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严炯钧 《饲料广角》2006,(13):10-12,25
1玉米盘整尽管玉米产区收购价一再上涨,但广东6月玉米市场价格却异常平稳。深圳码头6月13日前玉米报价一直维持在1440元/t,其后略涨10/t,报价1450元/t。据统计,2006年1—5月,广州、深圳两地码头的玉米到货量是292万t,2005年同期为300万t。在6月份到达广州、深圳码头的玉米货源充足,质量上乘,水分均在14.5%以下,容重680以上。广东码头玉米价始终持稳,是因市场需求量并未放大。广东码头玉米货源充足为啥没跌价?一是成本高,二是质量好,可以囤放。故处于风口浪尖的广东玉米市场价格能够稳定,应该是买卖双方都愿意接受的“和谐”景象。  相似文献   

严炯钧 《饲料广角》2006,(15):4-6,9
1玉米横向整理并略有下调 广东7月份玉米市场价格呈稳中下调局势。7月3日深圳码头玉米报价1450元/t,20日深圳码头容重700以上玉米报价1420元/t,容重680玉米报价1405元/t。业内人士认为,市场消费没呈刚性增长,玉米货源充足,甚至连台风“碧利斯”都无法阻挡玉米船的正常抵达,是广东7月份玉米市场价格必然下调的因素。  相似文献   

王长梅 《畜牧市场》2006,(12):38-38
11月份玉米市场出现反季节的大幅上涨行情。本次玉米市场价格上涨主要来自澳大利亚小麦出现大幅减产,经过期货市场的炒作,基金大批量进入期货;来自金属等其他投机商也纷纷参与进来,全球小麦经过大幅飙升后,带动玉米市场也出现大幅上涨。本次CBOT玉米市场价格上涨最高达369.25美元/蒲式耳,创下历史高点。而大连C0705价格也由月初1471涨至最高1607元/t。玉米期货多头仍没有善罢甘休的端倪。而现货市场由关内市场带动,玉米现货市场均价由上月1464元/t,上涨至1566元/t,涨幅高102元/t,成为历史第二高点。  相似文献   

1玉米盘整 承2006年11月的冲高回调,广东12月份玉米市场价格在18日前一直维持在1630~ 1700元/t区间振荡缓涨(表1),在19日曾冲高至1730元/t,随后回落到1670元/t,月内最高变动幅度为100元/t,比11月份平缓。引起玉米市场价格波动的因素仍是码头、车站现货多寡,紧张时,深圳码头只有5万多t的现货,当日价格马上跳高,随着码头、车站货源的增多,价格又再度回落。因广东畜禽存栏未恢复正常,故饲用玉米也未刚性增长,加上饲料厂都有一定的库存量,在市场高位振荡时采取“高望低吸”的采购策略,没有入市追高抢货,所以12月份的玉米市场基本算是平稳。[第一段]  相似文献   

福道 《中国禽业导刊》2004,21(11):19-19
近期,国内玉米市场行情继续保持稳步上涨势头,吉林长春地区玉米市场价格在1210~1250元/吨,较前期上涨30元/吨;黑龙江哈尔滨地区1200~1230元/吨,较前期上涨20元/吨;大连地区玉米平仓价格稳定在1290~1310元/吨,与前期持平;广东黄埔港地区玉米成交价格1430~1450元/吨,与前期基本持平。至此,自前玉米市场保持着一种平稳运行的价格走势。  相似文献   

严炯钧 《饲料广角》2006,(23):10-12,19
1玉米冲高回落 广东11月份玉米市场价格罕见地反季节暴涨,月内玉米价格最大涨幅250元/t。据业内人士介绍,11月份玉米价格暴涨风席卷全国市场的主要原因:一是东北产区新玉米未能大批上市;二是出口玉米商急于组织货源:三是玉米深加工企业需要原料开工:四是广东码头玉米现货少.船期断续。在此影响下,广东码头有玉米经销商立即将现货封仓,即时抬价,甚至连合同也不兑现。有饲料厂投诉。价格暴涨后,经贸商拒不执行前期签订的购货合同,更别说口头协议,诚信度令人心寒。幸好广东地区大型饲料厂都囤有1-2个月的库存,否则市场状况真的不敢想象。随着新玉米上市量的增加,11月下旬价格开始回落。码头信息显示,11月底仅锦州港就将有近35万t玉米抵粤,预计玉米价格将逐步缓慢下调。  相似文献   

严炯钧 《饲料广角》2006,(17):11-14
1 玉米继续盘整 广东8月份玉米市场价格稳定在1400~1420元/t,连台风都挡不住玉米班轮按时抵达,反倒是广东省内交通不畅,致使深圳码头仓库囤满玉米,露天场也垛起一座座“玉米山”,最多时“玉米山”超过10万t量,后期靠岸的玉米船无处卸货,唯有忍痛酬宾,直接转卸小船。风雨中,露天玉米都不同程度遭受雨淋。风雨过后,有容重720到厂价1420元/t的露天玉米送到饲料厂后,发现淋湿结块现象严重,只好退货。玉米货源充足,消费受阻,是8月份玉米市场价格稳定的原因。  相似文献   

张蕊 《饲料广角》2008,(6):20-23
2008年第一季度热点在于春节前集中备货和春节后购销清淡导致价格出现阶段性的回调。国内玉米市场南强北弱格局一直延续到3月上旬。产区玉米价格走势为前高后低。以长春为例.在1月末玉米出库最高价达到1600元/t。后期价格回落到1500元/t。华北地区玉米站台价格最高1680元/t。目前均价在1600元/t;广东港口最高价格攀升至2000元/t。目前价格回落到1780元/t;玉米均价呈现与产区价格走势趋同。均价在1月份攀升至历史高点达到1750元/t.同比上涨了17%,与5年均值比上涨40%(图1)。  相似文献   

12月初,烘干玉米供应数量增加,车板价格多数稳定,辽宁省松原等个别地区还有上涨。贸易商市场心态比较谨慎,原因是市场关于国储玉米出库等传言较多,贸易商倾向于观望。吉林省公主岭地区粮库和贸易商车板价格为1380元/吨,九台地区车板价格为1380元/吨;农安地区车板价格为1370元/吨。榆树地区车板价格为1370元/吨。黑龙江呼兰地区粮库和贸易商车板价1400元/吨,齐齐哈尔1340元/吨,均比11月末上涨40元/吨;望奎1300元/吨;佳木斯、集贤为1300元/吨,均比11月末上涨20元/吨。  相似文献   

广东省4月玉米、豆粕、进口鱼粉价格分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1玉米震荡盘整 2006年3月。广东的玉米价格终于没有“炒”到1600元/t.而是顺应市场状况稳中下调,14.5%水分新玉米3月1日报价l410元/t,23日报价l380元/t。主要原因是:一是禽流感疫情;二是月内货源充足;三是月内以阴、雨、潮天气为主,抵达的玉米水分均在14.5%~15%,用户无法大量购入建仓;四是关内某些产区的玉米有霉变,已有猪场投诉受损,用户慎重购货。  相似文献   

<正>近年来,饲料资源短缺,新的替代资源研究已成为行业热点。棕榈粕、椰子粕作为饲料原料在国外畜牧行业已经应用多年,目前其应用技术  相似文献   

The protein quality of two- or three-component mixtures of blood meal, feather meal and bone meal was characterized by amino acid scores and rat net protein utilization (NPU) values. A graphic method designed to find optimum levels of the limiting essential amino acids in the mixtures was suitable for predicting the optimum of NPU values determined by feeding rats with diets having 10% crude protein. The protein quality of mixtures of blood meal, feather meal and bone meal showed an optimum if blood meal constituted 60% of the protein content of the mixtures; however, poor feed intake and growth data were obtained.  相似文献   

凡纳滨对虾饲料中发酵豆粕替代鱼粉的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
用0、6.50%、13.00%、19.50%和26.00%发酵豆粕相应替代0(对照组)、16.67%、33.33%、50.00%和66.67%的鱼粉蛋白的实用饲料,喂养体重为(1.82±0.02)g的凡纳滨对虾56d,结果表明,发酵豆粕替代小于33.33%的鱼粉蛋白对凡纳滨对虾生长性能和饲料利用率无显著影响,过高的替代水平会降低对虾的生长性能和饲料利用率;饲料中发酵豆粕替代鱼粉对虾体水分、蛋白和灰分含量影响不显著,对脂肪含量有显著影响,但当发酵豆粕替代鱼粉蛋白50.00%以上,随着发酵豆粕替代量的增加而脂肪含量则显著降低。  相似文献   

发酵棉粕替代豆粕饲喂猪试验   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
应用发酵棉粕、棉粕在猪的全价饲料中替代50%的豆粕,对仔猪、生长猪和育肥猪进行饲养试验,其结果表明发酵棉粕各试验组与豆粕对照组相比,对猪的生长、健康和饲料利用率无明显差异,而未经发酵的棉粕以同样的量替代豆粕,猪的生长速度和饲料利用率明显低于发酵棉粕组和豆粕组。  相似文献   

豆粕和发酵豆粕替代鱼粉对卵形鲳鲹摄食生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以初始平均体重为(112.21±0.73)g的卵形鲳鲹(Trachinotus ovatus Linnaeus)为研究对象,进行为期70d的摄食生长试验,研究不同添加水平的发酵豆粕和不发酵豆粕对卵形鲳鲹摄食生长的影响。试验共配制8种等氮等能的饲料,其中以全鱼粉饲料为对照组(饲料1);豆粕取代饲料主要以鱼粉和豆粕为蛋白源,其中,发酵豆粕分别替代17.6%、31.4%、45.1%和60.8%的鱼粉蛋白(饲料2~5),普通豆粕蛋白分别替代17.6%、31.4%和45.1%的鱼粉蛋白(饲料6~8)。结果表明,饲料中不同水平的豆粕替代量对卵形鲳鲹的成活率和摄食无显著影响(P0.05),但当豆粕蛋白替代鱼粉蛋白达到45.1%时,会显著降低卵形鲳鲹的特定生长率、饲料转化率和蛋白质效率(P0.05)。饲料中用发酵豆粕蛋白替代鱼粉蛋白达到60.8%时,也显著降低卵形鲳鲹的增重率、饲料利用率(P0.05)。但是与豆粕替代组相比,在45.1%的鱼粉蛋白替代水平下,发酵豆粕组的增重率和饲料利用率显著高于普通豆粕替代组(P0.05)。  相似文献   

Zinc bioavailability in soybean meal   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A phytate-containing soy protein concentrate (SPC) diet (13.5 mg Zn/kg) and a phytate-free egg white diet (.3 mg Zn/kg) were used to determine the relative bioavailability (RBV) of Zn in dehulled soybean meal (SBM) based on Zn depletion-repletion growth bioassays in young chicks. After a 4-d Zn depletion period, chick weight gain responded linearly (P < .01) to graded increments of supplemental Zn (0 to 10 mg/kg) from ZnSO4 x 7H2O, whether added to the Zn-deficient SPC or egg white diet. Slope, however, was over twice as great for the standard curve relating weight gain to supplemental Zn intake for the egg white diet as for the SPC diet. Addition of 7 to 10 mg Zn/kg from SBM to either Zn-deficient diet increased (P < .01) weight gain, but a similar SBM addition to either diet made adequate in Zn did not increase weight gain. Using standard-curve methodology, RBV of Zn in SBM was 78% when the the SPC diet was used, but it was only 40% when the egg white diet was used. The phytate contained in the SPC basal diet therefore markedly reduced the efficiency of utilizing the supplemental inorganic Zn from ZnSO4 x 7H2O. This lowered the slope of the standard curve so that, on a relative basis, the Zn in SBM had a higher RBV value than was the case for Zn utilization in SBM with the phytate-free egg white diet. The 78% Zn RBV value in SBM would seem to have the greatest relevance for practical-type corn-SBM diets.  相似文献   

Background: Two experiments were conducted to estimate the net energy(NE) of corn, soybean meal, expel er-pressed rapeseed meal(EP-RSM) and solvent-extracted rapeseed meal(SE-RSM) using indirect calorimetry and to validate the NE of these four ingredients using pig growth performance.Methods: In Exp.1, 24 barrows(initial BW = 36.4 ± 1.6 kg) were allotted to 1 of 4 diets which included a corn basal diet,a corn-soybean meal basal diet and two rapeseed meal diets containing 20% EP-RSM(9.5% ether extract) or SE-RSM(1.1% ether extract) substituted for corn and soybean meal. The design allowed the calculation of NE values of corn,soybean meal and rapeseed meals according to the difference method. In Exp.2, 175 growing pigs(initial BW = 36.0± 5.2 kg) were fed 1 of 5 diets for 28 d, with five pigs per pen and seven replications(pens) per treatment in order to validate the measured energy values. Diets were a corn-soybean meal diet and four diets including 10% or 20% EP-RSM and 10% or 20% SE-RSM.Results: The NE of corn, soybean meal, EP-RSM and SE-RSM were 12.46, 11.34, 11.71 and 8.83 MJ/kg DM, respectively. The NE to ME ratio of corn(78%) was similar to tabular values, however, the NE to ME ratios of soybean meal(70%) and rapeseed meal(76%) were greater than tabular values. The greater NE value in EP-RSM than in SE-RSM is consistent with its higher EE content. Increasing EP-RSM or SE-RSM did not affect the growth performance of pigs and the caloric efficiency of NE was comparable for al diets.Conclusions: The NE of EP-RSM was similar to soybean meal, and both were greater than SE-RSM. The DE, ME and NE values measured in Exp.1 are confirmed by results of Exp. 2 with comparable caloric efficiencies of DE, ME or NE for all diets.  相似文献   

The nutritional value of meat meal (MM), chicken meal (CM), and corn gluten meal (CGM) as dietary sources of protein in dry food formulated for adult cats was evaluated. Twelve healthy adult cats (11 males and 1 female) were used. Dry diets containing MM, CM, or CGM as the main protein source were given for a 3-week period in a 3 x 3 Latin-square design. Digestion and balance experiments were conducted during the last 7 d of each period. In addition, freshly voided urine was taken to determine urinary pH and number of struvite crystals. As compared with the CM diet, dry-matter digestibility was higher and lower for the MM and CGM groups, respectively. Percentages of nitrogen (N) absorption and N retention to N intake were higher in the MM group, and N utilization was not different between the CM group and the CGM group. All cats excreted alkaline urine (pH > 7). Urinary pH, struvite activity product, and number of struvite crystals in urine were lower for the CGM group. There was no difference in retention of calcium and magnesium among the groups. From the point of view of digestibility and N utilization, MM is superior to CGM, and CM is better than or equivalent to CGM as a protein source of dry foods for adult cats. However, when CM is used as a dietary protein source, some manipulation of dietary base excess may be needed to control urinary acid-base balance, because CM contains higher calcium and phosphorus.  相似文献   

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