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葡萄座腔菌属及其相关真菌的系统学研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
真菌葡萄座腔菌属无论是在病理学研究还是系统学研究中都占有十分重要的地位,目前已经收录了约20个种。文章综述了国内外对葡萄座腔菌属的系统学研究现状,重点阐述了国际上两个重要研究结果:Botryosphaeria dothidea的无性型是Fusicoccum aesculi,而不是Dothiorella gregaria;B.dothidea和B.ribis是截然不同的分类学种。通过分析国内外研究水平的差距,讨论了今后我国重点研究的方向。  相似文献   

Pathogenicity of cherry‐spruce rust, Thekopsora areolata, was investigated by inoculations with aeciospores from seven Norway spruce, Picea abies, seed orchards that had suffered from successive severe rust epidemics in the 2000s in Finland. Detached leaves of Prunus spp. were inoculated in the laboratory using aeciospores from cones of various ages. In the greenhouse, live Prunus padus plants were inoculated, and possible autoecism of the rust was tested by inoculations of Picea abies seedlings. Thirty‐five spore sources from the seed orchards formed uredinia on Prunus spp. in the laboratory 2 weeks after incubation, but no telia developed. In the greenhouse, uredinia developed on live P. padus, but no rust symptoms, cankers or sporulation were detected on Picea abies. Thus, no evidence of autoecism was observed among the T. areolata populations and therefore all populations, suggesting all those tested from the Finnish seed orchards were heteroecious.  相似文献   

One-year old seedlings of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.), black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.), white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss), and jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) were subject to seven soil temperatures (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 °C) for 4 months. All aspen seedlings, about 40% of jack pine, 20% of white spruce and black spruce survived the 35 °C treatment. The seedlings were harvested at the end of the fourth month to determine biomass and biomass allocation. It was found that soil temperature, species and interactions between soil temperature and species significantly affected root biomass, foliage biomass, stem biomass and total mass of the seedling. The relationship between biomass and soil temperature was modeled using third-order polynomials. The model showed that the optimum soil temperature for total biomass was 22.4, 19.4, 16.0 and 13.7 °C, respectively, for jack pine, aspen, black spruce and white spruce. The optimum soil temperature was higher for leaf than for root in jack pine, aspen and black spruce, but the trend was the opposite for white spruce. Among the species, aspen was the most sensitive to soil temperature: the maximum total biomass for aspen was about 7 times of the minimum value while the corresponding values were only 2.2, 2.4 and 2.3 times, respectively, for black spruce, jack pine and white spruce. Soil temperature did not significantly affect the shoot/root (S/R) ratio, root mass ratio (RMR), leaf mass ratio (LMR), or stem mass ratio (SMR) (P>0.05) with the exception of black spruce which had much higher S/R ratios at low (5 °C) and high (30 °C) soil temperatures. There were significant differences between species in all the above ratios (P<0.05). Aspen and white spruce had the smallest S/R ratio but highest RMR while black spruce had the highest S/R but lowest RMR. Jack pine had the highest LMR but lowest SMR while aspen had the smallest LMR but highest SMR. Both LMR and SMR were significantly higher for black spruce than for white spruce.  相似文献   

Natural spruce-fir mixed stand is one of the main forest types in the world,and also has huge ecological,economic and social benefits.According to the structural characteristics and succession laws of natural spruce-fir forest,it is urgent and significant to develop scientific management measures for natural spruce-fir mixed stand in line with local conditions.The article outlined the characteristics of the distribution and structure, regeneration and succession laws of natural spruce-fir forest,and analyzed the current situation and existing problems of natural spruce-fir forest management.The following recommendations were eventually made:1) In no cutting area,all logging activities should be banned.In a restricted cutting area,the cutting intensity should be generally controlled within 15%of the stock volume before cutting.On the commodity forest management area, the appropriate cutting intensity should be determined according to the volume per hectare,determine and classification management should be implemented in accordance with the characteristics of forest,to ensure the scientific selective cutting.2) Closure for afforestation,planting and repair planting should be adopted on vegetation-intensive land,sparse shrubs covered land and harvesting slash,in order to accelerate natural regeneration.3) The in situ conservation should be conducted in nature reserves and scientific experiment stations of rare and endangered species,such as Abies chensiensis,Picea neoveitchii,Abies vuanbaoshanensis,to reduce human destruction.4) It is supposed to collect seeds in time,establish nursery,actively establish forest, expand artificial population and promote natural regeneration.  相似文献   

天然云冷杉林是世界主要森林类型之一, 具有重要的生态、经济和社会效益。探明天然云冷杉林结构特点和演替规律, 制定科学的经营管理措施, 因地制宜地合理经营云冷杉林意义深远而迫切。文中概述了我国天然云冷杉林的分布、结构和更新演替特征, 分析了经营管理现状及存在的问题, 并提出建议:1)对禁伐区内的云冷杉林分, 坚决杜绝一切采伐活动; 对限伐区要严格控制采伐强度, 一般控制在伐前蓄积量的15%以内; 对商品林经营区可按每公顷蓄积量的大小确定适宜采伐强度, 并按照林分特点进行经营, 做到科学择伐。2)对林地草本植被密集、灌木覆盖度不大、采伐迹地上有种源条件的进行封育、栽植或补植, 人工促进天然更新。3)建立秦岭冷杉、大果青杄、元宝山冷杉等珍稀濒危物种自然保护区和科学试验站, 积极开展就地保护, 减少人为破坏。4)适时采种, 就地建立苗圃, 开展育苗造林, 扩大人工种群, 促进天然更新。  相似文献   

国内杜鹃属植物组培快繁技术的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从外植体选择、外植体的灭菌方式、基本培养基的选择、诱导培养基的选择、生根培养基的选择、生根苗的移栽这几个方面归纳总结了国内有关杜鹃属植物组培快繁应用的研究进展,并提出了目前存在问题与发展利用前景。  相似文献   

为了给建立生态水源涵养林筛选抗旱节水的优势树种及植被营建合理规划提供科学的理论依据,采用盆栽称重法对7种乔木树种蒸腾耗水规律及环境因子影响等进行试验。结果表明:1)油松、元宝枫T_r日变化为双峰曲线,侧柏、栓皮栎、槲树、刺槐、盐肤木为单峰曲线,峰值出现在9:00—11:00或13:00—15:00;T_r日均值从大到小排序为:栓皮栎(4.40 mmol?m-2s-1)>盐肤木(3.42 mmol?m-2s-1)>槲树(3.13 mmol?m-2s-1)>刺槐(1.95 mmol?m-2s-1)>元宝枫(1.84 mmol?m-2s-1)>油松(1.79 mmol?m-2s-1)>侧柏(1.76 mmol?m-2s-1),阔叶乔木T_r日均值高于针叶乔木的。2)RWUE主要表现为"V"型趋势,9:00—11:00出现最小值,油松、侧柏的抗旱性强于刺槐、元宝枫、栓皮栎、槲树、盐肤木。3)不同天气耗水量从大到小排序为:晴天>半晴天>阴天,7月、8月、9月的耗水量多于5月、6月、10月;不同树种耗水量ATWCA序为元宝枫(0.120 g·cm-2d-1)>盐肤木(0.115 g·cm-2d-1)>栓皮栎(0.098 g·cm-2d-1)>槲树(0.090 g·cm-2d-1)>油松(0.061 g·cm-2d-1)>刺槐(0.053 g·cm-2d-1)>侧柏(0.039 g·cm-2d-1);表明阔叶乔木耗水量多于针叶乔木。4)影响树种叶片蒸腾速率的影响因子主要是光合有效辐射和气孔阻力。  相似文献   

稀果杜鹃是贵州梵净山山顶杜鹃灌丛群丛特色物种之一,是构成梵净山杜鹃长廊景点的关键物种。采用常规群落生态学调查,对梵净山稀果杜鹃群落的种类组成、物种多样性及群落结构进行了研究,结果表明:在600 m2的样地中,共有维管植物15科25属27种,灌木层中稀果杜鹃重要值最高;物种多样性特征分析显示该群落多样性指数偏低,灌木层中优势种明显,物种分布随机性大,草本层物种较少,分布较均匀;群落垂直结构简单,高度集中在3~3.5 m,群落垂直结构稳定。  相似文献   


The impact of tree species on soil carbon stocks and acidity in southern Sweden was studied in a non-replicated plantation with monocultures of 67-year-old ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.), beech (Fagus silvatica L.), elm (Ulmus glabra Huds.), hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.), Norway spruce (Picea abies L.) and oak (Quercus robur L.). The site was characterized by a cambisol on glacial till. Volume-determined soil samples were taken from the O-horizon and mineral soil layers to 20?cm. Soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), pH (H2O), cation-exchange capacity and base saturation at pH 7 and exchangeable calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium ions were analysed in the soil fraction?<?2 mm. Root biomass (<5 mm in diameter) and its proportion in the forest floor and mineral soil varied between tree species. There was a vertical gradient under all species, with the highest concentrations of SOC, TN and base cations in the O-horizon and the lowest in the 10–20?cm layer. The tree species differed with respect to SOC, TN and soil acidity in the O-horizon and mineral soil. For SOC and TN, the range in the O-horizon was spruce?>?hornbeam?>?oak?>?beech?>?ash?>?elm. The pH in the O-horizon ranged in the order elm?>?ash?>?hornbeam?>?beech?>?oak?>?spruce. In the mineral soil, SOC and TN ranged in the order elm?>?oak?>?ash?=?hornbeam?>?spruce?>?beech, i.e. partly reversed, and pH ranged in the same order as for the O-horizon. It is suggested that spruce is the best option for fertile sites in southern Sweden if the aim is a high carbon sequestration rate, whereas elm, ash and hornbeam are the best solutions if the aim is a low soil acidification rate.  相似文献   

Unsuccessful colonization by indigenous tree species into established plantations has retarded the succession of artificial plantations to more natural, secondary forests in South China. To understand how to improve colonization by seedlings of indigenous species, we determined how performance of indigenous seedlings is affected by seedling species (the shade-intolerant Castanopsis chinensis, the moderately shade-intolerant Michelia chapensis, and the shade-tolerant Psychotria rubra), the site into which the seedlings were transplanted (a mixed-legume plantation, a eucalyptus plantation, a mixed-native plantation, a mixed-conifer plantation, and a shrubland), and site preparation (removal or retention of understory vegetation and litter). Seedling survival and growth were generally increased by removal of understory vegetation and litter. C. chinensis and M. chapensis grew better in the mixed-legume and mixed-conifer plantations, while P. rubra grew better in mixed-native and mixed-conifer plantations. Responses of the transplanted seedlings to environmental factors were species specific. The effects of light on seedling survival and growth were correlated with the shade tolerance of the species. Soil moisture was important; it was positively correlated with survival but negatively correlated with growth of C. chinensis seedlings. Growth of C. chinensis and M. chapensis was positively correlated with soil potassium, while growth of P. rubra was positively correlated with soil organic matter but negatively correlated with soil hydrolyzed nitrogen. These findings suggest that we should select suitable native species under the different plantations before improvement of plantations. Light and soil moisture are most important environmental factors for the selection of species specific. Site preparation and fertilizer are needed during the improvement of those plantations.  相似文献   

采用实地调查和咨询的方法,对河北省承德市5大类(常绿针叶乔木、落叶阔叶乔木、落叶阔叶小乔木及灌木、竹类植物、藤本植物)76种绿化树种应用现状进行分析评价。结果表明:绿化树种种类少,景观单调,出现单层次现象。并进一步对现有绿化树种存在的问题提出了相关建议,为承德市及周边地区城市绿化树种选择及应用提供了一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

树木抗病的生理生化学研究进展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
对树木受病原物侵染前后体内生化物质及其变化状况和诱发产生的多种生理生化代谢差异在寄主抗病性中作用的研究现状进行了概述,指出,目前关于树木抗病性的研究多集中在相关因素的比较分析上,有关抗病的分子机制和抗病基因定位等研究是今后深入探讨的重要方面。  相似文献   

Based on the fire statistics, the Daxing’anling forest area were classified into three fire cycle regions: northern coniferous virgin forest region with a fire cycle ofl 10–120 years, middle conifer-broad-leaved mixed forest region with a fire cycle of 30–40 years, and southern broad-leaved secondary forest region with a fire cycle of 15–20. The percentage of conifers and broad-leaved trees, forest age and natural mature period of main tree species in different fire cycle regions were discussed in concern with fire occurrence. The characteristics of fire adaptation and fire resistance of main tree species, such as sexual and asexual reproduction, were discussed and evaluation of the synthetical fire adaptation was made.  相似文献   

北京4个玉兰种花期物候观测及其分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对北京4个常见玉兰种进行了花期物候和花形态观察、记录并拍照,同时对观测结果进行分析。结果表明:北京市4个玉兰种开花的先后顺序为:望春玉兰(Magnolia biondii)、白玉兰(M.denudate)、二乔玉兰(M.×soulange-ana)、紫玉兰(M.lilifllora);花期由长到短的顺序为:白玉兰、二乔玉兰、望春玉兰、紫玉兰;而低温和干旱是影响玉兰开花规律和花期长短的主要气候因子。  相似文献   

Understanding of the effects of isolated plants with different morphologies on water runoff and soil loss is important for vegetation restoration in arid environments. We selected three representative species (Artemisia gmelinii; Ajania potaninii; Pulicaria chrysantha) of the dry-warm river valley of the upper reach of Minjiang River, SW China to examine these effects. Twenty-five runoff events were recorded using runoff plots at micro scale (<40 cm × 40 cm) on a south facing slope from July through October 2006. A. potaninii had sparse canopy, the smallest leaf area (0.49 ± 0.25 cm2) and specific leaf area (67.8 ± 16.5 cm2/g), and the highest leaf relative water content (27.1 ± 4.4%). It is the most resistant to drought stress. A. gmelinii was the shortest, and had relatively small leaf area (0.55 ± 0.50 cm2) and the densest canopy. P. chrysantha had the greatest leaf area (1.41 ± 0.49 cm2) and most extended canopy (4450 ± 1646 cm2). Dead branches and leaves of A. gmelinii and P. chrysantha commonly fall and collect on the soil surface. Thus they had greater improvements on soil porosity and soil water content, and higher effectiveness in controlling soil loss. However, A. gmelinii had more stable effectiveness in controlling runoff as compared with P. chrysantha. The characteristics such as relatively small leaf area but low height and dense canopy might be one criterion for selecting species to improve soil properties and controlling runoff and soil loss. Differences in soil environments, and runoff and soil loss production capacity for micro-surfaces regulates water and materials redistribution, which emphasizes the importance in designing vegetation restoration pattern.  相似文献   

Eucalyptus grandis and its hybrids, as well as Acacia mearnsii, are important non‐native trees commonly propagated for forestry purposes in South Africa. In this study, we conducted pathogenicity trials to assess the relative importance of five commonly isolated Phytophthora spp. (Phytophthora alticola, P. cinnamomi, P. frigida, P. multivora and P. nicotianae) from the plantation environment on E. grandis and A. mearnsii seedlings. Overall E. grandis was more susceptible to the tested Phytophthora spp. than A. mearnsii. Phytophthora cinnamomi was the only pathogen that had a significant negative effect on both the host tree species, leading to a reduction in root and shoot weight as well as to death in the case of E. grandis. Phytophthora alticola and P. nicotianae exclusively affected E. grandis and A. mearnsii, respectively. This study updated the current knowledge on the pathogenicity of Phytophthora spp. on two important non‐native commercially propagated tree species from South Africa.  相似文献   

为掌握广东省重要景观树种病虫害种类及发生情况,为景观林病虫害的防治和景观林带树种配置提供依据。2011—2014年,通过普查和设置样地调查,对广东省37种常用景观树木的病虫发生种类及为害严重性进行了研究。结果表明,对植物造成危害的害虫92种,病害22种,其中食叶害虫57种,刺吸式害虫23种,钻蛀害虫7种,地下害虫5种。根据病虫发生量和危害程度,对病虫害划分为4个等级,其中凤凰木夜蛾(Pericyma cruegri)、双线盗毒蛾(Porthesia scintillans)、广州小斑螟(Oligochroa cantonella)等22种害虫易暴发成灾,对景观树木产生严重为害,需进一步开展生物学特性及防治措施研究。  相似文献   

In 2008, a canker disease caused by the fungus Corinectria constricta was detected in southern Chile. The causal agent was previously identified as Neonectria fuckeliana (now Corinectria fuckeliana), which has been associated with stem cankers in Pinus radiata plantations in New Zealand since the 1990s. Many basic aspects of the life cycle of C. constricta remain unknown. The current study aimed to (a) document the periods during which Cconstricta fruiting bodies are present in P. radiata plantations and associated factors; (b) determine the C. constricta life cycle in P. radiata plantations in southern Chile; and (c) evaluate, under in vitro conditions, the sporulation dynamics of ascospores. The first and second aims were carried out by evaluating affected plantations every 15 days, identifying asexual and sexual fungal structures, and recording the time periods when the structures were present. The third aim was achieved with in vitro tests in Petri dishes simulating humidity chambers. The life cycle was characterized by the presence of sporodochia from the Cylindrocarpon‐like (asexual form of C. constricta) morph during the autumn of 2012 (March–May). Subsequently, perithecia began to form on the sporodochia during April of 2012, taking approximately 3 months to mature (May–July), persisting for the rest of the year and providing inoculum to infect new trees. The development of perithecia in winter demonstrates that this is the most important period for dispersal and infection. In terms of sporulation dynamics, perithecia can release ascospores up to eight days following a wetting event; without this event, the spores are not released.  相似文献   

高州水库林分改造树种选择试验分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
对高州水库生态现状进行分析,并阐述高州水库林改技术要点,对已引种的10种阔叶树种植试验进行调查分析,结果表明:高山榕、格木、红花荷是水库森林群落林相改造的首选树种。  相似文献   

白石砬子自然保护区森林植被和主要树种分布的环境解释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用典范对应分析(CCA)对辽宁东部白石砬子国家级自然保护区56个样地中的森林植被和44种主要树种与8个环境因子间的关系进行了研究。结果表明,海拔高度、样地坡度、土壤有机质、林冠都闭度和土壤酸度是影响白石砬子森林树种和植被分布的主要因素。结合双向指示种分析(TWINSPAN),在CC样地一环境因子双序图上区分出8个样地组,分析了8个样地组的植被成员组成及其分布与环境因子间的关系。  相似文献   

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