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咸水入侵作为研究区内的一种环境灾害,严重影响了当地的社会、经济和生态环境的建设。通过对研究区影响咸水入侵的因素分析,从宏观、中观和微观3个方面对咸水入侵动态变化进行了监测,并对监测结果进行了分析。结果表明,地下水位和水质的变化可以作为咸水入侵的指示标志。监测网系统的建立为咸水入侵区的灾害治理提供基本信息和依据。  相似文献   

This paper presents transformations of saturated hydrocarbons of petroleum type pollutants during ex situ bioremediation of soil on the pilot heap (halde), during a period of 6 months, within the grounds of Petroleum Refinery Pan?evo (Serbia). Samples for analysis were taken in time intervals of 2 weeks (P1–P12 samples). Organic substance was extracted by Soxhlet’s method and quantified. Isoprenoid aliphatics, in particular pristane and phytane, and polycyclic aliphatics of sterane and triterpane types in saturated hydrocarbon fractions were analysed by GC-MS (SIM method). Significant amounts of n-alkanes have not been detected. The MS-chromatogram revealed only marginal amounts of pristane and phytane in sample P1. Pristane and phytane occurred in sample P8, and in even higher quantities in the final sample P12. The proceeding bioremediation process was accompanied by the decrease of the relative amounts of pentacyclic terpanes of hopane type, compared to tri- and tetracyclic terpanes. In the initial sample P1 the distribution of steranes and hopanes follows a pattern, which is characteristic for crude oils. However, their identification by SIM method was not possible in samples P8 and P12 because of the reduced concentration. The observed changes in the alkane fractions’ compositions may be considered as atypical, referring to the fact that during oil biodegradation under natural conditions, decomposition of isoprenoids occurs much easier and faster than decomposition of polycyclic alkanes of tri-, tetra- and pentacyclic terpane, sterane and diasterane types, after the decomposition of n-alkanes has been almost completed.  相似文献   

自盐渍化地区(黄河三角洲)采集4种不同石油污染程度的土壤样品,从中筛选出高效降解石油烃的4个菌系和8个单菌株。分别以原油、柴油、烷烃和多环芳烃(PAHs)为底物进行培养,测定降解菌的生物量和降解率,研究其对不同底物的耐受浓度和降解潜力。结果表明,获得的石油烃降解菌为轻度嗜盐菌;不同菌株对不同底物的耐受浓度不同,混合菌系对不同底物的降解能力强于单菌株,对单一组分底物的降解优于复杂组分的底物;单菌株I-2、3、5、7能较好地降解PAHs并且对原油的降解能力高于柴油,单菌株I-1、4、6、8能够利用烷烃且对柴油的降解能力要比原油高;降解菌对柴油和原油的最高降解率分别可达78.4%和70.7%,对正十六烷和菲的生物降解率分别高达87.7%和88.1%,表现出较强的降解能力。研究结果表明黄河三角洲盐渍化土壤中土著菌对石油烃污染土壤具有较强的牛物修复潜力。  相似文献   

The total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) extraction potential of organic solvents including dichloromethane (DCM), pentane, hexane, methanol, ethanol, propanol, and acetone was investigated along with the effect of water content in solvents for their efficiency of extraction. The extent of TPH extraction was analyzed using various extraction schemes (i.e., solvent/solid ratio, treatment time, extraction method, solvent/water ratio) to better understand the physical and chemical factors controlling TPH release from contaminated soils. More TPH was extracted with increasing solvent/solid ratio and increasing time. The extent of TPH extracted also varied depending on the extraction method, solvent type, and solvent/water ratio, but was highest when using the total extraction method and 100% DCM. However, the efficiency of TPH extraction decreased dramatically with the increase in the water content in organic solvents. The results also showed that TPH extraction using DCM was the best option for achieving cost-effective, eco-friendly outcomes along with remediation goals. DCM used in solvent extraction to remediate diesel-contaminated soils showed low toxicity, low cost, high recycling potential, and high efficiency compared to the other solvents tested in this study.  相似文献   

土壤中石油烃预处理及含量分析方法研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
姜岩  伍涛  张贤明 《土壤》2015,47(3):461-465
本文综述了近年来土壤样品中石油烃的预处理及含量分析方法的研究现状,其中预处理方法包括索氏萃取法、超声波萃取法、微波萃取法、超临界流体萃取法以及加速溶剂萃取法;测定方法有重量法、紫外分光光度法、红外分光光度法、气相色谱–质谱法和高效液相色谱法等。同时,对各种预处理和测定方法进行了归纳和比较,并在此基础上,对土壤样品中石油烃的预处理及含量分析方法的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the efficiency and effectiveness of two commercial microbial based bioremediation products compared to indigenous tropical microorganisms in a small-scale trial. The oil and grease content of the samples was monitored as an indication of the levels of petroleum hydrocarbon during the experiment. The indigenous enriched culture generally biodegraded the petroleum hydrocarbon to a greater extent than the commercial products and media controls early in the bioremediation process (0–5 days). However, as time progressed the extents of biodegradation were not significantly different between treatments until late in the bioremediation process (after 18 days). Of the two commercial products, one was more effective, reducing the level of oil and grease by 52.5% over the 3 week study. However, neither commercial product was able to meet the manufacturer’s stated level of 95% removal within three weeks. Commercial microbial-based bioremediation products may be used with some success in tropical environments, however location-specific trials may be required to ensure that the best commercial product is selected. As an alternative, the selective enrichment of indigenous microorganisms may result in similar performance at a reduced cost.  相似文献   

气相色谱-质谱法分段测定土壤中的可提取总石油烃   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文建立了用气相色谱-质谱法分段分析土壤中可提取总石油烃的检测方法,并对该方法进行了质量控制研究。土壤中的总石油烃的检测范围是C8(C7.6)~C34(C34.01)。用索氏提取,柱层析分离方法进行前处理,用C8(C7.6),C10(C10.1),C12(C11.7),C16(C15.5),C21(C20.8),C34(C34.01)标准品分别作为C8~C10(C7.6~C10.1),C10~C12(C10.1~C11.7),C12~C16(C11.7~C15.5),C16~C21(C15.5~C20.8),C21~C34(C20.8~C34.01)每段馏分的"替代物"定量,将C8~C34之间所有波峰面积分段积分,以"替代物"的线性关系计算每段馏分的浓度。该方法的质控结果:脂肪烃:相关系数为0.990 3~0.999 8;最低检出限为0.011~0.373 ng/μl;回收率为50.3%~109.3%;相对标准偏差为1.5%~11.3%;芳香烃:相关系数为0.991 3~0.997 6;最低检出限为0.004~0.047 ng/μl;回收率为53.6%~107.7%;相对标准偏差为3.2%~12.2%。本方法检测结果能准确反映土壤的污染程度并有助于生物毒性计算。  相似文献   

上海城市绿地土壤中石油烃化合物的分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
丁正  梁晶  方海兰  郝冠军 《土壤》2014,46(5):901-907
对上海不同类型绿地土壤的石油烃化合物(TPH)调查表明:上海城市绿地表层土壤虽有不同程度的TPH累积,但整体污染情况并不严重;在不同类型绿地中,以外环道路周边绿地的TPH含量最高,且离道路和土壤表层越近,TPH累积越明显;汽车尾气可能是城市绿地土壤TPH的主要污染源。绿地土壤TPH含量与土壤有机质、Cu、真菌含量之间相关性不显著;但与Zn、Cd、细菌、微生物总量存在极显著相关,与Pb、放线菌含量之间存在显著相关;在低浓度TPH含量下,其可能作为绿地土壤微生物生长所需的碳源和能源,刺激微生物量的增加。上海绿地土壤C6~C9段TPH均低于检出限,以高碳段TPH为主,毒性较小;但交通流量大且以燃烧柴油车为主的外环周边绿地不但TPH总量高且检出低碳段TPH,其TPH潜在污染和毒害应引起重视。  相似文献   

Calibration problems connected with the determination of C20-C44 petroleum hydrocarbons by gas chromatography – flame ionization detection (GC-FID) and IR spectrometric methods were studied in this paper. It has been found that the mass responses and mass response factors of FID determined by capillary GC-FID as well as by IR spectrometry, at wave number 2959 and 2924 cm-1, of high boiling petroleum distillation fractions (in the range C20-C46) are not constant. Moreover, it was found that mass response factors for differentpetroleum oils that have the same boiling temperature interval might differ up to 1.5 fold both for FID and IRD methods, dependingon their hydrocarbon group composition. However, calibration of the IR spectrometric method using the empirical equations proposed in DIN 38 409, Part 18, norm (for the determination of total petroleumhydrocarbons in waters polluted with high boiled petroleum fractions)gave results which overlapped within ±10% of the expected values.  相似文献   

Changes in the concentrations of 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) identified by the US Environmental Protection Agency as priority pollutants were investigated during the composting process of sewage sludge mixed with rapeseed marc (9:1, weight base). Results showed that total PAHs concentrations of the sludge sampled in different seasons had far exceeded the accepted Europe Union cut-off limits for land application. Phenanthrene, fluorene and dibenz(a, h) anthracene were dominant PAHs in the sludge, accounting for 62.8~69.6% of the total amount of the 16 PAHs. Composting appeared to be an effective method for the removal of PAHs in sewage sludge. After 50 days of composting, a significant reduction of concentration of the total PAHs was detected as compared with the initial concentration in composting material. The significant relationship between the biodegradation of organic matter and the losses of Σ16 PAHs during composting indicated that microbial degradation was the key process responsible for the efficient removal of PAHs from the sludge. Among all tested PAHs, fluorene was the most recalcitrant and became the primary residual PAH in the composted material. The lower removal rate of fluorene during composting was a limiting factor for the potential land application of the sludge. Further studies are needed to enhance the removal of fluorene in order to achieve a safe utilization of this sludge.  相似文献   

狗牙根对石油污染土壤的修复效果研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究狗牙根对中原油田地区土壤石油污染的修复效果,通过盆栽实验,设置4组处理,对照组(即不种植狗牙根组)、种植狗牙根组、种植狗牙根并添加尿素组、种植狗牙根并添加有机肥组,分别在15,30,60,90,120 d取样分析.结果表明:经过120 d后,对照组的土壤石油污染去除率为25.40%;种植狗牙根组的土壤石油污染去除率为58.67%,是对照组的2.3倍;添加尿素可以有效的增加狗牙根对石油的去除率,当尿素:土为1:2000时,石油污染去除率达到69.43%;土壤石油污染去除率随着有机肥的增加而增加,施加有机肥水平为12 g/kg时,土壤石油污染去除率达到83.97%,是狗牙根组去除率的1.4倍.因此,种植狗牙根对土壤石油污染修复有较好的作用,合理施肥对狗牙根修复土壤石油污染影响显著.  相似文献   

Water, Air, & Soil Pollution - A vermifilter (with earthworms, VF), with a conventional biofilter (no earthworms, BF) as a control, was established to examine the survival state and...  相似文献   

沈抚污水灌区石油烃对土壤及水稻的影响   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
本文通过对沈抚灌区土壤及水稻的采样分析,同时结合水稻盆栽试验,分析测定了污灌区土壤中石油烃的残留及其对水稻生长的影响。结果表明土壤中石油烃含量同污灌年限、物理性粘粒含量及土壤质地等有着一定的相关关系,土壤中石油烃含量越高对水稻生长发育的影响越大。  相似文献   

A chemical and ecotoxicological assessment of treatment of wastewater that had been polluted with petroleum products using only Activated Sludge (AS) and four biologically activated sorbents (BASs), consisting of activated sludge plus: coal-based activated carbon (-C1), coconut shell-based activated carbon (-C2), zeolite (-Z), and anthracite (-A) were conducted. The efficiency and robustness of the four wastewater treatment systems were evaluated by calculating the reduced total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contents and the acute ecotoxicity of the effluents. The chemical analysis showed that the combined treatment systems were very effective for reducing the total petroleum hydrocarbon and readily bioavailable PAH contents. The most efficient systems were the BAS-C1 and -C2, which removed 60–88% and 99.5–99.6% of TPH and PAH, respectively. The activated sludge-only treatment was the least effective for purifying the wastewater. Chemical oxygen demand was reduced by >90% by all carbon-based BASs (BAS-C1, BAS-C2 and BAS-A). Shifts in the relative composition of the individual PAHs were identified in samples taken before and after treatment. Algal and bacterial bioassays showed that the toxicities of effluents following treatment by all four systems (except AS for algae) were reduced by more than 80% and 90%, respectively. However, crustacean tests indicated that the carbon-based BASs reduced the toxicity [V tox(50)] only by 19–67%. Our results indicated that the combination of sorption and biodegradation processes have great potential in the treatment of petroleum products polluted wastewater and is less sensitive for inhibitors of the biological process than treatments in which activated sludge alone is used. The assessment of chemical and ecotoxicological endpoints provided valuable information, but contrasting results for one of the assays indicates that further analysis on the capacity of the different treatment systems is warranted.  相似文献   

The levels and distributions of petroleum hydrocarbons incoastal waters and sediments of the United Arab Emirates (U. A. E.) along theArabian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman were investigated. Oil concentrations in the waters ofthe U. A. E. were below the 15 μg L-1 and ranged from 1.6 to 13 μg L-1.Petroleum hydrocarbons showed different pattern of distribution in the Arabian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman withmore or less similar values. Horizontal distribution of petroleum hydrocarbons atthe Arabian Gulf showed significant differences between most sites. At the Gulf ofOman, similar oil concentrations were measured at different sites. Meanwhile,vertical distributions of petroleum hydrocarbons indicated higher concentrations atsurface layers of the Arabian Gulf compared to bottom layers. Whereas, more or less similarconcentrations were measured at the Gulf of Oman. The concentration of petroleum hydrocarbons in marinesediments varied from 2.5 to 8.2 μg g-1 (dry sediment weight), with higher concentrations at theArabian Gulf compared to the Gulf of Oman. The pattern of distribution for petroleumhydrocarbons in marine sediments resembled to some extent the distribution of organiccarbon in marine sediments. The study revealed that the concentrations ofpetroleum hydrocarbons in waters and sediments of the investigated area are not highcompared to other areas of the world.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the potential of in situ biodegradation and identify the geochemical and microbial processes of the petroleum-contaminated subsurface environment using integrated hydro-bio-geochemical markers so that the risk of contamination to subsurface environment can be better understood. The contamination process and corresponding bio-geo-chemistry were analysed in parallel with geochemical and multi-variant statistical modelling at a petroleum-contaminated site in the northeast China. The total petroleum hydrocarbon analysed in the monitoring wells and soil profile demonstrated heavy contamination with potential risk to human health and eco-environment. Further detailed analysis of petroleum fractions revealed a clear spatial variation of organic compositions in groundwater. It was evident that biodegradation and preferential biodegradability contributed considerably to the fraction distribution pattern, which can also be implicated by carbon and microbial respiration in the subsurface environment. The steady decrease in SO 4 2- concentration, detection of S2-, and increase in pH and alkalinity (HCO 3 - ) in groundwater during the monitoring period demonstrated that sulphate reduction was the dominant biodegradation process in most contaminated zones. The results of statistical analysis further suggested that the hydro-geochemical environment was mainly controlled by the regional hydro-geochemical and sulphate reduction process associated closely with the total petroleum hydrocarbon. Knowledge from the comprehensive study provides useful insight on fate, transport and risk assessment of the petroleum contaminants in the shallow subsurface environment.  相似文献   

Diffused petroleum and chlorinated hydrocarbon contamination was detected in a sandy aquifer below a chemical plant in Southern Italy. The contamination was due to underground leaking tanks and pipes. The site is located near the shore line and is bordered by canals which, in combination with pumping wells, control the groundwater flow direction toward the sea. In this study, a comprehensive three-dimensional flow model was developed and calibrated to simulate the general groundwater flow system and to individuate a flow line. On this latter, a detailed field investigation was performed in order to determine the fate of dissolved hydrocarbons. Depth profiles obtained from multi-level samplers located along the modelled flow line, including measurements of hydrocarbons, all major ions and dissolved gasses, were used to constrain the conceptual model. These data were then included into a two-dimensional transport model in order to verify the efficacy of the hydraulic barrier (HB) in preventing the hydrocarbon plume to reach the shore line. Two different approaches were used in the transport simulation, one accounting for density-dependent flow and the other not. The calibrated models show that the plume length and consequently, the submarine groundwater discharge of contaminants is slightly different for the two approaches. For the simulation not accounting for the density contrast between freshwater and saltwater, the mass of contaminant discharged downstream to the HB was underestimated and also the reconstructed plume geometry was different than the observed. Moreover, the reconstruction of the saltwater intrusion interface (SWII) with the two different approaches was substantially different. This study demonstrates that at field site, variable density processes should be carefully taken into account not only when the modelling is devoted to the reconstruction of the SWII but also when the modelling is targeting the fate of hydrocarbons at sites affected by SWII, in order to provide accurate data on which soundly environmental management of the coastal zone can be based.  相似文献   

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