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The effects of defoliation upon root and shoot systems of prairie grass (Bromus catharticus Vahl) were examined in both field and pot studies. The varieties used were 78–32 (HY), a high-yielding variety; 79–42 (LY), a low-yielding variety; and the commercial variety Grasslands Matua. In the field, the presence of roots in early and late spring was estimated by measuring uptake of [32P]phosphate by roots; herbage yields and tiller numbers were recorded. In a pot study, root and shoot dry-matter (DM) yields were analysed. In the field, roots were detected to a depth of 1·2 m. After defoliation to a height of 0·1 m, root presence decreased more than 50% at depths of 0·6 m for LY and 1·0 m for Matua in early spring and at several depths for each variety in late spring. After a second defoliation, the apparent growth rate of shoots decreased by 35% in relation to the first regrowth period. In pots, shoot DM and root DM of control plants (undefoliated) had the following allometric relationship of the form: In (shoot DM) = 0·61 + 1·14 ln (root DM) (r2= 0·81). After defoliation, compared with undefoliated controls, the relative growth rate of shoots and total herbage yields were higher, but root and stubble DM were lower in all three varieties. Pooled root DM means were 10·3 and 6·8 g plant?1 and pooled stubble DM means were 12·7 and 7·6 g plant?1 for control and defoliated plants respectively. HY produced heavier tillers than LY, pooled means being 0·94 and 0·53 g DM tiller?1 (field study) and 3·44 and 2·05 g DM tiller?1 (pot study) for HY and LY respectively. HY had 5–6 green leaves per tiller, whereas LY had 3–4. Developed green leaves were heavier in HY (58 g m?2) than in LY (48 g m?2). It is suggested that differences in both leaf parameters may be related to higher herbage yields for HY than LY.  相似文献   

The herbage production and quality of swards of three grass species, prairie grass (Bromus willdenowii Kunth), reed canary-grass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) and phalaris (Phalaris tuberosa L.) were compared with perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and hybrid ryegrass (L. perenne L. ×L. muitiflorum Lam.) under 6–cut (experiment 1) and 4–cut (experiment 2) regimes over 3 years at Ayr; annually, 360 kg ha-1 fertilizer N were applied. At Edinburgh prairie grass was compared with Italian ryegrass (L. multiflorum Lam.), timothy (Phleum pratense L.) and cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) under an annual 4–cut regime for 3 years (experiment 3); fertilizer N application totalled 350 kg ha-1 annually. Prairie grass gave the highest annual dry matter (DM) production at Ayr, averaging 11·99 t ha-1 in experiment 1 and 15·62 t ha-1 in experiment 2. Reed canary-grass was much less productive whilst phalaris did not persist after harvest year 1. On average, prairie grass gave 8–10% more DM than the three ryegrasses in the 6-cut system but its advantage was much less under the 4-cut regime. In experiment 3, the DM production of prairie grass and Italian ryegrass were similar in year 1, but following winter damage prairie grass gave the lowest production in subsequent harvest years. Prairie grass had digestibility (OMD) values lower than the ryegrass but higher than reed canary-grass, timothy and cocksfoot. The water soluble carbohydrate (WSC) concentrations in prairie grass were markedly higher than in timothy and cocksfoot but lower than those in Italian ryegrass. Prairie grass had relatively low P and Mg concentrations. Reed canary-grass had relatively low OMD and Ca, but high N, P, K and Mg contents. It is concluded that prairie grass may have potential in the UK as a special-purpose species for conservation management but mainly in the milder climatic areas. The Phalaris species evaluated had disappointing agronomic potential.  相似文献   

Red fescue ( Festuca rubra L.) cvs Reptans, Dawson and Ruby, perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne L.) cvs Perma and Sprinter, crested dogstail ( Cynosurus cristatus L.) cv. Southlands, smooth meadow-grass ( Poa pratensis L.) cvs Parade and Arena, Yorkshire fog ( Holcus lanatus L.) commercial types I and II, creeping bent ( Agrostis stolonifera L.) cv. Penncross and rough meadow-grass ( Poa trivialis L.) cvs Omega Øtofte, Dasas and Sabre were each sown with white clover ( Trifolium repens L.) cv. Donna and the productivity of the fourteen mixtures assessed under simulated grazing (six harvests per year) for 3 years. A single fertilizer-N rate (50 kg ha−1) in early spring was applied to all treatments each year.
Over the 3 years, mean annual dry matter (DM) production of the swards ranged from 5·25 t ha−1 (creeping bent) to 8·71 t ha−1 (red fescue cv. Reptans), with the species ranking order of: red fescue > perennial ryegrass > crested dogstail > smooth meadow-grass > Yorkshire fog > creeping bent. Rough meadow-grass only persisted over the first harvest year. Mean annual organic matter digestibility (OMD) values of the swards ranged from 0·712 (creeping bent) to 0·782 (ryegrass cv. Sprinter). Mixtures with the lowest proportion of grass (crested dogstail and smooth meadow-grass) generally gave the highest proportions of white clover. The creeping bent mixture had exceptionally low production of both components.
Red fescue, crested dogstail and smooth meadow-grass showed compatibility with clover and, therefore, have potential for use in grass/clover swards. Yorkshire fog had lower compatability with clover. Some breeding effort to improve selected characteristics of promising species, e.g. improvement of low OMD in red fescue, seems warranted.  相似文献   

A field trial measured effects of the head smut fungus Ustilago bullata Berk, on forage productivity of prairie grass ( Bromus willdenowii Kunth). Simulated swards containing different proportions of U. bullata infected and non infected plants were established in the autumn, and sward and plant parameters were measured over the following 15 months. Total herbage produced from swards containing only non-infected plants was 27.3 t ha−1, while that from totally infected swards was 14.6 t ha−1. Infected plants produced fewer and lighter tillers than non-infected plants when both were growing together in swards. Almost all the U. bullata infected plants died during an epidemic of bacterial wilt disease (caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. graminis (Egli, Goto and Schmidt) Dye), while most of the'non-infected plants survived. The deleterious effects of U. bullata on individual plant productivity affected sward productivity only when the proportion of infected plants in swards was greater than 50%. Plants not infected with U. bullata compensated for low productivity and death of infected plants by producing large numbers of tillers.  相似文献   

The productivity of fourteen grasses was measured under a silage cutting regime of four harvests per year for 3 years (1984-86) with an annual fertilizer N rate of 360 kg ha−1, applied at 120, 100, 80 and 60 kg ha−1 for successive harvests. The grasses were: red fescue (Festuca rubra) cvs Reptans, Dawson and Ruby, perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) cvs Perma and Sprinter, Yorkshire Fog (Holcus lanatus) commercial types I and II, smooth meadow-grass (Poa pratensis) cvs Parade and Arena, creeping bentgrass {Agrostis stolonifera) cv. Penncross, crested dogstail {Cynosurus cristatus) cv. Southlands and rough meadow-grass (Poa trivialis) cvs Dasas, Omega Øtofte and Sabre.
Red fescue gave the highest dry-matter (DM) production over the 3 years but because of low organic matter digestibility (OMD), its production of digestible organic matter (DOM) was lower than that of perennial ryegrass. Rough meadow-grass was relatively low yielding in the first year and did not persist thereafter. Three-year mean DM production ranged from 9-22 kg ha"'(crested dogstail) to 14-37 kg ha-1 (red fescue cv. Reptans), while mean annual OMD values ranged from 0-660 (smooth meadow grass cv. Arena) to 0766 (ryegrass cv. Sprinter). The mineral composition (P, K, Ca and Mg) differed among species; creeping bentgrass, crested dogstail, perennial ryegrass and Yorkshire fog had moderate to high mineral concentrations while smooth meadow-grass had low concentrations. Mean two-year (1985-86) mineral composition (g kgDM−1) ranged from 3-1 to 40 (P), 234 to 31-0 (K), 3-8 to 6-0 (Ca) and 1-6 to 2-6 (Mg),
It was concluded that while red fescue and Yorkshire fog showed considerable potential for silage DM production, there is scope for breeding red fescue cultivars with improved digestibility and more winterhardy Yorkshire fog; characterization of their ensiling qualities would also be useful.  相似文献   

There are potential agronomic and environmental benefits from incorporating warm‐season (C4) grasses into temperate pasture systems, usually dominated by cool‐season (C3) grasses, but there is a lack of information on how frequency and height of defoliation affects C4 grasses. Three greenhouse experiments were conducted under (i) spring, (ii) summer and (iii) spring + summer clipping regimes. In each experiment, the effects of clipping frequency (weekly and monthly) and clipping height (clipped to 5 and 10 cm) were determined on above‐ and below‐ground net primary production (ANPP and BNPP) and total and seasonal dry matter (DM) yield for Andropogon gerardii Vitman (big bluestem, C4 grass) and Bromus inermis Leyss (smooth brome, C3 grass). Six replicates per treatment were used. In all experiments, ANPP and BNPP of smooth brome was greater than that of big bluestem although during late summer months big bluestem had higher DM yields of herbage than smooth brome. There were different effects of frequency and height of clipping for both species on two similar measurements: total annual DM yield and ANPP, indicating that the ability to generalize about the effects of defoliation from ecological and agronomic grassland standpoints is questionable. Clipping effects on ANPP and BNPP were different for summer‐clipped pots than for spring, and spring + summer‐clipped pots, indicating that management could be tailored to meet specific agronomic or conservation goals.  相似文献   

Herbage quality, yields, tiller and plant populations of 'Grasslands Matua' prairie grass and 'Caramba' tetraploid Westerwolds ryegrass were investigated in a 2-year field trial on a sandy soil. Plots were either harvested frequently (five to six cuts per year) or infrequently (four cuts). During the first year, herbage was separated into leaf, vegetative and reproductive pseudostem, and analysed separately.
With very mild winters and adequate water supply, swards had good persistence and production for 2 years. Total yield in the first year (10.5 t DM ha−1) was similar for both species. Yields in the second year were (t DM ha−1) 13.4 and 18 for Matua and 11.1 and 13 for Caramba under frequent and infrequent cutting respectively. Leaf contributed 58% to yields and reproductive pseudostem 35%. Infrequently cut plots had: 23% higher dry matter yields, primarily due to higher yields of reproductive pseudostem; higher yields of most chemical components and higher contents of water-soluble carbohydrates and cell walls; lower digestibility and nitrogen content. Cell wall content was consistently higher in Matua but otherwise herbage quality was similar for the two species. It is suggested that prairie grass should be considered as a replacement for spring-sown Westerwolds ryegrass on sandy soils in The Netherlands.  相似文献   

Four field experiments were conducted over a three-year period in Victoria and South Australia to investigate the effectiveness of pre-emergence (PRE) applications of pyroxasulfone, flufenacet and their mixtures with triallate for the control of Bromus diandrus in spring wheat. Herbicide mixtures of pyroxasulfone plus triallate and flufenacet plus triallate applied PRE to wheat provided consistently high levels of B. diandrus control (≥85%). In contrast, applications of pyroxasulfone and flufenacet applied alone along with trifluralin plus metribuzin (a common farmer practice in southern Australia) provided more variable control of B. diandrus (33–90%). Pyroxasulfone plus triallate treatments had a much lower (≤47 panicles m−2) panicle density of B. diandrus than trifluralin plus metribuzin (42–318 panicles m−2) and the non-treated control (118–655 panicles m−2). PRE herbicides which were safe to spring wheat and provided the greatest level of control of B. diandrus resulted in significantly (P < 0.05) higher grain yields at Culgoa (120%) and Gama (13%) than non-treated wheat (720 and 1740 kg ha−1). Although flufenacet was effective against B. diandrus, crop phytotoxicity at the higher dose (900 g ai ha−1) reduced spring wheat grain yield. Based on these results, PRE pyroxasulfone plus triallate could play an important role in the management of B. diandrus in spring wheat. However, high cost of these herbicides (AUS$35-$70 ha−1) may limit their adoption in low rainfall and low yielding wheat environments in southern Australia where B. diandrus is most prevalent.  相似文献   

Effects of sowing date, fungicide seed treatments, and the head smut fungus Ustilago bullata Berk, on establishment, herbage, and seed production of prairie grass cv. Grasslands Matua ( Bromus willdenowii Kunth ) were measured in autumn- and spring-sown field trials in New Zealand.
Autumn seedling establishment from thiram-treated seed relative to untreated seed was increased by 27% from the earliest sowing (early March), and by 65% from the latest sowing 8 weeks later. Infestation of seed with ustilospores of U. bullata reduced seedling establishment at all but the latest autumn sowing. Fungicide seed treatments had little effect on spring seedling establishment, but V. bullata infestation of seed reduced establishment compared with healthy seed, particularly after late sowings (early November).
Herbage production was greater from early than from late sowings in both autumn and spring, and was less in plants grown from U. bullata infested seed than in plants from healthy seed. Enhanced autumn establishment from thiram-treated seed led to improved herbage production when plants were young, but this effect disappeared about 18 weeks after late autumn sowing. Overall herbage production from spring sowing was more than twice that from autumn sowing.
A 6-week delay in autumn sowing led to a 58% reduction in seed production the following summer.
Early autumn and spring sowings, together with adequate control of seedling diseases, are likely to give optimum herbage and seed production from prairie grass.  相似文献   

Bromus auleticus Trinius (ex Nees) is a perennial allogamous C3 grass native to the Campos grasslands. It has potential to play a key role in restoration of both abandoned agricultural and overgrazed lands. We aim to reveal the existence of local adaptation and to assess whether phenotypes could be differentiated in relation to their ecogeographic region of origin. Previous reports estimated significant levels of variability among and within populations, but as yet there is no evidence of local adaptation and phenotypic relations with ecogeographic regions for this species. Indeed, there is a lack of knowledge about the spatial distribution of diversity, which limits the possibilities of using B. auleticus in ecological restoration and plant breeding. A comprehensive collection of 82 accessions of B. auleticus from eight ecogeographic regions within Uruguay was used to characterize diversity by measuring phenologic, morphologic, productive and reproductive traits. We found high diversity among B. auleticus accessions, and the spatial distribution of this diversity follows a pattern accounted by ecogeographic regions to a large extent. Our results also indicate large genotype × environment interaction, confirming local adaptation. Phenotypic values permitted, with a 3.7% error rate, discrimination of accessions according to their ecogeographic region of origin, suggesting the existence of differentiated ecotypes. We consider that the diversity observed should be conserved and used for breeding cultivars of this species and for the restoration of degraded grasslands by considering ecogeographic regions when selecting seed sources.  相似文献   

The productivity of 20 cultivars from a range of 13 grass species was compared by harvesting four times during each of three successive growing seasons. In the experiment, 120 kg N ha−1, 42 kg P2O5 ha−1 and 42 kg K2O ha−1 were applied annually.
Mean annual yield was 3229 kg DM ha−1 and 2147 kg DOM ha−1. Cultivars were arranged in seven groups for comparison. Three of the groups, Lolium, Phleum and 'others' (the latter consisted of Festuca arundinacea cv. Dovey and Poa pratensis cv. Bensun A.34) appeared significantly lower yielding than the Dactylis, Festuca (fine-leaved), Agrostis and Holcus groups.
In the Lolium group, cv. Gremie outyielded cv. Melle every year. No cultivar of Dactylis was significantly better than any other in its group. Phleum CVS Motim and Eskimo were similar and superior to cv. S.50. Festuca ovina cv. Novina and Agrostis canina cv. Kingstown were marginally the best in their respective groups. The two cultivars of Holcus performed virtually identically. Festuca arundinacea cv. Dovey was a good producer of early spring grass. Poa pratensis cv. Bensun A.34 was generally low yielding and subject to fungal rust attack in autumn. The pattern of seasonal DM production was 16% in early spring (cut in October/November), 39% in mid-season (cut in December), 40% in late summer (cut in February/March) and 5% in autumn (cut in April/May). Quality of the herbage was superior to the main indigenous grass Cortaderia pilosa.
It was concluded that although the experiment was conducted under a cutting regime it provided useful guidance for seeds mixture formulation and stock carrying capacity calculations.  相似文献   

The productivity and persistence of prairie grass ( Bromus willdenowii Kunth) cv. Grasslands Matua were compared with a similarly managed endophyte-free tall fescue × perennial ryegrass hybrid ( Festuca arundinacea Schreb. × Lolium perenne L.) cv. Johnstone. A field study was conducted on the Appalachian Plateau of southern West Virginia, USA (81°W, longitude; 38°N, latitude; 850m above sea level) for three consecutive years. Nitrogen totalling 0, 168, and 336 kg N ha−1 year−1 was applied to stands managed as hay. Annual herbage yields were similar for both species in year 1 (1989), but by year 3 (1991) Matua sown-grass yield was about 35% of first-year yields. Total herbage yield for Matua plots in the third year was similar to first-year yields owing to encroachment by non-seeded grasses and white clover ( Trifolium repens L.). Matua was susceptible to powdery mildew [ Blumeria graminis (DC) E. O. Speer] in this environment, and was similar in productivity (first year only) and nutritive quality to tall fescue × perennial ryegrass hybrid. Matua use may be limited to areas where low-temperature stress and resultant winter damage is unlikely to occur.  相似文献   

In 1988 and 1989, swards of grass (G0), while clover (C0) and grass/white clover (GC0) receiving no N fertilizer, and a grass sward supplied with 420 kg N ha?1 (G420), were grazed by non-lactating sheep to maintain a sward surface height of 6 cm. Herbage organic matter (OM) intakes averaged between 1200 and 1700 g OM ewe?1 d?1. For treatments G0, C0, GC0 and G420 respectively, the ewes' live weight gain was 102, 112, 100 and 110 g d?1 and changes in body condition scores were +0·28, +0·52, +0·36 and +0·44 units season?1. However, the effect of treatment was not significant for either variable. There were similar levels of output of faecal N ewe?1 but significantly more urinary N ewe?1 was excreted on treatments C0 and G420, where the concentrations of N in herbage laminae were also higher. For example, in 1989, total daily N excreted was 39·7, 64·4, 44·0 and 63·3 g N ewe?1 for G0, C0, GC0 and G420 respectively. Taking into account the mean daily stocking rates, which were 19·4, 26·6, 27·2 and 36·5 ewe ha?1, the total faeces and urine returns over the season were 161, 358, 249 and 484 kg N ha?1 for each treatment respectively. The herbage OM intakes ewes?1 d?1 measured in September and October were similar for C0 and G420, and so the intake of herbage OM ha?1 d?1 was related to stocking rate, i. e. the estimated herbage intake ha?1 over the growing season for the white clover monoculture was 73% of that for N-fertilized grass. Excretal nitrogen returns to the pasture from grazed mono-cultures of clover were high, and similar to those from a grass sward receiving 420 kg fertilizer N ha?1. Consequently potential losses of N to the environment are high under these management systems.  相似文献   

The productivity of ten grasses was measured under six cuts per annum for 3 years and three cuts for a fourth harvest year in comparison with a perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) control. The grasses were Yorkshire fog (Holcus lanatus), two red fescues (Festuca rubra), creeping bent (Agrostis stolonifera), bent (Agrostis castellana), bent (Agrostis capillaris), smooth meadow-grass (Poa pratensis), crested dogstail (Cynosurus cristatus), sweet vernal (Anthoxanthum odoratum) and timothy (Phleum bertolonii). Another grass sown, rough meadow-grass (Poa trivialis), did not persist after the first harvest year. Annual N rates were 0, 120, 240, 360 and 480 kg ha?1. Classified by DM production, the grasses grouped into: high (perennial ryegrass, Yorkshire fog and red fescue), intermediate (creeping bent, bent (A. castellana), crested dogstail and smooth meadow-grass) and low (bent (A. capillaris), sweet vernal and timothy. With frequent cutting, production ranking interacted with N rate: Yorkshire fog. red fescue and creeping bent were more productive than ryegrass at the 0 N and 120 N rates but not at higher N rates; crested dogstail and sweet vernal outperformed ryegrass at 0 N; ryegrass and smooth meadow-grass performed relatively better at moderate to high N. DM production of ryegrass was matched or exceeded by some of the other grasses during different parts of the season particularly at low N rates. Notable features from the 3-cut regime were the outstanding DM production of Yorkshire fog at all N rates and the poor production of bent (A. capillaris) and crested dogstail. High DM response to applied N in both cutting regimes was given by perennial ryegrass. smooth meadow-grass, red fescue cv. Boreal, timothy, crested dogstail and Yorkshire fog. N concentrations were highest in less productive grasses such as the bents and lowest in highly productive ryegrass and Yorkshire fog. Ryegrass was superior in digestibility to the other grasses, but especially to the red fescues, bents and smooth meadow-grass. The other grasses, especially Yorkshire fog and bent (A. capillaris) were superior to ryegrass in P, K and Mg concentrations, but not Ca. It is concluded that the annual and/or seasonal production of some of the secondary grasses at low to moderate N rates, e.g. the performance of Yorkshire fog and red fescue, warrant a reconsideration of their poor reputation, particularly within the context of increasing grassland extensification. Breeding to improve selected characteristics, such as digestibility in red fescue, seems justified. Assessment of the grazing and ensiling qualities of secondary grasses require further study.  相似文献   

Three small plot experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of species of grass and forbs, defoliation regime, inclusion of white clover and forb blend on the herbage dry matter (DM) yield, botanical composition and mineral content of swards managed with zero fertilizer inputs. The results of all three experiments were characterized by decline in herbage production and large variations in treatment effects over the harvest period.
When sown singly with a standard grass mix the species that competed well with grasses and produced annual forb herbage yields greater than 20 t DM ha−1 were black knapweed, oxeye daisy, ribwort plantain, burnet, birdsfoot trefoil, chicory, kidney vetch, red clover and white clover. When sown singly with a standard forb mix, grass species significantly affected the annual yield of total ( P <005). grass ( P <001) and forb ( P <0.001) herbage. The species that most surpressed the yield of forbs were common bent, Yorkshire fog and perennial ryegrass. Those that allowed for the highest yield of forbs were rough meadow grass, sweet vernal grass and crested dogstail. Averaged over the three harvest years, defoliation regime did not significantly affect herbage production, but the inclusion of white clover in mixtures increased the yield of grasses ( P <0.01) The use of rosette-type forb blends increased forb yield ( P <0.01), compared with erect-type blends.
The effects of treatments on herbage N and mineral contents and yields were inconsistent. However, there was some evidence to support the view that the presence of forb species in swards can result in greater contents of minerals in herbage, compared with grass-only swards.  相似文献   

This study utilized leaf stage‐based defoliation intervals to describe the concentrations and contents of water‐soluble carbohydrate (WSC) and nitrogen (N) in stubble and root reserves and their effect on the regrowth of prairie grass (Bromus willdenowii Kunth.) plants. The priority sequence for allocation of WSC reserves during the regrowth period was also investigated. There were substantially higher concentrations of WSC and N in the stubble compared with the roots following defoliation, confirming the stubble as the primary site for energy storage, with roots playing a lesser role. However, high R2 values for the relationships between WSC concentration in roots and regrowth variables suggested that plants of prairie grass were reliant on WSC reserves from the roots in addition to the stubble to meet the energy requirements of plants until adequate photosynthetic tissue had been produced. The sequence of priority for allocation of WSC reserves followed the order of leaf growth, root growth and tillering during the regrowth period. Although WSC reserves were identified as the primary contributor to plant regrowth following defoliation, there was also a strong relationship between stubble N concentration and regrowth variables.  相似文献   

A reliable supply of herbage is a crucial feature of forage‐based livestock systems. Forage resources with winter‐active growth habits can help extend the growing season in early spring and late autumn in regions with mild‐winter conditions while drought‐ and heat‐tolerant plants help meet herbage needs during summer in humid temperate regions. The prairiegrass (Bromus catharticus, Vahl) cultivars, Grassland Dixon and Grasslands Lakota, provide resistance to foliar disease and cold in addition to sustained productivity when soil moisture is low, and could be useful over a wide range of growing conditions. The cultivars were sown in spring or summer to determine seasonal distribution of productivity and nutritive value of herbage grown in a cool‐temperate region. Stands established rapidly regardless of sowing time or cultivar and were virtually pure prairiegrass once plants were well‐established. Stand composition of broadcast sowings tended to be stable in subsequent growing seasons, whereas the amount of prairiegrass varied in no‐till stands. In the growing seasons after establishment, cumulative dry matter (DM) yield of Lakota was similar regardless of when it was sown, whereas DM yield of Dixon differed with sowing time and was less in spring‐ than summer‐planted stands. Rapid stand establishment, significant late‐season yield, consistent concentrations of crude protein, non‐structural carbohydrate and total digestible nutrients in herbage, and dominance of sward composition, suggest that prairiegrass cultivars, Dixon and Lakota, are excellent resources for forage‐based livestock production systems in humid temperate conditions.  相似文献   

For the 2 years 1977 and 1978 Masham ewes grazed a perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne cv. S24) pasture from the beginning of April until the end of September each year. Twelve ewes were allocated to each of the three stocking rate treatments, 12 (L), 16 (M) and 20 (H) ewes per ha. Each treatment was rotationally grazed around six paddocks with a forward creep for the lambs. Conservation cuts were taken from each treatment in late May and were generally sufficient to cover a 3-month winter feeding period for treatments L and M but were always insufficient for treatment H. Lambing took place at pasture during the second half of May. No concentrates were fed to the ewes during late pregnancy or lactation but lamb birth weights (4–8 kg) and lamb growth rates over the first 4 weeks (240 g d−l) were satisfactory. Organic matter intakes (OMI)of grass by the pregnant ewes(1816,1844 g OMI ewe−1) were not affected by the stocking rate. Intake of grass by the lactating ewes was affected by year and by stocking rate. The overall growth rate of lambs was higher on treatment L than either M or H but decreased on all treatments during the latter half of the grazing season, resulting in 43% of L and only 3% of M and H lambs being fit for slaughter by the end of September. The main features of this time of lambing are low costs and the production of predominantly store lambs.  相似文献   

Bromus auleticus is known for its qualities as forage but its domestication has limitations relating to seed production technology and farm‐scale seed propagation. The effect of different combinations of population on the reproductive success and seed germination of a relict population of Argentina was studied. The tests used a population of Santa Fe (SF) as the recipient of pollen and three populations as donors (LP: La Pampa, ER: Entre Ríos and BA: Buenos Aires). Reproductive success was determined in plants from five pollination treatments: (i) (SFxSF), (ii) LP, (iii) ER, (iv) BA and (v) mixture of donor. Three temperature conditions were evaluated for germination: (i) 15°C, (ii) 28°C and (iii) alternating 15–28°C (12 h each). There were significant differences in reproductive success depending on the source of pollen. Seeds obtained from new genotypic combinations did not increase their weight in relation to the pollen donor. Germination behaviour was more affected by extrinsic factors (temperature) than by their genetic origin. However, under non‐optimal germination conditions, seeds originating from new genotypic combinations showed a significant increase in germination percentage and germination rate. This work contributes additional knowledge to previous studies regarding the effect of pollen quality limitation on seed production and quality of B. auleticus. The results confirm the hypothesis that a mixture of genotypes from a diverse origin increases the quantity of flowers that become fruits and seed quality, which is of great importance to improved seed production and field establishment of B. auleticus.  相似文献   

A pre‐existing mechanistic model of grass growth, developed to simulate grass production in the UK, was extended to include a variety of grass–legume mixtures and used to predict comparative yields across a range of sites in northern Europe, using experimental data from a series of experiments at fifteen sites. Specifically, predictions were made of the comparative yields of grass (Lolium perenne L.), white clover (Trifolium repens L.), red clover (T. pratense L.), lucerne (Medicago sativa L.), lotus (Lotus corniculatus L.) and galega (Galega orientalis Lam.). The results indicated that the model could generate simulated differences in yields between forage crops, which accorded with observed rankings. However, the predictions were more accurate for total yields than individual cuts, for a country than for an individual site, and for monocultures than for grass–legume mixtures. Nevertheless, the results appeared sufficiently robust to be used to prepare forecasts of yield productivity in different agro‐climatic zones in northern Europe. Using estimates of the production costs and economic values for the forages, it was also possible to assess their comparative profitability. The study indicated that red clover, whether grown singly or in a mixture with grass economically outperformed all silage systems based on pure grass swards, even those receiving 400 kg N ha?1. White clover and lucerne were also consistently more profitable than grass‐based systems, receiving 200 kg N ha?1. In relative terms, lucerne appeared to be more profitable in the south and east of the region, while white clover outperformed lucerne in the north and west. In the north and east of the region, there was some evidence that galega might also hold promise as a silage crop, but lotus was not found to be viable under north European environmental conditions.  相似文献   

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