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Effects of management system, ewe breed, sex, and legume grazing on cooking and sensory characteristics and shear force of lamb meat were estimated from data collected on animals produced in three management systems. System 1 lambs were born in late fall and fed to slaughter on a concentrate diet. System 2 lambs were born in January and February and grazed pure stands of alfalfa or ladino clover after weaning. System 3 lambs were born in March and April and remained with their dams on native bluegrass-white clover pasture throughout the grazing season. Lambs were progeny of either 1/2-Suffolk, 1/2-Rambouillet ewes or 1/2-Suffolk, 1/4-Finnsheep, 1/4-Rambouillet or Dorset ewes and were sired by Suffolk rams. Lambs were slaughtered at 50 (females) to 55 kg (males). One-half of the males in System 1 were left intact; all males in Systems 2 and 3 were castrated. Mean age at slaughter was 156, 204, and 234 d for lambs in Systems 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Cooked weight of loin chops averaged 68.5% of uncooked weight and did not differ among systems. Shear force was greatest for System 1 lambs and least for System 3 lambs in yr 1, but systems did not differ in shear performance in yr 2. System differences in tenderness favored System 3 lambs. Although mean flavor intensity was least for System 2 lambs, the frequency of high-intensity, potentially objectionable flavors was highest for these lambs and especially for those grazing alfalfa. In general, however, sensory characteristics did not differ greatly among production systems, and correlation analysis revealed little potential to use carcass traits to predict meat characteristics.  相似文献   

Performance of 1/2-Suffolk, 1/2-Rambouillet (Western) and 1/2-Suffolk, 1/4-Rambouillet, 1/4-Finnsheep (1/4-Finn) ewes was compared in three different lamb production systems over 3 yr. System 1 (56 ewes) involved late fall lambing over 84 d. System 2 (51 ewes) involved January and February lambing for 60 d. System 3 (47 ewes) involved March and April lambing for 45 d. Pregnancy rates for yearling ewes were lower in System 1 in yr 1 (50.7% vs 87.4% for Systems 2 and 3) but differed little among systems for older ewes or in remaining years. Average pregnancy rates for 2-yr-old and older ewes were 89.5, 94.0 and 85.7% for Systems 1, 2 and 3, respectively. When the pregnancy rate was adjusted to a 45-d lambing season, means for older ewes were 78.6, 89.5 and 85.7% for System 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Ewe breeds did not differ in their pregnancy rates. Prolificacy (lambs born per ewe lambing) was higher for 1/4-Finn ewes (1.83 +/- .06 vs 1.55 +/- .07) and was higher in System 3 (1.86 +/- .06) than in Systems 1 (1.60 +/- .07) or 2 (1.63 +/- .05). Body weight at breeding in postyearling ewes was less in System 3 (64.3 kg); than in Systems 1 or 2 (average of 73.1 kg). Breeds did not differ in weight at 1 or 2 yr of age, but Western ewes were 2.1 +/- 1.1 kg heavier as 3-yr-olds.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Three management systems (winter, spring, and late summer) distinguished by season of lambing and management practices were compared for litter size born and weaned and growth and carcass characteristics of lambs. Three sire breeds (Cheviot, Rambouillet, and Suffolk) and three dam breeds (Florida Native, Native-X, and Synthetic-X) were used in 698 matings over a 3-yr period. System affected (P < .01) litter size born. Spring lambing yielded more lambs (1.62) than winter (1.49) and late summer (1.12). The winter-born lambs were lighter but fatter (P < .05), and spring-born lambs were leaner with higher leg conformation and carcass quality scores. The late summer-born lambs were not different from spring-born lambs. Wethers had higher (P < .01) weights off test than ewe lambs (43.9 vs 42 kg) but had lower (P < .01) leg conformation scores, percentage kidney and pelvic fat, yield grade, and dressing percentages. Dam breed effects were significant (P < .05) for average preweaning daily gains with 249+/-5, 201+/-9, and 191+/-9 g for progeny of Native-X, Florida Native, and Synthetic-X, respectively. Single-born lambs had higher daily gains (P < .05) than twins in a preweaning period in all management systems and higher postweaning and lifetime daily gains for winter and spring management systems.  相似文献   

The 4 yr productivity of 25% (QF; n = 533) and 50% (HF; n = 531) Finnsheep ewes exposed to either Suffolk or Columbia rams in one of three production systems was monitored to test the effects of system, terminal sire breed, maternal line, and their interactions on annual market lamb production. Ewe lambs and yearlings were randomly assigned to either a high-input accelerated lambing system (HIGH), a high-input annual system (MED), or a low-input annual system (LOW). Nursery facilities were available for weak lambs or those born in triplet or more births for the HIGH and MED but not for the LOW systems. Accelerated lambing protocol required early weaning. Sex-adjusted lamb weaning weights were corrected to within-system mean ages of 42 d for HIGH and 70 d for MED and LOW. The HIGH ewes weaned 1.55 lambs per year compared with 1.46 for MED and 1.18 for LOW (P less than .01). However, because of early weaning, HIGH yielded the lowest weight of weaned lamb per year. The MED ewes weaned 5.9 and 11.1 more kilograms of lamb per year than the LOW and HIGH ewes, respectively (P less than .01). The HIGH system may be economically feasible if young lambs could be inexpensively grown to feeder or market lamb weight. The HIGH ewes did not, however, increase lamb numbers in proportion to increased exposures compared with the annual systems. Breed-group effects for ewe productivity (kilogram of lamb weaned per ewe per year) were consistent across management systems, although some interactions among breed group and system were present for components of productivity. Suffolk rams yielded an advantage of 1.6 kg of weaned lamb per exposure over Columbia rams (P less than .05) due to a 3% better lamb survival (P less than .01) and heavier weaning weight, especially in the LOW system. The HF ewes weaned .1 more lambs per exposure than QF ewes (P less than .01); .06 of the lambs were nursery-reared. However, lambs from HF ewes had a 2% lower survival rate (P less than .05) and were 1.4 kg lighter at weaning (P less than .01), so overall productivity among HF and QF ewes was similar.  相似文献   

Milk production and lamb growth were characterized in 118 multiparous, 3- to 7-yr-old Rambouillet, Columbia, Polypay, and Suffolk ewes under spring sage range and high mountain meadow grazing from 28 to 98 d postpartum. Daily milk yield as measured by the lamb suckling weight differential technique did not differ (P greater than .05) among breeds, although milk production of Suffolk ewes tended to be higher than that of the other three breeds. Within the Rambouillet, Columbia, and Polypay breeds, total estimated yield of ewes with twins was 13 to 17% higher than that of ewes with singles, whereas in the Suffolk breed, suckling twins increased total milk yield 61% over that of ewes with singles. Twin lambs induced a larger differential in dam milk production in late lactation (70 to 98 d) than in earlier lactation (28 to 70 d). Number of lambs did not influence milk protein, Ca, or P content (P greater than .05). Fat levels in colostrum and 4-d milk were elevated 14 and 20%, respectively, in ewes suckling twins compared with ewes suckling singles. Under range conditions, Suffolk ewes suckling single or twin lambs lost more BW (12 and 21% of 4-d postpartum body weight, respectively) than Rambouillet (4 and 7%), Columbia (5 and 8%), or Polypay (8 and 8%) ewes. Correlation coefficients of milk production and lamb growth rate were positive and significant (P less than .05) up to 56 d of age. Growth rate was less closely associated with milk production for twin than for single lambs.  相似文献   

The effects of cimaterol, a beta agonist, on basal metabolic rate, heat increment, maintenance requirements and carcass characteristics were determined using six treated and six control Suffolk ewe lambs. The lambs were fed a pelleted diet (18.7% CP, 2.64 Mcal ME/kg) with or without .5 mg cimaterol/kg BW.75 daily for 70 d. Heat production was monitored for 2 d on each animal at three levels of intake by respiration calorimetry. A 7-d total collection digestion trial was conducted on each animal at both high and low levels of intake. Cimaterol-fed lambs gained more (P less than .05) weight (174 vs 107 g/d) and had a higher (P less than .01) gain/feed ratio (151 vs 90 g/kg) than controls. Cimaterol did not affect diet digestibility or methane production. It reduced (P less than .01) urinary N excretion by 12% and improved (P less than .001) N retention by 18%. Cimaterol also increased carcass weight (26.9 vs 22.1 kg), dressing percentage (57.2 vs 53.9), longissimus muscle area (22.5 vs 15.0 cm2) and leg score (14.3 vs 12.2). Heat production was, on the average, elevated 7 to 10% on d 1 to 4 of cimaterol feeding but reverted to control levels by d 10. Cimaterol did not have any long-term thermogenic effects, either expressed as partial efficiency of ME use for growth (.48 vs .49), as maintenance ME requirements (76 vs 75 kcal/kg BW.75) or as fasting heat production (84 vs 80 kcal/kg BW.75) for treated vs control lambs, respectively. Results indicate little long-term thermogenic effect of cimaterol, even though growth rate and protein deposition were increased.  相似文献   

试验旨在研究草颗粒和草颗粒补饲精料对乌珠穆沁羊生产性能、屠宰性能和肉品质的影响。选取20只6月龄体重为(28.83±0.19) kg乌珠穆沁羊,采用随机区组设计,随机分为2组,每组10只。设计2种日粮饲喂乌珠穆沁羊,分别为草颗粒(对照组)和草颗粒补饲精料(试验组)。结果表明:补饲精料未能显著影响羊的日增重(P>0.05),日增重分别为56.33和60.00 g。对照组和试验组的3项屠宰性能指标(宰前活重、胴体重、屠宰率)、6项化学成分指标(粗蛋白、粗脂肪、有机物、干物质、钙、磷)、6项肉品质指标(pH1、pH24、大理石纹、亮度、熟肉率、剪切力)、16项脂肪酸指标和15项氨基酸指标差异均不显著(P>0.05)。试验组羊4项屠宰性能指标(净肉重、净肉率、眼肌面积、GR值)、4项肉品质指标(红度、黄度、胆固醇、失水率)、6项脂肪酸指标(十三碳酸、肉豆蔻酸、珍珠酸、γ-亚麻酸、α-亚麻酸、花生酸)和3项氨基酸指标(异亮氨酸、酪氨酸、精氨酸)均显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。对照组7项主要脂肪酸(丁酸、月桂酸、肉豆蔻烯酸、十五碳酸、十五碳烯酸、棕榈酸、棕榈油酸、硬脂酸、油酸、n-6/n-3)、苏氨酸和谷氨酸显著高于试验组(P<0.05)。饲喂草颗粒补饲精料对乌珠穆沁羊生长性能影响不大;天然草地草颗粒饲喂能满足家畜营养需求,在促进乌珠穆沁羊生产性能、屠宰性能和肉品质方面具有重大潜力。  相似文献   

Range ewes are commonly evaluated for milking ability by producers to determine the ewe's ability to rear lamb(s). The U.S. Sheep Experiment Station has subjectively scored (low, average, high) a ewe's milking ability within 24 h of lambing for many years. The relationship of subjective milk scores with lamb production was investigated using lambing records of Columbia (n = 1,731), Polypay (n = 1,129), Rambouillet (n = 1,704), and Targhee (n = 1,638) ewes. The incidence of high milk scores increased from less than 10% at first parity to 29 to 40% at second and greater parities. At maturity, Columbia ewes (38%) had the highest percentage of high milk scores. A positive association existed between ewe BW and her milk score at third and later parities. Ewes with high milk scores gave birth to heavier lambs (P < 0.05), whereas ewes with low milk scores were associated with lighter (P < 0.05) lambs at birth. Ewes with low milk scores weaned less (P < 0.05) total weight than ewes with better milk scores across all age groups for all breeds. Lighter weaned litter weights from ewes with low milk scores were linked to lighter birth weights and fewer weaned lambs. Differences for litter weight weaned between ewes with average and high milk scores were generally observed at 2 and 3 yr of age, when litter weights were heavier among ewes with high milk scores (P < 0.05) for all breeds. Between the ages of 1 and 3 yr, Columbia, Polypay, Rambouillet, and Targhee ewes with an average milk score weaned heavier (P < 0.05) litters (average differences of 10, 9, 13, and 12%, respectively) than ewes with low milk scores. For all breeds at all ages, individual lamb weaning weights were heavier (P < 0.05) when they were reared by ewes with high milk scores compared to lambs reared by ewes with low milk scores. Results suggest that milk score is an economically important trait in these four breeds and should be considered in management and breeding objectives; at a minimum, the incidence of low milk scores should be kept as small as possible.  相似文献   

Angus-crossbred steers (n = 216) were used in a 3-yr study to assess the effects of winter stocker growth rate and finishing system on finishing performance and carcass characteristics. During winter months (December to April) steers were randomly allotted to 3 stocker growth rates: low (0.23 kg x d(-1)), medium (0.45 kg x d(-1)), or high (0.68 kg x d(-1)). Upon completion of the winter phase, steers were randomly allotted within each stocker treatment to a corn silage-concentrate or pasture finishing system. All steers regardless of finishing treatment were finished to an equal-time endpoint to eliminate confounding of treatments with animal age or seasonal factors. Upon completion of the finishing period, steers were slaughtered in 2 groups (one-half of pasture and one-half of feedlot cattle each time) and carcass data were collected. Winter data were analyzed as a completely randomized design, with winter treatment, pen replicate, year, and the winter x year interaction in the model. Finishing performance and carcass data were analyzed in a split-plot design with finishing system in the whole plot, and winter growth rate and winter x finish in the split-plot. Winter treatment mean within finishing replication was the experimental unit, and year was considered a random effect. Winter stocker phase treatments resulted in differences (P < 0.001) in final BW, ADG, and ultrasound LM area between all treatments for that phase. Pasture-finished cattle had lower (P < 0.001) final BW, ADG, HCW, LM area, fat thickness, KPH, dressing percent, USDA yield grade, and USDA quality grade. Winter stocker treatment influenced (P < 0.05) final BW and HCW, with low and medium being less than high. Steers with low stocker gain had greater (P < 0.05) finishing ADG. Dressing percent was greater (P < 0.001) for high than low, and USDA quality grade was greater (P < 0.05) for high than low and medium. Carcass LM area, fat thickness, KPH, and USDA yield grade were not influenced (P > 0.05) by winter rate of gain. Cattle on low during winter exhibited compensatory gain during finishing but were unable to catch the high group regarding BW or HCW. The USDA quality grade was greater for high than low or medium. Animal performance during the winter stocker period clearly impacts finishing performance, carcass quality and beef production in both pasture- and feedlot-finishing systems, when cattle were finished to an equal-time endpoint.  相似文献   

Heifer and steer progeny of 2-yr-old first-cross (F1) heifers and 3- to 6-yr-old F1 cows, from Hereford dams and five sire breeds, were evaluated for postweaning feedlot growth and carcass composition. Breeds of sire of dam were Angus (A), Red Poll (RP), Tarentaise (T), Simmental (Sm), and Pinzgauer (P). Calves from 2-yr-old heifers were sired by Shorthorn, and calves from 3- to 6-yr-old dams were sired by Charolais. Breed of sire of dam was significant (P less than .05 to P less than .01) for total gain and final weight for female progeny from 2-yr-old dams. At all weights, Sm, P, and T ranked above A and RP. Progeny of A, P, Sm, and T F1 2-yr-old dams were not significantly different but were higher (P less than .05) than RP heifers in total feedlot gain. Breed of sire of dam was significant (P less than .05) for carcass weight and longissimus muscle area; T ranked highest and RP lowest. Breed was not significant for any growth traits of steer progeny of 2-yr-old dams. Breed was significant for marbling score; A ranked highest and exceeded (P less than .01) both RP and Sm steers. Breed was significant (P less than .05) for most growth traits in the heifer progeny of the 3- to 6-yr-old dams bred to Charolais sires. Heifer calves of the Sm group were heavier (P less than .05) than all other groups for most weights and total gain. For total gain, P and T were intermediate and A and RP lowest. For heifer carcass traits from 3- to 6-yr-old dams, breed was significant (P less than .05 to P less than .01) for carcass weight, longissimus muscle area, percentage of cutability, and estimated kidney, heart, and pelvic fat. Heifers from Sm-sired dams were heavier (P less than .05) than those from all other groups but ranked second to heifers from P for percentage of cutability. Marbling scores of RP heifer carcasses ranked highest of all groups. Breed was not significant (P greater than .05) for any of the weights or gains in steer progeny of 3- to 6-yr-old dams; however, the Sm and P groups ranked above A and RP for all feedlot test weights.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Two concurrent trials were conducted to examine the effects of gender, time of castration, genotype and feeding regimen on lamb growth rate and carcass fatness. Trial 1 compared Polypay and Coopworth x Polypay male lambs either left intact or castrated early, mid or late in growth. Trial 2 compared Hampshire-sired lambs (females, early castrate wethers and late castrate wethers) from Suffolk x Coopworth dams and whiteface x Coopworth dams. Gender and time of castration significantly affected growth rate in Trial 1 but not in Trial 2. Rams were more efficient than wethers, but no other gender or time of castration effects on feed efficiency were observed. Delaying castration and pasture grazing both reduced fatness. Lambs grazed on irrigated pastures until they weighed 41 kg then finished in drylot had a lower dressing percentage than lambs fed in the drylot throughout, but USDA quality grades were similar. Substitution of Polypay genes by Coopworth genes in crossbred lambs did not significantly alter any of the fatness traits measured but increased ribeye area. Hampshire-sired lambs grew faster than whiteface lambs, particularly in drylot. They had a higher dressing percentage without increased fatness, apparently because of greater muscling in ribeye and leg.  相似文献   

Postweaning growth, feed consumption and carcass characteristics of 259 individually fed F1 Angus-, Red Poll-, Pinzgauer-, Simmental- and Tarentaise-sired steers from Hereford dams were compared. Average daily gain to 382 d of age for Simmental-sired steers exceeded (P less than .05) the ADG for Red Poll, Angus and Pinzgauer, which were not different. Tarentaise-sired steers were intermediate in growth rate. Simmental-sired steers required less (P less than .05) feed per kilogram of gain than Red Poll- and Angus-sired steers to reach either 382 d of age or 400 kg. Feed conversion (FC) by Simmental, Pinzgauer and Tarentaise-sired steers did not differ (P greater than .05), nor did FC by Red Poll- and Angus-sired steers to reach 382 d or 400 kg. Angus-sired steers required less ME per kilogram of gain to reach 12.7 mm of carcass backfat than did Red Poll-, Pinzgauer- or Tarentaise-sired steers, which were similar. Simmental-sired steers were intermediate in feed conversion to 12.7-mm fat depth and did not differ from the other breed groups. Rankings of breed groups for traits indicative of lean tissue growth were similar to rankings for live animal growth traits. At age- and weight-constant endpoints, Angus-sired steers had more (P less than .05) fat cover and marbling than did steers sired by the other breeds. At these endpoints, Red Poll-sired steers also had more (P less than .05) fat cover than did Pinzgauer-, Simmental- and Tarentaise-sired steers, which were similar.  相似文献   

Four experiments were conducted to determine whether leucine's alpha-ketoacid, alpha-ketoisocaproate (KIC), would influence lamb growth, feed conversion, and carcass composition. In the first experiment, lambs were injected intraperitoneally with 3.5 g of Na-KIC per day. In the second experiment, KIC unprotected from rumen degradation was fed at a rate of 15 g per animal daily. In a third experiment, KIC, leucine, and isovalerate (IVA), protected from rumen degradation, were fed to growing lambs at a rate of 1 g per animal per day. Finally, a fourth experiment was conducted in which ruminally protected KIC was fed to growing lambs at a rate of 1 g per animal per day. Ketoisocaproate tended to increase ADG and decrease fat deposition in all four experiments. Ketoisocaproate increased ADG by 11 (P less than .09), 10 (P less than .05), 9, and 13% in 1 through 4, respectively, and feed efficiency improved 5, 9 (P less than .02), 5, and 5%, respectively. Fat thickness over the 12th rib decreased 28 (P less than .06), 11, 17 (P less than .04), and 5% in Exp. 1 through 4, and the perirenal fat depot also decreased 13, 5, 18, and 3%, respectively. In contrast, neither ruminally protected leucine nor IVA affected the growth of young lambs. Together these studies indicate that administration of KIC to growing lambs can increase weight gain and muscle growth while decreasing fat deposition.  相似文献   

The effect of ewe maternal behaviour score on lamb and litter survival   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The study was carried out on a commercial New Zealand sheep farm with high ewe reproductive rates and lamb survival produced through intensive selection in its Coopworth flock for maternal ability.Heritability and repeatability estimates were derived for ewe maternal behaviour score (MBS) and litter survival (LIS). Heritability estimates were derived for lamb survival as a trait of the lamb (LAS) for all lambs, for twin (LAS2) and for triplet (LAS3) lambs.MBS and LIS were measured on 1954 dams, for a maximum of four parities: 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2000. MBS was measured at tagging on a 5-point scale (1=poor, 5=excellent) when the dam's lambs were between 12 and 36 h old. The mean MBS in this study was 3.3 and increased with litter size. LIS was measured from birth to weaning. Mean litter survival was 83%. LIS increased significantly as MBS increased (P<0.01). LIS decreased as the size of the litter increased (P<0.01). Age of dam was a nonsignificant effect on LIS (P>0.05).LAS was measured from birth to weaning on 4171 Coopworth lambs. Mean LAS was higher for lambs born as twins compared to lambs born as singles and lowest for lambs born as triplets (P<0.01). LAS was lower for lambs born to dams aged 2 years. This effect was significant for all lambs, regardless of litter size at birth and for the triplet lamb data set (P<0.01). The effects of age of dam and sex of lamb on twin lamb survival were not significant (P>0.05). Ewe lamb survival rate was higher when compared to ram lambs in the full data set, however the relationship was reversed for the triplet lamb data set where ram lamb survival was greatest (P<0.01). LAS decreased as the MBS of its dam increased (P<0.01). The relationship was significant for lambs in the full data set and the twin data set (P<0.05).MBS and LIS were under minimal genetic control. The heritability and repeatability for MBS were both 0.09. The heritability and repeatability for dam LIS were 0.0 and 0.11. Heritability for LAS over all lambs attributed to direct effects was 0.14, while the heritability attributed to maternal effects was 0.11. The heritability for twin (LAS2) and triplet (LAS3) lamb survival differed. Heritability attributed to direct and maternal effects were 0.0 and 0.21, respectively, for twin lambs and 0.08 and 0.16, respectively, for triplets.The genetic correlation between maternal and direct effect for LAS was −0.74. It is possible that the genes that regulate physiological and biochemical processes for survival are incompatible with the genes that enhance ewe-lamb bonding. For example, the genes that regulate the physiological factors to reduce gregariousness at parturition may in fact be the same genes that encourage isolation in the neonate from its littermates and dam.There is minimal genetic variation in this flock for lamb survival and maternal traits. Low genetic variation suggests that selection will be ineffective, and that farmers must consider environment and management techniques for improving lamb survival.  相似文献   

A replicated factorial experiment using 183 individually fed crossbred barrows was conducted. The pigs were fed an 18.5% CP (.95% lysine) diet with 3.594 kcal of ME/kg. The effects of five genotypes (GT): 1) Hampshire (H) X (H X Duroc [D]), 2) synthetic terminal sire line, 3) (H X D) X (Landrace [L] X [Yorkshire (Y) X D]), 4) L X (Y X D), and 5) Y X L; two levels of ractopamine (RAC) treatment: 0 and 20 ppm; and three treatment weight periods (WT): 1) 59 to 100, 2) 73 to 114, and 3) 86 to 127 kg live weight on ADG of dissected lean (ADLG) and fat standardized lean adjusted to 10% fat content (ADSLG) and feed efficiency of ADLG (LFE) and ADSLG (SLFE) were evaluated. Initial carcass lean quantity of each individual animal was determined by a regression equation (R2 = .95) generated from 30 additional barrows (six per GT) slaughtered at 59 kg and 30 (six per GT) untreated pigs slaughtered at 100 kg average live weight. Logarithmic and reciprocal transformations of dependent variables were used to stabilize heterogeneous variances and to improve normality of the residuals. Ractopamine increased (P less than .0001) ADLG, ADSLG, LFE, and SLFE, respectively, by 19.5, 25.0, 19.6, and 25.5%. Differences (P less than .001) were observed among genotypes for all traits, showing that considerable variation existed in the data and indicating that genetic improvement can be realized through the identification and selection of superior genotypes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Traits used for identification of replacement beef heifers and feeding levels provided during postweaning development may have major financial implications due to effects on maintenance requirements and level of lifetime production. The current study evaluated the effects of 2 levels of feeding during the postweaning period on growth, G:F, and ultrasound carcass measurements of heifers, and the associations among these traits. Heifers (1/2 Red Angus, 1/4 Charolais, and 1/4 Tarentaise) born in 3 yr were randomly assigned to a control (fed to appetite; n = 205) or restricted (fed at 80% of that consumed by controls adjusted to a common BW basis; n = 192) feeding during a 140-d postweaning period. Heifers were individually fed a diet of 68% corn silage, 18% alfalfa, and protein-mineral supplement (DM basis) in pens equipped with Calan gates. Ultrasound measurements of LM area, intramuscular fat, and subcutaneous fat thickness over the LM were made on d 140 (382 +/- 0.8 d of age). Average daily DMI was 4.1 and 5.6 kg/d for restricted and control heifers, respectively (P < 0.001). Feed restriction decreased (P < 0.001) BW (292 vs. 314 kg), ADG (0.52 vs. 0.65 kg/d), LM area (55 vs. 59 cm2), intramuscular fat (3.2 vs. 3.5%), and subcutaneous fat thickness over the LM (3.2 vs. 3.9 mm), but increased G:F (0.12 vs. 0.11) when compared with control at the end of the 140-d study. The magnitude of the associations of DMI with ADG (r = 0.32 vs. 0.21), 140-d BW (r = 0.78 vs. 0.36), hip height (r = 0.57 vs. 0.17), LMA (r = 0.30 vs. 0.18), and BCS (r = 0.17 vs. 0.11) was greater in restricted- than control-fed heifers. Variance of residual feed intake, calculated within each treatment, was greater (P < 0.01) in control (0.088) than restricted (0.004) heifers, and magnitude of association between residual feed intake and average DMI was greater in control (r = 0.88) than restricted (r = 0.41) heifers. Pregnancy rate tended (P = 0.11) to be reduced in heifers that had been developed on restricted feeding (86.3 +/- 2.3 vs. 91.5 +/- 2.3%). However, ADG was greater (P < 0.001) in restricted than control heifers (0.51 vs. 0.46 kg/d) while grazing native range in the 7 mo after restriction. In summary, restricted heifers consumed 22% less feed on a per-pregnant-heifer basis during the development period and had a greater magnitude of association between DMI and several growth-related traits at the end of the 140-d postweaning feeding period, which is indicative of improved efficiency.  相似文献   

Mature pregnant crossbred ewes (n = 90) were used in a randomized complete block design experiment and were assigned to 1 of 3 winter-feeding systems differing in primary feed source: haylage (HL), limit-fed corn (CN), or limit-fed dried distillers grains (DDGS). Effects of these winter-feeding strategies on postweaning progeny performance were determined. Lamb progeny (n = 96) were weaned at 61 ± 4 d of age and fed a common high-concentrate diet. Lambs were assigned to feedlot pen (n = 18) based on dam mid-gestation pen. Growth rate, DMI, and ADG were determined for the first 40 d of the finishing period. At 96 ± 4 d of age, 1 wether lamb was randomly selected from each pen (n = 18) for a glucose tolerance test. The experiment was terminated, and lambs were slaughtered individually when they were determined to have achieved 0.6-cm 12th-rib fat thickness. After a 24-h chill, carcass data were collected and a 2.54-cm chop was removed from each lamb from the LM posterior to the 12th rib for ether extract analysis. Additional carcass measurements of bone, muscle, and fat from the shoulder, rack, loin, and leg were collected on 35 carcasses. At weaning, lamb BW was not different among treatments, whereas final BW tended to be greater (P = 0.09) for lambs from ewes fed DDGS and CN during gestation than from those fed HL. Overall lamb growth rate from birth to slaughter was not different among treatments. Lambs from ewes fed DDGS vs. CN or HL tended to have a greater initial insulin response (P = 0.09). Dressing percent was less (P = 0.04) in lambs from ewes fed DDGS, but no difference (P = 0.16) was detected in HCW among treatments. As expected, 12th rib fat thickness was similar among treatments, whereas LM area was largest to smallest (P = 0.05) in lambs from ewes fed CN, HL, and DDGS, respectively. Proportion of internal fat tended to be greatest to smallest (P = 0.06) in lambs from ewes fed DDGS, CN, and HL, respectively. Calculated boneless trimmed retail cuts percentage was less (P = 0.04) in lambs from ewes fed DDGS than CN or HL. Loin muscle weight as a percentage of wholesale cut tended (P = 0.10) to be greater in lambs from ewes fed CN and HL than DDGS, whereas other muscle, bone, and fat weights and proportions were similar (P > 0.24) among treatments. Prepartum diet during mid to late gestation of ewes altered postnatal fat and muscle deposition and may be associated with alterations in insulin sensitivity of progeny.  相似文献   

本研究旨在探索发酵木薯渣在湖羊日粮中替代部分能量饲料(玉米)的可行性,并确定最佳替代比例。选择48只体重为(18.35±1.39) kg的湖羊公羔,随机分成4组,每组4个重复,每个重复3只羊,分别用发酵木薯渣替代0%(对照组)、20%(A组)、40%(B组)、60%(C组)玉米的日粮进行饲喂,试验期60 d。在试验开始和结束时测定羔羊生长性能,并采集血液样品进行分析,同时在试验结束时进行屠宰试验,测定屠宰性能以及肉品质。研究结果表明,A组湖羊的平均采食量(ADFI)显著高于对照组和B组(P<0.05),日增重(ADG)的变化趋势为A组>B组>对照组(P>0.05),A组和B组的料重比(F/G)有低于对照组的趋势(P>0.05)。而C组湖羊由于腹泻严重,于试验开始2周后将其淘汰。A组的宰前活重、胴体重、肝、瓣胃和肾的重量显著大于对照组和B组(P<0.05),而各组其他内脏器官无显著差异(P>0.05)。各组湖羊的血液生化指标和肉品质均无显著差异(P>0.05)。B组的肉豆蔻酸、棕榈酸等饱和脂肪酸的含量显著低于A组(P<0.05),而B组的十七烷酸和花生酸的含量显著高于A组和对照组(P<0.05),其他种类的脂肪酸无显著差异(P>0.05)。由此可见,利用发酵木薯渣替代20%玉米对湖羊公羔的生长发育和健康无不良影响,且能降低饲料成本,育肥效果最好。因此,将发酵木薯渣作为湖羊的饲料来源是完全可行的。  相似文献   

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