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1999年 4月 ,武威某猪场发生猪瘟 ,病期延绵 2月余 ,共发病大小猪 96头 ,发病率2 2 5 % (96 /4 2 6 ) ,先后死亡 74头 ,病死率77.1 %。发病以断奶前后仔猪为多数 ,共发病仔猪 79头 ,占同龄仔猪总数的 75 2 %(79/1 0 5 ) ,占全部发病猪的 82 3% ;70日龄以上肥育猪发病 1 7头 ,占同期肥育猪的7 2 % (1 7/2 35 ) ,占全部发病猪的 1 7 7%。经过紧急免疫接种、隔离、扑杀、消毒、治疗等一系列防治措施 ,取得了满意效果 ,现报告如下。1 临床症状病程 30~ 6 9d ,体温 40~ 41 5℃ ,病情时轻时重 ,表现精神沉郁 ,伏卧嗜睡 ;拱背 ,四肢无力 ,…  相似文献   

The application of the agar diffusion precipitation (ADP) test for diagnosing hog cholera was investigated. The test used as antigen, pancreatic tissue from 272 pigs that had been inoculated with hog cholera virus. The test was positive for 13.5% of the animals that were sick for 4 days or less, 40% of those sick for 5 days, and 77% of those sick for 6 days or more. The test was positive for 13.5% of all animals that had been vaccinated with crystal violet-glycerol hog cholera vaccine and had been sick for at least 6 days after challenge inoculation.  相似文献   

Mosquitoes trapped during an epizootic of hog cholera (HC) in Maryland in 1969 were prepared into 40 pools which were inoculated in pigs. Hog cholera virus was confirmed in pigs inoculated with 8 of 40 pools of mosquitoes. Generally, the pigs contracting HC developed chronic infections with persistent viremia that lasted 30 or more days. Two pigs seemed healthy when euthatized 62 and 80 days after inoculation, yet viremia of high titer was detected in each. Experimental studies were performed with 2 laboratory strains of mosquitoes, Aedes aegypti and Culex tarsalis, to determine if biological and mechanical transmission occur. Biological transmission was not confirmed, but HC virus was retained in A aegypti for 3 days. Mechanical transmission was confirmed with A aegypti in 2 of 9 experiments.  相似文献   

The hog cholera virus.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Hog cholera virus (HCV) is a spherical enveloped particle of about 40-60 nm dia. The viral genome is a single strand RNA of about 12,000 bases with positive polarity. One single large open reading frame codes for presumably four structural, i.e. three glycoproteins and a core protein, and about three to five nonstructural proteins. The functional role is not yet fully clear for all viral proteins. HCV belongs to the pestivirus group and it is closely related to bovine viral diarrhoea and border disease viruses. The relationship extends to morphology, antigenicity, host spectrum and molecular properties. Pestiviruses hold generic status in the family Flaviviridae.  相似文献   

固原县某养猪场 2 0 0 2年 4月 1日购进 2 0~ 30日龄仔猪 96头 ,与该场 32头 3月龄育肥猪单围饲养。 4月 1 8日 ,该批仔猪相继发病 ,4月 2 3日 ,死亡 1 8头 ,采用大剂量抗生素和抗病毒药物治疗 ,未见好转。4月 2 7日 ,死亡 37头 ,剖检采取病料经实验室诊断为猪瘟与仔猪副伤寒混合感染 ,采取了一系列防制措施 ,1 0d后疫情得到控制 ;先后共死亡 89头 ,死亡率达92 7% ,育肥猪群未能发病。现报告如下 :1 临床症状病猪精神不振 ,食欲减退 ,初期间歇性咳嗽 ,不愿走动 ,体温一般为 4 0~ 4 1℃ ,拉淡黄色稀便 ;后期耳、关节、胸前、腹下均出现…  相似文献   

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