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In order to determine the effects of ghost fishing by lost gill nets, the relationship was examined between soak time and number of enmeshed animals in experimentally lost gill nets by using diving observations. Two experimental gill nets were set at 13 m depth in Tateyama Bay, Chiba Prefecture, Japan for approximately 200 days. One gill net was deployed in a small trough surrounded by artificial reefs, and the other was deployed on an adjacent open sandy bed. Twelve species of crustaceans, six species of gastropods, and five species of bony fish were enmeshed in the experimental gill nets. The number of enmeshed animals in the artificial reef gill net was substantially larger than that in the sandy bed gill net. The number of enmeshed animals in the experimental gill nets increased rapidly within one month after deployment, and then declined gradually showing fluctuations caused by the decrease in newly enmeshed animals, and the drop off from gill nets caused by the decomposition of dead animals. The decrease in the number of enmeshed animals was expressed by logarithmic equations, and based on these equations, the duration of capture function for the lost gill nets was calculated to be 284–561 days in the artificial reef gill net and 200 days in the sandy bed gill net. The duration of capture function for the lost gill nets for non-commercial by-catch species such as small crustaceans and gastropods was longer than for commercial species such as Japanese spiny lobster and bony fish.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The net-shape and loading analysis system (NaLA) was developed to determine fishing net configuration and load in a previous study. The system has since been applied to general gill nets and aquaculture nets, and its validity has been proven through model experiments in tanks. In this study, the system was applied to estimate the dynamic behavior of a bottom gill net for walleye pollock, to test the system's applicability of the system to gear operations in the field. To obtain in situ data, four bottom gill net operations were performed in February 2004 off the coast of Sawara, Hokkaido, Japan. During operations, vertical displacements of the bottom gill net's float and sinker lines were measured as representative values of gear behavior, and ocean current direction, and speed at the gear position were observed simultaneously. Then, bottom gill net behavior was simulated using NaLA, incorporating observed environmental conditions and gear specifications. The resulting calculated behavior was compared to measured behavior in terms of the relationship between net height and environmental or setting conditions. Agreement between the calculated and measured net behavior was found. Thus, it is believe that our NaLA calculation model has the potential to simulate the dynamic behavior of bottom gill nets in situ .  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Research on ghost fishing became active in the late 1980s. Ghost fishing has been confirmed for traps, gillnets, trammel-nets and small seine nets. Some lost traps are functional for a long period of time, even in shallow waters. Consequences for gillnets after loss depend on seabed conditions. The ghost fishing function of gillnets remaining on flat seabeds declines rapidly with decreasing heights and increasing visibility. Gillnets left tangled around an artificial reef, for example, three-dimensionally maintain the initial magnitude of ghost fishing for a long period of time, even after badly fouled. There are increasing numbers of researches working on the total number of mortality per gear after gear loss for gillnets and trammel-nets. It has become also possible to estimate the total number of mortality for a unit period of time in a certain fishing sector. This paper reviews research which has provided evidence and quantitative data on ghost fishing, and proposes five items important for future studies on ghost fishing.  相似文献   

为探明流刺网船的捕捞作业情况,根据海阳市2014—2016年流刺网船的渔捞日志,对流刺网船渔获状况进行了分析,并对近海渔业资源利用动态进行了初步探讨。研究表明:流刺网船分为4种作业类型,分别是A类:交替使用海蜇(Rhopilema esculentum)漂流三重刺网、鲅鱼漂流单片刺网和对虾漂流三重刺网;B类:交替使用海蜇漂流三重刺网、对虾漂流三重刺网和青鳞小沙丁鱼(Sardinella zunasi)漂流单片刺网;C类:交替使用海蜇漂流三重刺网、鲅鱼漂流单片刺网、对虾漂流三重刺网和单拖网;D类:交替使用海蜇漂流三重刺网、对虾漂流三重刺网、青鳞小沙丁鱼漂流单片刺网和单拖网。B类的全年单船日平均渔获量低于同一年的其它3类,C、D两类的全年单船日平均渔获量年间波动较大,C类和D类大部分月份单船日平均渔获量都高于A类和B类。结果显示,不同类型各年常见优势种为海蜇、口虾蛄(Oratosquilla oratoria)和三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus),夏季4类作业类型渔获物群落结构相似度较高,A、C类在春季或秋季的部分月份渔获物群落结构相似度高,B、D类在春季和秋季的部分月份群落结构相似度较高。  相似文献   

广西灯光罩网渔船是开发南海外海的主要力量之一。文章采用广西渔船船位监控系统记录的2013年2月~5月广西灯光罩网渔船在南海外海的生产数据,计算各渔区捕捞努力量占同期外海总捕捞努力量的比例作为渔区生产集中程度的指标,据此将渔区按渔船生产集中程度归类为作业高密集区、密集区、低密集区和生产外围区等4类。结果表明,高密集区和密集区的捕捞努力量占总量的2/3以上,构成渔船在南海外海的主要渔场。主要渔场范围包括27个渔区,多分布于南沙海区北部海域,太平岛周围海域是生产集中程度最高的区域。同时分析了灯光罩网主要渔场分布变动情况,讨论当前南海外海渔业开发的态势和存在问题,提出了南海外海渔业生产管理和发展的对策和建议。  相似文献   

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