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This study was conducted to determine and compare the live traits, carcass yield and the physical, chemical, processing and sensory properties of meat from 20 Brahman grade cattle (crossbred cattle) and crossbred water buffalo (Philippine carabao × Murrah, Bulgarian or Indian) with an average age and weight of 29 months and 434 kg, respectively. The animals were fed a similar diet for 180 days before slaughter. A survey was performed to establish consumer meat preference between the two species. Live weights before slaughter of the two species were found to be different (P < 0.05) with the crossbred water buffalo showing higher bodyweight. However, the crossbred water buffalo had a lower (P < 0.05) dressing yield based on hot carcass weight and chilled carcass weight. The lower dressing yield of crossbred water buffalo can be attributed to its higher (P < 0.05) weights of edible and non‐edible slaughter by‐products. The chilled carcass yield of the forequarters and hindquarters from crossbred cattle and crossbred water buffalo were comparable when expressed as percent of live weight and chilled carcass weight. The estimated lean yield was higher in crossbred cattle than crossbred water buffalo. Crude protein, ash, fat, cholesterol, myofibrillar, sarcoplasmic and insoluble protein contents of the beef and carabao meat were all similar. Water holding capacity, pH, muscle fiber diameter, tenderness, firmness and marbling score in carabeef were all comparable to the beef. Redness was found to be higher (P < 0.05) in carabeef than the beef as measured with a color meter. The consumer meat preference survey showed that 55.9% selected the beef while 44.1% preferred carabeef. The color and amount of fat on the outside of the beef sample were primary in buyer selection.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare the fattening performance in Brahman grade cattle (crossbred cattle) and crossbred water buffalo at the same young age and fed with high roughage based fattening rations in the Philippines. Ten crossbred cattle and 10 crossbred water buffalo, aged between 18 and 24 months old were used in this experiment. The animals were fed diets consisting of 85% Napier or Para grass and 15% concentrate mixture (CM) on a dry matter (DM) basis. The grass, total DM intake and bodyweight gain were significantly (P < 0.01) higher for the crossbred water buffalo than for the cattle. There was no species significant difference in the digestion coefficient and feed conversion rate between the crossbred cattle and water buffalo. The return over feed cost for fattening was significantly (P < 0.05) higher in the crossbred water buffalo than in the cattle. These results clearly indicate that under high roughage‐based fattening rations, young crossbred water buffalo are better able to utilize the roughage and they perform better in terms of feed intake and live weight gains than the crossbred cattle in the Philippines.  相似文献   

Twenty growing crossbred cattle and crossbred water buffalo (carabao) with an average age of 22 (18–24 months) months were equally distributed into two treatment groups according to species. The animals were fed with the same ration made up of corn silage (50%) + wet brewer's spent grain (30%) + concentrate mixture (20%), and their fattening performance was monitored. The digestibilities of the different nutrients were likewise determined. The economics of raising the animals under intensive production system was calculated. Species differences did not influence total dry matter intake of the animals, when expressed as percentage of the bodyweight and per metabolic body size. There were no significant differences in digestion coefficients of the different nutrients, except for crude protein in crossbred water buffalo and crossbred cattle, although the digestibility of dry matter, organic matter and nitrogen free extract tended to be high in the former than in the latter. Likewise, average daily gain (ADG) was similar, although crossbred water buffalo had numerically higher ADG (828.6 vs 785.5 g) than crossbred cattle during the 6 months feeding. During the first 3 months of feeding (1–90 days), the ADG of crossbred water buffalo was 1066.1 g compared to 940.1 g for crossbred cattle. From 91 to 180 days, the crossbred cattle had slightly higher ADG (630.1 vs 591.1 g) but also the difference was not significant. The return above feed cost was comparable for crossbred cattle and crossbred water buffalo during the first 90 days of feeding. However, extending the feeding period from 91 to 180 days , income over feed cost was higher (P < 0.05) for crossbred cattle by PhP 5.3/kg gain than crossbred water buffalo. Results showed that crossbred water buffalo could attain similar growth rate with that of crossbred cattle under intensive system, when fed with high quality feed materials.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to compare feeding and other behavior and nutrient digestibility of tropical grade Brahman (body weight (BW) = 231 kg ± 12.4; n = 3) and crossbred water buffalo (BW = 300 kg ± 13.9; n = 3). This experiment on digestibility and measures of muscles of mastication utilized one‐way, and animal behavior two‐way, analysis of variance, respectively. Two video camcorders were installed in each pair of buffalo and Brahman for 24 h period programmed on the 107th, 109th and 111th days of the digestion trials. Frequency and duration of feeding, meal intake, rumination, bolus, chews, drinking, defecating, standing and lying were recorded daily. Muscle diameter of Digastricus, Masseter and Pterygoid and different regions of the tongue were sampled and measured under light microscope using a standard micrometer. Buffalo obtained significantly higher intake of dry matter, roughage, crude protein, total digestible nutrient and metabolized energy than Brahman. This was supported by longer meal duration (P ≤ 0.05), and shorter meal breaks (P ≤ 0.05) of buffalo than Brahman. The diameter of the muscles for mastication was bigger (P ≤ 0.05) in buffalo than in Brahman, which is indicative of stronger chewing ability. Briefly, lesser and slower chewing action; higher intake of roughage and crude protein; and longer resting behavior of crossbred water buffalo than Brahman are all indicative of better digestive and metabolic performance of the buffalo under high roughage feeding conditions.  相似文献   

Three crossbred tropical cattle and three crossbred buffaloes, fitted with rumen cannulas, were used to investigate the differences in feed intake, digestibility and parameters with rumen degradation kinetics between cattle and buffalo fed a fattening diet in the Philippines. The animals were fed a diet consisting of 50% corn silage (CS), 30% brewer's grain (BG) and 20% concentrate mixture (CM) on a dry matter (DM) basis, at a level of 3% bodyweight (BW) as DM. Total DM intake (DMI) and rumen fill were greater (P < 0.05) for buffaloes than for cattle, but significant differences were not detected between the animal species when those were expressed as percentage of BW. The DMI per metabolic body size for BG and CM were greater for buffaloes than for cattle (P < 0.05), whereas that of CS did not differ between the species (P > 0.05). The weight proportion of consumed feedstuffs differed between cattle and buffaloes (P < 0.05), although nutrient intake per total DMI did not differ significantly (P > 0.05) between the animal species. Nutrients digestibility was higher (P < 0.05) for buffaloes than for cattle. Ruminal passage rate constant of feed particles and rumen fluid did not differ (P > 0.05) between the animal species. Higher DM degradation rate constant and effective degradability with CS were prominent for buffaloes than for cattle (P < 0.05). Degradation parameters did not differ (P > 0.05) between cattle and buffaloes, neither with BG nor CM. The results indicate that the greater digestibility with DM and energy for buffaloes are ascribable to greater effective degradability of CS fed ad libitum level.  相似文献   

Buffalo meat is tasty and indistinguishable from beef, and has been described as being lean and low in cholesterol in comparison with beef. However, little is known about the plasma hormone and metabolic profiles related to fat metabolism in buffalo, and how their levels are affected by species and sex. In this study levels of plasma hormones and metabolites were compared between species and sexes. Ten growing crossbred Brahman cattle and ten growing crossbred buffaloes (five males and five females in each), with an average age of 22 months were used. The animals were fed on an experimental diet composed of corn silage, brewer's spent grain and a concentrate mixture at a 50:30:20 ratio on a dry matter basis during a fattening period of 6 months. Blood samples were collected every month during the experiment, and were analysed for plasma leptin, insulin, glucose, triglyceride (TG) and total cholesterol (TC) concentrations. Plasma leptin, insulin and TC concentrations increased during fattening and were significantly (P < 0.05) higher in cattle than in buffaloes. These concentrations in cattle showed a big difference between sexes in comparison with buffaloes, and were higher in females than in males. The plasma glucose and TG concentrations did not differ (P > 0.05) between cattle and buffaloes.

The crude fat content of longissimus muscle was significantly higher in cattle than in buffalo. Differences in body fat deposition seem to have an influence on plasma leptin, insulin and TC concentrations differently between cattle and buffaloes.  相似文献   

Background: Both Bovine herpesvirus (BoHV-1) and Bubaline herpesvirus (BuHV-1) have been reported to cross the species barrier. Antibody seroconversion in glycoprotein E (gE) blocking ELISA during BuHV-1 infection has been documented. Recent diagnostic efforts have focused on the development and application of discriminatory tests to distinguish between infections with BoHV-1 and BuHV-1.

Objective: To evaluate the impact and distribution of these two infections in water buffalo farms in two regions (Piedmont (n = 3) and Campania (n = 10), Italy) where infectious bovine rhinotracheitis control programs have been implemented.

Animals and methods: Sampling was carried out on 13 buffalo farms comprising 1089 animals using specific gE-indirect ELISA's test able to discriminate among BoHV-1 and BuHV-1 infections.

Results: 59.0% of animals reacted positive to ELISA (irrespective of whether BoHV-1 or BuHV-1 antigen was used) and 86.4% of these were reactive to BuHV-1 only, whereas 11.8% showed absorbance values for both antigens and were classified as inconclusive. There was a statistically significant age-related difference in BuHV-1 infection rates but not in overall individual (47% vs. 58%) or herd prevalence (100% vs. 90%) of infection between the two regions.

Conclusion: The low percentage of sera reactive to BoHV-1 (1.8%, 12/643) indicates that BuHV-1 may be the main circulating alphaherpesvirus infection in Mediterranean water buffalo in the two study areas. Since Bubalus bubalis is included in Directive 64/432/EEC on animal health problems affecting intra-community trade in bovine animals, diagnostic testing with nonspecific ELISA for BoHV-1 infection in buffalo may yield false-positive reactions. This scenario could lead to economic losses and hamper buffalo trade and movement, particularly for reproduction purposes.  相似文献   

Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) is a fatal disease caused by miss folded prion protein. Studies in the cattle, comparing genetic data from BSE diseased and healthy animals have shown that indel polymorphisms in the promoter and intron 1 of PRNP gene were associated with disease susceptibility. Several studies were conducted to find out allele and genotypic frequencies of indel polymorphisms in promoter and intron 1 of the cattle PRNP gene. Unlike domestic cattle and bison, no indel polymorphisms of the PRNP promoter and intron 1 were examined in any population of the water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Aim of this study was to analyse frequencies of allele, genotype, and haplotype of the indel polymorphisms (23 bp indel in promoter and 12 bp indel in intron 1) in prion protein coding gene (PRNP) of water buffalo. Therefore a PCR based procedure, previously used in cattle to detect indel polymorphisms of PRNP promoter and intron 1 locus, was applied to 106 Anatolian water buffalo DNAs. Our results have revealed high frequency of in variants and in23/in12 haplotype for PRNP promoter and intron 1 indel polymorphisms in water buffalo. The results of the study have demonstrated that frequencies of allele, genotype, and haplotype of the indel polymorphisms in PRNP gene of the Anatolian water buffalo are significantly different those from cattle and bison PRNP indel polymorphisms.  相似文献   

Thirty-two young domestic water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) were obtained from a brucellosis-free farm to determine effectiveness of RB51 vaccination for prevention of Brucella infection under natural-exposure conditions in Trinidad. Study animals (20 males and 12 females 5–20 months old) were assigned to vaccination or control groups, using a block randomization design ensuring equal sex distributions between groups. The vaccination group received commercially available RB51 at the recommended calfhood dose of (1.0–3.4)×1010 colony-forming units (CFU) and controls received 2 ml sterile saline. Vaccination did not result in positive serologic results as measured by four traditional agglutination tests: standard tube agglutination test (STAT), standard plate agglutination test (SPAT), buffered plate agglutination test (BPAT), and card agglutination. Study animals were maintained in a brucellosis-positive herd in southern Trinidad with an estimated 56% prevalence to allow for natural exposure to B. abortus, which was evaluated using STAT, SPAT, BPAT, and card tests. Animals were sampled seven times over 2 years and were classified as positive if they had persistent agglutination titers or had Brucella isolated from specimens collected at completion of the study. Five of the original 32 study animals were lost to follow-up during the field trial. Six of the 14 (43%) vaccinated animals completing the study were classified as positive for Brucella infection—as were two of the 13 (15%) control animals (P=0.21). Isolates from four vaccinates and one control were confirmed as B. abortus biovar 1.  相似文献   

Thirty-two young domestic water buffalo were studied to evaluate ear-tag retention during an epidemiologic field trial. Plastic ear-tags were placed in both ears before the start of the trial, which was implemented in an extensively managed domestic water buffalo herd of approximately 1000 animals in Trinidad from 1999–2001. The presence or absence of ear-tags was recorded at the times of animal handling. The rate of ear-tag loss was modeled using a parametric survival analysis assuming an exponential rate of loss. A gamma distribution was used to estimate the amount of time that each animal would be positively identified based only on the presence or absence of one or more ear-tags. The overall median ear-tag retention was 272 days. The estimated rate of ear-tag loss was 0.0024 ear-tags lost per day. The use of ear-tags alone might not be sufficient for long-term identification of extensively managed animal populations.  相似文献   

Cryopreservation causes damage to spermatozoa, and methods minimizing this damage are therefore needed. Although much discussed, seminal plasma removal has become an alternative to improve sperm quality and viability after freezing and has been applied to different species in attempt to obtain good results. The objective of this study was to evaluate semen quality in buffaloes submitted to two methods for seminal plasma removal (filtration and centrifugation). Semen samples were collected from seven Murrah buffalo bulls (Bubalus bubalis) once a week for 8 weeks. Each ejaculate was divided into three groups: control (presence of seminal plasma), centrifugation and filtration. Sperm kinetics was evaluated with the computer‐assisted sperm analysis (CASA) system. Plasmalemma and acrosomal membrane integrity, mitochondrial membrane potential and reactive oxygen species (ROS) were measured by flow cytometry, and lipid peroxidation was evaluated by the thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) assay. Seminal plasma removal did not improve sperm kinetics compared to the control group. Centrifugation increased the number of cells with damaged acrosomal membranes (0.77 ± 0.05) and filtration caused greater plasmalemma and acrosomal membrane damage (22.18 ± 1.07). No difference in the mitochondrial membrane potential was observed between groups. In contrast, ROS production was higher in the centrifugation group compared to the control and filtration groups, although no differences in TBARS formation were detected. In conclusion, seminal plasma removal did not improve the quality of thawed buffalo semen compared to control in terms of sperm kinetics, membrane integrity, mitochondrial membrane potential or lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted using 17 male buffalo calves to assess the effects of plane of nutrition on slaughtering traits and meat characteristics. To attain 250 kg body weight (BW), the calves were allocated into three groups: high (H), low‐high (L‐H) and low (L) corresponding to concentrate levels receiving the concentrate at 1.50% of BW, 0.75% of BW until 190 kg BW and 1.50% thereafter, and 0.75% of BW, respectively. The animals had ad libitum access to urea‐treated rice straw. No significant differences of hot carcass weight, dressing percentage and lean fat–bone yields were observed among the treatment groups. The L group had heavier brisket weight and lower percentage of round weight in the hot carcass than the H and L‐H groups (P < 0.05). The H group had heavier hearts than the L group, and the H and L‐H groups had heavier livers and kidneys than the L group (P < 0.05). There was no significant difference of rib eye area, pH and the contents of moisture, crude protein and fat in loin meat among the groups. The findings indicated that the effects of plane of nutrition affected the weight or percentages of some cut yields in the hot carcasses and internal organs.  相似文献   

Alterations in biochemical constituents of uterine fluid have been suggested for diagnosis of subclinical uterine infection in the bovine. This study was undertaken to investigate whether uterine fluid biomolecules could act as tool for diagnosis of subclinical endometritis in the buffalo. Uterine fluid samples from normal (n = 22) and subclinical endometritis (n = 18; diagnosed based on uterine cytology)‐affected buffaloes were subjected to biochemical analysis. Among the different biochemical constituents estimated, urea, urea N, cholesterol, total bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) concentrations were significantly (p < 0.05) higher in uterine fluid obtained from subclinical endometritis‐affected buffaloes. The extent of difference between normal and subclinical endometritis‐affected buffaloes was highest in ALP (69%) followed by cholesterol (55%), bilirubin (48%), urea (30%) and urea N (30%) concentrations. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis indicated that the likelihood ratio (LR) was 3.63 for urea, indicating that buffaloes having less than the threshold concentration (47.5 mg/dl) of urea in their uterine fluid were at 3.6 times more risk to be affected with SE. The LRs for urea N, cholesterol, ALP and bilirubin were 2.33, 2.54, 2.12 and 1.65, respectively. It was concluded that ALP, urea, urea N and cholesterol concentrations in uterine fluid may serve as an aid for diagnosing subclinical endometritis in the buffalo.  相似文献   


AIMS: To obtain information and compare the prevalence of Chlamydiaceae in riverine buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) and cows (Bos taurus) in Egypt with and without clinical signs of reproductive disease.

METHODS: Vaginal swabs and blood samples were collected from animals attending Governmental Veterinary Clinics without (buffalo n=39, cows n=20) and with (buffalo n=63, cows n=53) signs of reproductive disease. Serum samples were tested for antibodies to Chlamydiaceae using complement fixation testing (CFT). Vaginal swabs were tested for Chlamydiaceae following inoculation into Vero cells and 6-day-old embryonated chicken eggs, using modified Giménez and immunoperoxidase staining, PCR analyses targeting the omp2 gene, and Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism PCR (RFLP-PCR) for species identification.

RESULTS: Antibodies to Chlamydiaceae were detected in 30/39 (77%) and 50/63 (79%) buffalo without and with signs of reproductive disease, respectively, and 10/20 (50%) and 39/53 (74%) of cows with and without signs of reproductive disease, respectively. Positive samples from PCR analysis were identified in 31/39 (79%) and 37/63 (59%) buffalo without and with signs of reproductive disease, respectively, and 12/20 (60%) and 46/53 (89%) of cows without and with signs of reproductive disease, respectively. Using RFLP-PCR, 57/68 (84%) of samples from buffalo, and 47/58 (81%) from cows, were identified as Chlamydophila psittaci and the reminder as Cp. abortus. From the CFT and PCR results there was no significant difference in the prevalence of positive samples between species, or between animals without or with signs of reproductive disease.

CONCLUSION: The presence of anti-Chlamydiaceae antibodies in 77% of the animals with signs of reproductive disease and the detection of Chlamydiaceae in 72% of vaginal swabs of the animals suggest a pathogenic role by Chlamydiaceae in riverine buffalo and cows. The main Chlamydiaceae found in the genital tract of cattle in Egypt were Cp. psittaci and Cp. abortus.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Chlamydophila spp. should be included in diagnostic algorithms for reproductive disorders, in order to assess the real burden of Chlamydophila associated disease in buffalo and cattle and to evaluate the potential value of vaccines.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics and dosage regimen of cefotaxime following its single subcutaneous administration (10 mg/kg) were investigated in buffalo calves. Plasma and urine samples were collected over 10 and 24 h post administration, respectively. Cefotaxime in plasma and urine was estimated by microbiological assay technique using E. coli as test organism. The pharmacokinetic profiles fitted one-compartment open model. The peak plasma levels of cefotaxime were 6.48 ± 0.52 µg/ml at 30 min and the drug was detected upto 10 h. The absorption half-life and elimination half-life were 0.173 ± 0.033 h and 1.77 ± 0.02 h, respectively. The apparent volume of distribution and total body clearance were 1.17 ± 0.10 l/kg and 0.45 ± 0.03 l/kg/h, respectively. The urinary excretion of cefotaxime in 24 h, was 5.36 ± 1.19 percent of total administrated dose. A satisfactory subcutaneous dosage regimen for cefotaxime in buffalo calves would be 13 mg/kg repeated at 12 h intervals.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate sensitivity and specificity of 4 commonly used brucellosis screening tests in cattle and domestic water buffalo of Trinidad, and to compare test parameter estimates between cattle and water buffalo. ANIMALS: 391 cattle and 381 water buffalo. PROCEDURE: 4 Brucella-infected herds (2 cattle and 2 water buffalo) and 4 herds (2 of each species) considered to be brucellosis-free were selected. A minimum of 100 animals, or all animals > 1 year of age, were tested from each herd. Serum samples were evaluated for Brucella-specific antibodies by use of standard plate agglutination test (SPAT), card test (CT), buffered plate agglutination test (BPAT), and standard tube agglutination test (STAT). A Bayesian approach was used to estimate sensitivity and specificity of diagnostic tests without the use of a gold standard, assuming conditional independence of tests. RESULTS: Sensitivity and specificity estimates in cattle, respectively, were SPAT, 66.7 and 98.9; CT, 72.7 and 99.6; BPAT, 88.1 and 98.1; and STAT, 80.2 and 99.3. Corresponding test estimates in water buffalo, respectively, were SPAT, 51.4 and 99.3; CT, 90.4 and 99.4; BPAT, 96.3 and 90.7; and STAT, 75.0 and 98.8. Sensitivity of the CT and specificity of the BPAT were different between cattle and water buffalo with at least 95% probability. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Brucellosis serologic test performance varied by species tested, but BPAT had the highest sensitivity for screening cattle and water buffalo. Sensitivity and specificity of more than 2 screening tests can be estimated simultaneously without a gold standard by use of Bayesian techniques.  相似文献   

为研究日粮不同精粗比对思南杂交肉牛体尺性状与血液生化指标的影响,试验选择体重相近的12头思南杂交肉牛随机分为A、B、C、D共4个组,每组3个重复,每个重复1头牛,A、B、C、D组精粗比分别为3:7、4:6、5:5、6:4.结果表明:(1)提高思南杂交肉牛日粮精粗比可以促进体高、体斜长、胸围和管围的增长,并且各组后60天...  相似文献   

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