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The use of the antimicrobial growth promoters (AGPs) carbadox and olaquindox has been banned in the European Union (EU) since September 1999. We studied the effects of the withdrawal on the health of weaned piglets on two types of piglet-producing farms (farrowing herds and farrow-to-finish herds) from the different regions of Finland. Farms with no major problems with post-weaning diarrhoea were selected for the study to better evaluate the effect of AGPs alone. Data on production, medication and incidence of diarrhoea were collected from 73 farms during 1 year after the withdrawal. On 29 of these farms, the data collection began 4 months before the withdrawal.

The health management of the pigs is considered good in Finland, and special attention has been paid to improve the husbandry practices and management of the farms. Eighty-two percent of the farms in the study were free of both Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and Sarcoptes scabiei infection. Brachyspira hyodysenteriae infection was not detected in any of the farms. The median number of sows in the herds was 56.0 (IQR = 43.0; 72.5) in 2000.

The level of antimicrobial use in each herd was classified as low, moderate and high when the percentage of weaned pigs treated for diarrhoea during a 4-month period was 0–5%, 6–19% and ≥20%, respectively. Only on four herds (14%), there was an increase in the level of antibiotic use after the AGP withdrawal, when seasonally corresponding 4-month periods were compared. Fourty-one percent of these 29 farms were categorized as low users of antimicrobials, 38% as moderate users and 21% as high users.

The level of antimicrobial use for treatment of diarrhoea after weaning (and the incidence of diarrhoea in weaned piglets) did not increase significantly after the withdrawal of AGPs from weaner feeds according to farmers’ evaluations. In this study, the Escherichia coli infection was the most-common cause of diarrhoea in weaned pigs. The age at weaning did not change after the withdrawal of AGPs.  相似文献   

甜菊糖甙对哺乳仔猪生产性能和健康状况的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为研究天然甜菊糖甙作为新型甜味剂在哺乳仔猪中的应用效果,随机选取16窝哺乳仔猪(杜长大,10头/窝)分为4组,每组4个重复,分别饲喂添加0、100、200和500g/t天然甜菊糖甙的教槽料,试验从仔猪7d时开始,至断奶后1周(28d)结束,期间每隔7d对仔猪采食量、增重和健康状况进行测定。结果发现,在哺乳仔猪日粮中添加100、200和500g/t的甜菊糖甙,显著提高仔猪断奶重(21d)和28d体重(P0.05),显著提高14~21和22~28d阶段内的平均日增重、平均日采食量和偏嗜指数(P0.05),而各甜味剂添加组间无显著性差异(P0.05)。7~28d内仔猪日增重200g/t组显著高于对照组和100g/t组。仔猪断奶(21d)后1周内腹泻率和腹泻指数有改善趋势(P0.05),7~28d内仔猪发病率200和500g/t天然甜菊糖甙组显著降低(P0.05)。因此,考虑成体投入的同时,在哺乳仔猪日粮中添加200g/t的天然甜菊糖甙,可取得良好的应用效果。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of composite antimicrobial peptide (CAP) on growth performance and health status in weaned piglets. Over 28 days, 36 weaned piglets (body weight, 10.58 ± 0.99 kg) underwent three treatments: negative control (NC, basal diet), positive control (PC, basal diet + 20 mg/kg colistin sulphate + 50 mg/kg kitasamycin), and CAP treatment (CAP, basal diet with 400 mg/kg CAP). Average daily gain of piglets fed the CAP diet was greater (< 0.05) than that of piglets fed the PC or NC diet during days 1–7, 8–14 and 15–21. Diarrhea rates of piglets fed the CAP or PC diet were lower (< 0.05) than those of NC‐fed piglets during days 1–7. Apparent total tract digestibility for dry matter and crude ash in CAP‐fed piglets was greater (< 0.05) than that of NC‐fed piglets. In the CAP group, Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium counts were greater (< 0.05) and Escherichia coli counts were lower (< 0.05) than numbers for the NC group. Our results indicate that dietary CAP had beneficial effects on growth performance and health status in weaned piglets.  相似文献   

<正>1材料与方法1.1试验设计采用2×2析因法,即设低营养+抗生素组(低营养对照组)、低营养+益康XP+抗生素组、高营养+抗生素组(高营养对照组)、高营养+益康XP+抗生素组4个处  相似文献   

为了探讨小麦水解蛋白对早期断奶仔猪生长性能及肠道健康的影响,选取23日龄三元仔猪320头(体重7 kg左右),随机分成4组,每组4个重复,每个重复20头。分别饲喂基础日粮、基础日粮+1.0%L-谷氨酰胺、基础日粮+3.3%小麦水解蛋白、基础日粮+5.0%小麦水解蛋白,试验期28 d。结果表明:添加3.3%小麦水解蛋白和1.0%L-谷氨酰胺组提高了0~14 d、14~28 d、0~28 d的日增重(P0.05)和采食量(P0.05),并降低了0~28 d的料重比。添加5.0%小麦水解蛋白提高了14~28 d、0~28 d的日增重(P0.05)并降低了14~28 d、0~28 d的料重比。各试验组0~28 d腹泻率、空肠隐窝深度都显著降低(P0.05)。结果提示,断奶仔猪日粮中添加小麦水解蛋白可提高断奶仔猪生长性能和改善肠道健康。  相似文献   

为了探明大豆酶解蛋白替代仔猪饲粮中血浆蛋白粉、肠膜蛋白或鱼粉的功效。研究选择28 d断奶三元杂交(杜×长×大)仔猪320头,随机分为4个处理,每个处理4个重复,每个重复20头。分别饲喂:处理1组:3%血浆蛋白+3%肠膜蛋白+3%鱼粉日粮;处理2组(无血浆蛋白质):9%大豆酶解蛋白+3%肠膜蛋白+3%鱼粉日粮;处理3组(无肠膜蛋白):4%大豆酶解蛋白+3%血浆蛋白+3%鱼粉日粮;处理4(无鱼粉):3.5%大豆酶解蛋白+3%血浆蛋白+3%肠膜蛋白日粮。试验期28 d,于试验14 d直肠取粪便测定微生物,28 d采集血液测定血清抗体水平。研究结果证明:与常规的血浆-肠膜-鱼粉日粮相比,9%大豆酶解蛋白+3%肠膜+3%鱼粉的无血浆蛋白粉日粮,可以获得完全相同的增重和腹泻率(P0.05),但是,采食量和料重比显著降低(P0.05);4%大豆酶解蛋白+3%血浆+3%鱼粉的无肠膜蛋白日粮处理提高了日增重,降低了料重比和腹泻率(P0.05);3.5%大豆酶解蛋白+3%血浆+3%肠膜的无鱼粉日粮处理获得了最高的试验期末体重、日增重和采食量,显著降低了料重比和腹泻率(P0.05)。仔猪成活率处理之间均没有显著影响(P0.05)。4%大豆酶解蛋白+3%血浆+3%鱼粉的日粮组获得了最低的大肠杆菌总数;9%大豆酶解蛋白+3%肠膜+3%鱼粉组获得了最高的乳酸菌总数。无大豆酶解蛋白日粮组的大肠杆菌总数最多,乳酸菌总数最少。9%大豆酶解蛋白+3%肠膜+3%鱼粉组获得了最高的IgA和IgM抗体水平(P0.05)。由此证明,使用9%的大豆酶解蛋白可以替代日粮中3%的血浆蛋白粉,4%的大豆酶解蛋白可以替代日粮3%的肠膜蛋白质,3.5%大豆酶解蛋白可以替代日粮中3%的鱼粉。大豆酶解蛋白替代血浆蛋白粉可以改善断奶仔猪的生长性能,调节肠道菌群,增加免疫力。  相似文献   

王怀禹 《猪业科学》2020,37(5):60-63
益生菌通过调控猪肠道菌群的数量和丰度、产生生物活性物质和降低肠道p H等路径有效改善肠道微生态环境,增加猪体免疫力,促进猪肠道对营养物质的吸收,提高生产性能以及改善猪胴体品质。文章综述了益生菌的种类及特性、益生菌的作用机理及其在猪生产中的应用,以期为益生菌改善猪肠道健康的深入研究提供理论支持和实践借鉴。  相似文献   

Twelve pigs were subjected to model trials to study the effect of an aflatoxin-contaminated pig-fattening diet, administered for 26 days. Aflatoxin B1 constituted 55% of the aflatoxins tested. The aflatoxin concentrations used in the trials were 30 and 300 micrograms per 1 kg of feed. No clinical effect of aflatoxin was observed in the pigs. Aflatoxins were found to have adverse effects on proteosynthesis. A decrease in the weight gains of the pigs was accompanied by a decrease in the total plasma protein and, in the group with the higher aflatoxin dose (300 micrograms per 1 kg of feed), also by an increase in the total bilirubin concentration in the blood serum. Perilobular steatosis, dissociation of the liver trabeculae, and more pronounced activation of the reticuloendothelial system were demonstrated by the histological examination of liver tissue. An increase in the content of hydroxyproline was recorded in the muscle of the experimental pigs. It is documented by the results that the aflatoxin dose of 30 micrograms per 1 kg of feed (the recommended maximum admissible concentration for the Czech Socialist Republic) is high enough to reduce the performance of pigs and the biological value of their meat.  相似文献   

The effect of tropical ambient temperature on growth and metabolism in pigs   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Three experiments involving 34 individually fed pigs were conducted in Guadeloupe (16 degrees Lat. N., 61 degrees Long. W.) to determine the effects of environmental temperature (tropical, 22 to 32 degrees C, vs thermoneutral, 17 to 21 degrees C) and feeding method (restricted vs ad libitum) on performance, carcass characteristics and physiological and metabolic responses of pigs at three weight ranges (8 to 25, 29 to 50 and 54 to 79 kg live weight). Compared with the control environment, the tropical climate increased rectal temperature and respiratory rate but depressed growth rate and efficiency of feed utilization. In addition, in the heaviest weight group, feed intake was reduced and body fat increased. Changes in metabolic status, such as increased concentrations of plasma free fatty acids, triglycerides, cholesterol and adipose tissue lipoprotein lipase activity were observed in pigs housed in the tropical environment. Moreover, in these pigs, there was a decreased plasma concentration of thyroid hormones (triiodothyronine and thyroxine). These results indicate that tropical ambient temperature markedly affects the metabolism of pigs and, therefore, probably influences their nutritional requirements.  相似文献   

选取128头7~8 kg"杜长大"健康断乳仔猪作为试验动物.根据体重相近、公母各半的原则将其随机分为对照组和试验组,每个组设4个重复,每个重复16头.探讨添加免疫增强剂--"巴罗顿"对仔猪生长性能和腹泻率的影响.对照组饲喂基础日粮,试验组在每千克基础日粮中添加2g巴罗顿.结果表明,在每千克仔猪日粮中添加2g巴罗顿对仔猪的生长性能没有产生显著影响(P<0.05),有减少仔猪腹泻的趋势.  相似文献   

断奶后腹泻是全球仔猪发病和死亡的一个重要原因,据估计占断奶仔猪生产经济损失50%之多.在患有此病的猪群中,断奶仔猪的死亡率高达2%,更重要的是,患病率和感染后存活仔猪的生长性能下降(Culter等,2007).传统上,养猪业采用高度易消化日粮控制此病,这种日粮中通常含有亚治疗水平的抗生素作为生长促进剂.然而,目前的发展趋势是停止在家畜日粮中添加抗生素,因为担心这种做法会对人体健康产生风险.因此,采用无抗生素饲喂方案的仔猪有必要寻求安全有效的替代方案,以控制断奶后腹泻.迄今为止,已经推荐了多类替代产品,包括喷雾干燥血浆粉、酸化剂、高含量锌盐和铜盐、益生菌、益生元、核苷酸及富含核苷酸类产品、香精油、卵黄抗体、溶菌酶、草药和调味料等.总体而言,有足够的证据表明这些添加剂可有效促进断奶仔猪的肠道健康和功能,不过对最佳使用条件以及协同作用并提供最大功效的组合还需要更多了解.  相似文献   

试验选用体重约40kg健康的三元杂交(杜×大×长)猪120头(阉公母各半)随机分为4组:对照组(基础饲粮)、丁酸钠组(基础饲粮+1kg丁酸钠)、抗生素组(基础饲粮+硫酸粘杆菌素60mg/kg)和复合组(基础饲粮+硫酸粘杆菌素30mg/kg+丁酸钠1kg)。试验时间为72d,期间观察猪只的皮毛状况,试验结束时进行称重。测定4组猪的日增重、采食量和料肉比。结果表明:37~70kg阶段日增重3个试验组分别比对照组提高1.03%、3.80%、4.30%;70~98kg阶段日增重分别比对照组提高1.43%、3.63%、4.05%;37~98kg的全过程日增重分别比对照组提高1.26%、3.65%、4.22%。37~70kg阶段采食量试验组较对照组有上升的趋势,70~98kg阶段和全程试验组料肉比有下降。整个阶段试验各组的肤色、毛况显著优于对照组(P<0.05),丁酸钠组和复合组优于抗生素组。  相似文献   

Four experiments were conducted to evaluate the nutrient contributions and physiological health benefits of spray-dried egg (SDE) containing only unfertilized eggs as a protein source in nursery pig diets. In all experiments, all diets were formulated to the same ME and Lys content, and each pen within a block (by BW) housed the same number of barrows and gilts. In Exp. 1 and 2 (168 and 140 pigs, respectively; 5 kg BW; 16 d old; 14 replicates/experiment), conducted at a university farm, treatments were with or without 5% SDE in a nursery control diet, which included antibiotics and zinc oxide. Pigs were fed for 10 d after weaning to measure ADG, ADFI, and G:F. The SDE increased (P < 0.05) ADG (Exp. 1: 243 vs. 204 g/d; Exp. 2: 204 vs. 181 g/d) and ADFI (Exp. 1: 236 vs. 204 g/d; Exp. 2: 263 vs. 253 g/d) compared with the control diet but did not affect G:F. In Exp. 3 (1,008 pigs; 5.2 kg BW; 20 d old; 12 replicates/treatment), conducted at a commercial farm, treatments were in a factorial arrangement of with or without SDE and high or low spray-dried plasma (SDP) in nursery diets, which included antibiotics and zinc oxide. Pigs were fed for 6 wk using a 4-phase feeding program (phases of 1, 1, 2, and 2 wk, respectively) with declining diet complexity to measure ADG, ADFI, G:F, removal rate (mortality plus morbidity), and frequency of medical treatments per pen and day (MED). The diets with the SDE increased (P < 0.05) ADFI during phase 1 only (180 vs. 164 g/d) compared with the diets without the SDE but did not affect growth performance during any other phases. The diets with SDE reduced MED during phase 1 (0.75% vs. 1.35%; P < 0.05) and the overall period (0.84% vs. 1.01%; P = 0.062) compared with the diets without the SDE but did not affect removal rate. In Exp. 4 (160 pigs; 6.7 kg BW; 21 d old; 10 replicates/treatment), conducted at a university farm to determine whether SDE can replace SDP, treatments were in a factorial arrangement of with or without SDP or SDE in nursery diets, which excluded antibiotics and zinc oxide. Pigs were fed for 6 wk using the same schedule used in Exp. 3 to measure ADG, ADFI, and G:F. The diets with SDE increased (P < 0.05) ADFI during phase 1 only (195 vs. 161 g/d) compared with the diets without SDE but did not affect growth performance during any other periods. In conclusion, SDE can be an efficacious protein and energy source in nursery pig diets and improves health and, in some instances, increases growth rate.  相似文献   

淀山湖水葫芦用于饲喂生长育肥猪的效果研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水葫芦干粉的加工工艺:打捞→冲洗→挤压/粉碎→瞬间烘干→装袋贮存→配制饲料  相似文献   

营养对早期断奶仔猪免疫功能及健康的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文阐述了饲料中主要营养物质(蛋白质、氨基酸、糖类、脂肪、矿物质和维生素)对早期断奶仔猪免疫功能和健康的影响。  相似文献   

No marked gluconeogenetic performance was recordable from nursed piglets aged, between one and five days, in response to ACTH nor glucocorticosteroid application. Store pigs, aged twelve weeks, however, exhibited glucose rises of 34 per cent one hour after injection or 55 per cent three hours from ACTH application. The point was made, in an attempt to elucidate the above findings, that in newborn piglets, few days after birth, the gluconeogenetic capacity is insufficient because of functional immaturity of the liver. The behaviours of several metabolites in the liver and muscles of store pigs were examined under differentiated model conditions to check up and verify that view.  相似文献   

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