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We analyzed the partition of nocturnal sap flow into refilling of internal water storage and transpiration in Acacia mangium. Sap flow of trees was monitored continuously with Granier’s sensors for estimating the whole-tree transpiration. Possible night transpiration and stomatal conductance at the leaf level in the canopy were measured with a LI-6400 photosynthesis measuring system. For nocturnal leaf transpiration and stomatal conductance were weak, nocturnal sap flow of mature A. mangium trees was mainly associated with water recharge in the trunk. No significant change in night water recharge of the trunk was found at both seasonal and inter-annual scales. Morphological features of trees including diameter at the breast height (DBH), tree height, and canopy size could explain variances of night water recharge. Furthermore, although the contribution of nocturnal sap flow to the total transpiration varied among seasons and DBH classes, the error caused by night water recharge on wholetree transpiration was negligible. __________ Translated from Journal of Plant Ecology (Chinese Version), 2007, 31 (5): 777–786 [译自: 植物生态学报]  相似文献   

K. Jusoff 《New Forests》1991,5(1):61-66
A glasshouse study was conducted to observe the initial height and diameter growth of Acacia mangium Willd, seedlings over a period of 24 weeks in pots with soil at bulk densities of 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8 and 2.0 g/cm3. Height and diameter growth increased significantly with decreasing soil bulk density. Significant differences in seedling diameter appeared during the tenth to twelfth week after transplanting and continued to increase until harvesting at week 24. The interaction between site water stress and compaction is discussed. A better understanding of these processes and the influence of site/soil factors on them is essential to the development of effective stand manipulation programs.  相似文献   

For this paper, we studied the water-holding capacity of canopy, vegetation layer under canopy and litter layer, the water-holding capacity and permeability of soil as well as their changes with growth of stands in Acacia mangium plantations of three different age classes (four-, seven-and 11-year-old). Results show that total water-holding above ground in the order of 11-year stand age (52.86 t/hm2)>seven-year stand age (41.90 t/hm2)>seven-year stand age (25.78 t/hm2), the increment tendency increased with stand age. Similar sequence also obtained on the water-holding capacity and permeation capacity of soil (0–40 cm). The total water-storage capacity both above ground and soil in four-year-old, seven-year-old and 11-year-old of A. mangium plantations were 2,023.0, 2,158.4 and 2,260.4 t/hm2, respectively, and the all value of water conservation were 1,372.70, 1,474.42 and 1,549.91 yuan (RMB)/hm2, respectively. Therefore, A. mangium plantation had a good ability to modify soil structure and good water conservation function. __________ Translated from Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2006, 20(5): 5–8, 27 [译自: 水土保持学报]  相似文献   

The sap flow of the sampled Populus euphratica stems at different radial depths and directions had been studied in Ejina Oasis, in the lower reaches of the Heihe River. Based on sap flow measurements, the transpiration of the entire canopy was calculated. Results showed a linear correlation between the sap flow and the sapwood area of the P. euphratica. Through the analysis of the diameter at breast height in the sample plot, it was found that the distribution of the diameters and the corresponding sapwood area was exponentially correlated, with the coefficient of correlation being 0.976,7. The calculated transpiration of the Populus euphratica canopy was 214.9 mm based on the specific conductivity method. Translated from Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2006, 42(7): 28–32 [译自: 林业科学]  相似文献   

We measured fine-root production at Acacia mangium (AM), Swietenia macrophylla (SM), and Araucaria cunninghamii (AC) sites in response to nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) application using the root-ingrowth core method for a period of 5 months in Sabah, Malaysia. Root growth increased significantly using a combined N and P application at the AM site, whereas it did not increase at the SM and AC sites. The number of nodules at the AM site increased significantly following N application and the combined application of N and P. Root production was not significantly enhanced by nutrient application at the SM and AC sites. At the AM site, both P and N were in high demand despite a larger N pool compared with at the SM and AC sites. These results can be explained by the larger nutrient demand by legumes. We conclude that both N and P is limiting for AM plantations under natural conditions and that N fertilization may be more effective than expected, depending on the site conditions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we studied the nocturnal stem water recharge of Acacia mangium. It is helpful to improve the precision of canopy transpiration estimation and canopy stomatal conductance, and to further understand the lag time of canopy transpiration to stem sap flow. In this study, the whole-tree sap flow in an A. mangium forest was measured by using Granier’s thermal dissipation probe for over two years in the hilly land of South China. The environmental factors, including relative humidity (RH), precipitation, vapor pressure deficit (VPD), photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), and air temperature (T a) were recorded simultaneously. The stem water recharge of A. mangium was analyzed on both daily and monthly scales. Sap flux density was lower at night than during the day. The time range of nighttime sap flux density was longer in the dry season than in the wet season. The water recharging mainly occurred from sunset to midnight. No significant differences were observed among inter-annual nighttime water recharges. Nighttime water recharge had no significant correlation with environmental factors, but was well correlated with the diameter at breast height, tree height, and crown size. In the dry season the contribution of nighttime water recharge to total transpiration had significant correlations with daytime transpiration, total transpiration, VPD, PAR and T a, while in the wet season it was significantly correlated with daily transpiration and total transpiration. __________ Translated from Chinese Journal of Ecology, 2007, 26(4): 476–482 [译自: 生态学杂志]  相似文献   

Acacia mangium is a very fast growing species belonging to the family Leguminosae that has been introduced in the plantations in Bangladesh for its faster growth and wide range of adaptability. The present study aimed at development of growth and yield prediction models for the species using simultaneous equation method. Models were selected for the species to estimate stand dominant height, stand diameter, stand basal area per hectare and total volume yield per hectare. Paired t-test, 45-degree line test, percent absolute deviation and biological principle of stand development were used for the validation of chosen models. The results suggest that the models derived were statistically and biologically acceptable and could be satisfactorily used for stands of Acacia mangium of ages 4–7 yrs based on a base age of 6 yr.  相似文献   

A simple step-wise procedure for predicting the course of stand development on log–log coordinates of stand density and quadratic mean diameter was presented based on a distance of measurement from the maximum size–density line of Acacia mangium. This procedure first predicts annual increment of diameter with a multiple linear regression having the distance, site index, and current diameter as independent variables, and then the associated mortality is calculated with the rate of reduction in stand density to the diameter growth derived from a fitted trend with the distance. The cumulative predictions, starting at 3 years after planting until 9 years of age, agreed well with the observations of group-age means of measurements calculated for the three levels of initial density. Contrasting trend of basal area growth between the three levels of initial density and those for their site index: the differences were decreasing in the former while they remained constant in the latter, was clearly illustrated with the procedure indicating a good potential for use in yield prediction. The simulations for stand growth under different spacing and thinning options were demonstrated in a stand density control diagram suggesting reasonable flexibility for practical application.  相似文献   

Preliminary research to understand the flammability of 14 species of shrubs and 8 species of trees based on silica-free ash content was done in order to recognize which shrubs or trees are more flammable. The results show that the silica-free ash content of shrubs and trees leaves was greater than the stems ranging between 1.7% and 11.4% for leaf and 0.4% and 7.8% for the stems. The shrubsDicranopteris linearis, Imperata cylindrica, Eupatorium pubescens, Lantana camara, Eugenia sp.,Cliforia laurifolia, Pterospermum sp.,Hibiscus similis, Clidemia hirta andTrema orientalis must be considered when fire invades the plantation as well as the treeParaserianthes falcataria, Eucalyptus urophylla, Calliandra callothyrsus, andPeronema canescens.  相似文献   

Using thermal dissipation and the ICT-2000TE equipment made in Australia, the sap flow of Castanopsis jianfengensis and various environmental factors were measured simultaneously in a mixed tropical montane rainforest at Jianfengling Nature Forest Reserve (18°369′N, 108°52′E, 860 m elevation) during the dry and rainy seasons of 2002. The results show that sap flow velocity of C. jianfengensis exhibited a monopeak pattern on clear days and a multi-peak pattern on cloudy or rainy days. Sap flow velocity had significant positive correlations with solar radiation, air temperature, vapor pressure deficit and wind speed and a negative correlation with air relative humidity. In the dry season, sap flow velocity had a significant positive correlation with soil temperature and poor correlation with soil moisture; it was the opposite in the rainy season, indicating that precipitation clearly affected sap flow. Linear regression models between sap flow and environmental factors were established and were significant at the 0.005 level of probability. The mean transpiration rates of C. jianfengensis were 103.5 and 41.3 kg/d in our single tree and 1.94 and 0.77 mm/d in stand level in the dry and rainy season, respectively. __________ Translated from the Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2007, 18(4): 742–748 [译自:应用生态学报]  相似文献   

A trend of within-plot selection was examined by applying a retrospective selection index to the results of the selection in two seedling seed orchards ofA. mangium at South Kalimantan in Indonesia. The orchards were established in randomized complete block design with ten replications of four tree row plots. Within-plot selections were conducted twice with around 50% of selection intensity in those orchards: at 22 months and at 51 months after planting, then the results were analyzed with the data on volume, stem form and bole length measured before each selection. Bole length was found to be the highest priority trait throughout the two stages of selection in both orchards. Growth expressed by volume was also an important criterion at the first within-plot selection, while the priority was not obvious at the second selection. Expected gains by within-plot selection were generally small, although predicted gains were positive on all of the three traits at each stage of selection. The seedling seed orchards analyzed in this study were established under a technical cooperation project between JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) and Ministry of Forestry in Indonesia in collaboration with Inhutani 3.  相似文献   

To study the growth and yield of Acacia mangium in the Caribbean region of Colombia, allometric equations of total volume and aboveground plus coarse roots biomass were fitted as a function of the tree’s diameter at breast height (dbh). The von Bertalanffy’s growth model and 59, 0.1 ha plots (0.55–9.55 years old) were used to develop site index (SI) curves at 6 years base age. Then, using the state-space approach, stand growth and yield models were developed for basal area, volume and biomass. The results show that A. mangium is a very promising species for timber production, atmospheric carbon removal and soil restoration because it grows very fast even in mining degraded soils. On average sites it reaches 15 m in height in 3 years. However, early and reiterated thinning coupled with initial mortality by cattle invasion of the very young understocked plantations are producing relatively low yields.  相似文献   

Responses of the photosynthetic characteristics to variation in CO2 concentration and temperature of Ginkgo biloba, Eucommia ulmoides, Magnolia denudata and Tilia japonica were measured during the peak growing season. The results show that the ambient CO2 concentration could not meet the requirements for photosynthesis of these four species. The optimal temperatures for photosynthesis were lower than the average daytime air temperature. Hence, the photosynthesis of these four species was restricted by the low CO2 concentration and high daytime air temperature at the time of measurement. Marked enhancements in the net photosynthetic rate were found in all four species when the CO2 concentration was doubled. When the dependency on CO2 and temperature were examined simultaneously, it was seen that for increased CO2 concentrations there was a shift in the optimum temperature for M. denudata and T. japonica towards higher temperatures. Due to their independence on CO2 concentrations, this trend could not be found in the G. biloba and E. ulmoides data sets. The stomatal conductance (G s) was sensitive to a vapor pressure deficit (VPD) which in turn was sensitive to temperature. An increase in temperature would cause the VPD to increase and plants might be assumed to react by reducing their stomatal apertures. The effect on stomatal resistance would be most significant at high temperatures. The restriction to stomatal conductance for these four species would increase if CO2 concentrations were elevated at the same temperature. __________ Translated from Journal of Agricultural University of Hebei, 2006, 29 (6): 39–43 [译自: 河北农业大学学报]  相似文献   

使用热扩散液流探针,于2015年7月至2016年8月连续测定茂兰喀斯特森林宜昌润楠的树干液流,同步测定气温、太阳辐射、相对湿度、降水量、土壤含水量和风速等环境因子,分析不同天气、季节、时间尺度下宜昌润楠蒸腾的变化规律及其与环境因子的关系。结果表明:宜昌润楠树干液流速率呈现昼高夜低的变化规律,各季节日间树干液流速率平均值分别是夜间的8.95倍、14.32倍、10.0倍、5.24倍;不同天气下宜昌润楠日蒸腾速率(g·m-2s-1)依次为晴天(41.93±1.43)>阴天(12.73±0.63)>雨天(8.82±0.29);宜昌润楠日均蒸腾量为(5.75±0.31)kg/d,各季节日均蒸腾量(kg/d)表现为夏季(7.57±0.57)>秋季(6.75±0.72)>春季(4.00±0.54)>冬季(2.35±0.20);小时尺度上,各环境因子对蒸腾影响最大的是太阳辐射,影响最小的是降水量、土壤含水量,其中直接影响因素是相对湿度、太阳辐射(除雨天外),间接影响因素是风速(晴天、阴天)和太阳辐射(雨天);日尺度下因季节不同主要影响因子不同,月尺度下主要影响因子只有太阳辐射;随着时间尺度的增大,影响蒸腾的因素减少,且月尺度下环境因子对蒸腾的解释程度最高(78.9%)。各环境因子对蒸腾量的影响程度随天气条件、昼夜、季节、时间尺度等不同而不同,在任何尺度下太阳辐射都是影响蒸腾的主要环境因子。  相似文献   

The effects of curing time at room temperature and methanol extracts from Acacia mangium on the curing behavior of resorcinol formaldehyde (RF) adhesive were examined by using the thermomechanical analysis spring method. For a specimen that was cured for 3 months at room temperature, the relative elasticity (E r) curve did not change to a hard glass state from room temperature to 200°C and the adhesive had cured completely. The initial temperature of the reactive zone for chemical and mechanical changes was 15° and 25°C higher than that for the control when 10 and 15 parts by weight methanol extract was added to the liquid adhesive, respectively. It appears that the extractives of A. mangium in RF adhesive interferes with the chemical cure of the adhesive. It is suggested that a combination of curing time and sweeping by methanol on the laminae surface can improve the bonding performance of A. mangium laminates bonded with RF at room temperature.  相似文献   

将实测的杨树液流速率和林木边材厚度(或胸径)经尺度扩展得到林分蒸腾,已成为常用的野外测定方法,但此法没有考虑其他树形因子的影响,当林分密度大、光竞争激烈时,会导致蒸腾估计误差偏大。为认识主要树形因子对液流速率的影响,并为改进样树液流向林分蒸腾的尺度扩展方法提供依据,在六盘山北侧半干旱区华北落叶松人工林内,利用热扩散探针对5株不同优势度样树的液流速率进行了连续观测,研究了生长季中期(叶面积指数达到峰值并保持稳定)不同土壤水分条件下不同优势度树木的液流速率差异。结果表明:优势度越大的树木,其液流在日内的启动越早,结束越晚,到达峰值越早,峰值也越大;日均液流速率明显比优势度小的树木高;液流速率对太阳辐射和饱和水汽压差瞬时变化的响应敏感性比优势度小的树木高,而对土壤水分条件的响应敏感性则弱于后者,但整体上对环境条件的响应趋势一致,不同优势度树木间液流速率的相对差异比较稳定。相关分析表明:液流速率与优势度(或相对树高)、树高呈极显著正相关,与冠长、胸径显著正相关,而与冠幅、边材面积正相关但不显著。利用拟合的优势度与液流速率之间的线性关系(R2=0.95)计算了样地内所有树木的液流速率及其平均值,即林分平均液流速率,该值比常用方法计算结果低16%。建议今后在利用样树液流速率测定结果进行尺度扩展计算林分液流速率和蒸腾时,增加考虑优势度等主要树形因子的影响。  相似文献   

Realized genetic gains brought by the first-generation tree improvement of Acacia mangium were evaluated by analyzing the 1-year growth performance of growth (height, dbh) and form (stem straightness, multi-stem) traits using data collected from three second-generation orchards: groups B, C, and D. Each orchard was composed of improved families derived from open-pollinated seed of plus trees selected from the first-generation seed orchards and newly added unimproved families collected from the same geographic region. The number of improved families and that of the unimproved in each orchard were 31 and 23 for group B, 28 and 39 for group C, and 24 and 30 for group D. Gains were calculated as percentage increase of improved families over unimproved ones. Improved families performed better than unimproved ones in 11 out of 12 comparison cases: four traits each in the three orchards. Averages of the realized genetic gain across the three seedling seed orchards were 3.1%, 5.2%, 4.3%, and 0.5% for height, dbh, stem straightness, and multi-stem, respectively. Except for multi-stem, the performances of improved families were significantly better than those of unimproved families in all the three orchards for dbh and in two out of three orchards for height and stem straightness.  相似文献   

We studied limitations caused by variations in leaf temperature and soil water availability on photosynthetic electron transport rates calculated from foliar chlorophyll fluorescence analysis (U) in a natural deciduous forest canopy composed of shade-intolerant Populus tremula L. and shade-tolerant Tilia cordata Mill. In both species, there was a positive linear relationship between light-saturated U (Umax) per unit leaf area and mean seasonal integrated daily quantum flux density (Ss, mol per square m per day). Acclimation of leaf dry mass per area and nitrogen per area to growth irradiance largely accounted for this positive scaling. However, the slopes of the Umax versus Ss relationships were greater on days when leaf temperature was high than on days when leaf temperature was low. Overall, Umax varied 2.5-fold across a temperature range of 20-30 degrees C. Maximum stomatal conductance (Gmax) also scaled positively with Ss. Although Gmax observed during daily time courses, and stomatal conductances during Umax measurements declined in response to seasonally decreasing soil water contents, was insensitive to prolonged water stress, and was not strongly correlated with stomatal conductances during its estimation. These results suggest that photorespiration was an important electron sink when intercellular CO2 concentration was low because of closed stomata. Given that xanthophyll cycle pool size (VAZ, sum of violaxanthin, antheraxanthin, and zeaxanthin) may play an important role in dissipation of excess excitation energy, the response of VAZ to fluctuating light and temperature provided another possible explanation for the stable Umax. Xanthophyll cycle carotenoids per total leaf chlorophyll (VAZ/Chl) scaled positively with integrated light and negatively with daily minimum air temperature, whereas the correlation between VAZ/Chl and irradiance was best with integrated light averaged over 3 days preceding foliar sampling. We conclude that the potential capacity for electron transport is determined by long-term acclimation of U to certain canopy light conditions, and that the rapid adjustment of the capacity for excitation energy dissipation plays a significant part in the stabilization of this potential capacity. Sustained high capacity of photosynthetic electron transport during stress periods provides an explanation for the instantaneous response of U to short-term weather fluctuations, but also indicates that U restricts potential carbon gain under conditions of water limitation less than does stomatal conductance.  相似文献   

Deciduous broad-leaved forests (DBF), Larix principis-rupprechtii (LF) and Pinus tabulaeformis plantations (PF) are three typical forest communities in the warm temperate zone of the Dongling Mountains. In this study, we used an indirect method, hemispheric photography, to measure and analyze the dynamics of leaf area index (LAI) and canopy openness of the three forest communities. The results show that the LAI values of DBF and LF increased gradually with plant growth and development. The highest LAI value appeared in August, while canopy openness changed inversely with LAI. The lowest value appeared in November. DBF maintained a higher LAI in August and had a more open canopy in November compared with LF. For PF, we observed little changes in the LAI and canopy openness which was attributed to the leaf retention of this evergreen species. However, a similar relation between LAI and canopy openness was found for the three forest communities: canopy openness varied inversely with LAI. The relation is exponential and significant. Therefore, canopy openness is a good indicator of LAI in forests. This result can be used to test the validity of the LAI based on remote sensing and to provide a reference for the study of the canopy heterogeneity and its effect. This also benefits modeling for fluxes of carbon, water and energy from the level of the stand to landscape. __________ Translated from Journal of Plant Ecology, 2007, 31(3): 431–436 [译自: 植物生态学报]  相似文献   

目的 通过对苹果树不同方位边材液流速率的测定与比较,明确苹果树液流速率的方位特征,为通过液流测定来估算单株蒸腾提供依据。 方法 利用热扩散技术(TDP)对黄土区苹果树主要生长季4个方位边材液流速率及土壤水分、气象因子进行同步、连续监测。 结果 苹果树树干边材液流速率(Js)具有显著的方位差异(P < 0.01),其中北侧Js最高,整个生长季日平均值达189.3 cm·d-1,其次为南侧(为北侧的83%)、东侧(北侧的80%),西侧最小(北侧的63%)。各方位Js总体均表现出5—8月间递增、9—10月间递减、11月基本停止的季节动态,且均与冠层净辐射(Rn)、大汽水分亏缺(VPD)间呈较好的指数正相关关系。在典型晴天,不同方位Js的日峰值时刻均明显提前于VPD的峰值,平均提前约1.6 h(最大2.43 h),且提前的时长与VPD日平均值呈线性递增关系。当VPD高于2.0~2.2 kPa时,Js不再随VPD的增加而上升;不同方位间Js峰值时刻与VPD(P=0.97)峰值时刻间的差异不显著。 结论 苹果树边材液流速率存在着明显的方位差异(P < 0.01),其中北、南方位液流速率较高,东、西方位液流速率较低。不同方位液流传输受大气环境影响的过程具有一致性。为提高果树液流通量估算的精度,在实际测定中应考虑方位差异。  相似文献   

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