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Summary Four selection experiments were sown: single-row plots with single row-spacing (20 cm), single-row plots with double row spacing (40 cm), three-row plots and six-row plots both with single row-spacing (20 cm). Selection entries were mimiced by 16 different varieties or advanced breeding lines, which were also sown in a yield trial. Each experiment was laid out as a 4-times replicated randomized block design. Row length was 2 m. Alley borders and border-rows of multiple-row plots were harvested separately to evaluate the effects of different harvesting procedures on the selection efficiency. Removal of alley borders was found to be disadvantageous, since the gain in precision was more than offset by the loss in sampled area. Wide spacing of single-row plots improved the selection efficiency in comparison with normal spaced single-row plots. In multiple-row plots the selection efficiency was not improved by harvesting only the central rows.For gross plot yield (= yield of net plot + yield of alley borders) the differences in selection efficiency between the various selection plot-types were explained on the basis of the genetic variance, the environmental variance and the coefficient of genetic correlation with farm yield as determined in the yield trial.  相似文献   

D. R. Knott 《Euphytica》1979,28(1):37-40
Summary If selection based on F3 yield tests is to be effective, the yield tests must be successful in discriminating among yield genotypes. The available literature indicates that simple tests with limited or no replication are not very effective, although more extensive, replicated tests may be.Data from an experiment comparing F3 yield tests with a single seed descent procedure showed that F3 selection based on a two-replicate test with single seed descent procedure did not justify the extra work involved.  相似文献   

Summary Three populations of winter wheat were formed by crossing Avrora to Sage, TAM W-101, and Danne. Approximately 10% of the F2 plants from these crosses were selected for high and low levels of number of tillers per plant, number of kernels per spike, 1000-kernel weight, and grain yield. Forty-eight solid seeded F3 lines obtained from the selected F2 plants were then selected for high and low expressions of yield components and grain yield. Realized heritabilities were estimated. Indirect responses of yield to yield component selection and direct response to selection for grain yield were measured. Heritabilities were low for tiller number, number of kernels per spike and kernel weights but were high or intermediate for grain yield when selection occurred in the F2 generation. When selection was practiced in the F3 generation, heritabilities for tiller number and yield were low, but were intermediate to high for number of kernels per spike and kernel weight and high heritabilities were found for kernel weight. Selection for kernel weight often increased grain yield; however, direct selection for grain yields was usually as effective.Journal article no. J-4488 of the Oklahoma Agri. Exp. Stn., Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074.  相似文献   

Summary The effectiveness of the honeycomb selection method for yield in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was evaluated using progenies from two wheat crosses, Glenlea x NB131 and Glenlea x Era. Honeycomb selection was carried out in the F2 and F3 generations, grown at the University of Manitoba in the summers of 1980 and 1981, respectively. In both generations, divergent selection was made for both high and low yield. Plants selected in the F3 generation were entered in an F4 yield test in the summer of 1982. Results of the experiment showed that honeycomb selection for yield in the F2 and F3 generations was effective in identifying parents of high- and low-yielding lines. F3 plants from highyielding F2 selections gave higher yields than those from low-yielding F2 selections by 11.5% and 13.0% for Glenlea x NB131 and Glenlea x Era crosses, respectively. The F4 yield test showed that high yielding selections from both crosses significantly outyielded by 8.9% low yielding selections and by 14.4% the unselected composite lines. It is concluded that the honeycomb selection method can be used for early generation selection in spring wheat.  相似文献   

Heat tolerance for yield and its components in different wheat cultivars   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
L. Shpiler  A. Blum 《Euphytica》1990,51(3):257-263
Summary Twenty one diverse, standard and experimental cultivars of common spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were tested for the effect of heat stress on phenology, yield and its components by growing the materials for 2 years under full irrigation during the hot summer (offseason), and the cool winter (normal) conditions. Heat tolerance was estimated for each variable by the heat susceptibility index (S) which scales the reduction in cultivar performance from cool to hot conditions relative to the respective mean reduction over all cultivars.Genotypes differed significantly in S for yield and its components. The ranking of cultivars in S over the 2 years was consistent for yield, kernels per spike and kernel weight, but not for spike number. Of the three yield components, the greatest genotypic variation in S was expressed for kernels per spike. However, S for yield could not be simply attributed to S in a unique component across all cultivars. On the other hand, a general linear model regression of summer yield on its components revealed that the most important yield component affecting yield variation among cultivars under heat stress was kernel number per spike. Kernel number per spike was positively associated across cultivars with longer duration and greater stabilty of thermal time requirement from emergence to double ridge. It is therefore concluded that kernel number per spike under heat stress is a reasonable estimate of heat tolerance in yield of wheat and that this tolerance is operative already during the first 2 to 3 weeks of growth.  相似文献   

Summary Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars grown in the southern Great Plains of the U.S.A. are exposed to a wide range of moisture conditions due to large fluctuations in the amount and frequency of rainfall. Yield stability under those conditions is therefore a desirable trait for wheat breeders. Our primary objective was to quantify various genetic parameters for grain production in drought-stressed and irrigated environments. We also attempted to predict and measure yield responses when selection is practiced in either drought-stressed or irrigated environments, or both. Seventy F2-derived lines from the cross, TAM W-101/Sturdy, were evaluated at Goodwell, OK, under irrigated and naturally drought-stressed conditions in 1987 and 1988. Genetic variance and heritability estimates were higher in the irrigated environment than in the drought-stressed environment. The genetic correlation coefficient for yields in the two environments was 0.20±0.16, indicating that selection of widely adapted genotypes requires testing in both environments. Based on the genetic variance/covariance structure of this particular population, the linear index which maximized the combined expected gain in both environments was 0.66Y1 + 0.34Y2, in which Y1 and Y2 are yields in the irrigated and drought-stressed environments. This index is not expected to apply across all populations; rather, it further supports the hypothesis that testing in either environment alone (drought stressed or irrigated) may not be most effective for increasing either mean productivity or yield under drought stress.  相似文献   

M. R. Simón 《Euphytica》1994,76(3):235-238
Summary Gene action and heritability for photosynthetic activity were estimated from generation means in two wheat crosses during two stages (5 th leaf and flag leaf between 2 and 5 days after anthesis). Six generations were available for each cross: parents (P1 and P2), F1, F2 and backcrosses (BC1 and BC2).Correlations between some morphophysiological characters and photosynthetic activity of the flag leaf was also determined. The joint scaling test described by Mather & Jinks was used to determine the gene action. It showed that them; [d]; [h]; [i], [l] (mean, additivity, dominance, additive x additive interallelic interaction effects, dominance x dominance interallelic interaction effects) model fits the two crosses at both measurement times. All the model genetic components were significant for the flag leaf, however for the 5 th leaf only [h]; [i] and [l] were significant. The presence of additive and additive x additive effects suggested the possibility of selecting for this character using the flag leaf so as to obtain pure inbred lines. Dominance effects [h] were negative and dominance x dominance effects [l] were positive. Broad sense heritability values were medium to low. There were no correlations between the studied morphophysiological characters and the photosynthetic activity.  相似文献   

Summary Data are presented which support early generation selection for white kernel color in the progeny of red/white kernel wheat crosses which are segregating at 12 or more loci for yield (or any other trait of interest). The optimum generation for selecting white kernels is determined by the frequency of seeds produced with the potential to produce plants having desired quantitative alleles from both parents, and by the frequency of white kernels produced. The F2-produced seed (F3 embryo) is shown to be the optimum generation for selecting white kernels, given that 12 or more loci are segregating for a quantitative character such as yield. When the red parent is a 2 or 3 loci red genotype, selection among F4-produced seed for white kernel color may be desirable when 5 or fewer genes are segregating for the second trait. The results have direct application for all highly heritable, recessive, sporophytic traits.Contribution from the Cornell Agricultural Research Station, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY 14853. Paper No. 723. Research supported by Hatch project 419  相似文献   

Earlier studies showed that the ratio of the weight of the wheat ear to stem at anthesis (ear:stem ratio) may give a better indication of potential yield than harvest index because it is determined early in the life cycle and is not affected by post anthesis stress. These studies concluded that selection for high ear:stem ratio at anthesis may lead to further improvement in grain yield of wheat. The present work was undertaken in the field to identify lines varying in ear:stem ratio in breeding populations and to study its implications for yield improvement.At anthesis stem length, ear length, tiller number, dry weight of stem and ear and ear:stem ratio were measured in 14 crosses on F2 single plants and F2 derived lines grown in the F3, F4, and F5 at three locations in Western Australia over four seasons. In addition, biomass, grain yield and yield components were measured on selected crosses at two locations on F2 derived lines grown in the F4 and F5. There was a considerable range of ear:stem ratio between and within the crosses studied. Although ear:stem ratio was strongly correlated with stem length, there was substantial variation within stem length classes. Ear:stem ratio had a high mean broad sense heritability (82%), whereas HI, grain yield and above ground biomass had lower heritabilities, 68, 55 and 35% respectively. Ear:stem ratio was strongly correlated between generations and sites indicating stability of this character. Ear:stem ratio had a significant positive correlation with grain yield, HI, grains per ear and per m2. The correlation of grain yield with HI was equal or slightly higher than that of grain yield with ear:stem ratio.Ear:stem ratio offers promise as a predictor of HI and yield potential where post-anthesis moisture stress can influence HI. Ear:stem ratio measurement is unlikely to be adopted for selection purposes in routine breeding programs, as it is laborious and time consuming. However, ear:stem ratio could be used to identify superior parental genotypes and early generation selections from special crosses in terms of its ability to partition assimilate.  相似文献   

M. N. Barakat 《Euphytica》1996,87(2):119-125
Summary Estimates of gene actions were obtained for five in vitro traits of immature wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) embryo cultures from a cross of two wheat cultivars and the resulting reciprocal, F1, F2 and backcross populations. The contribution of additive gene effects to in vitro traits was not as important as the dominance gene effects. Epistatic gene effects were relatively more important than either additive or dominance gene effects. Of the individual types of digenic epistatic effects, the dominance x dominance estimates were relatively larger in magnitude for all in vitro culture traits measured. The maternal effect played a minor role in the inheritance of the in vitro studied traits since the difference among the reciprocal values was not significant. It is shown from the generation mean method that epistasis played a major role in the inheritance of most of the traits under study. The negative values of additive and dominance genetic variance were estimates of zero. Heritability estimates, in broad sense, were relatively high for the in vitro studied traits. In some cases, heritability estimates in broad and narrow senses are almost equal since the estimation of dominance genetic variance led to negative values. According to the results of the gene effects, dominance and epistasis were important for the shoot formation trait. Selection would be effective among the isolated genotypes on individual basis.  相似文献   

Solomon Kibite 《Euphytica》1988,38(2):143-148
Summary An experiment was conducted in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada to: (1) ascertain the efficiency of gridded mass selection; (2) to determine if additional selection efficiency can be achieved through refinement of the gridded mass selection procedure; and (3) to determine if the degree of homozygosity has an effect on response to single-plant selection. Three selection methods [simple mass selection (SMS); gridded mass selection (GMS); and a new rhombic grid selection (RGS)] were applied to four populations [a conventional F2 (CON-F2); an intermated F2 (INT-F2); and 2 partial backcrossed populations] developed from a biparental cross involving the Canadian spring wheat cultivars, Glenlea and Sinton. Averaged over the 4 populations, a single cycle of RGS (10% selection intensity) increased yield by about 9.5%, whereas GMS and SMS increased yield by approximately 4.5% and 3.1%, respectively. The degree of homozygosity of individual plants that make up the population appeared to have an effect on the efficiency of selection. In general, selection was more efficient in the two partial backcrossed populations, and least efficient in the CON-F2 and INT-F2 populations. The largest response to selection (15.9%) was attained when RGS was applied in the backcross to Glenlea population, and the lowest response (1.2%) when SMS was enforced in the CON-F2 population. This paper represents the first report on the efficiency of rhombic grid selection for yield improvement in cereal crops.Contribution No. 550 of Agriculture Canada, Lacombe Research Station, Bag Service 5000, Lacombe, Alberta, Canada TOC ISO  相似文献   

Summary Effective utilization of uniculm wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) germplasm in breeding programs requires an understanding of the inheritance of the uniculm character. The parents, F1, F2, and first generation backcrosses (B1 and B2) of two crosses, each utilizing a uniculm spring wheat line and a locally adapted winter wheat cultivar, were space planted in an experiment to acquire information regarding the genetic control of culm number. Significant F1 deviations from midparent values revealed the presence of substantial non-additive gene effects. The scaling tests of Mather and the joint scaling test detected the presence of epistasis. Hayman's six-parameter model revealed that a negative dominance effect provided the major contribution to variation in culm number, while additive x additive and dominance x dominance gene effects were of considerable importance.  相似文献   

F. H. Mcneal  M. A. Berg 《Euphytica》1977,26(3):739-744
Summary Five spring wheat crosses were evaluated over a 6-year period using comparisons between F2 and F3 data and between near-isogenic F4 populations selected for flag leaf area. Nonsignificant r values for F2 vs. F3 flag leaf measurements may be due to the effect of environment on flag leaf area, but are probably also an indication of low heritability for this plant character. Near-isogenic populations selected on the basis of flag leaf area showed little difference in grain yield, an indication that other plant parts must be more influential in determining grain yield. Flag leaf area, by itself, appears not to be a good index to plant performance.Joint contribution of ARS/USDA and the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station. Published with approval of the Director of the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station as Paper No. 725. Journal Series. Use of data from Research Centers at Moccasin. Havre. Huntley, and Kalispell is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Summary Water is often the most limiting factor to winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production in the southern Great Plains of the U.S.A., yet the lack of reliable screening criteria has precluded direct selection for drought resistance in breeding programs. Previous work showed that leaf relative water content (RWC) was highly heritable when measured under field-drought conditions, but its adoption as a screening tool for yield improvement requires further investigation of the genetic relationship between grain yield and RWC. Plants representing high and low yield potential under drought stress, and a random group of plants, were selected from an F2 population having the pedigree, TAM W-101/Sturdy. Two sets of entries, each comprised of the two parents and 24 F2-derived lines, were evaluated under a rainshelter in the F3 (1986) and F4 (1987) generations to determine differences in leaf RWC during reproductive development. One set of entries did not receive any water after the jointing stage, and the other set was grown under well-watered conditions. A positive relationship was observed between grain yield and RWC measured during anthesis and mid-grain fill, as the high-yield selections maintained a significantly higher RWC than the low-yield selections. Grain yield and RWC were also positively associated among random selections segregating for both traits. Subsequent adjustment of genotype means for differences in reproductive development at time of sampling underscored the need to consider differences in maturity when RWC is the selection criterion.  相似文献   

Summary Stem solidness in the wheat plant provides resistance to the wheat stem sawfly, a pest of wheat in Montana and North Dakota, but some agronomists have been concerned that stem solidness might be related to low grain yields. We evaluated 17 spring wheat crosses for stem solidness, grain yield, and other agronomic traits in F2 through F4 generations from 1972 to 1975.Highly significant correlation (0.735) and regression (0.731) coefficients between F2 and F3 generations verify previous studies showing that stem solidness is highly heritable and that selection in F2 should be successful. Solid-stemmed F4 composites yielded more than hollow stemmed composites at Bozeman and equal yields were obtained at Huntley, indicating that stem solidness is not a deterrent to high grain yield.Joint contribution of Federal Research, Science and Education Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station, Bozeman, MT 59717. Published with approval of the Director of the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station as Paper No. 815, Journal Series.  相似文献   

Summary A population of 572 F2 derived F3 lines from six crosses were used to estimate parameters relevant to selection for resistance to Septoria nodorum of wheat. Lines were grown in disease free (fungicide sprayed) and inoculated microplots in 2 replications of a split-plot design in a single environment in 1977. Average yield reduction due to disease was approximately 50%; this was associated with an average septoria score of 50% on the flag leaf, an average septoria score of 42% on the head, and a reduction of 37% in seed weight. Low S. nodorum scores were correlated with late heading date, tall plant height, high grain yield, and high seed weight in diseased plots, and high seed weight % (seed weight in diseased plots expressed as a percentage of seed weight in fungicide sprayed plots).Restricted selection indexes were used to study the relative contributions of disease escape, true resistance, and tolerance to variability in grain yield in diseased plots, seed weight in diseased plots, and seed weight %. True resistance appeared to be the most important factor causing variation in grain yield in diseased plots and seed weight %. Tolerance and escape seemed to be more important for seed weight in diseased plots.Heritabilities of S. nodorum scores on the flag leaf and head were 63% and 52%, respectively. Leaf and head scores could be used most effectively as selection criteria to upgrade resistance in a population before harvest.Selection for high seed weight % slightly reduced yields in disease free plots, although yield in diseased plots and seed weight in diseased plots were increased. However, selection for increased yield or increased seed weight in diseased plots improved yield in disease free plots. It is suggested that direct selection for yield or seed weight in diseased plots is likely to achieve more desirable goals than selection for seed weight %.  相似文献   

Summary Aspects of selection for yield and harvest index were investigated by simulating selection using data from random pedigreed F2, F3, F4 and F5 derived lines from two crosses grown in plots at two sites over two years.Improvement in yield through selection was obtained when the response was measured at the same site and in the same year as the selection. Selecting the best 10 per cent of F2 to F4 derived lines gave F5 derived lines that outyielded random selections by 19 to 53 per cent for one cross and 5 to 23 per cent for the second cross. These lines were 41 to 50 per cent better than the mid-parent in one cross, but were less than the mid-parent in the other cross.However, the response to selection when measured in a different year was little better than random selection. The effect of different sites also reduced the effectiveness of selection.Selection of harvest index in early generations for improvement of yield was ineffective when response was measured at the same site in the same year, or in different years.Contrary to some theoretical proposals, the same improvement in yield was obtained by selecting in early or late generations. While high yielding genotypes may be lost by delaying selection, this is counteracted by the better predictive value of late generations due to their greater homozygosity and homogeneity.  相似文献   

Summary Alternative strategies of multi-site testing of advanced lines in the northern wheat belt of New South Wales have been evaluated, using genetic parameters for large plot grain yield and hill plot harvest index estimated from dryland and irrigated trials at regional sites during 1975–1981. The average pairwise genetic correlation of large plot grain yields recorded at different sites within years was 0.45±.03, with a mean repeatability within trials of 0.56±.05. Harvest index measured in 20-grain hill plots in 1978 showe genetic correlations of 0.98±.08 with plot yield at the same site, and 0.39±0.06 with plot yield assessed at other sites in the same year.The genetic correlation between harvest index in hill plots and total biological yield in large plots at the same site was 0.84±.13, the relationship showing no evidence of curvilinearity. Selection for harvest index in hill plots is therefore expected to lead to an increase in biological yield as well as grain yield in the breeding populations studied. Quantitative genetic theory suggests that the response to selection for grain yield can be increased by approximately 40% with an initial screening using hill plot harvest index at three sites instead of one, and reallocation of resources in the first stage of large plot yield assessment to include 6–8 sites, rather than dryland and irrigated trials at a single location.  相似文献   

Summary Rye-derived wheat cultivars are being used in many breeding programmes throughout the world in order to achieve improvements in yield and disease resistance. However, the serious quality defect of intense dough stickiness associated with many of these wheat cultivars is limiting the usefulness of their flour in large mechanised bread bakeries. A dough preparation procedure was developed which enabled the dough surface properties of a range of rye-derived wheat cultivars to be assessed on doughs mixed quantitatively to their optimum mixing time. Intense dough stickiness was found in samples of 1AL/1RS and 1DL/1RS translocation lines tested and in all of the 1BL/1RS wheat cultivars examined except the West German cultivar, Disponent. Most of the 1BL/1RS wheat cultivars were derived from the Russian cultivars, Kavkaz, Aurora and Skorospelka 35 and included the CIMMYT-bred cultivars such as the Veery lines (Glennson, Ures, Genaro and Seri) and the Nebraskan cultivar, Siouxland. Based on the results of studying selected 1BL/1RS wheat cultivars in detail, this intense dough stickiness appeared to be independent of growing season, trial location, protein content, mixing tolerance, milling process and extraction rate. In addition pilot bakery trials confirmed that our laboratory testing procedures can be used to detect this intense dough stickiness.  相似文献   

Summary The relationships between the F2, F3, F4 and F5 generations for grain yield were determined using random, pedigreed lines derived from each generation. The lines from two crosses were grown in plots at two sites over two years. In the first year, only F2 and F3 derived lines were available, but in the second year the F2 to F5 were grown.Correlations between lines in one generation and the mean of lines derived from them in a following generation increased as the generations were advanced. Correlations between consecutive generations were higher than those between generations two or three apart. Correlations between F2 and F5 derived lines, which indicate the effectiveness of selecting F2 lines, varied from 0.10 ns to o.49** when lines from both generations were grown in the same environment. Correlations between years of lines from the same or different generations were low and often non-significant.Harvest index was measured on the F2 and F3 derived lines at the one site in the first year. Selection for improvement of grain yield using harvest index was no more effective than selection for yield directly, when considered across years.It is conclued that, while gains in yield can be achieved by selecting for yield in early generations, a foremost consideration needs to be the influence of different sites and years on the effectiveness of selection.  相似文献   

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