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  • ? The spruce bark beetle, Ips typographus, is one of the main European forest pests, and mass trapping is probably the most common strategy applied to reduce its population density. However, the results concerning the effectiveness of this control system are often controversal, and many studies consider only the trapping performance with no attention to the damage reduction.
  • ? During spring-summer 2005, a control program against I. typographus outbreaks was set up in NE Italy. Twenty-four spruce forests heavily infested by I. typographus were studied: six protected by pheromone slot-traps, six by horizontal trap-logs and six by standing trap-logs; six untreated stands were kept as controls. Trap-logs were baited with a pheromone specific to I. typographus and treated with insecticide. Each type of device was tested at high, medium and low density in relation to the number of trees infested during the previous year. New damage occurring in the investigated stands was later monitored for one year.
  • ? Protected forests showed mean damage about 80% lower in 2005 than in 2004, with no statistical difference among traps, trap-logs or standing trap-logs. Instead, unprotected forests (controls) suffered damage to a similar extent in both years. Trapping devices showed no statistical differences among mean captures. Device densities showed similar results in damage reduction and insect trapping.
  • ? The results support the hypothesis that intensive trapping performed at stand level may be useful for protecting forests against I. typographus, locally reducing population density and tree mortality.
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    A method and layout of various systems of barriers of pheromone traps is described. The rationale of the method is based on the stress of spruce and the chemical communication ofIps typographus. Various systems of pheromone trap barriers were used according to the required level of protection. The method was used in two areas affected by air pollution and bark beetle outbreak. The first area was in an unnatural spruce monoculture region while the second was in a National Park. The described method led to a significant reduction of bark beetle attacks on trees along forest edges and subsequently to the stopping of movement of the zone of attacked trees due to bark beetle damage. In the case of forest stands with no reduced canopy closure, the reduction of attacks led to a dramatic decline of bark beetle outbreak. On the other hand, this method was not able to reduce the level of bark beetle attack in the interior of forest stands with a decreased level of canopy closure. This method, as part of differentiated pest management measures in one forest district, was successful without any other protection measures in the condition of natural reserves in a spruce vegetation zone.  相似文献   

    Element concentrations in tree rings can be used to monitor changes in environmental quality. With regard to the detection of incipient soil acidification, the manganese concentration in soils and plants is a significant marker for the switch of acid buffering in soils mainly with the exchange of base cations or with the dissolution of aluminium oxides. This is a site-specific non-linear event, indicating the onset of Al3+ dominance in the soil solution, were damages to vegetation due to acid stress become possible. This turning point is also a marker for the attainment of pH 4.2 in soils, the critical threshold used for critical load calculations. On a plot of the German environmental monitoring in forests the element concentrations in tree rings of 60-year-old spruces reveal a distinct decline in the Mn concentration, beginning in the late 1960s ending in the late 1970s. With this information it was possible to assume a base saturation in the soil of about 15–20% in the late 1960s, and to model the development of the base saturation of the site. A decline from 17.5 to 6% within one decade could be related to the deposition. This is in accordance with the base saturation of 6.5%, measured in 1993 for this site, but also for adjacent spruce sites on the same geological substrate. The knowledge of the time span were this site-specific non-linear event occurred is essential for the reconstruction of the soil chemistry of a site. Moreover, it enables the assignment of observations like ‘forest damages’ to the onset of changes in environmental quality.  相似文献   

    Although tidal floodplain forests represent the oldest commercial logging frontier in the Amazon, tree demography analyses are lacking. Consequently, the accurate evaluation of impacts of past use and the development of ecologically sound forest management has lagged. To address that gap, we combine matrix model methods with data from interviews with tidal floodplain smallholders regarding land use and ecological knowledge. Here we examine the population dynamics of 8 common tidal floodplain species and explore the link between species population ecology and past, present, and future timber use.Despite the generally high timber stocks due to the dominance of Mora paraensis, these tidal floodplain forests offer challenges to management similar to those seen in tropical forests elsewhere, including low recruitment and species-specific tree growth rates, population densities and size distributions. Furthermore, species population ecology and survey results indicate that the long legacy of forest use in the tidal floodplain forests will influence the future of forest use and management, negatively impacting some species (e.g., Virola surinamensis) while likely benefiting others (e.g., M. paraensis). The observed diameter distributions of species least harvested in the past (e.g., M. paraensis, Licania heteromorpha) follow those derived from stable stage distributions. For other historically harvested species (e.g., Carapa guianensis, V. surinamensis), a larger number of harvest-sized trees for most species would be expected under unlogged conditions, a result corroborated by survey results indicating that maximum log size of long-used timber species has decreased over the past decades.While timber extraction in the Amazon Estuary has endured for centuries, our results suggest long-term timber use does not necessarily entail sustainability; a long history of timber harvesting can also indicate a gradual process of resource depletion as preferred species are sequentially exhausted. If current practices are left unchanged, the prospects for long-term management are likely to decrease further as the densities of preferred high-value species (C. guianensis, V. surinamensis, P. filipes) fall to levels that make management economically unattractive.  相似文献   

    The influence of genetic determination and environment on the variability of secondary resin canal traits was investigated on 15–19-year-old Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) clones grown in Lower Austria (Pressbaum and Ulmerfeld) and southern Sweden (Knutstorp and Hermanstorp). Eleven and 20 clones were present on the two Austrian and the two Swedish sites, respectively. The sites differed in their water availability, as indicated by different annual precipitation and soil type. Resin canal traits measured were the number of epithelial cells per canal, the number of resin canals per unit tangential wood surface area, the mean resin canal area and the total resin canal area per unit tangential wood surface area. The latter three traits are known to be related to the constitutive resin flow of Norway spruce.

    Environment had an influence on the variability of resin canal traits but the most important factor for the variability was the tree’s genetic disposition. Within countries, clones from the drier sites (Pressbaum and Hermanstorp) showed significantly smaller resin canals. Trees from Pressbaum also had smaller total resin canal areas than trees from Ulmerfeld. The number of epithelial cells and the number of canals did not differ between sites.

    Resin canal traits had wide genetic variation and high broad sense heritabilities (H2), with values between 0.28 and 0.82. Highest heritability values were reached for the number of epithelial cells and the number of canals (H2 > 0.8). Genotypic correlations across trials were high for the resin canal traits and approached 1 in both the Austrian and the Swedish trials, indicating that there was little genotype by environment interaction for these traits and thus the ranking of clones was very similar in the different environments.

    The number of epithelial cells, the mean area and the total resin canal area showed either moderately significant positive genotypic correlations with tree growth traits or none at all.

    In a breeding context, our results are encouraging and indicate that high constitutive defence potential against bark beetles, such as Ips typographus, is not aligned with low volume growth. But it should be taken into consideration that environment and forestry practices can also have an impact on the resin reservoir provided by the radial resin canals.  相似文献   

    Summary Two new proton magnetic resonance techniques, relaxation spectra and relaxation selective imaging, have been used to investigate the distribution of water in samples of normal white spruce sapwood, heartwood, and juvenile wood as well as two rehydrated heartwood samples containing incipient decay and compression wood respectively. It is demonstrated that the spin-spin (T2) relaxation behavior in wood is best presented as a continuous spectrum of relaxation times. Spectra of T2 for white spruce show separate peaks corresponding to the different water environments. Bound water gives a peak with an T2 time of about 1 ms and lumen water gives a distribution of T2 times in the range of 10 to 100 ms. The lumen water T2 time is a function of the wood cell radius. Consequently, the different cell lumen radii distributions for spruce sapwood, juvenile wood, and compression wood are readily distinguishable by the shape of their T2 spectra. Water environments which are separable on a T2 spectrum may be imaged separately. Imaging has been carried out in one dimension for bound water and lumen water of a spruce sapwood sample at four different moisture contents ranging from 100% to 17%. For the first time, we demonstrate that above the fibre saturation point the moisture density profile of the bound water is largely independent of moisture content. The feasibility and utility of using these techniques for internal scanning of logs and lumber is discussed. These techniques should provide new insights into the wood drying process.We would like to thank Michael Weiss of the Biological Science Electron Microscopy Facility at the University of British Columbia for his assistance with the microscopy and image analysis. This research was supported by grants from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the Canadian Forestry Service  相似文献   

    A clear relationship between stand characteristics and spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana (Clem.)) damage was present only for stand composition and budworm damage in Newfoundland during the 1970s. Other stand parameters were not related. A sample size of 2 031 507 was used in the investigation. The lack of a consistent correlation may have been caused by the severity of the outbreak, the randomness of mass transport of adult moths and the lack of wide diversification in species composition of forested lands.  相似文献   

    Western Uganda is home to growing populations of smallholder agriculturalists, expanding commodity plantations, and protected forests. In this setting, we document a shift in who uses forest edge land and how it is used. In developing countries, protected forest edges are traditionally sites where marginalized people can subsist, but increasing land competition has the potential to change this scenario. We used longitudinal field data spanning two decades to characterize the evolution of landownership and land use neighboring Kibale National Park. The number of households has more than doubled since 1993. Land values are rising, and people buying land near the park in recent years are significantly wealthier and have more off-farm income than those who acquired land there in earlier periods. The reverse is true of renters. More people are growing inedible perennial cash crops like eucalyptus, tea, and coffee, especially those with larger amounts of land and capital. Some long-term residents are prospering, while others are squeezed onto ever smaller pieces of land and opting for precarious rental arrangements as land competition increases. We discuss the implications of this transitioning park neighborhood, both for conservation and local livelihoods.  相似文献   

    Shrinkage at the tissue level has been evaluated satisfactorily using relatively simple equipment, comprising an optical microscope equipped with reflected light, a standard objective, a water immersion objective of same magnification and a digital camera connected to a computer. Shrinkage is calculated from pairs of images taken at the same magnification, one collected during immersion in water and the other in air-dry state. A novel software program has been developed to determine shrinkage based on a closed chain of reference points chosen from the anatomical markers at the external part of the zone of interest. Measurements were performed on earlywood, latewood and compression wood zones from two softwood species (Douglas fir and spruce), isolated from the rest of the annual ring with the aid of a diamond wire saw. As main results, reference should be made to the low degree of shrinkage and high anisotropy factor of earlywood, the marked and practically isotropic shrinkage in latewood and the low shrinkage (with respect to cell wall thickness) and inverse anisotropy ratio in compression wood.  相似文献   

    Alley cropping was introduced in the humid forest zone of Cameroon to increase soil fertility in 1987, but until 1992 the adoption rate had remained low. To better understand the reasons behind this, three types of on farm trials were established from fully researcher controlled to fully farmer controlled. During the evaluation of the technology with farmers a number of modifications were registered (1) Pruning height and frequency: Because of the difficulties to consistently cut back at 30 cm, farmers decided to slash at ground level as they normally do while slashing the natural fallow vegetation. This equally allowed for more flexibility in time of pruning. (2) Cropping intensity and pattern: Initially, alleys were cropped each year. This however had several shortcomings. Having observed the positive impact of incidental fallow period in a farmer's field, it was decided to introduce a fallow phase of at least one year. During the fallow period the plot can be used for fodder production, bee farming and production of stakes. (3) Residue management: Fire went incidentally in a farmer's tree plot after slashing, and the trees were not affected. This gave farmers an alternative way to manage the residue, by controlling the fire, before bringing in other crops such as groundnut and cassava. (4) Agroforestry species: Because Leucaena leucocephala, in spite of it soil fertility restoration potential, rapidly became a noxious weed, farmers have asked for a less invasive species. Calliandra calothyrsus was introduced for this purpose and became a good bee forage. With these modifications, the original alley cropping system has evolved into a rotational tree fallow with higher adoption potential. From about 15 farmers who were testing the technology in 1992, the number increased to 52 in 1996, 120 in 1997 and 236 in 1998. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   


    Rule-based automatic grading (RBAG) of sawn timber is a common type of sorting system used in sawmills, which is intricate to customise for specific customers. This study further develops an automatic grading method to grade sawn timber according to a customer's resulting product quality. A sawmill's automatic sorting system used cameras to scan the 308 planks included in the study. Each plank was split at a planing mill into three boards, each planed, milled, and manually graded as desirable or not. The plank grade was correlated by multivariate partial least squares regression to aggregated variables, created from the sorting system's measurements at the sawmill. Grading models were trained and tested independently using 5-fold cross-validation to evaluate the grading accuracy of the holistic-subjective automatic grading (HSAG), and compared with a re-substitution test. Results showed that using the HSAG method at the sawmill graded on average 74% of planks correctly, while 83% of desirable planks were correctly identified. Results implied that a sawmill sorting station could grade planks according to a customer's product quality grade with similar accuracy to HSAG conforming with manual grading of standardised sorting classes, even when the customer is processing the planks further.  相似文献   

    A useful theoretical approach in the literature for those trying to conserve forest biodiversity involves a number of strategies to achieve maintenance of habitat for different species across multiple spatial and temporal scales. This approach emphasises the importance of implementing measures in off-reserve areas to complement reserve systems. This contrasts with both the traditional ‘set-aside’ approach to conservation and the primary aim of production forestry. Translating this risk-spreading approach into on-ground practice is often a difficult task.  相似文献   

    工业原料林建设现状与发展初探——以庆元县为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
    发展工业原料林,增加森林后备资源,是保证林产工业企业生产发展的根本需要,是林业对外开放、引进外资兴办各类林产工业企业的前提条件,也是调整林业产业结构、实现林业分类经营的重要途径.现在分析庆元县工业原料林的现状和存在问题的基础上,提出要加快完善森林资源管理政策,加快林权制度的改革,加大财政转移支付力度,加大科技扶持力度,以达到建设工业原料林的目的,促进林业经济健康快速发展.  相似文献   

    Basic handling characteristics were measured for sawdust, fuel pellets, fuel chips, hog fuel and chunkwood. The aim was to find relations between the basic handling characteristics and easily measurable fuel properties to facilitate the design of feeding systems in heating plants. The angle of repose was 25–55° and increased with the increasing ratio of particle length to thickness and with the increasing content of hooked or long particles. The angle of static friction, 10–40°, was affected more by the kind of surface than the fuel and followed the ascending order: coated plywood, urethane rubber, particle board, stainless steel, concrete and rubber belt conveyor. The tendency to bridge varied considerably and increased with greater content of hooked or long particles, a deeper fuel bed depth over the opening and a higher moisture content. The results indicate that more attention should be paid to the particle shape.  相似文献   

    《Southern Forests》2013,75(4):361-371
    An alternative approach to the formal management strategy of tropical timber species from the Congo Basin was investigated. It focused on the development of glulam, with an aim to specify a decision support model for the valorisation of tropical timber species considered for use in these products. There were 76 forest species analysed regarding ecological, engineering and social criteria according to their major uses. The Electre TRI-B multicriteria sorting method was used. The main result was a new and robust classification tool of timber species from the Congo Basin, corresponding to their multicriteria consensus degree. The potentials of the new grouping system were analysed. Species that meet a great majority of criteria were identified. They were highly suitable for sustaining the market position of glulam products. Implementing this strategy may significantly improve the management and increase the value of the timber species from the Congo Basin, while preserving endangered species.  相似文献   


    Holistic-subjective automatic grading (HSAG) of sawn timber by an industrial customer's product outcome is possible through the use of multivariate partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA), shown by part one of this two-part study. This second part of the study aimed at testing the robustness to disturbances of such an HSAG system when grading Scots Pine sawn timber partially covered in dust. The set of 308 clean planks from part one of this study, and a set of 310 dusty planks, that by being stored inside a sawmill accumulated a layer of dust, were used. Cameras scanned each plank in a sawmill's automatic sorting system that detected selected feature variables. The planks were then split and processed at a planing mill, and the product grade was correlated to the measured feature variables by partial least squares regression. Prediction models were tested using 5-fold cross-validation in four tests and compared to the reference result of part one of this study. The tests showed that the product adapted HSAG could grade dusty planks with similar or lower grading accuracy compared to grading clean planks. In tests grading dusty planks, the disturbing effect of the dust was difficult to capture through training.  相似文献   

    The clover root weevil, Sitona lepidus Gyll. is a pest of clovers (Trifolium spp.), particularly white clover (T. repens). Larva feeding severely impairs the capacity of white clover to fix atmospheric nitrogen, by attacking the nitrogen-fixing root nodules. Development of the egg stage was studied at six different constant temperatures ranging from 9 to 30°C to improve the basis for phenological forecasts. Development occurred over the entire range of temperatures, although hatching percentage at 30°C was only 24.4% compared to 90.1% at 28.5°C. Developmental time decreased with increase in temperature from 9 to 28.5°C but increased markedly at 30°C. At 28.5°C, the embryo development period was the shortest (10.35 days); whereas at 9°C, this parameter was the longest (55.08 days). Using linear regression, the lower threshold temperature was calculated 4.38°C and the thermal constant was 236.45 degree-days. The relationship between constant temperature and developmental rate was evaluated using nine models. The suitability of the models was evaluated based on eight indicators (R 2, RSS, R adj2, AIC, BIC, AICC, W j , and Z i ). Of the nonlinear models, the Logan-6, Sharpe and DeMichele, and Lactin models were the most accurate at calculating t opt of 27, 27.50, and 28°C, respectively. The results suggest that of the three models (Lactin, Briere, and Hilbert and Logan), that estimated critical temperatures, (t min, t opt, and t max), Lactin gave the most suitable fit of data. This response of S. lepidus to temperature can be used for developing phonological models to predict the timing of egg hatch which are important for management programs targeting the weevil.  相似文献   

    该研究以福州河南新村作为研究对象,利用条件价值法计算支付意愿值,并利用二元Logistics回归模型和多元线性回归模型,对影响居民支付意愿和支付金额的因素进行分析.结果显示:(1)59.12%的受访者有支付意愿,人均支付金额为71.25元(1次性支付).(2)对城市老旧居住区景观改造的了解程度、居住时长、平均每天在公共...  相似文献   

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