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对16只35~40kg徐淮白山羊进行瘤胃静脉、门静脉、肠系膜静脉和颈动脉插管安装手术。导管为聚乙烯材料制成。术后10头山羊的血插管平均保持6周时间,5头保持到2个月左右。  相似文献   

肝、门、肠系膜静脉和颈动脉血管瘘管手术是研究肝脏和PDV组织代谢的重要手段。笔者于2000年~2010年期间,先后在50多只试验羊上安装了慢性肝静脉、门静脉、肠系膜静脉和颈动脉多血管瘘管,建立了较为完善的手术安装方法。本文就该方法及个人的一些体会进行了介绍。  相似文献   

为了建立研究猪大肠对日粮营养物质消化吸收的试验模型,观察猪只在摘除大肠后机体代谢的变化,以研究大肠对机体营养代谢的贡献,试验采用一套切除猪大肠,回直肠吻合,并安装肠系膜、门静脉及股动脉三位点血管瘘管的方法建立模型。结果表明:成功安装肠系膜、门静脉及股动脉三位点血管瘘管,术后1周,试验猪体况恢复良好,采食量正常,各血管瘘管可确保在无应激状态下采集到血液样品。说明猪大肠切除术、回直肠吻合术及多位点动、静脉血管瘘管安装的手术成功,该模型猪可应用于猪大肠营养物质吸收的研究。  相似文献   

用12头泌乳奶山羊建立代谢调控模型,研究了代谢调控模型建立术后疏通血管插管的4种方法。其中皮下注射肝素钠和早晚推注肝素生理盐水的方法效果较差,静脉24 h滴注25 IU/mL肝素生理盐水的方法差于连续24 h静脉滴注50 IU/mL肝素生理盐水。向静脉导管缓慢推注0.5 g/mL烧碱溶液的方法对疏通静脉导管的效果最好。通过本试验,血管导管的阻塞问题得到了有效的解决,从而为动物的营养代谢研究提供了保障。  相似文献   

选用28日龄断奶仔猪10头,分别在其颈动脉、肝门静脉和肠系膜静脉安装插管,待仔猪恢复1周后,通过肠系膜静脉连续灌注1%对氨基马尿酸测定仔猪采食后0~6 h内门静脉的血流速度.结果显示,体质量为9.97 kg的仔猪在采食前的血流速度为1.78 L·kg-1·h-1或295 mL/min,采食后1 h内血流速度快速上升,比采食前的血流速度提高了23.6%,1~5 h内血流速度的变化趋于平缓,6 h血流速度达到最高(2.52 L·kg-1·h-1或419mL/min);10头试猪中的6头可成功用于肠道营养物质代谢研究.本试验建立的仔猪颈动脉-门静脉-肠系膜静脉插管系统为肠道营养物质代谢的研究提供了技术支持.  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨2种安装多位点血管瘘手术方法对山羊机体免疫应激的影响。选取8只体重相近、年龄约1岁的健康麻城黑山羊公羊,按体重相近的原则分成2组,分别采用腹腔镜法与传统开腹法手术安装山羊肠系膜静脉、门静脉及肝静脉血管瘘管。测定术前、术后第1、3、5天试验羊血清免疫应激指标。结果表明:术后第1天,腹腔镜组白细胞总数显著低于开腹组(P0.05),C反应蛋白(CRP)水平极显著低于开腹组(P0.01),Ig G水平显著高于开腹组(P0.05);术后第3天,腹腔镜组IL-6、CRP水平显著低于开腹组(P0.05);术后腹腔镜组和开腹的TNF-α、Ig A和Ig M水平差异不显著(P0.05)。本试验结果表明,腹腔镜手术对山羊机体应激更小,机体免疫功能恢复更快。  相似文献   

目的:建立食蟹猴肝门静脉置管并体外留置模型。方法:将6只食蟹猴行气管插管吸入麻醉,取右腹直肌切口,定位肠系膜上静脉及肝门静脉主干,游离、切断肠系膜上静脉左侧属支,将中心静脉导管(PICC)插入并置于肝门静脉主干内,结扎固定。导管末端经右侧腹壁皮下引至背部穿出固定并穿特制猴衣保护。结果:实验组6只食蟹猴麻醉效果良好,手术全部成功,平均手术时间约1h,术后7d手术切口愈合。结论:食蟹猴肝门静脉置管并体外留置模型成功建立,为开展相关实验研究提供技术支持。  相似文献   

肠系膜静脉、门静脉和肝静脉等多血管瘘管安装技术是研究营养物质在门静脉排流组(PDV组织)及肝脏中转化和利用的关键技术,对研究机体代谢具有重要意义。本文介绍了一套经过多年操作实践研究应用的悬吊式腹腔镜"三孔法"手术安装山羊肠系膜静脉、门静脉和肝静脉血管瘘管的操作方法。  相似文献   

猪肠系膜静脉、门静脉和肝静脉等多位点血管瘘管和动脉瘘管结合,可以定量地研究营养物质在消化道组织和肝脏内被利用和转化的情况,是研究消化道组织"首过代谢"和肝脏"营养调节中枢"作用最直接的方法。但由于多血管瘘的手术安装难度较大,其在国内猪营养研究中应用较少,限制了相关营养问题的研究。作者在多年实操基础上,整理出了一套常规开腹手术安装猪肠系膜静脉、门静脉和肝静脉血管瘘管的手术安装方法,以为研究猪消化道组织和肝脏营养提供可靠的技术手段。  相似文献   

作为研究羊的营养代谢机理的重要手段,羊瘤胃营养动物模型的建立有着十分重要的意义。然而瘤胃瘘管手术所导致的氧化应激状态对羊机体有何种损伤,如何积极地采取保护措施仍未引起足够重视。硒具有抗生物氧化、抗炎、调节脂代谢、保护心血管和免疫调节功能等作用。本研究通过监测绵羊瘤胃瘘管手术前给药后及围术期内抗氧化酶的变化情况,观察了亚硒酸钠对机体抗氧化系统的影响。  相似文献   

The caprinised strain of rinderpest virus was inoculated into goats to produce a challenge stock. These goats were kept with control animals (goats, sheep, calves). In this trial the caprinised strain was shown to have a mild pathogenicity for goats and it spread to one of two contact goats but not from goats to other species. The caprinised strain was then tested on cattle where a febrile reaction was observed. The caprinised strain also did not spread between cattle. The cattle vaccinated with a freeze-dried vaccine produced from the attenuated Kabete RBKO strain on bovine kidney cells were then challenged with the caprinised strain with good results.  相似文献   

Occurrence and diversity of Eimeria species in two groups of indigenous South African goats kept under traditional management systems, as well as in a mixed herd of Saanen, indigenous and crossbred goats kept under an intensive management system were examined. Infection rates ranged from 88.7 to 100% in the various groups. Mean OPG of immature goats (< 1 year old) exceeded that of adult goats at all three sites. There was no consistent difference between adult OPG counts at the three sites. Under the intensive system, adult crossbred goats had significantly higher OPG counts than adult Saanen or indigenous goats. Overall, OPG counts of immature goats were significantly higher during the dry season (winter) than during the wet season (summer). Ten Eimeria species were identified, Eimeria arloingi being the most prevalent species at all three sites, followed by Eimeria hirci. Up to seven Eimeria species were recovered from individual specimens.  相似文献   

This paper describes a primary health care approach to an infestation of indigenous goats by the common cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis. The flea species was identified using scanning electron microscopy. The infested goats were kept on communal grazing at Winterveld in the North-West Province. They were penned at night in housing made of wire and corrugated iron. The owner complained that the goats were lethargic. Fleas were found on the goats and flea larvae were found in the kraal. Haematology and blood biochemistry performed on the infested goats revealed no abnormalities; however, infestation caused irritation that made the animals lethargic. Available flea control methods for domestic animals were appraised in terms of cost, availability and ease of administration at a primary animal health care level using participatory extension methods. It was found that a carbamate powder was available, affordable and effective for flea control in this small flock of goats kept under communal grazing conditions. Although the authors had observed fleas on goats kept under similar conditions elsewhere in Mpumalanga and the North-West Province, this was the 1st time that the species had been identified.  相似文献   

A serological survey on dermatophilosis was carried out amongst sheep and goats in Kaduna State of Nigeria. Sera were obtained from slaughter animals and from sheep kept on an isolated ranch. The percentage of seropositive animals was 28.0 in slaughter sheep, 0.0 in sheep kept on the ranch, and 23.2 in slaughter goats. The high prevalence of D. congolensis antibodies among small ruminants compares well with the level of prevalence reported of cattle of cattle and calls for a concerted government effort for the control of the disease.  相似文献   

Production parameters were determined for kidding, offtake and mortality rates, and milk production and composition of Angora goats in two communal agro-ecological zones, Mountains and Lowlands, of Molimo-nthuse area in Lesotho. True incidence rates and risk rates as used in dynamic populations were used to calculate the different production parameters. A completely randomized design was used to compare the differences between the two agro-ecological zones. Angora goats in the two agro-ecological zones produced milk similarly (p > 0.05) in amounts and composition. There were no significant (p> 0.05) differences in annual kidding, mortality and offtake rates between Angora goats kept in the Lowlands and those in the Mountains. However, high mortality rates and mortality risk rates were observed in both zones. Thus, the risk rates that suckling Angora goats would die within their first 6 months after birth were 28% and 34% for the Mountains and Lowlands, respectively. It is suggested that future emphasis should be on reducing kid mortality through better herding of the goats and improvement of pre- and post-partum nutrition of the doe in this communal livestock farming system.  相似文献   

Sahel goats, also known as Borno whites are found in the northern semi-arid, tsetse free Sahel region of Nigeria. They are transported alongside cattle from this zone to all other zones in the country, including the tsetse-infested zones, for commercial purposes and are kept for some time in these tsetse-infested zones until they are sold. This study therefore assessed the susceptibility of this breed of goats to trypanosome infection and its response to treatment with Berenil. Six bucks were inoculated intravenously with Trypanosoma vivax through the jugular vein while two served as uninfected control. The mean pre-patent period was 4.5 days and increasing parasitaemia followed the establishment of infection. Onset of parasitaemia was associated with increase in rectal temperature in all the infected goats and the temperature peak coincided with the only parasitaemic peak second week post-infection. The infected goats were treated with Berenil (Hoechst, Germany) 3.5mg/kg body weight at 4 weeks post-infection. The packed cell volume (PCV) continued to fall from a mean 30.73+/-0.01% pre-infection to a mean 13.21+/-0.18% at 1 week post-treatment. Deaths were recorded for 4 of the infected goats 1 week post-treatment while the remaining two died 2 weeks post-treatment, not responding to treatment.  相似文献   

本文报道从1980年~1989年10年中,在新疆阿勒泰、阿克苏、巴州等15个地州市、86个县、426个乡(镇)、15个种畜场的19种动物和127899头(只)动物鹦鹉热衣原体病调查,并通过衣原体、弓形体和布鲁氏菌病对比调查说明,新疆布病控制后,衣原体是引起山、绵羊流产的主要原因之一。并从阿克苏、塔城等四个地州的山、绵羊流产胎儿中成功在分离出19株鹦鹉热衣原体,鉴定方法采用电镜、药敏试验、鸡胚毒力试  相似文献   

Ovine scrapie was first recorded in Cyprus in 1985. Subsequently four dairy goats kept in two mixed flocks with affected sheep developed characteristic clinical signs similar to those seen in sheep. Fifteen goats from the two flocks were examined histologically and neurological lesions consistent with a diagnosis of scrapie were found in the four animals and in three others which had subsequently developed early neurological signs. These lesions were similar to those of naturally-affected sheep although neuronal degeneration and vacuolation were more severe in some cases.  相似文献   

Ovine scrapie was first recorded in Cyprus in 1985. Subsequently four dairy goats kept in two mixed flocks with affected sheep developed characteristic clinical signs similar to those seen in sheep. Fifteen goats from the two flocks were examined histologically and neurological lesions consistent with a diagnosis of scrapie were found in the four animals and in three others which had subsequently developed early neurological signs. These lesions were similar to those of naturally-affected sheep although neuronal degeneration and vacuolation were more severe in some cases.  相似文献   

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