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Phytophthora niederhauserii, P. pisi, P. sojae and P. vignae are closely related species that are pathogenic to various legume plants. While P. sojae and P. vignae are reported to specifically infect soybean and cowpea, respectively, P. pisi is reported to attack pea and faba bean. Phytophthora niederhauserii is considered to have a broad host range. Zoospores of some Phytophthora species are chemotactically attracted to the isoflavones that are secreted by their host plants. The focus of the current study was to determine the chemotaxic behaviour of zoospores from closely related legume‐root infecting Phytophthora species and to investigate the correlation, if any, to host preference as determined by greenhouse pathogenicity tests. The results showed that P. sojae and P. vignae were attracted to the non‐soybean isoflavone prunetin as well as to the soybean isoflavones genistein and daidzein, which is in contrast with their host specificity on soybean and cowpea, respectively. On the other hand, P. pisi and P. niederhauserii were only attracted to prunetin, previously reported to be produced by pea, but not to the isoflavones associated with the non‐host soybean. The lack of responsiveness to genistein and daidzein in P. pisi may represent a recent adaptation to the host specialization towards pea. However, the affinity of P. niederhauserii to prunetin shows that this trait can also be present in taxa not specifically associated with legume hosts.  相似文献   

A homothallic Phytophthora species was found to be consistently associated with a rot of mature fruits of two local cultivars of olive (Olea europaea) in Calabria, southern Italy. The phylogenetic analysis of sequences of the ITS1‐5.8S‐ITS2 region and cox1 gene enabled its identification as a new species of clade 2, with a basal position compared to previously described subclades. The new species is described formally with the epithet Phytophthora oleae, referring to the natural matrix from which it was isolated. A unique combination of molecular and morphological characters clearly separates P. oleae from other already described Phytophthora species. This new species produced semipapillate, occasionally bipapillate, persistent sporangia on simple sympodially branching sporangiophores as well as globose and smooth‐walled oogonia, paragynous antheridia and spherical, plerotic oospores. The pathogenicity of P. oleae was confirmed in inoculation trials on fruits of three olive cultivars, including the two local cultivars from which the pathogen had been isolated.  相似文献   

A method based on real‐time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and the use of rotating‐arm spore traps was developed for quantifying airborne Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus ascospores. The method was sensitive and reproducible, and the collection efficiency was 10% of the spores present in the air. The temporal ascospore dispersal pattern was studied over 3 years by collecting spores every 15 days for a 24 h air‐sampling period during the ash‐growing season. The highest production was detected from the end of June to the beginning of September. The overall ascospore production did not differ significantly among stands within a specific year but there were differences from year to year. There was a positive correlation between air temperature and the number of ascospores trapped, with most of the positive samples being observed at temperatures above 12°C. The vertical profile of ascospore dispersal showed a strong decrease in ascospore density within a height of 3 m, regardless of date of collection. An analysis of the spore traps installed at increasing distances from an infected stand showed that most of the ascospores were deposited downwind within 50 m of the stand. These data are discussed in context of the epidemiology of the disease.  相似文献   

Members of the Phytophthora citricola complex (Phytophthora clade 2c), such as P. plurivora, are destructive pathogens of trees and shrubs in nursery, landscape and forest settings worldwide. During surveys of Phytophthora species from streams and rivers in Massachusetts and North Carolina, a novel species in the P. citricola complex was recovered. Based on sequences from three nuclear (ITS, β‐tub and tef1) and two mitochondrial (cox1 and nadh1) loci, morphological characters, temperature–growth relationships and host plant inoculations, this novel species is described as Phytophthora caryae sp. nov. Phytophthora caryae resembles several other species in the P. citricola complex, demonstrating homothallism and producing paragynous antheridia and semipapillate and noncaducous sporangia. However, P. caryae exhibits smaller sexual structures, higher rates of oogonia with a tapered base and sporangia with an offset attachment of the sporangiophores. Phylogenetic analyses using maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference placed isolates of P. caryae into a unique clade with significant statistical support. Based on the mitochondrial dataset, P. caryae is most closely related to P. pini and P. citricola III, which are believed to be native in eastern North America. Inoculations of P. caryae on 1‐year‐old twigs of 12 tree species representing nine genera resulted in under‐bark lesions on species of Carya and Juglans. Sapling inoculations under greenhouse conditions suggest that P. caryae may be pathogenic to shagbark hickory (Carya ovata) but not to black walnut (Juglans nigra).  相似文献   

A new approach for the simultaneous identification of the viruses and vectors responsible for tomato yellow leaf curl disease (TYLCD) epidemics is presented. A panel of quantitative multiplexed real‐time PCR assays was developed for the sensitive and reliable detection of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus‐Israel (TYLCV‐IL), Tomato leaf curl virus (ToLCV), Bemisia tabaci Middle East Asia Minor 1 species (MEAM1, B biotype) and B. tabaci Mediterranean species (MED, Q biotype) from either plant or whitefly samples. For quality‐assurance purposes, two internal control assays were included in the assay panel for the co‐amplification of solanaceous plant DNA or B. tabaci DNA. All assays were shown to be specific and reproducible. The multiplexed assays were able to reliably detect as few as 10 plasmid copies of TYLCV‐IL, 100 plasmid copies of ToLCV, 500 fg B. tabaci MEAM1 and 300 fg B. tabaci MED DNA. Evaluated methods for routine testing of field‐collected whiteflies are presented, including protocols for processing B. tabaci captured on yellow sticky traps and for bulking of multiple B. tabaci individuals prior to DNA extraction. This work assembles all of the essential features of a validated and quality‐assured diagnostic method for the identification and discrimination of tomato‐infecting begomovirus and B. tabaci vector species in Australia. This flexible panel of assays will facilitate improved quarantine, biosecurity and disease‐management programmes both in Australia and worldwide.  相似文献   

A novel DNA‐chip hybridization assay that uses the ras‐related GTP‐binding protein 1 gene (Ypt1) was developed for the identification of several devastating Phytophthora species. The hybridization was conducted in a portable microfluidic lab‐on‐a‐chip device for fast and accurate detection of 40 Phytophthora, two Pythium and one Phytopythium species. Moreover, the functionality of the Ypt1 region was examined in comparison to an array for the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region by in silico modelling. The difference in species‐specific capture probe sequences was lower for the ITS than for the Ypt1 region. While ITS‐probes of Phytophthora ramorum, Phytophthora fragariae and Phytophthora lateralis cross‐reacted with up to 11 non‐target species, Ypt1‐probes were specific except for P. fragariae/Phytophthora rubi. First analyses of artificially inoculated Rhododendron leaves successfully demonstrated the usability of the respective capture probes for the Ypt1 and the ras‐related plant protein Rab1a gene region. The on‐chip hybridization enabled the detection of up to 1 pg μL?1 target DNA depending on the species examined. Due to the complementarity of ITS and Ypt1 genetic features, the use of multiple loci is recommended to identify targets of different taxonomic rank.  相似文献   

Cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) caused by Cassava brown streak virus (CBSV) and Ugandan cassava brown streak virus (UCBSV) is causing severe losses in cassava production in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Two real‐time RT‐PCR assays based on TaqMan chemistry capable of detecting and distinguishing these two viruses are described. These assays were used to screen 493 cassava samples collected from western and coastal Kenya, the main cassava regions of Uganda and inland Tanzania. Both viruses were found in all three countries and across regions therein. Association of CBSD leaf symptom status with CBSV and UCBSV assay results was weak, confirming the need for a diagnostic assay. For leaf samples that were observed with CBSD‐like leaf symptoms but shown as CBSV and UCBSV negative by the RT‐PCR assay, deep sequencing using a Roche 454 GS‐FLX was used to provide additional evidence for the absence of the viruses. The probability of the CBSD associated diagnostics detecting a single CBSV or UCBSV positive sample amongst other non‐CBSD samples was modelled. The results of this study are discussed in the context of the application of diagnostics of CBSD‐associated viruses under the Great Lakes Cassava Initiative and the need to minimize the risk of further spread of the viruses with cassava multiplication material. It is shown that high throughput testing undertaken at Fera of 300 cassava leaves taken from fields for seed multiplication, when analysed in pools of 10, has given a 95% probability of detecting 1% infected plants in the field.  相似文献   

Bean anthracnose is a seedborne disease of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) caused by the fungal pathogen Colletotrichum lindemuthianum. Using seed that did not test positive for the pathogen has been proven to be an effective strategy for bean anthracnose control. To quantify the extent of anthracnose seed infection, a real‐time PCR‐based diagnostic assay was developed for detecting C. lindemuthianum in seeds of the commercial bean class navy bean. The ribosomal DNA (rDNA) region consisting of part of the18S rDNA, 5.8S rDNA, internal transcribed spacers (ITS) 1, 2 and part of the 28S rDNA of seven races of C. lindemuthianum, 21 isolates of Colletotrichum species and nine other bean pathogens were sequenced with the universal primer set ITS5/ITS4. Based on the aligned sequence matrix, one primer set and a probe were designed for a SYBR Green dye assay and a TaqMan MGB (minor groove binder) assay. The primer set was demonstrated to be specific for C. lindemuthianum and showed a high sensitivity for the target pathogen. The detection limit of both assays was 5 fg of C. lindemuthianum genomic DNA. To explore the correlation between the lesion area and the DNA amount of C. lindemuthianum in bean seed, seeds of the navy bean cultivar Navigator with lesions of different sizes, as well as symptomless seeds, were used in both real‐time PCR assays.  相似文献   

Big vein disease of lettuce (Lactuca sativa) is an economically important disease transmitted through soil by Olpidium virulentus, and has occurred in most production areas worldwide. The disease is assumed to be caused by Mirafiori lettuce big‐vein virus (MiLBVV). To understand the dynamics of the virus and its vector, MiLBVV and O. virulentus were directly detected in soil. DNA and RNA were extracted from 5 g soil using a bead beating method, followed by purification using adsorption to a column. Detection and quantification were performed using real‐time PCR and a TaqMan probe that was prepared based on the CP region of MiLBVV and the rDNA‐ITS region of O. virulentus, respectively. Furthermore, using a visual assessment of the incidence rate of big vein disease on lettuce in agricultural fields, the Ct values of MiLBVV and O. virulentus from soil were also determined using real‐time PCR. The results showed that MiLBVV concentrations in the soil were high in the field, as also determined by a visual assessment of the incidence rate of big vein disease on lettuce. However, the amount of O. virulentus in soil was not directly correlated with the incidence of MiLBVV. From these results, it is suggested that the risk of lettuce crops developing big vein disease can be estimated using an index of the amount of MiLBVV in the soil.  相似文献   

The oomycete Phytophthora infestans, the cause of late blight, is one of the most important potato pathogens. During infection, it secretes effector proteins that manipulate host cell function, thus contributing to pathogenicity. This study examines sequence differentiation of two P. infestans effectors from 91 isolates collected in Poland and Norway and five reference isolates. A gene encoding the Avr‐vnt1 effector, recognized by the potato Rpi‐phu1 resistance gene product, is conserved. In contrast, the second effector, AvrSmira1 recognized by Rpi‐Smira1, is highly diverse. Both effectors contain positively selected amino acids. A majority of the polymorphisms and all selected sites are located in the effector C‐terminal region, which is responsible for their function inside host cells. Hence it is concluded that they are associated with a response to diversified target protein or recognition avoidance. Diversification of the AvrSmira1 effector sequences, which existed prior to the large‐scale cultivation of plants containing the Rpi‐Smira1 gene, may reduce the predicted durability of resistance provided by this gene. Although no isolates virulent to plants with the Rpi‐phu1 gene were found, the corresponding Avr‐vnt1 effector has undergone selection, providing evidence for an ongoing ‘arms race’ between the host and pathogen. Both genes remain valuable components for resistance gene pyramiding.  相似文献   

The quarantine pathogen Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (pine wood nematode, PWN) represents a serious threat for Pinus species in Europe. To exclude its presence in Switzerland, in 2010 and 2011 a countrywide survey was conducted in 102 Pinus sylvestris stands, chosen according to whether they contained dying or dead trees or were located in areas at risk of PWN introduction. In total, 285 trees (1–5 per site) were sampled. Nematodes were extracted from wood chips using a standard procedure, and identified to species by internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequencing. Bursaphelenchus species were present in 34% of the trees, but no B. xylophilus was identified, i.e. PWN is still not present in Switzerland. The nematodes found belonged to seven different species, with B. vallesianus the most frequent species, followed by B. sexdentati, B. mucronatus kolymensis and B. eggersi. Three other species (B. borealis, B. pinophilus, B. poligraphi) were each only present in one or two trees. Three groups of sequences could not be assigned to a species because of the lack of matching reference sequences. The species composition found in Switzerland suggests co‐existence of southern and central European Bursaphelenchus species. Intraspecific ITS variability differed considerably among the four most common species. Bursaphelenchus eggersi, B. mucronatus kolymensis and B. sexdentati had several variable sites in the ITS region, resulting in multiple ITS genotypes in each species. In contrast, all 99 B. vallesianus isolates had an identical ITS region. This could indicate a founder effect, and possibly that B. vallesianus is not native to the Alpine region.  相似文献   

A molecular‐based assay was employed to analyse and accurately identify various root‐knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) parasitizing potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) in South Africa. Using the intergenic region (IGS) and the 28S D2–D3 expansion segments within the ribosomal DNA (rDNA), together with the region between the cytochrome oxidase subunit II (COII) and the 16S rRNA gene of the mtDNA, 78 composite potato tubers collected from seven major potato growing provinces were analysed and all Meloidogyne species present were identified. During this study, Mincognita, M. arenaria, M. javanica, M. hapla, M. chitwoodi and M. enterolobii were identified. The three tropical species M. javanica, M. incognita and M. arenaria were identified as the most prevalent species, occurring in almost every region sampled. Meloidogyne hapla and M. enterolobii occurred in Mpumalanga and KwaZulu‐Natal, respectively, while M. chitwoodi was isolated from two growers located within the Free State. Results presented here form part of the first comprehensive surveillance study of root‐knot nematodes to be carried out on potatoes in South Africa using a molecular‐based approach. The three genes were able to distinguish various Meloidogyne populations from one another, providing a reliable and robust method for future use in diagnostics within the potato industry for these phytoparasites.  相似文献   

The rust fungi Melampsora larici‐populina (Mlp) and Melampsora allii‐populina (Map) are the main phytosanitary constraints for commercial poplar cultivation in Europe. Although Mlp is more aggressive and prevalent than Map, the two species may co‐infect the same poplar tree or even the same poplar leaf, making the epidemiological surveys of each species difficult to achieve. In this study, a new duplex real‐time PCR assay targeting each species was developed, based on single‐copy genes. This test proved to be specific, inclusive and was successfully used to detect and quantify each species, starting from urediniospore samples or directly from infected poplar leaves, with or without visible symptoms. This new molecular tool was also assessed for comparative studies of time‐course infection experiments on artificially inoculated poplar leaf discs. These studies showed that the growth dynamics of Map were significantly slower when the two species were co‐inoculated on the same leaf disc, confirming that Map is less aggressive than Mlp.  相似文献   

Phytophthora boodjera is a newly described pathogen causing damping off and mortality of Eucalyptus seedlings in Western Australian nurseries. This study evaluated the age‐related susceptibility of several taxa of mallee Eucalyptus to P. boodjera in sterilized washed river sand‐infestation pot trials. Phytophthora cinnamomi and P. arenaria were included for comparison. Seedlings of Eucalyptus taxa were inoculated at 0, 2, 4, 12 and 88 weeks with individual Phytophthora isolates. Pre‐emergent mortality in the presence of Phytophthora was almost 100%. Post‐emergent mortality was 50–100%, depending on isolate, compared to 0% for the control. Mortality was also high for inoculated 1 month‐old seedlings (46–68%) and root length of surviving seedlings was severely reduced. Death from root infection was not observed for seedlings inoculated at 12 and 88 weeks, but they developed root necrosis and reduced root dry weight compared to non‐inoculated controls. Phytophthora boodjera is a pre‐ and post‐emergent pathogen of mallee eucalypts. These eucalypts are susceptible to P. boodjera at all life stages tested, but the mortality rates declined with plant age. Similar results were obtained for P. cinnamomi and P. arenaria. The events leading to its recent appearance in the nurseries remain unknown and further investigations are underway to determine if this is an introduced or endemic pathogen. The approach used here to understand the impact of a Phytophthora species on multiple hosts at different seedling ages is novel and sets a benchmark for future work.  相似文献   

Isolates of an unknown Phytophthora species from the ‘Phytophthora citricola complex’ have been found associated with mortality of Aucuba japonica in the UK. Based on morphological characteristics, growth–temperature relationships, sequences of five DNA regions and pathogenicity assays, the proposed novel species is described as Phytophthora pachypleura. Being homothallic with paragynous antheridia and semipapillate sporangia, P. pachypleura resembles other species in the ‘P. citricola complex’ but can be discriminated by its distinctively thick‐walled oospores with an oospore wall index of 0·71. In the phylogenetic analysis based on three nuclear (ITS, β‐tubulin, EF‐1α) and two mitochondrial (cox1, nadh1) DNA regions, P. pachypleura formed a distinct clade within the ‘P. citricola complex’ with P. citricola s. str., P. citricola E and P. acerina as its closest relatives. Phytophthora pachypleura is more aggressive to A. japonica than P. plurivora and P. multivora and has the potential to affect other ornamental species.  相似文献   

Grosmannia alacris is a fungus commonly associated with root‐infesting bark beetles occurring on Pinus spp. The fungus has been recorded in South Africa, the USA, France, Portugal and Spain and importantly, has been associated with pine root diseases in South Africa and the USA. Nothing is known regarding the population genetics or origin of G. alacris, although its association with root‐infesting beetles native to Europe suggests that it is an invasive alien in South Africa. In this study, microsatellite markers together with newly developed mating type markers were used to characterize a total of 170 isolates of G. alacris from South Africa and the USA. The results showed that the genotypic diversity of the South African population of G. alacris was very high when compared to the USA populations. Two mating types were also present in South African isolates and the MAT1‐1/MAT1‐2 ratio did not differ from 1:1 (χ2 = 1·39, = 0·24). This suggests that sexual reproduction most probably occurs in the fungus in South Africa, although a sexual state has never been seen in nature. In contrast, the large collection of USA isolates harboured only a single mating type. The results suggest that multiple introductions, followed by random mating, have influenced the population structure in South Africa. In contrast, limited introductions of probably a single mating type (MAT1‐2) may best explain the clonality of USA populations.  相似文献   

A survey of bleeding canker disease, caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. aesculi, was undertaken across Ireland. Incidence has become severe and can be considered epidemic, as 61% of the 1587 horse chestnut trees surveyed showed symptoms of the disease. Bacteria were isolated from a sample of trees and characterized using gyrBDNA sequencing. DNA was also extracted directly from wound tissue. The Irish P. syringae pv. aesculi genotype was identical to genotypes previously sequenced with gyrB from the UK and some other locations in Europe. Real‐time PCR, using existing primers and a newly designed, more pathovar‐specific primer set, was assessed for use in disease screening. With molecular screening, a total of 11 trees from a sample of 55 tested positive for P. syringae pv. aesculi in Ireland. It was more efficient to extract DNA directly from wound tissue, especially fresh bark, for disease detection than to undertake bacterial isolation with subsequent molecular analysis. A further set of sequencing primers was developed for the amplification of the gyrB gene from P. syringae pv. aesculi and their specificity was shown using a diverse sample of bacterial isolate DNAs. The study also isolated and identified other bacterial species from diseased material; some of these are known pathogens (Brenneria nigrifluens, P. marginalis and P. syringae) or have previously been identified as potentially beneficial endophytes of host trees (Erwinia billingiae, E. tolentana, P. fluorescens, P. putida and Raoultella).  相似文献   

Meloidogyne ethiopica is an important nematode pathogen causing serious economic damage to grapevine in Chile. In Brazil, M. ethiopica has been detected with low frequency in kiwifruit and other crops. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the intraspecific genetic variability of M. ethiopica isolates from Brazil and Chile using AFLP and RAPD markers and to develop a species‐specific SCAR‐PCR assay for its diagnosis. Fourteen isolates were obtained from different geographic regions or host plants. Three isolates of an undescribed Meloidogyne species and one isolate of M. ethiopica from Kenya were included in the analysis. The results showed a low level of diversity among the M. ethiopica isolates, regardless of their geographical distribution or host plant origin. The three isolates of Meloidogyne sp. showed a high homogeneity and clustered separately from M. ethiopica (100% bootstrap). RAPD screenings of M. ethiopica allowed the identification of a differential DNA fragment that was converted into a SCAR marker. Using genomic DNA from pooled nematodes as a template, PCR amplification with primers designed from this species‐specific SCAR produced a fragment of 350 bp in all 14 isolates of M. ethiopica tested, in contrast with other species tested. This primer pair also allowed successful amplification of DNA from single nematodes, either juveniles or females and when used in multiplex PCR reactions containing mixtures of other root‐knot nematode species, thus showing the sensitivity of the assay. Therefore, the method developed here has potential for application in routine diagnostic procedures.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of Phytophthora spp. was investigated in potted ornamental and fruit tree species. A metabarcoding approach was used, based on a semi‐nested PCR with Phytophthora genus‐specific primers targeting the ITS1 region of the rDNA. More than 50 ITS1 sequence types representing at least 15 distinct Phytophthora taxa were detected. Nine had ITS sequences that grouped them in defined taxonomic groups (P. nicotianae, P. citrophthora, P. meadii, P. taxon Pgchlamydo, P. cinnamomi, P. parvispora, P. cambivora, P. niederhauserii and P. lateralis) whereas three phylotypes were associated to two or more taxa (P. citricola taxon E or III; P. pseudosyringae, P. ilicis or P. nemorosa; and P. cryptogea, P. erythroseptica, P. himalayensis or P. sp. ‘kelmania’) that can be challenging to resolve with ITS1 sequences alone. Three additional phylotypes were considered as representatives of novel Phytophthora taxa and defined as P. meadii‐like, P. cinnamomi‐like and P. niederhauserii‐like. Furthermore, the analyses highlighted a very complex assemblage of Phytophthora taxa in ornamental nurseries within a limited geographic area and provided some indications of structure amongst populations of P. nicotianae (the most prevalent taxon) and other taxa. Data revealed new host–pathogen combinations, evidence of new species previously unreported in Italy (P. lateralis) or Europe (P. meadii) and phylotypes representative of species that remain to be taxonomically defined. Furthermore, the results reinforced the primary role of plant nurseries in favouring the introduction, dissemination and evolution of Phytophthora species.  相似文献   

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