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This study investigates the climate impact on the radial increment of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) in Estonia at the species’ northern distribution limit. Tree-ring width series of 162 living oaks were compiled into three regional chronologies—western (1646–2008), northeastern (1736–2011), and southeastern Estonia (1912–2011). Although these regional growth patterns are similar to each other and even to the growth patterns in adjacent regions, spatial differences in growth responses to climate were established. Thus, oaks growing on shallow soil in western Estonia are positively influenced by summer (June–August) precipitation, and oaks on the deeper soil in northeastern Estonia are favoured by June temperature, while oaks in the southeastern part of the country depend on both July precipitation and temperature. These relationships are pronounced especially in pointer years. However, due to the impact of regional weather fluctuations on tree growth, there is a lack of correspondence between the local and the pan-European pointer years. In addition, our research presents the first tree-ring-based palaeoclimatic reconstruction for the country. Although the created model has relatively low predictive skill describing less than a quarter of the variance in actual summer precipitation in western Estonia, it has passable capacity of detecting past rainfall extremes.  相似文献   

Crown size is a good indicator of the growth potential of trees and is often used in forest management for outlining thinning guidelines or constructing forest growth models. The aim of this study was to analyse mean crown radius as a function of stem size, stand density and site productivity in even-aged stands of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.). Data included measurements of 620 trees from 53 plots in nine thinning experiments and one operational stand in Sweden, Denmark and Great Britain, representing a wide spectrum of thinning practices ranging from the strictly unthinned control to extremely heavy thinning with essentially solitary trees. Three sets of models were constructed based on different predictor variables, including indicators of individual stem size (diameter at breast height, DBH), stand density/thinning grade (quadratic mean diameter and stand basal area) and site productivity (stand top height). Preliminary results indicated a significant effect of DBH and (nominal) thinning grade on crown radius. The response pattern of the final models indicated an increasing crown radius with increasing DBH, with increasing thinning grade (decreasing stand density) and with decreasing site productivity. The models are valid for predicting the crown radius of pedunculate oak in even-aged forest stands.  相似文献   

Natural regeneration of pedunculate oak growing under a canopy of Scots may be used for conversion into a mixed or predominantly broadleaved forest. From an economic perspective it is desirable that the oaks have straight stems. In this paper we present a case study for analysing oak stem curvature and its causes. The study was conducted in a mature pine stand with understorey oaks of age ca. 60 years in Poland. The oaks were classified into two main groups as either straight or crooked. The following variables were measured or assessed for the oaks: (1) stem curvature (crookedness), total tree height, diameter at breast height (DBH) and some tree crown characteristics, (2) the growth of DBH and height in each year of the life of each tree and (3) the competitive pressure of surrounding trees. Durable stem curvatures were formed at the culmination of the height increment. The first 20 years of the life of the oak were crucial in terms of stem quality. The annual height increment was larger in the years when the curvature was formed than in adjacent years. The factors that caused crooked stems were the same for straight and crooked oaks, but the magnitude of the response was different. When planning the conversion of Scots pine into oak, full overhead light should be provided as early as possible, but not later than 20 years since the establishment of the regeneration.  相似文献   

Cork oak (Quercus suber) forests are acknowledged for their biodiversity and economic (mainly cork production) values. Wildfires are one of the main threats contributing to cork oak decline in the Mediterranean Basin, and one major question that managers face after fire in cork oak stands is whether the burned trees should be coppiced or not. This decision can be based on the degree of expected crown regeneration assessed immediately after fire. In this study we carried out a post-fire assessment of the degree of crown recovery in 858 trees being exploited for cork production in southern Portugal, 1.5 years after a wildfire. Using logistic regression, we modelled good or poor crown recovery probability as a function of tree and stand variables. The main variables influencing the likelihood of good or poor crown regeneration were bark thickness, charring height, aspect and tree diameter. We also developed management models, including simpler but easier to measure variables, which had a lower predictive power but can be used to help managers to identify, immediately after fire, trees that will likely show good crown regeneration, and trees that will likely die or show poor regeneration (and thus, potential candidates for trunk coppicing).  相似文献   

Romero-Severson  Jeanne  Aldrich  Preston  Feng  Yi  Sun  Weilin  Michler  Charles 《New Forests》2003,26(1):43-49
Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) variation was examined in 48 northern red oaks at 14 sites representing contrasting glacial histories and age structures within the state of Indiana in the United States. PCR-RFLP of three intergenic regions revealed five haplotypes. Haplotype I was common to seven sites and was the most frequent (17 trees). Haplotype II was common to five sites and was nearly as frequent as haplotype I (16 trees). Haplotypes III, IV and V were equally infrequent and did not occur together. Genetic diversity resided among rather than within populations (GST = 0.73 ± 0.14). This preliminary survey shows that cpDNA diversity will be a useful tool for the investigation of ancient seed dispersal patterns in northern red oak.  相似文献   

GIBBS  J. N.; GREIG  B. J. W. 《Forestry》1997,70(4):399-406
Episodes of dying back of pedunculate oak Quercus roburhaveoccurred in Europe. In this article, produced to mark the 70thvolume of Forestry, the 1920s episode, as described by contemporaryresearch workers, is evaluated. The second part of the paperis concerned with an accountof the 1989–1994 episode inGreat Britain and comparisons are made with occurrences elsewherein Europe. In Britain, one feature not previously recorded,was attack on declining trees by the buprestid beetle, Agriluspannonicus.  相似文献   



Avoidance or control of epicormic shoots is among the major silvicultural challenges for the production of high-quality oak timber. In northern Europe, contemporary oak silviculture aims to produce valuable timber on a relatively short rotation, applying early, heavy thinning combined with artificial pruning.


The aim of this study was to analyse the effects of pruning and stand density on the production of new epicormic shoots on young trees of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.).


The study was based on two field experiments in even-aged stands of pedunculate oak subjected to different thinning practices and early selection of potential future crop trees. From ages 13 to 15 years, stem density was reduced to 300 trees ha?1, 1,000 ha?1 or stands remained unthinned. Pruning was conducted on selected trees at ages 22–24 years. At that age, the stem density in unthinned control plots ranged from 2,500 to 3,100 ha?1. All treatments were replicated twice within each experiment.


Pruning led to an overall increase in the total production of new epicormic shoots. More epicormic shoots were produced in the lower part of the stem (0–3 m in height) than in the upper part (3–6 m). The number of new epicormic shoots increased with increasing stand density.


Early, heavy thinning combined with high pruning at regular intervals may help shorten the rotation length for pedunculate oak without further reduction in wood quality than that which is caused by wider annual growth rings.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate to which extent forestry professionals, other “green” professionals (mainly landscape architects) and natural resource students in Denmark agree with the general population regarding their recreational preferences for contrasting stem densities in young, even-aged stands of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.). The study was based on five pairs of colour photographs from each of the five recently thinned experimental plots in a 13-year-old stand. The plots represented five different residual stem densities: 7000 (unthinned), 5300 (traditional thinning), 1000, 300 and 100 stems ha?1. All cut trees were left on the ground. The analysis was carried out as a survey of forest and landscape experts (n=158) and the general public (n=243) based on questionnaires. Interviewees ranked the photographs according to the criterion: “Which forest environment do you prefer as a visitor?” Principal component factor analysis showed that the general public tended to perceptually group photos according to similar overall pattern of openness, presence of row structure and stand accessibility (including presence/absence of slash). As long as a stand appeared accessible, stand density had little influence on their preferences for a wide range of stand densities (5300?300 stems ha?1). In contrast, foresters, other “green” professionals and students seemed to perceptually group photos according to treatment type, and the presence of slash had little influence on their preferences. This suggests an influence of professional background, making experts visually analyse and evaluate stands according to contemporary management standards and paradigms within their own profession.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to establish an operational model of productive work time per tree (work efficiency) for high-pruning of young European beech and pedunculate oak depending on tree species, pruning height, branch characteristics, pole saw type and operator. The final model included all of these independent variables with branch characteristics specified in terms of number of live branches and cross-sectional area of the thickest branch at the cut. Work time increased with increasing values of each of the three numeric variables. For a given pruning height the size of the largest branch was for all practical purposes more influential than the number of live branches. Beech took 28% longer to prune than oak. The German Ergo-Schnitt saw was 21% slower than the Japanese Silky Hayauchi saw. The variation in worker performance within our study was larger than that attributed to tree species and pruning equipment.  相似文献   

Analytical studies concerning the species composition of galls occurring on the leaves of Quercus robur L. were conducted in 2000 in three localities: near an urban agglomeration of Kraków – the Wolski Forest, in a protected area – the Ojców National Park and in a managed forest – the Andrychów Forest District. In each of the selected localities 2000 leaves (a total of 6000 leaves) were randomly collected. A total of 2246 galls, including 1028 in the Andrychhów FD, were found. The galls represented 12 insect species. The species composition of galls in the Ojców NP (11 species) distinctly differed from those of the remaining two areas (7 species each). Neuroterus quercusbaccarum (L.) ♀♀ was the most abundant species in the managed forest. The index of occurrence frequency and the Agrell's index of species co-existence have been calculated. The frequency of gall occurrence varied considerably in the investigated localities. On the basis of the Agrell's index of species co-existence it was shown that the strongest bond existed between Neuroterus laeviusculus Schenck ♀♀ and Andricus ostrea (Hartig) ♀♀ in the managed forest.  相似文献   

This study compared visitor preferences of forestry professionals across six European countries (Sweden, Denmark, Great Britain, Austria, Romania and Portugal) using a questionnaire survey. The 598 interviewees were asked to rank photographs depicting recently thinned experimental plots in a 13-year old stand of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) according to the criterion: “Which forest environment do you prefer as a visitor?” The plots represented five different residual stem densities: 7000 (no thinning, very high stem density), 5300 (heavy thinning, high stem density), 1000 (very heavy thinning, medium stem density), 300 (extremely heavy thinning, low stem density/open stand) and 100 (solitary trees, very low stem density/very open stand) stems ha?1. The results indicated geographical variation in the preferences for different thinning practices in young stands of oak. Portuguese, Austrian and Romanian respondents generally favoured thinned, but dense stands, whereas Danish and British respondents preferred very heavily thinned stands. Swedish respondents preferred open stands resulting from extremely heavy thinning. Photographs taken along rows were favoured to photographs across rows, indicating a preference for scenes offering perspective and accessibility. The results indicate a variation of visitor preferences among forestry professionals for different silvicultural regimes. We interpret this in the context of national traditions and forestry paradigms that influence the shaping of preferences.  相似文献   


This research work presents a study on the properties of finger jointing green oak wood (Quercus conferta L.) using a one-component polyurethane adhesive. The effect of finger-joint orientation (vertical or horizontal fingers) was also examined. In general, the results from the measurements of modulus of rupture and modulus of elasticity of green-glued finger-jointed specimens indicated that the green gluing of a high-density species such as oak wood is feasible.  相似文献   

Oaks’ decline in vitality is attributed to a complex process that involves interactions of several factors leading to increased trees’ mortality. This study investigates the structure of trunk wood of oaks with reference to its physiological role in hydraulic conductivity. On the basis of the crown condition, the oaks were classified into three health groups: healthy trees, declining trees and dead trees. Anatomical traits of wood, such as annual ring width, vessel density, vessel diameter of earlywood and theoretical hydraulic conductivity, were measured and calculated. The narrowest annual rings formed by the cambium were observed in dead oaks. These trees were also characterized by the smallest diameter of earlywood vessels, not only in the period of occurrence of dieback symptoms, but also during their whole life. It is suggested that the formation of narrow annual rings and earlywood vessels of small diameter increases susceptibility of a tree to decay. A reduced vessel diameter implies changes in hydraulic conductivity of oak trunks and thus impairs the water transport, which affects the health of trees. The process of oak decline is considered to have characteristics of natural selection and leads to the elimination of the weakest trees.  相似文献   

H. Butin 《Forest Pathology》1992,22(4):237-246
Observations in the field suggest that certain species of endophytic fungi which occur, but are normally dormant, in the leaves of Quercus robur can be stimulated to pathogenic development by the feeding activity of certain gall insects. As a result of the death of leaf tissue the gall is also killed. This antagonistic relationship between endophytic fungi and gall insects is illustrated in the following three examples: Kabatiella apocrypta / Trioza remota, Gloeosporium quercinum / Neuroterus numismalis and Dichomera saubinetii / Polystepha panteli.  相似文献   

The mixture of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and oak (sessile oak, Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl., and pedunculate oak, Q. robur L.) is of considerable importance in Europe and will probably become even more important under climate change. Therefore, the performance of oak and beech in mixture was compared with the species’ growth in pure stands. Data from 37 long-term mixing experiments in Poland, Germany and Switzerland were pooled for analysis of mixing effects on stand productivity and possible interrelationships with mixing portions or site conditions. We found that on average, mixed stands of oak and beech exceeded biomass productivity in pure stands by 30 % or 1.7 t ha?1 year?1, as the growth of both species was benefitted by the mixture. However, that the interaction actually ranged from facilitation and overyielding on poor sites to underyielding on fertile sites triggered by competition. An empirically derived interaction model showed volume and dry mass growth changing in mixed stands from gains of 50 % to losses of 10 % depending on site conditions. It is concluded that the analysed mixture grows in accordance with the stress-gradient hypothesis and that our results suggest a site-specific relationship between species mixture and biomass productivity. As a consequence, an adequate species mix should result in increased productivity under steady state as well as climate change.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to determine the genetic variability and differentiation among populations of pedunculate oak(Quercus robur) at the eastern margin of the species distribution range.We applied new set of 95 geographically informative nuclear SNP(single nucleotide polymorphism) loci developed using Double Digest Restriction Site Associated DNA(ddRAD),a new generation DNA sequencing technology.The study area is located in the basins of the Volga River and its two main tributaries,Kama and Belaya.Despite the strong reduction and fragmentation of pedunculate oak forests over the last several centuries and comparatively small sizes of present stands,a relatively similar genetic diversity of seven populations was observed(on average,allelic diversity v_a=1.472-1.603,observed heterozygosity H_O=0.305-0.358,expected heterozygosity H_E=0.272-0.343).The genetic distances between populations vary between 0.102 and 0.170(on average,d_0=0.128).We have identified the absence of a spatial genetic structure and the existence of genetically peculiar populations in the territory studied.The genetic distances of Gregorius between populations vary between 0.102 and 0.170(on average,d_0=0.128).Genetic differentiation among populations was statistically significant with a mean of the fixation index F_(ST) of 0.075.Populations from the Privolzhye Upplands and from northern parts of the study area make the most contribution to overall inter-population differentiation(d_0=0.137).No significant differences exist among the samples at lowlands along the Volga river(d_0=0.110).It was concluded that the multiplicity and different ages of local populations and the complexity of migration routes of the pedunculate oak from Pleistocene refugia and secondary Holocene shelters can cause this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Prewein C  Vagner M  Wilhelm E 《Tree physiology》2004,24(11):1251-1257
Somatic embryos of oak (Quercus robur L.) were matured on P24 media differing in gel strength (0.8, 0.9 and 1.0% (w/v) agar). Viscosity and osmotic potential (Psipi,medium) of the media were determined. Developing cotyledonary embryos were analyzed at maturity Stages I-III for water content, osmotic potential (Psipi,embryo) and concentrations of abscisic acid (ABA) and proline. Proliferation of embryogenic tissue, germination rates and the number of embryos formed were also determined in order to relate embryo quality to physiological parameters. Viscosity increased with agar concentration, a phenomenon apparently related to water availability. Many Stage III embryos with high germination potentials were obtained on P24 medium containing 1.0% agar. Embryo water content decreased progressively from 94 to 80% during embryo maturation. Stage I and II embryos that matured on media containing 0.8 or 0.9% agar had similar values of Psipi,embryo, whereas Psipi,embryo of Stage III embryos that matured on medium containing 1.0% agar was significantly lower, although Psipi,medium was unaffected by gel strength. Stage III embryos showed a nearly 16-fold increase in proline concentration and a 50% decrease in ABA concentration compared with Stage I embryos. We conclude that tissue water status and a complex relationship between ABA and proline concentrations, modulated by medium gel strength, are important factors in the maturation process and the quality of oak somatic embryos.  相似文献   


Veneer checking is a common enough occurrence in woodworking. It appears as cracks in the veneer and generally following the grain. Their appearance and the variation of their depth and frequencies have tremendous impact on their utilization. Finding a means of identifying and characterizing the veneer checks is an important ongoing challenge. An automated device, named SMOF, was developed in LABOMAP (Arts et Metiers – France) and achieves this task. By using the SMOF device, the lathe checks occurred in veneers of two species: zeen oak (Quercus canariensis Willd.) and afares oak (Quercus afares Pomel) were detected, automatically imaged and then, the depth and intervals of checks measured. The results were described by statistical distributions that exhibited abnormalities, such as skewness and kurtosis, which were assessed by mode analysis. It has been established that hot soaking temperature (from 60°C to 90°C) reduce slightly the cutting forces for both species, no produce significant heart checks within the loose side of veneers. However, low soaking temperature (from 50°C to 65°C) allow avoiding deeper lathe checking, producing shallower ones acceptable for veneer production.  相似文献   

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