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为保证我国肉牛养殖业和奶牛养殖业的高速发展,经过多种养殖模式的对比,发现以家庭为主体集约化生产、商品化经营的家庭牧场更加适合未来畜牧业的发展趋势,我们认为肉牛和奶牛的家庭牧场式养殖已经成为我国畜牧业未来的发展方向之一。本文对我国肉牛和奶业发达国家的奶牛的家庭牧场发展现状进行了分析,并与畜牧业发达国家的家庭牧场进行对比,总结了我国家庭牧场在发展中存在的问题,并针对这些问题提出了未来我国家庭牧场的发展对策,以期促进我国肉牛和奶牛的家庭牧场持续健康发展。  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of thiamphenicol were investigated in 10 calves and six lactating cows. It was found that this drug is rapidly absorbed (1 5 min) following intramuscular injection with an absorption rate constant and a bioavailability of 8.7 h-1 and 84%, respectively. The drug appears to be widely distributed into various body fluids, yielding a volume of distribution (Vd(area)) of approximately 0.9 l/kg. The micro-rate constants indicated that the antibiotic rapidly diffuses into the peripheral compartment (k12 > k21). Elimination from plasma is relatively rapid, with a biological half-life of about 1.75 h. Thiamphenicol appears shortly in milk (15 min) after its intravenous administration, and gives milk to plasma concentration ratios greater than one between 4 and 12 h.  相似文献   

Observational studies of cattle production systems usually find that cattle from conventional dairies harbor a higher prevalence of antimicrobial resistant (AMR) enteric bacteria compared to organic dairies or beef-cow operations; given that dairies usually use more antimicrobials, this result is not unexpected. Experimental studies have usually verified that application of antimicrobials leads to at least a transient expansion of AMR bacterial populations in treated cattle. Nevertheless, on dairy farms the majority of antibiotics are used to treat mastitis and yet AMR remains relatively low in mastitis pathogens. Other studies have shown no correlation between antimicrobial use and prevalence of AMR bacteria including documented cases where the prevalence of AMR bacteria is non-responsive to antimicrobial applications or remains relatively high in the absence of antimicrobial use or any other obvious selective pressures. Thus, there are multi-factorial events and pressures that influence AMR bacterial populations in cattle production systems. We introduce a heuristic model that illustrates how repeated antimicrobial selection pressure can increase the probability of genetic linkage between AMR genes and niche- or growth-specific fitness traits. This linkage allows persistence of AMR bacteria at the herd level because subpopulations of AMR bacteria are able to reside long-term within the host animals even in the absence of antimicrobial selection pressure. This model highlights the need for multiple approaches to manage herd health so that the total amount of antimicrobials is limited in a manner that meets animal welfare and public health needs while reducing costs for producers and consumers over the long-term.  相似文献   

The objective of this report is to review the literature on elevated blood concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) before and after parturition in high-yielding dairy cows. It highlights the factors that influence serum NEFA production and their circulation before and after parturition, such as adaptation for nutrient partitioning for fetal needs, onset of lactogenesis, stress of calving and numerous changes in physiological, metabolic, and endocrine status to accommodate parturition and lactogenesis. The role of NEFA in the liver and peripheral tissues and its toxic effects when in excess are discussed. The cow's adaptive physiologic mechanisms to prevent or decrease excessive values of serum NEFA and preventive and therapeutic interventions to enhance these mechanisms are categorized as natural and artificial antidotes respectively. Feeding systems during the dry period and daily exercise or walking activity which may burn excessive NEFA through beta-oxidation in the muscles are considered as more useful antidotes to managing the NEFA metabolism. This will minimize accumulation of lipids in the liver during early lactation and alleviate the negative effects of plasma NEFA leading to more optimal metabolic health and productivity of dairy cows.  相似文献   

The medical records of 11 cattle with jejunal hemorrhage syndrome were reviewed. Female and male, lactating and pregnant, dairy and beef cattle were affected. Decreased feed intake and milk production, reduced amounts of dark feces, and abdominal discomfort were common historical findings. Common clinical findings included depressed demeanor, a "ping" and fluid-splashing sounds over the right abdomen, melena, and distended loops of intestine on rectal palpation. Surgery was done on 7 cases, 10 cases were euthanized, and 1 died. Clostridium perfringens type A was isolated from the intestinal contents from 7 of 7 cases. At necropsy, the characteristic finding was a varying length of a dark purple-red distended jejunum with an intraluminal blood clot. Histologically, there was segmental necrosis, ulceration, and mucosal and transmural hemorrhage of the jejunum. This is a sporadic disease of adult cattle characterized by mechanical obstruction of the small intestines by a large blood clot with a case fatality of almost 100%.  相似文献   

矿物质 动物体总的矿物质或灰分含量,在整个干物质含量中所占的百分数很微小。一位作者曾经这样来描述一头牛(在非常粗略的基础上减去肠胃道内容物):水约占73%,蛋白质约为22%,而灰分则占5.3%,再加上少量的碳水化合物。Missoun大学的研究人员分析了若干头已繁殖过的动物体后,发现各种矿物质所占的量值比例为:钙1.3%、磷0.74%、钠0.16%、钾  相似文献   

Rate of genetic improvement for milk yield has been increasing in recent years. Cows born in 1986 were about 135 kg superior in breeding value for milk yield to those born in 1985. Over 2.2 million cows contribute new data to genetic evaluations for production traits annually. These evaluations are computed with an animal model that provides best linear unbiased predictions of transmitting abilities for milk, fat, and protein yields and fat and protein percentages. The model includes effects of management group, permanent environment, herd-sire interaction, and animal genetic merit. Unknown-parent groups represent the genetic merit of base populations defined by birth year and sex. Type appraisal data are collected by breed associations and are evaluated with a sire model. Holstein cow evaluations are computed using scores from all appraisals and a multitrait model; evaluations for other breeds are computed using all appraisal scores, a repeatability model, and a single-trait system. Dystocia data are collected by individual AI organizations and dairy records processing centers; they are analyzed by a categorical-trait sire model at Iowa State University with support from the National Association of Animal Breeders. The AI organizations have been extremely important in increasing rate of genetic progress by increasing numbers of young bulls sampled, increasing selection intensity of bull dams through multiple ovulation and embryo transfer, and shortening generation interval through the use of younger cows and some virgin heifers as bull dams. (ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Neospora caninum is one of the most important causes of abortion in cows. The occurrence of N. caninum infection in beef and dairy cattle has been reported worldwide, and in most provinces in Canada. The objective of this review is to summarize our current understanding of N. caninum in dairy and beef cattle for Canadian bovine practitioners. The review covers the life cycle of the agent, its mechanisms of transmission, clinical signs, and tests for diagnosing the infection. Data on the prevalence of the infection in Canadian dairy and beef cattle are reviewed and briefly compared with estimates from other parts of the world. Most importantly for Canadian bovine practitioners, the impacts of the infection, risk factors for its occurrence, and methods of control are also discussed. By reviewing the scientific literature on N. caninum from a Canadian perspective, culling decisions based on the interpretation of diagnostic tests are more effectively made in the control of N. caninum-associated disease.  相似文献   

Important differences are noted between the New Zealand and European cattle industries, in terms of both breeds and farming systems. Under pasture feeding, experimental data strongly suggest that selection and genetic evaluation for growth performance should be based on weight-for-age rather than on post-weaning weight gains. Carcass merit is more appropriately measured by the yield of trimmed boneless retail cuts than by accepted commercial grades.Relative to the nationally predominant Angus beef breed, research results demonstrate an advantage in final and carcass weight per animal of 5–10% for the Hereford and 20–30% for the Friesian, with the superiority being approximately halved in crossed with the Angus. In terms of weaning performance, the Friesian dam is greatly superior, the Hereford slightly inferior, to the Angus. Heterosis for growth traits is of the order of 5%.In crosses over Jersey cows the Charolais sire is superior to the Hereford but not to the Friesian for total meat output. Carcasses from the dairy breeds and dairy x beef crosses slaughtered at the same age contain a higher bone percentage and are less acceptable on traditional export grading standards than those of the British beef breeds, but nevertheless achieve high output and quality of lean meat.Preliminary results from current large-scale trials suggest that the larger European breeds have potential for improving growth rate and meat yield in crosses with local Angus and Hereford cattle but are more prone to difficult calvings and show later sexual maturity.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the inbreeding levels and to analyze the pedigree of Irish purebred populations of Charolais, Limousin, Hereford, Angus, and Simmental beef cattle, as well as the Holstein-Friesian dairy breed. Pedigree analyses included quantifying the depth of known pedigree, average generation intervals, effective population size, the effective number of founders, ancestors, and founder genomes, as well as identifying the most influential animals within the current population of each breed. The annual rate of increase in inbreeding over the past decade was 0.13% (P < 0.001) in the Hereford, 0.06% (P < 0.001) in the Simmental, and 0.10% (P < 0.001) in the Holstein-Friesian breeds. Inbreeding in the other breeds remained relatively constant over the past decade. Herefords had the greatest mean inbreeding in 2004, at 2.19%, whereas Charolais had the lowest, at 0.54%. Over half of each purebred population in 2004 was inbred to some degree; the population with the greatest proportion of animals inbred was the Hereford breed (85%). All 6 breeds displayed a generation interval of approximately 6 yr in recent years. In the pure-bred females born in 2004, the 3 most influential animals contributed between 11% (Limousin) and 24% (Hereford) of the genes. Effective population size was estimated for the Hereford, Simmental, and Holstein-Friesian only, and was 64, 127, and 75, respectively. The effective number of founders varied from 55 (Simmental) to 357 (Charolais), whereas the effective number of ancestors varied from 35 (Simmental and Hereford) to 82 (Limousin). Thus, despite the majority of animals being inbred, the inbreeding level across breeds is low but rising at a slow rate in the Hereford, Simmental, and Holstein-Friesian.  相似文献   

Seroprevalence of Neospora caninum in 879 beef and dairy cattle in different locations of Paraguay was determined by an ELISA. In the survey, 262 (29.8%) cattle were positive to N. caninum, and animals with anti-Neospora antibody titre were observed in all the locations tested in the country. Serum samples taken from a herd that exhibited persistent abortion had the highest percentage of animals being positive to the parasite (17/30, 56.7%). In the same herd, abortion was significantly more likely in animals with high anti-Neospora antibody titre. Immunoblot analysis demonstrated that the banding pattern from positive Paraguayan cattle was similar to that seen with the positive control sample. In conclusion, N. caninum infection is present among Paraguayan beef and dairy cattle, and it may be an important cause of bovine abortion in Paraguay.  相似文献   

In order to assess the seroprevalence of bovine neosporosis with indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT), blood samples were collected randomly from 1063 beef and dairy cattle belonging to 12 different breeds in Northeast Hungary. Antibodies to Neospora caninum were detected in 27 (2.5%) of the animals, kept on 19 of the 42 settlements included in this survey. Since samples were collected on 50 farms, herd prevalence amounted to 38%. The percentage of cattle with seroconversion increased with age, suggesting a postnatal source of infection. The highest rate of positivity was detected in Aberdeen Angus (3.3%) and Holstein-Friesian cows (3.2%), and the lowest in Limousine (0.9%), but no breed predisposition was statistically substantiated. Neosporosis was more prevalent in dairy (3.4%) than in beef (1.9%) cattle, although the difference was not significant. Only three out of the seropositive cows, all of them Holstein-Friesians, had a history of abortion.  相似文献   

Gene-flow methodology was used to calculate the cumulative discounted expressions (CDE) for annual/lactation, replacement heifer, cull cow, birth, yearling, and slaughter traits in alternative cattle production systems. Generic equations were presented and parameters representing dairy-beef production systems in Ireland and Brazil were inputted. Cumulative discounted expressions using input parameters from a hypothetical purebred dairy production system with poor cow longevity were also calculated. Cumulative discounted expressions were calculated assuming either an initial purebred or crossbred mating within each production system. Absolute and relative differences in CDE existed among trait categories across the three alternative production systems investigated. For example, the CDE of beef-related traits accruing from an initial purebred mating ranged from 0.42 to 0.75 CDE of an annual/lactation trait across the three contrasting systems investigated which differed in various input parameters. Such variation may alter the relative emphasis of traits on overall profitability thereby contributing to genotype by environment interactions. The results of this study highlight the necessity to consider auxiliary traits in sire selection over and above those representing the principal intended use of the sire. This was particularly so for integrated dairy-beef cattle production systems.  相似文献   

以获得和保持适宜体况为目标的营养工程技术 乳牛保持适宜的体脂储备对于保证乳牛高产,提高其繁殖率和使用寿命至关重要。相反,若乳牛过肥或过瘦均会有代谢病发生,产乳量下降,妊娠率降低,并有可能出现难产。用于衡量乳牛体况是否适宜的一种简便易行的方法就是体况分(Body Condition Score)。此法可用于检测乳牛体内  相似文献   

(上接第10期) 抗热应激营养工程技术 乳牛本身对环境条件有较大的适应能力,不过,如果乳牛长时间处于高温条件,就会影响其代谢,降低其干物质采食量和产乳量,并影响其繁殖性能.一般来说,当环境温度超过24~27℃时,乳牛的饲料采食量即开始下降,当气温达到29℃以上时,乳牛饲料采食量进一步大幅度下降.随着乳牛饲料采食量下降,其产乳量也随之下降.当气温高达35℃时,乳牛的维持需要比气温31℃时要增加20%.当乳牛处于高温条件下时,其体温会上升,呼吸加快,电解质损失增加.  相似文献   

王运亨 《中国乳业》2002,(11):18-19
奶牛实用养殖技术系列讲座 一、农民在选择饲养奶牛前应注意的几个问题二、奶牛的品种特征三、奶牛的行为习性四、奶牛的饲料种类五、奶牛的营养需要六、奶牛的日粮配合七、奶牛的饲养管理八、奶牛的繁殖管理九、奶牛的疾病防治十、影响奶牛产奶量及原料奶质量的主要因素  相似文献   

A periodic review of beef improvement programs is useful as a benchmark and as an opportunity to reevaluate industry direction. The history of improvement programs is reviewed with particular emphasis on recording organizations, program financing, and technological progress. The various breed associations have become the primary suppliers of performance programs, which are largely funded through registration income. Current practices are described from the aspects of traits recorded and delivery systems to collect, analyze, and distribute the data. The unique or innovative features of several breed made of the organization, technical, and educational challenges facing beef improvement. Although increased participation in genetic improvement programs is expected, substantial efforts are needed to serve adequately the needs of a changing beef cattle industry.  相似文献   

Concentrations of plasma glucose, immunoreactive insulin (IRI) and free fatty acid (FFA) and activities of enzymes related to energy metabolism and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) isoenzyme pattern in plasma and leukocytes were investigated in lactating Holstein cows (dairy cattle) and fattening Japanese Black Wagyu x Holstein steers (beef cattle). IRI concentrations and LDH and malate dehydrogenase (MDH) activities in the plasma of beef cattle were significantly higher than those in dairy cattle. The cytosolic ratio of MDH/LDH activity in the leukocytes of beef cattle was significantly higher than that of dairy cattle. These findings might be associated with the different energy metabolism between dairy and beef cattle.  相似文献   

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