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Twenty entire female cats were randomly assigned to two groups of 10; the cats in one group underwent ovariohysterectomy by a midline approach and the cats in the other group by a flank approach. Cats were assessed for signs of pain and scores were assigned pre- and postoperatively. There was a tendency for the cats neutered by a flank approach to be in more pain postoperatively (P=0.05). The final pain score for cats in either group was equal to or lower than their baseline score.  相似文献   

A new enterostomy tube placement technique is described for provision of nutrients into the duodenum. Placement of the duodenostomy tube (d-tube) is performed through a limited right flank approach under sedation and local anesthesia. Seven client-owned animals (three dogs and four cats) requiring enteral nutritional support were selected for d-tube placement. Patients were fed via the d-tube for two to 28 days. Complications included discomfort when manipulating and exteriorizing the duodenum, discomfort with bolus feedings, local cellulitis, and tube site infection. All complications resolved without further incident. This technique should be considered in patients that are not good candidates for prolonged general anesthesia or esophageal or gastric feeding, or patients being mechanically ventilated.  相似文献   

In a survey of uk veterinary practitioners, 96 per cent indicated that they performed ovariohysterectomy on cats via flank laparatomy rather than a midline coeliotomy. At a veterinary teaching hospital 32 cats were spayed by the midline approach and 34 by the flank approach, by undergraduate students under the continuous supervision of a veterinary surgeon. The duration of each part of the procedures was recorded and information was obtained from the students, the supervisors and the owners of the cats by means of questionnaires. The total duration of the surgery and the students' assessment of the difficulty of the surgery were not significantly different between the two groups. The time taken from the skin incision to entering the peritoneum was significantly longer with the flank approach, but finding the uterus took significantly longer with the midline approach. There was a high incidence of wound complications, in the form of swelling, redness or discharges, but the only statistically significant difference between the groups was a greater incidence of discharges in the cats spayed via the flank (five cases) than in the cats spayed via the midline (one case).  相似文献   

This case report describes the technique and outcome of a two-step laparoscopic-assisted ovariohysterectomy in a Quarter Horse mare performed through the left paralumbar fossa for the treatment of chronic pyometra. Ovariohysterectomy is a procedure uncommonly performed in the horse. It is surgically demanding, invasive and can be associated with significant complications when a ventral midline approach is performed. Laparoscopic-assisted techniques reduce the invasiveness and some of the complications associated with ovariohysterectomy through ventral midline alone. The described modification further reduces the invasiveness of laparoscopic-assisted ovariohysterectomy and has the potential to reduce the overall surgical time of the procedure. Further work is needed to determine if the technique could be extrapolated to large-sized mares.  相似文献   

The effect of surgery on phagocytic activity of blood leukocytes and mitogen-induced blastogenesis of lymphocytes was studied in fourteen dogs. Simple ovariohysterectomy with anaesthesia induced by ketamine and xylazine or by ketamine, xylazine and halothane caused a short nonsignificant depression of phagocytic activity that persisted for four hours after surgery. Ingestion capacity of leukocytes decreased significantly immediately after surgery. Mitogen-induced blastogenesis of lymphocytes was depressed significantly in the first 48 hours and despite partial recovery this parameter did not reach the value of the control groups until the end of observation (7 days). A more conspicuous decrease of blastogenic response of blood lymphocytes to mitogens was found after the use of ketamine and xylazine in a dose maintaining anaesthesia. Anaesthesia with ketamine and xylazine in the lower dose and maintained with halothane resulted in a later improvement of the blastogenic response of lymphocytes.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the analgesic effects of buprenorphine, carprofen, and their combination in dogs undergoing ovariohysterectomy. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective, randomized blinded clinical study. ANIMALS: 60 dogs. METHODS: Treatments were buprenorphine 0.02 mg kg(-1), intramuscularly (IM) (group B); carprofen 4 mg kg(-1), subcutaneously (SC) (group C); or a combination of both (group CB). Anesthesia was induced with propofol and maintained with isoflurane. A Dynamic Interactive Visual Analog Scale (DIVAS, 0-100 mm) and the Glasgow Composite Pain Scale (GCMPS, 0-24) were used to evaluate comfort and sedation at baseline, 2, 4, 6, and 24 hours after extubation. Rescue analgesia was provided with buprenorphine (0.02 mg kg(-1)). Wound swelling measurements (WM) and a visual inflammation score (VIS) of the incision were made after surgery and 2, 4, 6, and 24 hours later. p < 0.05 was considered significant. RESULTS: Group C required more propofol (5.0 +/- 1.4 mg kg(-1)) compared with B (3.3 +/- 1.1 mg kg(-1)) and CB (3.2 +/- 0.7 mg kg(-1)); respectively, p = 0.0002 and 0.0001. Rescue analgesia was required in nine dogs. B had a higher GCMPS and DIVAS III score at 6 hours (2.6 +/- 2.5) and (23 +/- 22.5 mm) compared with C (1.0 +/- 1.3, 6 +/- 7.3 mm) and CB (1.5 +/- 1.4, 8 +/- 10.7 mm); respectively, p = 0.02 and 0.006. Group C had a lower sedation score at 2 hours (43 +/- 23.6 mm) compared with B (68 +/- 32.1 mm) and BC (69 +/- 22.1 mm); respectively, p = 0.03 and 0.004. Group B had a higher WM score at 2 hours (3 +/- 0.8 mm) compared with C (2 +/- 0.6 mm) p = 0.01 and at 6 hours (3 +/- 1 mm) compared with C (2 +/- 0.8 mm) and CB (2 +/- 0.8 mm); respectively, p = 0.01 and 0.008. VIS was not different between groups. CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: All treatments provided satisfactory analgesia for the first 6 hours and at 24 hours. C and CB pain score and WS were superior to B at 6 hours. No superior analgesic effect was noted when the drugs were combined.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine blood neutrophil counts and luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence (CL) responses in dogs undergoing ovariohysterectomy (OH), premedicated with 2 different drugs. STUDY DESIGN: Randomized clinical study. ANIMALS: Forty-two healthy client-owned bitches. METHODS: Dogs had OH under isoflurane anesthesia with either acepromazine or medetomidine, both in combination with butorphanol, administered as preanesthetic medication. Blood samples were collected when the dog was admitted, at the end of surgery, and the next day (approximately 20 hours after surgery). Blood neutrophils were counted automatically, and neutrophil oxidative activity was assessed by measuring blood CL responses (induced by opsonized zymosan and enhanced by luminol) at 37 degrees C for 40 minutes. RESULTS: Number of circulating neutrophils was significantly increased the day after surgery reflected by enhanced blood CL responses. Neutrophil CL, however, was not significantly altered. No significant differences were detected for perioperative Polymorphonuclear neutrophil (PMN) characteristics between the 2 preanesthetic regimens. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, despite clearly increasing the number of circulating neutrophils, OH did not significantly affect neutrophil respiratory burst, as measured by whole-blood CL responses. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Surgical operation of moderate intensity (e.g., OH) did not significantly alter one of the important immune functions, neutrophil oxidative activity. Further studies are warranted to confirm the significance of this finding, and to assess the value of following this variable in different animal patient populations.  相似文献   

Magnesium may be used as an adjunctive analgesic for perioperative pain management because of its antinociceptive properties. This study investigated the analgesic efficacy of intraperitoneal ropivacaine combined with magnesium sulfate in canine ovariohysterectomy. Forty-five dogs sedated with acepromazine/meperidine and anesthetized with propofol/isoflurane were randomly distributed into three treatments, administered intraperitoneally (n = 15 per group): saline solution (group S), 0.25% ropivacaine (3 mg/kg) alone (group R), or in combination with magnesium sulfate (20 mg/kg, group R-Mg). Intravenous fentanyl was given to control cardiovascular responses to surgical stimulation. Postoperative pain was assessed using an Interactive Visual Analog Scale (IVAS), the short form of the Glasgow Composite Pain Scale, and mechanical nociceptive thresholds. Morphine/meloxicam was administered as rescue analgesia. Intraoperatively, the R-Mg group required less fentanyl (p = .02) and exhibited higher incidence of hypotension (systolic arterial pressure <90 mm Hg, p = .006) compared with the S group. Lower IVAS pain scores were recorded during the first hour in the R-Mg group than the other groups (p = .007–.045). Postoperative rescue analgesia did not differ between groups. Intraperitoneal magnesium sulfate administration, in spite of decreasing intraoperative opioid requirements, increased the incidence of hypotension with minimal evidence of postoperative analgesic benefits.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo describe an ultrasound-guided approach to the dorsal aspect of the quadratus lumborum muscle (D-QL) and to evaluate the spread of methylene blue dye in canine cadavers.Study designProspective, experimental anatomical study.AnimalsA total of 12 canine cadavers.MethodsThe ultrasonographic landmarks and injection technique for the D-QL approach were determined in two cadavers. Correct needle tip position was confirmed by computed tomography. Bilateral ultrasound-guided injections were performed in 10 cadavers between the QL muscle, the vertebral body and the ventrocaudal aspect of the transverse process of the first lumbar vertebra (L1) using two volumes of methylene blue: low volume (LV) 0.3 mL kg–1 or high volume (HV) 0.5 mL kg–1. Staining of the main thoracolumbar trunk, dorsal and ventral branches of the thoracic (T) and lumbar (L) spinal nerves, sympathetic trunk and epidural space were assessed following dissection. Data between groups were compared using Mann–Whitney U test. Data are presented as median (range).ResultsThe ventral branches of spinal nerves T12, T13, L1, L2, L3 and L4 were stained in 10%, 70%, 100%, 90%, 60%, 0% and 30%, 100%, 100%, 100%, 50% and 30% after LV and HV injections, respectively. Multisegmental spread of the sympathetic trunk was found on 3 (3–4) and 5 (3–6) vertebral spinal levels following LV and HV injections, respectively (p = 0.005). The T13 segment of the sympathetic trunk was stained after all HV injections. Epidural spread was found in 20% and 30% of LV and HV injections, respectively.Conclusions and clinical relevanceThe injection of HV versus LV dye using the D-QL approach provided more consistent staining of the thoracolumbar nerve structures which innervate the abdominal wall and viscera. Clinical studies are required to evaluate the analgesic efficacy of the D-QL block for abdominal procedures in dogs in vivo.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe a simple method of laparoscopic-assisted ovariohysterectomy (LAOHE) and compare duration of surgery, complications, measures of surgical stress, and postoperative pain with open ovariohysterectomy (OHE) in dogs. DESIGN: Randomized, prospective clinical trial. ANIMALS: 20 healthy sexually intact female dogs weighing >10 kg (22 lb). PROCEDURES: Dogs were randomly allocated to receive conventional OHE or LAOHE. Intraoperative complications, anesthetic complications, total anesthesia time, and total surgery time were recorded. Serum cortisol and glucose concentrations, temperature, heart rate, and respiratory rate were measured preoperatively and 1, 2, 4, 6, 12, and 24 hours postoperatively. Pain scores were assigned by a nonblinded observer at 1, 2, 4, 6, 12, and 24 hours postoperatively. Duration of surgery, pain scores, objective measures of surgical stress, anesthetic complications, and surgical complications were compared between OHE and LAOHE. RESULTS: Age, weight, PCV, and duration of surgery did not differ between treatment groups. Nine of 10 dogs in the OHE group required additional pain medication on the basis of pain scores, whereas none of the dogs in the LAOHE group did. Blood glucose concentrations were significantly increased from preoperative concentrations in the OHE group at 1, 2, 4, and 6 hours postoperatively and at 1 hour postoperatively in the LAOHE group. Cortisol concentrations were significantly increased at 1 and 2 hours postoperatively in the OHE group. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: LAOHE caused less pain and surgical stress than OHE and may be more appropriate for an outpatient setting.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate technique, complication rates, postoperative pain scores, and clinical outcomes in dogs after laparoscopic ovariohysterectomy (LOVH) or traditional ovariohysterectomy (OVH). STUDY DESIGN: Prospective clinical trial. ANIMALS OR SAMPLE POPULATION: Thirty-four intact female dogs, weighing 2.4-31 kg. METHODS: LOVH (16 dogs) was performed by ligation of the uterus and ovaries with surgical wire, and then removal by an assisted laparoscopic technique. OVH was performed in 18 dogs. Subjective and objective pain scores were assigned at 0, 2, 8, and 24 hours. Surgical time, complications, and pain and incision scores were evaluated. Dogs were followed for up to 6 months. RESULTS: The mean surgical time for LOVH (120 minutes; range, 47-175 minutes) was significantly longer than for OVH (69 minutes; range, 25-140 minutes). Significantly lower pain scores (subjective, in 2 of 10 categories; objective, in 8 of 10 categories) were identified with LOVH at 1 or more time periods. Surgical complications with LOVH were postoperative fever and anorexia (1 dog), minor splenic (3) or pedicle hemorrhage (4), intermittent vaginal hemorrhagic discharge (1), and suture reaction (3). Surgical complications with OVH were hemorrhage from an ovarian pedicle requiring reoperation (1 dog), dehiscence of the abdominal wall (1), and seroma (1). Anesthetic complications included hypotension in 8 OVH dogs and 1 LOVH dog, and hypothermia in 4 OVH and 9 LOVH dogs. The mean incision scores were lower for LOVH at all time periods. CONCLUSION: LOVH was performed successfully in young nonparous dogs >10 kg. Surgical time and complication rates were greater; however, LOVH postoperative pain scores were < or =OVH scores. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: LOVH is a potentially safe surgical alternative to traditional OVH in dogs. Equipment cost and necessity for more than 1 surgeon may limit its usefulness in small animal practice.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare postoperative wound healing in canine ovariohysterectomy following the use of an absorbable monofilament poliglecaprone 25 suture in 2 different skin closure techniques, the buried continuous subcuticular (BCS) suture pattern and the simple interrupted (SI) suture pattern. These 2 skin closure techniques were evaluated against a nonabsorbable polypropylene monofilament suture in an SI pattern. Wounds were assessed by using a semiquantitative scoring system at 18 to 24 hours and 10 to 14 days, postoperatively. Results indicated that the BCS closure using poliglecaprone 25 demonstrated a higher rate of tissue reactivity initially (18-24 hours postoperatively), as compared with the SI closure using either suture material. By 10 to 14 days postoperatively, poliglecaprone 25 used in a BCS closure was associated with significantly lower wound scores than was the same material used in an SI closure. It was concluded that the BCS closure may effect a better cosmetic appearance to the skin closure in a canine ovariohysterectomy at the time of the recheck appointment. Furthermore, by obviating the need for suture removal, use of the BCS pattern may eliminate the requirement for this return appointment.  相似文献   

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