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Accurate estimates of tree carbon,forest floor carbon and organic carbon in forest soils (SOC) are important in order to determine their contribution to global carbon (C) stocks.However,information about these carbon stocks is lacking.Some studies have investigated regional and continental scale patterns of carbon stocks in forest ecosystems;however,the changes in C storage in different components (vegetation,forest floor and soil) as a function of elevation in forest ecosystems remain poorly understood.In this study,we estimate C stocks of vegetation,forest floor and soils of a Pinus roxburghii Sargent forest in the Garhwal Himalayas along a gradient to quantify changes in carbon stock due to differences in elevation at three sites.The biomass of the vegetation changes drastically with increasing elevation among the three sites.The above-ground biomass (AGB) and below-ground biomass (BGB) were highest at site Ⅰ (184.46 and 46.386 t·ha-1 respectively) at an elevation of 1300 m followed by siteⅡ (173.99 and 44.057 t·ha-1 AGB and BGB respectively) at 1400 m and the lowest AGB and BGB were estimated at site Ⅲ(161.72 and 41.301 t·ha-1) at 1500 m.The trend for SOC stock was similar to that of biomass.Our results suggest that carbon storage (in both soil and biomass) is negatively correlated with elevation.  相似文献   

Indices of shallow rootedness and fractal methods of root system study were combined with sapflow monitoring to determine whether these ‘short-cut’ methods could be used to predict tree competition with crops and complementarity of below ground resource use in an agroforestry trial in semi-arid Kenya. These methods were applied to Grevillea robusta Cunn., Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp., Melia volkensii Gürke and Senna spectabilis syn. Cassia spectabilis aged two and four years which were grown in simultaneous linear agroforestry plots with maize as the crop species. Indices of competition (shallow rootedness) differed substantially according to tree age and did not accurately predict tree:crop competition in plots containing trees aged four years. Predicted competition by trees on crops was improved by multiplying the sum of proximal diameters squared for shallow roots by diameter at breast height2, thus taking tree size into account. Fractal methods for the quantification of total length of tree root systems worked well with the permanent structural root system of trees but seriously underestimated the length of fine roots (less than 2 mm diameter). Sap flow measurements of individual roots showed that as expected, deep tap roots provided most of the water used by the trees during the dry season. Following rainfall, substantial water uptake by shallow lateral roots occurred more or less immediately, suggesting that existing roots were functioning in the recently wetted soil and that there was no need for new fine roots to be produced to enable water uptake following rainfall. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

It is often claimed that agroforestry could increase the total productivity per land unit compared to monocropping systems. The aim of this study was to evaluate, in a sub-humid Mediterranean climate, the behavior of the yield components, phenology, LAI and NDVI of durum wheat in an alley-cropping system. Our hypothesis was that the microclimate changes in agroforestry could change the devlelopment and yield of cereals. Two different experiments were carried out: in 2015 under 16-year old poplars in East–West lines and in 2016 under 21-year-old ash trees in North–South lines. In each experiment, 12 genotypes of durum wheat were sown. The grain yield was not significantly different in agroforestry and full sun conditions in 2015; however, both systems in this experiment had a particularly low yield (≈ 10% of the historical average yield of the plot). In 2016, the grain yield was significantly lower in agroforestry in comparison with full sun conditions. In both experiments, the most impacted yield component by agroforestry was the number of grains per spike. Similarly, in both experiments, the number of grains per spike was the only yield component impacted by the position within the alley inside agroforestry. Surprisingly, in 2016 the grain yield was higher in the West than in the center position of the alley. In both experiments, agroforestry delayed the maturity of the crop. The use of standard growing degree days was not sufficient to explain the difference in phenology between agroforestry and full sun conditions.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted at ICRISAT Center, Patancheru, India from June 1984 to April 1988 on a shallow Alfisol to determine whether the productivity of annual crop systems can be improved by adding perennial species such as Leucaena leucocephala managed as hedgerows. Except in the first year, crop yields were suppressed by Leucaena due to competition for moisture. The severity of competition was high in years of low rainfall and on long-duration crops such as castor and pigeonpea. Based on total biomass, sole Leucaena was most productive; even on the basis of land productivity requiring both Leucaena fodder and annual crops, alley cropping had little or no advantage over block planting of both components. Application of hedge prunings as green manure or mulch on top of 60 kg N and 30 kg P 2 O 5ha−1 to annual crops did not show any benefit during the experimental period, characterized by below average rainfall. Indications are that (i) alley cropping was beneficial in terms of soil and water conservation with less runoff and soil loss with 3 m alleys than with 5.4 m alleys, and (ii) root pruning or deep ploughing might be effective in reducing moisture competition.  相似文献   

The relationship between competing vegetation characteristics (above and below ground dry weights, length and surface area) and loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) seedling characteristics were examined on a southern coastal plain soil of north-west Louisiana. Four site preparations techniques were used as treatments; chop and burn, windrow, fuelwood harvest, and fuelwood harvest followed by an application of herbicide. The more intensive site preparation treatments (chop and burn, windrow, and fuelwood harvest followed by a herbicide) had less root and above ground competition than the fuelwood treatment. The fuelwood treatment ranked lowest in pine seedling height, ground line diameter, pine root length, and pine root surface area and highest in terms of competing vegetation characteristics. Regression relationships between pine roots and competing vegetation root characteristics indicated that seedling ground line diameter is inversely related to quantities of competing vegetation roots.  相似文献   

Tree growth and carbon dynamics are important issues especially in the context of climate change. However, we essentially lack knowledge about the effects on carbon dynamics especially in mixed stands. Thus, the objective of this study was to test the effects of climatic changes on the above and below ground carbon dynamics of a mixed stand of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) by means of scenario simulations. To account for the typical tree interactions in a mixed-species stand a spatial explicit tree growth model based on eco-physiological processes was applied. Three different climate scenarios considering altered precipitation, temperature, and radiation were calculated for an unthinned and a thinned stand. The results showed significant changes of above and belowground biomass over time, especially when temperature and radiation were increased additionally to decreased precipitation. The reduction in biomass increments of Norway spruce were more attenuated above than below ground. In contrast, the results for beech were the opposite: The belowground increments were reduced more. These results suggest a shift in the species contribution to above and belowground biomass under dryer and warmer conditions. Distinct effects were also found when thinned and unthinned stands were compared. A reduced stand density changed the proportions of above and below ground carbon allocation. As a main reason for the changed growth reactions the water balance of trees was identified which lead to changed biomass allocation pattern. This article belongs to the special issue “Growth and defence of Norway spruce and European beech in pure and mixed stands”.  相似文献   

Litterfall and decomposition are the two main processes accounting for soil enrichment in agroforestry. The extent of enrichment in soil properties depends on the tree species, management practices and the quantity and quality of litter. A field investigation was carried out to study litterfall production, decay rates, release of nutrients and consequent changes in soil physicochemical properties under crowns of four multipurpose tree species (MPTs) in irrigated conditions in farm fields. The species were Prosopis cineraria (L.), Dalbergia sissoo (Roxb.) ex DC, Acacia nilotica (L.) Del. and Acacia leucophloea (Roxb.) Willd. Annual accretion of litter ranged from 36 to 54 kg tree−1 year−1 and was highest under D. sissoo and lowest under A. nilotica. Total litterfall production was in the order: P. cineraria > A. leucophloea > A. nilotica > D. sissoo. P. cineraria showed the highest NPK concentration in litter. For all MPTs, a large pulse of litterfall coincided with the winter season (November to February). Litter of P. cineraria decomposed fastest while that of A. nilotica was slowest. More than 95% of the leaf litter of P. cineraria decomposed in 6 months, of D. sissoo in 7 months and A. leucophloea and A. nilotica in 9 months. Decomposition rate of litter was highly correlated with neutral detergent fibre (NDF) (r = −0.94) and P (r = −0.91) concentration. N, P and K release were best correlated with NDF, acid detergent fibre (ADF), P, lignin, lignin/N and C/P ratios and NDF alone explained 88% to 94% of the variability in litter decomposition and nutrient release rates. There was significant build up of soil organic carbon and available NPK in the agrisilvicultural systems but also a decrease in soil pH. Build up in soil fertility was significantly correlated with litterfall and soil improvement was greatest under P. cineraria.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted for two years (1989– 1991) on a Vertisol in Bijapur, India in a split-plot design, replicated four times, to evaluate the potential of alley cropping post-rainy season sorghum between Leucaena hedgerows. Leucaena produced on average 2.74 t per ha of prunings and 1.57 t per ha of wood annually. Alley cropping decreased sorghum yields by 28 to 45% when all Leucaena prunings were removed from the system and by 21 to 24%, when on average 1.92 t per ha prunings were applied to the soil annually. The reduction of sorghum yield increased as higher rates of N were applied to sorghum. Although alley cropping increased organic carbon by 21% and available N by 19% at the time of crop sowing, it did not result in increased crop yields because of competition for water between hedgerows and crops. Calculation of land equivalent ratios based on total Leucaena biomass indicated that alley cropping was more productive than sole cropping of sorghum only in one year, and that, too, when no N was applied to sorghum. Therefore, alley cropping of Vertisols with post-rainy season sorghum is not likely to have any advantage in the short term. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A major problem for small farmers in the semi-arid tropics is the chronic shortage of fodder for draft animals. Leucaena leucocephala has improved productivity in many places in India and in various cropping systems, usually as either a pure crop or in a hedgerow alley-cropping configuration. Mixed cropping with arboreal forms is seldom seen. For off-season fodder production, hedgerows have the disadvantage of being open to unmanaged browsing when unfenced (as is usual). Arboreal forms are generally far less vulnerable. In this paper, the components of production of sorghum and arboreal Leucaena are measured under different intensities of canopy lopping. The most productive management system of those examined was pollarding of the Leucaena at the time of under-sowing with sorghum. In a year with less than 50% of average seasonal rainfall, this system gave a yield of 4.6 tonnes/ha/yr fresh wt fodder and 3.8 tonnes/ha/yr dry wt. of fuel harvests, while increasing the standing crop of wood by 1.8 t/ha/yr and retaining a yield of sorghum grain equivalent to 46% of pure sorghum cropping; the LER of this system was 1.35. Cash values of the alternative management systems were estimated, including the discounted Net Present Value of the standing crop of timber. Maximum value was attained with unlopped pure crop Leucaena followed by pollarded Leucaena with sorghum; pure crop sorghum achieved a lower value. These results demonstrate both the high productivity of Leucaena/sorghum based systems, and the stability of production even in poor rainfall conditions. Pollarding transferred the high future value of Leucaena timber to the present value of sorghum grain and fuelwood.  相似文献   

We examined morphological and physiological responses of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) seedlings to grass-induced below ground competition in full-light conditions. Two-year-old beech seedlings were grown during two growing seasons in 160-l containers in bare soil or with a mixture of five grass species widely represented in semi-natural meadows of central France. At the end of the second growing season, beech seedlings in the presence of grass showed significant reductions in diameter and height growth, annual shoot elongation, and stem, root and leaf biomass, but an increase in root to shoot biomass ratio. Grasses greatly reduced soil water availability, which was positively correlated with daily seedling diameter increment. Beech seedlings seemed to respond to water deficit by anticipating stomatal closure. There was evidence of competition for nitrogen (N) by grasses, but its effect on seedling development could not be separated from that of competition for water. By labeling the plants with 15N, we showed that beech seedlings absorbed little N when grasses were present, whereas grasses took up more than 97% of the total N absorbed in the container. We conclude that, even if beech seedlings display morphological and physiological adaptation to below ground competition, their development in full-light conditions may be strongly restricted by competition from grass species.  相似文献   

The potential of hedgerow intecrropping with Leucaena leucocephala was explored on vertic Inceptisols over 4 years at ICRISAT Center, Patancheru, India. The study was conducted using a systematic layout involving different alley widths ranging from 1.35 to 4.95 m and with varying distances between hedge and crops. The alleys were cropped with alternate rows of sorghum and pigeonpea. Hedges composed double Leucaena hedgerows 60 cm apart were periodically harvested for fodder. Sole crops of all components and a sorghum/pigeonpea intercrop were included in all four replications of the study.Starting in the second year, Leucaena was progressively more competitive to annual crops, causing substantial yield reduction. Competition (primarily for moisture) was most severe in narrow alleys and was greatest on pigeonpea.The growth of Leucaena was not sufficient to compensate for reduced crop yields. Land equivalent ratios (LERs) calculated on the basis of grain yield of crops and Leucaena fodder yields showed that hedgerow intercropping (HI) was advantageous over sole crops only during the first two years using wide alleys, but disadvantegeous in the last two years. LERs calculated on the basis of total dry matter indicated only a small advantage for HI (13–17 percent) over sole crops in wider (>4 m) alleys. Average returns per year from HI exceeded those of the most productive annual crop system (sorghum/pigeonpea intercropping) by 8 percent in 4.05 m alleys, and by 16 percent in 4.95 m alleys. Fodder production during the dry season was 40 percent of the annual total in these alley widths. Thus hedgerow intercropping at 4–5 m alley width is not very attractive for farmers in semi-arid India, which has 600–700 mm of annual rainfall. There is a need to examine the potential of HI in wider alleys. The merits and limitations of the systematic design are discussed.  相似文献   

There is interest in producing alfalfa as an alley crop because alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is the most profitable hay crop in the USA. Field experiments were conducted near Stockton, MO in 2003 and 2004. Treatments consisted of alfalfa grown in open plots and in plots that were alley cropped between 20-year-old black walnut trees (Juglans nigra L.) planted in rows 24.4- and 12.2-m apart. Alfalfa was sampled for three harvest cycles each year. In the alley-cropping plots, samples were taken beneath the canopy (2.5 m from the tree row) and in the center of the alleys. Data were taken on dry-matter yield, maturity, and forage quality. At all harvest dates over both years, yields from beneath the canopy of both alleys and the narrow alley centers were less than yields from the wide alley centers and open plots. Yield from the wide alley centers was similar to that in open plots in every harvest but the final harvest of 2004. Transects across the plots indicated that yields increased linearly from the tree row to the center of both alleys. Alfalfa tended to mature faster in the open and wide alley centers compared to beneath the canopy of both alleys and the narrow alley centers. Forage quality differences were inconsistent across treatments. Alfalfa yield was significantly reduced and maturity was delayed by the narrow 12.2 m tree spacing, but yield was not reduced in the centers of the wider 24.4 m alleyways.  相似文献   

Evaluation of existing on-farm agroforestry plots should provide useful supplementary information for the design of improved agroforestry systems, in both research and development projects. Such evaluation has been little used, however, largely due to the methodological difficulties of surveying highly variable on-farm plots, and difficulties in identifying key variables for measurement. This paper describes a set of methods and tools used in evaluating plots of alley-cropping and tree borders around crop fields established by farmers working with the CARE Agroforestry Extension Project in western Kenya. Details of survey design, sampling, and implementation are discussed, and suggestions made for carrying out agroforestry surveys in other projects. A condensed version of the questionnaire is appended.  相似文献   

Light competition by trees is often regarded as a major limiting factor for crops in alley-cropping agroforestry. Northern latitude farmers are usually reluctant to adopt agroforestry as they fear that light competition will be fiercer in their conditions. We questioned the light availability for crops in alley-cropping at different latitudes from the tropic circle to the polar circle with a process-based 3D model of alley-cropping agroforestry. Two tree densities and two tree line orientations were considered. The effect of the latitude was evaluated with same-sized trees. The relative irradiance of the crops was computed for the whole year or at specific times of the year when crops need more light. The heterogeneity of crop irradiance across the alley was also computed. Surprisingly, crop relative irradiance of summer crops at high latitudes is high, at odds with farmers’ fears. Best designs were highlighted for improving the crop irradiance: North–South tree lines are recommended at high latitudes and East–West tree lines at low latitudes. At medium latitudes, North–South tree lines should be preferred to achieve an homogeneous irradiance of the crop in the alley. If we assume that trees at northern latitudes grow slower when compared to southern latitudes, then alley-cropping agroforestry is highly advisable even at high latitudes with summer crops.  相似文献   

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