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Landscape analysis of plant diversity   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Studies to identify gaps in the protection of habitat for speciesof concern have been inconclusive and hampered by single-scale orpoor multi-scale sampling methods, large minimum mapping units(MMU's of 2 ha to 100 ha), limited and subjectively selected fieldobservations, and poor mathematical and ecological models. Weovercome these obstacles with improved multi-scale samplingtechniques, smaller MMU's (< 0.02 ha), an unbiased sampling designbased on double sampling, improved mathematical models includingspecies-area curves corrected for habitat heterogeneity, andgeographic information system-based ecological models. We applythis landscape analysis approach to address resource issues inRocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. Specifically, we quantifythe effects of elk grazing on plant diversity, identify areas ofhigh or unique plant diversity needing increased protection, andevaluate the patterns of non-native plant species on thelandscape.Double sampling techniques use satellite imagery,aerial photography, and field data to stratify homogeneous andheterogeneous units and keystone ecosystems (ecosystems thatcontain or support a high number of species or have distinctivespecies compositions). We show how a multi-scale vegetationsampling design, species-area curves, analyses of within- andbetween-vegetation type species overlap, and geographic informationsystem (GIS) models can be used to quantify landscape-scalepatterns of vascular plant diversity in the Park.The new multi-scale vegetation plot techniques quickly differentiated plantspecies differences in paired study sites. Three plots in the OuzelBurn area (burned in 1978) contained 75 plant species, while only17 plant species were found in paired plots outside the burn.Riparian areas contained 109 plant species, compared to just 55species in paired plots in adjacent forests. However, plant speciesrichness patterns inside and outside elk exclosures were morecomplex. One elk exclosure contained more species than its adjacentopen range (52 species inside and 48 species outside). Two elkexclosures contained fewer species inside than outside (105 and 41species inside and 112 and 74 species outside, respectively).However, there was only 26% to 48% overlap (using Jaccard'sCoefficient) of plant species composition inside and outside theexclosures. One elk exclosure had 13% cover of non-indigenousspecies inside the exclosure compared to 4% outside, butnon-indigenous species cover varied by location.We compared plantdiversity patterns from vegetation maps made with 100 ha, 50 ha, 2ha, and 0.02 ha MMU's in the 754 ha Beaver Meadows study area usingfour 0.025 ha and twenty-one 0.1 ha multi-scale vegetation plots.Preliminary data suggested that the 2 ha MMU provided an accurateestimate of the number of plant species (–14%) for a study area,but the number of habitats (polygons) was reduced by 67%, andaspen, a unique and important habitat type, was missed entirely. Wedescribe a hypothesis-driven approach to the design andimplementation of geospatial databases for local resourcemonitoring and ecosystem management.  相似文献   

Landscape Ecology - The majority of remaining tropical forests exist as fragments embedded in a matrix of agricultural production. Understanding the effects of these agricultural landscapes on...  相似文献   

Landscape Ecology - Permanent grasslands have declined across Europe since the agricultural intensification. Grassland vicinity, landscape heterogeneity and vicinity of hedgerows are enhancing...  相似文献   

How urbanization affects the distribution patterns of butterflies is still poorly known. Here we investigated the structure and composition of butterfly assemblages along an urbanization gradient within the most urbanized and densely populated region in France (Île-de-France). Using a method issued from artificial neural networks, i.e. self-organizing maps (SOMs), we showed the existence of four typical assemblages ranging from urban-tolerant species to urban-avoider species. We identified indicator species of these assemblages: the peacock butterfly (Inachis io) in urbanized areas, the swallowtail (Papilio machaon) in sites with intermediate human pressure, or the meadow brown (Maniola jurtina), the small heath (Coenonympha pamphilus) and the gatekeeper (Pyronia tithonus) in meadows around Paris. A discriminant analysis showed that the four assemblages were mainly segregated by landscape elements, both by structural variables (habitat type, proportion of rural areas and artificial urban areas, patch surface) and functional variables (distance to the nearest wood, artificial area and park). Artificial neural networks and SOMs coupled stepwise discriminant analysis proved to be promising tools that should be added to the toolbox of community and spatial ecologists.  相似文献   

Drivers of patterns in plant diversity remain poorly understood in tropical cities. Therefore, we investigated diversity within the tropical city of Sanya in Hainan Province of southern China by sampling one to three plots within 154 urban functional units (UFUs) based on six primary and 18 secondary UFUs. To measure diversity, we determined the number of vascular plants (species richness; SR) within each functional unit based on vegetation plots. We computed Faith's phylogenetic diversity (PDFaith) using a large megatree of plant life. To assess the potential drivers of SR and PDFaith, we performed multiple regressions using socioeconomic, biophysical, and vegetation management variables. The results showed significant differences in SR and PDFaith among the six primary UFUs. PDFaith of cultivated species was significantly higher than PDFaith of spontaneous species in all UFUs except in the wasteland area. Management measures were better predictors of SR and PDFaith than socioeconomic variables. The best predictor of SR and PDFaith of spontaneous species was the management of the urban green space. Our results provide clear guidelines for improved management strategies in Sanya, especially by showing how spontaneous and/or cultivated plant diversity can be encouraged depending on environmental, ecological, and cultural needs. Our work also adds to the presently scarce literature on drivers of urban plant diversity in tropical cities worldwide.  相似文献   


Wild flowering plants and their wild insect visitors are of great importance for pollination. Montane meadows are biodiversity hotspots for flowering plants and pollinators, but they are contracting due to tree invasion.


This study quantified flowering plants and their flower-visitor species in montane meadows in the western Cascade Range of Oregon. Species diversity in small, isolated meadows was expected to be lower and nested relative to large meadows. Alternatively, landform features may influence richness and spatial turnover.


Flowering plants and their visitors were sampled in summers of 2011–2017 in twelve montane meadows with varying soil moisture. All flowering plants and all flower-visitors were recorded during five to seven 15 min watches in ten 3?×?3 m plots in each meadow and year.


A total of 178 flowering plant species, 688 flower-visitor species and 137,916 interactions were identified. Richness of flower-visitors was related to meadow patch size, but neither plant nor flower-visitor richness was related to isolation measured as meadow area within 1000 m. Species in small meadows were not nested subsets of those in large meadows. Species replacement accounted for more than 78% of dissimilarity between meadows and was positively related to differences in soil moisture.


Although larger meadows contained more species, landform features have influenced meadow configuration, persistence, and soil moisture, contributing to high plant and insect species diversity. Hence, conservation and restoration of a variety of meadow types may promote landscape diversity of wild plants and pollinators.




Many aquatic communities are linked by the aerial dispersal of multiple, interacting species and are thus structured by processes occurring in both the aquatic and terrestrial compartments of the ecosystem.


To evaluate the environmental factors shaping the aquatic macroinvertebrate communities associated with tank bromeliads in an urban landscape.


Thirty-two bromeliads were georeferenced to assess the spatial distribution of the aquatic meta-habitat in one city. The relative influence of the aquatic and terrestrial habitats on the structure of macroinvertebrate communities was analyzed at four spatial scales (radius = 10, 30, 50, and 70 m) using redundancy analyses.


We sorted 18,352 aquatic macroinvertebrates into 29 taxa. Water volume and the amount of organic matter explained a significant part of the taxa variance, regardless of spatial scale. The remaining variance was explained by the meta-habitat size (i.e., the water volume for all of the bromeliads within a given surface area), the distance to the nearest building at small scales, and the surface area of buildings plus ground cover at larger scales. At small scales, the meta-habitat size influenced the two most frequent mosquito species in opposite ways, suggesting spatial competition and coexistence. Greater vegetation cover favored the presence of a top predator.


The size of the meta-habitat and urban landscape characteristics influence the structure of aquatic communities in tank bromeliads, including mosquito larval abundance. Modifications to this landscape will affect both the terrestrial and aquatic compartments of the urban ecosystem, offering prospects for mosquito management during urban planning.

1、发展户用沼气,构建和谐农村1.1发展农村沼气是农业增效、农民增收的有效途径 沼气建设是一项投资少、见效快,一次投资多年受益的利国利民工程。一个8—10m3的沼气池能够满足一个4—5口之家生活用能,每户每年可节约煤款600元,节约电费100元t每户养猪4头以上,一年出栏2次,共出栏8头以上,每头猪纯收入按100元计,仅养猪一项可增收800余元,沼液、沼渣是高效有机肥,  相似文献   

Private on-site sewage systems serve residential development in rural landscapes throughout the United States. In the State of Wisconsin, three major types of private sewage systems facilitate residential development on sites that span gradients in slope, soil permeability, depth to bedrock, and depth to water-table. Conventional soil-absorption sewage treatment systems are constructed on sites with minimal physiographic constraints; more highly engineered alternative sewage treatment systems are installed on sites with moderate to severe constraints; holding tanks provide no on-site sewage treatment and are employed on sites with the most severe physiographic limitations. An environmental impact statement (EIS), prepared in 1979 on the proposed widespread use of alternative private sewage systems, suggested that alternative systems might facilitate in-fill development on poor sites near existing cities and lead to compact, higher density development patterns.The research reported in this paper tested the validity of this EIS scenario by comparing development patterns associated with a sample of conventional systems, alternative systems, and holding tanks installed during the 1980s in Ozaukee County, Wisconsin. Land use data, soils data, and other site attribute data were assembled and analyzed in a vector geographic information system (GIS). Because each type of private sewage system has a unique set of siting criteria, the three sets of sampled systems are located in significantly different physiographic regions within the County. Collectively, installations of all three systems facilitated scattered residential development throughout the rural landscape. This development consists of relatively small residential patches dispersed within an agricultural matrix. Wastewater management technology, if not constrained by public policies or other socioeconomic factors, can be an important anthropogenic factor influencing both the process and pattern of landscape change.  相似文献   

Different taxonomic groups perceive and respond to the environment at different scales. We examined the effects of spatial scale on diversity patterns of butterflies and birds in the central Great Basin of the western USA. We partitioned the landscape into three hierarchical spatial levels: mountain ranges, canyons, and sites within can yons. We evaluated the relative contribution of each level to species richness and quantified changes in species composition at each level. Using additive partitioning, we calculated the contribution of spatial level to overall species diversity. Both canyon and mountain range had significant effects on landscape-level species richness of butterflies and birds. Species composition of butterflies was more similar in space than species composition of birds, but assemblages of both groups that were closer together in space were less similar than assemblages that were further apart. These results likely reflect differences in resource specificity and the distribution of resources for each group. Additive partitioning showed that alpha diversity within canyon segments was the dominant component of overall species richness of butterflies but not of birds. As the size of a sampling unit increased, its contribution to overall species richness of birds increased monotonically, but the relationship between spatial scale and species richness of butterflies was not linear. Our work emphasizes that the most appropriate scales for studying and conserving different taxonomic groups are not the same. The ability of butterflies and birds to serve as surrogate measures of each others diversity appears to be scale-dependent.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   



The history of the landscape directly affects biotic assemblages, resulting in time lags in species response to disturbances. In highly fragmented environments, this phenomenon often causes extinction debts. However, few studies have been carried out in urban settings.


To determine if there are time lags in the response of temperate natural grasslands to urbanization. Does it differ for indigenous species and for species indicative of disturbance and between woody and open grasslands? Do these time lags change over time? What are the potential landscape factors driving these changes? What are the corresponding vegetation changes?


In 1995 and 2012 vegetation sampling was carried out in 43 urban grassland sites. We calculated six urbanization and landscape measures in a 500 m buffer area surrounding each site for 1938, 1961, 1970, 1994, 1999, 2006, and 2010. We used generalized linear models and model selection to determine which time period best predicted the contemporary species richness patterns.


Woody grasslands showed time lags of 20–40 years. Contemporary open grassland communities were, generally, associated with more contemporary landscapes. Altitude and road network density of natural areas were the most frequent predictors of species richness. The importance of the predictors changed between the different models. Species richness, specifically, indigenous herbaceous species, declined from 1995 to 2012.


The history of urbanization affects contemporary urban vegetation assemblages. This indicates potential extinction debts, which have important consequences for biodiversity conservation planning and sustainable future scenarios.

Landscape Ecology - To understand the overwhelming species richness in soil the focus of attention has traditionally been on local soil conditions, such as physical and chemical characteristics....  相似文献   



Deforestation is a major driver of biodiversity loss, mainly due to agriculture. As rice is among the world’s most important crops, determining how agricultural communities are shaped is imperative. However, few studies have addressed the factors that alter community assembly in human-modified landscapes. We aim to quantify taxonomic, functional, trait and phylogenetic diversity of an anuran community from rice crops on a biodiversity hotspot.


Identify local and landscape characteristics responsible for variations in multiple dimensions of anuran diversity in rice crops.


This study was performed in Tocantins, Brazil. We chose 36 lentic waterbodies on rice fields for anuran sampling. We quantified taxonomic diversity (TD), functional diversity (FD) and phylogenetic diversity (PD) for each waterbody. We also estimated the mean functional differences among species for each trait separately. To evaluate how local and landscape scale features affect anurans, we performed generalized linear mixed models in 500, 1000 and 1500 m buffers around each waterbody.


We found increased PD and FD in waterbodies closer to many other waterbodies and large forest patches. Anuran biomass decreased with increasing distance to the closest waterbody. Trait diversity varied with waterbody abundance and closeness, percentage of bare ground and marginal vegetation.


Our study emphasizes the importance of waterbody and forest patch networks for maintaining high anuran FD and PD in agricultural landscapes. As both metrics are known to be related to ecosystem resilience, understanding these patterns is pivotal for biodiversity management, especially in the tropics, where agricultural expansion is unrelenting and biodiversity is especially unique.

Landscape Ecology - Conversion of forest ecosystems to human-modified landscapes threatens the persistence of forest-specialist species. However, the local and landscape drivers of population...  相似文献   

Using the vegetation maps of island, inland and mountainous rural regions in Hiroshima Prefecture in western Japan, landscape structures in terms of the size and number of patches are compared, and the characteristics of the disturbance regimes creating each landscape are discussed. Landscape structure in the island rural region is the most heterogeneous, because factors which alter the landscape structure are the most complex. This heterogeneity is established and kept by the agricultural land uses and natural disturbances such as forest fire and pine-disease. At the mountainous rural region, the landscape mosaic is characterized by the relatively large patches composed of conifer plantations and secondary deciduous oak forests. This is the result of the forestry. The inland region landscape is the most homogeneous, because factors which alter landscape structure are now absent. The complex of the physical, biological and anthropogenic forces makes the landscape unique to each region.  相似文献   

Habitat loss and fragmentation of natural and semi-natural habitats are considered as major threats to plant species richness. Recently several studies have pinpointed the need to analyse past landscape patterns to understand effects of fragmentation, as the response to landscape change may be slow in many organisms, plants in particular. We compared species richness in continuously grazed and abandoned grasslands in different commonplace rural landscapes in Sweden, and analysed effects of isolation and area in three time-steps (100 and 50 years ago and today). Old cadastral maps and aerial photographs were used to analyse past and present landscape patterns in 25 sites. Two plant diversity measures were investigated; total species richness and species density. During the last 100 years grassland area and connectivity have been reduced by about 90%. Present-day habitat area was positively related to total species richness in both habitats. There was also a relationship to habitat area 50 years ago for continuously grazed grasslands. Only present management was related to species density: continuously grazed grasslands had the highest species density. There were no relationships between grassland connectivity, present or past, and any diversity measure. We conclude that landscape history is not directly important for present-day plant diversity patterns in ordinary landscapes, although past grassland management is a prerequisite for the grassland habitats that can be found there today. It is important that studies are conducted, not only in very diverse landscapes, but also in managed landscapes in order to assess the effects of fragmentation on species.  相似文献   

Fabricius  C.  Palmer  A.R.  Burger  M. 《Landscape Ecology》2002,17(6):531-537
Landscape Ecology - Nature reserves in Xeric Succulent Thicket of South Africa contain a greater diversityof wildlife and correspondingly a greater diversity of disturbance agents thanadjacent,...  相似文献   

Landscape Ecology - Anthropogenic land use and cover changes impact biodiversity worldwide. However, ecological groups are differently affected by landscape composition and configuration....  相似文献   

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