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Wan  Ho Yi  Cushman  Samuel A.  Ganey  Joseph L. 《Landscape Ecology》2019,34(3):503-519
Landscape Ecology - Habitat loss and fragmentation are the most pressing threats to biodiversity, yet assessing their impacts across broad landscapes is challenging. Information on habitat...  相似文献   


Species distribution modelling is a common tool in conservation biology but two main criticisms remain: (1) the use of simplistic variables that do not account for species movements and/or connectivity and (2) poor consideration of multi-scale processes driving species distributions.


We aimed to determine if including multi-scale and fine-scale movement processes in SDM predictors would improve accuracy of SDM for low-mobility amphibian species compared with species-level analysis.


We tested and compared different SDMs for nine amphibian species with four different sets of predictors: (1) simple distance-based predictors; (2) single-scale compositional predictors; (3) multi-scale compositional predictors with a priori selection of scale based on knowledge of species mobility and scale-of-effect; and (4) multi-scale compositional predictors calculated using a friction-based functional grain to account for resource accessibility with landscape resistance to movement.


Using friction-based functional grain predictors produced slight to moderate improvements of SDM performance at large scale. The multi-scale approach, with a priori scale selection, led to ambiguous results depending on the species studied, in particular for generalist species.


We underline the potential of using a friction-based functional grain to improve SDM predictions for species-level analysis.


Understanding the driving forces behind the distribution of threatened species is critical to set priorities for conservation measures and spatial planning. We examined the distribution of a globally threatened bird, the corncrake (Crex crex), in the lowland floodplains of the Rhine River, which provide an important breeding habitat for the species. We related corncrake distribution to landscape characteristics (area, shape, texture, diversity) at three spatial scales: distinct floodplain units (“floodplain scale”), circular zones around individual observations (“home range scale”), and individual patches (“patch scale”) using logistic regression. Potential intrinsic spatial patterns in the corncrake data were accounted for by including geographic coordinates and an autocovariate as predictors in the regression analysis. The autocovariate was the most important predictor of corncrake occurrence, probably reflecting the strong conspecific attraction that is characteristic of the species. Significant landscape predictors mainly pertained to area characteristics at the patch scale and the home range scale; the probability of corncrake occurrence increased with potential habitat area, patch area, and nature reserve area. The median potential habitat patch size associated with corncrake occurrence was 11.3 ha; 90% of the corncrake records were associated with patches at least 2.2 ha in size. These results indicate that the corncrake is an area-sensitive species, possibly governed by the males’ tendency to reside near other males while maintaining distinct territories. Our results imply that corncrake habitat conservation schemes should focus on the preservation of sufficient potential habitat area and that existing management measures, like delayed mowing, should be implemented in relatively large, preferably contiguous areas.  相似文献   



Scale is the lens that focuses ecological relationships. Organisms select habitat at multiple hierarchical levels and at different spatial and/or temporal scales within each level. Failure to properly address scale dependence can result in incorrect inferences in multi-scale habitat selection modeling studies.


Our goals in this review are to describe the conceptual origins of multi-scale habitat selection modeling, evaluate the current state-of-the-science, and suggest ways forward to improve analysis of scale-dependent habitat selection.


We reviewed more than 800 papers on habitat selection from 23 major ecological journals published between 2009 and 2014 and recorded a number of characteristics, such as whether they addressed habitat selection at multiple scales, what attributes of scale were evaluated, and what analytical methods were utilized.


Our results show that despite widespread recognition of the importance of multi-scale analyses of habitat relationships, a large majority of published habitat ecology papers do not address multiple spatial or temporal scales. We also found that scale optimization, which is critical to assess scale dependence, is done in less than 5 % of all habitat selection modeling papers and less than 25 % of papers that address “multi-scale” habitat analysis broadly defined.


Our review confirms the existence of a powerful conceptual foundation for multi-scale habitat selection modeling, but that the majority of studies on wildlife habitat are still not adopting multi-scale frameworks. Most importantly, our review points to the need for wider adoption of a formal scale optimization of organism response to environmental variables.



The spatial distribution of non-substitutable resources implies diverging predictions for animal movement patterns. At broad scales, animals should respond to landscape complementation by selecting areas where resource patches are close-by to minimize movement costs. Yet at fine scales, central place effects lead to the depletion of patches that are close to one another and that should ultimately be avoided by consumers.


We developed a multi-scale resource selection framework to test whether animal movement is driven by landscape complementation or resource depletion and identify at which spatial scale these processes are relevant from an animal’s perspective.


During the dry season, surface water and forage are non-substitutable resources for African elephants. Eight family herds were tracked using GPS loggers in Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe. We explained habitat selection during foraging trips by mapping surface water at two scales with gaussian kernels of varying widths placed over each waterhole.


Unexpectedly, elephants select areas with low waterhole density at both fine scales (< 1 km) and broad scales (5–7 km). Selection is stronger when elephants forage far away from water, even more so as the dry season progresses.


Elephant selection of low waterhole density areas suggests that resource depletion around multiple central places is the main driver of their habitat selection. By identifying the scale at which animals respond to waterhole distribution we provide a template for water management in arid and semi-arid landscapes that can be tailored to match the requirements and mobility of free ranging wild or domestic species.

Bosco  Laura  Wan  Ho Yi  Cushman  Samuel A.  Arlettaz  Raphaël  Jacot  Alain 《Landscape Ecology》2019,34(1):105-117

Herbicide treatments in viticulture can generate highly contrasting mosaics of vegetated and bare vineyards, of which vegetated fields often provide better conditions for biodiversity. In southern Switzerland, where herbicides are applied at large scales, vegetated vineyards are limited in extent and isolated from one another, potentially limiting the distribution and dispersal ability of organisms.


We tested the separate and interactive effects of habitat amount and fragmentation on invertebrate abundance using a multi-scale framework, along with additional environmental factors. We identified which variables at which scales were most important in predicting patterns of invertebrate abundance.


We used a factorial design to sample across a gradient of habitat amount (area of vegetated vineyards, measured as percentage of landscape PLAND) and fragmentation (number of vegetated patches, measured as patch density PD). Using 10 different spatial scales, we identified the factors and scales that most strongly predicted invertebrate abundance and tested potential interactions between habitat amount and fragmentation.


Habitat amount (PLAND index) was most important in predicting invertebrate numbers at a field scale (50 m radius). In contrast, we found a negative effect of fragmentation (PD) at a broad scale of 450 m radius, but no interactive effect between the two.


The spatial scales at which habitat amount and fragmentation affect invertebrates differ, underpinning the importance of spatially explicit study designs in disentangling the effects between habitat amount and configuration. We showed that the amount of vegetated vineyards has more influence on invertebrate abundance, but that fragmentation also contributed substantially. This suggests that efforts for augmenting the area of vegetated vineyards is more beneficial for invertebrate numbers than attempts to connect them.


Understanding how spatial habitat patterns influence abundance and dynamics of animal populations is a primary goal in landscape ecology. We used an information-theoretic approach to investigate the association between habitat patterns at multiple spatial scales and demographic patterns for black-throated blue warblers (Dendroica caerulescens) at 20 study sites in west-central Vermont, USA from 2002 to 2005. Sites were characterized by: (1) territory-scale shrub density, (2) patch-scale shrub density occurring within 25 ha of territories, and (3) landscape-scale habitat patterns occurring within 5 km radius extents of territories. We considered multiple population parameters including abundance, age ratios, and annual fecundity. Territory-scale shrub density was most important for determining abundance and age ratios, but landscape-scale habitat structure strongly influenced reproductive output. Sites with higher territory-scale shrub density had higher abundance, and were more likely to be occupied by older, more experienced individuals compared to sites with lower shrub density. However, annual fecundity was higher on sites located in contiguously forested landscapes where shrub density was lower than the fragmented sites. Further, effects of habitat pattern at one spatial scale depended on habitat conditions at different scales. For example, abundance increased with increasing territory-scale shrub density, but this effect was much stronger in fragmented landscapes than in contiguously forested landscapes. These results suggest that habitat pattern at different spatial scales affect demographic parameters in different ways, and that effects of habitat patterns at one spatial scale depends on habitat conditions at other scales.  相似文献   



Wildlife conservation requires understanding how landscape context influences habitat selection at spatial scales broader than the territory or habitat patch.


We assessed how landscape composition, fragmentation, and disturbance affected occurrence and within-season site-fidelity of a declining grassland songbird species (Henslow’s Sparrow, Ammodramus henslowii).


Our study area encompassed eastern Kansas (USA) and North America’s largest remaining tracts of tallgrass prairie. We conducted 10,292 breeding-season point-count surveys over 2 years, and related occurrence and within-season site-occupancy dynamics of sparrows to landscape attributes within 400-, 800-, and 1600-m radii.


Sparrows inhabited < 1% of sites, appearing and disappearing locally within and between breeding seasons. Early in spring, sparrows responded to landscape attributes most strongly within 400-m radii, settling in areas containing > 50% unburned prairie. Later in summer, sparrows responded to landscape attributes most strongly within 800-m radii, settling in areas containing > 50% unfragmented prairie, including sites burned earlier the same year. Sparrows avoided landscapes containing woody vegetation, disappeared from hayfields after mowing, and were most likely to inhabit landscapes containing Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) fields embedded within rangeland.


Landscape context influenced habitat selection at spatial scales broader than both the territory and habitat patch. Protecting contiguous prairies from agricultural conversion and woody encroachment, promoting CRP enrollment, and maintaining portions of undisturbed prairie in working rangelands each year are critical to reversing the conservation crisis in North America’s remaining grasslands. As landscape change alters natural areas worldwide, effective conservation requires suitable conditions for threatened species at multiple spatial scales.

Landscape Ecology - Wildlife distributions are often subdivided into discrete conservation units to aid in implementing management and conservation objectives. Habitat suitability models,...  相似文献   

How breeding birds distribute in relation to landscape-scale habitat features has important implications for conservation because those features may constrain habitat suitability. Furthermore, knowledge of these associations can help build models to improve area-wide demographic estimates or to develop a sampling stratification for research and monitoring. This is particularly important for rare species that have uneven distributions across vast areas, such as the federally listed piping plover (Charadrius melodus; hereafter plover). We examined how remotely-sensed landscape features influenced the distribution of breeding plover pairs among 2-km shoreline segments during 2006–2009 at Lake Sakakawea in North Dakota, USA. We found strong associations between remotely-sensed landscape features and plover abundance and distribution (R2 = 0.65). Plovers were nearly absent from segments with bluffs (>25 m elevation increase within 250 m of shoreline). Relative plover density (pairs/ha) was markedly greater on islands (4.84 ± 1.22 SE) than on mainlands (0.85 ± 0.17 SE). Pair numbers increased with abundance of nesting habitat (unvegetated-flat areas \({\hat{\beta }} = 0.28 \pm 0.08\,{\text{SE}}\) ). On islands, pair numbers also increased with the relative proportion of the total area that was habitat ( \({\hat{\beta }} = 3.27 \, \pm \, 0.46\,{\text{SE}}\) ). Our model could be adapted to estimate the breeding population of plovers or to make predictions that provide a basis for stratification and design of future surveys. Knowledge of landscape features, such as bluffs, that exclude use by birds refines habitat suitability and facilitates more accurate estimates of habitat and population abundance, by decreasing the size of the sampling universe. Furthermore, techniques demonstrated here are applicable to other vast areas where birds breed in sparse or uneven densities.  相似文献   



In southwestern Alberta, human development, including roads, is encroaching on the landscape and into the range of a partially migratory population of elk (Cervus elaphus).


To quantify factors influencing among- and within-home-range selection of winter range in this population.


We studied individual habitat selection and road avoidance at two biologically relevant spatial scales. We outlined availability extents for 107 individual elk-years based on observed fall migration distance, and based on a minimum convex polygon around winter telemetry relocations. To model the response by elk to road disturbance, we fit a habitat-selection model to each elk-year at each of the two availability extents, and examined population-level and individual variation in space-use. We then evaluated the relationship between inferred selection at the two scales and the functional response in selection.


Roads had a ubiquitous influence on elk across scales. Elk, individually and as a population, avoided roads when migrating to their winter range and within this seasonal home range. Individual elk that avoided roads more strongly relative to the population did so at both scales of analysis.Further, the avoidance of low-use roads decreased with increasing road density. These results support bottom-up habitat-selection patterns (i.e., scale-independent) and functional response in habitat selection.


Overall, using a multi-scale habitat selection analysis, we show that road avoidance is a major determinant of elk space-use behaviour across multiple scales. Consequently, any new road construction or increases in road-use intensity could have detrimental effects on migratory elk populations by restricting space-use.

Mayer  Martin  Ullmann  Wiebke  Heinrich  Rebecca  Fischer  Christina  Blaum  Niels  Sunde  Peter 《Landscape Ecology》2019,34(10):2279-2294
Landscape Ecology - Human land use intensified over the last century and simultaneously, extreme weather events have become more frequent. However, little is known about the interplay between...  相似文献   



Detailed information on habitat needs is integral to identify conservation measures for declining species. However, field data on habitat structure is typically limited in extent. Remote sensing has the potential to overcome these limitations of field-based studies.


We aimed to assess abiotic and biotic characteristics of territories used by the declining wood warbler (Phylloscopus sibilatrix), a forest-interior migratory passerine, at two spatial scales by evaluating a priori expectations of habitat selection patterns.


First, territories established by males before pairing, referred to as pre-breeding territories, were compared to pseudo-absence control areas located in the wider forested landscape (first spatial scale, Nterritories = 66, Ncontrols = 66). Second, breeding territories of paired wood warblers were compared to true-absence control areas located immediately close-by in the forest (second spatial scale, Nterritories = 78, Ncontrols = 78). Habitat variables predominantly described forest structure and were mainly based on first and last pulse lidar (light detection and ranging) data.


Occurrence of pre-breeding territories was related to vegetation height, vertical diversity and stratification, canopy cover, inclination and solar radiation. Occurrence of breeding territories was associated to vegetation height, vertical diversity and inclination.


Territory selection at the two spatial scales addressed was governed by similar factors. With respect to conservation, habitat suitability for wood warblers could be retained by maintaining a shifting mosaic of stand ages and structures at large spatial scales. Moreover, leaf-off lidar variables have the potential to contribute to understanding the ecological niche of species in predominantly deciduous forests.



Habitat loss and habitat fragmentation negatively affect amphibian populations. Roads impact amphibian species through barrier effects and traffic mortality. The landscape variable ‘accessible habitat’ considers the combined effects of habitat loss and roads on populations.


The aim was to test whether accessible habitat was a better predictor of amphibian species richness than separate measures of road effects and habitat loss. I assessed how accessible habitat and local habitat variables determine species richness and community composition.


Frog and tadpole surveys were conducted at 52 wetlands in a peri-urban area of eastern Australia. Accessible habitat was delineated using a highway. Regressions were used to examine relationships between species richness and eleven landscape and local habitat variables. Redundancy analysis was used to examine relationships between community composition and accessible habitat and local habitat variables.


Best-ranked models of species richness included both landscape and local habitat variables. There were positive relationships between species richness and accessible habitat and distance to the highway, and uncertain relationships with proportion cover of native vegetation and road density. There were negative relationships between species richness and concreted wetlands and wetland electrical conductivity. Four species were positively associated with accessible habitat, whereas all species were negatively associated with wetland type.


Barrier effects caused by the highway and habitat loss have negatively affected the amphibian community. Local habitat variables had strong relationships with species richness and community composition, highlighting the importance of both availability and quality of habitat for amphibian conservation near major roads.

Landscape Ecology - Few habitat modeling studies consider multiple spatial or temporal scales; less identify the operative scale of an organism's response to predictor variables. Optimizing...  相似文献   

伊凯  刘志  王冬梅  闫忠业  张景娥  杨锋 《果树学报》2005,22(4):430-431,F002
望山红是长富2号苹果的早熟浓红型芽变,1993年发现于辽宁省盖州市团甸乡曹屯村后山果园。果实近圆形,平均单果重260g。果形指数0.87。果面底色黄绿,着鲜红色条纹,品质上等。可溶性固形物含量15.3%,去皮硬度9.2kg/cm2,可滴定酸含量0.38%。果实10月上中旬成熟,耐贮藏。  相似文献   

This study describes the demographic features of a population of Sigmodon hispidus utilizing the habitat mosaic provided by a Carolina Bay on the Atlantic coastal plain of South Carolina. A total of 71 cotton rats were captured 160 times on a 4 ha grid during a winter decline from 25/ha to less that 1/ha. Body weights of adults declined until early February and then increased; those of subadults grew very slowly until February followed by a spurt in growth. Weight gain did not differ between survivors and non-survivors for males, but female survivors gained 1.5 g per week more than non-survivors. Female subadults exhibited higher mortality early in the decline and males later.Adult females were randomly distributed across 8 microhabitats, whereas adult males were almost exclusively confined to heavy Rubus cover. Subadult males used wet sites more than any other cohort; subadult females were widely distributed using drier sites most frequently. By the end of the decline, all survivors were localized in Rubus-dominated patches. No statistically significant changes in electromorph genotypes or allele frequencies were detected, but survivors had a higher frequency of the F-allele at the adenylate kinase locus than did non-survivors (42.3% vs. 16.7%).Our findings affirm the importance of a landscape perspective in understanding the population dynamics of cotton rats, and show how a habitat mosaic influences survival differentially among sex-age cohorts.  相似文献   

As the concepts of landscape ecology have been incorporated into otherdisciplines, the influence of spatial patterns on animal abundance anddistribution has attracted considerable attention. However, there remains asignificant gap in the application of landscape ecology theories and techniquesto wildlife research. By combining landscape ecology techniques withtraditionalwildlife habitat analysis methods, we defined an organism-centeredperspectivefor breeding bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) alongthe Hudson River, New York, USA. We intensively monitored four pairs ofbreedingeagles during the 1999 and 2000 breeding seasons, and collected detailedinformation on perch and forage locations. Our analysis focused on threecritical habitat elements: available perch trees, access to foraging areas, andfreedom from human disturbance. We hypothesized that eagle habitat selectionrelative to each of these elementswould vary with the spatial scale of analysis, and that these scalingrelationships would vary among habitat elements. We investigated two elementsofspatial scale: grain and local extent. Grain was defined as the minimum mappingunit; local extent was defined by the size of an analysis window placed aroundeach focal point. For each habitat element, we quantified habitat use over arange of spatial scales. Eagles displayed scale-dependent patterns of habitatuse in relation to all habitat features, including multi-scale andthreshold-like patterns. This information supports the existence ofscale-dependant relationships in wildlife habitat use and allowed for a moreaccurate and biologically relevant evaluation of Hudson River breeding eagle habitat.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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