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1尼帕病的基本情况尼帕(Nipah)病是上世纪末在马来西亚及南亚国家发现和流行的人兽共患的传染病,对人的致死率高达40%~50%。根据OIE记述,检测马来西亚历史样品的结果表明,1996年以来尼帕病毒(Nipahvirus,NiV)就已感染当地猪只,但由于无明显症状并未被察觉,直至1998~1999年暴发了人的急性脑炎才引起高度注意。  相似文献   

亨德拉病 ( Hendra disease,HD)是由亨德拉病毒 ( Hendra Virus,He V)引起的一种新的人畜共患病毒性疾病 ,于 1 994- 1 995年期间在澳大利亚昆士兰州布里斯班郊区的亨德拉首次被发现。目前该病仅发生于澳大利亚 ,主要感染马和人。本文就该病的研究概况作一介绍。1 发病历史1 994- 1 995年期间 ,在澳大利亚昆士兰发现了一种新的地方性流行疾病 ,后来用该病的发病地名命名为亨德拉病 ( Hendra Disease)。 1 994年 9月 ,昆士兰州布里斯班郊区的亨德拉首次暴发本病 ,在 2 0多天时间里 2 0匹感染马中有 1 3匹马死于急性呼吸道病[1] 。在这次…  相似文献   

立百病:——一种新的人畜共患病   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

1 历史1 997年马来西亚半岛北部Perak州Ipoh市郊暴发了一种引起人类死亡的严重发热性脑炎 ,发病者都是养猪业者 ,由于该地区是日本乙型脑炎高发区 ,因此一开始人们认为是日本乙型脑炎病毒引起 ,于是实行灭蚊和打乙脑疫苗等措施。然而 1 998年 9月在马来西亚半岛又发生了类似的疾病 ,发病者也是与猪有直接接触的人群 ,而且这些人中大多是已经注射过乙脑疫苗的 ,这引起人们的极大重视。 1 998年 9月到 1 999年 5月由于感染猪的移动使该病从半岛的北部Perak州蔓延到南部Negrisembi lan州和Selangor州的一…  相似文献   

猪链球菌病(Streptoccosis suis)是由链球菌引起的一种猪的传染病。但由于感染猪的链球菌中的一些血清型菌株(如2型猪链球菌株)可以引起人感染发病乃至死亡,而越来越引起兽医界与医学界的高度关注。  相似文献   

炭疽——一种人畜共患病的防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

新型人畜共患病——附红细胞体病   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
附红细胞体病 (Eperythrozoonosis :简称附红体病 )是由附红细胞体 (Eperythrozoon ;简称附红体 )引起的一种人畜共患传染病 ,以贫血、黄疸和发热为特征。本病最早发现于 1 92 8年 ,但过去因其对非摘脾动物很少有致病性而长期被人们所忽视 ,直到 1 950年确定猪的黄疸性贫血是由附红体所引起 ,才逐渐被重视起来。目前本病已广泛分布于世界许多国家和地区。我国于 1 981年首先在家兔中发现附红体 ,相继在牛、羊、猪等家畜中查到附红体 ,以后在人群中也证实了附红体感染的存在。近年来 ,特别是 1 993年以来 ,随…  相似文献   

一、问题的严重性:据Meyer等报道,在1968年,从世界各地16539只鸽中检出衣原体抗体阳性者达27%,分离出衣原体者达20%。美国有2个州在10年捕获的1000只鸽中,检出衣原体抗体阳性者占30—90%(平均50%)。西德、比利时和荷兰等国的鸽衣原体抗体检出率分别为17.6%、58.5%和22%。千叶等(1973—1983)从日本北海道等地区的1394只家鸽中检出鹦鹉热衣原体15—53%(平均32%),分离率为0.8~  相似文献   

家畜传染病是对养殖业危害最严重的一类疾病.它不仅造成大批畜禽死亡,降低畜产品质量.影响人民生活和对外贸易.而且其中的一些人畜共患传染病给人民群众的健康带来严重威胁。  相似文献   

Summary The literature on Vervet monkey disease has been reviewed to draw the attention of tropical veterinarians to this new zoonosis.
Resumen La literature sobre la enfermedad ‘Vervet’ en monos ha sido revisada para llamar la atención de veterinarios trabajando en zonas tropicales, a esta nueva zoonosis.

Résumé Il s'agit d'une revue des publications traitant de la maladie des singes Vervet afin d'attirer l'attention des vétérinaires des régions tropicales sur cette nouvelle zoonose.

Borna disease: a possible emerging zoonosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Borna disease virus (BDV) causes a disease of the central nervous system (CNS) in several vertebrate species. The progress made over the last 30 years in molecular biology has allowed us to identify the unique characteristics of the virus, such as its persistence in the CNS and the way it is expressed. This has allowed scientists to classify this pathogenic agent in a new family of RNA viruses. BDV affects a very large spectrum of hosts and is responsible for a disease characterised by behavioural anomalies. The large range of intra- or inter-specific symptoms of this disease (from persistence of the virus without clinical symptoms to CNS destruction) make epidemiological studies very difficult. Different diagnostic tools have allowed the detection of this infectious agent in different species around the world (central Europe, USA, UK, Japan, Iran, etc.). The disease can be fatal for sheep and horses (its primary natural hosts) and can infect other species such as rats, cattle, dogs, cats or pigeons. In human beings, BDV could be responsible for certain psychiatric disorders. In France, the limited number of epidemiological studies that have been conducted up until now (in veterinary and medical fields) does not allow scientists to ascertain whether the disease is present in France or not. Due to the suspected large geographical distribution of this infectious agent, however, we could expect the presence of BDV in France.  相似文献   

猪链球菌2型——人畜共患病新病原菌的研究概况   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12  
猪链球菌 2型是许多国家导致猪链球菌病的主要病原 ,90年代以来猪链球菌 2型已成为我国引起人畜共患病的一种重要的新病原菌。对该菌的致病因子及其之间的相互作用机理尚不清楚。通常认为荚膜多糖、溶菌酶释放蛋白 (MRP)、细胞外因子 (EF)、猪溶素 (suilysin)等与致病力有关。该菌在绵羊血培养基上生长良好 ,呈α 溶血 ,48h后有草绿色色素沉着 ,革兰氏染色阳性 ,有荚膜 ;此菌的生化特性往往差异较大 ;乳胶或玻片凝集试验、核糖体分型试验、PCR等方法可进行鉴定。通常认为该菌对仔猪、山羊、家兔、BALB/C小鼠等有较强致病力 ,对普通小白鼠致病力低 ,而对雏鸡、雏鸭、成年豚鼠均不致病。灭活苗、弱毒苗和亚单位保护性抗原在一些国家已做了研究。  相似文献   

尼帕病毒病是近几年才发现的一种严重危害畜牧业和人类健康的传染病,已引起重大的经济损失和人员死亡。本文结合最新研究材料,简要介绍了该病的病原学、流行病学、临床症状、发病机理、病理变化以及诊断和防治,旨在防患未然。  相似文献   

Toxoplasmosis - a waterborne zoonosis   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Humans become infected with Toxoplasma gondii mainly by ingesting uncooked meat containing viable tissue cysts or by ingesting food or water contaminated with oocysts from the feces of infected cats. Circumstantial evidence suggests that oocyst-induced infections in humans are clinically more severe than tissue cyst-acquired infections. Until recently, water-borne transmission of T. gondii was considered uncommon but a large human outbreak linked to contamination of a municipal water reservoir in Canada by wild felids and the widespread infection by marine mammals in the USA provide reasons to question this view. The present paper reviews information on the biology of oocyst-induced infections of T. gondii in humans and animals and examines possible importance of transmission by water.  相似文献   

Trichinellosis: a worldwide zoonosis   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
Trichinella spp. are some of the most widespread parasites infecting people and other mammals all over the world, regardless of climate. This paper attempts to describe the present status of trichinellosis worldwide and to determine if and why trichinellosis is emerging or re-emerging. The global prevalence of the disease is difficult to evaluate but as many as 11 million people may be infected. More than 10000 cases of human trichinellosis were reported by the International Commission on Trichinellosis from 1995 to June 1997 and about 10000 porcine infections were reported by the Office International des Epizooties in 1998. The disease is particularly worrisome in the Balkans, Russia, the Baltic republics, in some parts of China and Argentina. Horsemeat-related outbreaks have been reported in France and Italy and have involved about 3000 patients in the past 25 years. The emergence of trichinellosis in some countries is explained by a better knowledge of the disease (formerly often misdiagnosed as influenza), modifications of consumer habits, re-forestation in Europe and increase of wild game, importation of meats from countries where trichinellosis is endemic and failure of veterinary control due to human error or to social upheavals. This disease linked to meat-consumption which is theoretically easy to prevent by adequate cooking, freezing and veterinary controls, should deserve the attention of all persons involved in public health and it could be eradicated at least from domestic pigs.  相似文献   

Tuberculosis is an important disease among many zoonoses, because both Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium bovis, which are the major causes of tuberculosis, are highly pathogenic, infect many animal species and thus are likely to be the source of infection in humans. In particular, monkeys are highly susceptible to these bacteria and are important spreaders. Recently, two outbreaks of M. tuberculosis occurred in four different kinds of monkeys and humans were also infected with the disease in Japan. In zoos, tuberculosis was reported not only in monkeys, but also in several different kinds of animals, including elephants. Pets such as dogs and cats are believed to be generally less susceptible to M. tuberculosis, but in this article we introduce a case of infection from man to dog by close contact. Japan is one of the few countries that have been able to control M. bovis infection. In other countries, however, cases of bovine tuberculosis and human M. bovis infection have been reported, and thus further attention is still required in the future.  相似文献   

概述了尼帕病毒病在国外的流行状况、尼帕病毒(Nipah virus,NiV)的变异及我国的研究现状,着重阐述了近年来在其基础病毒学、诊断技术及防治方面的研究进展,主要包括病毒蛋白的功能及其相互作用、受体的发现、动物模型、荧光PCR及ELISA诊断技术、抑制NiV感染及治疗等方面的研究成果,为该病的深入研究提供了参考。  相似文献   

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