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The DSSAT-CSM-CERES-Wheat V4.0 model was calibrated for yield and irrigation scheduling of wheat with 2004–2005 data and validated with 13 independent data sets from experiments conducted during 2002–2006 at the Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) farm, Ludhiana, and in a farmer's field near PAU at Phillaur, Punjab, India. Subsequently, the validated model was used to estimate long-term mean and variability of potential yield (Yp), drainage, runoff, evapo-transpiration (ET), crop water productivity (CWP), and irrigation water productivity (IWP) of wheat cv. PBW343 using 36 years (1970–1971 to 2005–2006) of historical weather data from Ludhiana. Seven sowing dates in fortnightly intervals, ranging from early October to early January, and three irrigation scheduling methods [soil water deficit (SWD)-based, growth stage-based, and ET-based] were evaluated. For the SWD-based scheduling, irrigation management depth was set to 75 cm with irrigation scheduled when SWD reached 50% to replace 100% of the deficit. For growth stage-based scheduling, irrigation was applied either only once at one of the key growth stages [crown root initiation (CRI), booting, flowering, and grain filling], twice (two stages in various combinations), thrice (three stages in various combinations), or four times (all four stages). For ET-driven irrigation, irrigations were scheduled based on cumulative net ETo (ETo-rain) since the previous irrigation, for a range of net ETo (25, 75, 125, 150, and 175 mm). Five main irrigation schedules (SWD-based, ET-driven with irrigation applied after accumulation of either 75 or 125 mm of ETo, i.e., ET75 or ET125, and growth stage-based with irrigation applied at CRI plus booting, or at CRI plus booting plus flowering stage) were chosen for detailed analysis of yield, water balance, and CWP and IWP. Nitrogen was non-limiting in all the simulations.Mean Yp across 36 years ranged from 5.2 t ha−1 (10 October sowing) to 6.4 t ha−1 (10 November sowing), with yield variations due to seasonal weather greater than variations across sowing dates. Yields under different irrigation scheduling, CWP and IWP were highest for 10 November sowing. Yields and CWP were higher for SWD and ET75-based irrigations on both soils, but IWP was higher for ET75-based irrigation on sandy loam and for ET150-based irrigation on loam. Simulation results suggest that yields, CWP, and IWP of PBW343 would be highest for sowing between late October and mid-November in the Indian Punjab. It is recommended that sowing be done within this planting period and that irrigation be applied based on the atmospheric demand and soil water status and not on the growth stage. Despite the potential limitations recognised with simulation results, we can conclude that DSSAT-CSM-CERES-Wheat V4.0 is a useful decision support system to help farmers to optimally schedule and manage irrigation in wheat grown in coarse-textured soils under declining groundwater table situations of the Indian Punjab. Further, the validated model and the simulation results can also be extrapolated to other areas with similar climatic and soil environments in Asia where crop, soil, weather, and management data are available.  相似文献   

The assessments of potential environmental impacts of point and diffuse source pollution at regional scales are necessary to achieve the sustainable development of natural resources such as land and water. Nutrient related diffuse source pollutant inputs can enhance crop growth and improve soil eutrophication. However, excessive nutrient input can result in the impairment of water quality. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the long-term impact of point and diffuse source pollution on nitrate load in a lowland catchment using the ecohydrological model SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) and to determine the contribution of point and diffuse sources to nitrate load in the entire catchment.The study area Kielstau catchment has a size of approximately 50 km2 and is located in the North German lowlands. The water quality is not only influenced by the predominating agricultural land use in the catchment as cropland and pasture, but also by six municipal wastewater treatment plants. Diffuse entries as well as punctual entries from the wastewater treatment plants are implemented in the model set-up. The model was first calibrated and then validated in a daily time step. The values of the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency for the simulations of flow and nitrate load range from 0.68 to 0.75 for the calibration period and from 0.76 to 0.78 for the validation period. These statistical results revealed that the SWAT model performed satisfactorily in simulating daily flow and nitrate load in lowland catchment of Northern Germany. The results showed that diffuse sources are the main contributor to nitrate load in the entire catchment accounting for about 95% of the total nitrate load, while only 5% results from point sources. The model results also indicated that agriculture is the dominant contributor of diffuse sources and the percentage of agricultural land area is considerably positively correlated to nitrate load at the different subbasins. The area covered by forest is found to be negatively correlated with nitrate load.  相似文献   

Micro-irrigation has become an optimal means for providing water and nutrients to crops. There is an ample space for improving fertilizer use efficiency with micro-irrigation, if the movement and reactions of fertilizers in the soil are well understood. However, the rhizosphere dynamics of nutrients is very complex, depending on many factors such as soil temperature, pH, water content, and soil and plant characteristics. Many factors cannot be easily accurately quantified. However, using state-of-the-art modelling techniques, useful and reliable information can be derived.An attempt was made to evaluate the reactive transport of urea in the root zone of a sugarcane crop under drip irrigation, and to quantify the fluxes of urea, ammonium, and nitrate into the crop roots, volatilization fluxes, and deep drainage using a numerical model. This quantification helped in designing an optimal fertigation schedule. Various parameters used in the model were taken from either the literature or the field study. A typical scenario, based on the recommended total quantity of urea for sugar cane crop under drip irrigation in India, was tested using HYDRUS-2D. The total amount of urea was divided into fortnightly doses, depending on the stage of crop growth. For this scenario, the modelled crop uptake was found to be 30% higher than the crop demand. Consequently, an optimal fertigation schedule was developed that reduced the use of urea by 30% while at the same time providing enough N for its assimilation at all stages of crop growth. This type of modelling study should be used before planning field experiments for designing optimal fertigation schedules.  相似文献   

为了利用解析模型模拟土壤溶质迁移过程、估计土壤溶质迁移参数,在假定土壤溶质质量浓度分布为n次幂函数的基础上,结合边界层方法,将描述土壤溶质质量浓度分布的低次幂函数进一步推广,得到土壤溶质迁移的n次幂函数近似解析模型.在2个时刻(t=360,720 min)、较大距离(120~450 cm)时,利用不同次幂函数模型对溶质迁移过程进行比较分析,模拟结果表明孔隙水流速度较小(v=0.01 cm/min)时,在短历时(t=360 min)、长距离(x>50 cm)处,六次幂边界层解与其他次幂边界层解相比具有较高精确度;对边界层距离公式受各参数的影响进行模拟计算,分析结果表明:较小的孔隙水流速度(v≤0.01 cm/min)对边界层距离影响甚小;基于较小土壤孔隙水流速(v=0.01 cm/min)及测量仪器的不同灵敏度,利用不同次幂边界层距离公式对土壤溶质迁移参数进行数值计算比较及误差分析,结果表明用较高灵敏度的仪器进行测量,结合六次幂的边界层距离公式可准确地推求土壤溶质迁移参数弥散系数D及延迟因子R.  相似文献   

Three trickle irrigation schedules, two of which were scheduled according to soil water potential ( soil) (tensiometer method) and daily stem contraction (DSC) (dendrometer method) respectively and the other one was a schedule of restricted water supply, were applied to a mature peach orchard.The annual water application based on soil was greater than that based on DSC. However, tree growth, fruit size and leaf water potential (leaf) on the trees in the dendrometer scheduling plot did not differ from those in the tensiometer scheduling plot while the premature fruit drop and fruit bud initiation were greatly different. The restricted water supply treatment limited significantly both tree and fruit growth. In addition, the lower leaf was observed on the trees in this plot.Further study shows that use of the dendrometer method for scheduling irrigation satisfies the water needs of the plant and that the tensiometer method is less accurate.Abbreviations leaf leaf water potential - soil soil water potential - DSC daily stem contraction - LVDT linear variable displacement transducer - PET potential evapotranspiration  相似文献   

Future crop production will be adapted to climate change by implementing alternative management practices and developing new genotypes that are adapted to future climatic conditions. It is difficult to predict what new agronomic technologies will be necessary for crop production under future climatic conditions. The purpose of this work was to develop an approach useful in identifying crop technologies for future climatic conditions. As an example of the approach, we used response surface methodology (RSM) in connection with the CERES-Wheat model and the HADCM2 climate simulation model to identify optimal configurations of plant traits and management practices that maximize yield of winter wheat in high CO2 environments. The simulations were conducted for three Nebraska locations differing in altitude and rainfall (Lincoln, Dickens and Alliance), which were considered representative of winter wheat growing areas in the central Great Plains. At all locations, the identified optimal winter wheat cultivar under high CO2 conditions had a larger number of tillers, larger kernel size, fewer days to flower, grew faster and had more kernels m−2 than the check cultivar under normal CO2 conditions. In addition, optimal sowing dates were later and optimal plant densities were smaller than under normal conditions. We concluded that RSM used in conjunction with crop and climate simulation models was useful in understanding the complex relationship between wheat genotypes, climate and management practices.  相似文献   

模拟撒施肥料下的一维畦灌地表水流与溶质运移过程可为采用先进的畦灌液体施肥方式提供对比依据。该文基于湍流理论垂向流速线性与对数分布规律及不可压缩流体力学连续方程,构造沿畦长及任意垂向断面的非均布流速场和溶质浓度场,建立起撒施肥料下的一维畦灌地表水流与溶质运移模型,并利用典型畦灌施肥试验结果,检验该模型的模拟效果。结果表明,建立的模型不仅具有在撒施肥料状况下较好模拟地表水流运动和溶质浓度时间变化过程的能力,还具备较佳的水量和溶质质量守恒性,从而为评价撒施肥料下的畦灌施肥系统性能及与其它施肥方式下的畦灌施肥系统性能对比,提供了实用的数值模拟工具。  相似文献   

Banana monocultures (Musa spp., AAA, Cavendish sub-group cv. Grande Naine) can have a detrimental impact on the environment. In these agro-systems, pesticide treatments can lead to surface and groundwater pollution, as is the case in the tropical insular conditions of the French West Indies. Using models to design alternative cropping systems is of growing interest but most of the research work has been concentrated on annual crops and most often in temperate climate. A specific model called SIMBA was built to assess environmental risks under a large range of cropping techniques and to help design more sustainable cropping systems. SIMBA simulates banana-cropping systems at field level over several cropping cycles. It includes sub-models that simulate soil structure, water balance, root nematode populations, yield, and economic outputs with a sound balance between representing the major phenomena well and keeping the model simple to reduce the parameterization costs in a large range of conditions. Agro-environmental indicators generated by the model make it possible to assess the major potential environmental impacts. The model has been developed and calibrated in Guadeloupe and Martinique and is used to draw up practical recommendations for farmers and for virtual experiments of agro-technological innovations or field management strategies. The structure of SIMBA is presented and a methodology is proposed for designing sustainable banana-based cropping systems using the model. SIMBA has been evaluated in a broad range of cropping systems in Guadeloupe by comparing model estimates to data collected in field experiments and surveys. Simulations lead to trends in rotation-based cropping systems characterized by systems that can be considered as intensive for profit evaluation, and combinations of frequent replanting, low nematicide application, no ploughing, and low fertilization level, for environmental evaluation. Simulations performed to optimize the replanting decision rule showed that relatively frequent replanting is good for profit while low frequency replantations (over four banana cycles) give a better environmental evaluation.  相似文献   

为实现果园收获环节的机械化、一体化作业,设计了一款上下两层可调式采摘高度、多采摘工位的履带自走式果园采摘作业平台,对采摘下的水果实现自动输送与收集装箱。考虑果实输送机械对水果的理论损伤以及其它外部因素,设定了由子输送装置汇集到主输送装置,并通过垂直输送装置收集到果箱中的三级输送装置。同时,对采摘作业平台各级输送装置的空间布置和各部分的工作原理及各部分间的配合关系都做了全面细致的设计与分析。实际测试表明:果实的损伤率在6%左右,符合设计和实际工作要求。  相似文献   

A new watershed model, DRAIN-WARMF, was developed to simulate the hydrologic processes and the nitrogen fate and transport that occur in small, predominantly subsurface-drained, agricultural watersheds that experience periodic freezing and thawing conditions. In this modeling approach, surface flow is simulated using a watershed scale model, WARMF, and subsurface flow is estimated using a field-scale model for subsurface-drained shallow water table fields, DRAINMOD 5.1. For subsurface flow calculations, the watershed is subdivided into uniform cells, and DRAINMOD is run on each cell with inputs based on the individual hydrologic characteristics of the cell. The coupling results in a distributed parameter model that calculates the total flow at the outlet of a watershed as well as the nitrogen losses. The model was evaluated for the St. Esprit watershed, located approximately 50 km northeast of Montreal. Simulations were carried out from 1994 to 1996; data from 1994 and 1995 was used for model calibration and data from 1996 was used for model validation. The new model was able to adequately simulate the hydrologic response and nitrate losses at the outlet of the watershed. Comparing the observed daily flow/monthly nitrogen with the model's outputs over the validation period returned an R2 value of 0.74/0.86 and modeling efficiency of 0.72/0.83. This clearly demonstrates the model's ability to simulate hydrology and nitrogen losses occurring in small agricultural watersheds in cold climates.  相似文献   

In order to assess the effect of soil water deficit (SWD) during fruit development and ripening, on yield and quality of processing tomato under deficit irrigation in the Mediterranean climate, an open-field experiment was carried out in two sites differing from soil and climatic characteristics, in Sicily, South Italy. Six irrigation treatments were studied: no irrigation following plant establishment (NI); 100% (F = full) or 50% (D = deficit) ETc restoration with long-season irrigation (L) or short-season irrigation up to 1st fruit set (S); and long-season irrigation with 100% ETc restoration up to beginning of flowering, then 50% ETc restoration (LFD). The greatest effect of increasing SWD was the rise in fruit firmness, total solids and soluble solids (SS). A negative trend in response to increasing SWD was observed for fruit yield and size. Tough yield and SS were negatively correlated, the final SS yield under the LD regime was close to that of LF, and 47% water was saved. However, SS seems to be more environmental sensitive than SWD, since it varied more between sites than within site. The variations between sites in fruit quality response to deficit irrigation demonstrate that not only SWD but also soil and climatic characteristics influence the quality traits of the crop.  相似文献   

This study was performed to test three methods based on the FAO-56 “dual” crop coefficient approach to estimate actual evapotranspiration (AET) for winter wheat under different irrigation treatments in the semi-arid region of Tensift Al Haouz, Marrakech (center of Morocco). The three methods differ in the calculation of the basal crop coefficient (Kcb) and the fraction of soil surface covered by vegetation (fc). The first approach strictly follows the FAO-56 procedure, with Kcb given in the FAO-56 tables and fc calculated from Kcb (No-Calibration method). The second method uses local Kcb and fc values estimated from field measurements (Local-Calibration method) and the last approach uses a remotely-sensed vegetation index to estimate Kcb and fc (NDVI-Calibration method). The analysis was performed on three fields using actual (AET) measured by Eddy Correlation systems. It was shown that the Local-Calibration approach gave best results. Accurate estimates of Kcb and fc were necessary for FAO-56 “dual” crop coefficient application. The locally derived Kcb for winter wheat taken at initial, mid-season, and maturity crop growth were 0.15, 0.90 and 0.23, respectively. The Kcb value at the mid-season stage was found to be considerably less than that suggested by the FAO-56.  相似文献   

A study was performed in order to evaluate the three-source model (Clumped model) for direct estimation of actual evapotranspiration (ETa) and latent heat flux (LE) over a drip-irrigated Merlot vineyard trained on a vertical shoot positioned system (VSP) under semi-arid conditions. The vineyard, with an average fractional cover of 30%, is located in the Talca Valley, Region del Maule, Chile. The performance of the Clumped model was evaluated using an eddy covariance system during the 2006/2007 and 2007/2008 growing seasons. Results indicate that the Clumped model was able to predict ETa with a root mean square error (RMSE), mean bias error (MBE), and model efficiency (EF) of 0.33, −0.15 mm day−1 and 74%, respectively. Also, the Clumped model simulated the daytime variation of LE with a RMSE of 36 W m−2, MBE of −8 W m−2, and EF of 83%. Major disagreement (underestimated values) between observed and estimated values of ETa was found for clear days after rainfall or foggy days, but underestimated values were less than 10% of the data analysis. The results obtained in this study indicate that the Clumped model could be used to directly estimate vine water requirements for a drip-irrigated vineyard trained on a VSP. However, application of the Clumped model requires a good characterization of the drip-irrigated vineyard architecture.  相似文献   

我国农业生产已实现了连续8年增产,广大农村的生产和生活方式出现了重大的调整变化,关于农作物秸秆这一巨大的可再生资源,正在寻找其新的、合理的利用途径。但农作物秸秆的收集已成为各种新型规模化农作物秸秆利用方式的瓶颈。基于从我国国情出发的农作物秸秆快速收集的新思路,设计了一种单独动力、大容量的压缩式农作物秸秆收集运输车。  相似文献   

The paper presents a simplified model called PESTDRAIN. It simulates pesticide transport in a subsurface tile-drained field. It computes surface runoff and tile-drainage flow rates, along with the associated pesticide concentrations, with a variable event-driven time step. PESTDRAIN consists of three coupled modules: SIDRA, SIRUP and SILASOL. SIDRA and SIRUP are the water flow simulation modules in the saturated and unsaturated zones, respectively. SIDRA follows a simplified physically based approach while SIRUP follows a conceptual capacitive approach. SILASOL is the solute transport module for both the saturated and unsaturated zones and is based on transfer functions. It includes simple representations of adsorption and degradation of pesticides.PESTDRAIN was tested on field data sets collected for three drainage seasons at the La Jaillière experimental site in north-western France, for the wheat herbicides isoproturon (IPU) and diflufenican (DFF). After model calibration, relative errors for drainage and surface runoff flows over the season were 14% and 4%, respectively, and the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient (Neff) value for drainage discharge was 0.58. A fair reproduction of a high temporal resolution IPU concentration data set in drainage discharge was also obtained (Neff=0.28). For the validation data sets, PESTDRAIN was able to simulate accurately drainage discharge with Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficients of 0.57 and 0.69. The global Neff was 0.44 for all flow-weighted average weekly concentrations in drainage. Relative errors for the pesticide losses were 2.5% and 35% (IPU), and 60% (DFF). For surface runoff the results were not as accurate, but they remained correct in terms of time location and order of magnitude. Although further validation is necessary with more field data, PESTDRAIN appears as a promising tool for agricultural water management.  相似文献   

Production of halophytes using saline waters and soils and feeding them to livestock is one of the most sustainable methods of conservation in desert ecosystems, in addition to accomplishing food production for the people living in these areas. Therefore, to study the possibility of irrigating Kochia (Kochia scoparia L. Schrad) with minimum quantities of highly saline water for use as a fodder crop in arid environments stretching across saline waters, two experiments were carried out in the Research Farm of the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran. In the salinity experiments, two populations of Kochia, including the Sabzevar and Indian genotypes, were irrigated with ground water having electrical conductivity (EC) of 5, 15, and 20 dS m−1. In the irrigation-treatment experiments, two local populations of Kochia, including Sabzevar and Borujerd, were subjected to four irrigation regimes as follows: complete irrigation (100%), 80%, 60%, and 40% of the water requirements using a saline ground water with EC = 5 dS m−1. Because, the Indian genotype is preferred as an ornamental plant, it is not suitable for increased dry-matter production under high-salinity irrigation water compared to the local genotype (Sabzevar), which is suitable for forage. The Sabzevar genotype produced a large amount of dry matter (7530 kg ha−1), even when irrigated with 20 dS m−1 saline water. The best time for harvesting Kochia for fresh feeding is at the end of flowering (88 days after sowing or DAS), when the biomass is relatively high (6500 kg ha−1) and the leaf-to-shoot ratio, as a quality index, is approximately 50%. The highest green-area index was observed at 15 dS m−1 and decreased at high levels of salinity. Photosynthesis and transpiration rate did not decline significantly with increasing external salinity four weeks after salinization, but increased in both genotypes at 15 dS m−1, indicating that the salinity-tolerance threshold of Kochia for both photosynthesis and transpiration reduction is above this salinity level. The Indian genotype also showed a very low seed yield (210 kg ha−1) at low levels of salinity, whereas Sabzevar produced 1120 kg ha−1 seed under the same conditions. Different irrigation regimes had a significant effect on the biomass and seed production of Kochia. The highest forage yield was obtained from complete irrigation, with 11.1 Mg ha−1 dry material. Sabzevar local population represented a better performance in terms of all characteristics, except accumulation of inflorescence dry matter, and no significant effects were recorded. In conclusion, Kochia's high foliage production capacity in the presence of salinity and limited irrigation make this plant suitable for use as an alternative forage crop in harsh environmental conditions. There is a wide range of intraspecific variation in K. scoparia, but more investigation is needed to introduce it as a cash crop.  相似文献   

《Agricultural Systems》1986,19(3):189-209
A simple whole-plant level potato growth model was developed that accumulates and partitions dry matter into four state variables—leaves, stems, roots and tubers. Daily growth is computed from a function of the total solar radiation, the proportion of total radiation intercepted by the crop, temperature and soil water status. Dry matter is partitioned using modified Michaelis-Menten equations. At initialization, the seed piece size, plant and row spacing, and the values for the dry matter partitioning parameters are required. After initialization, the inputs required are the daily minimum and maximum temperatures and the daily soil water potential. Daily site-specific, seasonal radiation is presently estimated from a sine function. Model parameterization and output plotted against field data are presented for two cultivars, each planted a total of three times in two seasons. The model is intended for use in analyzing the dynamics of yield under variable pest pressures and environmental conditions. Model sensitivity, behavior and use in relation to modeling yield loss due to pests are discussed.  相似文献   

Simulation models are effective tools to examine interactions between livestock, cropping systems, households, and natural resources. Our study objective was to use an integrated livestock and crop model to assess the outcomes from selected suites of management decisions observed in smallholder sheep-cropping systems of Yucatán, Mexico. The scenarios contrasted specialized systems versus mixed farming, and evaluated the outcomes of increased crop-livestock integration. Mixed enterprise scenarios involving sheep provided more income than specialized enterprises, and capitalized on a lower price of on-farm maize grain, efficient utilization of surplus labor, and availability of common land. Labor and management income was greatest for the unintegrated and partially integrated crop and livestock scenarios. It was more profitable for producers to sell excess grain and maize stover, and use common land to feed the livestock, suggesting that increased integration does not always result in improved outcomes. The results are consistent with a system not yet pushed to the point where integration is inevitable. For all sets of scenarios, the model structure was able to accommodate subtle management differences to produce appropriate biophysical, labor, and economic outcomes. We conclude there is potential to use similar model development methods to describe other crop-livestock systems, thus providing tools for learning, scenario analysis, and impact assessment.  相似文献   

Unrestricted cattle access to streams in traditionally pastoral regions has been linked to increased concentrations of bacteria, suspended sediments and associated contaminants in streams. However, there is a dearth of data available regarding the impact of cattle access to streams in poorly drained landscapes of the Midwest. In this study, we investigate changes in water quality on a 1005 m long stream section impacted by cattle grazing on the upper 130 m. We monitor discharge, water quality [nitrate, ammonium, total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), total phosphorus (TP), total suspended sediments (TSS), turbidity, Escherichia coli] and chloride, atrazine, silica and major cation concentrations over a 12-month period. Cattle access to the stream does not significantly affect nitrate concentration but leads to large increases in TKN (fourfold increase), TP (fivefold increase), ammonium (fourfold increase), TSS (11-fold increase), turbidity (13-fold increase) and E. coli (36-fold increase) in the summer/fall period. In particular, E. coli concentration in the stream in the summer/fall period exceeds 235 colony forming unit (CFU)/100 ml 64% of the time upstream from the section impacted by cattle, but exceeds this same threshold 89% of the time immediately downstream. Despite the negative impact of cattle access to the stream on water quality, data indicate that dilution, in-stream processes, and natural stream geometry downstream from the impacted section help mitigate this pollution. We expect that this study will be an incentive for policy makers to promote stream rehabilitation and develop more stringent guidelines limiting cattle access to streams in many Midwestern states and other regions with poorly drained soils where the impact of cattle access to streams on water quality is often ignored.  相似文献   

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