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榕属植物在园林空间构建中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
榕属(Ficus)植物作为岭南园林中最具特色的一类植物,通过其各种生物学特性,在植物空间的构建中发挥着重要作用。文章通过对广州及附近城市园林绿地的调查,阐述了榕属植物在园林空间构建中的作用和影响因素,总结出榕属植物通过孤植、列植、垂直绿化、空间点缀、形成空间序列等形式,构成植物空间。并对空间构建过程中,榕属植物与其他造景要素的配合以及榕属植物独特的文化内涵进行了讨论。  相似文献   

榕属植物在福建省园林中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林强 《福建林业科技》2004,31(4):129-133
榕属植物具有生性强健、形态优美、遮荫效果好、耐修剪、寿命长等优点 ,是优良的园林绿化树种 ,在福建省园林中应用广泛。文中介绍了榕属植物在福建省园林中的应用类型 ,列出了福建省园林中应用的主要榕属植物 ,并指出应用中应注意的问题  相似文献   

范钟琪 《广东园林》2021,43(6):13-16
寺庙园林历史底蕴深厚 , 文化内涵丰富,园内的植物更是其独特内涵的体现。以唐代岭南佛教中心桂林的寺庙园林为例 ,研究其中植物景观的种类特点与配置结构。结果发现:11 处寺庙园林共有园林植物 75 种,隶属 52 科 67 属,其中桑科榕属 Ficus植物和天门冬科植物是最主要的组成部分;并且有些园林植物 ( 如桂花Osmanthus fragrans 、樟Cinnamomum camphora 等)既蕴含佛教内涵又体现了壮族文化。总体而言,桂林寺庙园林植物景观建设不仅体现了独特的山水特征,也包含着壮族文化底蕴。  相似文献   

在春秋两季对厦门园林植物园的 1 0种榕属植物 (垂叶榕、黄金榕、小叶榕、大叶榕、高山榕、橡皮树、花叶橡皮树、菩提树、大果榕、无花果 )叶的热值和灰分含量进行了研究。结果表明 :( 1 ) 1 0种榕属植物具有较高的灰分含量 ,其中垂叶榕、大叶榕、小叶榕、黄金榕、无花果春秋两季的灰分含量均在 1 0 %以上 ;1 0种榕属植物叶的灰分含量具有不同的季节变化趋势。 ( 2 )高山榕、橡皮树、大果榕的干重热值较高 ,均在 2 0 2 0kJ·g- 1 以上 ;而大叶榕、垂叶榕、黄金榕、菩提树、无花果的干重热值较低 ,在 1 9 0kJ·g- 1 以下 ;1 0种榕属植物中 ,7种的干重热值春季比秋季高 ,3种秋季比春季高。 ( 3 )园林植物园 1 0种榕属植物叶的干重热值与灰分含量分别在2 0 0 1年 1 1月 (秋季 )与 2 0 0 2年 5月 (春季 )具有极显著 (P <0 0 1 )与显著的线性相关 (P <0 0 5 )。 ( 4 )高山榕、橡皮树、垂叶榕的去灰分热值较高 ,春秋两季均在 2 2 0kJ·g- 1 以上 ;而无花果、菩提树、大叶榕的去灰分热值较低 ,基本上在 2 1 0kJ·g- 1 以下。  相似文献   

绿篱是一种重要的园林表现形式,在园林中的应用越来越广泛。通过对广州6个城市公园绿篱植物的调查,总结出广州公园常用绿篱植物有30种,隶属20科25属,其中应用频率最高的前5种分别是:黄金榕、金叶假连翘、福建茶、垂叶榕和棕竹。文章对绿篱植物的色彩及其配置形式进行了分析归纳,对绿篱植物在城市公园中的应用提出若干建议,以期为绿...  相似文献   

羊蹄甲属观赏植物的辨别及其园林应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
羊蹄甲属(Bauhinia)观赏植物,在华南地区的园林中被广泛应用,并呈现应用种类逐渐增多的趋势.本属观赏植物形态类似,由于各个地区传统称谓不同,导致这类园林观赏植物的命名混乱.本文对羊蹄甲属8种观赏植物进行描述和区分,编制以营养器官和繁殖器官检索表加以区分,并阐述其园林应用的方法和前景,为园林工作者对其准确识别和应用...  相似文献   

绣线菊属植物资源及其在园林中的应用前景   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
综述我国绣线菊属植物原种和变种资源及其分布,介绍常用的种类、栽培品种及其优良性状、园林应用状况,并推荐一些优良的绣线菊植物种类,阐述绣线菊属植物在园林中的应用前景.与英、美、德等国家对绣线菊的引种和应用相比,我国对绣线菊属植物的深入研究和园林应用亟待加强.  相似文献   

浅论榕属植物在岭南园林中的应用   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
榕属植物是热带、亚热带森林群落中的关键类群。许多种类具有独特的外形及丰富的文化内涵,在岭南园林中占有重要的地位。本文从生态特色和文化内涵方面分析了榕树在岭南园林中的地位.对该种在园林中配置方式也作了简要的介绍。  相似文献   

鼎湖山距广州84公里,具有丰富的热带植被自然景观,作者认为,鼎湖山植物群落对广州园林中植物造景是一个很好的参考。据此,作者讨论了在广州城市园林及绿地的植物配置,为使景色更具有热带特点,作者提出引进更多的榕属,藤本、树上的附生植物,阴生植物,色彩鲜艳的开花树木,棕榈,竹类,蕨类植物以及具板根的树木。此外,除了引入大量的国外植物外,还要重视引入大量乡土植物,以增进雨林的景观效果。将它配置成多层的人工群落。  相似文献   

榕树腐烂病的调查夏显文(隆昌县园林所)榕树(Ficusinicrocarpa)又名小叶榕、细叶榕,属桑科榕属。榕树为常绿高大乔木,生长快,寿命长,树荫浓密,树形美观,且树干着生胡须似的气生根而别具一格。榕何适应性强,成活率高、生长快,耐粗放管理,是城...  相似文献   

易帅 《广东园林》2023,(2):17-20
随着城镇化的快速发展,乡村在生态、社会、文化等多个层面出现衰退,使得乡村景观价值受到减损。保护乡村生态环境、丰富乡村社交活动、加强城乡融合发展、培育乡土文化景观等策略能够提升乡村景观价值。以邓岗村泥浦涌公园更新设计为例,剖析其乡村景观价值衰减现象,并针对其深层影响因素,基于乡村景观价值提升视角,通过改善生态环境、创建多元化活动空间、串联里水河滨江带、及重塑榕荫空间等具体措施改善景观价值受损状况。  相似文献   


Intensive forest management has changed both local and regional characteristics of Fennoscandian forest. However, quantitative documentation of landscape transformations is rare. In this study, five forest landscapes were examined in order to define and quantify forest landscape transformation in southern Finland from the 1940s to the 1970s and 1990s. These areas of 140-200 km2 contained both private and state-owned forests. Digital aerial photographs of each area were classified into no-canopy forest (clear-cut and seedling stands, open mires) and closed-canopy forest (young and mature stands). Patch density, mean patch size, largest patch index and edge density calculated for closed-canopy patches indicated fragmentation from the 1940s to the 1970s and recovery from the 1970s to the 1990s. Trends were very similar in both ownership groups. Thus, fragmentation of closed-canopy forests has not progressed continuously in southern Finland, but shows different patterns depending on the period. However, the recovery observed between the 1970s and 1990s does not necessarily mean an increased abundance of the natural old-growth areas that are needed to host many of the currently threatened species.  相似文献   

Mao‘ershan region is a representative natural secondary forested region in the eastern mountainous region, northeast of China. Under the support of ARC/INFO, the landscape pattern and landscape diversity of Mao‘erhshan region were sudied by combining the forest type map (1:10 000), which was drawn from the aerial photographs (1999), field investigation and land utilization map (1:10 000). The selected indices included patch number, patch size, patch density index, richness index,dominance index, evenness index and diversity index. The results showed that the landscape dominant forest type in Mao‘ershan region was softwood broad-leaved forest. In all landscape types, the average patch area of natural secondary forests was bigger than that of artificial forest. The patch density index of each landscape formed in artificial forest was higher than that of natural secondary forest. The landscape diversity index and landscape evenness index of natural forest were highest, the landscape heterogeneity was also, but the landscape dominance was lower. In natural forest, the control effects of landscape elements on landscape-structure, function and its change were weakened. The artificial forest was on the contrary.  相似文献   

随着人们对城市环境的重视,园林景观光环境建设项目日益增多,而随之暴露出来的问题也越来越多。针对现阶段城市园林景观光环境中存在的问题,对城市园林景观光环境设计进行试探性研究并提出几点要求,以提升城市园林景观光环境设计理论与实践的水平。  相似文献   

广东省榕属Ficus古树数量大、种类多,占广东古树总数的29.1%,包括榕树F. microcarpa、雅榕F. concinna等21种。通过分析榕属古树的组成和分布特征,探究影响其保存和保护的历史文化成因。结果表明,在榕属古树中,三级古树占90.2%,粤北地区一级古树数量较多;榕树数量最多,占81.8%。榕属古树在珠三角核心区和粤东、粤西两翼分布密度较大,粤北地区分布密度较小,总体呈现沿海向内陆递减的趋势;村落和寺庙宗祠是集中分布点。榕属古树的分布除了受本属生物学特征和自然地理条件约束,更受到乡村民俗文化、儒释道文化和士大夫文化等文化要素的影响。这些要素既是区域生态文化的体现,也是古树保护与利用的价值所在。传承区域生态文化是保护古树资源的重要途径。  相似文献   

In this study, we identified the distribution characteristics of a mixed forest of coniferous and broad-leaved trees (a typical forest type in Hokkaido, Japan) using landscape metrics and topographic factors, and attempted to apply this knowledge to examine forest management. This approach provides a new perspective (i.e., the landscape structure) on forest management, which traditionally has been determined on the basis of individual forest stands. We first created a cover type map of the study area by means of aerial photo interpretation. The characteristics of each cover type identified from the photographs were determined using landscape metrics for each cover class. We digitized a forest administrative map (1:20,000 scale) using 20-m contours, and imported this into GIS software to produce a terrain model; on this model, we overlaid the cover types. Our examination of landscape metrics showed that most of the natural forest could be managed similarly. However, our examination of topographic characteristics revealed exceptions (e.g., areas that are difficult to regenerate) that will require particular attention when managing the natural forest. Based on the information we obtained, we proposed a guideline for sustainable forest management. From the land cover map, we proposed an “improved” cover type map to illustrate the development of a high growing stock of forest based on forest management. We compared the current cover map with the “improved” cover map and demonstrated that the improved form would have more significant effects on fauna that do not recognize differences in the proportion of the dominant species types than on those that can recognize these differences. Our results show how the information obtained using landscape metrics and terrain models is an essential tool for various stages of forest management planning.  相似文献   

关于建设节约型园林技术体系的研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
聂磊 《广东园林》2007,29(4):64-68
从节约型园林的背景、特征、内容和目标出发,探讨了节约型园林与生态园林的相关性。以功能过程为导向的开放式城市绿地生态理论作为建设节约型园林技术体系的主要理论依据,指出节约型园林技术体系的主要内容由生态绿地格局理论、群落营造理论、循环工艺理论、生物修复理论、立体绿化理论等构成,并且分析了技术体系各组成部分的具体内容与功能。最后明确了建设节约型园林也是实现生态城市,尤其是生态园林城市的重要途径。  相似文献   

从景观、景观设计的概念分析入手,着重剖析当前景观设计行业所存在的问题。  相似文献   

景观作为自然环境和人类活动相互作用的综合产物,是不断变化的,如何在城市化进程快速发展的地区监测景观变化,已成为各个国家及组织密切关注的问题。英国的乡村品质统计项目(Countryside Quality Counts, CQC)作为目前英格兰地区最可靠的景观变化报告方法,提供了一个记录及监测景观变化的系统。基于理论和案例研究,明确了景观特征变化是景观变化的核心,系统介绍了 CQC 的源起和发展,以及研究的内容和方法,并通过具体的实例说明评估的流程,以及评估的结果和应用。CQC 为监测和理解景观变化、管理和保护多样化景观、促进区域的可持续发展提供了新的途径。  相似文献   

Mao'ershan region is a representative natural secondary forested region in the eastern mountainous region, northeast of China. Under the support of ARC/INFO and GIS technology, the landscape shape and fragment indices of Mao'ershan experimental plantation were studied by combining the forest type map (1∶10000), which was drawn from the aerial photographs (1999), field investigation (1999) and soil utilized map (1∶10000). The results showed that the shape index and shape fragment index of natural landscape were higher than those of artificial landscapes and landscape patch fragment index depended on the number of patches. The natural forest had complex shape, suffering little jamming, and its shape index was higher than that of artificial forest. The manual controlled landscape (e.g. nursery, cropland and cutting blank) had regular shape, and its shape index was smaller. The fragment index of patches in natural forest was higher than that of artificial forest. The soft broad-leaved had the highest fragment index of patch amount. Foundation item: This paper was supported by National Key Technologies P&D Program of China during the 10th Five-Year Plan Period (2002BA515B040). Biography: LI Shu-juan (1977-), female, Lecturer in Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266003, P. R. China. Responsible editor: Zhu Hong  相似文献   

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