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Different improved coffee arabica crosseshaving resistance to coffee berry diseaseand leaf rust, plus a standard cultivar,were grown under a range of environmentalconditions in a series of field trials inKenya. The effects of location and year ofproduction and their interactions with theclones were determined for berry yield.These data were used to estimate andcompare methods of analysis of GEI. An AMMImodel, joint regression model and ANOVAwith repeated measurements were used toinvestigate these interactions. The resultsindicated the relative effects of theclones and the environmental conditions,with Meru being the location where therewas greatest discrimination between theclones, probably because it was bettersuited for coffee. Clones,environments and joint regressions combinedaccounted for 31.20% of the interaction,leaving a residual of 68.80%. Significantresidual mean squares showed therelationship between clones andenvironments not to be strictly linear,thus indicating that regression analysisdid not always provide good estimates ofindividual clonal performance acrossenvironments. High correlations wereobtained between mean yield and regressioncoefficients and between ecovalence andmean square deviations as well as thecoefficient of determination. Resultsshowed that the improved clones surpassedthe standard cultivar both in terms ofyield and stability.Different analyses of the various aspectsof genotype response enabled the 21 clonesto be classified into different similaritygroups based on their performance andphenotypic stability as measured by variousstability parameters and the use of biplotsfrom the AMMI analysis.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity was studied using RAPD markers among119 coffee (Coffea arabica L.) individuals representing 88 accessions derived from spontaneous and subspontaneous trees in Ethiopia, the primary centre of species diversity, six cultivars grown locally in Ethiopia, and two accessions derived from the genetic populations Typica and Bourbon, spread in the 18th century, which gave rise to the most currently grown cultivars. Twenty-nine polymorphic fragments were used to calculate a similarity index and construct dendrograms. The Ethiopian material was separated from the Typica- and Bourbon-derived accessions and classified in four groups: one with most of the collected material from southwestern Ethiopia and three from southern and southeastern Ethiopia. Almost all detected diversity was found in the southwestern group while the southern and southeastern groups presented only 59% of identified markers. The genetic distances were low between the southwestern group and the southern and southeastern groups, and between the southwestern group and the Typica- and Bourbon-derived accessions. The cultivated coffee derived from the genetic populations Typica and Bourbon appeared little differentiated from wild coffee growing in the southwest. The results supported the hypothesis that southwestern Ethiopian coffee trees could have been introduced recently in the south and southeast. A separate analysis of the 80accessions classified in the southwestern group allowed identifying particular spontaneous- and subspontaneous-derived accessions and redundancies in the collected material from southwestern Ethiopia. RAPD markers did not detect any within-collection polymorphism except for two trees that were identified as off-types in the CATIE field genebank. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

S.288 an offspring of a putative spontaneous interspecific hybrid between tetraploid Coffea Arabica (2n = 4x = 44) and diploid C. liberica(2n = 2x = 22) and 17 arabica coffee introgression lines (representing F2 and F4) derived from the cross S.288 x Kent arabica were evaluated for introgression of C. liberica genetic material. In all, 36 AFLP primer combinations were used in the analysis. The AFLP profiles of introgressed lines were compared to five accessions each of C. arabica and C. liberica. A total of 137 polymorphic bands were scored among the 29 accessions analysed. The introgressed genotypes exhibited 102 marker bands consisting of 65 additional bands and 37missing bands associated with introgression of C. liberica genetic material. C. liberica accessions of EA group (C. liberica var liberica of Guinean origin) seemed to be the likely progenitor in the origin of natural hybrid. Analysis of genetic relationships in the introgressed lines suggested that introgression was limited to few fragments. Segregation and wide variation in number of marker fragments in the F2 and F4progenies were attributed to chromosome recombinations. The differences in the level of introgression between introgressed parent, F2 and F4 groups was not pronounced. Therefore the alien genetic material appeared to be fixed and there was no elimination or counter-selection over generations, from introgressed parent to F4.In C. arabica accessions, only 35 polymorphic bands were seen confirming the low genetic diversity. On the contrary, although representing a small amount of alien genome introgression, the Liberica-introgressed genotypes provided notable genetic diversity. Considering the fact that the diploid species of Coffea constitute a valuable source of genetic diversity, the potential implications of variability generated by Liberica-introgressed genotypes in C. arabica breeding are discussed. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary The inheritance of resistance to coffee berry disease (CBD) has been studied by applying a preselection test to F2 progenies of a half diallel cross between 11 coffee varieties with different degrees of resistance and to sets of parental, F1, F2, B11 and B12 generations of crosses between resistant and susceptible varieties. True resistance to CBD appears to be controlled by major genes on three different loci. The highly resistant variety Rume Sudan carries the dominant R- and the recessive K-genes. The non-allelic interaction between these two genes is of a duplicate nature. The R-locus has multiple alleles with R 1R1alleles present in Rume Sudan and the somewhat less effective R 2R2alleles in a variety like Pretoria, which also has the K-gene. The moderately resistant variety K7 carries only the recessive K-gene. The arabica-like variety Hibrido de Timor (a natural interspecific arabica x robusta hybrid) carries one gene for CBD resistance on the T-locus with intermediate gene action. It probably inherited this gene from its robusta parent. There is circumstantial evidence that the resistance to CBD is of a stable nature, but it is advisable to accumulate in one genotype as many resistance genes as possible by combining in the breeding programme the resistance of Rume Sudan with that of Hibrido de Timor.  相似文献   

通过室内生物测定试验和田间小区试验,明确氰氟草酯对谷子的安全性和杂草的敏感性,为氰氟草酯在谷田的应用提供理论依据。室内生物测定试验结果表明,谷田恶性杂草牛筋草和谷莠子对氰氟草酯分别为高度敏感(GR90 45.02g a.i./hm2)和一般敏感(GR90 124.13g a.i./hm2)。氰氟草酯对冀谷39和杂草的选择性指数大于2,且为不敏感(GR10 284.05g a.i./hm2),对豫谷18和杂草的选择性指数小于1,且为高度敏感(GR10 13.70g a.i./hm2)。冀谷39的抗药性指数为9.65。田间试验结果进一步表明,氰氟草酯能有效防除抗除草剂谷子品种冀谷39田间的禾本科杂草,对牛筋草和马唐的防效高,氰氟草酯在110g a.i./hm2剂量下对牛筋草和马唐的鲜重防效和株数防效均高于96%;氰氟草酯对谷莠子生长有显著抑制作用,110g a.i./hm2剂量对谷莠子的鲜重防效大于80%,对冀谷39的株高和鲜重没有影响。结果揭示了抗除草剂谷子品种冀谷39对氰氟草酯有较强的耐药性,普通谷子品种豫谷18对氰氟草酯没有耐药性,合理使用氰氟草酯能够有效防除冀谷39田间的多种禾本科杂草。  相似文献   

离子束诱变蔬菜、药材等种子M1生物效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
N^ 离子注入莴笋、蕃茄、辣椒、茄子、麻黄草等蔬菜和药材种子后,通过对比试种,分析了用离子束诱变育种中出现的各种有用变异,包括M1种子的出苗率、株型、植株性状、单果重、果实性状,以及早熟和增产效应。  相似文献   

亚麻荠种子萌发抗旱性研究初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
崔江  姜伟  孙群  孙宝启 《中国农学通报》2006,22(10):203-203
比较模拟干旱条件下亚麻荠与小麦种子的发芽率、发芽指数、幼苗苗长和脯氨酸含量,结果表明,随着干旱胁迫的加重,亚麻荠发芽指数和苗长下降趋势均以及脯氨酸含量增加趋势均低于小麦,小麦对干旱更加敏感。亚麻荠种子的外层胶质占种子总重的5.67%,可吸收181.31倍的水分,使种子在最初10min内即可吸收相当于自身重量8倍的水分,浸泡24h后吸水量达到10倍左右;而小麦种子浸泡24h后吸水量只有54.7%,据此认为这可能是亚麻荠种子抗旱性较强的原因。  相似文献   

Methods for determining growth traits in the field are mostly work‐intensive and/or often erroneous. Further development of multi‐temporal techniques of growth analyses provided by fast and non‐destructive tools for monitoring canopy properties may result in a substantial gain for practical use. Among them, the LAI‐2000 Canopy Analyzer can be used to determine the canopy area index (CAI) resulting from radiation measurements. In plant breeding, single‐date measurements were usually made across a wide number of genoptypes. In contrast, multi‐temporal information on canopy status is needed in agronomy. In our study, data of the CAI based on hemispherical radiation measurements with the LAI‐2000 were used to estimate developmental courses of weight‐related growth traits. For this purpose, seasonal courses of shoot fresh matter, shoot dry matter, shoot N and water content and CAI of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) and spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) were investigated simultaneously in field experiments from 2002 to 2006 in northern Germany with and without nitrogen (N) fertilization. Courses of 2003 and 2004 were used to calculate relationships between CAI and growth traits. Results show that each of the weight‐related growth trait is related to the CAI. In this mechanistic approach relationships were found gathered across 2 years, two N‐treatments and several growth stages being unaffected by N‐fertilization, cultivar and experimental year. These relationships were verified using independent data sets of the years 2005 (winter oilseed rape and spring barley) and 2006 (winter oilseed rape). The results of the current study show that the use of LAI‐2000 and its rapid and non‐destructive determination of weight‐related growth traits over the entire growth period will substantially improve the determination of weight‐related growth traits in agriculture.  相似文献   

Summary Two methods of preselection for resistance to coffee berry disease, by artificial inoculation of young coffee seedlings, have been developed recently at the Coffee Research Station in Kenya. The efficiency of these methods has been investigated in a series of experiments by comparing the results of the preselection tests with mature plant resistance, as indicated by visual field scores and artificial inoculation of berries and bud leaves of mature trees and including a large number of varieties and cultivars of Coffea arabica. The preselection test, by which the hypocotyl stems of 6-week old seedlings are inoculated with a spore suspension of the pathogen, proved to be more reliable than the second preselection test with shoot-tips of 10-month old plants. Correlation coefficients between the preselection test and mature plant resistance were resp. r=0.73–0.80 for the first test against r=0.60 for the latter.  相似文献   

本研究以典型釉粳交(春江06/台中本地1号)的F1代花药加倍的DH群体为材料,系统考察了DH群体及其双亲在抽穗期的叶鞘长、叶鞘重、叶鞘厚等性状上的分布情况.结果表明,叶鞘长度的遗传力较高,受环境的影响相对较小,叶鞘长与叶鞘厚及叶鞘干重间大多呈极显著的正相关.QTL分析共检测到31个与叶鞘有关的QTL,分布于水稻第1、第...  相似文献   

紫花苜蓿生产性能构成因子研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对3种不同秋眠类型9个不同秋眠级别的苜蓿品种进行生产性能构成因子以及构成因子间的相互关系的研究,结果表明,植株高度与节间长和再生速度达显著相关(P<0.05);生物量与植株高度和再生速度达显著相关(P<0.05);关于再生速度与植株高度、节间长和生物量的影响程度拟合方程分别如下:Y1=37.165+8.17x1;Y2=2.28+1.13x1;Y=3.03x1.再生速度与植株高度、节间长和地上生物量有着很高的相关性.植株高度是苜蓿产量一个很好的预测指标;决定苜蓿地上生物量的最终决定因子是再生速度,所以苜蓿的再生性是苜蓿高产育种首先考虑的因子.  相似文献   

摘要:本试验以K12为母本、黄早四为父本,杂交获得F1,以单粒传法选育单株分别进行自交6代构建重组自交系(Recombinant inbred line,RIL)分离群体为供试材料,通过对抽雄、散粉,吐丝等花期性状的考察,分析RIL群体对两亲本的改良效果。结果表明,RIL群体的抽雄、散粉,吐丝等花期性状均有不同程度的改变,且达到了较好的相关效果。多数性状的表型变异系数在群体内有不同程度的增加,符合RIL群体的特点。频率分布符合正态分布,表明群体具有进一步QTL研究的潜力。  相似文献   

烟草六个重要性状的QTL定位   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
以烤烟台烟7号与白肋烟白肋21作为杂交亲本,后代自交衍生的127个F2和F2:3家系为材料,构建了全长3 483 cM包括26个连锁群、190个标记位点的烟草遗传连锁图谱。通过一年两地各3次重复的随机区组田间试验,测定烟叶烟碱、总氯、总钾、叶长、茎叶夹角、白粉病6个重要性状,采用混合线性模型的复合区间作图法定位QTL并分析其遗传互作效应。结果检测到2个烟碱相关QTL、2个总氯相关QTL、1个总钾相关QTL、4个叶长相关QTL、茎叶夹角和白粉病相关QTL各1个,其中6个加性效应QTL和4对加加上位性效应QTL。这11个基因位点遗传效应中除加性效应外,上位性效应也具有重要作用。  相似文献   

以籼稻窄叶青8号(ZYQ8)与粳稻京系17(JX17)为亲本的DH群体为材,考察叶片保绿相关性状,并利用该群体的分子连锁图谱进行QTL分析。共检测到7个与水稻叶片保绿有关的QTL,包括与黑暗下保绿面积相关的3个QTL,位于第1、6和8染色体上,贡献率分别为11.07%、10.31%和11.21%;与黑暗下保绿程度相关的2个QTL,位于第1和12染色体  相似文献   

Summary The interspecific (C. arabica × tetraploid C. canephora) F1 hybrid showed a low but highly variable fertility. An almost complete restoration to normal fertility was observed in individual trees of BC1 and BC2 generations with C. arabica as recurrent parent. From a comparison of various tests of fertility, it was found that pollen viability is a satisfactory measure of fertility.  相似文献   

To determine the most efficacious midstorage hydration-dehydration treatment for preservation of vigour and viability of stored pea seeds ( Pisum sativum L.), cultivar Bonneville , three methods viz., soaking-drying, moisture equilibration-drying and moist sand conditioning-drying each at varying durations were evaluated. Irrespective of the durations of treatment, soaking-drying proved injurious. Though all durations of moisture equilibration excepting and 120 h outperformed the control, yet 48 h proved to be the best. Preconditioning with moist sand (5 % moisture content) with seed at a ratio of 1: 2.5 for different durations revealed 48 h to be the optimum, 72–96 h to be innocuous and thereafter injurious. Maintenance of membrane integrity and counteraction of lipid peroxidation may be the possible reasons for such beneficial effects.  相似文献   

Ochrus chickling ( Lathyrus ochrus (L.) D.C.) is a promising feed legume for rain-fed farming systems in the Mediterranean environments of West Asia and North Africa (WANA) because of its drought tolerance and resistance to broom rape ( Orobanche crenata Forsk.). However, it is highly susceptible to cold and improving Its resistance would further improve its adaptation.
The potential of the chlorophyll fluorescence technique in screening for frost sensitivity in seedlings of five Lathyrus ochrus genotypes and one each of Vicia ervilia (L.) Wild and V. sativa L. was assessed by measuring the rate of rise in induced or variable chlorophyll fluorescence of fully developed leaflets after cold hardening in the open and subsequent exposure to freezing. The method differentiated the highly frost-susceptible L. ochrus genotypes from the more tolerant Vicia species. Testing the technique with nine genotypes of L. ochrus in which the plants were established, cold-hardened and frost-stressed under controlled conditions confirmed its sensitivity even to reveal the narrow inter plant differences that generally exist within a cultivar or genotype to frost. It is therefore considered as a useful screening technique for cold/frost tolerance in L. ochrus.  相似文献   

苦瓜种子发芽技术的研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
刘政国  秦荣耀 《种子》2004,23(4):43-44
本研究认为苦瓜种子的适宜浸种时间为10h,适宜浸种和催芽温度均为30℃;变温催芽显著降低苦瓜种子的发芽率和活力,0.50gL GA3浸种2~4h再用清水浸种8h能提高苦瓜种子的发芽率和活力.  相似文献   

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