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Taenia serialis causing exophthalmos in a pet rabbit   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 16-month-old, male, neuter Dwarf Lop rabbit presented with exophthalmos of the right eye of 3 weeks duration. Under sedation an ultrasound of the right eye was performed and showed an orbital hypo-echoic area posterior and ventrolateral to the right globe, which was presumed to be a cyst. Fine needle aspirate removed 5.5 mLs of straw-colored fluid from the cyst, which allowed the globe to return to its normal position. Two months later the rabbit re-presented with exophthalmos of the right eye. Exploratory surgery was performed and a large cystic structure was removed from the ventro-lateral conjunctival fornix. Histology confirmed the cyst to be a coenurus of Taenia serialis.  相似文献   

Sperm cells isolated from the tail of the epididymis and from the semen of the same individuals were analysed. The use of silver nitrate to stain sperm cells isolated from the tail of the epididymis made it possible to identify structures that were not visible in the sperm from semen. Silver nitrate very clearly distinguished the acrosomal and distal parts of the sperm head. Following silver nitrate staining, the sperm isolated from the tail of the epididymis were characterized by dark ‘collars’ in the distal part of the head. These ‘collars’ are not visible in the sperm cells isolated from semen. The results of the study indicate differences in the dimensions of sperm isolated from the tail of the epididymis and sperm in semen. Sperm isolated from the tail of the epididymis had smaller heads, despite their longer length, and had longer midpieces and tails than ejaculate sperm. Silver nitrate staining is a simple and fast technique. Silver nitrate makes it possible to identify the acrosome and post-acrosomal region of the sperm head and to clearly identify the midpiece. Therefore, it can be successfully used to supplement routine techniques for evaluating sperm morphology or as an independent technique.  相似文献   

An intragastric inoculation of approx. 2 × 1010 Yersinia enterocolitica cells killed chinchillas in three days in the case of four strains out of six tested. Because of the sensitivity of chinchillas to this bacterium, the test is useful for the evaluation of the virulence and invasiveness of Y. enterocolitica isolates. This animal model could also be used for studies on the mechanism of the infection.  相似文献   

Taenia crassiceps is a cestode parasite that uses carnivores as definitive hosts and rodents and rabbits as main intermediate hosts, but other animal species and humans may also get infected. One adult male chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera) from an animal shelter in Switzerland presented widespread subcutaneous fluctuant swellings extended over the forehead, nose, face and thoracic regions with a progressive growth over 3 months. The thoracic swelling was surgically resected, and it consisted of numerous 3–4 mm small transparent vesicles, mainly confined to the subcutaneous tissue, which were morphologically identified as cysticerci of T. crassiceps. The diagnosis was confirmed by PCR and DNA sequence analysis of fragments of the mitochondrial small subunit rRNA and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 genes. After 1.5 months, due to enlargement of the swollen areas and deterioration of the general health condition, the chinchilla was euthanized and a necropsy was performed. Thousands of small cysticerci were observed widespread in the subcutis, involving underlying musculature of the whole body, in the thoracic cavity, larynx, pharynx and in the retropharyngeal region. Additionally, three larger metacestodes were detected in the liver and morphologically and molecularly identified as Taenia taeniaeformis strobilocerci. The present case represents an indicator of the environmental contamination with Taenia eggs, highlighting the risk of infection for susceptible animals and humans. Besides the clinical relevance for pets, T. crassiceps is a zoonotic parasite and can be also cause of severe cysticercosis in humans.  相似文献   

A 4-month-old intact female English Springer Spaniel presented to the University of Georgia Veterinary Teaching Hospital for evaluation of unilateral, progressive exophthalmos oculus sinister (OS) of 2 weeks' duration. Complete ophthalmic examination revealed moderate OS exophthalmos and lateral globe deviation. No other abnormalities were noted on physical or ophthalmic examination, ocular ultrasound, complete bloodwork, or thoracic radiography. Skull computed tomography (CT) revealed a large, focal, smoothly irregular, cavitated, expansile bony lesion involving the left caudal maxillary and left frontal bones. Biopsies, obtained through a frontal sinusotomy approach to preserve the left globe integrity, demonstrated normal reactive trabecular bone with locally extensive fibrosis. Calvarial hyperostosis was diagnosed based upon appearance on imaging, lesion unilaterality, absence of mandibular involvement, and histopathology. Six months after initial presentation, skull CT was repeated and marked reduction in the degree of frontal bone thickening was demonstrated with complete resolution of cavitations. There was marked clinical improvement with mild, nonpainful exophthalmos, and lateral globe deviation OS on ophthalmic examination. Eleven months after initial presentation, there was complete resolution of the frontal bone lesion with mild thickening of the left calvarial bones on repeat skull CT. There was no exophthalmos or globe deviation present on clinical ophthalmic examination. The proliferative osteopathic lesion was self-resolving with resolution of the exophthalmos and has not recurred to date. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of calvarial hyperostosis in a previously unreported breed presenting as unilateral exophthalmos.  相似文献   

A factor in Taenia multiceps coenurus fluid (TMCF) has previously been shown to modify the accessory activity of murine macrophages in vivo and in vitro. The factor (TMCF-F24) has been purified by ion exchange in a fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) system. This study was conducted to determine whether TMCF-F24 is an antigen in naturally occurring cerebral coenuriasis, and whether it can also modify normal sheep blood monocytes. Specific IgG antibodies to TMCF-F24 were detected, using ELISA, in serum and cerebrospinal fluid of sheep with clinical coenuriasis. Alterations in monocyte accessory activity were detected by an assay which measured the rate of increase in mitogen-induced lymphocyte transformation caused by addition of increasing numbers of the monocytes. Normal monocytes caused a positive increase in lymphocyte transformation. Monocytes incubated with TMCF-F24 caused progressive inhibition of transformation. This factor may therefore modify monocyte-T cell interaction in natural infection.  相似文献   

Abstract— Large, fluctuant, fluid-filled subcutaneous masses containing hundreds of Taenia crassiceps cysticerci were detected in 13 woodchucks trapped in central New York and Maryland. The axillary region (7 of 13 animals) and adjacent lateral thoracic wall (4 of 13 animals) were most frequently affected. One animal had a focal parasitic granuloma in the lung and another had numerous cysticerci present within the hepatic parenchyma. Histologically, parasite sections were surrounded by varying degrees of fibrosis and mild scattered to coalescing lymphocytic aggregates were present in the adjacent subcutaneous tissues. There was minimal infiltration of subcutaneous lesions into the underlying musculature. Scanning electron microscopy of the parasites indicated the presence of numerous developing buds in the area of the posterior bladder. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy indicated that cysticerci were covered with a dense coating of microtriches. Taenia crassiceps lesions were found in 13 (2.6 per cent) of 501 trapped woodchucks, and in none of 293 colony-born woodchucks. No relationship between Taenia crassiceps infection and woodchuck hepatitis virus infection could be established. Résumé— Des masses sous-cutanées volumineuses, fluctuantes, remplies de liquides, contenant des centaines de cysticerques de Taenia crassiceps furent découvertes chez 13 marmottes capturées au centre de l'Etat de New-York et dans le Maryland. La région axillaire (7 des 13 animaux) et la paroi thoracique latérale adjacente (4 des 13 animaux) étaient les plus fréquemment atteintes. Un animal avait un granulome parasitaire focal dans un poumon et un autre avaient de nombreux cysticerques dans le parenchyme hépatique. D'un point de vue histologique, les sections de parasite étaient entourées par une fibrose d'importance variable, et des aggrégats lymphocytaires modérés, dispersés ou coalescents, étaient présents dans les tissus sous-cutanés adjacents. Il y avait une infiltration minimale des lésions sous-cutanées dans les muscles sous-jacents. La microscopie électronique à balayage montra la présence de nombreux bourgeons en développement dans la zone postérieure de la vessie. La microscopie électronique à balayage et par transmission indiqua que les cysticerques étaient couverts par un enduit dense de microtriches. Des lésions dûes àTanenia crassiceps furent découvertes chez 2.6% (13 sur 501) des marmottes capturées, et 0% (0 sur 293) des marmottes nées en captivité. Aucune relation entre l'infestation par Taenia crassiceps et l'hépatite infectieuse virale de la marmotte ne put être établie. Zusammenfassung— Bei 13 im Zentrum von New York und Maryland gefangenen Waldmurmeltieren wurden große, fluktuierende, flüssigkeits-gefüllte subcutane Massen festgestellt, die Hunderte von Taenia crossiceps cysticerci enthielten. Am häufigsten waren der Axillarbereich (boi 7 von 13 Tieren) und die angrenzende seitliche Brustwand (bei 4 von 13 Tieren) betroffen. Ein Murmeltier hatte ein fokales parasitäres Granulom in der Lunge, ein anderes zahlreiche Cysticerci im Leberparenchym. Im histologischen Bild zeigten sich von verschieden starken Fibrosen umgebene Parasitenausschnitte und leicht verstreute bis konfluierende Lymphozytenaggregate im angrenzenden subcutanen Gewebe. Die darunterliegende Muskulatur wurde nur minimal von den subcutanen Läsionen infiltriert. Unter dem Rasterelektronenmikroskop zeigten die Parasiten zahlreiche sich entwickelnde Knospen im Bereich der hinteren Blase. Im Rasterelektronenmikroskop und im Transmissions-Elektronenmikroskop waren die Cysticeri mit einer dichten Schicht aus Mikrotrichen bedeckt. Taenia crassiceps-Läsionen wurden bei 2.6% (13 von 501) der gefangenen und bei 0% (0 von 293) der koloniegeborenen Waldmurmeltiere nachgewiesen. Ein Zusammenhang zwischen der Taenia crassiceps - Infektion und einer Waldmurmeltier-Hepatitis-Virusinfektion konnte nicht festgestellt werden. Resumen En 13 marmotas capturados en Nueva York y en Maryland se detectaron masas subcutáneas de gran tamaño, llenas de líquido y que contenían cientos de cisticercos de Taenia crassiceps. Las zonas más afectadas fueron la región axilar (7 de 13 animales) y la pared torácica adyacente (4 de 13 animales). Un animal presentaba un granuloma parasitario focal en un pulmón y otro presentaba numerosos cisticercos en el parénquima hepático. Histológicamente, los parásitos aparecían rodeados por una reacción fibrosa de diferente intensidad y en el tejido subcutáneo próximo se observaban agregados linfocitarios. La musculatura subyacente no aparecía afectada. Estudios de microscopía electrónica de transmisión y de barrido demostraron que los cisticercos estaben recubiertos por una densa capa de microtricos. Lesiones producidas par Taenia crassiceps se detectaron en el 2,6% (13 de 501) de los capturados y en el 0% (0 de 293) de los procedentes de un criadero. No se pudo demostrar relación alguna entre la infestación con Taenia crassiceps y la infección con el virus de la hepatitis de las marmotas.  相似文献   

猪带绦虫六钩蚴cDNA文库的构建与筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在体外将猪带绦虫虫卵孵化为有活力的六钩蚴。采用商品化试剂盒抽提六钩蚴总 RNA、m RNA,反转录为双链c DNA,再加 Eco R Adapter。在去除小片段后 ,dsc DNA与 λgt11噬菌体 DNA连接 ,经蛋白包装 ,构建了猪带绦虫六钩蚴λgt11c DNA文库。该文库效价为 3.5× 10 9pfu/ m L ,重组 DNA片段大小为 0 .5~ 3.2 kb,平均为 1.6 kb,蓝白斑比 1∶ 9。用抗体探针对文库进行免疫学筛选 ,在消除非特异性反应的基础上筛选约 10 6 重组子 ,共得到 118株强阳性克隆 ;应用 PCR鉴定上述部分阳性克隆 ,均扩增到 0 .5 kb以上的片段。结果显示 ,构建的文库合格 ,含六钩蚴所有抗原基因 ,可用于六钩蚴 c DNA克隆的筛选 ;用免疫学与 PCR联合筛选 c DNA文库 ,可消除假阳性  相似文献   

A 12-year-old, 4 kg, castrated male Persian cat was referred with a 2-month history of sneezing and bilateral mucopurulent nasal discharge. Rhinoscopically acquired nasal biopsies at this time revealed bilateral lymphoplasmacytic rhinitis. A tapering dose of oral prednisone caused the complete remission of the clinical signs, but 2 months after discontinuation of the therapy, the rhinitis recurred and the OD became exophthalmic. Computed tomography showed a soft tissue mass in both sides of the nasal cavity, both frontal sinuses, the right orbit, and to a lesser extent the left orbit. A fine needle aspirate of the right orbit revealed pyogranulomatous inflammation and Aspergillus spp. hyphae. Repeat nasal biopsy demonstrated multi-focal necrosis and a mixed inflammatory cell process which now included macrophages and scattered septate fungal hyphae. A few days later the cat became bilaterally blind and a contrast enhancing lesion involving the optic chiasm was found on magnetic resonance imaging. Despite a poor prognosis, therapy consisted of exenteration of the right orbit and trephination of both frontal sinuses before the planned initiation of medical antifungal therapy. Unfortunately, the cat died of cardiac arrest intraoperatively. Aspergillus fumigatus was cultured from both orbits at necropsy. Orbital aspergillosis has been rarely reported in cats and its relationship with lymphoplasmacytic rhinitis is unclear. In this patient lymphoplasmacytic rhinitis or previous antibiotic/corticosteroid therapy may have allowed secondary fungal invasion of the nasal mucosa and subsequently both orbits and the brain. Alternatively, Aspergillus infection may have preceded the lymphoplasmacytic rhinitis.  相似文献   

为建立猪带绦虫实验动物模型,本实验通过口服激活、未激活囊尾蚴和尾静脉注射激活的囊尾蚴感染昆明小鼠、BALB/c小鼠、SD大鼠、豚鼠、金黄地鼠、沙鼠,对各种鼠体内的绦虫的感染、生长发育及寄生部位等生物学特性进行研究.在感染45 d的金黄地鼠体内检出可见虫体,检出的虫体多数吸附在小肠.本实验建立了猪带绦虫的实验动物模型,使得解决猪带绦虫实验材料的来源问题成为可能,也为猪带绦虫的深入研究奠定了基础.  相似文献   

猪带绦虫45W基因已被认为是预防猪囊虫病的基因工程疫苗候选基因之一。其中4B基因是45W基因家族中高度保守的一个成员(以下称45W-4B)。本试验将重组于pGEM-3Z载体上的4B基因转载到pVL1393转移载体中,通过鉴定获得重组质粒pVL1393-4B,然后将重组质粒与BmNPV病毒共转染,筛选出重组BmNPV-4B重组病毒,用该重组病毒感染Bm细胞,收集细胞上清,SDS-PAGE电泳鉴定表达蛋白,并经Western blot检测表明该蛋白能识别囊虫病人(猪)阳性血清,45W-4B蛋白的成功表达对进一步研究45W蛋白的结构和功能以及开发高效猪囊虫基因工程疫苗打下了基础。  相似文献   

应用免疫组化ABC法研究了催产素和加压素在犬泡状绦虫的定位和分布。在犬泡状绦虫中枢神经系统的脑神经节、2条主要纵神经索和环神经内观察到大量阳性纤维和少量阳性细胞。周围神经系统可见阳性神经纤维在皮层和实质形成神经网。从纵神经索和环神经发出的阳性纤维向生殖器官和皮层的肌肉分布。顶突的小钩之间的肌肉存在阳性反应物,小钩周围有较明显的阳性反应环。生殖器官呈现着色深浅不同的阳性反应,以卵囊—梅氏腺复合体最为明显。结果表明,催产素和加压素的免疫反应物具有相同的分布,它们可能参与虫体的神经内分泌调节。  相似文献   

采集甘肃兰州市区宠物犬体内两株泡状带绦虫,运用分子生物学方法对其线粒体部分基因进行克隆,并使用基因分析软件Larsergene V7.1进行序列分析,结果发现这两株虫体同源性达到99.6%,与国内的泡状带绦虫广东虫株和甘肃虫株同源性分别达到98.7%和98.4%,鉴定为泡状带绦虫;与其他带科绦虫同源性均高于85%,低于88%。其中,与国内牛带绦虫同源性最高,为88%;与国内巨颈带绦虫同源性最低,只有85.1%。推断不同带科绦虫的cox1基因种间差异明显,在带科绦虫的分类上意义较大。  相似文献   

猪带绦虫六钩蚴抗原基因的克隆与表达   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以λgt11为载体构建了猪带绦虫六钩蚴cDNA文库,从中筛选出5株表达六钩蚴抗原成分的重组噬菌体。将其中的六钩蚴cDNA与表达质粒pGEX-4T2连接,在TG1大肠杆菌中高效表达,获得了2株表达GST-六钩蚴抗原融合蛋白(Mr分别为5×104和6×104)的工程菌。在LB营养液中添加1%乳糖和0.2%葡萄糖,工程菌的表达效果优于用IPTG诱导的效果。融合蛋白约占工程菌总蛋白的23%。  相似文献   

We present a case of reactive histiocytic disease involving the orbit, optic nerve, retina, and choroid in a Border Collie dog initially presenting for vision loss. Long-term partial return of vision has been achieved with systemic immunosuppression. Anterior segment and ocular surface manifestations of reactive histiocytic disease in dogs are relatively common. Posterior segment and orbital involvement, however, are minimally documented in the existing literature. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of disease confined to the orbit and posterior segment as well as the first report of vision loss as a presenting complaint for reactive histiocytic disease. Clinical, magnetic resonance imaging, cytologic, and histopathologic findings are reviewed.  相似文献   

本研究采用RT-PCR技术扩增猪带绦虫六钩蚴TSOL16免疫原基因,将扩增产物与pMD18-T载体连接,重组质粒经PCR、酶切鉴定后进行测序;构建TSOL16基因的pGEX-4T-1原核表达载体,用IPTG诱导表达后进行SDS-PAGE、Western blot分析;将所表达的蛋白免疫小鼠,经ELISA检测血清抗体验证其免疫原性。结果显示:所克隆的TSOL16基因片段长度为559bp,含有1个402bp的开放阅读框架,编码134个氨基酸,与已报道的猪带绦虫六钩蚴TSOL16基因核苷酸序列同源性为99%;表达的融合蛋白大小为40Ku,并能被猪带绦虫六钩蚴阳性血清所识别;免疫小鼠在1周后即检测到血清抗体,第30d即达到较高水平,说明该融合蛋白具有较好的免疫原性。  相似文献   

Feline orbital aspergillosis is increasingly described in the published reports and may be an emerging disease. Orbital mycotic infections were diagnosed in three cats with exophthalmos, significant dorso‐temporal globe deviation and pronounced resistance to retropulsion. Advanced imaging was performed in all three cases to evaluate the extent of disease as well as to obtain guided orbital biopsies in two cases. Surgical intervention in the form of a lateral orbitotomy was pursued in the first case with the other two cases treated with enucleation or medical management alone. The available published reports concerning sino‐orbital aspergillosis are reviewed. Oral therapy with a novel triazole, voriconazole, was instituted in two cases. Although voriconazole was apparently effective against the fungal organisms, it is also resulted in adverse reactions.  相似文献   

采用PCR方法从豆状带绦虫六钩蚴中扩增得到Tp-dUTPase基因编码区,构建了pET32a-Tp-dUTPase原核表达载体,以重组蛋白dUTPase作为包被抗原建立的兔豆状囊尾蚴病Dot-ELISA诊断方法对226份兔血清进行了检测。结果显示,Tp-dUTPase基因编码区长447bp,编码148个氨基酸,表达的重组蛋白相对分子质量为36 200,该重组蛋白能与家兔豆状囊尾蚴病阳性血清特异性结合。以重组蛋白Tp-dUTPase作为包被抗原建立的Dot-ELISA诊断方法显示有较高的特异性(85.7%~92.9%)和敏感性(86.4%~88.0%),与其他种类兔寄生虫病阳性血清有较低的交叉反应。结果表明,纯化的Tp-dUTPase重组蛋白可作为兔豆状囊尾蚴病的诊断抗原。  相似文献   

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