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We identify, describe qualitatively, quantify biophysically and, if possible, monetarily valuate the most important ecosystem services in Swedish forests. Existing Swedish and Nordic research and statistics within this area are reviewed and used to develop a first framework for the valuation of ecosystem services in Swedish forests. We base our analysis on the CICES framework and the Cascade-model. Despite the rather long occurrence and use of the concept of ecosystem services, we do not yet have enough information on the status and economic value of services in Swedish forests. The value of the forest ecosystem services is at best an indication of the different multifunctional objectives that should be met in the management of the Swedish forests. The five most central ecosystem services in Swedish forests according to annual flow are timber and pulpwood, bioenergy, game, climate regulation and recreation and training, each estimated to have a monetary value of several billion SEK. The different ecosystem services in multipurpose forests interact with each other and may lead to conflicts between use and conservation. We identified a number of trade-offs and synergies between services focusing on the five above ecosystem services.  相似文献   

Insect outbreaks are natural phenomena that play a critical role in the development, senescence, and rebirth of forests. However, the damage caused by large-scale epidemics can have landscape scale consequences that are often poorly understood. The recent mountain pine beetle (MPB) outbreak in Canada has impacted a record >18.5 million hectares of pine forests, placing forest values at risk and significantly impacting forest-dependent communities within the region. To assess this impact, an ecosystem service-based approach was applied. Based on land cover information and monitoring data, four ecosystem services were assessed and mapped: merchantable timber, water provisioning, aboveground carbon storage, and vegetation diversity (supporting habitat). Timber is the most impacted provisioning ecosystem service followed by water provisioning, with peak stream flow in affected watersheds being positively related to mortality percent. Effects on carbon storage are substantial, with 20% of total timber aboveground carbon in dead pine trees. These effects may be mitigated, however, by the growth response of residual live trees and forest regeneration. The potential vegetation diversity showed a positive response to MPB-caused tree mortality. The results of our study may help with setting management priorities in response to large-scale biotic damage in forests in British Columbia and elsewhere.  相似文献   

Semantic wikis support collaboratively editing, categorising, interlinking and retrieving web pages for a group of experts working in a certain domain. The use of semantic technologies allows the expression of wiki content in a more structured way, which increases its potential use. This contribution presents an overview of the development process towards a semantic wiki related to a repository of forest decision support systems, including models, methods and data used, as well as case studies and lessons learned. An international group of experts took part in the conceptualisation of the semantic wiki (i.e. identification of wiki properties and forms), provided content and developed queries to analyse the information gathered. The resulting ForestDSS wiki gives an overview of the current use, development and application of forest decision support systems worldwide. Based on the experiences gathered during the process, some challenges are reported and conclusions on further developments are made.  相似文献   

The potential for development in decision support for forest management is set by decision theory, available technology and methods. Demands for decision support are emerging from contemporary challenges and problems of forest management which act as stimuli for the science community. Objectives and approaches in forest management as well as technologies have been changing throughout history. Accordingly, the demand for tools to support planning and decision-making has evolved. In this contribution, the authors review the historic development of decision support systems (DSS) for forest management and discuss past, current and future drivers. Based on evidence from scientific literature, case studies in the frame of the Forest Management Decision Support Systems (FORSYS) action, as well as experiences of the authors some hypotheses about the future of DSS are drawn. It is shown that in the past, the drivers evolving from forest management as well as decision support technologies have influenced the way of how models and methods have been applied as well as how DSS architectures have been designed. It is concluded that in the future, the challenges for DSS development will increase, as the complexity of decision-making processes and the related models will compete with the user demands which ask for simplicity.  相似文献   

武陵源森林生态系统服务功能及其效益评估   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据森林生态系统服务功能的内涵和森林生态系统特征,采用物质量和价值量相结合的评价方法,使用市场价值法、影子工程法、生产成本法、机会成本法定量评价了武陵源自然保护区森林生态系统服务功能经济价值。结果表明:在武陵源自然保护区森林生态系统服务功能价值平均每年达1.975×105万元,其中涵养水源的间接经济价值为1.058×104万元,固定CO2的间接经济价值为5.968×103万元,释放O2的间接经济价值为2.2×103万元,土壤肥力保持的间接经济价值为3.44×103万元。净化服务的间接经济价值为1.52×102万元,旅游服务价值为1.75×104万元(2002年)。  相似文献   

Decision support systems (DSSs) are indispensable tools in preparing a forest management plan for a better combination of multiple forest values. This study attempted to develop and explain a stand-based forest management DSS (Ecosystem-based multiple-use forest planning [ETÇAP]) comprising a traditional simulation, linear programming (LP), metaheuristics and geographic information system. The model consists of five submodels; traditional management approach to handle inventory data, an empirical growth and yield model, a simulation to conceptualize management actions, a LP technique to optimize resource allocation and a simulated annealing approach to directly create a spatially feasible harvest schedule. The ETÇAP model has been implemented in a comparative two case study areas; Denizli–Honaz and Akseki–Ibrad?. Both simulation and optimization models outperformed to the traditional management plan. The periodical change of growing stock, allowable cuts, carbon sequestration and water production are used as performance indicators. The results showed that more amount of wood could be harvested over time compared to traditional level of harvesting. It could be concluded that various management strategies allowed managers to stimulate more decision options for better outputs through intertemporal trade-offs of management interventions as the model provided tools to quantify forest dynamics over time and space. Challenges exist to establish the functional relationships between forest structure and values for better quantification and integration into the management plans.  相似文献   

广西九万山自然保护区是以中亚热带常绿阔叶林及其垂直带谱为主的森林生态系统及珍惜濒危动植物为主要保护对象的国家级自然保护区,对区域与国家都有着重要的生态服务价值。经过实地调研,应用市场价值、机会成本、影子价格等方法对九万山国家级自然保护区内提供林木产品、涵养水源、保育土壤、固碳释氧、积累营养物质、净化大气环境、生物多样性保护等森林生态服务价值功能进行评估。结果表明:九万山国家级自然保护区森林生态系统服务功能总价值226 533.30万元/年。其中涵养水源(132 198.24万元/年)保护生物多样性(42 241.14万元/年)固碳释氧(37 433.96万元/年)保育土壤(9 624.30万元/年)林木产品(4 543万元/年)净化大气环境(266.92万元/年)积累营养物质(225.76万元/年)。  相似文献   

大中山自然保护区森林生态系统服务功能价值评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从生态系统服务功能的概念入手,根据观测和研究资料,采用替代工程法、市场价值法等方法,从直接和间接价值两个方面评价了大中山自然保护区森林生态系统服务功能的价值。结果表明,大中山自然保护区森林生态系统的生态服务功能总价值每年为5.62×10^8元,其中涵养水源价值为3.29×10^8元,净化水质价值为5.69×10^7元,保持水土价值为5.64×10^7元,固碳制氧价值为6.11×10^7元,净化环境价值为4.13×10^7元,林、粟及副产品等直接经济价值为1.75×10^7元。  相似文献   

雾灵山自然保护区森林生态系统服务功能价值评估   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
对雾灵山自然保护区的森林生态系统服务功能价值进行了评估,得出雾灵山自然保护区森林生态系统服务总价值30272.76万元/a,其中,间接经济价值28144.82万元/a,占总价值的92.97%。其直接经济价值2127.94万元/a,占总价值的7.03%。直接经济价值与间接经济价值的比值是1:13.23,由此可见,雾灵山自然保护区森林生态系统服务功能间接价值的重要性。因此,保存森林的价值,决不仅仅是木材价值上的保护,更重要的是森林的生态系统服务功能间接价值的保护。  相似文献   

The ecosystem service concept has been proposed as a meaningful framework for natural resource management. In theory it holds concomitant benefit and consequence for the forest product sector. However, numerous barriers impede practitioners from developing concrete and enduring responses to emerging ecosystem service markets, policies, and initiatives. Principle among these barriers is that the ecosystem service concept has a complex history, numerous definitions in use, and an astounding diversity in rationale and application. This article provides a conceptual review of ecosystem services and its economic foundations, distinguishes among several current definitions of the term and their relatedness to strategies in practical application, discusses diverse approaches to valuation, and explores potential for future relevance in forest product and other sectors.  相似文献   


Despite the growing body of research on ecosystem services and their valuation, Jordan still faces many challenges with integration of ecosystem service concepts into forest sustainability policy and management planning. One major challenge is the incorporation of local communities into policy design, planning, and implementation. This article aims to provide information about the social value of forests’ provisioning and cultural services in a spatial context using Geographical Information Systems (GIS). The study utilizes a new approach to mapping value in rural areas by projecting local forest value from interview data. A value index is created based on indicated importance of services as well as proximity to households, permitting interpolation of value in forested areas between survey points. The resulting maps illustrate ecosystem service “hotspot” areas of significance to planning and management. This mapping technique can be applied in other locations where homes are situated near and within the ecosystems being assessed. The resulting maps serve to inform forest management policy and planning by better integrating communities’ preferences into development and conservation efforts, ensuring more efficient utilization of ecosystem services.  相似文献   

基于森林生态系统服务概念,建立了一个新的林地资源预测模型,预测中国2010-2050年的林地资源需求。通过耦合森林生态系统服务功能与森林分类经营之间的关系,预测在假设生态公益林提供生态系统服务功能需求,商品生产林供给原木和工业用材的前提下,同时考虑了人口增长、社会经济发展目标、森林管理方式和技术进步等要素对森林资源的影响。这一模型预测表明,2010、2020、2050年林地资源的需求量将分别达到2.448×108、2.612×108、3.622×108 hm2。结论表明,未来我国森林资源存在较大缺口,尤其是缺乏以提供生态系统服务功能为主的生态公益林。建议林业部门必须注重加强森林资源可持续经营,注重提升森林生态系统服务能力。  相似文献   

We present a decision support tool for guiding the selection of marked stands based on airborne laser scanning (ALS) data. We describe three stages, namely (1) wall-to-wall mapping of the stands matured for cutting using low-density ALS data; (2) tree-level inventory of these stands using high-density ALS data and (3) theoretical bucking of the imputed tree stems to produce detailed information on their characteristics. We tested them in a Scots pine dominated boreal forest area in Eastern Finland, where 79 sample plots were measured in the field. The detection of the stands matured for cutting had a success rate of 95% and our results demonstrated a further potential to limit the result towards stands dominated by certain species by means of intensity values derived from the low-density ALS data. The applied single-tree detection and estimation chain produced detailed tree-level information and realistic diameter distributions, yet the detection was highly emphasised on the dominant tree layer. The error levels in the estimates were generally less than standard deviations of the field attributes. Finally, plot-level accumulations of saw-log volumes were found rather similar, whether the input was based on the imputed tree data or trees measured in the field. The results are considered useful for ranking the stands based on their properties, whether the aim in the wood procurement is to focus on certain species or to select stands suitable for production needs.  相似文献   

The paper discusses methods to compensate for the costs incurred in the supply of forest ecological services (FES), i.e. government dominated and market-based instruments as well as progress made so far in China. Factors which constrain the supply of these services and potential policy improvements are presented.  相似文献   

Tropical montane cloud forests deliver important goods and services to society, such as timber, the supply and purification of fresh water, and carbon sequestration. In spite of their relevance, current deforestation rates are very high, at the expense of affecting the provision of ecosystem services. We explore the impact of land use change in terms of provision of ecosystem services by following two approaches, one very detailed (focused on hydrological services – water quality) and another one with a broader perspective (at a large scale and considering the ecosystem service value (ESV) of several ecosystems and their ecosystem services at the same time). In the highlands of the State of Veracruz, previously forested lands were converted into coffee plantations and cattle ranches. To evaluate the role of species composition and community structure on water quality, we studied nine small watersheds (<15 ha) covered by pristine cloud forest, coffee plantations and cultivated grassland (three each). Species richness of the three land use types was similar, although species composition was as different as 90%. Overall species diversity as well as that of woody species, and growth form diversities decreased in the transformed land uses. Water quality of streams flowing through these watersheds declined: nutrients (nitrate), conductivity, cations, chloride and suspended solids were lowest in the forest streams and highest in streams from coffee watersheds, whereas grasslands were intermediate. We also calculated ecosystem service values (using the transfer value method) and estimated economic market–non-market gains and losses owing to land transformation. Loss of natural ecosystems may imply a significant economic loss to society in terms of ecosystem services, although market gains may still lead land owners to land conversion because revenues are higher. Adequate Payment for Ecosystem Services may be a good option to prevent deforestation, but the compensation should be at least equal to the opportunity cost of the promoted land use. Our estimates are indicative of the urgent need to go beyond water quantity as the most relevant ecosystem service considered in PES schemes.  相似文献   

The necessity,basis,characteristic and methods of restoring and reestabling broadleaved/coniferous mixed forest ecosystem from the secondary forest of Mongolian oak(Quercus mongolica)are briefly set forth;then several effective methods of restoration and reestablishment are put forward and discussed as follows:openning up effect belt or island to establish horizontal order mixture;replenishing the blank niche to make vertical orderly mix-ture;planting artificial mixed forest to create biological diversity;developing ecological forestry,establishing integrated agroforestry ecosystem;and closing the land for forest and pre-serving some stands considering special conditions and demads.  相似文献   

This study developed an integrated decision support system (DSS) to assist land managers in taking a long-term holistic approach to integrated land-use decisions. “MyLand” is a unique combination of existing methods and techniques: meta-modelling calibrated off-productivity surfaces for spatial application, a decision tree for selecting options, multiple land-use analysis, multiple outputs and a mapping interface deployed over the Web. The design provides visualisation of geospatial information and enables multiple stakeholders to contribute to a more collaborative land-use planning process. Techniques to solve forestry modelling challenges have been generalised and applied in modelling pastoral and forestry land-use types. Forestry yield modelling is accommodated by a two-stage approach of spatial modelling of a productivity index followed by meta-modelling output from forest stand growth models. Livestock farming is modelled using the property owner's estimates of livestock carrying capacity of land management units in a whole property stock reconciliation model. The environmental performance of the property is calculated from the land-use type and management regime. A case study is described to demonstrate the use of “MyLand” and results of user evaluation of the DSS are presented.  相似文献   

Wild ungulates such as white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) are highly valued wildlife assets that provide subsistence, economic and cultural benefits to hunters and rural communities. Yet, high density populations of these herbivores can contribute significantly to regeneration failures in a wide range of forest types. Pre-European settlement white-tailed deer densities were estimated to have been approximately 2–4 deer km−2, and similar densities have been recommended to balance contemporary forest regeneration and wildlife objectives.  相似文献   

FORESTAR:东北地区多目标森林经营的决策支持系统(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国林业过去曾经实行过大砍大造的方针,导致全国范围的生态灾难和林区的经济困境。当前正在实施的天然林保护工程和退耕焕还林工程是在我国山地森林应用生态系统管理的良好时机。针对长白山地区天然林的保护与经营,我们建立了一个决策支持系统,简称为FORESTAR。它是以林业局为单位、用GIS框架下的森林资源清查数据建立的。最初的版本包括两个子模块:森林采伐设计和森林恢复经营。在每个子模块下,用户可以比较各种决策条件下的效果,以便从中选优。这个决策支持系统可以用来帮助各级林业工作者实现上下一致的、多目标的森林经营管理规划。图2参17。  相似文献   

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