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Nutrient content of the edible leaves of seven wild plants from Niger   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wild plants play an important role in the diet of the inhabitants of Niger. These plants tend to be drought-resistant and are gathered both in times of plenty as well as times of need. Used in everyday cooking, famine foods may be an important source of nutrients. The goal of this study was to investigate the nutritional role of wild plants in the nigérien diet. To this end, leaves of seven plants species were analyzed for their mineral, amino acid and fatty acid contents: Ximenia americana, Amaranthus viridus, Corchorus tridens, Hibiscus sabdarifa, Maerua crassifolia, Moringa oleifera, and Leptadenia hastata. Ximenia americana} contained large amounts of calcium. Large quantities of iron were present in Amaranthus viridus. All seven plants contained significant amounts of selenium and phosphorus. Corchorus tridens contained the most protein (19–25% dry weight), and its composition compared favorably to the World Health Organization's standard for essential amino acids. Moringa oleifera contained 17% protein and compared favorably with the WHO standard. Corchorus tridens contained the largest amounts of the two essential fatty acids linoleic and -linolenic acids. These results reinforce the growing awareness that wild edible plants of the Western Sahel can contribute useful amounts of essential nutrients, including amino acids, fatty acids and trace minerals, to human diets.  相似文献   

In the western Sahel and many other regions of sub-Saharan Africa,wild edible plants contribute significantly to human diets, notonly during periods when cereal staples are scarce, but also whenthey are readily available. Although there have been publishedreports regarding the nutrient contents of these plant foods,little attention has been devoted to their content of antinutrientssuch as calcium chelators and inhibitors of the pancreas-derivedproteases, trypsin and chymotrypsin, which are required for theefficient digestion and absorption of dietary proteins. In thisstudy, aqueous extracts of 61 different leaves, seeds, fruits andflowers of edible plants gathered in the Republic of Niger wereanalyzed for their content of trypsin inhibitory substances using-N-benzoyl-DL-arginine-p-nitroanilide as the substrate andbovine trypsin as the enzyme source. Twelve of these plant foodscontained more antitrypsin activity than soybeans (1.34–8.18 vs.1.32 g trypsin inhibited/mg dry weight). Boiling for 3 mindid not inactivate the antitrypsin activity in most of the plantextracts. These data confirm that more than half of the wildedible plant foods widely consumed by various populations whoinhabit the western Sahel contain significant quantities of heat-stable trypsin inhibitor that could possibly compromise thebioavailability of proteins present in the diets of these populations.  相似文献   

Dried seeds and nuts are widely consumed by indigenous populations of the western Sahel, especially those who inhabit rural areas. In light of the need for quantitative information regarding the content of particular nutrients in these plant foods, we collected dried pumpkin (Cucurbita spp) seeds and nuts of Cyperus esculentus in the Republic of Niger and analyzed them for their content of essential amino acids, minerals and trace elements, and fatty acids.On a dry weight basis, pumpkin seed contained 58.8% protein and 29.8% fat. However, the lysine score of the protein was only 65% relative to the FAO/WHO protein standard. The pumpkin seed contained useful amounts of linoleic (92 μg/g dry weight) and the following elements (on a μg per g dry weight basis): potassium (5,790), magnesium (5,690), manganese (49.3), zinc (113), selenium (1.29), copper (15.4), chromium (2.84), and molybdenum (0.81), but low amounts of calcium and iron. Except for potassium (5,573 μg/g dry weight) and chromium (2.88 μg/g dry weight), the C. esculentis nuts contained much less of these same nutrients compared to pumpkin seeds.In conclusion, pumpkin seeds represent a useful source of many nutrients essential to humans. The data in this report should of practical value to public health officials in rural areas of sub-Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

Five plant-based weaning foods (WF) (Dietrend, Jot-M, Soy, Ang and Vic-T) locallyprepared in Jos, Nigeria were analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography,reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography, and atomicemission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma to determine theirfatty acid (FA), amino acid, and trace mineral contents, respectively.Results of these direct analyses were compared to expected values derivedfrom food composition tables prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Additionally, results were compared against recommendednutrient values, using breast milk as the standard for FA content andrecommended dietary allowances (RDA) for amino acid and mineral contents.The overall nutritional value of the five WF varied considerably and thequantities of particular nutrients determined by direct analysis differedmarkedly from those estimated using USDA food tables. Comparison of WFfatty acid composition relative to the RDA recommendations and a humanmilk standard revealed a much higher proportion of both linoleic (35–55wt%) and -linolenic acids (1%–7 wt%) relative to human milklipids (11%–12% and 0.8%–0.9% wt, respectively); however, the WFwere devoid of arachidonic acid and docosahexaenoic acid. Soy containedthe highest amounts of linoleic acid (59.7 mg/g) and -linolenicacid (7.46 mg/g) compared to the other four WF (10.2–41.0 and 0.35–3.18 mg/g, respectively). The linoleic acid/-linolenic acid ratio was within the recommended range (5:1 to 10:1) in only Jot-M (10:1)and Soy (8:1). Dietrend, Vic-T and Ang, containedlinoleic/-linolenic ratios of 12:1, 29:1, and 82:1, respectively.The Soy weaning food would provide the most protein (24.3 g/day), basedon an estimated daily intake of 65 g of weaning food by a normalsix-month-old infant, compared to Jot-M (11.9 g/day), Dietrend (11.7g/day), Ang (8.07 g/day) and Vic-T (7.26 g/day). The protein RDA forchildren up to 1 year of age is 13–14 g/day. Comparison of the mineralcontents of the WF to the RDAs for various minerals indicated that all fivewould provide suboptimal amounts of calcium (16 to 250 mg/day) andzinc (1.42 to 3.56 mg/day) compared to respective RDAs of400 mg/day and 5 mg/day.These data show that the Soy weaning food is an excellent source of linoleicacid and -linolenic acid, as well as being a good source of highquality protein. Jot-M and Dietrend provide useful amounts of the essentialFA; however, it is advisable to reevaluate the composition of Ang andVic-T to find ways to improve the linoleic/-linolenic ratio of eachand increase their total protein content. These results document theshortcomings of using published food composition tables based on foods inAmerica when devising weaning foods based on ingredients in another partof the world.  相似文献   

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