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Abstract – We studied the effects of catch-and-release fishing upon the Ponoi River's Atlantic salmon populations. The Ponoi River is located on the Kola Peninsula of the Russian Federation, and has recently been developed for sports fishing. Angler exploitation rates are estimated to range from 10.4% to 19% of the river's salmon, thus the possibility of significant levels of post-release mortality is of concern. We radio-tracked fish caught and released by anglers in 1995 and 1996. Despite our simple equipment and the large size of the river, we were able to relocate most fish. These fish had high rates of survival, and anglers recaptured about 11% of them per year a second time. This is very similar to the recapture rates observed for Floy-tagged fish released in an angler-based mark-recapture assessment. We also held 62 angled fish for 24 hours in a live cage to evaluate rates of delayed mortality. Only one of the 62 fish died, and it was heavily scarred with gillnet marks. Most fish that are fatally stressed by angling die within 24 h (e.g., Booth et al. 1995). In 1996, up to 10% of our Floy-tagged fish were angled and released twice, and about 0.5% were angled and released three times. No significant biases were detected in the post-angling movement patterns of these fish. The multiple captures and lack of movement bias suggest that fish behavior was little altered by the angling experience. Nine fish Floy tagged prior to spawning have been recovered as typical emaciated kelts. Three were killed, and a post mortem exam showed all had spawned. Parr numbers at all monitored sites have been steadily increasing since the advent of catch-and-release fishing. By contrast, parr growth rates are generally unchanged or significantly better. NOTE  相似文献   

This paper presents some characteristics (length, weight and age) of adult Atlantic salmon in rivers of Brittany. The data were derived from 1,578 fish caught mainly by rod and line; the remainder being from net catches in estuaries and small samples taken outside the fishing season. The bulk of the fish spent 1 or 2 years in freshwater before smoltifying. Those fish becoming smolts at the end of 1 year were the most numerous (54%). The majority of the fish sampled were spring fish (82.4%). Very few summer fish were identified and those found were mainly grilse. The high proportion of spring fish in the sample is due to the high proportion of rod-caught fish. Probably a complete census over the year would show a larger proportion of grilse and summer fish as these are not subject to heavy rod-fishing the season being closed at the beginning of June. The relationship between sea age and river age and the influence of freshwater life upon the sea life were tested in four rivers. It seems probable that sea life depends chiefly on the river and the year of smoltification rather than on the freshwater stage. The biometric characteristics of Brittany salmon were compared with data from some foreign rivers. The angling exploitation of the spring Atlantic salmon in Brittany and the lack of data about summer migrations are discussed in regard to the future of this stock.  相似文献   

The migratory behaviour of adult wild and escaped farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., before, during after spawning in the River Namsen, Norway, was analysed using radio telemetry. The fish were caught, radio tagged and released into the fjord between 7 and 25 km from the river mouth. A significantly higher proportion of wild (74%) than farmed (43%) salmon was subsequently recorded in the river. Wild salmon (33%) were more frequently captured in the sea and in rivers than farmed salmon (14%). The migration speed from release to passing a data logger 11 km upstream from the river mouth was not significantly different between wild (20.6 km day?1) and farmed (19.8 km day?1) salmon. Wild salmon tagged when water flow in the river was increasing had a significantly higher migration speed than wild salmon tagged when water flow was decreasing. This was not true for farmed salmon. Farmed salmon were distributed significantly higher up the river than wild salmon during spawning, although both types of fish were found together in spawning areas. Thus, there was no geographical isolation to prevent spawning between wild and escaped farmed salmon. Farmed salmon had significantly more and longer up- and downstream movements than wild salmon during the spawning period. Unlike farmed salmon, the number of riverine movements by wild salmon increased significantly when variation in water flow increased. A smaller proportion of wild (9%) than farmed (77%) salmon survived through the winter after spawning.  相似文献   

Anglers that release Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in recreational fisheries do so with the intention that the fish will survive and contribute to succeeding generations. In some instances, salmon that are released may be recaptured, but mechanisms associated with recapture are unclear. To test whether gear avoidance influences recapture rates, we analysed data from tagging programmes in major Norwegian Atlantic salmon fishing rivers to determine how frequently salmon were recaptured by different gear than that by which they were initially captured (i.e. gear switch). Among 339 salmon captured, externally tagged and released in 2012 and 2013, 46 (14%) were recaptured; 70% of these recaptured salmon exhibited gear switch. To test whether this gear switch percentage could be expected in the absence of gear avoidance, a simulation was conducted, which accounted for variation in catch probability among rivers and across time with different gear types based on comprehensive catch data. Each simulation step provided a simulated rate of gear switch under the null hypothesis of no gear avoidance. A distribution was generated, which described the probability that we would observe 70% gear switch. The simulated results indicated that this rate of gear switch was highly unlikely (= 0.003) if recapture gear is assumed to be independent of initial capture gear, suggesting that salmon avoided familiar gear types. Changes to behaviour after release, including learned hook avoidance, may explain our observation of gear avoidance by recaptured salmon.  相似文献   

Abstract  Differential exploitation of the various components of a fish stock can adversely affect the diversity, abundance and long-term survival of the entire stock. Many anadromous salmonid stocks exhibit a seasonal structuring of their run-timing that allows fisheries managers to map monthly rod catches onto stock components. To estimate the rod exploitation levels of the various run-timing groups, fishing guides on the River Spey, Scotland, floy-tagged 786 rod-caught and released Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., between 2000 and 2002 and recorded recaptures. Whereas 25% of the fish tagged early in March were recaptured, only 2% of those tagged early in June were caught a second time. Exploitation is biased towards the early-running stock components which current assessments show to be least abundant. Management of Atlantic salmon based on an average exploitation rate is inappropriate.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to collect information on angling procedures and the effects of hook and release on Atlantic salmon in the River Alta, northern Norway, covering both grilse and multi-sea-winter salmon in a non-artificial setting with real anglers. Information on the angling procedure, handling of the fish and the condition of the fish at release was collected for individual salmon in catch logs (n=543, mean body length 82 cm), whereas physiological stress was studied in a sub-sample (n=15, mean body length 77 cm). To study post-release behaviour, survival and recapture rates, salmon were tagged with radio transmitters (n=30, mean body length 83 cm) and anchor T-tags (n=353, mean body length 79 cm). To evaluate the effects of the hook and release programme on the salmon population, number of spawning redds were recorded from a helicopter in 6 years during 1989–2000.

The results showed that at water temperatures 10.0–14.5 °C, a high proportion of the radio tagged salmon (97%) survived hook and release and stayed in known spawning areas during the spawning period. However, the behaviour after release seemed to be affected by hook and release. Only a small proportion (4%) of the anchor T-tagged salmon was caught more than once within the same season. Increased playing time, increased number of runs during the angling event, hooking in the throat, bleeding at the hook wound, increased handling time, air exposure and water temperature were factors that affected hooked and released Atlantic salmon negatively, either indicated by a poor condition at release, increased stress levels or unnatural behaviour after release. Number of spawning redds were more than doubled after the introduction of compulsory release of all angled salmon in Sautso (the upper 16% of the watershed inhabited by salmon) in 1998, which indicates that hook and release can be an effective management tool to enhance declining Atlantic salmon populations.  相似文献   

The effects of catch and release angling on survival of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., at Conne River, Newfoundland, were investigated by retaining angled ( n =49; experimental group) and trap-caught ( n =20; control group) fish in holding cages for up to 40 days. Samples were obtained from 8 June to 4 July, 2000, and partitioned among four water temperature strata. Apart from not being angled, control fish were handled, tagged, and transferred to holding cages in a manner similar to angled salmon. Water temperatures and discharge were monitored throughout the duration of the study. Overall, 8.2% of salmon caught and released died, but 12% died among salmon angled in water temperatures ≥ 17.9 °C. No control fish died. There were no significant differences in time associated with angling, exposure to air, tagging, transfer to holding cages, nor total handling time between salmon that survived vs. those that died. Results of the study should encourage managers to continue to use catch and release as a viable tool in the management of Atlantic salmon stocks.  相似文献   

The River Dalälven Baltic salmon, Salmo salar L., population has been maintained by stocking reared fish since the early 1920s. Initially, all rearing was carried out at one hatchery, but since the late 1980s two have been used. Both hatcheries are situated 9–10 km from the river mouth but some 600 m apart. All broodfish were caught in a single fish trap situated some 700 m upstream of the upper hatchery. The salmon smolts were released just below the water outlets of each hatchery, respectively. About 2% of the released smolts from each hatchery were tagged annually with Carlin tags. Total recapture rates were higher for smolts from the lower hatchery. A higher proportion of recaptured fish was reported from the home river for salmon from the upper hatchery. The migration within the river to the fish trap was more precise for fish from the upper station. Strays were very late in the season and of a higher number from the lower hatchery. Observations of jumping salmon by the outlet from the lower station indicated that salmon returned to that point. The lower recaptures in the trap were considered a result of a shorter river migration of salmon from the lower hatchery.  相似文献   

Hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., parr and wild smolts which were microtagged and released into rivers in north-east England were recaptured by the fisheries at West Greenland, Faroes and on the Irish west coast, by the homewater net fisheries and by rod fisheries in rivers in north-east England. No significant differences were observed in the patterns of exploitation of hatchery-reared and wild fish in the distant water fisheries. The distribution of tag recoveries in coastal waters was strongly influenced by the pattern of fishing effort which was concentrated in the middle of the fishery area, but recaptures tended to be biased towards the river of release. There were significant differences in the distribution of recaptures of fish released in different rivers and between hatchery-reared and wild fish from the River Wear. There were also differences in the timing of recaptures of hatchery and wild fish from this river in the coastal net fishery. Very few fish were recaptured in rivers other than the one in which they were released, and there was no significant difference between straying rates for hatchery and wild fish. The relative numbers of recaptures in the coastal fishery and in the home river was the same for translocated hatchery fish and wild fish, thus refuting the suggestion that hatchery-reared fish have a reduced ability to home. The distribution of recaptures within fresh water provides clear evidence of tributary-specific homing of hatchery-reared fish.  相似文献   

Results from an acoustic telemetry study revealed for the first time a northerly migration route for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) smolts leaving the east coast of Ireland. Atlantic salmon smolts were tagged in spring 2019 in the Castletown and Boyne rivers. Three tagged smolts registered on disparate deep‐water offshore marine receivers as they travelled northwards out of the Irish Sea through the North Channel. One fish had migrated an estimated 250 km in a period of 32 days. The remaining two individuals were detected on receivers located off the Northern Ireland coast, further corroborating the northward migration of salmon smolts through the Irish Sea.  相似文献   

The straying rate of ranched Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., into rivers in Iceland was estimated on the basis of coded wire tag recoveries. Out of a total of 15 158 recaptured tagged salmon from the releases between 1987 and 1992, 189 fish (1.3%) strayed into 25 out of the 79 salmon rivers observed. Most of the strayers were found in neighbouring rivers to the ranching stations. There were no significant differences in straying rate between different age classes of salmon returning from the same smolt year class. Generally, there was a delay of 26-27 days in running time between strayers in rivers and salmon returning to the ranching station. Higher straying rates were observed for ranching stations using riverine traps than for stations using estuary traps. By close inspection of seven key rivers in Iceland and assuming a 50% exploitation rate (fishing effort) in the rivers, on average, 2.1% of the returning salmon in ranching were estimated to stray to native salmon rivers over the years. A limitation of using these numbers to estimate geneflow between ranching stocks and wild populations is discussed.  相似文献   

Run timing of escaped farmed Atlantic salmon Salmo salar vs. wild fish was compared by the use of video camera surveillance in 15 rivers over several years, covering 1600 km of the Norwegian coastline (from 58°N to 69°N). Annual runs of wild salmon varied among rivers from <200 fish to more than 10 000. During the surveillance period that for most rivers extended from late May to early October, larger‐sized salmon (fish ≥ 65 cm) generally entered the rivers earlier than small fish. The percentage of salmon identified as escaped farmed fish ranged from 0.1% to 17% across rivers with an average of 4.3%. Estimates of escapees are, however, assumed to represent minimum values because an unknown number of farmed fish passing the video cameras may have been misclassified as wild fish. By the use of a linear mixed model and generalised additive mixed models, it was found that the relationship between run timing and fish length differed significantly between farmed and wild salmon. While small‐sized farmed and wild fish (<65 cm) entered the river at about the same time, wild large salmon returned on average 1–2 weeks earlier than similarly sized escapees. The proportion of large‐sized farmed escapees also increased until late August and decreased thereafter. In contrast, there was a relatively constant and lower proportion of small‐sized escapees throughout the season. Within the surveillance period, there was no evidence of any exceptionally late runs of fish classified as escaped farmed salmon.  相似文献   

The migration patterns of wild and released farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., were studied by radio-telemetry during migration from entering a river to after spawning. The wild salmon were caught during return migration in bagnets and the farmed salmon were produced in a near by fish farm. Both groups were tagged and released at sea near the river mouth of the River Alta, North Norway. A pronounced individual variation in migration pattern was observed. No significant differences was found between wild and farmed salmon in the distance from entering the river mouth to the place of the first stop (recorded in the same pool for 5 days or longer) and the days from entering the river mouth to arrival at the first stop. For both wild and farmed salmon, mean migration speed was 2.6 km day1, varying from 0.4 to 11.0 km day-1. A larger proportion of farmed salmon distributed to the upper part of the river at spawning; mean distances from the river mouth were 30.1 and 19.1 km. respectively. Farmed salmon spent a significantly longer time from entering the river to reaching the area occupied during spawning.  相似文献   

Warming water temperatures, combined with increased mortality following catch and release, could have synergistic consequences if rivers remain open to catch and release at high water temperatures, and catchability of fish remains similar across water temperatures. Here archived data for Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., were used to (a) quantify the influence of water temperature on catchability and (b) refine estimates of absolute catch and release mortality to incorporate the relationship between temperature and catchability. A significant decline in the number of Atlantic salmon caught at warmer water temperatures was found after accounting for the effects of river water height, fishing effort, run duration and year-to-year differences in fish abundance. Overall, absolute catch and release mortalities were predicted to be infrequent at cool river temperatures. At river temperatures sometimes associated with fishing closures, mortality due to the catch and release ranged from 6% to 14%. Although post-release mortality increases with water temperature, it is somewhat compensated by the reduced catchability of Atlantic salmon. Thus, the catchability component of catch and release is an integral consideration when evaluating the effectiveness of river closure temperature thresholds when managing catch and release angling.  相似文献   

Abstract Weekly exploitation rates of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., in the River Utsjoki, Finland, were estimated from catch reports during the 2003, 2004, 2006 and 2007 seasons, and recordings of all Atlantic salmon ascending the river using a submerged video camera array. In all years, mean weekly fishing mortality rates were significantly higher in June than July to August, with a falling trend throughout the fishing season. Owing to overlap in size between one‐sea‐winter (1SW) and multi‐sea‐winter (MSW) salmon, the estimated fishing mortality rates were based on all sea‐age categories combined. By the second week in June, 18.3–34.7% of large salmon (only MSW) had ascended, compared with 2.2–6.4% of small salmon (1SW and some MSW). Indirectly, the earlier start of ascent of large salmon to River Utsjoki indicated that in‐river fishing mortality of MSW salmon is higher than for 1SW salmon. A later opening of the fishing season may be used to reduce the in‐river fishing mortality, especially for the MSW component.  相似文献   

The major wild Atlantic salmon stocks in the Baltic Sea began to recover in the late 1990s. This recovery has been partly due to strict regulations in the Gulf of Bothnia that effectively prevent salmon fisheries during the peak migration. About half of the migrating salmon, however, are reared fish that could be harvested. We simulated a limited trap-net fishery that selectively harvested reared salmon and released wild fish, and studied the survival and migration of the released salmon. We tagged and released 1970 salmon caught in the trap-nets along the coast in 2001 and 2002. The mean maximum capture and release induced mortality of salmon was 11%, ranging between 4% and 21% in different release groups by year, sea age and number of releases. The cumulative mortality for the total salmon population on their spawning migration in the Gulf of Bothnia was below 5%, and it would not increase considerably after the first capture and release events, provided fishing effort is not excessive and fish are handled properly. Survival of trap-net captured and released Baltic salmon appears high and their migration behavior is not altered due to this handling. Several preconditions, however, should be considered before selective fishing is introduced in the Gulf of Bothnia salmon fishery.  相似文献   

The River Bush (Northern Ireland) is an index river for the estimation of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., stock size, population dynamics and marine survival rates. Marine survival estimates are based on the number of smolts counted at a trap 3.5 km upstream of the river outlet. The survival from release to coastal inshore waters for acoustic‐tagged smolts released at the Bushmills trap varied between 32% and 68%, with both year and brightness during river exit playing a significant role in explaining the variations in survival. This constitutes an important survival bottleneck. Contrary to true marine mortality, this significant loss of smolts in the river and nearshore environments could be reduced by focused management actions. More studies on other rivers, where smolts are enumerated above the head of tide, could further partition smolt and post‐smolt mortality, help differentiate true marine survival and help understand fluctuations in adult returns.  相似文献   

Salmon from different locations in a watershed can have different life histories. It is often unclear to what extent this variation is a response to the current environmental conditions an individual experiences as opposed to local‐scale genetic adaptation or the environment experienced early in development. We used a mark–recapture transplant experiment in the Shasta River, CA, to test whether life‐history traits of juvenile Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha varied among locations, and whether individuals could adopt a new life history upon encountering new habitat type. The Shasta River, a Klamath River tributary, has two Chinook salmon spawning and juvenile rearing areas, a lower basin canyon (river km 0–12) and upper basin spring complex (river km 40–56), characterised by dramatically different in‐stream habitats. In 2012 and 2013, we created three experimental groups: (i) fish caught, tagged and released in the upper basin; (ii) fish caught at the river mouth (confluence with the Klamath River, river km 0), tagged and released in the upper basin; and (iii) fish caught at the river mouth, tagged and released in the lower basin. Fish released in the upper basin outmigrated later and at a larger size than those released in the lower basin. The traits of fish transplanted to the upper basin were similar to fish originating in the upper basin. Chinook salmon juvenile life‐history traits reflected habitat conditions fish experienced rather than those where they originated, indicating that habitat modification or transportation to new habitats can rapidly alter the life‐history composition of populations.  相似文献   

In this study, 221 two‐year‐old hatchery‐reared salmon, Salmo salar, smolts were tagged with radio transmitters over a period of three consecutive years and released in the river in groups of 20–21 fish in various dates between late April and early June. Tagged smolts were tracked during their downstream migration in the lower 36‐km stretch of the regulated River Oulujoki, with the focus on the effects of release date, water temperature and river flow on migration behaviour and survival. The results indicate that release timing and river temperature have profound effects on the initiation of migration, swimming speed and survival of released S. salar smolts. Smolts released early in the spring in cold waters ceased migration after brief downstream movement and were vulnerable to predation, whereas the migration speed and survival rates increased markedly for smolts released later in the spring.  相似文献   

This is the first comprehensive study on the occurrence and distribution of piscine reovirus (PRV) in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., caught in Norwegian rivers. PRV is a newly discovered reovirus associated with heart and skeletal muscle inflammation (HSMI), a serious and commercially important disease affecting farmed Atlantic salmon in Norway. A cross‐sectional survey based on real‐time RT‐PCR screening of head kidney samples from wild, cultivated and escaped farmed Atlantic salmon caught from 2007 to 2009 in Norwegian rivers has been conducted. In addition, anadromous trout (sea‐trout), Salmo trutta L., caught from 2007 to 2010, and anadromous Arctic char, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), caught from 2007 to 2009, were tested. PRV was detected in Atlantic salmon from all counties included in the study and in 31 of 36 examined rivers. PRV was also detected in sea‐trout but not in anadromous Arctic char. In this study, the mean proportion of PRV positives was 13.4% in wild Atlantic salmon, 24.0% in salmon released for stock enhancement purposes and 55.2% in escaped farmed salmon. Histopathological examination of hearts from 21 PRV‐positive wild and one cultivated salmon (Ct values ranging from 17.0 to 39.8) revealed no HSMI‐related lesions. Thus, it seems that PRV is widespread in Atlantic salmon returning to Norwegian rivers, and that the virus can be present in high titres without causing lesions traditionally associated with HSMI.  相似文献   

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