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为实现沼液的无害化处理与利用,本试验以猎物沼液为营养液进行蕹莱无土栽培,研究蕹菜的长势、生理指标及对沼液的净化能力。结果表明,与普通土壤培养相比,沼液无土栽培对蕹菜根长、侧根数、总产量影响显著;沼液能显著提高蕹菜中可溶性糖含量,增幅为68.5%,并显著降低蕹菜中硝态氮的含量,降幅为31.5%;无土培养后沼液中氮、磷、钾等大量元素含量明显降低,全氮下降率最高,达到22.03%,而可直接吸收利用的有效氮磷钾含量则降幅约30%~40%,差异极显著;沼液中Cu、Mg、Ca、Fe、Pb、Cd、Cr等微量元素的含量,除了Mg、Ca有显著下降外,其它均无明显变化。本研究为提高蔬菜品质、合理利用沼液提供新途径,并对解决沼液的无公害排放难题具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

试验结果表明,供试土壤缺钾是蕹菜生长的主要养分限制因子之一。单施有机肥无法满足蕹菜高产栽培的养分供给;在NP基础上施钾肥增产155.13%;有机-无机肥料配合施用,比单施化肥处理的增产8.57%,比单施有机肥处理的增产110.65%;蕹菜对氮、磷、钾养分的吸收率显著提高。  相似文献   

多样生物污水净化系统研究及其应用   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
传统的污水生物处理方法经过近100年的应用和技术改进,其工艺和设备日臻完善,但仍存在投资大、能耗高、管理复杂等特点。多样生物污水净化系统是按照食物链代谢规律,设置微生物-植物-水生动物3个处理单元,污水中的有机物作为微生物的食料在第1单元被厌氧微生物消化降解成CO2、H2O、NH^ 4、CH4和PO^3-4等,除CH4作为生物能源可回收利用外,其他物质都是植物的营养物质,在第2单元被藻类等多种植物吸收,通过光合作用合成植物细胞,并释放O2。在第1、第2单元增殖的过量细胞和藻类成为水生动物的食料,在第3单元被浮游动物和鱼类捕食并转化成动物蛋白。污水中有机物在3个单元组成的生态净化系统中被多样生物逐级利用,最终转化成植物细胞和动物蛋白,使污水得到净化三级处理水平,不产生二次污染,是对环境安全的污水处理新技术之一,成为21世纪的新科技。该污水净化系统通过达到自我调控生态平衡,具有工艺流程简单、投资省、运行费用低、管理简便等优点,适合我国国情且应用前景前景广阔,尤其适用于小城镇污水处理。  相似文献   

试验结果表明,供试土壤缺钾是蕹菜生长的主要养分限制因子之一。单施有机肥无法满足蕹菜高产栽培的养分供给;在NP基础上施钾肥增产155 13%;有机-无机肥料配合施用,比单施化肥处理的增产8 57%,比单施有机肥处理的增产110 65%;蕹菜对氮、磷、钾养分的吸收率显著提高。  相似文献   

<正> 分析我们的研究结果发现,从卫生观点出发,在工业化养猪综合体建筑自然生物净化设施以净化厩粪污水灌溉农田是完全可以接受的。但是必须确定,这个结论是否与这种设施的经济评价相吻合。为了解决这个问题,我们同卫生部的专家们,对工业化养猪综合体厩粪污水人工和自然生物净化设施的经济效益进行了分析。  相似文献   

蕹菜平衡施用氮磷钾肥料效应研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用“3414”最优回归设计方法,对蕹菜高优栽培氮磷钾肥料合理配施技术进行研究。结果表明,本试验条件下当N223.6、P2O5 50.0和K2O 97.5kg/hm^2,三要素比例为1:0.224:0.436时,蕹菜最高经济产量达31391.4kg/hm^2;当N215.7、P2O5 46.4和K2O9 0.0kg/hm^2,三要素比例为1:0.215:0.417时,蕹菜最佳施肥利润为36211.8元/hm^2,经济产量亦达31360.1kg/hm^2。在同等肥力下,蕹菜硝酸盐含量与施氮水平呈显著正相关;与施磷、钾水平呈极显著负相关。  相似文献   

施用锌肥对蕹菜含锌量及产量的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在适宜用量范围内,随着施锌量的增加,蕹菜的产量和锌含量均增加,但过多锌肥对蕹菜生长有抑制作用,使产量降低;综合考虑产量与锌含量,蕹莱基施锌肥0.0570~0.1140g/盆,喷施0.10%硫酸锌溶液效果最佳;氮与锌有协同作用,施用1.5剂量的氮肥对蕹菜的含锌量有明显的增加效果。  相似文献   

以蕹菜为试材,采用盆栽法,研究了不同用量的醌氢醌对蕹菜根系活性的影响,结果表明,醌氢醌使蕹菜根系活力、根系呼吸强度、根Na+-K+-ATP酶活力提高;蕹菜根系活性的增强,是蕹菜产量提高的生理基础之一,醌氢醌用量以40mgkg-1土为宜。  相似文献   

在温室内,分别以炉渣、沸石和土壤为湿地基质,水芹(Oenanthe javanica)、黑麦草(Lolium mut-liflorum)和香根草(Vetiveria zizanioides)为植被构建了模拟人工湿地和无基质的浮床植物系统处理生活污水,比较研究了不同污水净化系统去除氮、磷的效果。结果表明,在较低氮、磷负荷和水力停留时间为6 d的条件下,炉渣、沸石和土壤基质人工湿地系统对生活污水中的全氮(TN)、NH4+-N和全磷(TP)均表现出很好的净化效果,平均去除率均在91.0%以上;对NO3--N的去除率较低,为58.0%~85.5%。浮床系统因承受较高的负荷,对TN、NH4+-N、NO3--N和TP的去除率均明显低于各基质湿地。而从污染负荷的去除率来看,土壤基质湿地对TN、NH4+-N、NO3--N和TP的负荷去除率低于炉渣和沸石基质湿地;浮床各系统NO3--N负荷去除率的负增加使TN的负荷去除率降低,但其NH4+-N的负荷去除率均高于各湿地系统;浮床水芹和黑麦草系统的TP负荷去除率也高于各湿地系统。植物种类不同,其吸收N、P的能力存在很大差异。以黑麦草为植被的人工湿地和浮床系统,植物的吸收作用是各系统去氮除磷的主要机制;水芹和香根草吸收的氮、磷总量在人工湿地中远小于黑麦草,其吸收作用仅是各湿地系统去除氮、磷的一个途径;而水芹和香根草对磷的吸收则是浮床系统除磷的主要机制。  相似文献   

在水稻土中施用城市污泥和化肥盆栽蕹菜,应用GC/MS技术对蕹菜植株、土壤和渗漏水中2,4-二硝基甲苯(2,4-DNT)和2,6-二硝基甲苯(2,6-DNT)进行分析。结果表明,各处理蕹菜植株中2,4-DNT和2,6-DNT在各处理植株中的含量分别为0.035~0.307 mg/kg和0.007~0.392 mg/kg;土壤中的含量分别为0.015~0.146 mg/kg和未检出~0.285 mg/kg;渗漏水中的含量分别低于0.10 mg/L和未检出。施肥(包括化肥、污泥、污泥+化肥)可能导致蕹菜植株和土壤中2,6-DNT的累积,2,4-DNT的情况较复杂。施肥也可能导致水体2,4-二硝基甲苯污染。不同处理的土壤-植株-渗漏水系统中2,4-DNT和2,6-DNT的含量分布特征不同。化肥中2,4-DNT的生物有效性明显高于2,6-DNT,施用化肥提高了污泥中2,4-DNT的生物有效性,降低了2,6-DNT的生物有效性,使2,4-DNT更易被蕹菜吸收积累,2,6-DNT更趋于分布在土壤中。  相似文献   

The treatment of domestic wastewater at a temperature of 12–24°C was investigated in an RBC system. The RBC consists of a two stage system connected in series. The system was operated at different organic loading rates (OLR's) and hydraulic retntion times (HRT's) in order to optimize the RBC performance. The overall removal efficiencies for chemical oxygen demand (CODtotal, CODsuspended and CODcolloidal) significantly decreased when decreasing the total HRT from 10 to 2.5 h and increasing the OLR from 11 to 47 g COD/m2.d. However, the effluent quality of CODsoluble remained unaffected. Most of the COD was removed in the 1st stage and nitrification took place in the 2nd stage of the two stage system.The overall nitrification efficiency was 49% at total OLR of 11 gCOD/m2.d. At total HRT's of 10, 5 and 2.5 h, the Escherchia coli (E. coli) concentration was reduced by a value of 1.6, 1.5 and 0.8 log10 respectively. The sludge volume index (SVI) decreased as the OLR increased. However, the SVI of the excess sludge produced in the RBC under different OLR's was always <74 ml/gTS, which indicates vadjust a good settleability. The performance of the single versus two stage RBC operated at the same total OLR of 22 g COD/m2.d and the same HRT of 5.0 h was examined. The results obtained showed that the COD concentration and the E. coli content in the final effluent of a two stage were lower than in the effluent of the single stage RBC. Moreover, the nitrification efficiency in the two stage system was higher comapred to one stage system.  相似文献   

Ong  S. L.  Liu  Y.  Lee  L. Y.  Hu  J. Y.  Ng  W. J. 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2004,157(1-4):245-256
A lab-scale novel biofilm reactor system, Ultra-Compact Biofilm Reactor (UCBR), was studied to investigate its performance and operational characteristics for domestic sewage treatment. The reactor was operated at four different hydraulic retention times, namely, 90, 60, 30 and 15 min. The operating ranges of volumetric loading rates in terms of COD, BOD5, NH+ 4-N and TKN were 5.6-62.1 kg COD/m3 d, 2.6-32.5 BOD5/m3 d, 0.6-3.2 kg NH+ 4-N/m3 d and 0.82-6.2 kg TKN/m3 d, respectively. The COD, BOD5 and NH+ 4-N removal efficiencies at 90-min hydraulic retention time (HRT) and 60-min HRT could exceed 80%, 90% and 99%, respectively. The corresponding maximum biomass concentrations were 12.0 g/L and 15.0 g/L at 90-min HRT and 60-min HRT, respectively. At 30-min HRT, the biomass concentration increased to a maximum of 24.0 g/L. However, COD and BOD5 removal efficiencies decreased to 75% and 80%, respectively, while the NH+ 4-N nitrification efficiency decreased to only 25% to 30%. These observations suggested that high biomass concentration alone was not sufficient to provide a high removal capacity in a UCBR. Further reduction in HRT to 15 min led to an excessive biomass decline from 22.5 g/L to 4.0 g/L. On the whole, the UCBR was able to sustain COD removal and NH+ 4-N conversion of up to 5.96-18.70 kg COD/m3 d and 0.73-1.00 kg NH+ 4-N/m3 d, respectively.  相似文献   

生物膜法或活性污泥法是常用的处理污水的有效方法,但其费用高,仅在人口密集的城市和工业区适用,而在人口稀疏的地区采用这种方法则不合算,因而也是行不通的。这就需要寻找廉价而又有效的方法来代替。本文概括地介绍了利用既廉价又有效的各种水生和半水生植物处理污水的研究结果。这些方法包括天然生长的植物系统处理污水、沼泽塘法、根区法等。根区法中的芦苇床系统是研究得最多的,也是效果最好的。  相似文献   

城市污水污泥处理利用研究进展   总被引:57,自引:0,他引:57  
城市污水污泥由于其产生量的巨大及成分的复杂,如何对它进行合理利用已越来越受人们关注。文章系统地综述了污泥的减容化、无害化处理方式及其进展,并重点对其资源化的土地利用和水处理利用等作了较为详细的论述,从而提出污泥的资源化最经济、最有效的处理途径。  相似文献   

一般的污水土地处理方式存在容易堵塞、水力负荷小等缺点。为了提高土地处理的效率,将一种特殊的蚯蚓引入土地处理中,形成一种新型的蚯蚓强化土地处理系统,它能利用蚯蚓的生活习性强化土地处理效果。通过在试验室内搭建土地处理和蚯蚓强化土地处理系统,对农村生活污水进行模拟处理试验,并且对两种处理系统出水进行水质测试。结果表明,蚯蚓强化土地处理系统对水中污染物的去除率比土地处理系统的高出很多。土地处理和蚯蚓强化土地处理对于COD、TP和TN的去除率分别为40.5%、37.7%、9.6%和66.1%、50.6%、16.8%。试验表明,蚯蚓强化土地处理系统的污水处理率是土地处理的6倍,而且蚯蚓强化土地处理系统相比土地处理系统不易发生堵塞,有效地提高了土地处理的效率。蚯蚓强化土地处理系统是一种节能省地的污水处理系统,对于农村生活污水的处理将会起到积极的作用。  相似文献   

用2,4-D处理获得可育甘薯组种间杂种   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
翟红  刘庆昌 《农业生物技术学报》2002,10(2):113-115,T001
用50mg/L 2,4-D处理杂交不亲和组合甘薯(Ipomoea batatas (L.)Lam.)品种徐薯18(2n=6x=90)×L.lacunosa(2n=2x=30)以及I.trifida(2n=4x=60)×L triloba(2n=2x=30)的母本花器,获得了可育种间杂种植株,并对种间杂种进行了过氧化物酶同工酶分析和细胞学观察.特别是徐薯18×I.lacunosa的杂种后代具有明显的结薯性,这是首次报道获得具有结薯性的甘薯品种和第Ⅱ群近缘野生种种间杂种.  相似文献   

北京市生态清洁小流域建设中的污水治理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
经济的快速发展和旅游人数的不断增加,使北京市山区小流域内分散的点源污染和污水排放量逐渐增加,对地表水环境造成诸多危害。生态清洁小流域建设是小流域综合治理发展的新阶段,污水治理是其中的重要内容之一。探讨了北京市山区小流域污水治理适用标准、治理方式和污水管网建设、处理工艺设施选择,并针对污水处理中存在的问题,提出了水污染防治的建议。  相似文献   

This paper describes the presence of 33 pharmaceuticals and hormones in waters from two sewage treatment plants (STPs) situated in Catalonia, in northeastern Spain. The target compounds were one psychoactive stimulant, one antiepileptic, four analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, one lipid regulators, two anti-ulcer agents, nine antibiotics (sulfonamides and macrolides), two beta-blockers, two metabolites, and 11 hormones (free and conjugates). The determination was performed using liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry after enrichment by solid-phase extraction with Oasis HLB sorbent. Most of the pharmaceuticals were found in both influent and effluent samples from the two STPs. The most frequently detected were caffeine, acetaminophen, carbamazepine, diclofenac, ibuprofen, naproxen, sulfamethoxazole, sulfapyridine, sulfathiazole, ranitidine, omeprazole, estrone 3-sulfate, and estradiol 17-glucuronide. Specifically, the highest concentrations found in influents were 19,850?ng/L (acetaminophen), 9,945?ng/L (caffeine), 4,215?ng/L (ibuprofen), 5,695?ng/L (sulfamethoxazole), and 5,140?ng/L (sulfathiazole). Most of the pharmaceuticals present in influent waters were found in effluents at lower concentrations. The highest concentrations in effluents were 970?ng/L (caffeine), 670?ng/L (sulfamethoxazole), 510?ng/L (bezafibrate), and 1,032?ng/L (diclofenac).  相似文献   

Because of concerns regarding health, safety, and aesthetics, a test that identifies the presence of sewage sludge or its products (biosolids) in commercial materials such as soil conditioners and composts would be useful. This test could also trace the effluent plume from a sewage treatment plant. We have discovered that synthetic fibers serve as such an indicator. Synthetic fibers are abundant in sludge, sludge products, and sewage treatment plant effluents. The fibers evidently are introduced from clothes-washing machines and survive the sewage treatment process. Synthetic fibers were identified using polarized light microscopy, which provided a simple, rapid method for determining the presence or absence of municipal sewage sludge or its products. False positives or false negatives have not occurred with any of the materials examined so far. We also monitored synthetic fibers in surface sediments of Huntington Harbor, Long Island, NY, a harbor receiving the effluent from a trickling filter sewage treatment plant. Fibers generally decrease in size and abundance with distance from the source. In Oyster Bay Harbor, Long Island, an advanced sewage treatment plant is operated with a final microfiltration step. Synthetic fibers are less abundant in the sediments of this harbor.  相似文献   

The low removal efficiency of total nitrogen (TN) is one of the main disadvantages of traditional single stage subsurface infiltration system,which combines an anaerobic tank and a soil filter field.In this study,a full-scale,two-stage anaerobic tank and soil trench system was designed and operated to evaluate the feasibility and performances in treating sewage from a school campus for over a one-year monitoring period.The raw sewage was prepared and fed into the first anaerobic tank and second tank by 60% and 40%,respectively.This novel process could decrease chemical oxygen demand with the dichromate method by 89%-96%,suspended solids by 91%-97%,and total phosphorus by 91%-97%.The denitrification was satisfactory in the second stage soil trench,so the removals of TN as well as ammonia nitrogen (NH 4-N) reached 68%-75% and 96%-99%,respectively.It appeared that the removal efficiency of TN in this two-stage anaerobic tank and soil trench system was more effective than that in the single stage soil infiltration system.The effluent met the discharge standard for the sewage treatment plant (GB18918-2002) of China.  相似文献   

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