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The effects of various storage temperatures on germination of sclerotia ofSclerotium cepivorum Berk. were investigated. Sclerotia buried in soil for 10 weeks at temperatures of 5 and 10 °C were conditioned to a fast germination. When germination was performed at 15 °C and induced byAllium extracts, 50% of these sclerotia germinated within 10 days and the total of germination was over 90%. Sclerotia buried at temperatures of 15, 20 and 25 °C were conditioned to a slow germination. About 50% of these sclerotia could be induced to germinate at 15 °C byAllium extracts. The conditioning by high or low temperatures proved to be reversible.The optimum temperature for germination of the cold (5°C) conditioned sclerotia was 10–20 °C. The optimum temperature for germination of sclerotia conditioned at 20 °C was about 10 °C. WithoutAllium extracts 90%, 80%, 50% and 40% of the sclerotia stored at 5 °C, germinated at temperatures of 10, 5, 15 and 20 °C respectively. Sclerotia stored at 20 °C did not germinate withoutAllium extracts at any temperature.Samenvatting Sclerotiën vanSclerotium cepivorum Berk. werden onder niet steriele omstandigheden bewaard bij verschillende temperaturen. Het effect van de bewaring bij verschillende temperaturen op de kieming werd onderzocht. Het bleek dat sclerotiën, die 70 dagen bewaard werden in zakjes met zand in niet steriele grond bij een temperatuur van 5 °C of 10 °C, geconditioneerd werden tot een snelle, vrijwel volledige kieming. Onder invloed van vluchtige stoffen uit gesnipperde ui en knoflook kiemden meer dan 90% van deze sclerotiën bij een temperatuur van 15 °C. Sclerotiën die bij een hogete temperatuur bewaard werden, namelijk bij 15, 20 of 25 °C, kiemden na de bewaarperiode langzaam bij 15 °C. Ongeveer 50% van deze sclerotiën konden tot kieming gebracht worden onder invloed van ui- en knoflookextract. Sclerotiën die door een koude bewaarperiode geconditioneerd waren, namelijk bij 5 of bij 10 °C, kiemden ook zonder ui-en knoflookextract; 78% en 90% van deze sclerotiën kiemden bij temperaturen van respectievelijk 5 en 10 °C. De sclerotiën die een warme bewaarperiode ondergaan hadden, namelijk bij 15, 20 of 25 °C, kiemden niet zonder ui en knoflook. De optimum temperatuur voor de kieming was 15–20 °C voor sclerotiën die bij 5 °C bewaard waren. De optimum temperatuur voor de kieming van sclerotiën die bij 20 °C bewaard waren was lager, en wel ca. 10 °C.De conditionering door een hoge of door een lage bewaartemperatuur bleek reversibel te zijn. Sclerotiën die eerst bij 5 °C bewaard werden en daarna bij 20 °C onderscheidden zich niet van sclerotiën die continu bij 20 °C bewaard werden. Sclerotiën die eerst bij 20 °C bewaard werden en vervolgens bij 5 °C, kiemden als sclerotiën die continu bij 5 °C bewaard waren.  相似文献   

The influence of depth of inoculum on white rot and plant growth, and the response of sclerotia ofSclerotium cepivorum Berk. to artificial onion oil, at various depths in soil, was investigated.Field tests showed that effects of depth of inoculum were apparent 12 weeks after sowing and by week 14, sclerotia buried at 0–2, 10–12 and 18–20 cm reduced onion growth by 75, 56 and 37% in comparison with controls. The results indicate the importance of correct placement of treatments, such as onion oil, in soil to achieve maximum levels of disease control. In vitro tests in closed containers at 15°C showed that between 50–70% of sclerotia ofS. cepivorum germinated on soil treated with artificial onion oil. Production of secondary sclerotia was restricted to 0.5% of those which germinated. Application of oil at 10 cm depths in columns of soil caused germination of 60–70% of sclerotia at 3, 6, 14 and 17 cm over 4 weeks at 15°C. Germination at the soil surface was reduced. In field plots onion oil and one of its components, diallyl disulphide, reduced recovery of introduced sclerotia by 70%.Samenvatting Het effect van de diepte in grond waarop het inoculum vanSclerotium cepivorum berk. zich bevindt op het optreden van witrot in ui en op de ontwikkeling van de uieplant werd onderzocht. Ook werd de uitwerking van in grond geïnjecteerde uienolie op de op verschillende diepten in grond geplaatste sclerotiën bestudeerd.In veldexperimenten werd na 12 weken een duidelijk effect van de diepte van het inoculum op de ontwikkeling van de planten waarneembaar. Na 14 weken bleken sclerotiën die op 0–2, 10–12 en 18–20 cm diepte in grond waren geplaatst de groei van de uieplanten met respectievelijk 75, 56 en 37% te hebben verminderd ten opzichte van de controleplanten. Deze resultaten wijzen er op, dat voor een zo goed mogelijke bestrijding van witrot, de diepte in grond waar middelen zoals uienolie moeten worden toegediend, van grote betekenis kan zijn.Bij in vitro toetsen in gesloten Conway-schalen bij 15°C kiemde 50–70% van de sclerotiën vanS. cepivorum op het oppervlak van grond die behandeld was met synthetische uienolie. De vorming van secundaire sclerotiën beperkte zich tot 0,5% van het aantal gekiemde sclerotiën. Toediening van uienolie op 10cm diepte in grondkolommen veroorzaakte de kieming van 60–70% van de sclerotiën op 3, 6, 14 en 17 cm diepte over een periode van 4 weken bij 15°C. Bij het grondoppervlak was de kieming lager. In veldexperimenten werd na behandeling van grond met uienolie en met een bestanddeel daarvan, diallyl-disulfide, het aantal in grond geïntroduceerde sclerotiën dat kon vorden teruggevonden, met 70% gereduceerd.The senior author was a visiting scientist of the Plant Research Institute, Melbourne, Australia who received a scholarship administered by the International Agricultural Center (IAC) from the Netherlands Ministry of Agriculture.  相似文献   

Summary Twenty five isolates ofConiothyrium minitans were screened for antagonism toSclerotinia sclerotiorum in a Petri dish bioassay using tomato stem segments placed on sterile sand. The antagonistic activity of 23 isolates was quite uniform and only two less antagonistic isolates were identified. Antagonism, expressed as a reduction in the rate of tissue colonization byS. sclerotiorum, occurred, whetherC. minitans was co-inoculated at the same time, one day before or one day afterS. sclerotiorum, but was slightly restricted whenS. sclerotiorum was given a lead of one day. On average, 50–80% of sclerotia of S.sclerotiorum formed on the stem pieces were infected byC. minitans two weeks after inoculation. Excluding the less antagonistic isolates,Coniothyrium minitans was recovered from over 80% ofS. sclerotiorum-infected stem segments when co-inoculated but from a maximum of only 7% of stem pieces when exposed toC. minitans alone. When the experiments were carried out on non-sterile soil instead of sterile sand, infection of stem pieces byS. sclerotiorum was reduced and recovery ofS. sclerotiorum andC. minitans from stem segments was decreased. SevenC. minitans isolates were also screened againstSclerotium cepivorum andBotrytis cinerea and, whereas the effect ofC. minitans onS. cepivorum-infected tissue and sclerotia was essentially similar to that observed withS. sclerotiorum, B. cinerea infected tissue and sclerotia were not invaded by the antagonist.  相似文献   

Metcalf  & Wilson 《Plant pathology》1999,48(4):445-452
Sclerotium cepivorum (isolate Sc4) hyphae penetrated the epidermis and hypodermis of onion roots and grew into the cortex. Immediately following penetration only the cells through which S. cepivorum grew were lysed, but subsequently cells were killed and cell walls disintegrated ahead of the infection hyphae. Sclerotium cepivorum produced two polygalacturonases (PG) and two pectinesterases (PE) in culture. These isozymes were also found in infected onion root tissues and another PG and a PE were occasionally detected. Two isozymes of PG and three isozymes of PE diffused ahead of the infection hyphae. The spatial distribution of these enzymes was associated with cell death and cell wall degradation. The epidermis, hypodermis, endodermis and vascular tissues were more resistant to hydrolysis than the cortex, but only the endodermis and cells within it retained nuclei following hydrolysis of the surrounding cortical tissues. The cavity within the root cortex became filled with swollen, vacuolate S. cepivorum hyphae.  相似文献   

Trichoderma koningii (strain Tr5) grew in the epidermal mucilage of onion roots without entering healthy epidermal tissue. When placed on the epidermis of Sclerotium cepivorum -infected roots, T. koningii colonized epidermal passage cells, with little colonization of other epidermal tissues, then branched and spread throughout the root cortical tissues damaged by enzymes and toxins which diffused ahead of S. cepivorum hyphae, and impeded the path of the infection. When T. koningii colonized infected tissue, many S. cepivorum hyphae became detached at septa, cell walls dissolved and many hyphal apices burst. Contact between hyphae was not necessary for lysis to occur. T. koningii produced two endochitinases ( R f 0·15 and 0·24) and two exo-acting chitinolytic enzymes ( R f 0·46 and 0·62) during degradation of crabshell chitin and S. cepivorum cell walls. The R f 0·24 and 0·46 proteins were detected when T. koningii colonized S. cepivorum -infected roots and are likely to be a component of the antagonism process.  相似文献   

A range of fungal isolates was tested in a three-stage screening system for their ability to degrade sclerotia of Sclerotium cepivorum on agar and in soil, and to reduce white rot disease on onion seedlings. Biological control agents (BCAs) were identified that could degrade up to 60% of sclerotia in soil and significantly reduce white rot disease on onion seedlings. The efficacy of the BCAs was enhanced when applied as wheat bran cultures compared with spore suspensions, and two of the best BCAs from the screening procedures were both identified as Trichoderma viride (L4, S17A). When L4 and S17A were fluid-drilled in guar gum with bulb onion seed in the field white rot symptoms were significantly reduced, but stem base applications applied mid-season had little effect. The strategy of selecting and using BCAs that degrade sclerotia of S. cepivorum and integration with other control methods is discussed.  相似文献   

为探讨温度对毛酸浆花芽分化的影响,以‘大黄菇娘’毛酸浆品种为试验对象,在花芽分化期分别设置27℃/20℃(CK)、23℃/16℃(T1)、31℃/24℃(T2)和35℃/28℃(T3)4个不同温度处理,研究毛酸浆花芽的形态分化过程变化及花芽分化进程中内源激素、碳水化合物、抗氧化酶等生理指标的变化。结果表明:低温(T1)和CK处理条件下,毛酸浆花芽分化进程基本相同;而高温处理(T2和T3)的花芽分化启动时间较CK处理提前,且在5L期花芽分化已达50%及以上,高温处理下的萼片原基分化不能形成闭合的套状结构,后期表现为果实裸露在宿存花萼的外部;CK和T1处理的果实均是正常果,但高温处理下畸形果比例达到50%以上。不同处理在3L期全氮含量表现为T3<T2<CK<T1,且T2和T3处理在3L期的全氮含量分别比CK处理降低30.7%和40.1%。CAT活性呈先升高后降低趋势,在3L期达到最高值时表现为T3>T2>CK>T1。高温处理下的SOD活性呈先降低后升高趋势,并且在4L期SOD活性分别比CK处理提高24.5%和25.9%。高温处理下POD活性呈先升高后降低趋势,表现为T3>T2>CK。随着分化进程,高温处理下ABA、IAA、ZR和GA3含量在3L期达到最高值,而低温和CK处理在4L期才达到最高值;其中在3L期,T2和T3处理IAA含量分别比CK处理提高31.5%和62.5%,GA3含量分别比CK处理提高107.4%和87.9%,T2和T3处理的ABA/IAA、ZR/IAA比值均低于CK处理;在毛酸浆花芽分化过程中,T1处理的ABA/GA3比值高于其他3个处理,与CK相比提高24.1%~37.8%。CK条件下,毛酸浆在3L期积累了大量的可溶性糖和果糖,其中可溶性糖分别比T1、T2、T3处理提高75.8%、33.6%、16.8%。综上可知,不同温度处理会影响毛酸浆的花芽分化,高温能够促进激素合成,影响氮含量和可溶性糖、果糖的积累,调控抗氧化酶活性,促进毛酸浆的花芽分化,但会导致畸形果的产生。  相似文献   

Laboratory assays demonstrated that two isolates of Trichoderma viride and one isolate of Trichoderma pseudokoningii degraded up to 80% of sclerotia of four isolates of Sclerotium cepivorum in a silty clay soil, and also degraded up to 60% of sclerotia in three other soil types. Relationships were defined between the degree of sclerotial degradation by the two T. viride isolates in the silty clay soil and both temperature and soil water potential. Sclerotia were degraded between 10 and 25°C at −0·00012 MPa, but there was little activity of T. viride at 5°C or at −4 MPa. Degradation of S. cepivorum sclerotia also occurred in the absence of Trichoderma at soil water potentials approaching saturation . Experiments using onion seedling bioassays showed that the efficacy of Trichoderma isolates for the control of white rot using the same selection of soils and S. cepivorum isolates was variable, but that there was significant disease control overall. The importance of environmental factors and pathogen isolate in relation to effective biological control of white rot is discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of the main construction factors and design features of greenhouses on the incidence of white rot disease, caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary, was studied in peppers grown under plastic-roofed greenhouses typical of Almería (SE Spain). At the height of the pepper-growing season in the province, fifty greenhouses were repeatedly sampled. Incidence of the disease was measured and the different construction features of the greenhouses were evaluated: types of roof cover, colour and age of the plastic cover, dimensions (ground plan, surface area, average height), estimated ventilation capacity and the presence of netting on the sides of the greenhouses (laterals). Statistical analyses were undertaken to see if the choice of various design options for each factor had any significant influence on the incidence of the disease. To achieve this single factor ANOVA was undertaken. The incidence of this disease was significantly affected (p<0.05) by the following greenhouse characteristics: ground plan, surface area, mean height, colour of the plastic cover, estimated ventilation and use of lateral netting.  相似文献   

New mite-borne virus isolates from rakkyo,shallot and wild leek species   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Flexuous viruses were transmitted from rakkyo (Allium chinense) and wild leek species (especiallyA. commutatum) to plants of crow garlic (A. vineale), by transfer of dry bulb mites. By electron microscope decoration tests using three antisera and by inoculations onto test plants, it was concluded that from each of the two natural host species at least two viruses were isolated. The viruses from wild leeks are both pathogenic onAllium spp. and may be of economic importance. Decoration tests on a virus mixture from shallot obtained earlier, revealed another new mite-borne virus in this species. The mite-borne viruses ofAllium spp. appear to be very common; they are largely diverse and their identification remains difficult.  相似文献   

The epidemiologies of Maize streak virus (MSV), Maize stripe virus (MSpV), and Maize mosaic virus (MMV) were compared in La Réunion over a three year-period. Disease incidence caused by each virus was assessed, and the leaf and planthopper vector populations (Cicadulina mbila and Peregrinus maidis) were estimated in weekly sowings of the temperate, virus-susceptible maize hybrid INRA 508 and of the composite resistant cv. IRAT 297. MSV caused the most prevalent disease and MMV the least, with lower incidences in cv. IRAT 297 than in INRA 508. For each plant–virus–vector combination, (a) disease incidence was positively correlated to vector abundance, often with 1 month of time lag; (b) annual periodicity of disease incidence and of vector numbers was consistent with highest autocorrelations and a time lag of 12 months, (c) vector numbers and disease incidence were closely associated with temperature fluctuations, both remaining relatively constant below 24°C and increasing rapidly above this threshold temperature. By contrast, relationships with rainfall and relative humidity (RH) were less consistent. Overall, 63 to 80% of the variance of disease incidence was explained through stepwise regression with vector number, temperature, and sometimes also rainfall or RH. The simple epidemiological model proposed underlines the close link between increased temperature and possible (re-) emergence of these three diseases in a maize cropping area.  相似文献   

Fifty-five isolates of Rosellinia necatrix, the cause of common avocado white root rot disease, were collected from south-east Spain and characterised according to their virulence behaviour and their molecular patterns to assess broader levels of genetic diversity. Virulence properties were revealed by in vitro inoculation on avocado plants. Differences in reaction types showed variability among these isolates. No sequence differences were observed when the internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) and ITS2 regions and DNA fragments of the β-tubulin, adenosine triphosphatase and translation elongation factor 1 genes were explored in representive isolates from five virulence groups. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) amplifications were also performed for each isolate using 19 random primers. Four of these primers revealed polymorphism among isolates and repetitive and discriminative bands were used to build an unweighted pair group with arithmetic mean tree. However, RAPD clustering showed low stability, and no correlation between RAPD and virulence groups was observed, possibly indicating high levels of sexual recombination.  相似文献   

The virulence ofPhytophthora citrophthora isolated from various host-plants on three peach rootstocks (GF677, PR204, KID I) was examined. There was no significant difference among the rootstocks with respect to their susceptibility to testedP. citrophthora isolates. The most virulent isolate originated from sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus); isolates from pistachio trees (Pistacia vera) also showed high virulence but were significantly less virulent than the sycamore isolate. Isolates originating from plum (Prunus domestica), almond (Prunus amygdalus) and lemon (Citrus limon) trees were moderately virulent on peach rootstocks; those from cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum) showed the lowest virulence of those tested. There was thus great variation in virulence among the testedP. citrophthora isolates. It is possible that the isolates ofP. citrophthora from sycamore, pistachio, plum, almond and lemon trees are a threat to peach trees, whereas the low virulence of the isolates from cyclamen hosts suggests that these pathogens are not a serious threat to peach trees. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Jan. 3, 2002.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to investigate the influence of different modified atmospheres, low pressures alone, methyl bromide (MB) alone, and MB in combination with CO2 or low pressure, in causing nitidulid beetles to emigrate from infested dried fruit for which dates served as a model. All the treatments at 4 h and 16 h exposure and at 26°C, had a marked influence in causing insects to abandon the infested fruit. The most effective treatments at the two exposures were pressures of 50 mm Hg, and 1.4% O2 in air, both of which caused over 87% of the initial insect populations to emigrate from the fruit. At 4 h exposure, 2.8% O2 was less effective than 100 mm Hg or MB. At 16 h exposure, MB+CO2 was third in effectiveness and 100 mm Hg was one of the least effective treatments.  相似文献   

赵欣  郝林 《植物保护学报》2020,47(1):110-118
为明确新型生防菌解淀粉芽胞杆菌Bacillus amyloliquefaciens HRH317菌株对病原菌串珠镰孢菌Fusarium moniliforme的抑制作用,采用牛津杯法对HRH317菌株抑菌活性进行测定,并采用扫描电子显微镜、透射电子显微镜和荧光显微镜对经HRH317菌株发酵上清液处理后的串珠镰孢菌菌丝形态及超微结构进行观察。结果显示,HRH317菌株发酵上清液对串珠镰孢菌有很好的抑菌活性,抑菌圈平均直径可达33.31 mm。扫描电镜结果显示,HRH317菌株发酵上清液处理24 h时,串珠镰孢菌菌丝体出现断裂现象;处理72 h时,串珠镰孢菌菌丝体断裂较严重,多处裂解;处理96 h时,串珠镰孢菌菌丝体彻底瓦解,且无完整菌丝体。透射电镜结果显示,HRH317菌株发酵上清液处理72 h时,串珠镰孢菌菌丝体细胞形态扭曲变形,细胞内结构紊乱,遭破坏。荧光显微镜结果显示,经PI染料染色处理12 h时,串珠镰孢菌细胞有少数细胞被染成红色,细胞膜通透性受一定程度破坏;处理16 h时,串珠镰孢菌细胞大面积被染红;处理20 h时,串珠镰孢菌细胞被染色面积增大;处理24 h时,串珠镰孢菌细胞膜受破坏程度增加,细胞内大面积被染色。表明解淀粉芽胞杆菌HRH317菌株对串珠镰孢菌菌丝形态和超微结构有破坏作用,能抑制病原菌串珠镰孢菌菌丝体生长。  相似文献   

为明确功能植物对棉花蚜虫及其捕食性天敌的调控作用,通过田间系统调查和室内选择行为反应试验测定4种功能植物对棉花蚜虫及其捕食性天敌种群动态的影响。结果显示,4种功能植物均可涵养多异瓢虫Hippodamia variegata、中华通草蛉Chrysoperla sinica和东亚小花蝽Orius sauteri等捕食性天敌,其中蛇床草Cnidium monnieri上的捕食性天敌总数最多,达821头。蛇床草种植区棉花上多异瓢虫和中华通草蛉的种群数量均显著高于对照区棉花,而棉蚜Aphis gossypii、棉长管蚜Acyrthosiphon gossypii和棉黑蚜Ap.craccivora的种群数量均显著低于对照区棉花;油菜Brassica napus种植区棉花上的中华通草蛉种群数量显著高于对照区棉花,棉长管蚜种群数量则显著低于对照区棉花;薄荷Mentha haplocalyx种植区棉花上的多异瓢虫和中华通草蛉种群数量均显著高于对照区棉花,棉蚜和棉长管蚜种群数量均显著低于对照区棉花;罗勒Ocimum basilicum种植区棉花上的棉长管蚜和棉黑蚜种群数量均显著低于对照区棉花。此外,棉蚜和棉长管蚜种群数量与捕食性天敌总数之间呈显著负相关;蛇床草和罗勒植株的挥发物显著吸引多异瓢虫和中华通草蛉,罗勒和薄荷植株的挥发物显著驱避有翅棉蚜。表明功能植物蛇床草、油菜、薄荷和罗勒可为棉田涵养捕食性天敌,而薄荷和罗勒还能驱避棉花蚜虫,可用于棉田害虫及天敌的生态调控。  相似文献   

Imazalil differentially inhibited dry weight increase of 10-hour-old germlings of wild-type and DMI-resistant isolates ofPenicillium italicum in liquid malt cultures. EC50 values ranged from 0.005 to 0.27 g ml–1. In all isolates ergosterol constituted the major sterol (over 95% of total sterols) in the absence of the fungicide. Therefore, DMI-resistance cannot be associated to a deficiency of the C-14 demethylation enzyme in the ergosterol biosynthetic pathway. Imazalil treatment at concentrations around EC50 values for inhibition of mycelial growth resulted in a decrease in ergosterol content and a simultaneous increase in 24-methylene-24,25-dihydrolanosterol content in all isolates. A correlation existed between the imazalil concentration necessary to induce such changes in sterol composition and the EC50 values for inhibition of mycelial growth of the different isolates. The reason for the differential effects of imazalil on sterol composition in the variousP. italicum isolates may be due to decreased accumulation of the fungicide in the mycelium and to other yet non-identified mechanisms of resistance.Imazalil remt differentieel de toename in drooggewicht van 10-uur-oude gekiemde sporen van wild-type en DMI-resistente isolaten vanPenicillium italicum in vloeistofcultures van moutextract. De EC50 waarden voor groei van de verschillende isolaten lopen uiteen van 0,005 tot 0,27 g ml–1. In afwezigheid van het fungicide is in alle isolaten ergosterol het belangrijkste sterol (meer dan 95% van het totaal). DMI-resistentie kan daarom niet in verband staan met deficiëntie van het C-14 demethyleringsenzym in de ergosterol biosynthese. Imazalilbehandeling van mycelium bij concentraties rond de EC50 waarde voor groeiremming, resulteerde bij alle isolaten in een afname van het ergosterolgehalte en een gelijktijdige toename van het gehalte aan 24-methyleen-24,25-dihydrolanosterol. Er bestaat dus een nauwe correlatie tussen de imazalilconcentratie die noodzakelijk is om vergelijkbare veranderingen in sterolsamenstelling te induceren en de EC50 waarde voor remming van myceliumgroei van de verschillende isolaten. De differentiële effecten van imazalil op de sterolsamenstelling van de verschillendeP. italicum isolaten kunnen worden veroorzaakt door verminderde accumulatie van het fungicide in het mycelium en door andere, nog niet geïdentificeerde resistentiemechanismen.  相似文献   

The influence of transition from night to day temperature 3 h before, 1 h before, 1h after and 3 h after sunrise on the incidence ofDidymella bryoniae was studied both on inoculated and on uninoculated glasshouse-grown cucumber plants. The effect of inoculation on plant growth and fruit production was studied as well.The later the transition to day temperature took place, the longer were the periods with a high relative air humidity and of condensation of water on fruits.The time of transition had no effect on plant growth, yield, disease incidence on growing tips, number of lesions on the main stems of uninoculated plants and external fruit rot. The later the transition to day temperature took place, the more lesions on the main stem of inoculated plants appeared and the higher was the incidence of internal fruit rot.Inoculation of plants increased the number of lesions on the main stem, the disease incidence on growing tips, the production of misshapen fruits and the internal and external fruit rot. The number of secondary side shoots was incrreased but the total number of their internodes was reduced by inoculation.Inoculation caused an 18% reduction in number of internodes over a period of four weeks and a 10% reduction in number of fruits in the corresponding harvest period.The consequences of a more humid glasshouse climate and of a high infection pressure ofD. bryoniae for the grower are briefly discussed.Samenvatting De invloed van het 3 uur vóór, 1 urr vóór, 1 uur na en 3 uur na zonsopgang overgaan van de nacht-naar de dagtemperatuur op het optreden vanDidymella bryoniae werd zowel op geïnoculleerde als op niet-geïnocullerde planten van kaskomkommers onderzocht. De invloed van inoculatie op de groei van de planten en de produktie van vruchten werd eveneens nagegaan.Hoe later naar de dagtemperatuur werd overgegaan, hoe langer de perioden met een hoge relatieve luchtvochtigheid waren en hoe langer de perioden waarin condensatie van water op vruchten optrad.Het tijdstip van overgang had geen effect op de groei van de planten, de opbrengst, de aantasting van groeipunten, het aantal lesies op de hoofdstengel van niet geïnoculeerde planten en uitwendig vruchtrot. Hoe later naar de dagtemperatuur werd overgegaan, hoe meer lesies na vier weken op de hoofdstengel van geïnoculeerde planten en hoe meer vruchten met inwendig rot voorkwamen.Door inoculatie van de planten nam het aantal lesies op de hoofdstengel, de aantasting van groeipunten, de produktie van stekvruchten en het aantal vruchten met inen uitwendig rot toe. Het aantal zijscheuten van de tweede orde nam toe, maar het totaal aantal internodiën ervan nam door inoculatie af. Inoculatie reduceerde het aantal internodiën met 18% over een periode van vier weken en die van het aantal vruchten met 10% in de overeenkomstige oogstperiode. De praktische consequenties van eenSeconded to the Glashouse Crops Research and Experiment Station, Zuidweg 38, 2671 MN Naaldwijk, the Netherlands  相似文献   

The development time and survival rate were determined at three constant temperatures for the ‘B’ biotype ofBemisia tabaci on cucumber (Beit Alpha F1), cantaloupe (Anzer F1), squash (Sakız F1), and watermelon (Galactica F1). The development time for immature stages at 20, 25 and 30±1°C was, respectively, 33.5, 19.3 and 16.8 days on cucumber; 36.5, 20.8 and 19.60 days on cantaloupe; 37.2, 20.1 and 19.8 days on squash; and 38.9, 23.8 and 21.9 days on watermelon. At 20, 25 and 30°C, the respective percentage survival of immature instars was 73.2, 83.2 and 72.9% on cucumber; 72.9, 84.9 and 75.6% on cantaloupe; 52.1, 76.1 and 57.5% on squash; and 37.6, 64.8 and 40.1% on watermelon. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting May 14, 2006.  相似文献   

为明确结实期不同时段低温对寒地粳稻品质的影响,于2019年以黑龙江省第一和第二积温带主栽的8份粳稻品种为试材,在水稻结实期分段(花后1~7 d、8~14 d、15~21 d)进行低温处理(昼/夜:17℃/13℃),测定稻米的外观、营养、蒸煮食味品质以及RVA谱特征值。结果表明:不同粳稻品种品质存在极显著差异,‘垦粳8’外观品质最优,‘龙稻18’蛋白质含量最低、食味品质最佳;不同品种对低温的响应存在差异;品种和低温互作对稻米品质存在极显著影响。花后1~7 d低温处理对外观品质影响较小;花后8~14 d和15~21 d低温后,垩白粒率和垩白度较对照分别显著提高73.22%、81.71%和105.57%、115.85%;籽粒长宽比受低温影响较小。低温处理显著提高了稻米的总蛋白含量(1.46%~2.76%)和醇溶蛋白含量(6.33%~17.47%),显著降低了球蛋白含量(4.55%~5.69%),花后1~7 d低温显著降低了清蛋白含量(2.84%),花后8~21 d低温显著提高了清蛋白含量(3.58%~3.88%)。稻米的最高黏度、热浆黏度、崩解值、冷胶黏度以及起始糊化温度在花后1~14 d受...  相似文献   

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