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臭椿、新疆杨混交林对光肩星天牛选择寄主行为的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
利用3年生臭椿、新疆杨在室内建立混交林进行光肩星天牛成虫放飞试验.结果表明:臭椿、新疆杨混交林对天牛成虫的寄主选择有显著影响,天牛成虫的交尾行为只在新疆杨植株上进行;天牛成虫在林内植株上着落的总虫次随新疆杨株数的减少而下降,交尾次数也减少;臭椿、新疆杨植株数量在林分中所占比例在一定范围时,天牛成虫在新疆杨和臭椿上着落的虫次比均趋于稳定;新疆杨与臭椿以行状3:2和2:3混交时林分的抗虫效果较好. 相似文献
为了摸清光肩星天牛成虫的生物学特性,更好地防治光肩星天牛,我们对光肩星天牛成虫产卵情况进行了挤腹调查。调查结果如下:成熟卵发育规律光肩星天牛5月下旬在树体内已能发育为成虫,6月中旬咬通木质部、皮层,钻出树体,要经过三个阶段才自然死亡。第一阶段,营养补... 相似文献
光肩星天牛成虫特性及其行为的研究 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4
通过对光肩星天牛成虫的取食,交尾及产卵特性进行了较为详细的观察,提出了成虫在性成熟以后,在交尾盛期,其酱不受温度与光照的影响的新论点,并且认为在呼市地区,从7月10日至7月25日期间是一个较好的成虫防治期。 相似文献
浅谈光肩星天牛成虫雌雄性别的快速鉴别 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
根据多年来对光肩星天牛生物学特性的观察研究及反复实践验证 ,总结出了一种准确而实用的光肩星天牛成虫的雌雄性别识别方法。文中用对比的形式详细阐述了在实际工作中应如何快速、准确地对光肩星天牛成虫的雌雄性别进行识别 ,以期读者能从中获益 ,减轻工作强度 ,提高工作效率。 相似文献
In order to investigate different kinds of cellulase in insect pests, we selected male and female adults of Anoplophora glabripennis (Motschulsky) emerging from four different host species (Populus alba var. pyramidalis, P. nigra var. thevestina (Dode) Bean., P. simonii × P. pyramidliscr cv. Opera 8277 Hsu. and Salix matsudana f. lobato-glandulosa) as our research material. The enzyme activitives of three kinds of cellulase in the intestines of the adult insects were measured. The Cx-cellulase isozymes were detected with a CMC-incorporated polyacrylamide gel. The results show that: there are no statistically significant differences between the enzyme activities of males and females emerging from the different host species. The order of magnitude in activity is: Cx-cellulase 〉 β-glycosidase 〉 C1-cellulase. When the adults emerge from the same host species, there are no statistically significant differences between male and female enzyme activities of β-glycosidase and C1-cellulase, but the enzyme activity of Cx-cellulase of males is clearly higher than that of females. The patterns and migration of Cx-cellulase isozymes of males and females emerging from differ-ent hosts trees are clearly not different, and neither are they different when emerging from the same hosts. 相似文献
Xiao-juan Li Xiong-fei Yan You-qing Luo Gui-fang Tian Yin-jie Nian Hong Sun 《中国林学(英文版)》2010,12(1):26-30
Cellulase activities of Anoplophora glabripennis (Motsch.) adults from two host plants (Populus simonii × P.pyramidliscr cv.Opera Hsu.and Salix matsudana Koidz) fed on three different host tree species (Acer negundo Linn.,S.matsudana Koidz and P.simonii × P.pyramidliscr cv.Opera Hsu.) were investigated.Enzyme activities of endoglucanase and β-glucosidase in the intestines of the insects were measured.The results show that there are no statistically significant differences in the enzyme activities of endoglu... 相似文献
Oviposition preference of Anoplophora glabripennis emerging from five host tree species under field conditions 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Xiong-fei Yan Xiao-juan Li You-qing Luo Zhi-chun Xu Gui-fang Tian Tie-lin Zhang 《中国林学(英文版)》2008,10(1):23-26
The Asian longhorned beetle (ALB), Anoplophora glabripennis (Motschulsky) is a polyphagous woodborer of hardwood trees. In order to well understand the oviposition preference of A. glabripennis emerging from different larval host tree species, we selected five common host tree species in the field and evaluated its oviposition preferences. The five host tree species are Acer negundo (AN), Salix matsudana f. lobato-glandulosa (SM), Populus nigra L. var. thevestina (Dode) Bean (PN), P. simonii × P. pyramidalis cv. Opera 8277 (PS) and P. alba var. pyramidalis (PA). Results show that adult beetles emerging from these five tree species almost have the same oviposition phenomenon. All adult beetles, except those emerging from PS, chewed the highest potential sites and laid most eggs on AN trees. Adult beetles emerging from AN, PN, PS and PA did not chew any sites nor laid any eggs on PA trees. These results showed that adult A. glabripennis emerging from the five host tree species did not show any clear oviposition preference for their larval host tree species in the field but they did present the most obvious preference for AN and the lowest preference for PA. 相似文献
光肩星天牛忌避剂的初步研究(英文) 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
对臭椿忌避性的研究表明,光肩星天牛成虫在所采用的两个规格的 Y 字管中不表现“趋”或“避”的选择,爬行方向是盲目的;天牛成、幼虫在仅有臭椿材料条件下,可以正常取食,幼虫一个月之内无明显异常.色谱分析的结果是,臭椿与合作杨枝叶中,溶于有机溶剂物质部分的碳氢化合物大多在碳25 以内,两者的色谱有着明显区别.对七种混合物的忌避性初步研究显示, D, F, G 对天牛具有较强的忌避性, D 和 G 是值得进一步做小面积林间应用研究的忌避剂 相似文献
利用高效低毒制剂对光肩星天牛进行无公害防治技术的试验研究,结果表明:在成虫羽化始盛期对被害木树干喷施200倍液绿色威雷,杀虫率可达100.0%。利用打孔注药法,注射6%吡虫啉乳油1.5ml.cm-1胸径、护树宝注干剂1.0~1.5 ml.cm-1胸径、40%氧化乐果1.5 ml.cm-1胸径的药剂量防治幼虫,杀虫率均在96.3%以上;同时可有效防治黄褐天幕毛虫等多种食叶害虫,且不对环境造成污染。用棉签沾白僵菌粉剂20~50倍液塞入蛀入孔防治幼虫,效果达93.5%以上。从环保角度出发,氧化乐果应逐渐停止使用。 相似文献
利用椴树吸引光肩星天牛成虫产卵又抑制其卵及幼虫发育的特殊功能,对失去生物控制天牛危害能力的林木和林分,实施控虫生物因子补偿及诱控功能的放大,调控天牛种群数量。椴树和杨树分别套笼接虫,诱控树种上的平均产卵刻槽数为15.8个/株,孵化率为0;合作杨上的平均产卵刻槽数为16.1个/株,孵化率为10.56%。光肩星天牛对沙枣和几种感虫树种的嗜好程度有明显差异。在产卵刻槽数量上,加杨〉沙枣〉白桦、毛白杨、北京杨、糖槭;在取食面积上,锗槭〉沙枣〉加杨、白桦、毛白杨、北京杨。通过野外次生林椴树控虫调查结果显示,椴树的引诱距离为10m以内,引诱强度最好的距离为6~8m。以径粗6—10cm的杨树点滴注入或喷布诱控树种提取剂,50d后检查死虫数,其杀虫率在70%。 相似文献
光肩星天牛综合防治技术研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
根据光肩星天牛生物学特性和发生规律,从人工防治、化学防治、物理防治、生物防治等方面对光肩星天牛的综合防治进行了一些探索,为今后光肩星天牛的防治提供了科学依据。 相似文献