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The barley powdery mildew fungus, Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh), expresses 491 candidate for secreted effector proteins (CSEPs), identified based on presence of a predicted signal peptide and relative sequence uniqueness. Virtually nothing is known about the mechanism of action of CSEPs. The present study used host‐induced gene silencing (HIGS) to identify genes involved in early fungal aggressiveness. Screening of 22 selected CSEP‐encoding genes suggested that CSEP0007, CSEP0025, CSEP0128, CSEP0211, CSEP0247, CSEP0345, CSEP0420 and CSEP0422 are individually required for normal levels of aggressiveness of Bgh. Expression data showed that these genes were up‐regulated at initial stages of infection, suggesting their involvement in early fungal aggressiveness. Altogether, the findings expand the current knowledge of genes contributing to Bgh pathogenesis and provide the basis for future functional characterization.  相似文献   

Treatment of the first leaves of barley seedlings with the oxylipin colneleic acid, or the two trihydroxy oxylipins 9,12,13-trihydroxy-11(E)-octadecenoic acid and 9,12,13-trihydroxy-10(E)-octadecenoic acid, reduced infection of that leaf by the powdery mildew fungus Blumeria graminis Speer f sp hordei Marchal. When applied to first leaves, etheroleic acid and colneleic acid, as well as the trihydroxy oxylipin 9,12,13-trihydroxy-10(E),15(Z)-octadecadienoic acid, also reduced mildew infection in second leaves. In all cases where local and systemic effects against mildew were observed, activity of the defence-related enzyme phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) was increased, but only following challenge inoculation with powdery mildew. Peroxidase activity was not affected by oxylipin treatment or mildew inoculation. Whether the effects observed were due to the oxylipins or to breakdown products is not known, since no information is available on the stability of these particular oxylipins on leaf surfaces. Nevertheless, these data represent the first report of systemic effects against pathogen infection following pre-treatment with oxylipins.  相似文献   

Treatment of barley ( Hordeum vulgare ) with 3 m m saccharin, applied as a foliar treatment to the first leaf or as a soil drench, provided significant control of powdery mildew ( Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei ) on first and second leaves. This was unlikely to be the result of a direct effect of saccharin on the fungus, as application of the chemical to first leaves 2 h before inoculation did not affect conidial germination or formation of appressoria. Saccharin treatment had no significant effect on plant growth, except for a reduction in total leaf area in plants treated with a saccharin drench 14 days before inoculation with mildew. Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activity was reduced significantly in second leaves 18 and 48 h after inoculation in plants treated with saccharin 14 days earlier. Peroxidase activity increased significantly in plants challenged with mildew within 6 days of saccharin application, although changes were not apparent until 48 h after pathogen challenge. On these occasions, treatment with saccharin resulted in a 33% increase in peroxidase activity compared with controls. In plants inoculated 10 or 14 days after saccharin application, cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (CAD) activity increased prior to, and 18, 24 and 48 h after, inoculation of the barley plants with mildew. CAD activity increased approximately twofold compared with controls. However, in contrast to peroxidase, CAD activity was significantly higher in saccharin-treated plants prior to and after inoculation with powdery mildew, suggesting that saccharin primes CAD activity prior to pathogen challenge.  相似文献   

A field experiment with barley powdery mildew ( Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei ) was designed in order to study how the time of arrival of inoculum in the field influenced pathotype frequencies in the resulting populations. Three isolates belonging to pathotypes that were absent or rare in the local aerial inoculum were used to inoculate field plots of winter barley cv. Plaisant. Two successive inoculations with different combinations of the three isolates were performed with an approximately two-generation delay, and frequencies of inoculated pathotypes were assessed four and nine generations after the first inoculation. Pathotypes of the first inoculated isolates generally persisted throughout the period of sampling; this is described as an 'early arrival' effect. During the epidemics the inoculated isolates were not replaced by isolates from the natural airborne inoculum. Pathotype frequencies depended mainly on the time of arrival of inoculum in the plot, but frequencies also depended on the isolate that had been inoculated. The most frequent isolate, GL1, belonged to the clonal lineage dominant in powdery mildew populations on winter barley in the north of France. These results confirmed that the composition of a powdery mildew population in a field is largely determined by the composition of the initial inoculum.  相似文献   

四川西南部小麦白粉菌群体毒性及遗传多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
为明确四川西南部白粉菌群体毒性及其遗传变异情况,本文将2011年采自四川西南部的小麦白粉病标样进行单孢子堆分离纯化,共获得48个白粉菌菌株,并将其按采集地划分为4个地理群体。利用28份已知抗白粉病基因材料测定了群体的毒性频率,并运用SRAP分子标记技术探讨了其遗传多样性。毒性测定结果表明,白粉菌群体毒性较强,群体间毒性结构存在差异。供试群体对Pm1、Pm3a、Pm3b、Pm3d、Pm5a、Pm6、Pm19的平均毒性频率达50%以上,而Pm13、Pm XBD、Pm5b、Pm2+6、Pm5+6抗性保持良好,平均毒性频率在10%以下。群体间毒性遗传距离与地理距离之间有一定的相关性,但未达到显著水平。用筛选出的10对SRAP引物共获得160个清晰、稳定的扩增位点,多态性频率为50.63%;白粉菌群体遗传多样度(h)、Shannon信息指数(I)分别为0.198 8、0.322 7,遗传变异主要源于群体内部。群体间基因流数值均在6.50以上,说明四川西南部白粉菌群体间菌源迁移频繁,基因交流较为充分。M antel Test分析表明SRAP标记解释的群体遗传多样性与地理距离、毒性多样性间的相关性未达到显著水平。  相似文献   

大麦白粉菌种群毒性监测及抗性材料鉴定   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
2005和2006年从我国冬大麦区采集和分离大麦白粉菌单胞菌株729个,利用Pallas近等基因系进行致病型鉴定和群体毒性频率分析.同时,利用分离得到的不同致病型菌株,通过抗谱分析的方法鉴定了328份大麦品种(系)的白粉病抗性和抗病基因.结果显示:大麦白粉菌群体对抗病基因Mlal Mla(A12)、Mla3、Mla6 Mla14、Mla7 Mla(No3)、Mla7 Ml(Lg2)、Mla9 Mlk、Mla9、Mlal3 MlaRu3、Mlpl、Mlg(Cp)和mlo5的毒性频率为0;对Mla12 MlaEm2、Mla7 Mlk、Mlat Mla8、Mla10MlaDu2和Mlk1的毒性频率很低,分别为0.1%、0.4%、0.9%、2.8%和4.2%.两年共鉴定出不同的致病型21个,致病型000、001和003在两个年度皆为优势致病型.所鉴定的328份材料绝大多数感病,仅37份抗病材料,能明确推导出抗白粉病基因的品种(品系)很少,这些品种(品系)含有的抗白粉病基因为Mr(Bw)Mla8、Mlg、Mira Mla8、Mla9 Mla1、Mla Mla(A12)和mlo5.  相似文献   

明确我国当前小麦审定和区试品种含有的抗白粉病基因, 可为这些品种在小麦抗病育种中的应用及品种合理布局和轮换提供依据。本研究采用24个不同毒性的小麦白粉菌菌株对36个小麦审定和区试品种(系)进行抗白粉病基因推导, 参试品种(系)与46个已知抗病基因小麦品种(系)抗谱比较的结果表明, 11个小麦审定品种中有5个品种对所有供试白粉菌菌株表现抗性, 结合亲本溯源, 推测其中有3个品种可能携有Pm21基因; 另外6个审定品种中有5个品种可能含有抗病基因Pm2, 且其对应的亲本或亲本组合中含有抗病基因Pm2。25个区试品种(系)中有3个可能含有Pm21, 10个含有Pm2, 1个含有Pm2+6,2个含有Pm4b,1个含有Pm8。另外, 参试的36个品种(系)中还有9个品种(系)和已知基因品种抗谱存在一定差异。总体上, 推导出已知基因的品种以含有Pm2基因的品种最多, Pm21基因的品种次之, 建议在生产上加强对Pm21基因品种(系)特别是已审定的携有Pm21基因品种的推广和应用, 应该注意一些省份在育种和生产上应慎用或少用含Pm2基因的品种(系)。  相似文献   

<正>小麦白粉病是我国小麦生产上的重要病害之一,由专性寄生真菌Blumeria graminis f.sp.tritici引起。此病害是典型的气传病害,病菌分生孢子可借助高空气流远距离传播为害~([1]),高空传播距离与病菌的分生孢子存活时间有直接关系,而温度是  相似文献   

Leaves of powdery mildew-susceptible barley (Hordeum vulgare cv. Ingrid) and related near-isogenic lines bearing various resistance genes (Mla12, Mlg or mlo5) were inoculated with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei race A6. Fungal attack induced several-fold increases in ethylene emission and electrolyte leakage in leaves of susceptible Ingrid beginning 3 days after inoculation. Activities of peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione S-transferase, ascorbate peroxidase and glutathione reductase enzymes were induced markedly in susceptible leaves 5–7 days after inoculation. Similar, but less pronounced pathogen-induced changes were detected in inoculated leaves of Mla-type resistant plants that show hypersensitive cell death upon inoculation, and, to an even lesser extent, in the Mlg and mlo lines, where no visible symptoms accompanied the incompatible interaction. Glutathione content increased only in susceptible barley 7 days after inoculation. Catalase activity, total ascorbate content and redox state were not influenced by inoculation in any of the genotypes. The activity of dehydroascorbate reductase was significantly reduced 3–5 days after inoculation in the susceptible parental plants and after 5 days in Mla and Mlg lines, while it was stable in the mlo barley. Slightly elevated levels of H2O2 were observed in the inoculated resistant plants. In contrast, H2O2 content decreased in the susceptible line 7 days after pathogen attack. These data indicate that high levels of antioxidants are involved in the compatible interaction of susceptible barley and powdery mildew by protecting the pathogen from oxidative damage.  相似文献   

采用全国统一的9个鉴别寄主离体叶片法鉴定侵染型和Gilmour八进制法命名小种,对2004--2008年采自东北春麦区的辽宁、黑龙江等省不同县市的298个小麦白粉病菌标样进行生理小种及毒力频率分析,并利用已知抗白粉病基因的22个小麦品种(系)对参试菌株进行毒力频率测定.结果表明:2004--2006年优势小种为生理小种15号,出现频率分别为13.7%、15.6%和20.3%;2007年优势小种为17号小种,出现频率为10.2%;2008年411号小种上升为优势小种,频率达20.6%;2004--2008年毒性基因V4b、V2+6、V4+8、V12、V16、V18、V20、V21、V22和V23毒力频率较低,在0~28.0%之间,其对应抗性基因Pm4b、Pm2+6、Pm4+8、Pm12、Pm16、Pm18、Pm20、Pm21、Pm22和Pm23抗性较强,可作为有效的抗病基因加以利用.  相似文献   

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