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Questions have been raised about the impact of onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems (OSTDS) on adjacent water bodies, particularly in coastal areas. If OSTDS are not properly sited and maintained, they pose a potential risk to public health and may contribute toward degradation of the receiving water body. To quantify the pollutant loading contributions from OSTDS located adjacent to coastal canals, two similar single-family residential neighborhoods were evaluated. One was connected to the sanitary sewer network (Hollywood, FL) and the other was served exclusively by septic tanks (Dania Beach, FL). Water quality sampling, focusing on nutrient and pathogen indicators, was conducted at the paired sites during the seasonal high water table (SHWT) and seasonal low water table (SLWT) events. During the SHWT, measured canal water quality, in terms of nutrient (i.e. nitrate) and microbial pathogen indicators in the adjacent areas appeared to be impacted by OSTDS. However, during the SLWT, no obvious impacts attributable to the septic tanks were detected. This suggests that the OSTDS may operate properly when the water table is low, but that the contributions by OSTDS to coastal pollutant loading may be quantifiable during certain portions of the calendar year when the ground water table elevation is relatively high, although the impact on the downstream marine environment is uncertain as a result of tidal dilution and lack of offshore study.  相似文献   

海涂围垦区土壤质量综合评价的指标体系研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
以苏北海涂围垦区为研究区域,选取与作物生长密切相关的理化性质为指标,采用模糊数学方法对土壤质量状况进行了定量评价,获取了区域土壤质量状况分布图,并对不同指标体系下的评价结果进行了比较分析.结果表明:研究区土壤质量状况总体较差,有机质是重要的土壤质量评价因子,土壤盐分与地下水矿化度是土壤质量的主要限制因子;不同评价方案获得的土壤质量状况具有空间相似性,西部棉花种植区土壤质量状况总体优于东部的水稻种植区;体积质量对土壤质量评价差异影响较小,速效养分对土壤质量评价影响较大,基于速效养分的土壤质量评价精度高于全量养分;在其他因素获取困难的情况下,采用土壤有机质、速效养分和盐分或仅采用土壤有机质和盐分作为评价指标亦能较好地反映土壤质量状况.该研究可为海涂围垦区土壤质量快速评价指标体系的构建、中低产地的科学改良和管理提供一定理论依据.  相似文献   

河北滨海平原区土地整理工程质量评价体系研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
土地整理能有效保持土地可持续利用、提高土地质量和促进土地集约利用的方式,并且对于缓解人地矛盾、改善农业生产条件和生态环境、保证粮食安全以及促进经济社会健康发展起着重要的作用。土地整理工程质量的好坏对项目工程质量的直接监督检查和最后的验收、确认显得尤为重要,因此对土地整理工程质量评价就是必不可少的一个环节。该文在国内相关研究分析基础上,依据土地整理的理论和方法,通过评价指标基准值和权重确定,得出适合滨海平原区土地整理工程质量评价体系,构建评价模型。通过此评价体系得出一八农场整理项目综合分值为0.859工程质量为一级优秀,同时证实此评价模型对河北滨海平原地区土地整理有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

通过对江苏省沿海地区盐田土地整治的可行性评价和限制性因子分析,在实地调查的基础上,以盐田整治为耕地作为评价目标,从自然条件适宜性、经济支撑可行性、工程实施可操作性、综合效益可增性和生态环境敏感性5个方面构建了评价指标体系。将研究区盐田土地整治分成4种适宜类型区,并确定了盐田整治为耕地的限制性因素。结果表明,江苏省近期适宜整治的盐田主要分布在连云区东南部及灌云县灌西盐场境内、灌河以南地区、射阳河南岸射阳盐场境内、东台市东部和如东县东南部,而财政收入、与海岸线距离、相对海拔高度则是影响江苏省盐田整治可行性的首要、次要和第3限制性因子中的重要影响因素。  相似文献   

河北滨海平原区土地整理可行性评价体系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来,随着工业化和城市化水平的不断提高,耕地面积不断减少,人地矛盾日益突出,如何实现土地资源的可持续利用已成为当今人类面临的重大课题之一。土地整理是促进土地可持续利用的重要途径,它作为土地利用总体规划的重要组成部分,可以有效地增加耕地面积,提高土地利用率和土地利用效益。合理选择土地整理区域尤为重要,因此在开展土地整理之前对土地整理区域进行可行性评价就是必不可少的一个环节。该文在国内相关研究分析的基础上,通过评价指标基准值和权重确定,根据滨海平原区经济、社会、自然特点,按照土地整理的理论和方法,构建了河北滨海平原区土地整理可行性评价模型。最后通过此评价体系得出一八农场整理项目综合分值为0.859,为一级完全可行,同时证实此评价模型对河北滨海平原地区土地整理有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

We determined the concentrations and residue patterns of 20 persistent organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), including hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs), hexachlorobenzene, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs), chlordane-related compounds (CHLs), mirex, dieldrin, endrin, and aldrin, in muscle of rainbow trout from Lake Mashu, Japan. Total concentrations of OCPs varied from 1.0 to 132 ng g?1 lipid weight. α-HCH was the most prevalent OCP contaminant in the fish muscle. Using the daily fish consumption in Japan (95.2 g), the mean weight of a Japanese adult (50.0 kg), and residual pesticide concentrations, we calculated the estimated daily intakes of γ-HCH, DDTs, CHLs, and dieldrin for humans to be 0.39, 0.48, 0.68, and 0.08 ng kg?1 day?1, respectively. Judging from acceptable daily intakes established by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Health Organization, we believe that these OCP levels would not adversely affect human health.  相似文献   

The present paper aims at planning the treated municipal wastewater reuse in fragile ecosystems of Messolonghion lagoon and Acheloos estuary, which are protected as a Natura wetland under the Ramsar Treaty. The need for environmental protection of the wetlands became necessary due to the continuing anthropogenic intervention, as well as to the climate changes that have been occurring in recent years. Relevant studies have shown that the lagoon of Messolonghion and Acheloos estuary are ecosystems that have been burdened by anthropogenic activities (pesticides, fertilizers, overexploitation of underground aquifers, intrusion and land use change), as well as by climatic changes (temperature, precipitation, sea level), which altogether have adversely affected the hydrodynamic and ecological balance of the entire ecosystem. The Messolonghion lagoon and Acheloos estuary are also the recipients of the wastewater processing plant effluents, operating locally, which have over-enriched the waters with macronutrients N, P and K, favouring eutrophication. The municipal wastewater reuse for crop irrigation grown in the protected area appears to be an environmentally acceptable solution for alleviating the natural water shortage, since it could save significant amounts of irrigation water as well as it could reduce the adverse effects of the treated effluents discharge into the aquatic ecosystem. This study describes the planning of the treated wastewater reuse in this ecologically sensitive area, on the basis of the geomorphologic and geotechnical characteristics, climatic factors, and crop irrigation water requirements grown in the area.  相似文献   

为建立适合滨海盐土垦区的土壤肥力评价体系,以江苏省东辛农场为研究区,借助地理信息系统软件,分析东辛农场土壤肥力空间变异特征,综合运用变异系数法和层次分析法确定评价指标权重,以隶属度函数模糊评价法对土壤肥力状况进行快速准确的评价。结果表明:东辛农场综合肥力水平在空间分布上呈现出中间高而南北低的龟背形特征,整体肥力水平一般。将肥力水平分为五个等级,其中一级地和二级地共4250.5 hm2,占总面积35.58%,三级地和四级地共6773 hm2,占总面积的56.7%,五级地922.7 hm2,占总面积的7.72%。  相似文献   

Disposal of raw wastewater and sludge creates thepotential for pesticides and heavy metal contamination. Afield study was conducted to determine the residueconcentration level of chlorinated pesticides and four heavymetals (Zn, Pb, Cu and Ni) in raw wastewater, soils andplants at Karak raw wastewater disposal site. The resultsindicated that the investigated area was heavily contaminatedwith various types of pesticides. The distribution of different pesticides in soils and wastewater was influencedby the solubility of these pesticides such that the higherthe solubility the more is present in water phase and viceversa. Vinclozoline was the dominant pesticide in most of thesamples. Some pesticides of which application is restrictedto be used in Jordan, such as DDT and its metabolites, weredetected in the investigated area.Heavy metals existed in relatively higher concentrationsin soils than in wastewater, which was due to the high pH ofthe wastewater enhancing its precipitation. Zinc was thehighest among the analyzed heavy metals in both wastewaterand soils.The residue level of both heavy metals and chlorinatedpesticides were highest at the emission source decreasinggradually with distance.  相似文献   

华南沿海地区台风频繁,针对该地区温室大棚的特殊要求,对其环境自动测控系统中的大于7级以上的风暴防御子系统进行了研究。用人工神经网络在自动测控系统中建立强风的识别模式,通过试验对识别模式进行检验。初步结果表明,该子系统能满足华南沿海地区温室的风灾防御要求,但还需要在实际环境中接受更多检验。  相似文献   

我国炼化一体化的大型石油化工基地广泛分布于东部沿海一带。从沿海地区石油化工项目的特点出发,结合对厂区、码头油库区、输油管道区三个重点防治分区的水土流失情况分析,按照施工前、施工过程中、施工结束后三个时段,布设相应的工程措施、植物措施、临时措施构建其水土保持措施配置模式,可为沿海地区石油化工项目水土保持措施设计提供参考。  相似文献   

Water and sediment were studied to assess the impact of wastes from an area used for a disposal area of treated petrochemical effluents in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The study was performed using the Daphnia magna (Straus 1820) for chronical evaluations, mutagenesis in Salmonella/microsome assays, and micronuclei induction in cultures of V79 cell to assess genotoxicity. Six sites were defined for chronic and genotoxic tests by micronuclei induction with liquid and sediment samples. Long-term tests were planned in semi-static flow, with microcrustaceans 2 to 26 h old in the beginning of assays. The minimum level of reproduction required to maintain the species was not reached. There are delays for the beginning of the reproductive process. Survival was also affected in some samples. The reproductive responses were more sensitive on identifying environmental quality than the survival rate. The study of mutagenicity by Salmonella/microsome assay made it possible to define the seasonality of the components showing greater frequency in winter. The predominant event was the frameshift mutation in assays with the presence of metabolism. However, the cytotoxic activity, although present in all seasons, was less frequent in winter. The genotoxicity analysis in V79 cells exposed to liquid samples from the area also showed that cytotoxicity was the most frequent event. This may have interfered in the detection of a potential micronuclei induction. The results showed that, even after treatment, effluents disposed on the soil continue with active pollutants interfering in cladoceran’s quality of life, cellular physiology, and DNA integrity.  相似文献   

福建沿海地区是全省经济最发达的地区,同时也是全省水土流失最严重的区域,为加强对重点地区水土流失的监测预报,应用“3S”技术开展了福建沿海地区的土壤侵蚀动态监测,及时掌握土壤侵蚀的现状变化,实现对重点地区土壤侵蚀的监测评价,为全省水土保持防治工作提供科学依据.  相似文献   

江苏沿海地区景观格局的生态风险研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田颖  李冰  王水 《水土保持研究》2015,22(1):241-245,251
以江苏省沿海地区为研究区,利用1989年、1995年和2009年3个时期的TM遥感影像为数据源,计算各风险小区的景观生态风险指数。利用GIS和地统计学方法,对研究区景观风险指数进行采样和空间插值,得到基于景观格局的生态风险分布图。运用相对指标法对景观生态风险指数进行分级,将研究区域划分为低生态风险区、较低生态风险区、中等生态风险区、较高生态风险区和高生态风险区5个等级。叠加不同时期的生态风险区划图层,利用土地覆被重心转移模型以分析景观生态风险的时空变化。结果表明:近20 a来研究区生态风险主要以较高程度为主,处于低、较低生态风险程度的区域面积变化不大,空间分布也一直位于盐城市,高风险区区域面积增加较为显著,主要位于盐城市的滩涂。低生态风险区和高生态风险区偏移量较大,分别为116.6 km和4.9 km。  相似文献   

Eurasian Soil Science - An overview of modern concepts of technogenesis and soil formation in the decommissioned wastewater treatment plants (WTPs) of sugar factories, as well as trends in soil...  相似文献   

气候变化对我国沿海渔业生产影响的评价   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
利用引进的FISHBIOENERGETICSMODEL2对我国沿海主要鱼种(带鱼、小黄鱼、大黄鱼)的生长进行了动态模拟,讨论了气候变化引起的海水温度升高对渔业生产的可能影响。水温的变化会直接影响鱼类的生长、摄食、产卵、洄游、死亡等,影响鱼类种群的变化,并最终影响到渔业资源的数量;质量及其开发利用。从初步研究结果看,水温升高有可能使冷水性鱼分布范围缩小,性成熟年龄提前,减少怀卵排卵量,降低幼鱼成活率;进而导致成鱼鱼龄缩短,体重减轻和出现“逃避行动”;最终造成成鱼数量减少、渔获量下降。而对于暖水性、温水性以及广温性鱼类而言,水温升高亦有可能对它们的生长、繁殖有不同程度的负面影响。四大海区主要经济鱼种的产量和渔获量在气候变化后都将有不同程度的降低,产量降低幅度在5%~15%,渔获量降低幅度在1%~8%。  相似文献   

本从水土流失现状,类型及分布状况等方面描述了闽南沿海地区水土流失的基本特征,并将全区按100km^2方格网划分成168个单元,根据每个单元的基本特征,即水土流失程度,给予不同权重,做出E值频率,把本区分为5个区块进行评价。  相似文献   

我国西部地区水利水电工程多位于高山峡谷地带,地质环境复杂,工程弃渣量巨大。受地形条件、施工运距、经济性等因素的限制,工程弃渣场多布置在工程区附近沟道内,因此常受到泥石流等地质灾害的威胁。以金沙水电站石家沟弃渣场为研究对象,在分析泥石流沟道特征及其影响的基础上,结合项目区地质灾害治理需要制定了"先挡后弃,以排为主,上排下导,排、拦、截、护、垦相结合"的弃渣场水土保持综合防治体系。  相似文献   

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