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S W Jack  W M Reed 《Avian diseases》1989,33(3):446-450
Quail bronchitis was experimentally reproduced in captive-reared bobwhite quails (Colinus virginianus). Quails were inoculated with 10(6) mean tissue culture infective doses of quail bronchitis virus at 1,3,6, or 9 weeks of age by the intratracheal, intraperitoneal, or subcutaneous route. Clinical signs were minimal, but occasionally birds were ruffled, exhibited open-mouthed breathing, and developed "snicks." Mortality rates of quails inoculated at 1 or 3 weeks ranged from 7% to 87%. Quails inoculated at 6 or 9 weeks of age had mortality rates from 0% to 20%. Mean body weights of survivors that had been inoculated at 3 or 6 weeks were significantly less than those of controls (P less than 0.05). No significant differences in body weight were detected between quails inoculated at 1 or 9 weeks and their uninoculated controls. Antibodies to group I adenovirus were detected by agar gel precipitation in 87.5% of birds that survived infection.  相似文献   

M Chew-Lim 《Avian diseases》1980,24(2):520-526
Quail bronchitis was confirmed by recovery of fowl adenovirus serotype 1 from 2 flocks of adult birds (Coturnix coturnix japonica) that were reared commercially for their eggs in the Republic of Singapore. Both flocks were reported to have a fall in egg numbers of 10-15%. The main clinical signs were respiratory distress and soft-shelled and white eggs lacking shell pigmentation.  相似文献   

Toxicosis was induced in pregnant Holstein-Friesian heifers by giving polybrominated biphenyls a in gelatin capsules at the rate of 25 g/day. Initially, this dosage was approximately 67 mg/kg of body weight. Clinical signs were anorexia, excessive lacrimation and salivation, diarrhea, emaciation, dehydration, depression, and abortion. Fever was not evident during the experiment. Values for serum glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase, lactic dehydrogenase, blood urea nitrogen, and bilirubin were increased. Changes in packed cell volume, hemoglobin content, total erythrocyte and leukocyte counts, and differential leukocyte counts were minimal and reflected dehydration and secondary infection. The principal urine changes were decreased specific gravity and moderate proteinuria. Gross necropsy findings included dehydration; subcutaneous emphysema and hemorrhage; atrophy of the thymus; fetal death with concomitant necrosis of cotyledons; kidneys that were enlarged, pale tan to gray; thickened wall of the gallbladder; inspissated bile; edema of abomasal folds; mucoid enteritis; linear hemorrhage and edema of the rectal mucosa; and secondary pneumonia. Microscopic changes were most marked in the kidneys, gallbladder, and eyelid. In the kidney, the principal changes were extreme dilatation of collecting ducts and convoluted tubules, with epithelial degenerative changes of cloudy swelling, hydropic degeneration, and separation from the basement membrane. Common changes in the gallbladder were moderate to marked hyperplasia and cystic dilatation of the mucous glands in the lamina propria. The changes in the eyelids were characterized by hyperkeratosis, with accumulations of keratin in hair follicles of the epidermis and squamous metaplasia with keratin cysts in the tarsal glands. Clinical signs and lesions of toxicosis did not develop in heifers given the polybrominated biphenyls at the rate of 0.25 mg and 250 mg/day for 60 days. Initially these rates were approximately 0.00065 mg/kg and 0.65 mg/kg of body weight, respectively.  相似文献   

Virus was recovered from the faeces of chickens infected at three or four weeks of age for more than 20 weeks after infection with commercial vaccines or with the T strain of avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV). Virus was not recovered from the trachea, liver, spleen, bursa or kidneys of T strain infected birds longer than 29 days after infection at which point IBV was recovered from the bursa of a single infected bird. In a subsequent experiment IBV was recovered from the caecal lymph nodes and faeces of one of five birds 14 weeks after infection with a commercial vaccine but no virus was isolated from the trachea, kidneys, duodenum, bursa, ovaries or testes of any of the five birds at this time.  相似文献   

Four-day-old specific-pathogen-free chickens were inoculated by eyedrop with four different strains (Gray, JMK, CV56b, and Wolgemuth) of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV). Birds were monitored clinically and euthanatized at 1, 4, 7, and 14 days postinfection and tissues were collected for virus isolation, histopathologic examination, in situ hybridization (ISH), and immunohistochemistry (IHC). Clinical disease was severe in chickens infected with Wolgemuth, but no overt disease was observed with the other strains. Virus was isolated from the kidneys of chickens infected with the Gray-, CV56b-, and Wolgemuth-strains of IBV. Histologically, interstitial nephritis was evident in chickens infected with these same 3 strains. However, viral nucleic acid and antigen were detected only with Wolgemuth-infected kidneys by ISH and IHC. These results indicate that the pathological changes in kidneys from chickens infected with Gray and CV56b may not have resulted from the cytolytic action of the virus.  相似文献   

Six veal calves were medicated with clenbuterol at 20 μg kg bodyweight−1 day−1 for 42 days before they were slaughtered, to evaluate the lesions and residues in target organs. Compared with six unmedicated calves the most noticeable changes were tracheal dilatation, decreased uterine weight, slight mucous hypersecretion in the uterus and vagina and depletion of liver glycogen. The highest concentrations of clenbuterol (62 to 128 ng/g−1) were recorded in the choroid/retina, and the aqueous humour had the lowest concentration (0·5 to 2·4 ng ml−1). The residue concentrations were higher than the maximum residue level set for clenbuterol (0·5 ng g−1)  相似文献   

Normal eosinophil development in the Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) was similar to that described in the fowl and the duck, with granulogenesis occurring in the Golgi apparatus. The characteristic lipid droplets were small in the immature eosinophils, and after staining specifically for lipid, small moieties were also traced to the Golgi apparatus. In mature eosinophils the lipid droplets measured between 1.0 and 1.5 micron in diameter and they were surrounded by profiles of smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Eosinophilia was difficult to induce in quails; injections of either horse serum or bovine serum albumin (BSA)/aluminium hydroxide produced a poor response. In some quails in which eosinophilia was produced, however, eosinophil granules showed many crescentic and vacuolated forms. The lipid droplets in the activated eosinophils were fused in many cells to form large intracellular aggregates of lipid. Quail eosinophils, which hitherto have been regarded as peroxidase-negative, had strong activity in the lipid droplets of cells from stimulated birds. It is postulated that this peroxidase-positive reaction may represent a form of ceroid or lipofuscin pigment resulting from lipid peroxidation. Acid phosphatase and trimetaphosphatase reactions were reduced in many activated cells, with a large proportion of granules being non-reactive. The results of dietary manipulations in quails appear to suggest that in stressful situations the eosinophil metabolism is altered and there is a reduction in the number of lipid droplets in the cell.  相似文献   

鸡传染性支气管炎人工感染模型的中药保护作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传染性支气管炎(IB)是由传染性支气管炎病毒(IBV)引起的急性、高度接触性呼吸道传染病,其特征是咳嗽、打喷嚏和气管哕音、呼吸困难.该病可引起鸡的增重、饲料报酬以及生产性能降低,当继发或并发感染支原体或大肠杆菌等时可使鸡群死亡率增加,是严重危害世界养禽业的重大传染病之一.由于IBV毒株具有高度易变异和多血清型的特点,给该病的免疫和防治带来了很大困难,因此,研制有效的防治药物具有重要意义.  相似文献   

To characterize the immune response associated with Lawsonia intracellularis infection, twenty-eight, 7-week-old pigs were dosed orally with a pure culture of L. intracellularis. Animals were killed 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, and 42 days postinfection. Light microscopic studies were undertaken to immunophenotype the immunologic response using specific antibodies to T-cell subsets (CD3, CD4, and CD8), B cells, major histocompatibility complex class II, cadherin, and macrophages over the course of time. The results indicate that there is a direct association between the presence of L. intracellularis and reduced T-cell and B-cell numbers. For the first time, this provides evidence of the presence of an immunosuppressive mechanism operating in this disease. Furthermore, macrophage marker studies indicated that macrophages may play a more complex and significant role in the disease process than has been previously reported, with activated macrophages accumulating in infected hyperplastic crypts.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the ultrasonographic patterns of pancreatitis evoked in cattle, with reference to laboratory and pathological findings. Using ultrasonographic guidance, acute necrotizing pancreatitis was induced in six cows by injecting chloroform into the pancreatic tissue. Ultrasonographic examination was then performed once daily for nine days. Pancreatic lesions were visible 24h after induction of pancreatitis, as represented by a uniform increase in echogenicity and by intralobular and subcapsular fluid accumulation. As the experiment progressed, patchy hypoechogenic foci appeared within the gland parenchyma. Amylase and lipase activities showed rapid increases. Post mortem examination revealed gross and microscopic necrotic and haemorrhagic lesions in the body and right lobe of the pancreas, accompanied by oedema and fibrosis. Ultrasonography was found to be extremely useful for the detection and characterization of experimentally induced pancreatitis and to monitor its progression in the cow. These findings are of potential value as a reference for the diagnostic workup of bovine pancreatitis, and ultrasonography is seen as a promising non-invasive technique for the diagnosis of suspected pancreatitis in cattle.  相似文献   

Corneal ulcers to the depth of the anterior third of the stroma were created surgically in both eyes of 10 ponies. One eye in each pony was treated topically with chloramphenicol and 1% atropine ophthalmic ointments 3 times per day; the contralateral eye was not treated topically. All ponies were given phenylbutazone orally for relief of ocular pain. Fluorescein-stained ulcers were measured once a day. The median healing time of the treated eyes (11 days) and the median healing time of the nontreated eyes (13.5 days) were found not to be significantly different. Clinically, however, more severe complications arose in the nontreated eyes.  相似文献   

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