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The application of disinfectants through drip irrigation could be a feasible practice against verticillium wilt (Verticillium dahliae) of olive. OX-VIRIN (activated peroxide) and OX-AGUA AL25 (quaternary ammonium compounds) are two disinfectants that have shown efficacy against V. dahliae in irrigation water and potential for reducing the disease in young olive plants. In this work, various post-planting application strategies incorporating OX-VIRIN (once a month, or twice a month on alternate or successive weeks) or OX-AGUA AL25 (once a month, or twice a month on alternate weeks) were assessed for their effect on V. dahliae in soil, disease in olive trees, and olive yield, in a 2-year pot-experiment under natural environmental conditions. The disinfectants were injected via metering pumps into a drip irrigation system that irrigated olive trees planted in V. dahliae-inoculated soil. All the application strategies significantly reduced the total inoculum density in soil compared to controls with no disinfectants and noninoculated soil. The microsclerotia density was also significantly reduced in disinfested soils by 73.6–86.8%, depending on the strategy. The symptoms and infection incidence were always lower in treatments subjected to disinfestation. The treatment with OX-AGUA AL25 applied twice a month on alternate weeks most reduced the symptoms (by 53.0%) and colonization index (by 70.8%) with respect to untreated water control. This soil disinfestation also significantly strengthened the symptom remission. Tree growth and production were negatively affected by soil inoculation (reduced by 45.6% and 88.7%, respectively), but not so by disinfectants, which even relieved the reduction in inoculated soils, especially when OX-AGUA AL25 was applied.  相似文献   

The effects of irrigation on verticillium wilt in olive, in terms of morphological, biomass and physiological parameters were evaluated on pot‐grown trees maintained in the field for 3 years. Plants inoculated and noninoculated with Verticillium dahliae were irrigated to high and low range of soil water content (HR and LR) at daily (DF; about 2 days/event), weekly (WF) and daily‐weekly (DWF) drip‐irrigation frequency. Morphological parameters, relative biomass and biomass water‐use efficiency were higher at LR than at HR (with few exceptions) and at DF than at other frequencies in noninoculated and inoculated plants, but the fungus reduced those parameters by 17.0–38.5%. Lower root weight ratio, relative biomass and shoot length as area originated at HR in noninoculated plants, could be favourable to the accumulation of root infections and the amount of fungus per tissue length in inoculated plants because higher infection was known at HR. Moreover, higher aerial biomass and length promoted by irrigation at DF could prevent the more severe expression of symptoms, which occurred at WF and DWF in the presence of Verticillium. Negative correlations were found between indicated parameters and disease. Lower water stress (SΨ), and higher stomatal conductance (gs) and net photosynthesis at DF in noninoculated plants could limit the disease by improving water status, as SΨ was increased by the fungus only at WF and DWF, and gs and disease were negatively correlated. LR‐DF treatment minimized the disease and kept the growth, water‐use efficiency and physiological parameters in inoculated plants to levels close to noninoculated plants.  相似文献   

Since 2006, verticillium wilt of olive induced by Verticillium dahliae has caused considerable economic losses in olive orchards in Tunisia. The genetic structure of V. dahliae isolates collected from different olive growing regions was investigated using virulence tests, vegetative compatibility grouping (VCG) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analyses. In total, 42 isolates of V. dahliae from diseased olive trees were tested. Cluster analysis and principal coordinate analysis revealed that geographic origin was the main factor determining the genetic structure of V. dahliae populations and both methods indicated a genetic separation between the central and coastal isolates. Isolates were divided into two major groups: the AFLP‐I group included all isolates from Sidi Bouzid, Kairouan, Kasserine and Sfax (centre of the country) and the AFLP‐II group included isolates from Monastir, Zaghouane, Sousse, Mahdia (coastal region), and two isolates from Sfax. Analysis of the molecular variance (amova ) indicated a significant level of genetic differentiation among (76%) and within (23%) the two populations. Analyses of both the defoliating (D) and non‐defoliating (ND) pathotypes and VCG markers indicated that most of the isolates belong to VCG 2A and 4B/ND pathotype. The disease severity was highly variable among the isolates tested (< 0·05) with no evidence of association between aggressiveness and geographical origin of the isolates. Overall, results of this study revealed a clear association between the genetic diversity of the isolates and their geographic origin, but not between genetic diversity and virulence patterns.  相似文献   

Verticillium wilt caused by Verticillium dahliae is one of the most threatening diseases of olive worldwide. For pre‐planting and post‐planting control of verticillium wilt in olive trees, availability of a rapid, reliable and non‐destructive method for detection of V. dahliae is essential. For such a method, suitable and easily performed sampling and efficient processing of samples for extraction of DNA are necessary. In this study, the suitability of young twig and leaf samples of olive trees, which are easy to collect and extract DNA from, were assessed for the detection of V. dahliae in routine procedures. The lower (about 50 cm from the tip) and top parts (about 5 cm from the tip) of twigs, as well as leaves from infected olive trees were screened for V. dahliae infection and distribution using real‐time PCR. The biomass of V. dahliae detected in individual twigs was highly variable, but there was no significant difference between mean quantities of V. dahliae DNA detected in top and lower parts of twigs. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that analysis of combined samples containing DNA extracted from five twigs of an infected tree accurately detected the presence of the pathogen. Similarly, testing combined samples of 5–10 leaves enabled reliable detection of the pathogen in an infected tree. The development of this assay enables reliable detection of V. dahliae in infected olive trees that can aid in management decisions for the implementation of integrated disease management.  相似文献   

Verticillium wilt (VW) in olive is best managed by an integrated disease management strategy, of which use of host resistance is a key element. The widespread occurrence of a highly virulent defoliating (D) Verticillium dahliae pathotype has jeopardized the use of commercial olive cultivars lacking sufficient resistance to this pathogen. However, the combined use of resistant wild olive rootstocks and Trichoderma spp. effective in the biocontrol of VW can improve the management of VW in olive. In vivo interactions between D V. dahliae and Trichoderma harzianum were studied in olive and wild olive plants displaying different degrees of resistance against this pathogen using confocal microscopy. This multitrophic system included wild olive clones Ac‐4 and Ac‐15, olive cv. Picual, and the fungal fluorescent transformants T. harzianum GFP22 and V. dahliae V138I‐YFP, the latter being obtained in this study. In planta observations indicated that V138I‐YFP colonizes the roots and stems of the olive and wild olive genotypes, and that GFP22 grows endophytically within the roots of them all. YFP fluorescence signal quantifications showed that: (i) the degree of root and stem colonization by the pathogen varied depending upon the susceptibility of the tested wild olive genotype, being higher in Ac‐15 than in Ac‐4 plants; and (ii) treatment with T. harzianum GFP22 reduced the extent of pathogen growth in both clones. Moreover, root colonization by strain GFP22 reduced the percentage of pathogen colonies recovered from stems of olive and wild olive plants.  相似文献   

Developing verticillium wilt resistant genotypes is currently a major objective in olive breeding. In this study, 6017 genotypes derived from 48 crosses obtained by open pollination and crosses between olive cultivars, wild olive genotypes and other Olea species and Olea europaea subspecies were individually evaluated for verticillium wilt resistance. More than 800 genotypes were identified as resistant to the disease based on the absence of symptoms. High genetic variability and wide segregation in resistance were observed. The inheritance of resistance was studied, and the best parents and crosses to breed resistant genotypes were identified. According to the results, verticillium wilt resistance in olive appears to be a quantitative trait. The results obtained by comparing the level of resistance between different crosses as well as by estimating heritability suggest that it is possible to breed for verticillium wilt resistance in olive.  相似文献   

Biological control of plant diseases using soil amendments such as animal manure and composted materials can minimize organic waste and has been proposed as an effective strategy in crop protection. In this study, 35 organic amendments (OAs) and 16 compost mixtures were evaluated against Verticillium dahliae by assessing both the antagonistic effect on the mycelial growth of two representative isolates of V. dahliae and the effect on the reduction of microsclerotia viability of the pathogen in naturally infested soil. Eleven OAs and five compost mixtures showed a consistent inhibition effect in in vitro sensitivity tests, with solid olive‐oil waste compost one of the most effective. Therefore, a bioassay with olive plants was conducted to evaluate the suppressive effect against V. dahliae of these selected OAs and compost mixtures. Significant reduction in the severity of the symptoms of V. dahliae indicates the potential use of grape marc compost (100% disease severity reduction) and solid olive‐oil waste, combined with other OAs. Microorganism mixtures and dairy waste OAs had a potential suppressive effect when they were combined with compost, showing a 73% and 63% disease severity reduction, respectively. A mixture of agro‐industrial waste with other biological control agents is a promising strategy against verticillium wilt of olive. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report on the effectiveness of compost extracts (compost teas) on the inhibition of natural microsclerotia of V. dahliae, and also on verticillium wilt suppression in olive with solid olive‐oil waste.  相似文献   

Controlling Verticillium dahliae through irrigation systems should be an important measure within integrated management of verticillium wilt of olive in Spain. Pathogen content of water infested by V. dahliae conidia and sclerotia can be diminished following in vitro treatments with the disinfectants OX-VIRIN and OX-AGUA AL25. Three concentrations per disinfectant were assessed for their effectiveness under operational conditions of modern irrigated olive orchards. Sterilized potted soil was drip-irrigated with conidia- or sclerotia-containing water that was pumped from a storage tank and disinfected (or not, control) within the pipelines via metering pumps. The trial was carried out in autumn and spring for each type of propagule infesting the water. The inoculum dispensed through drippers and the total inoculum density accumulated in soil were estimated. Furthermore, the treated residual inoculum in soil was assessed for pathogenicity on olive plants. Conidial incorporation in soil was prevented by most disinfectant treatments in spring; while for sclerotia, prevention was observed only at the highest OX-VIRIN (51.2 mL L−1; in both seasons) and OX-AGUA AL25 (11.27 mL L−1; in autumn) concentration. The remaining disinfectant treatments reduced conidia and sclerotia accumulation in soil by over 99% and 95%, respectively. Season particularly impacted the efficacy of lower concentrations. Expression of symptoms was not observed in olive plants grown in previously treated soils. The infectivity of the residual inoculum present in some treated soils was prevented, markedly reduced or limited to the roots. These results provide a novel, interesting and feasible approach in the management of the disease.  相似文献   

Understanding pathogenic variation in plant pathogen populations is key for the development and use of host resistance for managing verticillium wilt diseases. A highly virulent defoliating (D) pathotype in Verticillium dahliae has previously been shown to occur only in one clonal lineage (lineage 1A). By contrast, no clear association has yet been shown for race 1 with clonal lineages. Race 1 carries the effector gene Ave1 and is avirulent on hosts that carry resistance gene Ve1 or its homologues. The hypothesis tested was that race 1 arose once in a single clonal lineage, which might be expected if V. dahliae acquired Ave1 by horizontal gene transfer from plants, as hypothesized previously. In a diverse sample of 195 V. dahliae isolates from nine clonal lineages, all race 1 isolates were present only in lineage 2A. Conversely, all lineage 2A isolates displayed the race 1 phenotype. Moreover, 900‐bp nucleotide sequences from Ave1 were identical among 27 lineage 2A isolates and identical to sequences from other V. dahliae race 1 isolates in GenBank. The finding of race 1 in a single clonal lineage, with identical Ave1 sequences, is consistent with the hypothesis that race 1 arose once in V. dahliae. Molecular markers and virulence assays also confirmed the well‐established finding that the D pathotype is found only in lineage 1A. Pathogenicity assays indicated that cotton and olive isolates of the D pathotype (lineage 1A) were highly virulent on cotton and olive, but had low virulence on tomato.  相似文献   

Verticillium wilt of olive is best managed by resistant cultivars, but those currently available show incomplete resistance to the defoliating (D) Verticillium dahliae pathotype. Moreover, these cultivars do not satisfy consumers' demand for high yields and oil quality. Highly resistant rootstocks would be of paramount importance for production of agronomically adapted and commercially desirable olive cultivars in D V. dahliae‐infested soils. In this work, resistance to D V. dahliae in wild olive clones Ac‐13, Ac‐18, OutVert and StopVert was assessed by quantifying the fungal DNA along the stem using a highly sensitive real‐time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) protocol and a stem colonization index (SCI) based on isolation of V. dahliae following artificial inoculations under conditions highly conducive for verticillium wilt. Ac‐13, Ac‐18, OutVert and StopVert showed a symptomless reaction to D V. dahliae. The mean amount of D V. dahliaeDNA quantified in stems of the four clones ranged from 3.64 to 28.89 pg/100 ng olive DNA, which was 249 to 1537 times lower than that in susceptible Picual olive. The reduction in the quantitative stem colonization of wild olive clones by D V. dahliae was also indicated by a sharp decrease in the SCI. Overall, there was a pattern of decreasing SCI in acropetal progression along the plant axis, as well as correlation between positive reisolation and quantification of pathogen DNA. The results of this research show that wild olive clones Ac‐13, Ac‐18, OutVert and StopVert have a valuable potential as rootstocks for the management of verticillium wilt in olive.  相似文献   

The epidemiology of Verticillium dahliae and its effect on yield was studied for 3 years in three plots of olive cv. Picual, planted in soil previously cropped with highly susceptible V. dahliae host plants and irrigated with saline water. Disease incidence increased 2·2-, 2·6- and 1·5-fold in plots 3A, 9A and 9C, respectively, within 39, 25 and 15 months of the first record taken. The highest severities were recorded in spring 2001 (4·0, 5·3 and 5·4 on a scale of 2–10, respectively). Disease incidence and severity increased during winter–spring and decreased during summer. Seasonal changes were also observed in the isolation of V. dahliae ; the highest isolation rates in diseased trees were in winter (34%) and spring (45%), and the lowest were in autumn and summer (19–20%). Verticillium dahliae was isolated on an average of 27, 28 and 19% from the bottom, middle and top of the tree canopy, respectively, and was isolated from trees with and without symptoms. The fruit yield from diseased trees was reduced by an average of 75% in comparison with symptomless trees in plot 3A each year. A similar yield reduction (89%) was recorded in plot 9A in 2000. The severe expression of the disease and its effect on yield in the present study could be due to the fact that the orchard was planted in infested soil, and that saline irrigation probably exacerbates the problem.  相似文献   

刘海洋  王伟  张仁福  姚举 《植物保护》2023,49(4):276-283
为了解北疆棉花黄萎病的发生情况及发病与土壤中黄萎病菌微菌核数量的关系和病原菌种群类型, 2021年对北疆石河子?奎屯?博乐等8市(县)棉田棉花黄萎病发病率?土壤中黄萎病菌的微菌核数量?菌株种群类型进行了抽样调查?结果表明, 北疆未发生棉花黄萎病的棉田占49.2%, 0%<发病率<5.0%的棉田占32.7%, 发病率≥5.0%的棉田占18%?与2013年?2015年相比, 2021年无病田率分别增加17.7和12.7百分点, 发病率≥5%的棉田分别减少15.7和21.6百分点?从棉田黄萎病发病率与土壤中微菌核数量的关系来看, 整体上北疆棉田棉花黄萎病发病率与微菌核数量相关性不显著(r=0.119 1); 分区域看, 石河子-沙湾片区?奎屯-乌苏片区?精河-博乐片区棉田黄萎病发病率与微菌核数量的相关系数分别为0.033 2?0.007 6?0.062 3, 均无显著相关性; 而呼图壁-玛纳斯片区棉田黄萎病发病率与微菌核数量的相关系数为0.635 7, 呈中度正相关?土壤中的黄萎病菌菌株以菌核型为主, 占57.9%, 菌丝型占23.2%, 中间型占18.9%?用特异性引物进行PCR检测表明, 土壤中黄萎病菌落叶型菌株占97.6%, 占绝对优势?本研究将为北疆棉区棉花黄萎病的综合防控提供理论依据?  相似文献   

滴灌棉田土壤水分测点最优布设研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为寻求滴灌棉田土壤剖面水分测点的最优布设方案,2009年在棉花生育期内采用取土烘干法对膜下滴灌棉田不同位置、不同深度土壤质量含水率进行连续监测。利用监测数据分析了膜下滴灌棉田土壤剖面内不同观测点垂直方向上各层次土壤含水率之间的相关关系,并利用R型谱系聚类法对剖面内各观测点8个土壤层次的土壤含水率变量进行分类,筛选出适合膜下滴灌棉田墒情观测的土壤水分测点布设方案。最后利用2007年试验数据对提出的水分测点布设方案进行验证,结果表明,水平方向上距滴灌带0 cm、32.5 cm和50 cm处3个观测点,各观测点垂直方向上0~10 cm、20~30 cm、40~50 cm和60~80 cm深处4个层次12个测点的土壤含水率能较好地反映整个剖面的土壤水分信息,可作为膜下滴灌棉田土壤水分探头的布设点。  相似文献   

灌溉频率对滴灌小麦土壤水分分布及水分利用效率的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过田间试验,研究了不同灌水频率对滴灌小麦农田土壤水分分布及小麦水分利用效率的影响。结果表明:从整个生育期来看,在灌水量375 mm条件下,高频灌溉(每4天1次)处理0~40 cm土层含水率和土壤贮水量较高,而深层(40~100 cm)土壤较低;低频灌溉(每10天1次)处理有利于水分的下渗和侧渗,深层土壤含水率和土壤贮水量较高,但水分补给不及时,表层土壤含水率和贮水量偏低;总体上中频灌溉(每7天1次)处理有利于水分在土壤剖面中的均匀分配,有利于作物生长。中频灌溉产量和水分利用效率都最高,分别比高频灌溉和低频灌溉产量增加7.6%和13.5%,水分利用效率增加2.6%和9.9%。在当地自然气候条件下,滴灌小麦采用375 mm灌溉量和每7 d 1次的灌溉频率是较适宜的灌溉模式。  相似文献   

为了研究加气灌溉对云南冬马铃薯根区生境因子(土壤呼吸、土壤水分、土壤温度、土壤氧气摩尔分数)和产量的影响,采用水气分离方法进行加气灌溉,试验设置加气(Y)和不加气(N)2种处理以及高水(100%ETc,W1)和低水(60%ETc,W2)2个灌溉水平,共计4个处理。结果表明:加气处理和灌水量均对土壤呼吸速率影响显著(P<0.05)。加气灌溉对土壤含水率的影响较小,除块茎膨大期外,其他生育期加气灌溉对土壤含水率的影响均不显著,影响土壤含水率的主要因素是灌水量。加气处理和灌水量对根区土壤温度均有一定影响,W1Y处理下的土壤平均温度较W1N处理高1.68℃,W2Y处理较W2N处理高0.52℃,且在高水灌溉条件下,加气处理对土壤温度有显著影响(P<0.05)。在马铃薯生育期内土壤氧气摩尔分数的变化呈先增大后降低的特征,4种处理下土壤氧气摩尔分数的大小关系为W1Y>W2Y>W2N>W1N。同一灌溉水平下,加气处理的土壤氧气摩尔分数显著高于不加气处理(P<0.05)。同一加气条件下,高水处理的土壤氧气摩尔分数显著高于低水处理。加气处理和灌水量都对冬马铃薯产量和水分利用效率有显著影响,W1Y处理下冬马铃薯的产量和水分利用效率均最大。综合分析表明,W1Y(高水加气)处理有利于冬马铃薯根区形成良好的水气平衡状态。  相似文献   

Although much is known about the effect of climatic conditions on the development of peacock leaf spot of olive, field‐operational models predicting disease outbreaks are lacking. With the aim of developing such models, a 10‐year survey was conducted to relate leaf infection to climate parameters that can be easily monitored in the field. As outbreaks of disease are known to be linked to rain, models were evaluated for their ability to predict whether infection would occur following a rain event, depending on air temperature and duration of relative humidity above 85%. A total of 134 rain events followed by confirmed leaf infection and 191 rain events not followed by detectable infection were examined. The field data were adequately fitted (both specificity and sensitivity >0·97) with either a multilayer neural network or with two of six tested regression models describing high boundary values of high humidity duration, above which no infection occurred over the temperature range, and low boundary values below which no infection occurred. The data also allowed the selection of a model successfully relating the duration of latent period (time between infection and the first detection of leaf spots) as a function of air temperature after the beginning of rain (R2 > 0·98). The predictive abilities of these models were confirmed during 2 years of testing in commercial olive orchards in southern France. They should thus provide useful forecasting tools for the rational application of treatments and foster a reduction in fungicide use against this major disease of olive.  相似文献   

在新疆林业科学院枣树示范基地进行了原状土的树下单点源滴灌试验,研究砂壤土在不同滴头流量条件下(滴头流量分别为8、12、16 L·h~(-1))地表滴灌湿润体特征值的变化规律。结果表明:1停止灌溉时湿润锋呈平卧半椭球体分布,随着滴头流量的增加湿润锋的分布范围逐渐增大,停止灌溉后12 h内各滴头流量下土壤中的水分运移均存在再分布过程,水分再分布后湿润锋呈直立半椭球体分布,湿润体的形状大小受到滴头流量及灌溉总量的影响,湿润锋水平、垂直运移距离与入渗时间存在显著的幂函数关系,决定系数(R~2)均大于0.95;2滴灌初期湿润锋在水平、垂直方向上的运移速率随着滴头流量的增加而增大,随着灌水历时的延长逐渐降低,滴头流量越大入渗距离比也就越大,并且随着灌溉时间的推移入渗距离比值逐渐减小,三种滴头流量下入渗距离比由最初的2~2.27逐渐减小到0.8~0.97;3随着滴头流量的增大湿润体的体积不断增大,湿润体含水量也随之增大,距离滴头越近含水量等值线越密,外围含水量等值线较稀疏,滴头正下方约40 cm处土壤含水量增加值达到最大,再分布后含水量等值线变为稀疏,水平扩散半径增加值较小,垂直方向再分布距离较大。  相似文献   

滴灌条件下核桃园土壤水分动态变化的数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究滴灌条件下核桃根系对土壤含水量的影响,试验以8 a生核桃树为研究对象,使用分层分段挖掘法分析核桃根系的空间形态分布,通过构建HYDRUS-2D模型,对有根系吸水下的土壤水分变化进行求解,并利用实测点数据校验2D模型的可用性。经过实际计算与理论分析,得出如下结论:在垂直二维剖面中,水平距树0~30 cm、垂直40~60 cm土层的细根根长密度分布最大,为1 618.216 m·m~(-3)。对比实测数据与模拟数据,结果显示RMSE均小于0.0186 cm~3·cm~(-3),ME绝对值小于0.0108 cm~3·cm~(-3),证明数值模拟效果较好,HYDRUS模型可应用于实际试验研究。将根系模块纳入模型模拟,并比照单独水流模块作用,结果显示根系对土壤含水量产生影响,使体积含水率曲线整体低于单独水作用下的含水率曲线,且两者关系差异性显著。模拟核桃生育前期土壤含水量变化,结果表明灌水后6 d至7 d内,土壤含水量存在明显减小现象,故可将生育前期灌水周期设定为6 d或7 d。  相似文献   

膜下滴灌灌水频率对土壤水盐运移及棉花产量的影响   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
通过棉花膜下滴灌大田试验,研究了灌水频率对土壤水盐运移和分布规律的影响,并对不同灌水频率的保墒、控盐、增产效果进行了评价.试验结果表明:在灌溉水质为淡水且定额为375 mm时,低频(10 d)和适频(7 d)灌溉下膜内0~60 cm土层的含水量适宜,低频灌溉的含水量最高,而高频(3 d)灌溉下各土层在花铃期处于轻度干旱...  相似文献   

Biochar addition can improve the physical and hydraulic characteristics of sandy soil. This study investigated the effects of biochar on water holding capacity and water movement in sandy soil under drip irrigation. By indoor simulation experiments, the effects of biochar application at five levels (0%, 1%, 2%, 4%and 6%) on the soil water retention curve, infiltration characteristics of drip irrigation and water distribution were tested and analyzed. The results showed thatbiochar addition rate was positively correlated with water holding capacity of sandy soil and soil available water. Within the same infiltration time, with an increasing amount of added biochar, the diffusion distance of the horizontal wetting front (HWF) tended to decrease, but the infiltration distance of vertical wetting front (VWF) initially declined and then rose. The features of wetted bodies changed from "broad-shallow" to "narrow-deep" type. The relationship between the transport distance of HWF and VWF and the infiltration time was described by a power function. At the same distance from the point source, the larger was the amount of added biochar, the higher was the soil water content. Biochar had a great influence on the water content of the layer with biochar (0-200mm) and had some effects at 200-250mm without biochar; but had less influence on the soil water content deeper than 250mm. For the application rate of biochar of 4%, most water was retained within 0-250mm soil layer. However, when biochar application amount was high (6%), it would be helpful for water infiltration. During the improvement of sandy soil, biochar application rate of 4% in the plow layer had the best effect.  相似文献   

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