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Optimal culture conditions in artificial nutritive media were determined for a defined avirulent strain of Treponema hyodysenteriae and for four field strains of treponemas in pigs with clinical dysentery. The treponemas were isolated with the use of milliporous filters with pores of 0.3 micrometer in diameter, which were located on the surface of blood agar. No significant difference in the influence of equine, bovine or sheep blood on the growth of treponemas was determined. The commercial amount of glucose in the used media, 2.0 to 2.5 g per 1,000 ml, was quite sufficient for the growth of the treponemas and it was not necessary to increase the amount. After reaching the optimal rate of growth the oxidoreduction potential was diminished by adding cystein or cystein hydrochloride and placing the Petri dishes with the media, prior to inoculation, into an anaerobic medium filled with hydrogen. The suitable composition of the culture atmosphere created in a special anaerostat comprised 0.4 to 1.0% carbon dioxide and the rest being hydrogen. Treponemas grew on the blood agar in zones with very slight hemolysis without forming separated colonies.  相似文献   

Using an indirect fluorescent antibody test, immunofluorescence of large spirochetes was observed with serum from swine that had recovered from swine dysentery. The spirochetes were obtained from scrapings of the colonic mucosa on the first day of diarrhea which was the time when the spirochete population was observed to be the highest. Of 29 exposed nonmedicated swine which developed and recovered from a diarrhea characteristic of swine dysentery 27 had antispirochete serum titers which ranged from 1:2 to 1:16. None of the 50 nonexposes swine developed a titer. Of 19 swine with a serum titer and reexposed with infective swine dysentery inoculum, 18 did not develop a diarrhea and were presumed to be immune. Considering these findings it is possible that this test could be used to detect antispirochete antibody in unknown swine serum.  相似文献   

Spirochetes found in feces of normal and infected pigs during the eight days preceding the onset of the clinical signs of swine dysentery have been studied using electron and phase contrast microscopy. According to their dimensions, diameter, length and pitch, three morphological groups have been described: small, intermediate and large spirochetes. On the basis of their axial filaments arrangement, eight types have been observed. Compared to the control pigs, there was no increase in the total number of spirochetes in infected pigs, except at day 6 before the onset of clinical signs. However, infected pigs have shown a wide spectrum of different morphological types of spirochetes in comparison to control, uninfected pigs, which showed only the type "1-2-1" spirochete of axial filaments arrangement. This last type was predominant in infected swine during the entire incubation period as compared to other spirochete types described.  相似文献   

A direct fluorescent antibody test was developed for the identification of large spirochetes which are considered to be the cause of swine dysentery. Sera from swine which had recovered from swine dysentery and had been hyperimmunized by the intravenous and intraperitoneal injection of filtered spirochetes were used for conjugation with fluorescein isothiocyanate. A bright greenish fluorescence of large spirochetes was observed with the conjugated serum from hyperimmunized pig No. 1 when diluted 1:8 and hyperimmunized pig No. 2 when diluted 1:2. Pig No. 1 had developed a serum titer of 1:64 using the indirect fluorescent antibody test for large spirochetes. The conjugated serum from the three swine which had recovered from swine dysentery fluoresced spirochetes only when undiluted. The conjugated serum from the two swine treated while having a hemorrhagic diarrhea did not fluoresce spirochetes. No immunofluorescence of Vibrio spp. was observed.  相似文献   

Colonic lesions in experimental swine dysentery were studied electron microscopically. Changes indicative of stasis were commonly observed in the microcirculatory vessels of lamina propria. Early lesions in epithelial cells included sparse, short and irregular microvilli, swollen and degenerated mitochondria, and swelling and vesiculation of endoplasmatic reticulum. Numerous large spirochaetes were observed in these locations: a) in the crypts, b) free (i.e. not membrane bound) in cytoplasm of damaged epithelial cells, and c) in cavities, around vessels of lamina propria. It is suggested that stasis, and resultant disturbances in microcirculation in early developmental stages of swine dysentery, may play a pathogenetic role in the development of the necrotic colonic lesions. Finally, it is discussed whether a mechanism related to Sanarelli-Shwartzman reaction is implicated in the development of colonic lesions in swine dysentery.  相似文献   

Swine dysentery was eradicated from a 270 sow herd by using medication in conjunction with cleaning and disinfection, without reducing the herd size. The feed conversion efficiency, cost per kg liveweight gain and veterinary costs in the herd were compared with similar Meat and Livestock Commission recorded herds before swine dysentery entered the farm, while it was present and after its eradication. During the four years when the disease was endemic in the herd the feed conversion efficiency deteriorated by 0.58, equivalent to 7.31 pounds per pig, the cost per kg liveweight gain was 15 per cent higher and the costs of veterinary care and medicines were 1.38 pounds per pig greater. Although there were pigs with clinical swine dysentery in the herd during the four year period, the poor production figures were attributed mainly to subclinical disease. The cost of eradicating the disease was more than 20,000 pounds but this sum was recouped within 12 months by the improved production and reduced drug usage. The chances of success of such a programme have been estimated to be between 54 and 90 per cent.  相似文献   

Broth cultures of Treponema hyodysenteriae and colonic content from pigs with swine dysentery were tested for cytotoxicity in cell cultures, erythrocyte suspensions and in ligated segments of pig colon. Live cells of T. hyodysenteriae attached to the surface of cells in all cultures tested but did not penetrate them nor cause morphologic change detectable by light microscopy. Only live T. hyodysenteriae caused erythrolysis. Broth cultures or colonic content sterilized by filtration or by disruption with ultrasound had no visible effect on the cell cultures, erythrocyte suspensions or the mucosa of ligated colonic segments.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to study the effect of diets with contrasting fermentability in the large intestine on experimental infections with Brachyspira hyodysenteriae, the causative agent of swine dysentery, and the whip worm, Trichuris suis, in pigs. Two diets with organically grown ingredients were composed. Both diets were based on triticale and barley and supplemented with either rape seed cake (Diet 1) or dried chicory root and sweet lupins (Diet 2). The study had a three-factorial design, with eight groups of pigs receiving Diet 1 or Diet 2, +/-B. hyodysenteriae, and +/-T. suis. Pigs fed Diet 2 and challenged with B. hyodysenteriae did not develop swine dysentery and B. hyodysenteriae was not demonstrated in any of the pigs during the study. In contrast, 94% of the B. hyodysenteriae challenged pigs fed Diet 1 showed clinical symptoms of swine dysentery and all the pigs were shedding B. hyodysenteriae in faeces at some points in time during the experiment. The number of T. suis was lower in pigs fed Diet 2 compared to pigs fed Diet 1, but the differences were not significant. Pigs on Diet 1 and challenged with both pathogens showed clinical symptoms of SD for a longer period than pigs inoculated with B. hyodysenteriae only. The study showed that diets supplemented with highly fermentable carbohydrates from dried chicory roots and sweet lupins can protect pigs against developing swine dysentery, but do not have any significant influence on T. suis.  相似文献   

Thirty weanling pigs were examined by scanning electron microscopy at various time intervals after oral inoculation with crude colon contents from pigs affected with dysentery. The earliest recognizable change was a corrugated appearance of the mucosal surface of the large intestine. Large spirochetes, morphologically similar to Treponema hyodysenteriae, were first observed within the crypts of Lieberkühn where they seemed to proliferate onto the luminal surface. Then mucus, fibrin, erythrocytes, and disrupted epithelium appeared. Large spirochetes were always abundant in those lesions, but variable numbers of other mixed bacterial forms were also present. The earliest changes could be correlated with the appearance of large spirochetes in the feces and with early clinical signs, but not with a specific postinoculation time. Once bloody diarrhea was present, no consistent pattern was observed in development, location, or form of the lesions. With time, the lesions merely came to involve an increasingly greater surface area of the large intestine.  相似文献   

Brachyspira (Serpulina) hyodysenteriae was isolated from 10 of 11 pigs with clinically suspected swine dysentery in six herds in northern Italy. All strains were successfully isolated in the selective blood agar modified medium with spectinomycin and rifampin (BAM-SR) currently used in our laboratory to isolate B. (S.) pilosicoli of human origin, after pre-treatment of intestinal material with spectinomycin and rifampin in foetal calf serum. Isolates had phenotypic characteristics typical of B. (S.) hyodysenteriae.  相似文献   

Griseoviridin, a known antibiotic produced by Streptomyces cacaoi subsp. cacaoi, was found to be active against Brachyspira hyodysenteriae--the bacterium causing swine dysentery. An in vitro synergism is observed when it is used in combination with viridogrisein--a simultaneously produced antibiotic. In mouse experiments, the effect of griseoviridin alone was less than that of lincomycin--a commercially available swine dysentery medication. However, a 1:1 mixture of griseoviridin and viridogrisein revealed a noticeable synergistic effect. In an evaluation using pigs artificially infected with B. hyodysenteriae, a large difference was not observed between the effect of griseoviridin alone and that in combination with viridogrisein. Nevertheless, griseoviridin alone exhibited a therapeutic effect superior to that of lincomycin.  相似文献   

The addition of a combination of lincomycin and spectinomycin to feed at the total concentrations of 44 and 77 mg/kg, beginning at the time of exposure and continuing for 8 weeks, prevented experimentally induced swine dysentery in swine. The disease did not develop after the medication was withdrawn. In contrast, swine dysentery, similar to that seen in the nonmedicated swine, did develop in simultaneously exposed swine treated with feed containing either 44 mg of tylosin or 99 mg sodium arsanilate/kg. The swine fed sodium arsanilate and which developed hemorrhagic diarrhea had a more severe form of this type of diarrhea than did the nonmedicated swine. After reexposure to inefective inoculum of swine dysentery 86 days after initial exposure, all remaining swine previously medicated with either tylosin or sodium arsanilate and all nonmedicated swine were immune; whereas 17 of the 24 swine fed the combination of lincomycin and spectinomycin were susceptible to swine dysentery and developed diarrhea.  相似文献   

Twenty-six specific-pathogen-free pigs were fed pure cultures of Treponema hyodysenteriae. Five untreated pigs were controls. Distribution of this large spirochete in pigs with swine dysentery was shown by the indirect fluorescent antibody technique. Findings by this method were compared with those from dark-field examination of colonic mucosal scrapings and from tissue sections. The cultures caused mucohemorrhagic colitis which by 10 days after inoculation was indistinguishable from the colitis of swine dysentery. Control pigs remained normal. Pigs killed when spirochetes were first seen in the feces had normal colonic mucosa with only a few spirochetes. At the first sign of diarrhea, however, the colonic mucosa was thicker than normal and had many spirochetes. T. hyodysenteriae was confined to regions of hypertrophy and exudation of the large intestine mucosa throughout the course of disease.  相似文献   

Swine dysentery was induced in 18 swine exposed by intravenous injection of a filtrate which contained Treponema hyodysenteriae and was obtained from macerated colonic scrapings of swine dysentery. However, swine dysentery did not develop in swine injected intravenously with a pure culture of T. hyodysenteriae or when combined with a colonic filtrate from normal swine. Diarrheal feces from the swine injected intravenously with the filtered T. hyodysenteriae contained more mucus, and fecal smears contained more T. hyodysenteriae and fewer other bacteria than did swine exposed orally to colon infected with swine dysentery or filtered T. hyodysenteriae. In the colons of the 12 swine injected intravenously with filtered T. hyodysenteriae that died, there was a minimum amount of croupous membrane and, microscopically, the T. hyodysenteriae were located deep in the colonic crypts. Five of the six surviving swine injected intravenously with filtered T. hyodysenteriae developed serum anti-T. hyodysenteriae antibodies using the indirect fluorescent antibody test and four of these swine developed diarrhea when reexposed with swine dysentery infected colon six weeks after initial exposure. None of the swine injected intravenously with cultured T. hyodysenteriae developed serum anti-T. hyodysenteriae antibodies and all were highly susceptible to swine dysentery.  相似文献   

A method was designed to evaluate and compare the microtitration agglutination test (MAT) and the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect antibodies in swine sera to Treponema hyodysenteriae and thereby establish a method for determining the prevalence of swine dysentery (SD) in herds. According to sampling criteria based on the hypergeometric distribution, sera were collected from 3 age groups of swine from farms having a history of SD on the premises (SD+) recently or being free of the disease (SD-). The highest degree of test sensitivity was obtained when sera from market age swine were evaluated with the ELISA. Of 14 SD+ herds from which sera were obtained from market-age swine, 13 were positive with the ELISA (93%); none of the 8 SD- herds was positive. The detection rates of individual swine in the SD+ herds for the 2 tests by age group were as follows: MAT--adult swine 1.4%, market-age swine 6%, and weaned pigs 0.8%; ELISA--adult swine 16%, market swine 31%, and weaned pigs 0.5%.  相似文献   

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