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Mycoplasma-like organisms (MLOs) were detected and characterized by RFLP analysis in declining trees of Alnus glutinosa and A. cordata in Southern Italy for the first time. The infected trees showed symptoms of yellowing, sparse foliage, premature autumn colouration, sprouting, deliquescent branching, phloem necrosis, dieback and witches’ brooms.  相似文献   

The forests of Austrocedrus chilensis in southern Argentina suffer mortality from “mal del ciprés”, whose causes remain unknown. The purpose of this work was to establish the relation of soil features with the occurrence of the disease. In Río Grande Valley, Chubut Province, Argentina, 14 areas with “mal del ciprés” were selected for study. The spatial pattern of the decline varied among the different areas and was classified as aggregated and disaggregated. In each area, symptomatic and asymptomatic plots were established and characterized by 11 edaphic and topographic variables. Three forest areas where the disease was totally absent were also included. Site features were related to the occurrence of the decline using principal component analysis and cluster analysis. Results indicated that soil properties related to poor internal drainage, such as the proximity to water streams, non-allophanized soils of fine textures, and redoximorphic features, act as predisposing factors to the development of “mal del ciprés”. Poor soil drainage was strongly associated not only with the occurrence of the disease, but also with its spatial pattern. Symptomatic and asymptomatic plots presented similar edaphic features in areas with a disaggregated distribution of the decline and were grouped together in the multivariate analysis. This result suggests that large areas with such a pattern are prone to develop the decline.  相似文献   

Growing concern about increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and resulting global climate change, has spurred a growing demand for renewable energy. In this study, we hypothesized that a nurse tree crop may provide additional early yields of biomass for fuel, while in the longterm leading to deciduous stands that are believed to better meet the demands for other ecosystem services. Ten different species combinations were planted, with two different stocking densities, at three different sites in Denmark. Significant differences, with regard to biomass production, were observed among the different sites (P?P??1?yr?1 more biomass. The additional biomass production was similar to what was obtained in stands with conifers only (Sitka spruce, Douglas-fir and Japanese larch), which produced 4.9–6.1?t ha?1yr?1 more biomass than the pure beech stands. No effects of initial planting density (P?=?.19), or of initial weeding (P?=?.81), on biomass production were observed. Biomass production of the broadleaved crop was in most cases reduced due to competition. However, provided timely thinning of nurse trees, the qualitative development of the trees will allow for long-term timber production.  相似文献   

Intraspecific variability in morphological and ecophysiological leaf traits might be theorized to be present in declining populations,since they seem to be exposed to stress and plasticity could be advantageous.Here we focused on declining Persian oaks(Quercus brantii Lindl.var.persica(Jaub and Spach)Zohary)in the Zagros Mountains of western Iran,representing the most important tree species of this region.We selected trees with contrasting crown dieback,from healthy to severely defoliated,to investigate the relationships between canopy dieback and leaf morphology,water content and pigments.We also measured esterase and peroxidase,as enzymatic antioxidants and indicators of contrasting genotypes.Trees showing moderate to severe defoliation showed higher leaf mass area(LMA),reduced relative water content(RWC),and lower stomatal density(SD).Increasing LMA indicates a more sclerophyllic structure,according to drier conditions.We did not find significant differences in leaf pigments(chlorophyll a and b,and carotenoids)among crown dieback classes,suggesting that Persian oak trees are able to maintain accurate photochemical efficiency,while reduced RWC and SD suggest hydraulic limitations.Our results do not provide a consistent pattern as regards enzymatic antioxidant defense in Persian oak.Morphological leaf traits would be important drivers of future adaptive evolution in Persian oak,leading to smaller and thicker leaves,which have fitness benefits in dry environments.Nonetheless,drought responses may be critically affecting carbon uptake,as photosynthetic compounds are less effectively used in leaves with higher sclerophylly.  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(2):97-101
Temperate forests of southern Argentina and Chile cover a wide latitudinal and altitudinal range on both sides of the Andes, with Nothofagus species being one of the main tree species. Most of the larger remnants are protected within the limits of national parks and forest reserves. However, some of these are invaded by exotic conifers such as Pseudotsuga menziesii. In order to better understand the mycorrhizal condition within the Nothofagus–P. menziesii interaction, transects were established at six study sites along the effective recruitment area. Three treatments were established: Nothofagus forest without P. menziesii invasion (Forest), NothofagusP. menziesii matrix (Interface) and P. menziesii plantation lacking Nothofagus specimens (Plantation). A 2 kg mixed soil sample was taken at each treatment site and kept in brand-new plastic bags. A soil bioassay with Nothofagus seedlings acting as baits was set to evaluate the mycorrhizal inoculum potential and soil-fungi composition at each sampling treatment. Forty percent of the evaluated seedlings were found to be colonised by dark septate endophytes (DSE) fungi. Ectomycorrhizal colonisation percentage was significantly higher in plants growing in Forest soils (mean = 57.77%) when compared with Interface (mean = 42.53%) and Plantation (mean = 44.65%). The high incidence of DSE in young roots of Nothofagus seedlings in this study supports the hypothesis that DSE might be pioneering colonisers of young tree seedlings in secondary successional environments. For future interventions in the forest, either with productive or protective intentions, it should be taken into account the incidence of these fungi, which may have an important positive role in Nothofagus forest post-invasion recovery.  相似文献   

Wild apple forests in the Tian Shan Mountains in north‐western China have been adversely affected by an unknown disease in recent years. Symptoms attributed to this disease that affects wild apple trees include xylem browning and dieback which are suggestive of infection by Fusarium species. Therefore, the research team conducted the first survey for Fusarium in the afflicted wild apple forests. Twig samples with symptoms of xylem browning and dieback were collected in the Xinyuan, Gongliu, Yining and Huocheng Counties of Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region in China. Based on phylogenetic analyses and morphological observation, sixty strains of Fusarium accounted for 48% of the total number of fungi isolated from samples were subsequently classified into six species including twenty‐four F. avenaceum, seventeen F. solani, ten F. tricinctum, five F. proliferatum, two F. sporotrichioides and two unfamiliar Fusarium sp. 1. The five previously known species of Fusarium were then tested for pathogenicity to leaves and twigs in vitro. The results indicated that all of the species, except for F. tricinctum, can cause obvious lesions on the leaves of host plants and on the twigs of Fuji and wild apple. This is the first report of Fusarium species pathogenicity in Xinjiang wild apple forests, confirming a new host for these pathogens in this study.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to characterize possible connections between above- and below-ground parameters and the decline of Norway spruce trees in the Jeseníky Mountains of the Czech Republic – an area affected both by long-term air pollution and subjected to liming. A part of this study was dedicated to soil analysis, which showed considerable changes in the soil environment and highlighted particularly high concentrations of magnesium and calcium, exceeding optimal limits by as much as 8 and 13 times, respectively. Our results suggest that the decline of evaluated trees is primarily connected to root system development, as we found no differences between evaluated above-ground parameters for either healthy or declining trees. Tree decline related directly to low numbers of skeletal roots, root origin and higher maximal angles between skeletal roots. Declining trees had on average five skeletal roots with maximal angles between them of 173o, indicating poor mechanical stability. Regardless of tree vitality, 93% of all examined root systems were restricted to upper humus horizons with an average rooting depth of 10.2?cm. All evaluated trees showed severe root deformation into tangle, which suggests crucial influence of artificial planting on the architectural development of root systems.  相似文献   

Corymbia calophylla (marri), a keystone tree species in the global biodiversity hot spot of southwestern Australia, is suffering decline and mortality associated with a canker disease caused by the endemic fungus Quambalaria coyrecup. Phytophthora species are frequently isolated from the rhizosphere of C. calophylla, and a hypothesis is that Phytophthora root infection is predisposing C. calophylla to this endemic canker pathogen. Field surveys were conducted in both anthropogenically disturbed and undisturbed C. calophylla stands, from where a total of 100 rhizosphere soil samples, from both healthy and cankered trees, were collected. Phytophthora species were isolated from 26% of the samples collected, with Phytophthora incidence significantly higher on disturbed stands than in natural forests (73% and 27%, respectively). Five Phytophthora species were recovered, including P. cinnamomi, P. elongata, P. multivora, P. pseudocryptogea and P. versiformis. Under‐bark inoculations with the Phytophthora isolates caused significant lesion lengths in excised C. calophylla stems. Corymbia calophylla response to pot infestation trials in the glasshouse varied between Phytophthora species and isolates, with isolates of P. cinnamomi and P. multivora causing a significant reduction in seedling root volume and often leading to seedling death. This study demonstrates that root disease caused by Phytophthora species, especially P. cinnamomi and P. multivora, has the ability to adversely affect C. calophylla health. This study leads the way to do a dual inoculation trial with the canker pathogen Q. coyrecup, and different Phytophthora species to investigate if Phytophthora root infection predisposes C. calophylla to this canker disease.  相似文献   

In western Ukraine, forest decline and dieback of several broadleaved tree species have become increasingly evident during recent years, and surveys in some areas have shown symptoms indicative of Phytophthora infections. In this study, we aimed to determine the occurrence and diversity of Phytophthora species associated with several broadleaved tree species (Alnus glutinosa, Betula pendula, Castanea sativa, Fagus sylvatica and Quercus robur) from forest stands where dieback has been observed. Rhizosphere soil samples were collected from 14 forest stands during 2017 and 2018 and tested for the presence of Phytophthora species using morphological and molecular methods. Seven Phytophthora species (P. bilorbang, P. cactorum, P. gallica, P. gonapodyides, P. lacustris, P. plurivora and P. polonica), and two other clade six taxa were detected from the various forest types, several of which are probable agents responsible for decline. Four of the Phytophthora species (P. bilorbang, P. gallica, P. plurivora and P. polonica) have previously never been reported from broadleaf forests in Ukraine.  相似文献   

Pine plantations in Argentinian Patagonia cover ca. 95,000 ha in Chubut, Río Negro and Neuquén provinces. Exotic bark beetles (Orthotomicus laricis, Hylastes ater and Hylurgus ligniperda) commonly occur in freshly cut logs, stumps and slash. These beetles are vectors of “ophiostomatoid” fungi which include primary tree pathogens as well as important agents of blue stain. The aim of this study was to identify these beetle‐associated fungi. Sawing mills and pine plantations were surveyed three consecutive years. Fungal isolates from stained logs, processed wood and insect galleries were identified based on morphological and DNA sequence comparisons of ITS and β‐tubulin gene regions. Two Grosmannia, one Graphilbum and three Ophiostoma species were identified. Ophiostoma piliferum and O. peregrinum sp. nov. were the most frequently isolated taxa. O. peregrinum occurred in all provinces, colonizing different conifer species and, interestingly, also the native broadleaved species Nothofagus dombeyi. Pine plantation forestry in southern South America includes Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay. Emerging data from Argentina, Chile and Uruguay revealed some coincidences between these countries, but also several differences, probably, as a result of multiple introduction events.  相似文献   

Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dogl. ex. Laws.) is the most planted conifer species in the forest-steppe ecotone of Patagonia, Argentina, because of its adaptability and excellent growth rates. In spite of this, and the increasing demand for this species, local commercial seed lots showed low quality, making hazardous seedling production. Aiming to upgrade germinability of a local seed lot, we set an experiment to determine the duration of the prechilling period (0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 60 days) that promoted the highest seed germination speed (GE) and percentage (GP). Moreover, part of that lot was IDS treated, in an attempt to separate empty and dead filled seeds from viable seeds. Results showed that after 40 days prechilling, GE reached 62%, and GP 70%, both higher than the values obtained under customary conditions. The application of the IDS technique, after 40 days prechilling, 8 h drying at ambient conditions (16 ± 2°C and 50% HR), and 25% seed moisture content (mc), increased GE and GP to 68% and 89%, respectively. Optimal prechilling periods and the application of the IDS technique successfully improved germinability of ponderosa pine seeds from Patagonian stands.  相似文献   

The Botryosphaeriaceae is a diverse family of endophytes and fungal pathogens of mainly woody plants. We considered the host range and distribution of these fungi by sampling diseased ornamental and forest trees and shrubs in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, spanning a Mediterranean and a Continental climatic region. In total, ten Botryosphaeriaceae species were identified in the Western Balkans and with the exception of Sphaeropsis visci and Phaeobotryon cupressi, which occurred on one host, all the species had a broader host range. Phaeobotryon cupressi was found only in the Mediterranean region and S. visci, Dothiorella sp., Dothiorella sarmentorum and Diplodia seriata were present only in the Continental region. Pathogenicity tests were conducted on a variety of hosts from which the Botryosphaeriaceae species were isolated. These included leaves and/or stems of seedlings of 21 hosts, and cut leaves and/or branches of six hosts. Moreover, stems of seedlings of Chamaecyparis lawsoniana, Cedrus deodara, Picea omorika, Pinus patula and Eucalyptus grandis were inoculated as hosts from which some or all of the Botryosphaeriaceae species used for inoculation were not isolated. Inoculations showed that the majority of these fungi could also co‐infect hosts other than those from which they were isolated. The results suggest that most of the species have broad host ranges and can potentially cause disease on a broad range of tree species under certain conditions.  相似文献   

Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) trees have been declining in the Rhône valley, Switzerland, for almost three decades. In an assessment of the role of fungi in this syndrome, the dominant fungus isolated from stained roots was a Leptographium species, morphologically similar to the asexual state of Grosmannia serpens. We examined isolates of this fungus based on DNA sequences of four protein‐coding genes including actin, β‐tubulin, calmodulin and translation elongation factor‐1 alpha. The results showed that they were of a distinct, undescribed taxon related to species in the Grosmannia serpens and G. wageneri complexes. The fungus, described here as Leptographium rhodanense sp. nov., resembles other species in the two species complexes morphologically, and most probably ecologically, as is suggested by the fact that it was isolated from stained pine roots.  相似文献   

Viruses of the Poty-, Potex- and Tobamo-virus groups, and presumably Nepoviruses could be isolated from degenerating beech trees (Fagus sylvatica L.) in West-Germany. They are discussed as predisposing factors of tree decline.  相似文献   

In Patagonia, where strong winds are a constraint to agricultural production, live windbreaks are often planted in agricultural fields to protect crops, livestock, and soils from wind hazards. The major factors that determine the efficacy of windbreaks are height, porosity, orientation, length, and location in the landscape. A review of the research on the effect of live windbreaks during 1993 through 2000 is presented in the paper. Porosity and distance from windbreak were found to have major effects on relative windspeed reduction. The greatest degree of protection was for dense windbreaks (windspeed reduction of 85%) at 1H (1H = a distance of one tree height, leeward of the windbreak). Different crops showed a differential yield response to wind stress. The production of garlic (Allium sativum) was not significantly affected by wind. Tulip (Tulipa sp.) bulb yield decreased on average by 25% between 2H and 17H. The production of lucerne (Medicago sativa) at 1H was 40% higher than lucerne grown in open conditions. In contrast, strawberry (Fragaria sp.)and cherry (Prunus avium) were more sensitive to the effect of the wind. Dendrometric models (diameter, site index, volume and crown dynamics) were developed to define the wood potential productivity that could be expected from different site qualities. The prediction of height growth as a function of age, allows the estimation of the area protected by the windbreak. An economic assessment based on realistic estimates of shelter benefits is required to encourage the development of windbreak systems that could also offer other benefits, including erosion control and timber production.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We examined mortality patterns of two conifer species in relation to tree abundance and species composition in a declining spruce-fir forest in Akan National park, Hokkaido, northern Japan. The data taken from eleven 58 m × 58 m square study plots showed that percentage basal area (BA) of dead trees of canopy trees during the last decade was 49% forPicea jezoensis (Sieb. et Zucc.) Carr and 30% forAbies sachalinensis (Fr. Schm.) Masters. InP. jezoensis, percentage basal area (BA) of dead trees was positively related to both BA of its own species and proportion of it to BA of all species, whereas it was not significantly related to both of these variables inA. sachalinensis. Multiple logistic regression with dbh as a confounding factor also indicated that, inP. jezoensis, the proportion of dead stems was positively affected by the stem density of conspecific trees, whereas it was negatively affected by the stem density of the other species in each study plot. However, inA. sachalinensis, the proportion of dead stems was significantly related to neither of these factors. The different mortality pattern between two conifer species suggests that the spruce bark beetle,Ips typographus (L.), which is a serious pest of spruce, may have caused theP. jezoensis decline. Instead of wind-throw or thinning that usually initiate this bark beetle attack, some unknown factors seemed to predispose the trees to insect attack. These unknown factors may also explain the high mortality ofA. sachalinensis in this forest. This research was supported by FFPRI Project, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery.  相似文献   


Stem bases of 210 Fraxinus excelsior trees of three different health categories were sampled by the means of an increment borer in declining ash stands in northern Lithuania. From this number, 15 sound-looking, 132 declining and 63 dead trees from three discrete plots yielded 352 isolates, representing 75 fungal species. In addition, mycelial fans and rhizomorphs typical of Armillaria spp. from 205 and 20 trees, respectively, were sampled and subjected to fungal isolations. Species richness was similar in trees from each health category, but community structures differed, indicating that species composition of wood-inhabiting fungi in stems changes along with the changes in tree health condition. Armillaria cepistipes was the most common species (86 isolates from 210 wood samples, or 41.0%), isolated more frequently and consistently than any other potential tree pathogen. It also showed abundant occurrence on a majority of trees in the form of mycelial fans and rhizomorphs, from which 64 and 14 isolates of the fungus were obtained, respectively. The population structure of A. cepistipes revealed the presence of 53–93 genets per hectare, some of which extended up to 30–55?m.  相似文献   

Wildland fire is a natural force that has shaped most vegetation types of the world. However, its inappropriate management during the last century has led to more frequent and catastrophic fires. Wildland fires are also recognized as one of the sources of CO2 and other greenhouse gases (GHG) that influence global climate change. As one of the techniques used to reduce the risk of destructive wildfires, prescribed burning has the potential of mitigating carbon emissions, and effectively contributes to the efforts proposed as part of the Clean Development Mechanism within the Kyoto protocol. In order to apply this concept to a real case, a simulation study was conducted in pine afforestation in the Andean region of Patagonia, Argentina, with the objective of evaluating the potential of prescribed burning for reducing GHG emissions. The scenario was established for a ten year period, in which simulated prescribed burning was compared to the traditional management scheme, which included the probability of annual average of wildfire occurrence based on available wildfire statistics. The two contrasting scenarios were: (1) managed afforestation, affected by the annual average rate of wildfires occurred in the same type of afforestation in the region, without prescribed burning, and (2) same as (1) but with the application of simulated prescribed burning. In order to estimate carbon stocks, and CO2 removals and emissions, we followed the guidelines given for GHG inventories on the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses (AFOLU) sector of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), while the terminology used was the established by IPCC (2003). Data of afforested area, thinnings, and biomass growth were taken from previous surveys in the study area. Downed dead wood and litter (forest fuel load, FFL) was estimated adjusting equations fitted to those fuels, based on field data. Results show that comparing the two scenarios, prescribed burning reduced CO2 emissions by 44% compared to the situation without prescribed burning. The prescribed burning scenario represented about 12% of the total emissions (prescribed burning plus wildfires). Furthermore, avoided wildfires by simulated prescribed burning allowed an additional 78% GHG emissions mitigation due to extra biomass growth. Simulated prescribed burning in commercial afforestation of Patagonia appears to be an effective management practice not only to prevent wildfires, but also an efficient tool to mitigate GHG emissions. However, more studies in different scenarios would be needed to generalize these benefits to other ecosystems.  相似文献   

An overview of the genus Bursaphelenchus in the Czech Republic is presented, based on a recent survey for monitoring the presence of the pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, as well as on previous reports of this genus in the country. In addition, we provide a morphological and molecular characterization of four Bursaphelenchus species (B. eremus, B. pinophilus, B. vallesianus and B. borealis) found during the monitoring programme for forest pests, conducted during 2006–2010, within the Moravian and Bohemian regions. Nematodes were extracted from over 1917 insects and 1493 wood samples collected from deciduous and coniferous trees exhibiting wilting and declining symptoms. Bursaphelenchus species were found only in 0.73% of insects and 0.47% of the total number of wood samples. Bursaphelenchus borealis and B. pinophilus dauer juveniles were found associated with the insect vectors Dryocetes autographus and Pityogenes bidentatus, respectively. While a total of seven Bursaphelenchus species are now reported from the Czech Republic, the status of B. xylophilus remains as absent.  相似文献   

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