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The epidemiology of nematode infections in a uk commercial crossbred sheep flock was studied from January 2004 to January 2005. The ewes were treated orally with moxidectin when they were turned out of the lambing shed on to nematode-contaminated pasture, and the lambs were treated orally with ivermectin throughout the summer in accordance with the farm's usual practice, with the aim of near-suppressive nematode control. The lactating ewes experienced a significant increase in faecal egg count during the early summer, after the period of persistence of the moxidectin treatment had ended. The ewes' and lambs' egg outputs were dominated by Teladorsagia species, despite the persistence of the effect of moxidectin against this genus. The gimmers (primiparous two-year-old ewes) had a significantly greater faecal egg count at lambing than the three- to four-year-old ewes, but the older ewes had significantly greater post-treatment increases. The population of Trichostrongylus species appeared to follow accepted epidemiological patterns, with no evidence of summer trichostrongylosis. In late summer and autumn the faecal egg output of the ewes was primarily due to large intestinal nematodes.  相似文献   

A high prevalence of metabolic disease was evident in a large flock of sheep early in the lambing season. Pregnancy toxemia and secondary hypocalcemia were diagnosed on the basis of history, physical examination findings, and results of serum biochemical analyses. To decrease costs to the owner, pooled serum samples were used to determine the metabolic health status of the flock. Ewes close to the time of lambing were found to be in severe negative energy balance, which resulted in excessive fat mobilization as well as clinical signs associated with pregnancy toxemia and hepatic lipidosis. By nutrient analysis, it was determined that the ewes had an inadequate amount of fermentable carbohydrates, which provide glucose to support the additional nutrition required during late gestation. The diet provided to sheep during late gestation should contain sufficient glucose precursors to maintain adequate glucose availability to maternal and fetal tissues. To minimize the physiologic decline in dry-matter intake during late gestation (which results in accentuation of negative energy balance), high-quality feed ingredients should be fed to ewes during this period.  相似文献   

Aldicarb toxicosis was diagnosed in 200 sheep that died suddenly. Carbamate insecticide toxicosis was suspected based on observed clinical signs (hypersalivation, diarrhea, urination, paddling, seizures, miosis, and deaths occurring within 1 hour). Tissue samples were submitted from 4 Columbian ewes for pathologic and analytical evaluation. Severe diffuse pulmonary edema was observed on gross and histologic examination. Inhibition of cholinesterase activity in retina (21.2-68.1% of normal activity, n = 3), brain (40.6-45.6% of normal activity, n = 3), and whole blood (27% of normal activity, n = 1) supported a diagnosis of carbamate toxicosis. Reversal of brain and whole blood cholinesterase activities (reactivation factor greater than 1.4) following an in vitro 1 hour incubation at 37 C was also consistent with carbamate poisoning. Aldicarb toxicosis was confirmed following its detection in rumen contents at 1.5, 5.5, and 334 ppm using both high-pressure liquid chromatography with UV detection and gas chromatography with nitrogen/phosphorus detection.  相似文献   

In a herd of dairy sheep several losses occurred due to a respiratory syndrome in combination with progressive wasting. Clinical and pathomorphological diagnostics of 3 sheep revealed the presence of cancerous masses in the nasal cavities. These neoplasms were identified as adenocarcinomas originating from the nasal mucosa. Etiologically, they were attributed to JRSV (Jaagsiekte Sheep Retrovirus) by detection of capsid protein 24 in western blot. The significance of the disease in Switzerland is discussed, also in the context of lung adenomatosis.  相似文献   

Control of a benzimidazole-, levamisole- and ivermectin-resistant population of Teladorsagia circumcincta was attempted using moxidectin administered orally at the manufacturer's recommended dose rate of 200 microg/kg bodyweight. Ewes were dosed after lambing with the aim of controlling their periparturient rise in faecal egg output and lambs were dosed at six-week intervals throughout the summer. This regimen failed to suppress the establishment of significant numbers of infective helminth larvae on the pasture, resulting in unsatisfactory lamb production. Oral dosing with moxidectin was effective in removing adult female burdens of ivermectin-resistant T. circumcincta, but the effect of the drug did not persist against the resistant helminth population.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyze the breed identity and leadership in a mixed flock of sheep. The flock consisted of 89 Suffolk adult ewes and 250 Columbia ewes and 45 Columbia rams. The animals were kept in the pasture during the day. Each hour the flock was allowed to feed for 20 minutes, and then was moved for 40 minutes to a small paddock near the grazing area. In the afternoon, all sheep were taken to the night pen. The animals were observed for 120 days, 4 times a day (480 leadership breed positions), with respect to the following conditions: (1) leave pen at front of flock, (2) return to pen at front of flock, (3) first to move to the grassland, (4) return to the paddock, (5) drink first (on arrival time at the night pen), and (6) preference for an area in the night barn. The Suffolk breed were first in leaving (94% of the times) and in returning to the night pen (65%) (P < 0.05), and 35% returned with the Columbia sheep. The Suffolk breed were first to move to the grazing area (90%) and 10% moved with the other breed (P < 0.05). When returning to the rest area, the Columbia sheep were first to reach 54% of the time, the 2 breeds were together 29% of the time, and the Suffolk sheep were alone 17% of the time (P < 0.05). When comparing who drank first, 50% of the time both breeds went together, 28% of the time the Columbia sheep were first, and 22% of the time the Suffolk sheep were first (P < 0.05). At night, most of the Suffolk sheep had a preference for 1 barn area (P < 0.05). The results of our study suggest that most animals of each breed performed activities together. Suffolk sheep were leaders when moving to the grazing area and when selecting the place to rest.  相似文献   

Selenium supplementation by injection is a common practice. Acute toxicosis from dosaging errors may occur. In this report, 23 of 56 ewes and all 24 lambs injected with selenium died. Tissue, whole blood, and serum concentrations aided in the diagnosis. Caution should be taken when supplementing selenium by injection.  相似文献   

Outbreaks of mastitis in a sheep flock and a goat herd caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and their control are described.The morbidity rates of mastitis in a sheep flock and in a goat herd were 18.7 and 18.2 per cent, respectively. The lethality and involuntary culling rates of the animals with sub-clinical mastitis correspond to the morbidity rate.The highest morbidity rates were noted in yearlings--22.5 and 30 per cent, as well as in animals pre- and post partum (7 and 20 per cent, in sheep and goats, respectively). The morbidity periods in the flock and in the herd were 20 and 27 months, respectively. A strict-hygiene milking programme and maintenance of the milking devices was introduced. In addition, prevention of crowding, provision of dry bedding and thorough cleaning of water troughs have also been instituted. Ruthless culling of all infected and carrier animals was an essential part of the control program against Pseudomonas aeruginosa mastitis.  相似文献   

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