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王振坤  王倩 《现代园艺》2014,(4):204-204
园林草坪是整个园林系统的组成部分,同时也是园林工程的重点项目,对于维护园林景观、体现园林设计、实现园林功能有着十分重要的价值和意义,因此,园林草坪的管理和养护工作必须得到高度重视,同时也应该实事求是地开展园林草坪工作。本研究从园林草坪养护的实际细节工作出发,以草坪灌溉、施肥、修剪、除草和通气为环节,介绍对园林草坪实行科学而全面的管理技术,以达到园林草坪整体的优美、整洁和有序。  相似文献   

随着国内园林的发展,草坪得到了广泛而大量的应用,被人们称为园林的底色,因此,草坪的质量和观赏效果对园林来说至关重要,当草坪质量降低或观赏效果不好即称为恶化.  相似文献   

草坪是景观园林中最常见的地被,干净、平整、均匀、嫩绿的草坪是景观环境中的亮点,然而在实际工作,有很多景观园林工作者,经常会遇到草坪老化、退化、长势不好等问题,草坪会出现斑秃、不整齐等现象,导致草坪景观达不到预期的美化效果。本人以杭嘉湖平原地区的矮生百慕混播黑麦草的典型草坪为研究对象,以工程实践为例,分析该类草坪容易产生的问题,找出草坪可持续化养护技术方案,确保草坪养护到位,草坪整洁美丽。仅供广大景观园林工作者参考。  相似文献   

现代园林的建设空间逐渐扩大,给更多的草坪提供了生长条件。草坪是用多年生矮小草本植株密植,通过人工修建,达到观赏和休闲活动的目的,现代园林中草坪已经成了不可或缺的植被之一。文章主要分析了草坪在园林景观中的重要应用,并提出园林中的设计要点,以及草坪的日常维护保养。  相似文献   

在我国社会经济快速发展的过程中,园林绿化建设得到了长足的发展。草坪是园林中关键的组成部分,在绿化环境、支持生态平衡等方面具有重要的作用。本文首先介绍了园林草坪的分类,然后详细探讨了园林草坪栽培养护管理要点,希望能够给相关人员提供参考。  相似文献   

杂草对草坪的危害极大,本文根据近年来对园林草坪杂草防治经验,根据草坪杂草分类探讨怎样综合治理杂草,以减少杂草对草坪的危害,促进园林草坪健康发展。  相似文献   

草坪是园林建设中必不可少的组成部分,园林草坪的运用在我国具有悠久的发展历史,从过去的林业发展的附带配景发展到自身独立成景,再发展到今天与各种乔灌木植物搭配运用的配景方式,一步步成熟地发展起来。如今的草坪功能多样,可供观赏游玩,又能保护环境,净化空气,固土护坡,具有重要的景观和生态效益。但目前我国园林草坪设计运用中也存在盲目追求"大色块"和"一致性"的观赏效果,忽视草坪和其他树木的生态功能[1];不根据实际出发,选择难以适应当地生长环境的草坪;园林工作人员对草坪的养护管理不当,从而大大降低草坪的景观和生态功能。园林草坪设计运用必须从实际出发,适应当地自然环境,与其他植物合理搭配,经过园林工作者的精心养护才能发挥出最大的效益。  相似文献   

韩庆丽 《现代园艺》2019,(12):122-123
草坪是城市园林绿地的重要材料,具有成长速度快,效益明显的特点,是园林景观中必不可少的点缀。在景观内容的合理化表达中,草坪起到了很好的过渡和连接作用,构成丰富多彩的空间境域。从草坪景观的定义、历史沿革发展入手,探讨了草坪在园林景观设计中的功能作用,同时,草坪作为园林空间的重要构成要素,利用它自身的景观特殊性,可以让园林空间充分展现、取长避短、发挥优势、展现特色。草坪景观应用配置时应注意科学引种、因地制宜,力求变化和统一、调和与对比、尺度与比例、重视景观草坪养护管理,充分体现出草坪在园林景观设计中的效果,表达出经济适用性与审美愉悦性兼顾的园林效果,为人们创造出服务于学习、工作、休息、生活需要的舒适、优美、赏心悦目的环境。  相似文献   

草坪草转基因研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着园林事业的发展,草坪草转基因技术越来越成为人们关注的焦点.现概括草坪草转基因技术在抗病、抗虫、抗除草剂以及抗逆(干旱,盐碱,低温等)研究的进展.  相似文献   

黑龙江省野生园林地被植物资源及其利用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
园林地被植物是指除草坪以外的覆盖地表的低矮植物.黑龙江省位于中国的东北部,地域辽阔,地势复杂多变,形成了各种不同的生态环境,因而,具有丰富的野生园林地被植物种质资源,但是,对这些野生的地被种质资源的开发利用为数甚少,进一步开发利用这些种质资源,对于发展我国草坪业及城市绿化事业将具有重大意义.  相似文献   



It is generally accepted that controlled vocabularies are necessary to systematically integrate data from various sources. During the last decade, several plant ontologies have been developed, some of which are community specific or were developed for a particular purpose. In most cases, the practical application of these ontologies has been limited to systematically storing experimental data. Due to technical constraints, complex data structures and term redundancies, it has been difficult to apply them directly into analysis tools.


Here, we describe a simplified and cross-species compatible set of controlled vocabularies for plant anatomy, focussing mainly on monocotypledonous and dicotyledonous crop and model plants. Their content was designed primarily for their direct use in graphical visualization tools. Specifically, we created annotation vocabularies that can be understood by non-specialists, are minimally redundant, simply structured, have low tree depth, and we tested them practically in the frame of Genevestigator.


The application of the proposed ontologies enabled the aggregation of data from hundreds of experiments to visualize gene expression across tissue types. It also facilitated the comparison of expression across species. The described controlled vocabularies are maintained by a dedicated curation team and are available upon request.

以文冠果种子为试材,设置10种不同催芽方法,包括水浴加热、不同浓度的H2_SO_4、KNO_3、PEG-6000等试剂处理文冠果种子,诱导发芽后调查种子的发芽率、活力、发芽势等发芽参数,并对不同催芽方法进行了比较分析,筛选适合文冠果种子快速解除休眠的方法。结果表明:80℃水浴加热、4%KNO_3溶液、5%PEG-6000溶液、GA_3溶液、2%KNO_3溶液、10%PEG-6000溶液、4℃蒸馏水浸种、50%H_2SO_4溶液处理,均可不同程度的提高文冠果种子的发芽率,而高浓度H_2SO_4溶液处理对文冠果种子发芽有抑制作用;文冠果种子经80℃水浴加热10min处理可使发芽率提高到55.83%,为未处理的9.3倍。  相似文献   

Light emissions in lux from single incandescent lamps ranging from 60 to 200 watts were arranged in tables according to the lamp height above the ground. The method of calculating the desired lamp spacing to achieve a desired light intensity is illustrated. A table showing the reduced light emission due to various voltage drops is given along with precautions to avoid them.  相似文献   

《Landscape Ecology》2005,20(8):1039-1046

《Scientia Horticulturae》2005,103(2):249-255
Bromeliad growers report severe leaf quality problems for Aechmea cultivars grown under commercial greenhouse conditions. In this research, a leaf damage ‘sensitive’ and ‘insensitive’ A. cultivar were compared for their C-metabolism and hydrophysiology under these greenhouse conditions. Stomata opening index indicated CAM (Crassulacean acid metabolism) for both cultivars, with 45–50% open stomata around 4:00 a.m. and 5–10% in the afternoon. Malic and citric acid were the major organic acids present in the leaves, with diurnal malic acid accumulation during the night. The leaf damage ‘sensitive’ cultivar showed higher malic acid accumulation than the ‘insensitive’ cultivar (200 μmol/gfw versus 170 μmol/gfw). Leaf osmotic potential and turgor pressure were linked with diurnal malic acid fluctuations: organic acid accumulation during the night generated high leaf turgor pressures (up to +0.86 MPa).A leaf damage sensitivity test was designed and confirmed previous experiences of several bromeliad growers. Both cultivars showed higher leaf damage percentages (98 and 78%) when leaf malic acid accumulation was high. We attribute this elevated sensitivity to lethal turgor pressures and consider them to be caused by the water capturing mechanism generated by high organic acid accumulation. Under current greenhouse conditions, this water capturing mechanism can be disastrous for plant leaf quality. Especially, under high relative humidity, hindering plant transpiration and stimulating water uptake by dew formation, leaf quality could be endangered.  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2005,105(1):153-159


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