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? Municipal solid waste compost has been widely utilized in Israel in the production of field crops and reclamation of saline soils. This paper reviews laboratory and field studies defining the conditions under which an added compost improves the physical properties of soils and increases yields of crops. Specific attention is given to how applications of MSW compost to compacted, structurally deficient soils can lead to consistent improvement. Data are also provided on optimum C/N ratios of composts and optimum application rates under conditions studies in the research.  相似文献   

PCB mixtures in surface deposits composed of core sand and ash from an aluminum foundry are enriched (3.6–9.4%) in chlorine percentage relative to deeper horizons. The deeper materials closely match (R2 = 0.902–0.962) Aroclor 1248, the aroclor used on-site and recovered from the floor inside the foundry (R2 = 0.998). This similarity suggests the more deeply buried PCBs have been stable and immobile for a 20–40 yr period. Chlorine enrichment upward is interpreted as the result of volatilization of lower and orthochlorinated congeners from surficial materials during repeated water evaporation. These results suggest surficial deposits contaminated by PCBs may be a significant source of lower ortho-chlorinated PCB congeners to the atmosphere and that buried PCBs can remain unchanged for decades. Comparison with sediments contaminated with Aroclor 1248 and known to have undergone anaerobic microbial dechlorination, indicates that Aroclor 1248 can be transformed to PCB mixtures enriched or depleted in chlorine by environmental processes.  相似文献   

Carbon mineralization in acidic forest soils can be retarded by large concentrations of aluminium (Al). However, it is still unclear whether Al reduces C mineralization by direct toxicity to microorganisms or by decreased bioavailability of organic matter (OM) because dissolved organic matter (DOM) is precipitated by Al. We conducted an incubation experiment (6 weeks) with two DOM solutions (40 mg C litre?1) derived from two acidic forests and possessing large differences in composition. Aluminium was added to the solutions in realistic ranges for acidic soils (1.6–24 mg Al litre?1) at pHs of 3.8 and 4.5, to achieve differences in Al speciation. We determined different Al species, including the potentially toxic Al3+, by Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films (DGT) to evaluate toxic effects on microorganisms. Precipitation of OM increased with larger amounts of added Al and higher pH, and we measured a larger fraction of dissolved ‘free’ Al at pH 3.8 than at pH 4.5. Organic matter degradation decreased significantly with Al addition, and we found more organic matter degraded at pH 3.8 than at pH 4.5 for the respective Al additions. Consequently, the observed reduction in OM degradation (i.e. stabilization) cannot be explained by toxic effects of ‘free’ Al. However, C stabilization correlated significantly with C precipitation. The pH did not influence C stabilization directly, but determined the amount of C being precipitated. Phosphorus was removed along with OM by precipitation, which possibly also affected C stabilization. We conclude that C stabilization upon Al addition did not result from toxic effects, but was caused by reduced bioavailability of OM after its precipitation. The reduction in OM degradation by 65% is of great relevance for the overall C stabilization in acidic forest soils. Increasing pH and decreasing Al concentrations upon recovery from acidic deposition should therefore not result in decreased stabilization of precipitated OM.  相似文献   

Numerous time series studies have quantified the potential association between daily variations in air pollution and daily variations in non-accidental deaths. In order to account for the presence of unmeasured confounders, a smooth function of time trend is typically used as a proxy for these variables. We shed light on the validity of the results obtained by using this approach. Specifically, we use data from the National Morbidity, Mortality and Air Pollution Study database, and carry out a carefully designed simulation study. Our findings suggest that the use of a smooth function of time trend cannot fully account for the presence of unmeasured confounders, especially when their impact is strong relatively to the effect of air pollution, and when several unobservables are not included in the model.  相似文献   

In India, conservation of biodiversity goes hand in hand with human welfare, as millions of people live adjacent or within protected areas and depend upon forests products. The high density and biomass requirements of these households could result in the degradation of forests and loss of biodiversity. We assessed the collection of forest products among households in five sites in the Western and Eastern Ghats of peninsular India: the Kogar region of the Central Western Ghats, the Bandipur and Sigur regions of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, the Kalakad-Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve of the southern Western Ghats and Similipal Tiger Reserve of the northern Eastern Ghats, and tested whether extraction pressure on forests was associated with the proportion of agricultural households, wage labour and population density. We also examined whether data on loss of cover as stated by the State of the Forest Reports was supported by field data. The regions differed in land use: Kogar, KMTR and Similipal were primarily agricultural regions, whereas households engaged in wage labour or in running small businesses were predominant in Sigur and Bandipur. Fuel-wood was collected ubiquitously for household use in all sites, used mainly for domestic requirements and secondarily for generating income. Green leaves for making fertilizer and fodder were collected for household use and did not enter the market. Cattle manure for the global organic coffee industry was a major forest product in Bandipur and Sigur. Extraction pressure on forests was positively associated with the availability of wage labour and was negatively with the proportion of agricultural households. Data from official sources seem inadequate to measure forest degradation in protected forests. Accurate estimation of forest condition through field assessments and remote sensing, and understanding the socio-economic variables associated with forest loss and degradation are needed for the sustainable management of Indian protected areas.  相似文献   

Urban rainfall–runoff residuals contain metals such as Cr, Zn, Cu, As, Pb and Cd and are thus reasonable candidates for treatment using Portland cement-based solidification–stabilization (S/S). This research is a study of S/S of urban storm water runoff solid residuals in Portland cement with quicklime and sodium bentonite additives. The solidified residuals were analyzed after 28 days of hydration time using X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and solid-state 29Si nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. X-ray diffraction (XRD) results indicate that the main cement hydration products are ettringite, calcium hydroxide and hydrated calcium silicates. Zinc hydroxide and lead and zinc silicates are also present due to the reactions of the waste compounds with the cement and its hydration products. 29Si NMR analysis shows that the coarse fraction of the waste apparently does not interfere with cement hydration, but the fine fraction retards silica polymerization.  相似文献   

Shadegan International Wetland (SIW) is a unique natural ecosystem with great national and international significance, designated under Ramsar Convention. Located in southern part of Iran, this wetland serves many functions. Among them the rich biodiversity, ecological, hydrological, and economic functions are the most important. Despite the great opportunities for sustainable development of this wetland, it is currently under serious threats from a diverse range of non-sustainable activities. Underestimating SIW’s non-market values in development decisions is a major reason for the conversion and excessive depletion of its resources. The aim of this study was therefore to estimate the economic benefit of SIW as a very useful instrument to reflect the values of this unique ecosystem to society members. A choice experiment (CE) survey was undertaken to estimate the value of different nonmarket attributes of SIW. In addition to the overall model, users and nonusers preferences were also estimated. Random parameter logit (RPL) model was employed to derive the marginal value of the respondents for different attributes of the nonmarket values of SIW. Results indicated the respondents’ positive preferences towards better conservation of SIW.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to evaluate the impact of sulfhydryl groups on ovalbumin aggregation and gelation. Ovalbumin was chemically modified to add sulfhydryl groups in various degrees. The rate of aggregation was not affected by the introduction of sulfhydryl groups, and disulfide bond formation was preceded by physical interactions. Hence, disulfide interactions may not be the driving force for the aggregation of ovalbumin. Investigation of the aggregates and gels by electron microscopy and rheology suggested that a critical number of sulfhydryl groups can be introduced beyond which the microstructure of the aggregates transforms from fibrillar into amorphous. Rheological studies further suggested that covalent networks, once formed, do not have the possibility to rearrange, reducing the possibility to attain a stronger network. These results show that, even though aggregation of ovalbumin may be primarily driven by physical interactions, formed disulfide bonds are important to determine the resulting aggregate morphology and rheological properties.  相似文献   

Lake Hallstättersee is a holomictic alpine lake, which is influenced by salt mining since the middle Bronze Age. Beside the constant saline waste water load, two massive brine spills loaded the lake with additional 16,900 tons sodium chloride (??10,250 tons Cl?) from 1977 to 1979 and 3,000 tons salt (??1,820 tons Cl?) in 2005. The effect of waste water intrusions from salt mining on stratification of Lake Hallstättersee was analysed over a period of 40 years. Water density, dissolved oxygen and total phosphorus (TP) concentrations were measured and an exponential model was fitted to describe the wash-out of chloride from Lake Hallstättersee after the brine spills. Furthermore, the time required returning to holomixis and steady chloride content after the second brine spill was estimated. During the whole sampling period the minimum and maximum volume-weighted annual mean chloride concentrations were 23.58 mg/L in 1979 and 3.19 mg/L in 1998. However, the mixing regime of Lake Hallstättersee, as well as the chloride concentrations, varied considerably and exhibited three holomictic and three meromictic periods between 1970 and 2009. Holomictic periods were observed when the yearly density gradient was below 0.06 kg/m3, deepwater oxygen in spring above 4 mg/L and consequently declining TP concentration in the deepest water layer below 60 mg/m3, otherwise meromictic periods were observed. Our study showed that Hallstättersee was 13 years ectogenic meromictic and 27 years holomictic during the study period.  相似文献   



A well-designed approach for the selection of dredged material (DM) management option decisions identifies the trade-offs among various risks, costs, and benefits of multiple management alternatives. Whatever tools are applied to make and communicate decisions, it is critical that decision criteria and the parameters or indicators that are used to score or rank them are relevant, clear, and exhaustive, but not redundant. Alongside the more “traditional” ones, new criteria are emerging which consider statutory drivers, multi-scale assessments, sustainability and ecosystem issues. Increasingly, policies demand more sustainable sediment management (including a prioritization of beneficial re-use), waste minimization, and a consideration of the waste hierarchy. A consideration of such factors requires that DM management approaches are classified in terms of the waste hierarchy and that these classifications are used to develop transparent and meaningful indicators, criteria, and scoring methods that can be used to inform decisions.  相似文献   

Forest drainage, utilizing protective buffer zones, caused clear changes in the habitat structure as well as in the species richness and composition of moss-dwelling invertebrates in a small headwater stream. The aquatic moss Fontinalis dalecarlica was the dominant habitat in the control riffle areas, whereas sand dominated the riffles impacted by forest ditches. The significance of the forest ditches as a source of inorganic material was studied by comparing the quality of both indigenous and transplanted moss habitats. The Fontinalis tufts in the affected sites were silted up and contained a significantly higher average amount of inorganic matter than the mosses in the control site. The species richness of invertebrates within the silted mosses was significantly lower than at the control site. Shredder-feeding stoneflies dominated the moss communities of the control site, whereas Simuliidae dominated the impacted riffles. We suggest that the drainage-induced impoverishment of the benthic communities is due to two combined disturbance factors: (1) deposition of the particles on benthic habitats and (2) particle movement along the surfaces. Further, it is concluded that the present buffer zones and sedimentation ponds are insufficient to protect the biodiversity of streams draining easily eroding lands. In order to protect these vulnerable lotic ecosystems effectively, the most erodible parts of the catchment area should be undrained, and more retentive buffer mechanisms should be utilized in the drainage areas.  相似文献   

A new approach is suggested for estimating evaporation of intercepted rainfall from single trees in sparse forests. It is shown that, theoretically, the surface temperature of a wet tree crown will depend on the available energy and windspeed. But for a fully saturated canopy under rainy conditions, surface temperature will approach the wet bulb temperature when available energy tends to zero. This was confirmed experimentally from measurements of the radiation balance, aerodynamic conductance for water vapour and surface temperature on an isolated tree crown. Net radiation over a virtual cylindrical surface, enclosing the tree crown, was monitored by a set of radiometers positioned around that surface. Aerodynamic conductance for the tree crown was derived by scaling up measurements of leaf boundary layer conductance using the heated leaf replica method. Thermocouples were used to measure the average leaf surface temperature. Results showed that a fully wet single tree crown behaves like a wet bulb, allowing evaporation of intercepted rainfall to be estimated by a simple diffusion equation for water vapour, which is not restricted by the assumptions of one-dimensional transfer models usually used at the stand scale. Using this approach, mean evaporation rate from wet, saturated tree crowns was 0.27 or 0.30 mm h?1, when surface temperature was taken equal to the air wet bulb temperature or estimated accounting for the available energy, respectively.  相似文献   

In Tunisia, on‐site co‐composting of oil mill waste would overcome environmental issues and valorize renewable resources. The authors' goal was to determine the physic‐chemical and microbiological properties and nutrient supply characteristics of mixed oil mill waste and green waste compost. Two piles of the same raw materials (2/3 oil mill waste–1/3 green waste, w/w) were moistened with two kinds of water: treated urban wastewater (A1) and tap water (A2). Results showed the following: (i) produced compost decreased in C/N from 32 to 12.30?±?0.89 (A1) and 11?±?0.89 (A2); (ii) major elements (P and K) were within acceptable limits; (iii) A1 and A2 had potentially lower heavy metal contents than the limits established by the second draft of the Biological Treatment of Biowaste of the European Commission and microbial load values below the limit N FU 44‐051 values; (iv) A1 and A2 had, respectively, 93 and 89.67% as germination index Gl values, which confirmed the composts' maturity and safety; (v) for both composts, A1 and A2, culture potting made up of half compost and half soil revealed the highest bean leaves' number; and (vi) the less richness in minerals and organic compounds of A2 compared to A1 gave better germination results for white wheat and bean leaves' number for A2. Even moistened with treated urban waste water, oil mill wastes proved to be very interesting for co‐composting with green waste.  相似文献   

Different theories have been brought forward to explain the commonly observed δ15N enrichment with depth in soil profiles, including the discrimination against 15N during N decomposition and the buildup of 15N-enriched microbial residues. A combination of soil organic matter (SOM) size and density fractionations, 15N determinations, and phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analyses was conducted on soils from a pristine N-limited Nothofagus forest in southern Chile. The purpose of this study was to investigate which SOM fractions mostly reflect the 15N-enrichment pattern and to link 15N SOM enrichment with microbial community composition. Nitrogen-15 enrichments were greater for the microaggregate (<150 μm) than for the macroaggregate (>150 μm) size fraction, with Rayleigh isotope enrichment factors averaging −8.5‰ and −3.7‰, respectively. The macro-organic matter density fractions (>150 μm) showed intermediate enrichment factors of −5.1‰ and −7.3‰ for the light (<1.37 g cm−3) and heavy (>1.37 g cm−3) fraction, respectively. The abundance of fungal and bacterial PLFAs was significantly higher in the microaggregate compared to the macroaggregate size fraction, but their relative abundance did not change between aggregate size fractions. Our data link differential 15N enrichment of SOM fractions to “total” microbial abundance and, as such, corroborates existing theories of microbial-induced 15N enrichment. Isotopic fractionation during microbial N decomposition processes alone could not explain the large 15N enrichment in the microaggregate size fraction (−8.5‰) and the heavy density fraction (−7.3‰). We therefore suggest that microbial turnover and accretion of 15N-enriched microbial (especially fungal) compounds was an additional driver for 15N enrichment of this soil profile.  相似文献   

《Biosystems Engineering》2002,81(2):185-191
In this paper, a hybrid model of a spray boom with cable suspension is developed. It combines an analytical modelling procedure with identification techniques to cope with the limited power in the excitation actuator. The analytical model was used to optimize the passive boom suspension, while the identification part is the first step in the design of a slow active suspension.  相似文献   

Grassland ecosystems in south-eastern Australia are important for dairy and livestock farming. Their productivity relies heavily on water availability, as well as the ecosystem services provided by soil microbial communities including carbon and nutrient cycling. Management practices such as compost application are being encouraged as a means to improve both soil water holding capacity and fertility, thereby buffering against the impacts of increasing climate variability. Such buffering consists of two complementary processes: resistance, which measures the ability of an ecosystem to maintain community structure and function during a period of stress (such as drying); and resilience, which measures the ability of an ecosystem to recover community structure and function post-stress. We investigated the effects of compost on the resistance and resilience of the grassland soil ecosystem under drying and drying with rewetting events, in a terrestrial model ecosystem. Overall, compost addition led to an increase in soil moisture, greater plant available P and higher plant δ15N. Soil C:nutrient ratios, mineral N content (NH4+ and NO3) and soil microbial PLFA composition were similar between amended and unamended soils. Rainfall treatment led to differences in soil moisture, plant above-ground and below-ground biomass, plant δ15N, soil mineral N content (NH4+ and NO3) and microbial biomass C, N and P composition but had no effects on soil C:nutrient ratios, plant available P and soil microbial PLFA composition. There was little interaction between rainfall and compost. Generally, the soil microbial community was resistant and resilient to fluctuations in rainfall regardless of compost amendment. However, these properties of the soil microbial community were translated to resilience and not resistance in soil functions. Overall, the results below-ground showed much greater response to rainfall than compost amendment. Water was the key factor shaping the soil microbial community, and nutrients were not strong co-limiting factors. Future projections of increasing rainfall variability will have important below-ground functional consequences in the grassland, including altered nutrient cycling.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare intake estimates, validity and reliability of two summary questions to measure fish consumption with information from a detailed semi-quantitative food-frequency questionnaire (FFQ) on fish consumption. DESIGN: Population-based, cross-sectional study. Participants completed an FFQ and provided blood samples for erythrocyte membrane eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) analysis. Aggregate measures of consumption of fresh/frozen/canned fish (fresh fish) and smoked/salted/dried fish (preserved fish) were generated from the FFQ and were compared with responses to the summary questions regarding intakes of similar items. Both methods were tested for validity, using correlation and linear regression techniques with EPA, and retest reliability. SETTING: Perth metropolitan area, Western Australia. SUBJECTS: One hundred and nine healthy volunteers of both sexes, aged 21-75 years. RESULTS: The summary fresh fish measure underestimated frequency and grams per week given by the aggregate question by about 50%, while estimates from the summary preserved fish measure were approximately three times that of the aggregate measure. Multiple linear regression analysis suggested that the aggregates accounted for more of the variation in EPA levels, but the difference was minimal. Intra-class correlations confirmed that both methods were reliable. CONCLUSIONS: Our study indicates that extensive questioning results in different absolute intakes of fish compared with brief questioning, but does not add any information if ranking individuals according to overall consumption of fish.  相似文献   

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