation with 10, 20, or 200 microM Zn as ZnSO(4) or ZnProt in the mucosal buffer (pH 6.0, Krebs-Ringer phosphate). Zinc uptake and transport were also evaluated after simulated ruminal digestion. Buffered ruminal fluid contained a feed substrate and 10 or 200 microM added Zn as ZnSO(4) or ZnProt. In a preliminary experiment, uptake of Zn by omasal tissue was low; thus, the remaining experiments were conducted solely with ruminal epithelium. Incubations to determine the effect of time on Zn uptake from mucosal buffer containing 20 microM added Zn as ZnSO(4) or ZnProt resulted in increased (P < 0.01) Zn uptake as incubation time increased from 30 to 240 min. Zinc uptake was also greater (P = 0.02) from mucosal buffer containing ZnProt compared with ZnSO(4). Zinc uptake from incubations containing 10 or 200 microM was affected by source x concentration (P = 0.05) and concentration x time (P < 0.01) interactions. With 10 microM Zn, uptake was not influenced by Zn source, whereas when 200 microM Zn was added, Zn uptake from ZnProt was greater than from ZnSO(4). Increasing incubation time resulted in increased Zn uptake with 200 microM Zn in the mucosal buffer; however, with 10 microM Zn, uptake did not change after 30 min. After simulated ruminal fermentation, the proportion of Zn in a soluble form was influenced by a source x concentration interaction (P = 0.03). After 18 h of incubation, the proportion of Zn that was soluble was not different between ZnProt and ZnSO(4) in buffered ruminal fluid that contained 10 microM added Zn, but was greater for ZnProt compared with ZnSO(4) with 200 microM Zn in the incubation. Zinc uptake from the aqueous fractions of simulated ruminal digestions containing 200 microM added Zn was greater (P < 0.01) than from those containing 10 microM added Zn. Zinc transport, based on detection of (65)Zn in serosal buffer, did not occur in any of the experiments. The results of the current experiments suggest that absorption of Zn into the bloodstream does not occur from the ruminant foresto-mach; however, Zn uptake occurs in ruminal tissue and is greater from ZnProt than from ZnSO(4).  相似文献   

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