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Landscape Ecology - The importance of societal factors in shaping forest area, structure and composition through economic activity, policy, governance, and population changes is frequently...  相似文献   

Bosco  Laura  Wan  Ho Yi  Cushman  Samuel A.  Arlettaz  Raphaël  Jacot  Alain 《Landscape Ecology》2019,34(1):105-117

Herbicide treatments in viticulture can generate highly contrasting mosaics of vegetated and bare vineyards, of which vegetated fields often provide better conditions for biodiversity. In southern Switzerland, where herbicides are applied at large scales, vegetated vineyards are limited in extent and isolated from one another, potentially limiting the distribution and dispersal ability of organisms.


We tested the separate and interactive effects of habitat amount and fragmentation on invertebrate abundance using a multi-scale framework, along with additional environmental factors. We identified which variables at which scales were most important in predicting patterns of invertebrate abundance.


We used a factorial design to sample across a gradient of habitat amount (area of vegetated vineyards, measured as percentage of landscape PLAND) and fragmentation (number of vegetated patches, measured as patch density PD). Using 10 different spatial scales, we identified the factors and scales that most strongly predicted invertebrate abundance and tested potential interactions between habitat amount and fragmentation.


Habitat amount (PLAND index) was most important in predicting invertebrate numbers at a field scale (50 m radius). In contrast, we found a negative effect of fragmentation (PD) at a broad scale of 450 m radius, but no interactive effect between the two.


The spatial scales at which habitat amount and fragmentation affect invertebrates differ, underpinning the importance of spatially explicit study designs in disentangling the effects between habitat amount and configuration. We showed that the amount of vegetated vineyards has more influence on invertebrate abundance, but that fragmentation also contributed substantially. This suggests that efforts for augmenting the area of vegetated vineyards is more beneficial for invertebrate numbers than attempts to connect them.




Management of wintering waterfowl in North America requires adaptability because constant landscape and environmental change challenges existing management strategies regarding waterfowl habitat use at large spatial scales. Migratory waterfowl including mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) use the lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley (MAV) for wintering habitat, making this an important area of emphasis for improving wetland conservation strategies, while enhancing the understanding of landscape-use patterns.


We used aerial survey data collected in the Arkansas portion of the MAV (ARMAV) to explain the abundance and distribution of mallards in relation to variable landscape conditions.


We used two-stage, hierarchical spatio-temporal models with a random spatial effect to identify covariates related to changes in mallard abundance and distribution within and among years.


We found distinct spatio-temporal patterns existed for mallard distributions across the ARMAV and these distributions are dependent on the surrounding landscape structure and changing environmental conditions. Models performing best indicated seasonal surface water extent, rice field, wetland and fallow (uncultivated) fields positively influenced mallard presence. Rice fields, surface water and weather were found to influence mallard abundance. Additionally, the results suggest weather and changing surface water affects mallard presence and abundance throughout the winter.


Using novel datasets to identify which environmental factors drive changes in regional wildlife distribution and abundance can improve management by providing managers additional information to manage land over landscapes spanning private and public lands. We suggest our analytical approach may be informative in other areas and for other wildlife species.

The effects of woodlot size and isolation, in relation to habitat fragmentation, on the distribution of the red squirrel were studied. In The Netherlands, 50 woodlots (0.55–13.78 ha) were surveyed in an agricultural landscape for the presence of red squirrel. In 26 woodlots squirrel dreys (nests) were found. Logit regression analysis showed that woodlot size and the area per woodlot covered with coniferous trees were the best predictors of squirrel presence. Addition of isolation variables by means of a stepwise forward regression method showed significant effects of the distance to a large, permanently inhabited wood and the amount of surrounding wood. No effect was found for the distance to the nearest woodlot (>0.5 ha). The model could be further improved by adding a measure of the amount of hedgerows surrounding a woodlot.  相似文献   

Bank vole, striped field mouse, wood mouse, and yellow-necked mouse populations were studied in a mosaic of field and forest habitats. Live-trapping was carried out in 8 woodlots of different sizes (1.5–9.5 ha), situated 5 to 900 m from each other and surrounded by agricultural fields. Near the study area a dense, several hundred hectare forest complex was situated. It was found that the densities of all the studied species' populations in the woodlots were positively correlated with woodlot quality. For local bank vole populations a positive correlation of density with the surface area and circumference of woodlots, as well as with the area/circumference ratio was found. A negative correlation was found for population density and the distance between a given woodlot and the forest complex. For the yellow-necked mouse a positive correlation occurred between the density of local populations and the distance to the nearest neighboring woodlot. For the striped field mouse a positive correlation was found only between the population density in each woodlot and the distance to the forest complex. The wood mouse was insensitive to the variations in woodlot features present except for woodlot quality, and hence was probably responding in density to some other factors. Four rodent species, coexisting in the field-forest habitat mosaic demonstrated different reactions to its spatial characteristics, which were mainly related to different habitat preferences, spatial behavior, and mobility of individuals of the studied species.  相似文献   


Worldwide, anthropogenic habitat loss and degradation have led to substantial biodiversity declines. Preserving biodiversity requires an understanding of how habitat loss and degradation interact to impact species populations, and how land-use decisions can limit these losses.


We present a mathematical partitioning of changes in landscape-level population abundance in response to land-use change using a modified version of the Price equation from evolutionary biology.


The Price equation partitions changes in species abundance into multiple drivers related to habitat loss, habitat degradation, and their interaction. We describe its development and exemplify its applicability using simulated data.


Applying the Price equation to simulated data reveals the roles of habitat loss, habitat degradation, and their interaction in driving population change in patchy landscapes undergoing complex land-use change processes.


The Price equation is a theoretical tool that may enhance our understanding of the effects of land-use change on populations by accounting for the specific processes by which land-use change operates across landscapes.


Landscape Ecology - Predicting habitat use patterns is a key issue in the management of large herbivore populations. Particularly, indicators providing a model of the spatial distribution of a...  相似文献   

We studied the effects of habitat fragmentation, measured as forest stand size and isolation, on the distribution of Eurasian red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris). Squirrel density was surveyed during four years in 46 forest stands (0.1–500 ha) in a forest landscape in south-central Sweden. The only factor that significantly influenced a density index was the proportion of spruce within a habitat fragment. Neither fragment size nor degree of isolation were significant. Furthermore, none of the interactions with year were significant, suggesting the same pattern in all four years. Thus, the effect of habitat fragmentation in this study seems to be only pure habitat loss, i.e. halving the proportion of preferred habitat in the landscape should result in a halving of the red squirrel population. Therefore, the landscape can be viewed as functionally continuous for the squirrels, although the preferred habitat was divided into fragments. The most likely explanation for the difference between this study and other studies on squirrels that found effects due to habitat fragmentation is a combination of shorter distances and less hostile surroundings in our study area. To identify landscape effects requires multiple studies because single studies usually consider only one landscape.  相似文献   

As an important carrier of biodiversity, green infrastructure (GI) is significantly affected by changes in urban land use in the process of urbanization. In this study, habitat services from GI were used to represent biodiversity support services, and geographic information system (GIS), remote sensing and statistical analysis were combined to analyze the changes in urban land use compactness and GI habitat services in Wuhan in 2005, 2013 and 2018. Seven indices for land use compactness mainly covering three aspects (land use morphology, land use intensity and land function layout) were selected to explore the correlation and regression relationships between urban land use compactness and habitat services on a grid scale. The results show that: i) The urban land use in Wuhan presents a compact development trend except for the degree of integration; and habitat services decrease along with increasing land use compactness. ii) Relative to land use morphology and land function layout, land use intensity is a more prominent factor affecting habitat services, with construction land density and residential land density always being significant indicators for the habitat pattern. iii) Urban areas with different degrees of land use compactness tend to have different indices that affect the habitat services. Therefore, differential urban development strategies should be formulated based on the regional characteristics of land use compactness levels, so as to coordinate urban compact land use and biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of habitat fragmentation on meadow vole (Microtus pennsylvanicus) population dynamics in experimental landscape patches. The study was conducted from May–November 1993 at the Miami University Ecology Research Center. Eight 0.1-ha small mammal enclosures were used. Four enclosures contained a 160 m2 nonfragmented patch and four enclosures contained four 40 m2 fragmented patches. Thus, each treatment was replicated 4 times in a systematic research design. The patches in both treatments contained high-quality habitat surrounded by low-quality matrix. Six pairs of adult meadow voles were released in each enclosure on 27 May 1993. Populations were monitored by live-trapping and radio-telemetry methods. Significantly greater densities of female voles were found during October in the fragmented treatment compared to the nonfragmented treatment. Also, significantly more females than males were found in the fragmented treatment compared to the nonfragmented treatment for the total study period. Significantly more subadult and juvenile males were found in the matrix versus the patch of the nonfragmented treatment compared to the fragmented treatment. Males in the fragmented treatment had significantly greater mean home range size than males or females in the nonfragmented treatment. There appears to exist a relationship between patch fragmentation and the social structure of meadow vole populations; this relationship appears to function as a population regulatory mechanism.  相似文献   



Changes in land use have disruptive effects on community structure, causing many species to disappear, though a few thrive and become pests.


To gain understanding on how anthropogenic activity changes spatial patterns of native species diversity while favoring pests, we conducted rapid biodiversity assessments of dacine fruit flies across eight regions in Southeast Asia.


Male lure traps were maintained for 2 days along transects at 233 sites, in forest, agricultural and urban environments.


A total of 8393 individuals were collected, belonging to 57 described and 4 new or unidentified species. The majority (78 %) of individuals belonged to 14 pest species, dominated by Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel). The 57 species represent 38 % of those recorded from the region, indicating effective sampling. Individual flies were collected in highest numbers in urban and agricultural sites, but species diversity was low. Forest samples yielded fewer specimens but highest species diversity, suggesting a shift in community structure after disturbance, benefiting a few pest species at the expense of the broader community, even in the same genus and ecological guild.


Dacine fruit flies may be useful in assessing habitat quality and bait systems permit the execution of rapid biodiversity and multi-species conservation assessments. Our results apply to broader patterns concerning biodiversity loss and the emergence of pest species under increasingly intensive land use gradients, and demonstrate the remarkable loss of biodiversity over very narrow distances as forest is converted into agricultural use, hence the importance in maintaining a mosaic of native habitats.

The reliability of ants as bioindicators of ecosystem condition is dependent on the consistency of their response to localised habitat characteristics, which may be modified by larger-scale effects of habitat fragmentation and loss. We assessed the relative contribution of habitat fragmentation, habitat loss and within-patch habitat characteristics in determining ant assemblages in semi-arid woodland in Queensland, Australia. Species and functional group abundance were recorded using pitfall traps across 20 woodland patches in landscapes that exhibited a range of fragmentation states. Of fragmentation measures, changes in patch area and patch edge contrast exerted the greatest influence on species assemblages, after accounting for differences in habitat loss. However, 35% of fragmentation effects on species were confounded by the effects of habitat characteristics and habitat loss. Within-patch habitat characteristics explained more than twice the amount of species variation attributable to fragmentation and four times the variation explained by habitat loss. The study indicates that within-patch habitat characteristics are the predominant drivers of ant composition. We suggest that caution should be exercised in interpreting the independent effects of habitat fragmentation and loss on ant assemblages without jointly considering localised habitat attributes and associated joint effects. The State of Queensland's right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty free license in and to any copyright is acknowledged.  相似文献   

Long-term societal trends which include decreasing population in structurally poorer regions and changes in agricultural policies have been leading to land abandonment in various regions of Europe. One of the consequences of this development includes spontaneous forest regeneration of formerly open-land habitats with likely significant effects on plant and animal diversity. We assess potential effects of agricultural decline in Switzerland (41,000 km2) and potential impacts on the spatial distribution of seven open-land species (insects, reptile, birds) under land-use change scenarios: (1) a business-as-usual scenario that extrapolates trends observed during the last 15 years into the future, (2) a liberalisation scenario with limited regulation, and (3) a lowered agricultural production scenario fostering conservation. All scenarios were developed in collaboration with socio-economists. Results show that spontaneous reforestation is potentially minor in the lowlands since combinations of socio-economic (better accessibility), topographic (less steep slopes), and climatic factors (longer growing seasons) favour agricultural use and make land abandonment less likely. Land abandonment, spontaneous reforestation, and subsequent loss of open-land, however, are potentially pronounced in mountainous areas except where tourism is a major source of income. Here, socio-economic and natural conditions for cultivation are more difficult, leading to higher abandonment and thus reforestation likelihood. Evaluations for open-land species core habitats indicate pronounced spatial segregation of expected landscape change. Habitat losses (up to 59%) are observed throughout the country, particularly at high elevation sites in the Northern Alps. Habitat gains under the lowered agricultural production scenario range between 12 and 41% and are primarily observed for the Plateau and the Northern Alps.  相似文献   



Landscape and habitat filters are major drivers of biodiversity of small habitat islands by influencing dispersal and extinction events in plant metapopulations.


We assessed the effects of landscape and habitat filters on the species richness, abundance and trait composition of grassland specialist and generalist plants in small habitat islands. We studied traits related to functional spatial connectivity (dispersal ability by wind and animals) and temporal connectivity (clonality and seed bank persistence) using model selection.


We sampled herbaceous plants, landscape (local and regional isolation) and habitat filters (inclination, woody encroachment and disturbance) in 82 grassland islands in Hungary.


Isolation decreased the abundance of good disperser specialist plants due to the lack of directional vectors transferring seeds between suitable habitat patches. Clonality was an effective strategy, but persistent seed bank did not support the survival of specialist plants in isolated habitats. Generalist plants were unaffected by landscape filters due to their wide habitat breadth and high propagule availability. Clonal specialist plants could cope with increasing woody encroachment due to their high resistance against environmental changes; however, they could not cope with intensive disturbance. Steep slopes providing environmental heterogeneity had an overall positive effect on species richness.


Specialist plants were influenced by the interplay of landscape filters influencing their abundance and habitat filters affecting species richness. Landscape filtering by isolation influenced the abundance of specialist plants by regulating seed dispersal. Habitat filters sorted species that could establish and persist at a site by influencing microsite availability and quality.

Gu  Weidong  Heikkilä  Raimo  Hanski  Ilkka 《Landscape Ecology》2002,17(8):699-710
Analyzing the population dynamic consequences of spatio-temporal changes in landscape structure is a formidable challenge for spatial ecology. One key population dynamic process in fragmented landscapes is the influence of isolation on colonization rate and thereby on the occurrence of species in habitat fragments, but it is not obvious how isolation should be measured in landscapes that are affected by on-going habitat loss and fragmentation. We suggest the following procedure for the measurement of spatio-temporal isolation. First, a historical record of habitat loss and fragmentation in the landscape is prepared based on snapshots of the extent of the suitable habitat for the focal species. Second, a metapopulation model is used to simulate the occurrence of the species in this landscape, assuming the empirically observed landscape change. The model-predicted pattern of habitat occupancy at a particular point in time (usually the present time) is then compared with empirical observations on the occurrence of the species. We describe a metapopulation model that has been constructed for this purpose, and we apply it to a changing landscape of boreal forests in eastern Finland. We give an example on the occurrence of four threatened polyporous fungi in 18 small fragments of old-growth forest. In none of the species does the current isolation of the fragments nor the time since their isolation explain the occurrence of the species in the study fragments, but in three species the model-predicted occupancy probability had a significant effect on the observed abundance of the species. The model-predicted occupancy probabilities were also calculated by ignoring past landscape changes, that is, by assuming that the landscape had remained in the present configuration for a long time. These probabilities had a significant effect on the abundance of only one of the four species, suggesting that the occurrence of the species tracks landscapes changes with a noticable time lag.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The morphology of parcel patterns created by humans both in urban and rural areas is investigated. The parcel size distribution function, f(a), provides a criterion, that enables unambiguous classification of each piece of land as city core, suburbs, or rural area. The morphology of the rural area corresponds to a scale-free structure and follows a power-law distribution f(a) ~ a n of the parcel areas with the exponent n ≈ 1. In suburbs, the area distribution follows the log-normal distribution. In the city core, f(a) has an unimodal shape with an algebraically decaying tail, n = 2. Our study is based on data originating mainly from North America, the Hawaiian Islands, and Australia. For the regions analyzed, the characteristics of the parcel size distribution are universal and robust with respect to geographical, historical, and economical conditions accompanying development of a given area. The urbanization process can be described in terms of the changes of the morphology of the patterns of land fragmentation. In this formulation, the rural morphology, which can be thought as natural one because it exhibits a scale-free distribution of parcel sizes, is transformed into the artificial morphology developed in the city centers. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation is considered a major cause of biodiversity loss, both on terrestrial and marine environments. Understanding the effects of habitat fragmentation on the structure and dynamics of natural communities is extremely important to support management actions for biodiversity conservation. However, the effects of habitat fragmentation on marine communities are still poorly understood. Here we evaluated whether habitat fragmentation affects the structure of epifaunal communities in the sublittoral zone, in the northern coast of São Paulo state, Brazil. Five experimental landscapes were constructed, each one forming a large continuous patch. After 4 weeks, each landscape was cut on three patches of different sizes. Epifaunal macroinvertebrate communities were sampled at the edge and interior of experimental landscapes before manipulation to evaluate edge effects. After four more weeks, communities from the three patch sizes were also sampled to evaluate patch size effects. We compared the diversity of communities at different levels of fragmentation by total abundance, rarefied taxon richness, Shannon–Wiener diversity index, Simpson’s dominance index, and abundance of dominant taxa. Higher taxon richness and gastropod abundance were recorded in the patch edges, but no significant differences were found among patch sizes. We found a significant effect of habitat fragmentation, with lower abundances of Gammaridea (the dominant taxon), Ophyuroidea, and Pycnogonida after the experimental fragmentation. Lower abundances of dominant taxa resulted in higher diversity and lower dominance in fragmented landscapes when compared to integral, pre-manipulation landscapes. Our results suggest that fragmentation of landscapes in the system studied can reduce dominance, and that even small patch sizes can be important for the conservation of macroinvertebrate diversity.  相似文献   

Landscape Ecology - Habitat specialists residing in human-modified landscapes are likely to be more vulnerable to disturbance because of a functional reliance on very particular habitat features....  相似文献   

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