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Impact of feeding migration pattern on growth rate of whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus L.) from River Kemijoki was investigated. River Kemijoki is located in the northernmost Gulf of Bothnia (Baltic Sea). Whitefish ascending the river to spawn show major growth rate variations. To study whether these variations are related to different feeding areas (migratory connectivity), whole otoliths from fast‐growing (FASTG) whitefish (n = 9, age 4 years, average weight 790 g) and slowly growing (SLOWLYG) whitefish (n = 9, age 8 years, average weight 600 g) were analysed for elemental (Ba, Sr, Mg, Zn, Mn, Ca) concentrations by inductively coupled plasma‐optical emission spectrometry. Results showed that the FASTG whitefish had much lower otolith Ba concentration (~45%, ≤ .01) than SLOWLYG whitefish, revealing that FASTG whitefish have spent more time in water of higher salinity/lower latitude, that is at feeding grounds in the southern Gulf of Bothnia. Otoliths of the FASTG whitefish had also higher Mg (~25%, p ≤ .001) and Zn (~20%, p ≤ .05) concentrations, but lower Ca (~5%, p ≤ .01) concentrations, than the otoliths from SLOWLYG whitefish. These results further reveal that FASTG and SLOWLYG whitefish have been spatially separated. In conclusion, bulk otolith elemental analysis revealed spatial separation and migration differences in river‐spawning whitefish subpopulations in the Gulf of Bothnia, which apparently lead to differences in fish growth rate. Our results increase the understanding of river‐spawning whitefish biology and its population structure and dynamics and may contribute to a sustainable management of river‐spawning whitefish stocks.  相似文献   

The size of anadromous whitefish caught with dip nets in the River Tornionjoki in the northern part of the Gulf of Bothnia has decreased during recent decades. To find an explanation for this trend, ascending whitefish were sampled in the lower part of the river in August 2016, and they were divided into two groups according to fish length. The length of the SMALL group was ≤ 32 cm (n = 32) and that of the LARGE group ≥ 33 cm (n = 65). The elemental analysis of otoliths revealed that the barium concentration was clearly higher in otoliths from the SMALL group compared to the LARGE group. This indicates that the fish in the LARGE group had migrated to feed further south in the Gulf of Bothnia, with a higher salinity, than the fish in the SMALL group. Because of this migration difference, and a decline in the gillnet effort, especially in the feeding areas near the river mouth, it is assumed that proportionally more fish in the SMALL group are able to ascend the river to spawn than previously, thus decreasing the mean size. At the same time, the heavy gillnet fishery in the south removes fish from the LARGE group.  相似文献   

Abstract – Strontium/Calcium (Sr/Ca) and Barium/Calcium (Ba/Ca) ratios were measured in 60 otoliths of the French Polynesian flagtail Kuhlia malo. Both elemental ratios were needed to correctly distinguish residence in marine, brackish and fresh water. High Sr/Ca and low Ba/Ca around the nucleus of all otoliths provided evidence of marine residency during the early life of all individuals. At about 0.5 mm from the core, Ba/Ca increased rapidly and remained high in all otoliths. High and unstable Sr/Ca ratios were attributed to estuarine residency, whereas low and stable Sr/Ca ratios were attributed to freshwater residency. These chemical signatures inferred that following recruitment to rivers, some fish remained in the estuary, while others moved upstream. Some individuals shared their time between fresh and brackish waters later in life. The findings of this study have important implications for the protection of nearshore, brackish and freshwater environments for the conservation of this French Polynesian diadromous species.  相似文献   

Abstract – The River Purtse was historically a significant Atlantic salmon spawning river in the Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea). After the establishment of oil shale mining and processing in the catchment area in the late 1920s, the salmon population went extinct. By the 1970s, the river was heavily polluted and the lower reaches lacked any fish fauna. However, since the 1990s, pollution from oil shale mines was greatly reduced and water quality started to improve. The first fish species to repopulate the polluted area were gudgeon and nine‐spined stickleback. The first salmon parr from wild spawning were recorded in 2006. Up to 2009, a total of fifteen fish species have been recorded including trout and the sensitive bullhead. This study illustrates the natural recovery of the fish fauna following water quality improvement.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The purpose of the present paper was to reveal the migration pattern of shirauo Salangichthys microdon Bleeker, in the Ishikari River system and its adjacent coastal sea areas. To this end, the strontium–calcium (Sr:Ca) ratios of the otoliths of 98 individuals were examined. Profiles of the Sr:Ca ratios during the life history after hatching in the estuary of the Ishikari River fell into two different patterns. One was characterized by a high (slightly fluctuating) Sr:Ca ratio throughout the life history; the other was characterized by an initial high Sr:Ca ratio followed by a lower value later in life. The former pattern was considered to be that of estuary–sea residents and the latter that of upstream migrants. Most upstream migrants migrated upstream once, although several did it twice. Back-calculated body lengths during the upstream and seaward migrations of the upstream migrants varied widely from 6.4 mm to 39.8 mm and from 13.5 mm to 79.4 mm, respectively. These findings suggest that estuary–sea residents and upstream migrants co-occurred spatiotemporally, and suggest a wide variation in migration patterns in the shirauo's life history.  相似文献   

A wind‐driven meso‐scale pattern of temperature, salinity and oxygen was found along a transect in the northern Bornholm Basin (southern Baltic Sea). Strong winds caused currents along this transect, which shifted cold intermediate water (minimum: 3.6°C) towards the south. The transect was surveyed with a towed CTD‐system and hydroacoustics in parallel to investigate the distribution of sprat, Sprattus sprattus balticus (Schn.) in relation to the observed meso‐scale pattern. In those parts of the transect where the cold intermediate water was observed, sprat were restricted to water layers below the halocline. In other parts of the transect, sprat moved into higher water layers and occupied a wider depth range. The important factor was temperature, which set an upper limit to the vertical sprat distribution. The development of hydrography, as measured in the field, was evaluated with a hydrodynamic model.  相似文献   

Bacterial haemolytic jaundice caused by Ichthyobacterium seriolicida has been responsible for mortality in farmed yellowtail, Seriola quinqueradiata, in western Japan since the 1980s. In this study, polymorphic analysis of I. seriolicida was performed using three molecular methods: amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis, multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and multiple‐locus variable‐number tandem repeat analysis (MLVA). Twenty‐eight isolates were analysed using AFLP, while 31 isolates were examined by MLST and MLVA. No polymorphisms were identified by AFLP analysis using EcoRI and MseI, or by MLST of internal fragments of eight housekeeping genes. However, MLVA revealed variation in repeat numbers of three elements, allowing separation of the isolates into 16 sequence types. The unweighted pair group method using arithmetic averages cluster analysis of the MLVA data identified four major clusters, and all isolates belonged to clonal complexes. It is likely that I. seriolicida populations share a common ancestor, which may be a recently introduced strain.  相似文献   

Aeromonas schubertii is a major epidemiological agent that threatens cultured snakeheads (Channidae) and has caused great economic losses in fish‐farming industries in China in recent years. In present study, a specific TaqMan minor groove binder (MGB) probe fluorescence real‐time quantitative PCR (qPCR) assay was developed to rapidly detect and quantify A. schubertii. A pair of qPCR primers and a TaqMan MGB probe were selected from the rpoD gene, which were shown to be specific for A. schubertii. A high correlation coefficient (R2 = 0.9998) in a standard curve with a 103% efficiency was obtained. Moreover, the qPCR method's detection limit was as low as 18 copies/μl, which was 100 times more sensitive than that of conventional PCR. The detection results for the A. schubertii in pond water and fish tissue were consistent with those of the viable counts. Bacterial load changes detected by qPCR in different tissues of snakeheads infected with A. schubertii showed that the gills and intestines may be the entry for A. schubertii, and the spleen and kidney are major sites for A. schubertii replication. The established method in present study should be a useful tool for the early surveillance and quantitation of A. schubertii.  相似文献   

Decline in size‐at‐age of Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) has been observed for many populations across the entire Northeast Pacific Ocean, and identifying external drivers of this decline is important for sustainable management of these ecologically, economically, and culturally valuable resources. We assessed size‐at‐age of 96,939 Chinook Salmon sampled in the Fraser River watershed (Canada) from 1969 to 2017. A broad decline in size‐at‐age was confirmed across all population aggregates of Fraser River Chinook Salmon, in particular since year 2000. By developing a novel probability‐based approach to calculate age‐ and year‐specific growth rates for Fraser River Chinook Salmon and relating growth rates to environmental conditions in specific years through a machine learning method (boosted regression trees), we were able to disentangle multi‐year effects on size‐at‐age and thus identify environmental factors that were most related to the observed size‐at‐age of Chinook Salmon. Among 10 selected environmental variables, ocean salinity at Entrance Island in spring, the Aleutian Low Pressure Index and the North Pacific Current Bifurcation Index were consistently identified as important contributors for four of the seven age and population aggregate combinations. These top environmental contributors could be incorporated into future stock assessment and forecast models to improve Chinook Salmon fisheries management under climate change.  相似文献   

Abstract Weekly exploitation rates of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., in the River Utsjoki, Finland, were estimated from catch reports during the 2003, 2004, 2006 and 2007 seasons, and recordings of all Atlantic salmon ascending the river using a submerged video camera array. In all years, mean weekly fishing mortality rates were significantly higher in June than July to August, with a falling trend throughout the fishing season. Owing to overlap in size between one‐sea‐winter (1SW) and multi‐sea‐winter (MSW) salmon, the estimated fishing mortality rates were based on all sea‐age categories combined. By the second week in June, 18.3–34.7% of large salmon (only MSW) had ascended, compared with 2.2–6.4% of small salmon (1SW and some MSW). Indirectly, the earlier start of ascent of large salmon to River Utsjoki indicated that in‐river fishing mortality of MSW salmon is higher than for 1SW salmon. A later opening of the fishing season may be used to reduce the in‐river fishing mortality, especially for the MSW component.  相似文献   

A 5‐week feeding trial was conducted to examine the effect of γ ‐ ray irradiation on the inclusion of soybean meal (SBM) and soy protein concentrate (SPC) in diets of juvenile golden pompano (Trachinotus ovatus). One diet containing 320 g kg?1 fish meal served as a reference (C), and another four diets were formulated with 75% of the fish meal replaced by SBM (SM), SPC (SC), SBM irradiated with γ ‐ ray at 30 kGy (SM30) or SPC irradiated with γ ‐ ray at 30 kGy (SC30). The weight gain was higher in fish fed diets SM30 and SC30 than in fish fed diets SM and SC, respectively, whereas fish consumed more diet SM30 than diets SM, SC or SC30. No significant differences were found in feed conversion ratio, nitrogen retention efficiency (NRE), phosphorus retention efficiency (PRE), condition factor, hepatosomatic index (HSI), body composition, waste outputs of nitrogen (NWO) and phosphorus (PWO) either between fish fed diets SM and SM30 or between fish fed diets SC and SC30. The weight gain and PWO were higher, but the PRE and the body phosphorus content were lower in fish fed diet C than those in fish fed diets SM30 or SC30. No significant differences were found in the NRE, condition factor, HSI and body composition (i.e. moisture, crude protein, crude lipid and ash) between fish fed diets C and SM30 or between fish fed diets C and SC30. Macromolecular proteins in SBM and SPC were degraded, whereas the contents of peptides with molecular weight <6.5 kDa were increased by γ‐ray irradiation. This study reveals that γ ‐ ray irradiation can improve the performance of SBM and SPC as a fish meal substitute in the golden pompano diet.  相似文献   

The biological benefits of copepods as live feed for marine finfish larvae have already been well established in the literature. Copepods have better biochemical compositions that improve growth, reduce malpigmentations and allow successful farming of ‘new’ marine finfish species. However, their current usage is quite limited. One of the reasons has been lack of economic knowledge concerning the cost‐effectiveness of copepod application compared to other commonly used feed items such as the brine shrimp Artemia. In this study, a cost‐effectiveness analysis is made on two alternative live feed items (copepods and Artemia) in juvenile turbot farming. Unit cost of production and profit are compared between the two feeding regimes using a unique data set from an existing turbot fry production facility in Denmark. The result reveals that copepods are not only biochemically superior but they are also economically a cost‐effective alternative. Thus, a commercial use of copepods will significantly reduce the production costs for turbot. Furthermore, the unexploited economic potential can be utilized for the successful farming of other high‐valued marine finfish species such as tuna, flounders, cod, sole and halibut. Generally, the biochemical superiority coupled with economic benefits can lead to the commercial utilization of copepods as complementary live feed in the short run and in some situations as a substitute in the long run.  相似文献   

Chromosomal karyotypes of Oreochromis mossambicus and O. urolepis hornorum and their hybrid were analysed by means of Cot‐1 DNA bandings through fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). To identify all chromosomes, Cot‐1 DNA – which contains highly and moderately repetitive DNA – was extracted from genomic DNA, labelled as a probe with Dig‐11‐dUTP, and in situ hybridized to spreads of mitotic chromosomes of the three samples. The hybridized signals were detected by means of Cy3‐conjugated antidigoxigenin. The FISH results indicated that the three samples had the same diploid number (2n=44) of chromosomes. Specific fluorescence signal bands were detected on all individual chromosome pairs. On the basis of Cot‐1 DNA FISH banding patterns and chromosome morphology, the karyotypes of the three samples have been constructed; no remarkable differences were detected between the karyotypes of these species using this method. These results – which are similar to those reported previously, with respect to chromosome number, morphology and Cot‐1 DNA FISH patterns – suggest chromosomal stasis during speciation and hybridization of tilapia (Oreochromis, Cichlidae). Such a molecular cytogenetic procedure, if used in conjunction with other genomic research methods, could facilitate the study of genomic structure and be adapted for chromosome studies of other animal species.  相似文献   

Six isonitrogenous and isoenergetic purified diets were formulated to feed Songpu mirror carp for 60 days. The control diet (CD) was only supplemented with soybean oil. The other five experimental diets contained soybean oil, linseed oil and lard oil blended at various inclusion levels to attain different linoleic acid (LA)/α‐linolenic acid (LNA) ratios (0.53, 1.04, 2.09, 3.95, 6.82) with a constant total C18 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA; LA+LNA, 2% dry weight) content. The fatty acid (FA) profiles of hepatopancreas, dorsal muscle, intestine, intraperitoneal fat (IPF), spleen and kidney reflected those of the diets, but with some differences. The spleen showed the lowest correlation with diet compared with other tissues, followed by the hepatopancreas (P < 0.05). The intestine and IPF showed relatively higher correlation. On the other hand, the control group had the lowest tissue‐diet correlation, followed by the LA/LNA0.53 group (P < 0.05), whereas the LA/LNA2.09 showed the highest. The LA/LNA ratios in the tissues were up‐regulated in the LA/LNA0.53, 1.04 groups and down‐regulated in the LA/LNA3.95, 6.82 groups. This was due to when LA (or LNA) was highly added in diet, the decrease in this FA was huge in tissue. The contents of saturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids increased in the control group, but seemed not influenced by dietary LA/LNA ratios. These results demonstrated that the FA deposition was tissue‐specific, and also influenced by the dietary FA composition in the experimental fish. Finally, we suggest that 2.09 is the optimal LA/LNA ratio (2% C18 PUFA) of Songpu mirror carp for fillet FA composition.  相似文献   

Breeding in captivity for research or exhibition (e.g. in aquaria) can replace the capture of wild specimens of endangered species and allow controlled reinforcement of wild populations. With this aim, diet analysis and establishing the adequate prey are determinant factors for breeding success. However, non‐invasive approaches such as faecal DNA analysis are advisable for analysing the diet of these species. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to demonstrate the usefulness of faecal DNA analysis by specific PCR amplification of prey DNA for assessing the diet of the seahorse Hippocampus guttulatus. In a comparison of the suitability of different genes (COI, 18SrRNA and 28SrRNA), 18SrRNA was found to be the most suitable for designing specific primers for the prey types fed to seahorses (Artemia, Palaemonetes and Mysidae). The technique was assessed in feeding experiments in which prey ingestion was recorded daily, and faeces were collected for DNA extraction and presence/absence PCR analysis. Amplification of the prey DNA in faeces was consistent with the sequence of prey supplied (prey eaten the day before was always detected). Differences in the time between feeding and detection in faeces suggested prey‐specific gut passage times, which were shorter for Palaemonetes than for Mysidae. This fact highlights the importance of feeding trials to avoid overestimating the consumption of prey with long gut retention when PCR‐based methods are used. This molecular technique is thus applicable for studying the feeding behaviour of captive seahorses and could be adapted for use in other marine species.  相似文献   

Aeromonas hydrophila is an opportunistic pathogen and the leading cause of fatal haemorrhagic septicaemia in fish and shellfish. Doxycycline, one of the second generation tetracyclines, has been used in fish farming to fight against infectious diseases caused by A. hydrophila due to its broad‐spectrum antimicrobial activity and lower cost. However, progressive increase in resistance of Aeromonas strains to doxycycline aroused serious concern. In this report, drug‐resistant A. hydrophilaAH10 strains were induced and selected by using a consecutive batch culture system in Mueller‐Hinton Broth (MHB) supplemented with varying concentrations of doxycycline. Five isolates (AH101‐105) were obtained from the bacterial culture induced by 25 μg/ml doxycycline for drug‐resistance analysis. Minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) values of all five isolates were 50 times higher than that of the parental strain AH10. All of them also displayed high‐level resistance to sulphonamides and amides. We sequenced five isolates and performed comparative genomic analysis of these draft genomes with nine A. hydrophila complete genomes from GenBank. Results showed that the pan‐genome of 14 strains contains 4,730 genes, 3,056 genes of which present in all strains. The drug‐resistance genes also showed significant difference in these genomes, which indicated dangers of indiscriminate use of antibiotics in aquaculture and the necessity of understanding the variation of antibiotic resistance of A. hydrophila. Pan‐genome analysis further revealed that no specific SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) or InDel (insertion and deletion variation) was identified in any functional gene locus among the genomes of AH10 mutated strains, in contrast, significant CNVs (copy number variations) and SV (structure variations) for gene groups were identified in all the mutant genomes.  相似文献   

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