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Abstract – The horizontal distribution of fish in lakes varies with species, age, predation risk, vegetation coverage and water clarity. Although sporadic data are available for specific lakes, little is known about how habitat distribution generally changes along a gradient in nutrients and clarity. Here we analyse littoral and pelagic fish catch data for 34 Danish lakes (covering 94 lake years) with contrasting total phosphorus (TP) concentrations and mean depth levels (but mainly eutrophic and shallow). Electrofishing was conducted during day along the shore or along the edge of the reed belt if such existed. Gill nets were set overnight for 18 h in open water. We calculated a littoral proportion as: LITPRO = (100 × number caught by electrofishing in the near‐shore area)/(number caught by electrofishing in the near‐shore area and nets in the open water). At all summer TP concentrations LITPRO was high for several ‘littoral’ species such as gudgeon (Gobio gobio), rudd (Scardinius erythrophtalmus) and pike (Esox lucius) and low for more typical pelagic species like pikeperch (Sander lucioperca), ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus) and smelt (Osmerus eperlanus). However, for many of these species including the dominant roach (Rutilus rutilus) and perch (Perca fluviatilis) LITPRO increased with TP or lake water chlorophyll a (CHLA) for fish >10 cm, suggesting a more littoral distribution with increasing turbidity. Exceptions are pikeperch and bream (Abramis brama). For bream, LITPRO increased significantly with mean lake depth only. For fish ≤10 cm LITPRO showed only a weak relationship to TP, CHLA or depth. In accordance with the TP‐dependent distribution, major changes occurred in the fish community structure during the monitoring period following nutrient loading reduction. A comparison of LITPRO from the first part of the monitoring period (1989–1993) with a subsequent period (1997–2003) for four abundant species showed a significant decline in LITPRO over time for large‐ and small‐sized roach and perch and large rudd. This suggests a fast response in fish distribution to improved water quality. It further demonstrates that fish monitoring in lakes should cover both littoral and pelagic habitats to describe the recovery process.  相似文献   

In August 2007, as part of the NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) West Coast Groundfish Bottom Trawl Survey, we examined the biomass of demersal organisms in a known hypoxic area off the Oregon coast. Although observed each summer, the intensity of hypoxia has varied annually (2002–2007) with the greatest temporal and spatial extent noted in 2006. In 2007 we identified the geographic extent of the hypoxic zone and sampled 17 stations along two depth contours (50 and 70 m) within the area. A Sea-Bird SBE 19 plus equipped with a dissolved oxygen (DO) sensor was attached to the bottom trawl to monitor oxygen concentration during each tow. Bottom DO concentrations at all stations were hypoxic with means along the tow tracts ranging from 0.43 to 1.27 mL L−1. Total catch per unit effort (ln CPUE, kg hectare−1) and species diversity (number of species, N ) were significantly and positively related to oxygen concentration along the hypoxic gradient. In addition, CPUE (natural log-transformed) for eight fish species and five benthic invertebrate species were significantly and positively related to bottom oxygen concentration within the hypoxic region. Condition factors for five fish species, as well as Dungeness crab ( Cancer magister ) increased with increased bottom oxygen levels along the hypoxic gradient. Historical catch (2003–2006) within the hypoxic zone indicates that biomass was significantly lower in 2006, the year with the lowest bottom DO levels, relative to other years.  相似文献   

Abstract –  The feeding, growth and nutritional status of salmon parr (0+) released at fry stage in different riffles were studied in a large temperate river (Allier, France) throughout the active feeding period. Significant differences were observed along the upstream–downstream gradient. Parr growth performance and energy storage were higher in downstream riffles and low in the most upstream one. These longitudinal growth variations are discussed in the context of diet and food availability differences, habitat variables and intra- and inter-species competition. The most favourable site for optimum growth and nutritional status appeared to be the intermediary riffle located in the grayling zone.  相似文献   

  • 1. Small lakes and ponds with high nutrient loadings can be clear, turbid or intermediate, with low, high and intermediate phytoplankton biomass, respectively.
  • 2. A combination of biotic and abiotic factors, such as hydraulic retention time, presence of submerged vegetation, depth, top‐down phytoplankton control, and cascading effects of fish community structure, play an important role in phytoplankton biomass control when nutrients are not limiting. Different combinations of these factors lead to different levels of phytoplankton biomass.
  • 3. Identification of the main factors controlling phytoplankton biomass in a particular pond or a small lake is essential for choosing an appropriate management strategy for the maintenance of a desired ecosystem state.
  • 4. When a pond or a small lake ecosystem is impaired by eutrophication, a considerable degree of its ecological quality can be restored through the modification of some environmental factors when a sufficient reduction in nutrient input is not feasible.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract – We tested the effects of a pollution gradient on the survival and energetic responses of Atlantic salmon fry stocked in Onondaga Creek, a historic but highly polluted nursery stream. A relatively unperturbed reference stream provided similar physical and thermal gradients that co-varied longitudinally with the pollution gradient in Onondaga Creek, and macroinvertebrate communities provided indices of water quality degradation. Survival, cohort biomass, instantaneous growth rate and growth index of Atlantic salmon were inverse functions of water quality in the perturbed stream. Generally, survival and energetic parameters of Atlantic salmon responded differently to longitudinal gradients in the two streams, indicating that water quality, rather than habitat variation, exerted the strongest control over salmon. Effects were more pronounced during the early summer, possibly because tolerance to such perturbations increases with age or body size. Energetics-related parameters were more sensitive to water quality than were survival-related parameters, indicating that sub-lethal effects of pollution may be detected and quantified by examining energy balances of individuals.  相似文献   

Microalgae have great biotechnological potential but the high cost of traditional formulae culture media is one of the limiting factors to their commercial cultivation. As an alternative, the use of residual water from other activities has been proposed as a culture medium. The goal of this study was to produce Chaetoceros muelleri, Nannochloropsis oculata and Tetraselmis chuii biomass using residual water from an intensive Litopenaeus vannamei biofloc cultivation system and to verify the ammoniacal nitrogen, nitrite, nitrate and orthophosphate consumption. The microalgae cultures were developed until the second day of their stationary phase in the following treatments: 100% f/2 culture media; 100% residual water; residual water diluted 50% with marine water. T. chuii and N. oculata presented the best relative biomass average (576 mg L?1; 474 mg L?1)(P > 0.05). All the species completely assimilated the orthophosphate in 2 days. In 10 days, T. chuii and N. oculata assimilated 87% and 85% of nitrate respectively. It can be concluded that residual water from an L. vannamei biofloc cultivation system can be used as an alternative culture medium for T. chuii and N. oculata biomass production. Moreover, the microalgae biomass proved to be very effective in recycling the dissolved nutritive salts.  相似文献   

Environmental gradients determine the distributions of individual species, which, in turn, shape patterns of species assemblage across those gradients. We used species distribution models to study the assemblage of fish species along the three mainstem rivers in the South Saskatchewan River Basin (SSRB) in Alberta, which flow in parallel across an 800‐km longitudinal span and down 1400 m from the Rocky Mountains to the Great Plains of North America. We estimated the similarity of species assemblages along each river to identify general patterns of species assemblage associated with temperature and five other physiochemical variables. Mean July water temperature, which ranged from <11°C at high elevation to >21°C at low elevation, was strongly associated with the presence–absence of most species in the SSRB. We found that high turnover occurred at two locations along the longitudinal gradient: where mean July water temperature was approximately 15°C and where mean July water temperature was approximately 19 or 20°C. There was also an increase in species richness at lower elevations where water temperatures were higher. Models incorporating forecasted changes in water temperature with climate change will likely provide accurate predictions of changes in the diversity and distribution of riverine fish communities across topographically heterogeneous landscapes.  相似文献   

营养液膜技术栽培牧草净化循环流水水产养殖废水的试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
泮进明 《水产学报》2005,29(5):695-699
为研究植物生态净化技术集成至循环流水水产养殖系统的可行性,构建了4个(4重复)3.0m×0.5m×0.05m(长×宽×高)的植物滤器处理淡水白鲳(Colossoma brachypomum)高密度养殖废水。每个植物滤器生长0.8m2NFT(营养液膜技术)培多年生黑麦草(Lolium perenneL.)。废水每周更换一次,每次25.4L,连续运行40d。7d循环灌溉处理后,NO3--N、TN、TP、COD的去除率分别达96.1%、86.2%、90.5%、88.7%,pH从6.4升高至8.4,而水体积只消耗29.7%。除UIA由于pH升高而超标外,所有水质指标均符合渔业水质标准。牧草日增长仅2.3mm,显著低于用商品营养液培育的牧草生长速度(日增长13.2mm)。鲜草TAN和NO3--N含量分别为107.9和42.5μg.g-1,试验结束时收获鲜草582.9g.m-2,烘干后得到干草102.5g.m-2,干湿比0.176。结果表明,植物滤器能解决生物滤器引起的N、P、COD累积以及pH下降等问题,是一种环境友好的水处理方法。为使牧草良好生长,建议定期将牧草返回培育系统用商品营养液培养一段时间。  相似文献   

An Erratum has been published for this article in Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 12(2), 2002, 251
  • 1. In recent decades shallow zones have been constructed along navigation canals in the Netherlands which form a potential new habitat for aquatic macrophytes and helophytes absent from traditional canals.
  • 2. The aim of this study was to examine the relationships between the aquatic plant vegetation that becomes established and the physical and chemical characteristics of water and sediment, in order to find the determinants of species composition and the changes therein. Data were collected in 1998 and 1999 from 80 plots in bank zones at varying stages of development since construction along two navigation canals.
  • 3. Plots 3–5 years old were partly dominated by rooting submerged macrophytes such as Potamogeton pectinatus, Elodea nuttallii and Potamogeton pusillus; locally non‐rooting species occurred such as Ceratophyllum demersum, Lemna minor and Spirodela polyrhiza. Older plots contained Phragmites australis, locally mixed with free‐floating species. Hydrological isolation from the eutrophic canals was indicated by the presence of Chara vulgaris.
  • 4. Characteristics of both water layer and sediment could explain the variation in vegetation composition. Rooting submerged macrophytes predominantly occurred in sites with a thin (<2 cm) layer of sediment with relatively low concentrations of organic matter; moreover, ammonium concentrations in the water layer and sediment pore water were relatively low. Stands of non‐rooting macrophytes and of Phragmites australis were characterized by a relatively thick sediment layer and high ammonium levels in the pore water. Light limitation in turbid water, associated with navigation and eutrophication, may also play a role.
  • 5. Although submerged aquatic macrophytes persist for a relatively short time, shallow zones nevertheless function as a habitat for helophyte communities and contribute to a higher aquatic biodiversity than is associated with traditional banks along navigation canals.
Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Generalist fish species can feed on a wide resource spectrum and across trophic levels depending on resource availability and trophic interactions. Crucian carp (Carassius carassius) represents a good candidate species to investigate variation in the trophic ecology of generalist fish as it can be found in highly variable fish communities and its resource use is well documented. In this study, we explored the trophic ecology of crucian carp at the individual and population levels using stable isotope and gut content analysis. We tested if trophic resource use varied according to lake productivity, predation risk, intra- and interspecific competition, or individual fish size. We found that crucian carp resource preference was highly variable among and within lakes. In predator-free lakes, small crucian carp occurred in high densities, showed increased interindividual specialisation, and relied mainly on pelagic zooplankton. In presence of predators, large crucian carp occurred in low densities and included greater proportions of benthic macroinvertebrates in their diet. This shift in resource use was further favoured in productive, shallow lakes where littoral prey were probably abundant. Resource partitioning was an important factor determining crucian carp niche use, as fish had higher trophic position in absence of other cyprinids. Crucian carp showed highly dynamic resource use and food preferences in response to variable environmental conditions. Overlooking complex diet preferences of generalist fish may lead to an oversimplification of freshwater community dynamics.  相似文献   

During ecological speciation, diverging taxa have the potential to remain in close spatial proximity (i.e., sympatry or micro‐allopatry) theoretically allowing for continued contact and gene flow. In a system where incipient speciation of populations of the Atlantic molly (Poecilia mexicana) appears to be driven by abiotic factors, we investigated whether one of these factors, hydrogen sulphide (H2S) toxicity, also constitutes an effective barrier to slow migration within and between habitats. We addressed this experimentally by translocating individuals from high toxicity to lower toxicity within a toxic cave and by translocating individuals from the toxic cave to a nontoxic surface habitat. Using a stepwise‐backwards Cox regression, we found that overall mortality was low, but statistically significant mortality occurred when individuals were transferred from higher toxicity to lower toxicity. In addition, only males were negatively affected by being transferred from low levels of toxicity to nontoxic, surface waters. This indicates that in addition to abiotic factors, other mechanisms, like predation and sexual selection, must be important in maintaining population separation.  相似文献   

  • 1. Chilean rivers have a large potential for hydropower development, and they also contain a unique native fish fauna with a high level of endemism. Several diversion hydropower plants have recently been constructed in Chile; however, the response of fish communities to these new hydropower plant designs is not well known.
  • 2. Responses of native and non‐native fish to the construction and operation of a new hydropower plant that diverts water from two rivers were quantified. The Laja River is highly regulated and manipulated with three older (40 yr) dam‐based hydropower plants and irrigation diversions located upstream from the new facility. In contrast, the Rucúe River has no other hydropower facilities and is comparatively undisturbed.
  • 3. Prior to construction, the Laja River had a fish community with lower species richness compared with the Rucúe River. The fish community structure in the Laja River was dramatically altered after the new hydropower facility began operation. On the other hand, in the Rucúe River, even though abundance of fish declined, there was less of a change in the total fish community structure. The fish community in the Rucúe River exhibited greater resistance to change compared with the Laja River.
  • 4. The species most affected were the introduced salmonids and an endangered native species Percilia irwini.
  • 5. Although diversion hydropower designs may have less impact than traditional dam‐based hydropower facilities, results of this study indicate that diversion hydropower structures can cause large changes in the fish community.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Macrophytes stranded on a beach provide food and habitat for many kinds of animals and play important roles in coastal ecosystems. Macrophytes stranded on a sampling beach (56 m long) along a sargassacean forest (400 m long and 88 m wide) were collected every 10 days from late April 2003 to late May 2004. The weight of macrophytes stranded per meter of beach amounted to 1733 g dry wt/m per year. Sargassacean plants were dominant and constituted 72.9% (1263 g dry wt/m per year) of whole stranded macrophytes. Large numbers of macrophytes were stranded just after heavy winter storms and the maximum weight of stranded macrophytes in winter was 407 g dry wt/m. Stranded macrophytes also increased in May to July; the deterioration period of sargassacean species in this region, and the maximum weight in this period was 233 g dry wt/m. The number of sargassacean plants stranded with holdfast increased only in winter. These results suggest that winter storms have an important role in stranding sargassacean plants at Yoro Beach.  相似文献   

Rainbow trout habitat use is often described in high‐gradient, runoff‐driven, heterotrophic streams where geomorphic features and overhanging riparian vegetation provide channel complexity and cover. However, many rainbow trout populations thrive in rivers with contrasting aquatic habitat. We describe rainbow trout habitat use in a low‐gradient, groundwater‐dominated tailwater river where river flow management and macrophyte growth and senescence largely govern available trout habitat. In the summers of 2013 and 2014, available aquatic habitat (depth, velocity, macrophyte cover, substrate size) was quantified, while individual trout location was determined by radio telemetry and linked to environmental variables. Detailed habitat surveys indicate that macrophyte cover increases throughout the summer and is a strong determinant of in‐stream habitat characteristics. Paired logistic regression shows that adult rainbow trout prefer greater depths. Water depth increases with macrophyte abundance at both reach and local scales as plants restrict flow, and available trout habitat is linked to this seasonal pattern. When macrophyte abundance is high, adult trout show secondary preference for localised areas of lower macrophyte cover but otherwise show no selectivity for macrophyte cover, velocity or substrate size. Results suggest that submerged aquatic plants increased the quantity and quality of rainbow trout habitat as a source of channel complexity and cover. Macrophytes may play a similar role in other low‐gradient streams and should not be overlooked by fisheries managers considering habitat suitability.  相似文献   

Natural phytoplankton populations were cultured in outdoor continuous cultures using fish-farm effluents as the source of nutrients. The dilution rate was assumed to be the integrating factor of phytoplankton growth and biomass development (flux and stock). In this context, the combined effects of (i) dilution rates of the outdoor culture and (ii) ambient conditions were tested on phytoplankton growth, biomass and cycling of the major nutrient elements (C, N and P). Experiments were carried out in outdoor polyester tanks (0.7 m deep), homogenised by gentle aeration. Si/P ratio was balanced at around 5 in the inflow in order to induce diatom domination while maintaining high N and P assimilation by phytoplankton. Nutrient cycling was assessed through analyses of the different forms of particulate and dissolved nutrients in the inflow and the outflow. Culture dilution rates determined the longevity of the culture and the assimilation efficiency of nutrients. Dissolved phosphorus was the most limiting nutrient. The optimal dilution rate was approximately 0.5 day−1 at 10 °C and 1.5 day−1 at 20 °C with a mean diatom biomass of 9 μM P. Under these conditions, 80% of the dissolved nutrients provided to the tanks were transformed, a production of 8 g C m−2 day−1 and an assimilation rate of 0.3 g P m−2 day−1 were recorded. Assimilation by diatoms was the major pathway of nutrient cycling. During the experiment, a bottom sediment developed progressively and this also played an important role in denitrifying the excess dissolved nitrogen in the fish-farm effluent. However, the results showed that diatom biomass can collapse and we hypothesize that this was the consequence of an increase in cellular sinking rates due to cell aggregation under nutrient or light stress. Modelling approaches are needed in future research in order to determine optimal dilution rates taking into account phytoplankton growth rates, nutrient inputs and ambient conditions (e.g. light and temperature).  相似文献   

Since 1995, landings of Atlantic Thread Herring (Opisthonema oglinum) on the Florida Panhandle averaged 124 mt each spring (April–June) but declined to nearly zero in 1996–97 and 2006. To elucidate causes of recurring periods of low landings, we used generalized additive mixed models (GAMMs) to examine the relationship between Atlantic Thread Herring catch in a trawl survey on the west‐central coast of Florida and four environmental variables. Chlorophyll‐a was significant in the models, indicating a direct relationship between local abundance of baitfish and their planktonic food. Temperature and depth were also significant whereas salinity was not. During 2003 and 2012, synoptic satellite‐derived temperature and chlorophyll‐a maps were used with the GAMMs to predict monthly spatial availability on the Florida Panhandle fishing grounds (long. 85–88o W and depth 12–25 m). The predicted monthly availability was significantly correlated with commercial catch rates (Pearson's r = 0.26, P = 0.004, d.f. = 118). We used multiple linear regression (MLR) with lags to describe the effect of river discharge and wind (as a transport mechanism) on surface chlorophyll‐a over the Panhandle fishing grounds. Discharge from local rivers was significant in all MLRs, and the Mississippi was only significant as an interaction with wind. We conclude that Atlantic Thread Herring are distributed over the Panhandle fishing grounds based on food availability that is driven by river discharge and eastward transport of Mississippi River plumes. This analysis improves our understating of baitfish dynamics, an important ecosystem component in the Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   

  1. The extent and intensity of impacts of multiple new dams in the Amazon basin on specific biological groups are potentially large, but still uncertain and need to be better understood.
  2. It is known that river disruption and regulation by dams may affect sediment supplies, river channel migration, floodplain dynamics, and, as a major adverse consequence, are likely to decrease or even suppress ecological connectivity among populations of aquatic organisms and organisms dependent upon seasonally flooded environments.
  3. This article complements our previous results by assessing the relationships between dams, our Dam Environmental Vulnerability Index (DEVI), and the biotic environments threatened by the effects of dams. Because of the cartographic representation of DEVI, it is a useful tool to compare the potential hydrophysical impacts of proposed dams in the Amazon basin with the spatial distribution of biological diversity. As the impact of Amazonian dams on the biota of both rivers and periodically flooded riparian environments is severe, DEVIs from different Amazonian tributary basins are contrasted with patterns of diversity and distribution of fish, flooded forest trees and bird species.
  4. There is a consistent relationship between higher DEVI values and the patterns of higher species richness and endemism in all three biological groups. An assessment of vulnerability at the scale of tributary basins, the assessment of biodiversity patterns related to DEVI, and the analysis of teleconnections at basin scale, demonstrate that recent construction of dams is affecting the biota of the Amazon basin.
  5. The evidence presented here predicts that, if currently planned dams are built without considering the balance between energy production and environmental conservation, their cumulative effects will increase drastically and represent a major threat to Amazonian biodiversity.

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