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Swine dysentery (SD) is an important endemic infection in many piggeries, and control can be problematic. In this study the efficacy of BmpB, a 29.7 kDa outer-membrane lipoprotein of Brachyspira hyodysenteriae, was evaluated as an SD vaccine. Non-lipidated BmpB was expressed in Escherichia coli as a histidine-tagged protein (His6-BmpB), or as an 8 kDa carboxy-terminal portion fused to maltose-binding protein (MBP-BmpB-F604). The purified proteins were emulsified with oil-based adjuvants for intramuscular (im) administrations. In experiment 1, 20 weaner pigs were vaccinated im with 1 mg of His6-BmpB. After 3 weeks, 10 received 1 mg of the protein orally (im/oral), and 10 received 1 mg im (im/im). Ten acted as unvaccinated controls. In experiment 2, 12 pigs were vaccinated im with 1 mg of His6-BmpB, and 12 with 1 mg of MBP-BmpB-F604. Three weeks later, each was given 1 mg of the same protein orally. Twelve pigs acted as unvaccinated controls. All pigs were challenged orally with B. hyodysenteriae 2 weeks after their second vaccination. In both experiments, all pigs vaccinated with His6-BmpB developed serum antibodies to BmpB, and oral administration provided boosting of im-induced serum antibody titres. In experiment 1, seven non-vaccinated control pigs developed dysentery and severe colitis. Three pigs vaccinated im/oral developed diarrhoea; two had severe colitis and one had mild lesions. Four pigs vaccinated im/im developed diarrhoea; one had severe colitis and the others had mild lesions. In experiment 2, six control pigs developed SD with severe colitis. Two His6-BmpB vaccinated pigs developed SD with mild colitis. Nine pigs vaccinated with MBP-BmpB-F604 developed SD and severe colitis. Overall, 50-70% of controls and 17-40% of His6-BmpB vaccinated pigs developed disease. Vaccination with MBP-BmpB-F604 did not induce serum titres against BmpB, nor confer protection. The incidence of disease for the three His6-BmpB vaccinated groups was significantly less (P = 0.047) than for the control groups, with a approximately 50% reduction. BmpB appears to have potential as an SD vaccine component.  相似文献   

VSH-1 is an unusual prophage-like gene transfer agent (GTA) that has been described in the intestinal spirochaete Brachyspira hyodysenteriae. The GTA does not self-propagate, but it assembles into a virus-like particle and transfers random 7.5kb fragments of host DNA to other B. hyodysenteriae cells. To date the GTA VSH-1 has only been analysed in B. hyodysenteriae strain B204, in which 11 late function genes encoding prophage capsid, tail and lysis elements have been described. The aim of the current study was to look for these 11 genes in the near-complete genomes of B. hyodysenteriae WA1, B. pilosicoli 95/1000 and B. intermedia HB60. All 11 genes were found in the three new strains. The GTA genes in WA1 and 95/1000 were contiguous, whilst some of those in HB60 were not-although in all three strains some gene rearrangements were present. A new predicted open reading frame with potential functional importance was found in a consistent position associated with all four GTAs, located between the genes for head protein Hvp24 and tail protein Hvp53, overlapping with the hvp24 sequence. Differences in the nucleotide and predicted amino acid sequences of the GTA genes in the spirochaete strains were consistent with the overall genetic distances between the strains. Hence the GTAs in the two B. hyodysenteriae strains were considered to be strain specific variants, and were designated GTA/Bh-B204 and GTA/Bh-WA1 respectively. The GTAs in the strains of B. intermedia and B. pilosicoli were designated GTA/Bint-HB60 and GTA/Bp-95/1000 respectively. Further work is required to determine the extent to which these GTAs can transfer host genes between different Brachyspira species and strains.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess whether nucleotide substitutions in the 16S rDNA sequence of selected Brachyspira hyodysenteriae isolates could explain differences in doxycycline minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs). The main part of the 16S rRNA gene was sequenced and compared for 19 isolates with different doxycycline MICs. A mutation in the 16S rRNA gene at the position corresponding to 1058 in Escherichia coli has been shown to cause tetracycline resistance in other bacteria. In the B. hyodysenteriae sequences a G1058C mutation was found for all isolates with increased doxycycline MICs whereas all susceptible isolates had the wild type sequence.  相似文献   

Feral pigs are recognized as being a potential reservoir of pathogenic microorganisms that can infect domestic pigs and other species. The aim of this study was to investigate whether feral pigs in Western Australia were colonized by the pathogenic enteric bacteria Lawsonia intracellularis, Brachyspira hyodysenteriae and/or Brachyspira pilosicoli. A total of 222 feral pigs from three study-populations were sampled. DNA was extracted from faeces or colonic contents and subjected to a previously described multiplex PCR for the three pathogenic bacterial species. A subset of 61 samples was cultured for Brachyspira species. A total of 42 (18.9%) of the 222 samples were PCR positive for L. intracellularis, 18 (8.1%) for B. hyodysenteriae and 1 (0.45%) for B. pilosicoli. Four samples were positive for both L. intracellularis and B. hyodysenteriae. Samples positive for the latter two pathogens were found in pigs from all three study-sites. A strongly haemolytic B. hyodysenteriae isolate was recovered from one of the 61 cultured samples. Comparison of a 1250-base pair region of the 16S rRNA gene amplified from DNA extracted from the isolate and five of the B. hyodysenteriae PCR positive faecal samples helped confirm these as being from B. hyodysenteriae. This is the first time that B. hyodysenteriae has been detected in feral pigs. As these animals range over considerable distances, they present a potential source of B. hyodysenteriae for any domesticated pigs with which they may come into contact.  相似文献   

Diarrhoea in growing and finishing pigs is usually caused by infectious agents and laboratory diagnosis is a prerequisite for efficient therapy. Cultivation of Brachyspira hyodysenteriae or Brachyspira pilosicoli and detection of Lawsonia intracellularis by means of immunofluorescence tests (IFT) are time-consuming and in some cases lack sensitivity. A multiplex-PCR was designed to detect simultaneously these three pathogens in faeces and tissue samples, allowing the differential diagnosis of dysentery, intestinal spirochaetosis and proliferative enteropathy. Detection limits for B. hyodysenteriae, B. pilosicoli and L. intracellularis were 10(4), 10(2) and 10(3) copies respectively. Agreement between multiplex-PCR and nested-PCR or cultivation was considered substantial to almost perfect. Agreement between multiplex-PCR and IFT in detecting L. intracellularis was only moderate, which was probably related to false-positive results given by IFT. The multiplex-PCR described herein is a valuable tool for the rapid and simultaneous detection of three different pathogens in porcine samples causing enteric diseases.  相似文献   

Lawsonia (L.) intracellularis, Brachyspira (B.) hyodysenteriae and B. pilosicoli are important pathogens in domestic pig production world-wide, responsible for porcine intestinal adenomatosis, swine dysentery, and porcine intestinal spirochetosis, respectively. Conventional PCR is the major diagnostic tool in the detection of the three pathogens, but the sole detection of bacterial DNA might lead to misinterpretations of results with respect to their clinical relevance, especially with mixed infections. Thus, the present study targeted the detection and quantification of the three pathogens in samples from herds with a case history of diarrhoea. Herds and samples were selected by the practitioners on a voluntary basis. Results were based on 1176 individual samples from 95 herds from Southern Germany. The pathogens were detected simultaneously by multiplex real-time PCR. The overall prevalence for L. intracellularis, B. hyodysenteriae and B. pilosicoli was 12.6%, 8.4% and 3.2% in faecal samples and 48.4%, 24.2% and 31.6% in herds, respectively. Sixty one percent, 82.6%, and 73.4% of herds positive for L. intracellularis, B. hyodysenteriae, and B. pilosicoli, respectively, had mixed infections. Median log values of DNA equivalents/g of faeces for L. intracellularis, B. hyodysenteriae and B. pilosicoli were 3.3, 5.9 and 3.2, with maxima of 8.3, 8.0 and 6.3, respectively. Within herd prevalence of B. hyodysenteriae and B. pilosicoli as well as the load of B. hyodysenteriae were significantly associated with the severity of diarrhoea.  相似文献   

Previous cloning and sequencing of clones from a genomic library constructed from Serpulina hyodysenteriae B204 had identified a tandem pair of open reading frames, identified as vspA and vspB (variable surface protein) expected to encode proteins with homology to ( but not identical with) a 39 kDa surface exposed membrane protein from this animal pathogen. Additional screening of the genomic library was performed to retrieve the remainder of the vspB gene using new oligonucleotide probes based upon the cloned gene sequences. Not only was this goal met but we also discovered two more adjacent and related vsp genes (vspC and vspD) and have completely sequenced them. They are all in a parallel orientation and appear to have a set of similar but distinct regulatory elements that may control separate expression of their open reading frames (ORFs). Thus, there are four contiguous vsp genes which are predicted to encode a family of structurally conserved proteins. The four adjacent open reading frames (ORFs) are of similar size (384-389 codons) and share from 83% to 90% identity in their amino acid sequence. Preliminary data suggests there may be yet another homologous gene copy in a distal location of S. hyodysenteriae that faithfully encodes the 39 kDa surface protein. The organization and homologies of these highly conserved multiple gene copies are discussed.  相似文献   

The antigenic properties of Brachyspira (B.) alvinipulli ATCC 51933 and strain C2 were analyzed and compared with those of B. hyodysenteriae ATCC 27164 and ATCC 31212, B. pilosicoli ATCC 51139, B. innocens ATCC 29796 and B. aalborgi NCTC 11492. In gel immunodiffusion tests, a protein in B. alvinipulli ATCC 51933 reacted strongly with anti-B. alvinipulli ATCC 51933-serum and formed two precipitin lines. Furthermore, by an immunoblotting technique, the 105-kilodaltons (kDa) protein in B. alvinipulli ATCC 51933 reacted strongly with each of the antisera to B. hyodysenteriae, B. pilosicoli, B. innocens and B. aalborgi. Therefore, the 105-kDa protein could be applied to diagnosis of chicken infection by B. alvinipulli and B. pilosicoli. But the 105-kDa protein reacting with the anti-B. alvinipulli ATCC 51933-serum was not confirmed in B. hyodysenteriae, B. pilosicoli, B. innocens and B. aalborgi. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of the 105-kDa protein isolated from B. alvinipulli ATCC 51933 was Met-Lys-Lys-Met-Val-Tyr-Phe-Phe-Gly-Asn. The amino acid alignment of this protein possessed 50% homology with the periplasmic-iron-binding protein BitC in B. hyodysenteriae.  相似文献   

Serum obtained from a patient histopathologically diagnosed as intestinal spirochetosis was investigated serodiagnostically by agglutination test. B. aalborgi which is a human intestinal spirochete reacted strongly with the human serum, while B. pilosicoli which has potential pathogenicity to humans reacted with the serum, but as strongly and its titer was different than the other three species. On the other hand, intestinal spirochetes (Matsumoto isolates) were isolated from the biopsy samples of the patient. The morphological, biochemical, and genetic characteristics of the isolates were very similar to those of B. aalborgi. Furthermore, the protein profiles of the Matsumoto isolates were also similar to those of B. aalborgi but were different than those of B. pilosicoli and B. hyodysenteriae. The reaction profiles of the Matsumoto isolates in immunoblotting were relatively similar to those of B. aalborgi except for a 74 kDa band but were different from those of B. pilosicoli and B. hyodysenteriae. Therefore, we identified the Matsumoto isolates as B. aalborgi and diagnosed the patient with a B. aalborgi infection.  相似文献   

Serpulina hyodysenteriae infection of pigs, swine dysentery, causes a mucohemorrhagic diarrhoea resulting in significant economic losses to swine producers. The pathogenesis of this disease is poorly understood. Regardless, commercial vaccines have been developed and are in use. Thus, the present study was designed to examine cellular immune responses induced by parenteral S. hyodysenteriae vaccination. Significant antigen-specific interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and blastogenic responses were detected from peripheral blood lymphocytes isolated from vaccinated pigs. However, poor IFN-gamma responses were detected from colonic lymph node lymphocytes from these same pigs despite significant antigen-specific blastogenic responses. In addition, peripheral blood IFN-gamma responses were diminished by either in vitro depletion of CD4 expressing cells or by in vitro treatment with porcine IL-10. Colonic lymph node IFN-gamma responses were not inhibited by treatment with porcine IL-10. Vaccination also resulted in increased percentages of both mucosal and peripheral blood CD8 single positive cells with concurrent decreases in percentages of CD4 single positive cells as compared to percentages of these same populations from non-vaccinated pigs. In conclusion, these studies show that parenteral S. hyodysenteriae vaccination results in cellular immune responses detectable both peripherally (systemic immunity) as well as at the site of infection (mucosal immunity). However, it appears that regulatory mechanisms affecting IFN-gamma production in response to S. hyodysenteriae antigen differ between peripheral and colonic compartments.  相似文献   

A calf having extremely high concentrations of triglycerides, cholesterol and phospholipids, in particular in chylomicrons (CM) and very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) fraction was found. The purpose of the present study was to determine serum concentration and distribution of apolipoprotein (apo) C-III, a low molecular mass protein mainly distributed in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) fraction in normolipidemic cattle, in the calf with hyperlipidemia. The serum apoC-III concentration in the calf increased to more than 10-fold that of normolipidemic control calves, and apoC-III was distributed more in the CM than in the HDL. The concentration of apoA-I (a predominant apoprotein in the HDL) was also increased to nearly 4-fold that of controls in the serum from the calf, and its major distribution site was the CM. Haptoglobin was detected in the serum from the hyperlipidemic calf, and was distributed in the CM as well as in the HDL. Serum amyloid A was also induced. In contrast to apoC-III, apoA-I and haptoglobin, the majority of apoSAA was found in the HDL fraction, as observed in normolipidemic calves. Increased concentrations in the CM of apoC-III and apoA-I suggest that the two apolipoproteins may be involved in the pathogenesis of calf hyperlipidemia. The presence of haptoglobin in the CM and HDL also implies the relevance of this acute-phase protein in the regulation of lipid metabolism.  相似文献   

Avian intestinal spirochaetosis (AIS) is an infection of the caeca and/or colo-rectum of laying and meat breeder hens caused by anaerobic intestinal spirochaetes of the genus Brachyspira. AIS can result in a variety of symptoms, including delayed and/or reduced egg production, and increased faecal water content. The two most commonly reported Brachyspira species involved in AIS are Brachyspira pilosicoli and Brachyspira intermedia, and their detection and identification can be difficult and time consuming. In the current study a two-step nested duplex PCR (2S-N-D-PCR) was developed for the detection of these two species, using DNA extracted from washed chicken faeces. In the first step, a duplex PCR (D-PCR) amplifying Brachyspira genus-specific portions of the 16S rRNA and NADH oxidase (nox) genes was undertaken on the washed faeces. In the second step, a nested D-PCR was used that amplified species-specific portions of the 16S rRNA gene of B. pilosicoli and the nox gene of B. intermedia from the amplicons produced in the first step. The 2S-N-D-PCR was rapid and specific, and could be used to detect approximately 10(3) cells of each spirochaete species per gram of washed faeces. When tested on 882 chicken faecal samples from infected flocks, it detected 4-5% more positive faecal samples than did the standard method of selective anaerobic culture followed by individual species-specific PCR assays conducted on the growth on the primary plate. The application of this new technique should improve diagnostic capacity, and facilitate further studies on AIS.  相似文献   

A new simple method for the preparation of a liquid medium containing rabbit serum for the propagation of Treponema hyodysenteriae and other porcine intestinal spirochaetes is described. The medium, when dispensed in shallow layers and sealed under 10 per cent CO2 in nitrogen, had a redox potential not greater than -125mV and an initial pH of about 6.9 when buffered with bicarbonate. Growth of T hyodysenteriae developed more rapidly and viable counts reached higher levels at 42 degrees C than at 37 degrees C. Viable counts increased at least 10,000-fold after two to five days' incubation, depending on the temperature. Growth could be initiated from small inocula that failed to produce colonies on blood agar. Using a 1 per cent inoculum, the medium supported the growth of two strains of T hyodysenteriae through 10 serial passages.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study was conducted on a commercial egg-producing farm with a history of wet litter. A total of 600 fresh caecal faecal samples were obtained from under cages of laying hens in three sheds each containing flocks of approximately 5400 hens. Samples were cultured for intestinal spirochaetes, and growth on the primary isolation plate was observed under a phase contrast microscope and subjected to PCRs specific for the intestinal spirochaetes Brachyspira intermedia and Brachyspira pilosicoli. Spirochaete isolates obtained in pure culture were assessed for their ability to cause haemolysis on blood agar and to produce indole, and were typed using pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). A 1250 base pair portion of the 16S rRNA gene of three B. intermedia and five unidentified isolates was sequenced, and the sequences compared with those of other Brachyspira species. Overall, 121 (20.2%) of the faecal samples contained spirochaetes as determined by growth on the plate and microscopy. Using PCR on the primary growth from these positive samples, 43 (7.2% overall) were shown to contain B. intermedia, 8 (1.3%) to contain B. pilosicoli, and 70 (11.7%) were PCR negative. Only 24 isolates of B. intermedia and five isolates of unknown species were obtained in pure culture. Comparative analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequence identified the non-B. intermedia isolates as belonging to the proposed species "Brachyspira pulli". PFGE analysis of the B. intermedia strains identified them as having four major banding patterns. Individual patterns were found in hens from different flocks, suggesting cross-transmission of strains between flocks. No environmental sources of infection were identified. The youngest flock had a significantly lower level of colonisation with B. intermedia than the flock of intermediate age (P = 0.004), suggesting that following initial infection of individual young hens on this farm there was amplification and transmission of infection amongst members of the flock.  相似文献   

采用PCR技术从藏系绵羊皮肤组织细胞中扩增出了血管内皮细胞生长因子(VEGF)基因,长度为573 bp,共编码190个氨基酸;序列比对发现,VEGF基因在所选择的多个物种之间具有高度同源性,相似性在100%~74.5%之间,其中藏系绵羊与普通绵羊的VEGF基因序列完全相同,其次为牛和猪,相似性分别为99.1%和96.2%,而与鸡的同源性最低,相似性为74.5%。采用实时荧光定量PCR SYBR Green I荧光染料法,对藏系绵羊皮肤组织细胞中VEGF基因的表达水平进行了相对定量分析,建立了快速检测VEGF基因表达量的方法。检测结果表明:给妊娠后期藏系母羊补饲自制的营养舔砖和颗粒饲料后,所产羔羊体内VEGF基因的表达水平分别为对照组的11.5倍和0.85倍。为提高羔羊皮肤组织中VEGF基因mRNA的表达水平,对妊娠后期藏系母羊补饲自制的营养舔砖,效果优于补饲颗粒饲料。  相似文献   

The systematics of the genus Trichinella with a key to species   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The authors review the major biological, biochemical, and molecular characters that are used to distinguish the seven Trichinella species (T. spiralis, T. nativa, T. britovi, T. pseudospiralis, T. murrelli, T. nelsoni, T. papuae) and three genotypes whose taxonomic status is yet uncertain (T-6, T-8, T-9). A comparison of host specificity, morphology, reproductive abilities, nurse cell development and freeze resistance is presented, along with useful biochemical and molecular markers. Finally, this information is used to construct a diagnostic key for the species. A phylogenetic classification of the species is needed.  相似文献   

叶绿素含量直接影响植物光合效率,从而决定其生物量。叶绿素酸酯a加氧酶(CAO)催化叶绿素酸酯a转化成叶绿素酸酯b,是叶绿素合成的限速酶之一。本研究克隆了蒺藜苜蓿MtCAO,该基因编码531个氨基酸。进化分析表明,MtCAO与双子叶植物的CAO亲缘关系较近。高等植物CAO基因的结构保守,均含有9个外显子。MtCAO主要在绿色组织尤其是叶片中高丰度表达。瞬时表达拟南芥原生质体试验显示,MtCAO-GFP融合蛋白定位于叶绿体。表达模式分析表明,茉莉酸甲酯(MeJA,100 μmol·L-1)及黑暗处理抑制MtCAO的表达,而24 h内NaCl (100 mmol·L-1)及聚乙二醇(PEG,5%) 处理先诱导后抑制其表达,且该基因受昼夜节律调控。这与对MtCAO启动子区顺式作用元件的预测结果一致。类似于超表达AtCAO的拟南芥,超表达MtCAO的拟南芥株系叶色正常,叶绿素含量及鲜重与野生型差异不显著,推测是由于MtCAO高度保守的A结构域中的降解子导致的。  相似文献   

Of 1362 sheep examined during two years in Fars Province of Iran, 786 (57.7%) were positive for Sarcocystis spp. The prevalence was significantly higher (p<0.05) in animals owned by nomadic Assyrians (67.95%) than in those owned by local people (41.86%). More of the animals above 2 years age were infected (69.98%) than young ones (30.02%). Females had a higher prevalence of infection (61.07%) than males (38.93%) but most of the males were younger. There was no variation in the infection rate during spring, summer or autumn, but it was low in winter. The species observed were Sarcocystis gigantea, predominantly in oesophagus, S. medusiformis, mainly in diaphragm, S. tenella in the oesophagus, diaphragm, tongue and heart, and S. arieticanis in the oesophagus, tongue and occasionally in the diaphragm. In transmission studies, the prepatent period for S. gigantea and S. medusiformis and for the two microscopic species was 11–13, 10 and 8–12 days, respectively. The infection could not be transmitted to hamsters and guinea-pigs. The macroscopic species were almost non-pathogenic but were responsible for economic losses because of rejection of carcases or parts thereof at slaughter. The microscopic species caused tissue damage to the affected organs, resulting in haemorrhages, mononuclear infiltration and necrotic changes.Abbreviations DPI days post infection  相似文献   

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