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The poleward flowing East Australian Current (EAC) drives sporadic upwelling, entrains coastal water and forms the western Tasman Front (wTF), creating a mosaic of water types and larval transport routes along south eastern Australia. The spatial distribution, otolith chemistry and growth rates of larval sardine (Sardinops sagax) were examined to infer spawning location and larval transport. A gradient of increasing larval size from north to south along the shelf was not detected but was evident between the shelf and offshore in the wTF. Here larvae were larger and older. Based on the occurrence of newly hatched larvae, spawning by S. sagax between southern Queensland and mid New South Wales (NSW) was more extensive than previously reported. The otolith chemistry from two wTF larval size classes differed, implying different origins. The otolith chemistry of wTF post‐flexion larvae was similar to larvae from northern NSW, whereas wTF flexion larvae were similar to larvae observed nearby from mid‐NSW. Two possible larval transport routes, direct and indirect, are inferred from otolith chemistry, current velocities and a previously published particle tracking study. Either larvae from northern NSW were advected south and entrained with younger larvae directly into the wTF, or larvae from a range of shelf regions were advected around the southern edge of an anticyclonic eddy, to join younger larvae directly entrained into the wTF. Based on the co‐occurrence of larval ages and sizes in the wTF and their advection routes, the wTF appears to be an important larval retention zone.  相似文献   

Patterns in larval transport of coastal species have important implications for species connectivity, conservation, and fisheries, especially in the vicinity of a strengthening boundary current. An Ocean General Circulation Model for the Earth Simulator particle tracking model was used to assess the potential dispersal of Eastern King Prawn (EKP) larvae Melicertus (Penaeus) plebejus, an important commercial and recreational species in Eastern Australia. Particles were exposed to a constant natural mortality rate, and temperature‐dependent growth (degree‐days) was used to determine the time of settlement. Forward and backward simulations were used to identify the extent of larval dispersal from key source locations, and to determine the putative spawning regions for four settlement sites. The mean dispersal distance for larvae was extensive (~750–1,000 km before settlement), yet the northern spawning locations were unlikely to contribute larvae to the most southern extent of the EKP range. There was generally great offshore dispersal of larvae, with only 2%–5% of larvae on the continental shelf at the time of settlement. Our particle tracking results were combined with existing site‐specific reproductive potentials to identify the relative contributions of larvae from key source locations. Although mid‐latitude sites had only moderate reproductive potential, they delivered the most particles to the southern coast and are probably the most important sources of larval EKP for the two southern estuaries. Our modelling suggests that mesoscale oceanography is a strong determinant of recruitment success of the EKP, and highlights the importance of both larval dispersal and reproductive potential for understanding connectivity across a species’ range.  相似文献   

The Eastern Canadian northern shrimp population, representing one of the most important fisheries in the region, decreased dramatically since the mid‐2000s to a historical low in 2017, but changes were not spatially uniform. Applying a biophysical model within Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) management areas, we investigated connectivity processes during the long pelagic larval phase (2–3 months) of Pandalus borealis and key drivers of larval dispersal in different environmental conditions. We selected 3 years representative of contrasting North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) phases to assess potential larval dispersal patterns of the northern shrimp population in NL, and hierarchically assessed the impact of the timing of release (yearly and daily), release location, and vertical migration behaviour on shrimp larval dispersal. Overall, we found that populations located on the northern Newfoundland and Labrador shelf supplied potential settlers to southern populations because of the dominant Labrador Current. Ocean circulation and current velocities during the NAO positive year differed from other years, generating contrasting settlement spatial patterns. Larval release location and vertical migration behaviour were the two most important influences on the strength of larval supply and settlement patterns. Inclusion of diel and ontogenic swimming behaviour increased settlement success of larvae released from inshore areas, regardless of study years. Our study improves understanding of northern shrimp stock‐recruitment relationships, their sensitivity to changing environmental conditions, and spatially non‐homogeneous population decline for bentho‐pelagic species with a long larval phase, which could potentially help improve management strategies.  相似文献   

In the marine environment, pelagic dispersal is important for determining the distribution and abundance of populations, as well as providing connections among populations. Estimates of larval dispersal from spawning grounds are important to determining temporal and spatial patterns in recruitment that may have significant influences on the dynamics of the population. We present a case study of the dispersal of Centropristis striata (black sea bass) larvae on the southeast U.S. continental shelf. We use a coupled larval behavior – 3D circulation model to compare the effects of the timing and location of spawning against that of larval vertical migration on larval dispersal. Using the results of field data on larval vertical distributions, we compare the dispersal of virtual 'larvae' which have ontogenetic changes in vertical behavior with that of particles fixed near the surface and near the bottom. Larvae were released at potential spawning sites four times throughout the spawning season (February through May) for 3 yr (2002–04) and tracked for the assumed larval duration (from 27 to 37 days including the egg stage). Results indicate that adult behavior, in the form of spawning time and location, may be more important than larval vertical behavior in determining larval dispersal on the inner- and mid- continental shelves of this region.  相似文献   

A major challenge in marine ecology is describing patterns of larval dispersal and population connectivity, as well as their underlying processes. We used a biophysical model to simulate dispersal of eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, larvae and connectivity among a network of 10 no‐take reserves in a shallow, wind‐driven estuary to assess the relative importance of spawning location, spawning date, larval behavior, larval mortality, and adult reproductive output to predicted dispersal and connectivity patterns. The location (i.e., natal reserve) and date of spawning relative to physical processes, particularly frequency of wind reversals, were the dominant drivers of dispersal and connectivity patterns. To a lesser extent, larval behavior (i.e., 3D vertical advection and ontogenetic depth regulation) and mortality modified dispersal and connectivity, whereas spatiotemporal variability in adult reproductive output was of minimal importance. Over a 21‐day larval duration, mean dispersal distance of passive surface particles ranged from 5 to 40 km. Reserves were too small (1 km2) relative to mean dispersal distances to promote extensive local retention (median 2%) and spaced too far apart (typically ~50 km) to promote extensive inter‐reserve connectivity (median 2%). Limited connectivity and local retention may preclude the network from being self‐sustainable, thereby limiting its long‐term conservation and management benefits. In reserve systems characterized by limited connectivity, management efforts should focus on increasing connectivity by increasing the number or size of reserves to realize the benefits of improved adult demographics within reserves.  相似文献   

Multiyear periods of relatively cold temperatures (2007–2013) and warm temperatures (2001–2005 and 2014–2018) altered the eastern Bering Sea ecosystem, affecting ocean currents and wind patterns, plankton community, and spatial distribution of fishes. Yellowfin sole Limanda aspera larvae were collected from the inner domain (≤50 m depth) of the eastern Bering Sea among four warm years (2002, 2004, 2005, 2016), an average year (2006), and three cold years (2007, 2010, 2012). Spatial distribution and density of larvae among those years was analyzed using generalized additive models that included timing of sea-ice retreat, areal coverage of water ≤0°C, and water temperature as covariates. Analyses indicated a combination of temperature effects on the location and timing of spawning, and on egg and larval survival, may explain the variation in larval density and distribution among years. During warm years, higher density and wider spatial distribution of larvae may be due to earlier spawning, an expansion of the spawning area, and higher egg and larvae survival due to favorable temperatures. Larval distribution contracted shoreward, and density was lower during cold conditions and was likely due to fish spawning closer to shore to remain in preferred temperatures, later spawning, and increased mortality. Predicted drift trajectories from spawning areas showed that larvae would reach nursery grounds in most years. Years when the drift period was longer than the pelagic phase of the larvae occurred during both warm and cold conditions indicating that settlement outside of nursery areas could happen during either temperature condition.  相似文献   

The harvest of bay scallops (Argopecten irradians) from Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, U.S.A. undergoes large interannual fluctuations, varying by more than an order of magnitude in successive years. To investigate the extent to which these fluctuations may be due to yearly variations in the transport of scallop larvae from spawning areas to suitable juvenile habitat (settlement zones), a high‐resolution hydrodynamic model was used to drive an individual‐based model of scallop larval transport. Model results revealed that scallop spawning in Buzzards Bay occurs during a time when nearshore bay currents were principally directed up‐bay in response to a persistent southwesterly sea breeze. This nearshore flow results in the substantial transport of larvae from lower‐bay spawning areas to settlement zones further up‐bay. Averaged over the entire bay, the spawning‐to‐settlement zone connectivity exhibits little interannual variation. However, connectivities between individual spawning and settlement zones vary by up to an order of magnitude. The model results identified spawning areas that have the greatest probability of transporting larvae to juvenile habitat. Because managers may aim to increase scallop populations either locally or broadly, the high‐connectivity spawning areas were divided into: (i) high larval retention and relatively little larval transport to adjoining settlement areas, (ii) both significant larval retention and transport to more distant settlement areas, and (iii) little larval retention but significant transport to distant settlement areas.  相似文献   

The spawning success of lithophilic salmonids is strongly influenced by the fine sediment content (“fines”) of spawning substrates, yet knowledge on the impacts of fines on the spawning of non‐salmonid lithophiles remains limited, despite their ecological and socio‐economic importance in European rivers. Consequently, the aim here was to use an ex‐situ experiment to investigate the impact of sand content on egg survival and timing of larval emergence of the surface‐spawning cyprinid European barbel Barbus barbus. Thirty incubator boxes within a recirculating system were filled with one of five experimental sediment mixtures (0%–40% sand by mass) that each contained 300 fertilised eggs at a depth of 50 mm. Emerged, free‐swimming larvae were captured and counted daily to assess grain‐size effects on larval survival and emergence. Specifically, total proportion of emerged larvae, cumulative daily proportion of emerged larvae and time required to reach 50% emergence were measured during the study. Whilst the proportion of sand in the sediments did not have a significant impact on egg‐to‐emergence survival (mean survival per treatment 75%–79%), it significantly affected the timing of larval emergence to the water column; early emergence was detected in treatments with elevated sand content (on average, 50% emergence after 12–13 days versus 19 days in the control). Similar to findings from salmonid studies, these results suggest high sand content in spawning gravels can influence timing of larval emergence and potentially cyprinid lithophilic fish survival.  相似文献   

Swordfish Xiphias gladius (Linnaeus, 1758) are a circumglobal pelagic fish targeted by multiple lucrative fisheries. Determining the distribution of swordfish larvae is important for indicating reproductive activity and understanding the early life history of swordfish. We identify and characterize larval swordfish distributions during peak swordfish spawning throughout the Gulf of Mexico and western Caribbean Sea with generalized additive models (GAMs) using catches of swordfish larvae during ichthyoplankton surveys in April and May of 2010, 2011, and 2012. The best fit GAM, as determined by stepwise, backward Akaike Information Criterion selection, included both physiochemical (temperature at 5 m, sea surface height anomaly (SSHA), eddy kinetic energy (EKE)), temporal (lunar illumination, hour of sampling) and spatial (location) variables, while near surface chlorophyll a concentration residuals remained as a random effect. The highest probability of larval swordfish catch occurred at sub‐surface temperatures, SSHA, and EKE values indicative of boundary currents. Standard lengths of larvae were larger further downstream in the boundary currents, despite high variability in length with location due to multiple spawning locations of swordfish near these currents. Probability of larval swordfish catch also peaked during the crescent and gibbous moons, indicating a lunar periodicity to swordfish spawning. These results suggest that swordfish may spawn during select moon phases near boundary currents that transport their larvae to larval and juvenile habitat including the northern Gulf of Mexico and coastal waters of the southeast United States.  相似文献   

Data from stock assessment surveys, published research and climate sensors were linked to model the interaction between fishing, physical‐oceanographic processes and spatial patterns of larval settlement for western king prawn [Penaeus (Melicertus) latisulcatus]. This information was used to evaluate the trade‐off between larval recruitment and catch during fishing periods that demand high prices but coincide with spawning. Total rates of larval settlement were maximized when tidal currents and atmospheric physical‐forcing components were coupled with simulations of larval swimming behaviour under average gulf temperatures. Average gulf temperatures sustained longer larval durations and increased larval settlement rates by over 12% compared with warmer gulf conditions simulated under a scenario of global warming. Reproductive data coupled with outputs from the biophysical model identified consistent inter‐annual patterns in the areas contributing to larval settlement success. Areas located in the north‐east, and central‐west of the fishery, consistently contributed to over 40% of all larvae reaching a settlement in each year. Harvest sensitivity analyses indicated that changes in the spatial patterns of pre‐Christmas fishing could lead to improvements in overall rates of the larval settlement while maintaining or improving the levels of catch. Future studies to refine the model inputs relating to physical processes, larval behaviour and mortality rates for P. latisulcatus coupled with surveys of juvenile prawn abundance to ground truth the modelled predictions, would allow stock recruitment relationships to be more closely examined and inform adaptive management of the fishery in the future.  相似文献   

Lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) have been negatively impacted by barriers to migration, pollution and overharvest. Biological data such as the timing of spawning activity and larval drift have provided a better understanding of larval production success or failure on a site-specific basis. However, many river systems that serve as reproductive locations for remnant lake sturgeon populations remain understudied. The objective of this study was to compare and contrast aspects of larval lake sturgeon drift within and between the Oconto and Menominee Rivers over multiple reproductive seasons. Differences in larval drift chronology, the size of drifting larvae during the season and the cross-sectional profile of drifting individuals as a function of river velocity were evaluated. D-frame drift nets were deployed at a single transect below spawning sites in the Menominee (2012, 2013 and 2014) and Oconto Rivers (2013, 2014 and 2015). A total of 4,442 larvae were captured across all seasons. Larvae exhibited nonrandom drift profiles related to water velocity, and larvae size was related to horizontal drift location. The seasonal increase in body size of drifting larvae also differed among drift events within and between years and across rivers. This information will provide a better understanding of lake sturgeon early life history and has practical management connections including spawning site protection/enhancement and river flow mitigation.  相似文献   

Dispersion during the larval phase is of central importance in the dynamics of marine fish and invertebrate populations. Rapid transport or dispersion of larvae may contribute to connectivity and mixing, whereas spatial persistence (retention) is hypothesized to favour stock complexity and local subpopulations. Larval retention, while rarely quantified, may be defined in species with protracted spawning by the spatial co‐occurrence of larvae of different sizes or ages. The spatial distributions of larval Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) were examined from 22 annual autumn surveys (1975–1998) and 9 spring surveys (1975–1984) from the Bay of Fundy, a region with large tides and residual flow. Larvae of all sizes (3–27 mm in length, from hatch to nearly 4 months post‐hatch) were observed each year in two major aggregations; one off southwestern Nova Scotia, and the other in the mid‐inner Bay of Fundy off the northwestern shore of Nova Scotia. Two similar aggregations were evident over 5 months later from 9 spring surveys (1975–1984), despite the residual flow that would have swept the larvae from the region within 1 month. Larval retention was apparent from overlapping centres of mass of different size (=age) classes of larvae, and tested using a size diversity index, based on the co‐occurrence of 1‐mm‐size categories, derived from protracted spawning of several weeks. Geospatial ‘hot spots’ (Gi* statistic) of four size (age) classes were evident at specific stations in the 50–100 m bathymetric zone and not elsewhere. These metrics provide quantitative measures of retention that may be applied to many ichthyoplankton data sets. One of the three main spawning areas collapsed during the study period after a period of intense fishing and failed to rebuild, but there was no substantial change in the location of larval hotspots in subsequent years. While larval retention does not directly relate to each spawning location, larval retention in the Bay of Fundy contributes to the complex ‘metapopulation’ structure of herring stocks in the western Atlantic.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of strong meteorological perturbations in early spring on the success of mackerel (Scomber scombrus) recruitment in the N/NW Iberian area (southern Bay of Biscay) for the period 1999–2008. In 2000, the year of the most pronounced recruitment failure on record, two consecutive multidisciplinary surveys sampled hydrographic conditions and mackerel eggs, larvae and post‐larvae over the main mackerel spawning grounds of the north and northwest coast of the Iberian Peninsula. Analysis of egg and larval abundance and birthdates based on the otoliths of mackerel juveniles caught between July and October 2000 showed that there were no survivors from the early spring spawns, indicating a massive loss of early spawning effort. Moreover, the abundance of 1‐year‐old mackerel estimated from an acoustic survey carried out in 2001 was the lowest observed within the 1999–2008 time series. This low or null survival from the early spawns in 2000 could be due to the meteorological and oceanographic conditions of that spring, in particular two storm events in April after a relatively calm March. The first storm event from the north caused strong local wind in the southern Bay of Biscay but a weak oceanographic response. The second storm event from the southwest was mainly felt west of Galicia and caused a notable increase in shelf currents and a shift of the hydrographical structure along the shelf. Detailed analysis of strong wind pulses in early spring within the historical recruitment record suggests that strong local turbulence generated by high wind speeds and advection of larvae caused by the enhancement of shelf currents can contribute to reduced recruitment. Our observations indicate that, in 2000, both mechanisms were present.  相似文献   

We applied a physiological individual‐based model for the foraging and growth of cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) larvae, using observed temperature and prey fields data from the Irish Sea, collected during the 2006 spawning season. We used the model to estimate larval growth and survival and explore the different productivities of the cod and haddock stocks encountered in the Irish Sea. The larvae of both species showed similar responses to changes in environmental conditions (temperature, wind, prey availability, daylight hours) and better survival was predicted in the western Irish Sea, covering the spawning ground for haddock and about half of that for cod. Larval growth was predicted to be mostly prey‐limited, but exploration of stock recruitment data suggests that other factors are important to ensure successful recruitment. We suggest that the presence of a cyclonic gyre in the western Irish Sea, influencing the retention and/or dispersal of larvae from their spawning grounds, and the increasing abundance of clupeids adding predatory pressure on the eggs and larvae; both may play a key role. These two processes deserve more attention if we want to understand the mechanisms behind the recruitment of cod and haddock in the Irish Sea. For the ecosystem‐based management approach, there is a need to achieve a greater understanding of the interactions between species on the scale a fish stock is managed, and to work toward integrated fisheries management in particular when considering the effects of advection from spawning grounds and prey–predator reversal on the recovery of depleted stocks.  相似文献   

Winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus, from southern New England and the Gulf of Maine were historically considered to be obligate estuarine spawners. However, recent experiments and observations document that winter flounder in the Gulf of Maine also utilize coastal waters for spawning. An individual‐based modeling approach was used to investigate the transport of winter flounder larvae from three hypothesized coastal spawning grounds in the Gulf of Maine. Transport success rates were greatest for larvae released from Ipswich Bay, intermediate for Stellwagen Bank and least successful for those released from Jeffreys Ledge. There was substantial interannual variability in larval transport and geographic patterns of potential connectivity. Furthermore, the date of spawning had an important influence on transport success. Model results suggest that certain coastal spawning grounds used by winter flounder may serve as an important source of larvae to estuaries and nearshore nursery areas. The potential influx of coastal spawned larvae could have implications for the resilience, productivity and gene flow in local populations. Model results provide further support for the conclusion that winter flounder in the Gulf of Maine may not be solely dependent upon estuaries for spawning. Results also suggest that coastal spawning groups should be considered explicitly in the management of winter flounder, and protected under Essential Fish Habitat regulations.  相似文献   

European sardine (Sardina pilchardus) and round sardinella (Sardinella aurita) comprise two‐thirds of total landings of small pelagic fishes in the Canary Current Eastern Boundary Ecosystem (CCEBE). Their spawning habitat is the continental shelf where upwelling is responsible for high productivity. While upwelling intensity is predicted to change through ocean warming, the effects of upwelling intensity on larval fish habitat expansion is not well understood. Larval habitat characteristics of both species were investigated during different upwelling intensity regimes. Three surveys were carried out to sample fish larvae during cold (permanent upwelling) and warm (low upwelling) seasons along the southern coastal upwelling area of the CCEBE (13°–22.5°N). Sardina pilchardus larvae were observed in areas of strong upwelling during both seasons. Larval habitat expansion was restricted from 22.5°N to 17.5°N during cold seasons and to 22.5°N during the warm season. Sardinella aurita larvae were observed from 13°N to 15°N during cold seasons and 16–21°N in the warm season under low upwelling conditions. Generalized additive models predicted upwelling intensity driven larval fish abundance patterns. Observations and modeling revealed species‐specific spawning times and locations, that resulted in a niche partitioning allowing species' co‐existence. Alterations in upwelling intensity may have drastic effects on the spawning behavior, larval survival, and probably recruitment success of a species. The results enable insights into the spawning behavior of major small pelagic fish species in the CCEBE. Understanding biological responses to physical variability are essential in managing marine resources under changing climate conditions.  相似文献   

In this analysis, an atypical northward shift in the distribution of age‐1 ocean shrimp (Pandalus jordani) recruits off Oregon in 2000 and 2002–2004 was linked to anomolously strong coastal upwelling winds off southern Oregon (42°N latitude) in April–July of the year of larval release (t?1). This is the first clear evidence that strong upwelling winds can depress local recruitment of ocean shrimp. Regression analysis confirmed a long‐term negative correlation between loge of ocean shrimp recruitment and April sea level height (SLH) at Crescent City, California, in the year of larval release, for both northern and southern Oregon waters. The regional pattern of ocean shrimp catches and seasonal upwelling winds showed that, although the timing of the spring transition as reflected in April SLH drives ocean shrimp recruitment success off Oregon generally, the strength and consistency of spring upwelling limits the distribution of large concentrations of ocean shrimp at the southern end of the northern California/Oregon/Washington area. A northward shift in 1999 and 2001–03 in the northern edge of this ‘zone of maximum upwelling’ is the likely cause of the weak southern Oregon recruitment and resulting atypical distribution of ocean shrimp observed off Oregon in 2000 and 2002–04, with a return to a more typical catch distribution as spring upwelling moderated in subsequent years. It is noted that a northward shift in the conditions that produce strong and steady spring upwelling winds is consistent with many predictions of global climate models under conditions of global warming.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to generate information for the development of Isostichopus badionotus culture protocols by determining optimal spawning methods, egg production, length and duration of larval stages, and larval habitat settlement preferences. Studies performed during the spawning seasons of 2010 and 2011 showed that this organism spawns between July and November without mechanical or chemical induction. The larval development has five well‐defined stages: early, mid and late auricularia, doliolaria, and pentactula. Juveniles (654.3 µm length) were obtained on average 25 days after fertilization (DAF), when larvae were incubated at 25 ± 1 C. No preference was observed for any of the materials used for settlement of the larvae. The easy adaptation of I. badionotus to the culture conditions and the competence of the larvae to complete metamorphosis while feeding solely on microalgae concentrates make this species an excellent candidate for farming. However, it is necessary to continue designing techniques for larval culture and to establish appropriate captivity conditions that allow multiannual reproduction.  相似文献   

Many demersal marine fish species depend on a dispersive larval stage that connects geographically discrete sub‐populations. Understanding connectivity between these sub‐populations is necessary to determine stock structure, which identifies the appropriate spatial scale for fishery management. Such connectivity is poorly understood for King George whiting (Sillaginodes punctatus; Perciformes) in South Australia's gulf system, even though spawning grounds and nursery areas are adequately defined. In response to declines in commercial catches and estimated biomass, this study aimed to determine the most important spawning grounds and nursery areas to recruitment, and the connectivity between them. A biophysical model was seeded with particles according to the distribution and density of eggs throughout the spawning area in 2017 and 2018. Despite inter‐annual differences in the origins of particles, dispersal pathways and predicted settlement areas remained consistent between years. Predicted settlement was generally highest to nursery areas only short distances from regional spawning grounds, consistent with previous hydrodynamic models. However, the model also predicted that spawning in one region could contribute to recruitment in an adjacent region later in the spawning season, which aligned with the breakdown of thermohaline fronts at the entrance of each gulf. The connectivity between spawning grounds and nursery areas predicted by the model is supported by spatio‐temporal patterns in the otolith chemistry of pre‐flexion larvae and settled juveniles. Consequently, the most parsimonious explanation is that the populations of King George whiting in South Australia's gulf system constitute a single, panmictic stock, which has implications for fishery management.  相似文献   

The Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) is an important fishery species widely distributed in the Southern Ocean, especially in areas covered by sea ice. Understanding fish distributions and life cycles, including the transport and survival of eggs and larvae, is essential for the assessment and sustainable management of the fishery. However, owing to difficulties with in situ winter observations, information on the early life stages of D. mawsoni is lacking. Here, we investigated the transport pathways of fish eggs and larvae through a particle tracking study, using satellite-derived ocean surface velocities in the East Antarctic region, which includes important D. mawsoni habitats and exploratory fisheries. Our results indicate that particles released from continental slopes are more likely to be successfully transported to suitable settlement grounds than those released from the BANZARE Bank (the southern region of the Kerguelen Plateau), which is situated further north and has been hypothesized to be a potential spawning ground for D. mawsoni. This study demonstrates successful source–settlement connections in relation to ocean recirculation and suggests important settlement regions for D. mawsoni larvae in the East Antarctic region.  相似文献   

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